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Let me start with the bare basic. What is a blog? Google says – a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or a small group, which is written in an informal or conversational style.

Well, if I were to reply to that…I would say Google is right, but not completely; because a blog is much more than the above technical description. A blog is passion, zeal, even an obsession…an obsession to communicate and make your thoughts reach out to a larger audience in a way that keeps them informed, educates them, entertains them and most importantly motivates them.

When I had started writing my blog, that is exactly what was my vision, and that still remains the same for me. But is my way the only right way to blog? Or is there something more? In fact, is there a definitive way to blog in the first place? Is blogging as easy as it seems? And does blogging help make money? All these and a plethora of many more queries hound so many novice bloggers out there. To address all of my inquisitive viewers, I decided to have a chat with Max Stanton a.k.a. Max of Arabia and Tala Samman, two of the most prolific and widely followed bloggers in the Middle East. While Tala if a formidable word in the world of fashion and lifestyle, Max on the other hand has created an interesting mix of following thanks to his half-British, half – American origin with the strength of being able to speak Arabic. Here’s my conversation with these two social media celebrities on the art of blogging.

Blogging is definitely not about instant money, it’s more about your patience, perseverance and passion. It is often said, blogging is not merely about earning, it is more about helping others with the knowledge and the experiences that you gain. Just as Max put it…it’s always great when blogging is not your sole source of income. Rather when blogging is the result of a talent that you have…when you pour out your heart in your blogs, that’s when blogs come alive in the form of followers. Until then, a blog is merely the technical definition given by Google. I would like to add that if you follow your passion and dream, you will definitely reach your goal and maybe make a career out of it.

With every blog that I write, I do hope to make a difference to at least one life. If I can achieve that, I would have justified my journey of trying to have a positive and inspiring eco-system in and around us. Have I succeeded even marginally in my efforts? I would love to hear from you, and do pour in your thoughts on my today’s conversation… as only exchange of constructive ideas can take us to a constructive future.

Love and Health,

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