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Effective Face mask For Glowing And Brightening Skin

Self-care is big in my diary right now.
It’s important to take care of yourself to take care of everyone around you.
And if you are by yourself, all the more reason to take care of yourself since its good for mental health.

This DIY Face mask is one of my favorites, it’s an exfoliator and mask in one.
Great for pigmented, dull, and uneven skin.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is incredibly versatile and can be used to treat a lot of different issues. But one of the main functions is that it balances the PH level of skin.

Turmeric is highly anti-inflammatory
Fight off acne. Turmeric is excellent for acne because it is a natural antiseptic and helps to keep bacteria from spreading
Reduces dark circles and its brightening.
Protect against sun damage & aging.
Reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Soothe dry skin.

Honey opens up your skin pores to cleanse them and get rid of blackheads. Its antioxidants, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties allow it to help you fight acne by keeping your pores free of oily dirt while at the same time keeping them hydrated and tight to give your clearer complexion.

Try the mask and let me know how it feels.

If you are going through skin issues and you want to understand your skin better, you can check out my online course Holistic Skincare masterclass.
I have a sale going on, it’s only for USD 99 right now.
This course will give you in-depth knowledge about your skin inside out.

Love and Health



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