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June 6, 2022

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We assume that salad dressing cannot do us any harm, a little bit of oil, sugar, and salt does not make a difference. But you will be surprised, that many of the ready salad dressings have artificial fillers and additives that can prove extremely detrimental to our collective health. A store-bought salad dressing may mention …

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October 7, 2021

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My go-to drink is hot chocolate in plant-based milk. I absolutely love it. It always makes me feel better, helps me focus also brings me back to my center. So no matter what I am doing, or where I am at, a cup of extra hot, hot chocolate always does the magic. Today I am …

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May 9, 2021

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This video is sponsored by @Sage Appliances. Today I’ll be sharing two of my favourite rice recipes. We Indians are known for our rice. So one is definitely my favourite Indian rice recipe and one is my version of Japanese Rice. Today I’ll be making Khichadi and Japanese Mushroom Rice using @Sage Appliances Fast/Slow Row …

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October 19, 2020

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A little bit of abdominal fat isn’t such a bad thing. It helps to protect your vital organs, after all! It’s a fine balancing act though as storing too much fat around your abdomen can be dangerous and has been linked to some pretty nasty health problems. We’re talking heart disease, diabetes and even cancer, …

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August 17, 2020

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Mindful Eating Mindful eating vs mindless eating When you first start to get on board with mindful eating, it’s super likely that you’ll have been eating mindlessly until now. Not sure if this applies to you or not? Let’s talk a little bit about the differences between eating mindfully and eating mindlessly. With mindless eating, …

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August 10, 2020

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Did you know that your diet is likely fueling a whole heap of sugar cravings? Depending on what you’re eating (or not eating, in many cases!), you could find it almost impossible to quit sugar. If you’re not eating enough of certain food groups, it can make sugar cravings a lot more likely. Here’s what …

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May 11, 2020

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Many of you are struggling with eating clean right now. So here’s goes on of my favorite and easiest salad recipes. Its also very filling and tastes delicious. Ingredients Quinoa Avocado Cucumber Cherry Tomatoes Blueberries Lime Juice and zest if you want to add Rock salt to taste Olive oil ( i did not add, …

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April 24, 2020

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This is how I make my avo on toast. Super easy, nutritious, and delicious and perfect for quarantine. Enjoy. Love and Health Uma

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April 20, 2020

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Two very easy, super nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes for you to make during the quarantine. All details in the video. Do you have any questions? Please ask in the comment box. What is your favorite breakfast recipe? Share with me and my tribe. Love and Health Uma

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December 16, 2019

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Let’s count the reasons to go dairy free: allergy, intolerance, preference, try new recipes… I can help you make delicious and super-simple substitutes for the most popular dairy products. You won’t miss them! As a health practitioner, I can tell you that dairy is not an essential nutrient. #truthbomb Whether you can’t consume it, choose …

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September 30, 2019

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The secret to my youthfulness is Fresh vegetable juices. And by youthfulness, I don’t just mean great skin and cosmetic anti-aging effects. I mean high levels of energy, youthfulness that reflects in your thoughts and in your actions. I actually got hooked on to fresh vegetable juices a few years back, and believe you me; …

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September 1, 2019

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Bloating. That oh-so uncomfortable feeling in the gut. Often it rears its ugly head after a large meal. Or a small meal. Or a snack. Or… How can we figure out what’s causing it? Perhaps you already have some wise de-bloating habits like avoiding foods you know give you gas. But that’s not completely solving …

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July 29, 2019

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We all know by now that food plays a huge role in slowing down age. So here are some recipes for anti-aging smoothies. 1. Pumpkin+ Avocado + Almond Yogurt Pumpkin- With vitamin A, C, and E, antioxidants, zinc, potassium, and fruit enzymes, pumpkin is a natural skin superhero. also contains beta-carotene which helps to reverse …

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July 22, 2019

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Total sugar = naturally occurring sugar + added sugar. Confusing? Let my latest video de-mystify these three terms because they’re coming to a nutrition label near you! Hello! My Tribe, Everyone’s talking about how bad sugar is for you. There are even entire documentaries on the topic. The amount of information in the “health waves” …

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July 15, 2019

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Turmeric may be called the “miracle spice,” but the curcumin is really the star of the show. It has so many health benefits, including being antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Hello! My Tribe, Turmeric is touted as a superfood and miracle spice. It’s delicious, and one of its “active ingredients” curcumin has been studied like crazy. It …

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July 8, 2019

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There are mood-boosting foods and mood-busting foods. You may not be surprised with the boosters, but there are some busters that mimic boosters. Some mood-busting junk foods are engineered to trick your body into feeling “good” when in fact, this feeling becomes fleeting and soon disappears. Want to know what’s on my “mood-boosting” and “mood-busting” …

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June 24, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, It’s probably not shocking that the most commonly consumed oil is a health-buster. It’s inexpensive and in just about every processed foods. Ever heard conflicting information on the healthfulness of different fats? Olive oil; coconut oil; soybean oil; etc.? Well, I have some clarifying information in my newest video. In this video, …

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June 17, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, If you always feel hungry, did you know that it’s not always a physical need for nutrition? It can be psychological or emotional. Sometimes we feel hungry because we’re bored, sad, or stressed. I help you get to the bottom of that hunger feeling in this video. If you often feel hungry, …

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June 2, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, What’s up with the ketogenic diet? Is it healthy? Will it help me lose weight? What should I consider before “going keto.” I have answers to your keto questions right here. The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, very high-fat diet. It has recently gained a lot of popularity in the …

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May 22, 2019

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With Jennifer Aniston turning 50 next year, Ellen offered to host her birthday party on her show! Plus, the actress talked about FaceTiming with Ellen to stay in touch, and taking boxing lessons to stay in shape. #JenniferAniston #TheEllenShow #Dumplin

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May 20, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, Do you find cooking to be fun? Or do you do it because you know it’s good for your health? Maybe you avoid it because it’s such a chore? If you’re in a rut and want some inspirational tips on making cooking more fun, I’ve got you covered. Here’s How to Make …

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May 12, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, You’ve probably heard every health and wellness expert talk about blood sugar at some point, right? Well, this means it’s probably important for your overall health. While your body has mechanisms in place to maintain stable blood sugar, there are many nutrition and lifestyle strategies that you can implement to help it …

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April 15, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, Have you ever had your blood sugar levels tested or heard about eating to balance blood sugar? Have you wondered about the science behind how foods affect blood sugar? Or more importantly, which foods affect your blood sugar more than others? If so, this video is for you. It’s all about the …

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April 1, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, Want to know how cooking impacts the vitamins and minerals in your uber-healthy food? I laid it out for you right here. Let’s finally put an end to the debate of raw vs. cooked. Of course, in the grand scheme of a well-balanced, nutrient-dense, varied, whole foods diet, the cooked vs. raw …

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March 11, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, So what are digestive enzymes? Technically, “enzymes” are compounds that help critical biochemical reactions to happen in your body. These reactions can be anything, from making neurotransmitters like serotonin, to burning food for energy, to breaking down food we eat into smaller pieces that our guts can absorb. As I just hinted, …

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March 3, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, The Coconut Oil Craze – Should I Jump on the Bandwagon Too? Yes you should (end of post). But what exactly is it about coconut oil that makes it so healthy? And which type is best? Let’s dive into some of the fascinating research and find out. Coconut oil is a special …

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February 18, 2019

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Hell0 My Tribe, Do you know how artificial sweeteners act in your body? Nobody really does! Here are some thoughts as to how they affect your body, it may inspire you to reduce the sweetness in your food and drinks. You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially “added sugars” …

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February 4, 2019

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Hello! My Tribe, Are you fed up with your symptoms yet? Have you thought that even though they don’t seem to be related to food or digestion, that they, in fact, might be? Can Your Symptoms Actually Be a Food Intolerance? Food intolerances or “sensitivities” can affect you in so many ways. And they’re a …

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October 29, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, In this video I’m going to share with you some easy way to reading or understanding food labels. When you are trying to lose, gain or maintain weight, it is important to understand and know what you are putting in your body. Food labels have become increasingly easier to read and more …

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October 22, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, Trying to eat healthy on a tight budget? An important part of a healthy diet is to be supermarket savvy. Here are some tips on how to save at the grocery store: 1.Plan your meals out for the week. You’ll be more likely to avoid impulse buying. if you have a plan …

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October 15, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, eat right stay healthy There is no shortage of health information available on the internet, in the media, and from well-meaning family and friends. But some of that information may be doing you more harm than good. In this post I spill the beans about some common healthy eating myths and what …

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July 29, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe So we already know that cutting out sugar is one of the best moves you can make for your health, but if you’ve got a serious sweet tooth – like I have – then it’s a lot harder than it seems. Whether it’s a late night craving or a bit of workday …

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June 3, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, Does brown rice deserve all the love? Should we abandon white rice for the healthier choice? Honestly, there’s a lot of hullabaloo about the perfect rice variety. So let me clear the air about it and list down some of the differences between white rice and brown rice. Firstly let’s look at …

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May 17, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, Ramadan Kareem to all of you who are fasting. Its a beautiful time of year, so serene, peaceful and blissful. I love it. How to lose weight Rule no#1: Drink More Water and Hydrate Although it may seem like mission impossible with the long fasting hours, hydration is key to weight loss …

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April 19, 2018

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Hello! My tribe Do you feel lethargic post lunch or you crave something sweet after meals? Or are you a victim of a bloated stomach and are struggling to lose weight? Well, let’s agree to it; we all love donuts, chocolates and that tall glass of cold coffee loaded with ice cream. But sugar consumption …

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April 8, 2018

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Hello! My tribe What is fasting, what are the different kinds of fasting, what is the Health benefits of fasting and many more? Many of you have asked me to throw more light on fasting and so here I am with all the details of my research. Fasting is a natural healing therapy that has …

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April 5, 2018

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Hello my tribe ! Drowning a salad in a high-calorie, high-fat dressing can easily turn a healthy dish into a diet disaster. The typical commercially prepared dressing is chock-full of industrial vegetable oils, sugar, and chemical additives and preservatives. But you can make your own salads at home and guess what? No exotic ingredients or …

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March 25, 2018

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Hello! My tribe Drinking water is vital for a healthy body and a glowing complexion. But when you’re supposed to drink eight 3-4 litres every day, plain water can get boring. Adding certain ingredients to your water not only gives it a refreshing and unique taste, but works to cleanse and detox your system. Detox …

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March 21, 2018

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Hello my tribe! As you all know, eating clean is the latest buzz word among the health-conscious consumers. Eating clean promotes eating healthy, whole, unprocessed foods and getting rid of anything that’s manufactured or processed. Well, although the concept has recently begun trending, it is quite ancient and has been used since the ancient times. …

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March 11, 2018

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Probiotics, what is probiotics, How its good for the body, How it works and what is the benefits? Hello, My Tribe! A lot of my followers ask me about probiotics so today I am blogging about the same. Lets start… So let us first understand what are Probiotics? Well, each one of us has good …

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March 8, 2018

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Hello! My Tribe, I`m going to share with you Best immunity boosting drinks if you are suffering from fever, cold, cough, sore throat or any flu infection.These home remedies drink will soothe you when you are sick. These drinks will detox your body and you will feel better.Infect these can boost your mood too. Virus …

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March 1, 2018

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On this video I am sharing some of my favorite recipes that I absolutely love. These are salad jars with left over Indian food. I make them quite often, they are quick, easy and nutritious. Would love to have your feedback on this. If you have any of your similar recipes, please share with me …

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February 22, 2018

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Hello! my Tribe As we get older, the body’s machinery begins to function a little less smoothly and we become vulnerable to age-related diseases. However, there are certain foods that can help prevent or slow down the negative effects aging has on the body. They won’t stop you from getting older, but they can improve …

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February 18, 2018

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Hello! My tribe, This video is all about food cravings.What Is Food Cravings | Why You Have Food Cravings | How To Stop Food Cravings Do you have cravings all the time? Are you into stress eating and binging? Well, if that’s the case with you, you need to understand that cravings are nothing but …

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February 1, 2018

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Have you gone the road making huge changes to your eating habits only to find yourself failing again and again? Well, the truth is making huge changes in a short period of time may appear promising but is not manageable and practical. As always I wanted to tell you’ll about some small manageable and sustainable …

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December 11, 2017

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Sharing some of my favorite smoothies that I have used. Simple and healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss, glowing skin, energize your body and many more After last week’s recipe of energizing green juices, today I’ve rounded up a roaster of simple scrumptious smoothies recipes that you can have this winter. These awesome recipes are …

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December 7, 2017

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Here I share with you easy to make green juice recipes for glowing skin and weight loss and most apart these juices will energize your body. A big hello to my tribe, It’s a weekend here already in Dubai and the weather is getting better and better. I totally love the winter here in this …

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October 26, 2017

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Learn how to detox your body naturally at home in 5 simple ways An individual must consume at least 2-3 liters of water as a normal routine every day, but increase the water intake during this detox and add another liter to it. If you don’t like drinking plain water, you can add flavours to …

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June 8, 2017

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Hello and welcome again to the Uma Show! For this week’s Ramadan recipes, we meet with the one and only Dalia Dogmoch Soubra, but this time, we are turning up a notch and stirring towards everyone’s favorite, Ramadan special dessert recipes! Not only are today’s recipes really simple and easy to make, but they are …

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May 27, 2017

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RAMADAN SPECIAL RECIPES The holy month of Ramadan begins today, and I must admit it is amongst my favorite times of the year. The whole city of Dubai engulfs itself with tranquility, harmony, calm and spirituality. It is that time of the year which comes with the opportunity for everyone to connect with their inner …

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May 15, 2017

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Soaring temperatures, unbearable heat, high humidity, and the resulting sweat leading to loss of vital salts and water content of the body!!! Well, it is summertime in Dubai, and almost everybody is feeling the heat. The one definitive way that we can beat the heat is a bottle of water. With over 2 million residents, …

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May 12, 2017

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How to make Almond milk at home? Its super easy and very healthy. Almond milk is less in calories. its a very healthy drink for weight loss and other benefits of Almond milk are very as we all know its a superfood. A couple of days ago when I shared the recipes of my Super …

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May 5, 2017

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Smoothie sounds yum.. I believe that smoothies are the ultimate breakfast food and very effective for weight loss and glowing skin. They’re super fast to make and give your body the necessary nutrients to face the day. Here are 3 of my favorite healthy smoothie recipes for breakfast they’re all easy to make and taste …

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April 24, 2017

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How to juice? Its my secret recipes about anti ageing . my most favorite anti ageing juice recipes that will make you look young and make your skin glow. I am very passionate about good health and well-being, and I am always on the lookout for ways to keep myself youthful. I have often been …

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February 12, 2017

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When did you last buy something organic for your kitchen? And where did you buy it from? Did you buy it from a big supermarket? Could you easily locate organic produce for the overall health of your family? Most importantly, are you sure that the produce you just bought is actually organic? And how organic …

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January 22, 2017

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“Wooww!! You must be eating really healthy? Must say it reflects on you” – that is often the first reaction I get every time I discuss healthy cooking and eating habits with anyone. As flattering as it may sound, what comes in next…is what really bothers me. “Organic and healthy cooking is time consuming and …

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December 4, 2016

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How to organize refrigerator ? A clean healthy eating habit. Let me start with a direct question. Is your refrigerator slowing you down? According to me, there are two ways your refrigerator can slow you down. 1) It can either slow down your speed of cooking – thanks to an unorganized refrigerator, or 2) It …

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November 27, 2016

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Being an ardent follower of healthy eating, I must confess that we have made quite a Big Deal out of the word DIET. In fact, we have made the word DIET synonymous with weight loss and other health-related eating practices. What we fail to realize is that it is not about dieting or cutting down …

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July 5, 2016

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Am sure you have heard of the phrase, everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Fitness is pretty much like that; everybody desires a flat tummy, but nobody wants to eat right, especially when you are on a vacation. But what if I could tell you, that you could seek heaven, …

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June 19, 2016

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Healthy Indian Food In Dubai. 11 years ago, when I started my TV journey with my first TV show High Life Dubai, I had an opportunity to cook with the legendary Asha Bhosle in her then newly opened restaurant – Ashas. I was amazed to see how much passion and knowledge she had for cooking …