Skin Care Tips for Summer | Daily skin care Routine for Summer - The Uma Show
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Skin Care Tips for Summer | Daily skin care Routine for Summer

Hello My Tribe,
Every year, summers take a toll on our skin. The scorching heat, pollution and the humidity can make your skin appear dull and tired during the harsh weather. Not only is your skin prone to tanning and peeling during summers, but the harsh sun rays can also cause premature ageing of the skin. To avoid such skin woes, you must take a step before the damage is done.
So today I’m going to talk about six skin care tips during summers that you can follow to keep your skin safe and radiant like before.
What it does: Dead cells sit on the surface of your skin making it look dull, rough and dry. By exfoliating, you are removing these dead cells, and allowing your skin to appear more radiant and healthier during summer. Exfoliating also allows skin cells to regenerate more quickly, which keeps aging at bay.
When: Perform in the mornings prior to toner, moisturizer, SPF and make-up application.
Tip: Make-up will last longer on an exfoliated skin!
Don’t forget: After you exfoliate, use a hydrating body cream to keep the skin moisturised, and always apply SPF on freshly exfoliated skin (as recommended by the FDA).
Keep skin hydrated
How: If your skin is craving more hydration, it might need a little extra care. Add a hydrating serum or a nourishing mask to your skincare routine. Generally, serums are applied after cleansing and before moisturizing and can be used every day at night. You can also use intensive masques once or twice a week. If you wish, you could replenish your skin’s moisture in the middle of the day without dusting your makeup, by grabbing a facial spray for quick moisture. It’s not just super-refreshing but super-convenient too!

Drink more water
Why: Higher temperatures and spending long hours outdoors leads to internal dehydration, which can result in headaches and dizziness! Proper hydration helps flush out toxins from your body. When toxins build up, they cause organs such as your kidneys to work less efficiently, which has a direct impact on your skin. Sip water throughout the day at least eight glasses of water every day.
What you can do: Eight glasses of plain, filtered water every day helps to maintain critical moisture balance of the skin and body, and helps in detoxification. Tip: If you are a caffeine lover, you must triple the amount of water you drink every day!

Don’t save on your sunscreen
Why: Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! UV rays can be harmful for your skin, especially in the summer months when our exposure levels are higher. Pick a sunscreen that gels into your skin and gets absorbed. A minimum SPF of 30 is recommended and must be applied 20-30 minutes before you head out into the sun. Also, it’s not enough to just apply sunscreen. You need to apply enough, and apply it frequently. Studies show that most people do not apply nearly as much daylight protection as they should. Sunscreen application can go a long way in minimizing sun related spots and could even help delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.
How much: A teaspoon for the face. For the body, about as much as would fill a shot glass.
How often: Re-apply every two hours. Tip: Stay out of the midday sun from mid-morning to late afternoon whenever you can.

Soothe over-exposed skin
What: You forgot the sunscreen, didn’t apply enough, or got caught in a sunny spell.
What’s next: Unfortunately, the damage is done, but you don’t have to suffer! Cooling gels and soothing botanicals can help prevent peeling and reduce redness and inflammation.
How: Apply cooling balms generously over exposed skin, preferably as soon as you see any redness.
Prevent: Sunburn can increase your risk of melanoma cancer. So remember to get a yearly skin exam by a doctor and perform a self-examination once a month to detect early warning signs of carcinomas and malignant melanoma. Look for a new growth or any skin change.

Repair and treat sun damage
Whether you have burned your skin or not, UV light causes photoaging in the form of wrinkles, brown spots and coarse skin. When sunlight comes in contact with skin, it causes inflammation, production of reactive oxygen molecules that affect healthy cell growth, and stimulation of collagen destructing enzymes.
What to do: A tan may be a popular summer look, but it indicates damage. Bombard your skin with age-fighting ingredients to help undo any damage that may occur, and to further protect it from the aging effects of UV.
Healthy skin is a reflection of overall health. So keep yourself healthier by following this simple skincare routine. If you want to know more about skincare or skincare products, write to me.
What is your tip for summer skincare? I would love to know your beauty secrets. Write to me, comment on my video or send me your queries on my blog.
Have a great summer!
Love and Health

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