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10 Things I Stopped Spending Money On

It’s an era of minimalism! From minimalistic makeup and jewelry to minimalist interior, I’ve been loving and following this trend quite enthusiastically. Why shouldn’t I? This trend proves that less IS actually more now. You don’t have to be too extra or put in too much effort to live a happy and contented life.
A minimalist approach not only saves time and effort, but it also saves money – which is obviously a huge win. If you’re wondering how you can hop on the minimalist train, just do what I did.
To become a minimalist and save a few bucks, I started to evaluate everything I spend on money on from food to hygiene. I made a checklist of everything and if any item did not help my goals, bring happiness to my life ( the famous Marie Kondo rule), add value to my life, hurting the environment or my wallet, or I had more than necessary; I stopped buying it.
To help you guys, I’ve made a list of things I’ve stopped investing my money into and maybe you’ll also realize that you don’t need to spend too much money on some of these things from my list as well.
1. Too Many Outfits

The first thing I started to do is I started shopping consciously. I’ll be honest, I used to invest a lot of my money on clothes and shoes. Like everyone else, I also used to follow the latest fashion trends but there was no end to that urge. I realized that I didn’t have to follow every fashion trend when it comes to clothes or even shoes. I’ve invested in classics only when it comes to clothes and shoes. Classics never go out of style.
Another step I’m super proud of myself for is I am always trying to invest in sustainable fashion. There’s no clutter, no more pressure to follow new trends and a lot more closet space.

2. Salon Expenses

As much as I love manicure and pedicure, I’ve had to give them up. Turns out, they weren’t as necessary as I thought they were. I do my nails and take care of my feet and hands at home. I have also said no to nail colours since they contain a lot of harmful chemicals.
I’ve also switched from waxing to shaving and as far as facials are concerned, I do organic facials at home which are quite cheaper and healthier.

3. Paperback Books

Okay, I’ll admit I couldn’t stop myself from buying paperback books. Reading paperback books gives me the happiness that an eBook just can’t. So, what I do is when I buy a new book, I give it away after reading it. It is not only decluttering but it’s also an amazing gift. Or I just issue one from a public library. Saves money and space!

5. Junk Food and Snacks

I decided a long time ago to cut the junk food out of my life and it has been by far the best decision I’ve ever made. I cannot insist enough on cutting the junk food out of your life; it changes everything! Not only that, I’ve stopped buying unhealthy snacks as well.
6. Alcohol

I usually don’t drink alcohol. But I have always been wary of the fact that whenever you go out with your friends or partner, you spend a lot of your hard-earned money on expensive alcohols. So, I am always really conscious of spending way too much money on expensive bottles when they aren’t really that healthy for you.

7. Plastic Products

Anything that is not good for Mother Nature, is not good for me. I’ve completely stopped buying any product containing plastic. No more plastic water bottles or containers or any hygiene products that come in a plastic container. I’ve bid farewell to plastic for good and I recommend you guys do as well.

8. Designer Bags

We all understand the calling of designer bags. I just carry around my wallet and my phone since you can use Apple Pay everywhere nowadays. So, I suggest you guys should also use all that money you would’ve spent on a designer bag and invest it somewhere more useful.

9. Makeup Products
. When it comes to buying new makeup, I’ve been following this trending one-at-a-time rule. It means you can only buy one makeup product at a time and you can’t buy another one until one of your products is completely finished (I usually end up buying foundation). This rule saves me from going on a makeup shopping spree and saving a ton of money in the process.

10. Souvenirs

Now that’s the one thing I didn’t realize I was spending too much money on. Buying a bunch of souvenirs, I’ve found, is an absolute waste of money. Every time I was on a trip, I used to buy all sorts of stuff like fridge magnets, iconic buildings, keychains and that sort of stuff but I’ve put an end to this. I don’t buy souvenirs since I don’t really enjoy them once I get back.

So, that was my list of things I’ve stopped investing my money in. I’m super proud of much of a money-saver I’ve become, and I love the stress-free life of a decluttered home. Is anyone else becoming as money-smart as I am? If so, I would love to hear what you have decluttered out of your life. And if you’ve not yet hopped on the declutter train yet, what do you think will be on your list?


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