Cervical Cancer is one of the most common cancer in women . Cervical Cancer is caused by a virus called HPV.
The ground work of all happiness in our life is good health. Coincidently, just the other day I read that good health is definitely not something that we can buy; however, it can be an extremely valuable savings account. As complicated as it might sound, it is actually very simple. Because all we have to do to achieve good health, is take good care of ourselves and love ourselves.
Well, I can go on and on about good health. The subject that I have chosen today is something that has been concerning a major population of women worldwide.
Cancer, one of the most dreaded words on planet earth. However, what if this cancer comes with no symptoms? Concerning – Isn’t it? Thus, I spoke to Dr. Swati, leading Gynecologist from Aster Clinics and Hospitals to know more about the most silent form of Cancer, Cervical Cancer.
Research suggests that approximately 80% of cervical cancer cases and 85% of cervical cancer-related deaths occur in the developing world. Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cause of cancer among women. However, what is more concerning is the fact that Cervical Cancer comes with no symptoms. Dr. Swati told me that Cervical Cancer is caused by a prolonged infection of the Human Papilloma Virus and that every woman has suffered from this infection at least once in her life.
However, thanks to the advancements in Medical Science, we now have a vaccination against HPV virus, which in turn can help in the prevention of Cervical cancer. Along with the vaccine,
certain precautions, a few lifestyle changes, and regular screenings can definitely go a long way as prevention for Cervical Cancer. You must watch the video and learn more from Dr. Swati.
Cancer is surely amongst the most feared conditions, but what we often forget is that Cancer…has to CAN in it. We CAN beat cancer if we are aware of it and if we choose to beat it. Do you have anything to share with me on this? I always look forward to hearing from you…
Love and Health,
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