The Power Of Holistic Beauty – 5 Health Benefits Revealed

“Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome back to The Uma Show, where we dive deep into holistic beauty and well-being. I’m Uma, your guide on this journey to not just looking beautiful but feeling beautiful from the inside out. Today’s episode is all about the health benefits of holistic beauty practices. We’re going to explore how these modalities impact our nervous system, cortisol levels, lymphatic drainage, hormone balance, and mental health. So, let’s get started!”

1. Balancing the Nervous System
“First and foremost, let’s discuss how holistic beauty practices balance our nervous system. Our nervous system is like the control center of our body, regulating everything from our heartbeat to our stress response. When our nervous system is balanced, we feel calm, centered, and more in tune with ourselves and our surroundings.

Techniques like face massage, face yoga, and facial reflexology play a significant role in this balance. For example, face massage stimulates specific points on the face that correspond to different parts of the body, promoting relaxation and reducing tension. This practice helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion.
Face yoga is another powerful tool. It combines facial exercises with deep breathing techniques, enhancing blood flow and oxygenation to the skin and underlying tissues. This not only tones the facial muscles but also induces a state of relaxation and calm.

Facial reflexology works on the principle that the face is a microcosm of the entire body. By stimulating certain points on the face, we can influence corresponding areas of the body, promoting healing and balance throughout.
A balanced nervous system is crucial for overall health. It helps regulate our stress response, improves digestion, enhances sleep quality, and boosts our immune system. When our nervous system is in harmony, we experience a greater sense of well-being and vitality.”

2. Lowering Cortisol Levels
“Next, let’s talk about stress and how holistic beauty practices can help lower cortisol levels. In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a common experience, and it leads to an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can wreak havoc on our health, contributing to weight gain, skin issues, and a weakened immune system.

Daily beauty rituals such as meditation, aromatherapy, and gentle facial massages are effective ways to reduce cortisol levels. Meditation helps calm the mind, reducing the stress response and lowering cortisol production. Even a few minutes of meditation each day can make a significant difference.
Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils, which have been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Oils like lavender, chamomile, and bergamot have calming properties that help decrease cortisol levels when used in diffusers, baths, or directly on the skin.

Gentle facial massages stimulate the production of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. This not only makes us feel relaxed and happy but also counteracts the effects of cortisol.
Lowering cortisol levels through these practices leads to better health outcomes. It improves our skin, helps maintain a healthy weight, enhances mood, and strengthens our immune system. By incorporating these holistic beauty modalities into our daily routine, we can significantly reduce stress and improve our overall well-being.”

3. Promoting Lymphatic Drainage
“Let’s move on to the importance of lymphatic drainage. Our lymphatic system is a crucial part of our body’s detoxification process. It’s responsible for removing toxins, waste, and excess fluids from our tissues, maintaining fluid balance, and supporting our immune system.

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to move the lymph fluid. It relies on manual stimulation through movement and massage. This is where holistic beauty modalities come in.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a technique that involves gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate the flow of lymph fluid. This helps reduce swelling, detoxify the body, and boost the immune system. Regular lymphatic drainage massages can lead to clearer skin, reduced puffiness, and overall better health.

Watch the full episode to know all the benefits.

“To sum it up, holistic beauty practices offer a multitude of health benefits. They balance our nervous system, lower cortisol levels, promote lymphatic drainage, balance our hormones, and enhance our mental health. By incorporating these practices into our daily routine, we can achieve a more balanced, healthy, and beautiful life.
Thank you for joining me today on The Omar Show. Remember, beauty is more than skin deep. It’s a reflection of our inner health and peace. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest content. Until next time, stay beautiful and take care!”

Love and Health


How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

How To Microneedle At Home- DOs & DON’Ts

BUY DR. PEN ( For USA Customer)

BUY DR. PEN ( Australia and rest of the world)

“Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. today we’re diving into an exciting topic, microneedling at home. We’ll be exploring what microneedling is, its benefits, how it works for pigmentation and skin rejuvenation, and the differences in targeting different layers of the skin. So, let’s get started!”

First, let’s understand what microneedling is. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
This process not only rejuvenates the skin but also helps with various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the skin. Our skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis, which acts as a protective barrier. Within the epidermis, we find melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This layer is crucial when addressing pigmentation issues.
Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The dermis is where we find the capillaries, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. It’s also the layer where collagen and elastin fibers are located, essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity.
“Microneedling works by creating controlled micro-injuries in these layers. When we target the epidermis, the micro-injuries stimulate the turnover of skin cells and help break down pigmentation clusters, leading to a more even skin tone.”

When it comes to treating pigmentation, microneedling is particularly effective because it targets the epidermal layer where melanocytes reside. By creating micro-injuries in the epidermis, we promote the shedding of pigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells.”
For pigmentation issues, we typically use shorter needles, around 0.25 to 0.5 mm in length, to reach the epidermis without causing damage to the deeper layers.
On the other hand, if we’re aiming for collagen production and overall skin rejuvenation, we need to target the deeper dermal layer. The dermis is where collagen and elastin fibers are found, and by reaching this layer, we can stimulate the production of new collagen, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.”

For collagen induction therapy, we use longer needles, around 1.0 to 2.5 mm, to penetrate the dermis and activate the skin’s natural healing process.
It’s important to understand the difference between targeting the epidermis and the dermis. When treating pigmentation, shorter needles reach the epidermis to address melanin production directly. For collagen production, longer needles reach the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
So, to recap, microneedling is a fantastic procedure for improving skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It can effectively address pigmentation issues by targeting the epidermis and promote collagen production for skin rejuvenation by reaching the dermis.
Whether you’re looking to even out your skin tone or achieve that plump, youthful glow, microneedling can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. As always, it’s important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best approach for your specific skin concerns.

Thank you for joining me today and learning about the wonders of microneedling. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more insights on holistic beauty and wellness. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave them in the comments below.
Until next time, take care and stay radiant!



PS- Please consult your dermatologist before you microneedle at home if you have any skin conditions.

Heal Yourself With Scalar Energy- Know How from Tom J Paladino

Get 15 days of free healing for you and your family- visit

Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics.

All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

Tom began researching Scalar Light during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the Father of Scalar Light research and development, Nikola Tesla. Thereafter, beginning in 1993, Tom was able to study the research notes as well as operate Scalar Light instruments developed by another Scalar Light expert, Galen Hieronymus. Tom attributes much of his success today to these two, brilliant Scalar Light pioneers: Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus.

There are two (2) energies in the universe: Scalar Energy and electromagnetic energy. Scalar Energy is divine energy and the Sun or our solar system as well as the stars serve as the “storehouses,” for this divine light. The laws that govern Scalar Energy are distinct from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy.

Love and Health


I Am 50, These Are My Secret to Looking and Feeling Youthful

Welcome to my journey at 50, where I see aging as a privilege and an accomplishment. In today’s video, I delve into how my proactive mindset towards aging has shaped my experience. For me, aging is not about loss but about gaining wisdom and opportunities to grow. I’ve never harbored a fear of aging; however, I am keenly aware of its potential challenges, such as decreased energy, hormonal imbalances, and a decline in mental sharpness. These are not just concerns but areas I actively work on to maintain my vitality.

In this discussion, I emphasize that beauty transcends external appearances and is deeply intertwined with overall well-being. Throughout my life, maintaining balance in health, mind, and spirit has been vital. This balance, coupled with my commitment to discipline—which I consider my greatest strength—has helped me build resilience and navigate the ebbs and flows of life with grace.

Join me as I share the strategies that have kept me not just surviving, but thriving, as I age. I’ll explore how respecting my body and embracing what the universe offers can lead to a harmonious life. I invite you to watch and reflect.

How do you perceive aging? What keeps you thriving in the face of life’s inevitable changes?

Please share your thoughts, beliefs, and personal anecdotes in the comments. Your insights not only enrich our community but also help us all to grow together. Let’s inspire and support each other in embracing the beauty of aging!

Love and Health



This episode of The Uma Show is sponsored by Analemma.

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Daily Face Massage For Natural Facelift- FOLLOW ALONG

Welcome to The Uma Show! Today, I’m thrilled to share a special treat — a Complete Face Massage tutorial designed to give you a natural facelift.

In this follow-along video, I begin with lymphatic drainage techniques and progressively move from the chest up to the neck, and then through the entire face—lower, middle, and upper areas. If you’ve been following me, you know how much I adore face massages. They’re essential not only for maintaining youthful-looking skin but also for balancing the nervous system, centering the mind, and acting like a meditative practice.

Embrace this face massage as a daily ritual! Even if you can’t commit to the full routine daily, start with just five minutes and gradually increase your time. Consistency is key for seeing transformative results.

Consider this video my gift to you for the sunny months ahead. Take a moment for yourself and enjoy all the benefits of face massage, including increased blood circulation, enhanced nutrient delivery to your skin, boosted collagen production, and more.

Thank you for watching! 💬 I’d love to hear your thoughts—leave a comment below, and subscribe to my channel if you’d like to see more videos like this. Let’s embark on this journey to better skin and a calmer self together.

Love and Health


Are You making These 5 Face Massage Mistakes?

Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! Today, I am diving into a topic that’s crucial for beauty ritual enthusiasts, face massage. While face massages can rejuvenate your face and improve your complexion, certain common mistakes can hinder their benefits. So, let’s explore the 5 mistakes you might be making with your face massage ritual and how to correct them.

Mistake #1: Not Choosing the Right Kind of Medium
The first mistake many make is not selecting the appropriate medium for their skin type. Whether it’s an oil, serum, or cream, the product you use can significantly impact the massage’s effectiveness. Pure shea butter is great for face massage coz of the grip it gives, also oils are great for most skin types, providing the necessary slip without clogging pores.

Mistake #2: Skipping Lymphatic Drainage
The second mistake is jumping straight into facial massage without focusing on lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is crucial as it helps remove toxins and reduces puffiness, setting a perfect base for your facial massage. Start with gentle strokes from the center of your face outward and downward towards the lymph nodes. This not only preps your skin but enhances the overall effectiveness of your massage.

Mistake #3: Ignoring Your Chest and Neck
Many people forget that a good facial massage ritual starts with the chest and neck. These areas are an extension of your face and require equal attention. Ignoring them can lead to inconsistencies in skin texture and tone. Begin your massage at the chest, move up to the neck, and then proceed to the face. This approach ensures a comprehensive treatment and promotes better skin health.

Mistake #4: Incorrect Pressure
Applying either too much or too little pressure during face massage can be counterproductive. Too much pressure initially make make your face go sore, and do little may not give the result you are looking for.

Mistake #5: Blindly Following Another’s Routine
Finally, a common mistake is blindly following someone else’s face massage routine. While it’s great to draw inspiration from others, remember that every face is unique. What works for one person might not work for you. Pay attention to how your face reacts and adjust the techniques, pressure, and products accordingly. Tailoring the massage to your face’s needs will yield the best results.

And there you have it—the 5 mistakes you might be making with your face massage ritual and how to correct them. Remember, face massage is a personal and intuitive process. Listen to yourself, your skin, adjust your techniques, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more skincare tips. Until next time, keep glowing!

Love and Health



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Inside The Perfect Beach House Where Design and Nature Converge (House Tour)

Following a brief that required a family beach house that was not only comfortable for two but could house visiting family members, Wellard Architects has delivered a house that flows over two levels. Located on the beachfront, Somers Beach House is formed from a holistic design approach that offers the owners a sense of oasis living. Connecting the house tour over the stacked living forms is the linking external staircase, which allows the two primary users to live independently, or shut down one half of the house when not in use. Furthermore, Somers Beach House is finished with an easy garden path that leads directly down to the sheltered rear yard by Fiona Brockhoff Design and then out further towards the beach.

Upon arrival to Somers Beach House, the house tour begins on the upper level, which contains the primary living, kitchen and dining zones, along with the main bedroom and bathroom. Centred around an established banksia tree, the lap pool allows for the owners to swim out and take in the surrounding views. Moreover, the linking staircase that connects the two levels also allows for easy access straight out to the beach and back through home without leaving sand in the internal spaces of the modern beachfront home.

To complement the home, the existing boatshed that was built in the 1950s was rebuilt and remodelled to the same footprint and dimensions of the original structure. Serving as a miniature version of the main home, the boatshed is filled with minimal furniture and gives the owners a space to find respite as they look over the ocean. As the house is located on the steepest part of the site, the architect has designed the home to cantilever at the southern end to both take advantage of views and connect to the landscape.

Through its restrained palette of materials, the beachfront home is designed with a sensible approach that does not take away from the views and instead invites them into the interior design of the house. Moreover, Blackbutt timber, stone, concrete and cabinetry in several different finishes of soft silver greys and soft greens further invite the outside in. By using timber batten screens, Wellard Architects enables the house to both be shut down when not in occupation and be given a level of shadow play that changes throughout the day as the sun tracks through the sky. Employed to work together, the home’s timber exterior and rendered retaining walls add a character that establishes the structure as part of the beachfront.

00:00 – Introduction to The Perfect Beach House
00:25 – Location of the House
00:42 – Brief for the Architect
01:17 – Walkthrough of the Home
02:20 – The Staircase
02:52 – Natural Elements of the House
03:23 – Material Palette
04:23 – Shadow Play in the House
04:54 – Holistic Design Approach

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Photography by Derek Swalwell.
Architecture and Interior Design by Wellard Architects.
Build by Fido Projects.
Styling by Natalie James.
Landscape Architecture by Fiona Brockhoff Design.
Structural Engineering by Clive Steele Partners.
Filmed and Edited by The Local Project.
Production by The Local Project.

The Local Project acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners of the land in Australia. We recognise the importance of Indigenous peoples in the identity of our country and continuing connections to Country and community. We pay our respect to Elders, past and present and extend that respect to all Indigenous people of these lands.

#BeachHouse #Home #Architecture

How A Positive Mindset Can Reverse The Aging Process

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It may be a new thing for many people to hear, but can we really reverse the aging
the process with our mindset?
The answer is Yes. You will be astonished to hear this, but this has been the
most magical thing ever in my life.
Today we will be talking about aging and the mindset of a human. It has helped me
and is going to help you too. Watch till the end.
Let me tell you about some studies that prove that your cognition plays an
an essential role in aging.

Acknowledgment is essential
A positive aging mindset is the first step toward a better life. It involves
acknowledging that you will age over time and accepting this fact. This could prevent
you from many psychological damages that you may experience otherwise.
Aging is inevitable, but it is not an inevitable disaster waiting to happen. There are
things you can do to make sure that you don’t get into trouble with your health as you
get older. If you want to age gracefully, it’s essential to acknowledge the reality of
aging and accept it as a natural process that we all must go through at some point in
our lives.

Keep your health before everything

One of the biggest challenges in life is to keep your health. You need to do all that you
can to maintain good health, but what if you find it difficult to do so? Well, there are
many ways of doing so; one is by keeping a positive attitude toward it.
You should be aware of the fact that aging is not something negative or bad. It will
make you more refreshed and energetic for the remaining years of your life. However,
if you don’t prepare yourself for this change, then it can be very harmful to your
health and well-being.
Aging occurs naturally due to the passage of time, and when we get old, there are
physical changes in our bodies that can be disastrous for our well-being.
Keeping a positive attitude towards aging will help you maintain a better physical
condition throughout your life so that when you finally get old, you won’t feel
ashamed about it.

Upgrade your eating habits
The aging process has its own pace and rhythm, but the most important thing to
remember is that you are not alone. There are many people who have gone through or
are going through this stage of life. You can watch their progress and make your own
decisions about how to live your life.
The first step in improving your aging mindset is to upgrade your eating habits. This
means making sure that you eat healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole
grains, and protein sources such as lean red meat, fish or chicken. Also remember that
it’s important to drink plenty of water each day to keep yourself hydrated and function
Improve your diet and water intake, and avoid processed food. Smoking, alcohol
consumption should be avoided. Maintaining a healthy social circle and engaging with
positive people who encourage wellness can boost your endorphin levels (happiness).
Regularly visit your doctor or healthcare expert so that chances of any disease or
abnormality can be minimized at an early stage.

Watch the full episode for the rest.
What is your mindset toward aging?

Please share with me.

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Facial Gua Sha Tutorial For Beginners

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If you are even a little bit interested in Holistic skincare and beauty modalities, then you will know about facial Gua Sha. Many of you have asked me about how to start using a Gua Sha so lets talk Gua Sha.

What exactly is facial Gua Sha? Pronounced gwa sha, it’s a facial treatment that involves scraping a flat jade or rose quartz stone over the skin in upward strokes to relax stiff muscles and promote tissue drainage. But unlike a traditional Gua Sha massage, it won’t leave bruise-like marks on your face as it’s done with a much lighter hand. Oh, and you can do it yourself at home.
Facial Gua Sha is technically nothing new, but it’s having a major moment in the beauty world. And while it feels just as lovely as it sounds, the benefits actually extend way past relaxation and lessened tension

Like its close cousin, the jade roller, facial gua sha is a massage technique designed to relieve tension in the muscles of the face, boost blood circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage to banish bloat. It helps break up fascia — the connective tissue that hugs muscles but can sometimes interfere with optimal circulation — and can even help to make your face look slimmer (albeit temporarily). Devotees swear by its ability to ward off headaches and jaw pain and brighten skin (due to the boost in circulation). Some even consider it a Botox alternative for its ability to unkink settled-in muscle folds.

What are the benefits?
+ Carries nutrient-rich and oxygenated blood (food for the cells) to the skin and tissues
+ Drains lymph fluid (which is often filled with toxins and waste) out of the cells to be cleansed
+ Eliminates or greatly reduces wrinkles
+ Treats and prevents sagging skin (lifts and tightens the skin)
+ Aids in eliminating dark circles around the eyes
+ Aids in breaking up and releasing the skin from dark spots and hyper-pigmentation
+ Brightens the complexion
+ Greatly speeds the healing time of breakouts and pimples, helping these skin issues overall
+ Has the ability to heal and relieve rosacea
+ Aids in product penetration
+ Treats TMJ disorder and migraine headaches

Consistency is key. To maintain a flourishing and healthy body, we consistently nourish ourselves with water, sleep, clean eating and movement. Likewise, practicing gua sha on a regular basis will prove most beneficial. The body doesn’t thrive when we are oscillating to either extreme — the middle is always most beneficial.

Start you facial Gua Sha Jouney here.

Let me know if this video helped.

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Face Sculpting Massage Tutorial

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I am back again with another Sculpting face massage video tutorial that you all love.

This time I am sharing multiple moves for different parts of the face.

I always start with lymphatic drainage and then start my massage.

Lymphatic drainage helps clean out the passages, removes toxins, and the face massage afterward helps increase the blood and oxygen flow helps get all the nutrition towards the face and activates the muscles.

In many cases also helps with removing the adhesion in the fascia layer. All these together, tone and sculpts the face.


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Stop Buying These- 9 Worst Skincare Products

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I am not here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t buy. Instead, I want to help you make better choices based on your own personal skin-care needs. So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty:

What’s the worst skincare product?

Well, it’s a toss-up. You could say that some of them are bad, but there are certain products that are worse than others.

We all want to look good, but what do you do when your skincare products are making you look bad?

The first thing to remember is that there’s no “best” product. What works for one person may not work for another, and your skin type will be different from someone else’s. So don’t feel like you need to go out and buy the latest and greatest thing in order to look good.

It’s no secret that the skincare industry is full of products that promise more than they deliver and here I’ve got you covered with a list of the worst skincare products to use.

Face wipes
Face wipes can disrupt the pH balance of skin, which can cause a wide range of problems like breakouts, dryness and irritation.

Wipes are usually made from all-natural ingredients such as cotton, and aloe vera, but I don’t recommend them because they’re not designed for cleansing your face. They’re meant to remove makeup and dirt from your face, not cleanse it.

They contain ingredients that can remove natural oils from your skin, which can contribute to acne breakouts and leave you with dry skin.

Face wipes are also loaded with alcohol, which can dry out your skin and cause it to become red or burn.

Physical exfoliants with larger particles
Physical exfoliators that use rough or larger particles are too harsh for the skin and can actually cause micro-tears at the skin’s surface. In addition, these types of products can cause irritation, redness and peeling.

Avoid using these types of products on acne-prone or sensitive skin as they can actually worsen existing problems with breakouts or irritation.

If you have sensitive skin, look for a gentle option like a chemical peel or microdermabrasion that will not cause any irritation.

Watch the video to see the rest of it.

Which one is a part of your beauty ritual that you will avoid?

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Over 40? 5 Skincare Habits You must Change

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Ańalemma is a clear quartz crystal tube filled with special “Mother Water” that transforms regular water into a supercharged, full spectrum, coherent state. Analema helps in Biological age rejuvenation
Balancing of the brainwaves
Increased vitality

We all know that the older we get, the more our skin changes. As we age, skin loses collagen, its elasticity decreases, and it becomes thinner and more prone to wrinkles.

If you’re over 40, chances are you have changed a lot about your habits since your 20s.

While we all start our lives in the same place, we change and grow over time, and that’s normal! But sometimes, those habits can linger.

I’ve compiled 5 skincare habits to help ensure your skin is as healthy as it can be as you enter this new phase.

Understand, learn, and educate yourself about your skin.
Understanding and learning about your skin is the first step to taking care of it. Your skin is a vital part of your body and needs to be taken care of properly.

You can’t change your skin after 40. But you can change the way you care for it.

It’s time for you to take charge of your skin and learn about the anatomy of your skin. You can learn about the different skin types, what makes up your skin, and how to care for it.

Skin is the largest organ in our body, yet we don’t treat it like it is. We use moisturizers and cleansers designed for young skin but ignore our dryness, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. We fight with our skin when it doesn’t look as good as we think it should.

You must understand that your skin changes with age, so you must take care of yourself differently.

Don’t buy products blindly.

Change only what is necessary. Some products work for some people and don’t work for others.

Focus on mindset and lifestyle habits
The most important thing you can do to maintain healthy skin is to change your mindset. You must decide that your skin is not a burden or something you must hide.

Another important habit is to exercise regularly. This will help you get rid of stress, which is often the root cause of acne and other skin problems. Exercise also helps keep your metabolism burning so that it doesn’t slow down as you age, which is another common problem for everyone over 40.

A good diet is also essential for keeping your skin healthy. A high-fiber diet can help keep your digestive system running smoothly, which means less stress on your kidneys and liver, both of which are vital for keeping your skin healthy as well as for boosting energy levels in general.

Finally, make sure you have plenty of sleep each night so that your body has time to repair itself properly before going into overdrive again during the day.

Focus on Active Ingredients rather than branded creams and serums
Skincare products are full of great ingredients, but they can get complicated. You need to be able to determine whether the product is good for you and your skin type and if it’s safe to use.

Focus on Active Ingredients, not on the branded creams and serums. The most effective products contain active ingredients like peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients work together to deliver real results for your skin and help reduce signs of aging.
Active ingredients are the key to a good skincare routine. They’re what will improve your skin and keep it looking healthy.

So what should you look for when buying skincare products? Here are some criteria to consider:

Active Ingredients: Look for products with active ingredients shown in scientific studies to be effective. You should also avoid any product with less than 10% of its formula made up of active ingredients.

Formulation: Formulation is another important factor to consider when choosing skincare products. Products may contain more ingredients than they need to because they want their products to appear “whitening” or “brightening.”

Start now to enjoy a younger-looking, vital complexion shortly.

Thank you Analemma for sponsoring this episode.

Love and Health


Supplement For Glowing Skin

Supplements for Glowing Skin

As you’ve likely noticed, there are a lot of creams and serums out on the market now for anti-aging. What if you want to take a more natural approach to brighten your skin and keep wrinkles away, though? Micronutrients are a wonderful option because they’re easily accessible, and they can help keep you looking young and beautiful for longer. Here’s why you should consider micronutrients for anti-aging before looking anywhere else.

Which Ones do You Need

You’re prepared to do whatever it takes to stop any and all unwelcome symptoms from developing overnight. Making a stop at your local grocery store is a terrific place to start. While you’re out shopping, you should be on the lookout for specific food and drinks that contain calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin C, zinc, or potassium. Each one of these has the exceptional ability to fight off skin problems that are associated with aging.

What does Vitamin D do?

Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin, thanks to our body’s ability to produce it through sun exposure. However, sun exposure comes with other risks to your skin, including premature aging, sunspots, and an increased risk of skin cancer — so what is the best way to get enough vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone found in fatty fish and dairy — and thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s great for acne and red, inflamed skin. Despite its great health and skin benefits, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies all over the world.[1]
What makes vitamin D so special? It’s been shown to protect skin from aging, with patients with high levels of vitamin D showing DNA that is the equivalent of five years younger than those with lower levels.[2] Acne sufferers are also likely to have less vitamin D in their systems — and supplementing with vitamin D can improve their skin.[3]
Where to find it: Salmon, tuna, orange juice, milk, and mushrooms.
Spend at least 20 minutes in the morning sun

Vitamin A

When it comes to glowing skin, vitamin A is a superhero. It helps the production of fresh new skin cells — but that’s not all.
Vitamin A contains retinoids, which are compounds that fight signs of sun damage like hyperpigmentation, promote wound healing and cell turnover, and boost the production of collagen. In fact, studies show that people with a higher concentration of vitamin A in their skin look younger than those with a lower concentration.[7]
Vitamin A also acts as an exfoliant, getting rid of dry skin, improving your skin’s overall tone, and giving it a smoother texture.[8] Plus, it’s a great ally in the fight against acne: it helps normalize oil production and prevents clogged pores. In fact, it’s so effective that prescription-strength vitamin A is FDA-approved as a treatment for acne.
Where to find it: Sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, eggs, salmon, and yogurt.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and can be applied topically, taken as part of a supplement, or added to your diet through vitamin E-rich foods.
Thanks to being high in antioxidants, vitamin E is great for blood circulation, which can help your skin feel firmer and healthier. Because vitamin E promotes cell turnover and regeneration, it is also sometimes used to treat acne scarring and dry skin.
On top of all of its other benefits, vitamin E helps strengthen and protect your skin’s barrier, protecting it from the sun and preserving your skin’s moisture barrier.
Besides protecting and strengthening your skin, vitamin E may reduce your risk of heart disease, improve your lung health, and even help alleviate menstrual cramps. Not bad for one little vitamin.
Where to find it: Hazelnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, avocado, and mango.

Watch the full video to know the rest of the supplements.

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Smoothen Neck LineWith Massage and Gua Sha

When we talk about the neck, there’s lots to talk about.
It’s that area of the face that definitely needs more attention.

There are a few reasons why this area is so vulnerable. First, the skin on the neck is thin and contains less collagen and fewer sebaceous glands than the face. This means that skin is more prone to wrinkling. The second is due to bad posture and looking down at our phones which can cause horizontal lines that experts call “tech neck”.

But whatever the issue, neck massage and Gua Sha can help smoothen those lines, release stress and tension and also help eliminate toxins through lymphatic drainage.

In this video, I have combined face massage techniques with Gua Sha as I personally feel it’s more effective and shows faster results.

You can do a 21-day challenge, take a before picture of your neck, do this with me for 21 days and take an after picture and share it with me on Instagram. @umaghosh.

So let’s not waste any time and start…

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My 6 TOP Anti- Aging hacks revised

Aging is something we all have to pass through. The fine lines and wrinkles are unavoidable and the sagging skin will eventually come. However, this does not mean that you have to sit there helplessly as you watch your body age so fast. There are some things you can do to actually slow down the process of aging. Here are the top anti-aging hacks you might want to consider.

1. Keep yourself hydrated
The body and pretty much all of the skin is mainly made of water, so you need to hydrate always. Drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated and apply lotion to prevent the skin from drying. If you don’t like the taste of water, then drink fresh juice or other fluids to keep you hydrated. Fluids not only keep the body hydrated but also encourages detoxification.

2. Add good fats to your diet
Wonders of essential fatty acids, protect against UV rays, reduce wrinkles and promote youthful skin, and act as a natural lubricant for your skin, protecting against inflammation and aging due sun damage. Always go for natural fats rather than extracted fats. For example, it is better to eat a coconut than to use the extracted coconut oil. Similarly, adding whole olives in your salad is healthier than a pinch of olive oil.

3. Move your body
Regular exercise is not only meant for heart health and stress relief. It also plays a key role in reducing the aging process. Exercise slows down cell degeneration, allowing you to stay younger and healthier. You need at least 20 minutes of exercise three to seven times a week to get desirable results. There are a lot of exercises you can do. These include walking in the park, riding a bicycle, jogging, doing pushups or working out in the gym. The effects are pretty much the same, regardless of what type of exercise you do.

4. Manage Your Stress Levels
Stress, especially a chronic one, affects your skin negatively. It accelerates the production of free radicals, lowers the body’s immune function, and increases the rate of inflammation. These processes accelerate the aging process significantly. Avoid stress as much as you can. Engage in activities that help you relieve stress such as talking with a friend or a family member, practicing yoga, and meditating.

5. Sleep Well
You need to have enough sleep. Lack of enough sleep denies the body the chance to rest detoxifies and get rid of free radicals. Create a conducive environment that allows you to have a quality sleep. Do not use your cell phone or watch TV for one hour before bed. Create a dark room in your bedroom or purchase a white noise machine to make you sleep better. Practice meditation or listen to relaxing music 30 minutes before bed.

6. Regular Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is responsible for fluid drainage from almost every organ in the body. It sustains tissue homeostasis and is also a central part of the immune system.
The skin is the body’s largest organ and the foremost target for external factors. Aging in the skin is manifested by loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and age spots. The reasons underlying those changes are mainly alterations in collagen production, hormonal changes, life-long accumulation of reactive oxygen species, and telomere shortening. However, some changes are induced by other forces, such as ultraviolet (UV) light, infections, and tobacco intake etc. Intact lymphatic drainage from the skin is pivotal for the immune response against harmful agents and for sustaining fluid homeostasis. Under physiological conditions, lymphatic vessels drain extracellular fluid from the skin and contribute to steady-state immune surveillance.
Focussing on these things on a regular basis definitely can help you look and feel younger. Try them.

Do you have any anti-aging hacks for yourself? Share with me.

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Lymphatic Drainage for Depuffing Your Face

Your lymphatic system filters and removes extra fluid and waste from your body. It plays an important role in your immune function. Your lymphatic system is made up of many lymph nodes that are connected together by lymph vessels.

What is lymphatic self-massage and why is it important?
Lymphatic self-massage is a gentle skin massage where the skin is gently stretched and released along lymph pathways. Lymphatic self-massage helps move extra fluid from swollen areas.

Lymphatic self-massage can help move extra fluid away from:
• areas of your face
• areas of your neck

Lymphatic self-massage can help to move extra fluid to:
• lymph vessels and lymph nodes in areas of your face or neck
• lymph vessels and lymph nodes in your underarms

If you have puffy face or swollen eyes, its important that you start the self lymphatic drainage from chest and neck.

Want to learn more? Watch the video and do it with me.

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Natural Facelift Meditation

I am so super excited to introduce this new segment of beauty meditations.

My first meditation is a natural facelift meditation.

Most often we wake up, look at ourselves in the mirror and say things like we want to be lifted face, plumper lips and high cheekbones etc.

How often do we express gratitude towards each and every part of our face and realize how they contribute to our life and have so many more functions than just looking a certain way.

So this mediation will help you express gratitude to each and every part of our face. The practice of gratefulness is powerful, researchers say, simply expressing gratitude may have lasting effects on the brain. While not conclusive, this finding suggests that practicing gratitude may help train the brain to be more sensitive to the experience of gratitude down the line, and this could contribute to improved mental health, overall well-being, and skin health over time.

And with the meditation, you will find your face looking fresh, youthful, and lifted over time.

Please let me know how you feel after the mediation.

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Training For Professionals

My 5 Daily Well-Being Practices For Happiness

Daily well-being practice for me is a spiritual practice. I know sometimes it seems overwhelming in midst of our busy schedules, but daily well-being practices are so important to our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

While sometimes it can seem you have too little time for a daily wellness practice, but its important to know that it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. There are many small ways to incorporate wellness practices throughout your day. Taking just a few minutes each day to focus on overall well-being can really contribute to good physical health and inner peace.

in today’s video, I am talking about 5 of the daily practices that have really helped me in balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

I started small, and then worked on them and increases the frequency and time. Small lifestyle practices have a huge impact so never underestimate them.

So what will you incorporate from this into your routine?

What are your daily wellness practices?

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2 Salad Recipes with Oil- Free Dressing

We assume that salad dressing cannot do us any harm, a little bit of oil, sugar, and salt does not make a difference. But you will be surprised, that many of the ready salad dressings have artificial fillers and additives that can prove extremely detrimental to our collective health.

A store-bought salad dressing may mention 100-percent extra-virgin olive oil, a high-quality, good-for-you anti-inflammatory oil, but what you’ll find instead is a number of dressings, including so-called “olive oil” vinaigrettes, that contain inexpensive, inflammatory oils like soybean oil, which tends to be the most common in these products.

Many oils are highly refined and so stripped of nutrients. Plus, inflammatory oils like soybean oil are processed at a high temperature, further damaging the integrity of the oil and increasing the risk of rancidity. Refined, rancid oils create inflammation in the body, which is the opposite of what you want when consuming healthy fats.

Salad dressings can be made at home without any oil and yet they turn out super delicious.
That’s what I have shared in this video.

Do you have any “nasty ingredients ” free salad dressings/ Share with me in the comment box.

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Daily Face Massage For Glowing Skin

I get requested for face massage videos, so here goes another one for you.

This is a simple, follow-along face massage that you can add to your daily beauty ritual.

If you are following me for a while then you know, I’m a big fan of Face Massage.
Face Massage has innumerable benefits apart from sculpting, toning, and lifting your face it also lifts your spirit.

Face Massage helps you to have better bloodcirculation, and lymphatic drainage and helps you with activating the muscles, releasing fascia and in the long run lift and tone your face by toning the muscles below the skin and collagen production.

It also helps with the emotional release, we store many of our unexpressed emotions on our facial muscles.

And when you massage regularly, you release these emotions and that helps to release the stress and tension from the tissues and helps in smoothening the skin reducing fine lines and wrinkles and adding that healthy glow that we all love.

So try doing this Face Massage every single day for the next 21 days and see the results by yourself and in the comment box below.

I would love to hear back from you

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DIY Hand Care Routine for Healthy And Soft Hands

Though I took care of my face very well, I wasn’t really taking care of my hands as well.
I started to see dryness and stiffness in my hands and that’s when I decided to show some TLC to my hands.

I don’t need to mention it, but think about it, our hands are such an important part of us and we are constantly using them, but what do we really do to show some love to them. So I came up with a DIY mini routine for my hands that consists of gentle hand massage on the muscles as well as the joints, some scrubbing with a homemade, all organic scrub to get rid of the dead skin layer, hand mask, again homemade with aloe vera, and moisturizing the hands at the end. And honestly, it’s not about how your hands look, I don’t apply nail polish, in fact I have been nail polish free for the last 4 years. It’s truly about how they feel, and how you support your hands for them to support you back.

Now, this is the routine that I continued for a year and I see a substantial difference and feel my hands have become much softer and also supple. dryness has gone and the skin feels so good.

I wanted to share this with you just as a reference point so that you can come up with a routine that
works for you, and that you can fit into your lifestyle. Coz at the end, you can only see results if you are consistent with it.

Hand massage also helps in balancing the nervous system, relieves your anxiety, brings you back to your center, reduces cortisol levels, and relieves headaches.

So did this video inspire you to take care of your hands better?
Share with me in the comment box.

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Self-Care For Dry Eyes

Last year I suffered from severe dry eyes and I had to really take my eye health into my own hands.

Dry eyes were affecting my eyesight, my eyes were forever itchy and irritated and also reddish.

I realized ever since I have taken my business into the digital platform, though I have grown exponentially, I have not really taken care of my eyes the way I should have.

So after initial treatment with a great ophthalmologist, I put together a routine for my eyes that includes daily eye exercises combined with eye massage.

I have been consistent with it for one whole year and I have noticed a huge improvement.

My eyes don’t itch as much, they are clearer and irritation is gone completely.

So this was the right time to share this routine with you guys.

I m sure in the last few years your screen times has increased too, you may be having these symptoms too, but you don’t know how to go about healing your eyes or taking care of your eyes better.

Try these exercises and massage techniques for 21 days consistently and let me know how it goes.

Share in the comments below.

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My Favorite Anti-Aging Beauty Tools

I love using beauty tools that show some great results ad I am aging.
Some of my favorites I have shared in this video today.

You don’t have to have any of these if you are using your hands to do face massage and face yoga, but these definitely help to take the beauty rituals to another level.

What are your favorite beauty tools?

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5 Beauty Products I can’t Live Without

I get a lot of questions on my Instagram and this is one of the most commonly asked questions, what are the beauty products I can’t live without, so here goes.

I picked up products that I regularly use and have been using for a while.

They are a part of my beauty rituals as all of them are easily accessible and also they truly show results too.

If you follow me for a while you know, I like to keep things simple and minimum.

What are your must-haves?

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All About Collagen+ DIY Collagen Boasting Face Masks

I receive a lot of questions son collagen, so let’s understand college better today.

Collagen is an essential protein found naturally in the human body. It is found in our skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is responsible for keeping the skin elastic, replacing dead skin cells, as well as making your hair and nails shiny and strong.

How Does Collagen Play a Role in Aging?

The collagen in your body is produced naturally by cells in your skin, but it will begin to decline as you age. This is not always preventable, but by healthy lifestyle choices and supplementing the loss with outside sources of collagen, you are able to help reduce wrinkles and slow down the signs of aging.

Can Collagen Production Be Increased as We Age?

There are two main ways you can try to combat collagen loss; by consuming collagen-boosting foods and supplements or topical creams. Targeting the problem from the inside has been proven to be most effective and something I believe in personally.

Natural “collagen boosters” have the ability to encourage the cells in your body to make more collagen. These plant-based foods contain the building blocks for collagen such as amino acids and Vitamin C. A few of these collagen boosters include blueberries, dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), garlic, eggs, mango, carrots, and white tea. Vitamin C is also necessary to enhance collagen production. You can take vitamin c supplements or consume foods rich in vitamin c, such as broccoli and citrus fruit.

I am not a big believer in collagen supplements personally, but if you want to try, there are many available in drugstores near you, which are mainly derived from animal products.

They can also be found in these three main forms

Hydrolyzed collagen. This form, also known as collagen hydrolysate or collagen peptides, is broken down into smaller protein fragments called amino acids.
Gelatin. The collagen in gelatin is only partially broken down into amino acids.
Raw. In raw — or undenatured — forms, the collagen protein remains intact.
Of these, some research shows that your body may absorb hydrolyzed collagen most efficiently.

That said, all forms of collagen are broken down into amino acids during digestion and then absorbed and used to build collagen or other proteins your body needs.

In fact, you don’t need to take collagen supplements to produce collagen, your body does this naturally using amino acids from whichever proteins you eat.

Yet, some studies suggest that taking collagen supplements may enhance its production and offer unique benefits. I am yet experimenting.

Anthocyanins – found in blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and cherries.

Proline – found in egg whites, cheese, soy, cabbage, asparagus, mushrooms.

Vitamin A – is found in plants like beta-carotene and animal-derived foods.

Red light laser therapy – can stimulate and increase the growth of collagen in the skin. It’s a low-level or (LLLT) laser that is non-invasive, safe, and can improve skin elasticity and wrinkles.

A regular exercise regime – can help reduce visible aging while protecting collagen and keeping your skin, bones, muscles, and joints healthier for longer.

My favorite and highly recommended

Marine plant ingredients are becoming more and more popular as part of beauty routines. This is because most skin damage is caused by “oxidation” the exposure of your skin to elements like pollution, which can damage cell growth. Algae is able to prevent oxidation from zapping your skin of its elasticity and collagen. Algae is available in most health food stores in the form of oral supplements. I have been taking algae supplements for the last few months and I do see a tad bit of improvement in my skin quality.

So honestly, as I always say, everyone is different and we need to find what works for us, don’t go by what is working for someone else. Overall healthy and clean lifestyle choices, regular movements, more anti-oxidant foods, more greens, stress management skills, less of all that disrupt collagen should be a good start and a great foundation.

And some home care of course, so enjoy my two DIY collagen boosting.

What do you do to boost collagen? Comment below.

Love and Health


Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

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Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

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3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


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Online Courses
Avail the offer for 7 Day Facelift right now.
7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


Access my

Online Courses
Avail the offer for 7 Day Facelift right now.
7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


Access my

Online Courses
Avail the offer for 7 Day Facelift right now.
7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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Q& A About Face massage, Face Yoga Part 2

Part 2 is here…

Hope you like this video, I am trying something new, a slower-paced video with more of me authentically.

I receive a lot of questions about face yoga and face massage on all my platforms, so I tried to answer most of the questions in this video and in
part 2.

Please comment below if you have more questions and I will try and answer them.

Love and Health


Access my

Online Courses
Avail the offer for 7 Day Facelift right now.
7 Day Facelift LIVE Workshop

Holistic Skincare masterclass…

Gua Sha Ritual Workshop

Anti Aging E BOOKS…

Shop my non-invasive beauty products…

3D Face Massager

Glow Boosting Facial Cupping Set

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