‘Stop making excuses; you want something…GO DO IT.’ These words kept ringing in my head, long after I had finished my chat with Irina Sharma. People know of Irina as the founder of Ekadaa PR, a health enthusiast, and a Cancer Survivor. However, I have known Irina for too long, to term her a survivor. She did not just survive Breast Cancer, rather she triumphed over one of the most dreaded diseases known to mankind, and came out much more healthier and fitter, with a smile that’s so full of life.
I have always known Irina as one hell of an optimistic person, besides being an absolute fitness freak. In fact, her fitness levels have always been enviable. Until last year, when Irina felt some discomfort in his chest and could feel a lump in her breasts. For someone who has been so much in tune with every part of her body, Irina instantly knew that something is wrong, only to be confirmed as Breast Cancer in the coming days.
However, what’s inspiring is the fact that Irina took the matter seriously, she did not let panic strike in. Irina knew exactly what she wanted. An ardent believer of the human body’s intrinsic self-healing capabilities, she did not choose the conventional approach of chemotherapy. Rather, she headed to Dr. Harald Stossier and Mrs. Dr. Christine Stossier at Viva Mayr Worth in Austria and worked on strengthening her immune system and heal herself with food, so that she could opt for the Double Mastectomy Surgery which was conducted on her by Dr. Houriya Kazim, a specialist breast surgeon in UAE. Dr. Kazim is country’s first female surgeon and founder of Well Woman Clinic. Irina went ahead and opted for the infusions from the Modern Viva Mayr Medicine approach, and believed that her body would heal, once and forever. To know more about Viva Mayr, click on this link –
It’s been almost a year, and it is close to impossible to guess the physical and personal turmoil Irina faced just a few months ago. She is back to her fitness regimes, has explored various other forms of fitness like Tai Chi, which she claims extremely effective in healing breast cancer, and wears a smile that’s not merely inspiring, but also infectious. Irina continues to experiment with the wellness of her body and believes that every day is a new day…and that today…is her day. Watch the video and see how her positive approach could appeal to everyone.
Meeting Irina has always been an inspiring experience, but this meeting was much more than just inspiring. It was powerful; it was emotional, and it was stirring to the extent that my words fall short of.
Cancer…has to CAN in it. It means we CAN fight Cancer. Irina did it…and so can you, so can every one of us. All we need…is the WILL to do it. Write into me and share the zeal to win over every battle.
Love and Health,
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