Five Skin Care Tips For Your Body

Below are 5 top ways to take care of your body skin. While this list is by no means holistic, it serves as a good starting point for basics of skincare and should leave your body skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated:
1. Get into a skincare routine
Just like your face, your body skin also needs a proper skincare routine. Cleanse your skin with a gentle body wash that suits your skin type and won’t irritate or dry out your skin. Exfoliation, especially for elbows, knees, and heels, is another way to remove dead skin and prevent it from looking dull. Body skin is tougher than the skin on the face, so you don’t need to worry too much about rigorous scrubbing, but use an exfoliator or scrub that is suited to your skin type, especially if you use shaving to remove unwanted hair.
Lastly, hydration is the key. Use a body lotion or body butter generously to moisturize your skin starting from your neck down to your toes. The best time to do this is immediately after a shower when the body is still a bit damp so it absorbs moisture well.

2. Take care when shaving/waxing
Removing unwanted hair is an essential part of our skincare routine. But whether you are shaving, waxing or getting some other treatment done, pre- and post-care is essential. For instance, it is best to spend some time in the shower before shaving as it helps soften the skin and prevent cuts and bruises. Similarly, applying a soothing gel or moisturizer after waxing/laser helps keep the skin calm. Most technicians also apply aloe vera gel or a calming lotion after performing electrolysis on the skin.
Which hair removal method you opt for is a personal choice and depends on a number of factors including hair growth, convenience, pain threshold, budget. etc. But whichever method you opt for, do ensure proper follow-up care after the procedure to make sure you do not see any unpleasant reactions on your skin.

3. Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays
This step is mandatory in ensuring healthy and vibrant skin. A lot of exposure to the sun can result in skin damage, dark spots, premature aging, and even skin cancer in extreme cases. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen when going out – a moisturizer or BB cream with SPF 15 is usually enough for limited exposure, but high exposure activities like sports and swimming may require SPF 30 or SPF 50 which will need to be reapplied every couple of hours. SPF 30 is also recommended for kids and for those who have sensitive skin (talk to your dermatologist if you have concerns about choosing the right one)
Apart from that, if you expect to have prolonged exposure to the sun, wear protective clothing and avoid unnecessary exposure to sensitive parts of the body. Also make sure your clothing isn’t too tight or uncomfortable when the day is warm and sunny, as it won’t allow the skin to breathe properly and unnecessary perspiration may occur.

4. Manage stress and anxiety
Stress, fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety – these not only take a toll on your facial skin but on your body skin as well. A lot of people experience dry, patchy skin and acne breakouts when they are nervous or worried about something. While this is not controllable 100% of the time, it is essential that we maintain a positive outlook towards life and try and keep the stress at a minimum.
Having a regular routine and staying active plays a key role in this regard. Getting enough sleep, exercising, not smking and taking out time to pause and enjoy things in life will go a long way in keeping your skin healthy and youthful looking. Meditation and yoga can help improve bloodcirculation and slow down the aging process for your skin.

5. Eat healthily
While moisturizing your skin from the outside is essential, staying hydrated internally is just as, if not more, important. Our body is approximately 60% water, making it a key component for a properly functioning human body. Health authorities recommend drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, and your skin is directly affected by how much water intake you have. A well-hydrated skin looks fresh, radiant and youthful, and has a significantly positive impact on all functions of the body.
Furthermore, diet plays a huge role in how healthy your skin is. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy can help promote healthier and younger looking skin. Oily, spicy, sugary foods should be avoided, as should fizzy drinks and alcohol. All of these can have damaging effects on your skin which can range from being mild to permanent depending on the frequency of intake.

What are your tips, share with me in the comments below.

Love and Health


6 Daily Habits That Changed My Life

You are what you strive for. I found out that human will is a very strong asset. It can take you to places you never imagined. Our decisions decide who we are going to become and this is one of the most ruthless yet the most comforting line. Ruthless for those who don’t want to get up and write their fate, and comforting for those who are out there, burning the midnight oil to carve their destiny the way they want it to be.
We have to take control of our lives or we’ll be under the control of this life. I learned this when I started experiencing a difference in my life quality after adopting some habits. At first, I had no idea about how would everything change for me and why would integrating some habits into my life would make it better. However, only upon doing it, I got the best answer.
I will highlight the top 6 habits that improved the quality of my life soon after I made them a part of my daily routine.

Waking up and sleeping early
I had a very disturbed sleeping pattern because of the tremendous workload. It became a habit so bad that even when I had nothing to do, I stayed up late. This deprived me of sleep quite often and my mornings were quite inefficient and caffeine dependent. Coffee and tea can be used to boost one’s activity but depending on them is never a good thing. However, I started worrying about my sleep pattern when my daily performance got affected by it.
Initially, as an experiment, I started going to bed early. It took time as I was not used to it. In a few days, I was going to bed early.

Breathing exercises and meditation
Meditation is one of the most brain nourishing activities. Peace of mind is what you need to make wiser decisions and live a happy life. When I started waking up early, meditation was the first thing that I used to do. It blessed me with numerous blessings. Meditation improved my concentration and lowered my stress level throughout the day. I was so surprised and glad to see my stress handling becoming so good and effective. Situations that made me anxious were no more causing any distress and it all goes back to the meditation early in the morning.

A deep breath stimulates the body to release endorphins. They are a natural pain killer and make the person feel good. Endorphins have various health benefits that include healing inflammation, relaxing the mind and body, and improves blood flow.

Writing gratitude journal

The universe blessed me a lot and I couldn’t be less thankful enough for all the things I’ve ever had. Being grateful for the things one has is positive behavior and things start responding more and more when you thank the universe for giving you what you have. Our endless desires are a hurdle in our way of being happy. Being thankful and demonstrating it in your behavior turns the bad back and clears your paths. Keeping a gratitude journal reminds you of where you started and keeps you humble. That’s what I have been doing and it has proved to be a beneficial act for me.

Maintaining a diary about the things to do

Writing things down is a sort of affirmation. When you write down something that needs to be done in a given time frame, subconsciously the brain takes orders and gets to work for making that particular thing happen. This all happens so passively that we don’t get a clue. However, I kept track of my routine and found out that the tasks that I wrote in my diary are well done and in time. On the other hand, unwritten tasks often fall prey to laziness or some other unforeseen circumstance.

Stay hydrated

Health is one of the most important factors for a successful life. One can’t perform well if they are not healthy internally. Going to the gym or working out isn’t what I started with. It was all started with just staying hydrated. Water constitutes around 65% of our body. Our routines don’t involve staying hydrated much and this is where we deprive the body of its major constituent. Then we wonder why do we get tired easily and our brain cant work for more than 6 hours. I started staying hydrated and that became one of the best decisions of my life. It made me feel so whole and healthy.

Eat consciously
Malnutrition is often referred to as having a weak body because of not getting enough food. However, a healthy-looking person can also be malnourished. To prevent being in this situation, a person’s diet should consist of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. A balanced diet will ensure each and every demand of the body is being fulfilled.
My journey of shifting to a diet that consisted of all the essential vitamins and minerals was an enlightening one. I realized how listening to the demands of the body could produce such good results. Being active, feeling healthy, and a stronger immune system was the reward of eating the right food in the right amount.

What are the habits that changed your life? Share with me below.

Love and Health


How Pollution Affects your Skin

By now, everyone knows that you should NEVER leave your skin unprotected when it comes to sun exposure. Research suggests that pollution is just as harmful to our skin as unprotected sun exposure.
Pollution is one of the biggest dangers to your skin barrier – the golden veil protecting your skin against all bads. It significantly damages the skin’s microbiome by throwing it off balance which in turn disrupts the skin barrier.
Here are a few worrisome problems that air pollution can cause to our skin:
• Dull or uneven skin tone
• Wrinkles
• Enlarged pores
• Brown spots
• Acne
• Dry or itchy skin
To know everything about “common enemy”, we must know what pollution holds can do so we can create a stronger defense.
• Gaseous Pollutants making way for more problems
The pollutants can’t penetrate your skin right away but what they actually do is stick to your skin’s surface and start a consistent on your skin to leave it damaged just enough for new pollutants to easily pass through your skin barrier and wreak havoc to your beautiful skin.
• Nanoparticles damaging the pores
There’s another pollutant that is non-gaseous that we need to watch out for, that is small particulate matter. Also known as nanoparticles, these pollutants are so small that they can even get into your pores and become trapped in them – which we can all realize how many problems will that lead to. And that’s not even the worst part, these annoying nanoparticles can’t be easily removed by just washing our faces. Why does everything have to be so difficult?
• Smog – the source of free radicals
Smog is one of the most harmful sources of skin damage since it produces so many free radicals on your skin as compared to other pollutants. These radicals deteriorate the skin and target the skin in such a way that it starts to age prematurely.

• UV Rays – Many problems, One Cause
UV radiations have been proven to be the cause of age maturity and sunburn as well. Exposure to UVA rays has been observed to cause photoaging which leads to wrinkles, pigmentation and solar elastosis (a skin condition that causes the skin to appear yellow and thick). While exposure to UBB causes sunburn. Who wants that?!
• Cigarette Smoke ( CS)? Say goodbye to your Collagen
We’ve all heard and seen the effects a cloud of CS can have on the respiratory system, but the extent of damages CS can cause to your skin is also quite troubling. CS is comprised of thousands of chemical substances that can decrease the water in your skin causing dehydrated skin, disrupting the skin tissues and causing a lot of damage to the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers.
This will lead to premature aging and deeper wrinkling. And if you’re the one that’s doing it, hear this, it can even cause orange-purple skin discoloration.
• Automobile Exhaust causing some serious trouble
The chemicals and fumes from automobile exhaust have been proven to lead to pigmentation, premature aging, acne breakouts, and even skin cancer. These chemicals have also been linked to comedones and cysts. I know how you guys feel, I’m as scared as you guys are.
These pollutants make you want to stay indoor forever, right? As much as you wish you could stay inside forever, we know that’s not going to happen. With a healthy diet and proper skincare routine, your skin can pretty much fight off everything. I have many videos on those topics.
Watch them on my channel. Do You live in a polluted city, how do you manage your skin?
Comment Below.

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This Is What Makes Broccoli And Kale Superfoods

Of course, broccoli and kale are superfoods – and for many good reasons.

Not only are they seriously packed with nutrients, and are amongst the most nutrient-dense foods around. But, they’re also packed with amazing health-promoting compounds.

Today we’ll list out some of the impressive numbers of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and detoxifying abilities of these super vegetables.

Broccoli and kale are often touted to be “superfoods.” And, yes, they really are amazingly healthy for you.

If you’re wondering what exactly is in these green powerhouses that makes them so “super,” I’ve dived into the research to give you some nerdy reasons to make these a staple in your diet.

To start, they’re both considered cruciferous vegetables related to each other in the Brassica family. This family of super plants also includes cauliflower, cabbage, mustard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

These superfoods have a tonne of nutrition, and other health-promoting compounds, they’re relatively inexpensive and easy to cook too!

Super nutrition

Broccoli and kale are full of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. They’re both considered to be nutrient-dense which is a measure of nutrients per calorie – and these both have a lot!

100 grams of broccoli about 1 cup, chopped contains:
● 34 calories
● 2.8 g protein, 0.4 g fat, 6.6 g carbohydrates, and 2.6 g fiber.
● Good source of B vitamins when eaten raw
● 100% of your daily vitamin C
● Almost 100% of your vitamin K
● Good source of manganese
● Traces of all the other vitamins and minerals

One cup of loosely packed kale contains:
● 8 calories
● 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat including omega-3, 1.4 g carbohydrates, and 0.6 g fiber.
● It contains pre-vitamin A beta-carotene.
● Several B vitamins, including B1, B3, B5, B6, and folate B9
● Rich in vitamins C and K
● Lots of minerals including manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sulfur, copper, phosphorus, and calcium

As you can see, these two foods contain a lot of nutrients.

NOTE: Too much vitamin K may interact with certain thinning medications. If you’re taking one of these medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before incorporating too much of these superfoods into your diet.

Broccoli and kale also contain other health-promoting compounds.

Super health-promoting compounds

Broccoli and kale tend to taste a bit bitter – but that bitterness equals healthfulness!

This bitter flavor is from some of the health-promoting compounds in these super plant foods. Things like glucosinolates e.g., sulforaphane and isothiocyanates and polyphenol flavonols.

There are a few different types of kale – from curly kale to dinosaur kale, to red/purple kale. The different colors result from slight differences in the amounts of the compounds these plants contain.

One of the main active ingredients in cruciferous vegetables is glucosinolates. These antioxidant compounds are very useful to help detoxify and protect against cancer.

FUN FACT: It’s the precursors to glucosinolates that are in cruciferous vegetables, not the compounds themselves. When fresh broccoli and kale are eaten or even chopped/blended raw the active compounds are produced.

NOTE: Glucosinolates may affect iodine absorption and thyroid health, particularly in people prone to thyroid disease. In this case, you may not have to ditch these superfoods altogether – just cook them first.

These superfoods also contain flavonols like kaempferol and quercetin. Flavonols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and they decrease your risk of cancer.

Kale also contains carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are known for promoting eye health and are protective against many cancers.

When cooked, kale contains another anti-cancer compound called indole.

Do you, or anyone you know, absolutely love or not, these superfoods? Do you have a favorite recipe to share? Let me know in the comments below.

Love and Health



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The Truth About Processed Foods

No one is going to argue that unprocessed foods are good for you and ultra-processed foods are often not. But, there is a bit of a grey area between them.

And this is only true if we have clear definitions of what processed means.

In the post I am sharing today I dive into the four official categories of food processing:
● Unprocessed
● Minimally processed
● Processed
● Ultra-processed

What Makes a Food Processed?

The world of food can be so confusing at times. There was a time when it was clear what food was – it came directly from nature – whether foraging, hunting, or farming.

Now there are so many things we eat that don’t resemble natural food.

Michael Pollan has a famous quote, he said:

● Eat Food – Not too much – Mostly Plants

And in his famous book, In Defense of Food, he defines what food should be. He says, “Don’t eat anything your great-great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”

And, we can all agree that some things are obviously not recognizable by our great-great-grandmothers: candy bars, fast food, and sports drinks.

We can also say that many of the common health issues we face today: heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, cavities, etc. didn’t exist at anywhere near the rates before industrially processed foods became available.

But, where do we draw the line? How do we define processed? How processed is processed? And what the heck is ultra-processed?

Allow me to let you in on the internationally recognized classification system. And we’re going to go through it step-by-step with an apple.


According to NOVA, the official definition of unprocessed or natural foods is:

“The edible parts of plants (seeds, fruits, leaves, stems, roots) or of animals(muscle, offal, eggs, milk), and also fungi, algae, and water, after separation from nature.”

This is like eating a whole apple right off the tree – clearly unprocessed.

Minimally processed

Minimally processed foods are:

“natural foods altered by processes such as removal of inedible or unwanted parts, drying, crushing, grinding, fractioning, filtering, roasting, boiling, pasteurization, refrigeration, freezing, placing in containers, vacuum packaging, or nonalcoholic fermentation. None of these processes adds substances such as salt, sugar, oils or fats to the original food.”
So, with our apple example, once you cut the apple’s core out and put the slices into a container to bring with you for your afternoon snack, you are processing it – minimally. You can even peel and boil that chopped apple to make applesauce. And, as long as you don’t add anything else (like cinnamon), it’s still considered minimally processed.


Processed foods, on the other hand, are relatively simple products made by adding sugar, oil, salt or other processed ingredients to unprocessed foods.

“Most processed foods have two or three ingredients. Processes include various preservation or cooking methods, and, in the case of bread and cheese, non-alcoholic fermentation. The main purpose of the manufacture of processed foods is to increase the durability of unprocessed foods, or to modify or enhance their sensory qualities.”

So, if you take that applesauce, add cinnamon, and/or use it in a recipe, you technically have processed the apple.

This can still be a healthy choice, as you’ll see in the next definition of ultra-processed.


Here’s where things get interesting and scary!

Ultra-processed foods are:

“Industrial formulations typically with five or more and usually many ingredients. Such ingredients often include those also used in processed foods, such as sugar, oils, fats, salt, anti-oxidants, stabilizers, and preservatives. Ingredients only found in ultra-processed products include substances not commonly used in culinary preparations, and additives whose purpose is to imitate sensory qualities of [unprocessed] foods … or to disguise undesirable sensory qualities of the final product. [Unprocessed] foods are a small proportion of or are even absent from ultra-processed products.”

So, pre-packaged apple strudel with a long shelf life is very much an ultra-processed food. If you took a look at the ingredient list of pre-packaged apple strudel (one with a long shelf life), you would see added sugars, oils, preservatives, and flavour enhancers. And we can argue that the healthy apple is a small (very small) proportion of the strudel.

Now that you know the definitions of these foods, I think you’ll agree with me that the commonly used term processed is often referring to the industrial ultra-processing of foods.

I’d love to hear your thought on these definitions. Let me know in the comments below.

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Elimination Diet: The Easy Way To Discover A Food Intolerance

If you have some nagging symptoms, it’s possible that they’re related to the foods you eat! And we’re not just talking digestive symptoms. Even things like headaches, joint pain, or eczema can be related to food that you’re sensitive to.

How would you find out if there is food at the root of your issue? Through an elimination diet!

Elimination diets are just that – eliminating certain foods. Then you reintroduce them back one at a time to see if you are sensitive to those foods.

It’s a strategic process that can be great… but also not so great.

Our digestive system is a huge portal into our bodies. Lots of things can get in there that aren’t always good for us. And because the system is so complex (knowing which tiny molecules to absorb, and which keep out), lots can go wrong. And that’s one reason why 70% of our immune system lives in and around our digestive system.

This makes food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances a huge contribution to an array of symptoms all over our bodies. Things like autoimmune issues, inflammation, and even our moods can be affected by what we eat. If you have digestive issues or any other unexplained symptoms, you may consider trying an elimination diet.

An elimination diet is one where you strategically eliminate certain foods to see if you react to them. It can help immensely when trying to figure out if a particular food is causing symptoms because you’re sensitive to it.

You generally start out by eliminating the most common food allergens for a few weeks. Then you slowly add them back one at a time and note any symptoms (better or worse).

Let’s go over the pros and cons of this diet.

Pros of elimination diets

The main benefit is that, by tuning in to your body’s reactions to certain foods, you can pinpoint sensitivities and intolerances that you may not otherwise know of. Experiencing results first-hand can be very motivating when it comes to sticking to eliminating a certain food.

Elimination diets can be less expensive, and in some cases more reliable, than standard allergy testing.

It can also be very empowering to be in control of what you eat, learn about food and the compounds they contain, and try new recipes that exclude eliminated foods. Having a good plan makes things much easier (even exciting). If you love grocery shopping, cooking from scratch, and trying new recipes, you’re going to draw on all these skills.

These diets can be customizable, which is a great pro (see first con below).

Cons of elimination diets

You may not figure out everything you’re sensitive to. Your plan should be strategically created to ensure that the most common food allergens are eliminated. This will give you the highest likelihood of success. It can become complicated if you let it.

t’s a commitment for around 4-6 weeks, if not longer (which can be difficult for some people).

If you’re not used to tracking all foods and all symptoms every day, you’re going to have to start doing it.

You may find that you’re intolerant to one of your favorite foods, or even an entire group of your favorite foods.

When you’re eliminating certain foods (or parts of foods, like gluten), it can be HARD! You almost need to prepare all of your foods, snacks and drinks yourself from scratch. If you don’t take full control like this, it can be so easy to accidentally ingest something that you’re cutting out. And at that point, you might need to start all over again.


Elimination diets can be a very useful tool to identify food sensitivities. They can be empowering and customized.

However, they can be difficult to adhere to and, sadly, you may find out that you’re sensitive to your favorite foods.

Have you done an elimination diet? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below.

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Natural Ways To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is more common than most people think. And there are lots of things you can do to keep food moving right through you (without sticking around for too long).

We’ve all heard to eat more prunes, right? But there are lots of things you can eat, drink, and do beyond prunes.

By incorporating some of the strategies in this post, you can help to optimize your gut health, which can also help your overall health.

What to Eat if You Get Constipated

Constipation is the opposite of diarrhea – it’s when stool tends to stick around longer than necessary. Often it’s drier, lumpier, and harder than normal, and may be difficult to pass.

Constipation often comes along with abdominal pain and bloating. And can be common in people with certain gut issues, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

About 14-24% of adults experience constipation. Constipation becomes chronic when it happens at least three times per week for three months.

Constipation can be caused by diet or stress, and even changes to our daily routine. Sometimes the culprit is a medical condition or medications. And sometimes there can be a structural problem with the gut. Many times the cause is unknown.

Whether you know why or not, there are some things you can do if you get constipated.

1 – Eat more fiber

You’ve probably heard to eat more prunes (and figs and dates) if you get constipated.

Why is that?

It comes down to fiber.

Dietary fiber is a type of plant-based carbohydrate that we can’t digest and absorb. Unlike cows, humans don’t have the digestive enzymes to break it down. And that’s a good thing!

Even though we can’t digest it ourselves, fiber is very important for our gut health for two reasons.

First, fiber helps to push things through our system (and out the other end).

Second, fiber is an important food for feeding the friendly microbes in our gut.

There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to make a gel-like consistency. It can soften and bulk up the stool; this is the kind of fiber that you want to focus on for helping with constipation. Soluble fiber is found in legumes (beans, peas, lentils), fruit (apples, bananas, berries, citrus, pears, etc.), vegetables (broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc.), and grains like oats.

Psyllium is a soluble non-fermenting fiber from corn husks. It’s been shown to help soften stools and produce a laxative effect.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, holds onto water and can help to push things through the gut and get things moving. It’s the kind found in the skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, celery, zucchini, as well as the skins of apples, pears, and potatoes.

It’s recommended that adults consume between 20-35 grams of fiber per day.

If you are going to increase your fiber intake, make sure to do it gradually. Radically changing your diet can make things worse!

And, it’s also very important to combine increased fiber intake with my next point to drink more fluids.

2 – Drink more fluids

Since constipated stools are hard and dry, drinking more fluids can help keep everything hydrated and moist. This is especially true when trying to maintain a healthy gut every day, rather than when trying to deal with the problem of constipation after it has started.

And it doesn’t only have to be water – watery foods like soups, and some fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your fluid intake.

Always ensure you’re well-hydrated, and drinking according to thirst; this is recommended for gut health as well as overall health.

3 – Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial microbes that come in fermented foods and supplements. They have a number of effects on gut health and constipation. They affect gut transit time (how fast food goes through us), increase the number of bowel movements per week, and help to soften stools to make them easier to pass.

Probiotic foods (and drinks) include fermented vegetables (like sauerkraut and kimchi), miso, kefir, and kombucha.

More research is needed when it comes to recommending a specific probiotic supplement or strain. If you’re going to take supplements, make sure to read the label to ensure that it’s safe for you. And take it as directed.

4 – Lifestyle

Some studies show a gut benefit from regular exercise.

Ideally, aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes most days.

In terms of stress, when we’re stressed, it often affects our digestive system. The connection between our gut and our brain is so strong, researchers have coined the term “gut-brain axis.”

By better managing stress, we can help to reduce emotional and physical issues (like gut issues) that may result from stress. Try things like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise.

Have you found that fibre, water, or probiotics affect your gut health? What about exercise, stress, and regular bathroom trips? I’d love to know in the comments below!

Love and Health


These 5 Things Will Give You Better Skin

Your skin is amazing! It’s your largest organ and can help you look and feel fabulous.

But if it’s not fabulous at this very moment, let me help you to nourish it from the inside. Some foods can help your skin, and some foods can harm your skin. And I want to share with you some of my best skin-healthifying tips.

Whether it’s dryness, redness, blemishes, or whatever, your skin needs proper nutrition from the inside, not just the outside.

While I give you a list of foods great for your skin, I also have a super-simple recipe to incorporate them into your diet.

There are so many things that can go wrong with the skin: dryness, redness, blemishes, etc.

Healthy skin is a reflection of internal health. There are many creams and cosmetics to put on top of your skin. But, there are also lots of things you can do to nurture and nourish your skin to better health from the inside.

How better to do this than with food?

Your skin needs many nutrients: water, essential fats, vitamins, and amino acids. Here are five foods (and drinks and lifestyle tips) I highly recommend if your goal is healthier-looking skin. As a bonus, I have included a shortlist of some key foods to consider avoiding.

Let’s dive in.

Skin Food #1 – Water

No doubt hydration is key for healthy-looking skin! Water and other hydrating fluids are great to help your skin stay moist and supple.

And for a bit of an extra anti-inflammatory hydrating boost, try boosting your water with anti-inflammatory green tea (sugar-free if possible).

Skin Food #2 – Fish

Fish contains many nutrients important for skin health – omega-3s, and vitamins A and D to name a few.

Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory to help cool the flames of inflammation. Vitamin A can help with blemishes and dryness, while vitamin D helps with skin tone.

Skin Food #3 – Bell peppers, citrus, and broccoli

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our body. It’s also known to help our skin stay firm and supple.

Vitamin C is necessary for your body to make collagen. So foods rich in vitamin C are great for your skin. Cue: bell peppers, citrus, and broccoli.

FUN FACT: Overcooking vitamin C-rich foods can destroy some of the skin-supporting vitamins. So, try having these lightly steamed or raw for maximum vitamin C levels.


Did you know there are approximately 52 muscles in your face, and exercising them helps release facial tension, neck, and eye strain?

The muscles of the face are no different from the muscles of the rest of the body. If you don’t exercise the muscles below the neck, they become weak and flabby, and the same thing will happen to your face with age. Relaxing the facial muscles, especially where we hold tension – like the jaw, brow, and forehead – can counteract the wrinkle-causing grimacing we do on a daily basis. Facial Yoga obviously doesn’t eradicate lines, but it can definitely change the downward drift.

Love and Health


Skin “Food” #5 – Sleep more & stress less

I know these aren’t exactly foods, but they’re an important part of naturally great skin. When we don’t sleep enough, or stress too much our body flips on systems that affect our whole body… including our skin.

Stress hormones can increase inflammation and lead to not-so-healthy looking skin. Prioritize sleep and stress management, and you can see results in your life, and in your skin.

Watch out for these foods

Some foods are allergenic or inflammatory. These can cause all sorts of issues in your body, including affecting your skin.

It’s hard to come up with one list of inflammatory or allergenic foods for everyone. Each person is biochemically unique, so you may have to go through this and see what applies to you. There are a few common allergens that may be a good bet to eliminate from your diet.

The first is processed foods. These are pretty much not-so-good for everyone. And they can affect your health in so many ways, including how your skin looks & feels. Try ditching pre-packaged and fast foods in favour of whole foods as much as possible. Not just for your skin, for your whole body (and mind).

The second is gluten. While only a small number of people have serious reactions to gluten (i.e., celiac disease), many more people are intolerant to it. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and a few other grains. Many people have had several health concerns, including skin issues, clear up after eliminating gluten from their diets.

Third in line is dairy. It could be a hormonal response or even an insulin response. We don’t quite know why, but many people who cut out dairy report better skin

Travel With Me To Mauritius Episode 2

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” was aptly said by Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan explorer whose expeditions took him further than any other known traveler of his time. When I visited Mauritius this time, this was exactly what happened to me!
This beautiful island is like paradise with mile after mile of golden sandy beaches, but once you scratch below the surface, there’s a lot of culture and history. This island in the middle of the Indian Ocean is home to some incredible activities, unusual natural wonders, and fascinating history. Obviously, Mauritius is famous for 5* luxury hotels for a reason, and if you’re looking for a holiday to sit back and relax, Mauritius should definitely be on the list. I loved traveling around Mauritius and it completely blew me away. I have no doubt you’ll love it too! From Belle Marre Plage I checked out on the 7th day of my trip and checked into Maradiva Resort.

The 5-star Maradiva Resort is located on Wolmar Beach – near Flic en Flac. It is situated in a 27-acre tropical garden in the beautiful Tamarin Bay – well known for its stunning sunsets and dolphins. Owned by a fifth-generation Mauritian family, this hotel is the only all-villa hotel on the island. Spread over a generous 27 acres of lush tropical gardens, it’s also one of the island’s most private property, with a focus on romance, gastronomy, and wellness. Walking in the resort, I found the resort much better than what I had expected. Originally a Taj hotel, Mauritian-owned Maradiva’s architecture reflected the island’s mixed heritage. With cathedral ceilings, earthy yellow-and-ochre walls and polished Madagascan Rosewood floors, it was luxurious without being showy.

Watch the full episode

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6 Ways To Defy Aging and Enhance Radiance

Why do YOU look tired, worn down and aged?
Have people been telling you that you look tired or that you look older than you really are?
That is something that no woman wants to hear! Have you asked yourself why do people keep telling you that? Maybe it is time to re-evaluate!
You may not know this but the amount of sleep you get, the foods that you put into your body and the amount of activity you pursue have an everlasting effect on how you look and feel!

1.The Dirty Dozen That Causes Wrinkles
Here is a list of foods that are secret wrinkle formers. Stay away from these foods so that your skin looks flawless!
• Processed Meats
• Pasteurized Dairy
• Refined Sugar
• Alcohol
• High-fat & High-Sodium Snacks
• Coffee
• Fried Foods
• Gluten
• Overcooked Foods
• Soda
• Frozen Meals
• Flavored Yogurt
Once you eliminate these foods that cause those unwanted crow’s feet, you will have the ageless skin you have always wanted!

2. Gluten is Not Your Friend
When gluten is oxidized in the body, the Sulphur containing amino acids it possesses creates a bridge between the fibers and causes the protein to harden. When this happens, parts of the body that absorb the abnormal nutrient starts to lose their suppleness and elasticity, leading to pain and sagging skin.

Since one cannot stop oxidation from occurring, the best natural anti-aging means to follow is adhering to a gluten-free diet. Not only will you keep your physical youth, but you’ll also get to avoid its unpleasant long-term effects on your internal system.

Gluten is everywhere. It’s in bread, it’s in pasta, it’s in cupcakes. This wheat protein even sneaks into unexpected places like canned soup, salad dressings, and oatmeal. For most people, this is no big deal.

Gluten is a key factor in giving bread its chewiness and cupcakes their airy crumb.
By removing gluten from your diet, you will not only have more energy but your skin will look 10 years younger.

3: Get More Beauty Sleep
Not getting enough sleep not only influences your mental capacity but, it also takes a toll on your physical appearance. Your body can not truly restore itself until its asleep.

Making sure that you get at least 8 hours of solid sleep each night will kick those eye bags to the curb! Even if that means going to bed just an hour earlier to get the sleep you need to have you looking rested and it will also give you the energy back that has been behind those yawns.

4: Stay Active
Staying active is very hard for most people. When people hear active they immediately think 7 days a week at a gym, sweating through all of your clothes and lifting endless weights. There is nothing wrong with that but there is a simpler solution. Have fun!

Staying active does not have to mean the gym. It can be anything from taking a walk with your spouse, playing outside with the kids, even going dancing with some friends keeps you active. The more active you are the more energy you will and will make you feel and look 10 years younger.

Pretty soon everyone will want to know your secret!

5: Ditch the Toxins
Our skin is the largest organ in our body, and the organ that is exposed to SO much throughout our daily lives. Think about it, every day we step outside and do different things that expose our skin to so many different elements. Most of us don’t often think about how our skin is affected and what actually affects it on a daily basis. We thought we would share a bit more about how these elements can affect your skin and help you to understand how toxins affect your skin. We’re exposed to SO many toxins on a daily basis and we need to change that.

The good news is you can give it a boost, by doing a more serious detox through things like dry brushing. The point is you want to get your skin moving and functioning like it’s supposed to so you don’t continue to suffer the struggles of the toxins building up and preventing your body from naturally detoxifying itself.

6: Clean Out Your Makeup Cabinet
Most of your makeup is probably loaded with toxins. These toxins affect your skin by causing skin rashes, blemishes, wrinkles, dark circles and dry your skin out. It can also cause excess oil to remain on your face.

Natural beauty products are all the rage right now, and it’s no wonder why! Making the conscious decision to embrace a pure, organic and toxin-free beauty regime will not only lead to better skin but an overall improved lifestyle.

The majority of ingredients found in toxin-free beauty products are antioxidant, vitamin- and mineral-rich, meaning skin can receive a myriad of skin-loving nutrients to help with its regeneration and revival.

Who doesn’t want that?
Do you have any tips of you so keep looking younger, Share with me in the comments below?

Love and Health


Natural Facelift with Sculptural Facelift Technique

Do you exercise your face the same way you exercise your body?

If you are based in the UAE, contact me for an appointment.

Our face contains over 40 different muscles and unlike most of the rest of the body, a lot of these facial muscles are rarely used. So we need to do facial workouts regularly. And that’s exactly what the procedure of sculptural face lifting does.
It’s fitness for the facial muscles, which are very hard to train in any other way. ‪through this method, we restore the clear edges of the face as well as diminishing pouches under the eyes and sagging skin. We are essentially causing micro trauma to the skin by the repetition of the movements, enhancing the blood flow to the surface of the skin, and nourishing the cells in order to jumpstart the production of collagen and elastin.‬‬

The procedure of Sculptural Face Lifting has revolutionized the traditional approach to beauty in the industry which is dominated by invasive techniques, plastic surgeries, fillers and the use of various toxic substances to delay the ageing process. Being a pioneer in the field of modern holistic beauty, it proved its effectiveness and has shown time and time again that there is a way to beauty without pain. This treatment gives the prolonged effects of natural face, neck and décolleté lifting without side effects and the risks of complications. Sculptural Face Lifting propels the internal resources of the body for the natural rejuvenation and recovery. It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, increases the microcirculation in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, normalizes cellular respiration, activates metabolism and tissue nourishment. The secret of the success of the technique lies in the deep study of the basic facial and masticatory muscles of the face simultaneously – from the outside through the skin and through the oral cavity from the inside.

As a result, muscle tone and elasticity are restored. Muscles tighten and skin becomes smooth, returning the face to its natural shape. Overall, Sculptural Face Lifting technique produces such positive results:
• facial muscles relax and muscle tone returns to normal;
• helps muscle recovery, restores elasticity, tightens and smoothes the skin by restoring the oval of the face;
• eliminates spasms and blockages;
• enables metabolism and tissue nourishment;
• appearance and elasticity of the skin improve via stimulation of skin cell regeneration and prevention of wrinkles.

Additionally to tightening and strengthening of the face, the procedure normalizes the client’s psycho-emotional state including the chronic fatigue syndrome. The inner blocks and clamps are removed, stress and anxiety melt away.

During the session, an osteopathic effect is achieved – tissue tension decrease, muscle spasms and pain are removed. The face “opens’ and begins to “breath”.

Two complementary techniques are examined and worked out in details – Sculptural and Intraoral parts:

• Sculptural technique – this first part includes thorough skillful facial manipulations. Muscle sculpting is achieved by kneading the whole face, neck and décolletage area superficially.
• An intraoral technique that follows after effects mimic and chewing muscles along the entire length from point to point of muscle’s attachment simultaneously from the outer and inner sides through the oral cavity, and also, indirectly, the facial bones of the skull. In-depth massage results in face rectification, restoring the shape and improving oedema. It strengthens and tones the areas of the muscles which are inaccessible during the external massage. This part is performed by the practitioner wearing sterile gloves inside the oral cavity.

This massage is a highly specialized treatment –.by massaging the fascia inside and outside the mouth, the treatment increases blood and oxygen supply and collagen production. It also releases muscle tension that may lead to deep wrinkles or expression lines. “We have the most stress in the jawline,” “When we’re angry or have negative emotions, we have the most stress there. The earth’s gravity pulls everything down to there.”

1. Facelift without surgery

2. Rejuvenation without injection therapy

3. Passive Fitness for the Face

4. Anti-Stress Effect

5. Deep Relaxation of Facial Muscle

6. Lymphatic Drainage and Detox

7. Therapeutic Effect

8. Light Osteopathic Effect

9. Quality of Skin

10. Improved Facial Posture

Try Sculptural facelift method and you will be hooked

Love and Health


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Travel With Me To Mauritius Episode 1

A globetrotter that I am, a month back I was super excited when I was invited by the Mauritius tourism board.

Mauritius an island in the Indian ocean. As Mark Twain aptly said 200 years ago, “Mauritius was made first, and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius”.

With its spectacular lagoons, blinding white beaches, lofty peaks, beautiful people and delicious cuisines, Mauritius easily ticks the boxes of anyone’s definition of paradise or heaven.

But that is not all, it has some of the world’s most spectacular properties, beautiful sunrises, and Nature to lift up your spirits.

I landed in Mauritius and checked into my hotel Constance Belle Mare Plage. Set along a stunning 2km white sand beach, in a sheltered bay on the east coast of Mauritius, Constance Belle Mare Plage is a harmonious combination of the tropical environment and Constance Chic. Constance Belle Mare Plage has a very resort-like feel to it. It’s definitely the kind of place where I thought I could spend a week without setting foot off the property and have an amazing time.

Watch the full episode as I explore Mauritius.

Have you been to Mauritius? What is your favorite memory of Mauritius? Share with me in the comment box.

Love and Health


How Prebiotics Keep You Healthy and Help in Weight Loss

Did you ever think that what you eat doesn’t just feed you… it also feeds your friendly health-promoting probiotics in your gut?

Food for our probiotics is called… you guessed it: “prebiotics.”

“Pre” biotics?

Yes! They’re the food that we feed our probiotics, the friendly gut microbes that are oh so important for good health.

Our gut microbes are alive, and they need to eat too. Their favorite foods are called “prebiotics” and include dietary fiber and resistant starch. The same fiber that keeps us feeling full slows down digestion and provides roughage that keeps us regular. Resistant starch helps promote healthy blood lipids. Both types of prebiotics (fiber and resistant starch) are linked with many health benefits.

Technically-speaking, a prebiotic has three qualities:
It needs to be undigested and reach the colon intact;
It needs to be digested by our gut microbes; and,
It needs to stimulate our health-promoting good gut microbes.

Now that we know what prebiotics are let’s dive into their health benefits.

Health benefits of prebiotics

Prebiotic fiber helps keep us regular by bulking up our poop. It gives it substance and form, so it’s not too runny or liquid. In fact, more fiber is often recommended to help with symptoms of diarrhea. The prebiotic fiber used to be thought of like a broom that sweeps food through our guts, but we’re learning more about its health benefits beyond this role.

For example, prebiotics can also help to maintain normal bowel structure and function, and even enhance blood flow to the cells of the colon.

Those are some of the health benefits of prebiotics themselves. But we get even more health benefits when our friendly gut microbes eat and digest them.

For one thing, our gut microbes use prebiotics to make short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These SCFAs (e.g., butyrate) can feed the cells of our colon to keep them healthy. SCFAs also inhibit the growth of bad gut microbes, and can even increase mineral (e.g., calcium and magnesium) absorption. These effects are all linked to the slight acidity caused by the acids in those SCFAs.

Dietary fiber also binds to healthful phytonutrients (phyto = plant). These phytonutrients are lost when the fiber is removed from the food. But, when we eat the prebiotic fiber, our gut microbes release these phytonutrients so we can absorb and use them.

Where to get prebiotics

Dietary fiber and resistant starch are the main sources of prebiotics.

Prebiotic fiber is found mostly in plants; both fruits and vegetables.

Resistant starch is any starch (a type of carbohydrate) that goes through most of our digestive tract without being digested. It’s not broken down by our digestive enzymes because it’s “resistant”… until it gets to our gut microbes in the colon. Resistant starch is found in starchy foods like whole grains and potatoes.

One of the big differences between fiber and resistant starch is that all of the fiber we eat is undigestible. All of it reaches our colons. Resistant starch, on the other hand, is just a small percent of the starch we eat. Most starch is digested and absorbed along our digestive tract, and that part is not considered to be prebiotic. Only the small amount of starch that is resistant to digestion and makes it down to the colon to feed our probiotics is prebiotic.

Prebiotic fiber is found in fibrous fruits and vegetables. It’s essentially what’s removed when we make juice – the pulp. It’s one of the reasons why eating whole fruits and vegetables is more healthful than replacing them with juice.

Here are some great sources of dietary fibre:

Resistant starch is found in:
Whole grains (e.g. oats)
Green bananas

Starches can be made resistant by cooking and cooling these foods before eating them. The cooling process allows the starches to re-shape themselves into a structure that is harder to digest (i.e., more resistant).


Prebiotics are fiber and resistant starches that feed our gut microbes. And when we feed our gut microbes, they help keep our gut healthy and have other health benefits too.

Do you ever juice your amazingly healthy fruits and vegetables and have a ton of leftover pulp? What do you do with it? I have a great recipe for using that oh so healthy prebiotic fiber in a delicious way.

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Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

Oh no! You have a cold? Let me tell you what you can do naturally to recover as soon as possible. You’ll be back to yourself in no time with my tried-and-true tips.

Getting a common cold doesn’t have to be so… common. There are things you can do naturally to make getting sick less likely.

But, if you do happen to get sick, there are things you can also do to help support your body to fight it off.

Good hand hygiene and overall healthy habits can reduce your risk of getting sick in the first place. And good nutrition can help your immune system fight off a cold quicker. Imagine your germ-fighting immune cells all hungry and tired, versus them being nourished and full of energy.

And that’s what this post is all about.

First I’ll give you some tips to reduce your risk of getting sick in the first place. Then, I’ll let you in on some of my strategies to recover from that cold you may still get from time to time.

Natural tips to reduce your risk of sickness

Here are some great ideas to incorporate into your daily life to reduce your risk of getting sick.

1 – Wash your hands. A lot. Your hands can trap and transport all kinds of microbes that cause sickness. And I’m not just talking about colds here, but lots of different germs.

NOTE: Antibacterial soap is not recommended! Not only is it no more effective than regular soap and water, but it can contribute to antibiotic resistance.

2 – Get enough nutrients. I know this is way oversimplified, but I would be remiss to exclude it. Every cell in your body, including your immune cells, need enough of all the essential nutrients. The more nutrition you have, the better and stronger you will be, especially with vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A-rich foods include carrots, sweet potato, and organ meats. Vitamin C-rich foods include bell peppers and citrus. Vitamin E-rich foods include nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.

3 – Probiotic foods. Helping our health-promoting gut microbes with more of their probiotic friends is in order here to help keep the immune system strong. Try 1-2 servings/day of fermented foods and drinks like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kefir, and kombucha.

4 – Prebiotic foods. Feeding those friendly gut microbes their favorite foods can help them to grow and flourish. They love fibrous foods like onions, asparagus, berries, bananas, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and seeds. Aim for 2-3 servings/day.

5 – Get enough sleep. Did you know that our immune system cycles with our circadian system? When we sleep our immune cells produce antibodies to fight infections. Try to get at least 7 hours every single night, even when you’re feeling great.

Natural tips to recover from that sickness

When you do get an infection, not only do you need more nutrients to fight it off, but your body also has a harder time absorbing and using the nutrients you take in. Sometimes this is because of reduced hunger, sometimes due to gastrointestinal reasons. Either way, nourishing your body is even more important. When you do get sick, make sure you are implementing tips 1-5 plus the tips below that are crucial for getting over a common cold.

6 – Drink lots of fluids. Being sick can be dehydrating. Fluids like water, chicken soup, and green tea are warm, hydrating comfort drinks. Chicken soup is a source of electrolytes, especially if homemade from a real chicken with lots of vegetables. Green tea has been shown to boost some of our immune cells, and this can help to better fight off the invading germ.

7 – Rest and recover. When your body is fighting an infection, it’s busy working hard for your health. Give it a break and relax while you’re feeling under the weather.


There are lots of things we can do to stay healthy and reduce infections naturally. Washing your hands is a proven way to reduce your risk. And staying healthy in all other ways helps a lot. Getting enough nutrition, eating probiotic and prebiotic foods, and getting enough sleep are key year-round.

If you do get sick, keep up all of your good habits above, and make sure to add some warm, healthy fluids, and extra rest.

What do you do when you get sick? Let me know in the comments below.

Recipe (Throat soothing): Honey Lemon Ginger Cough Drops, Subscribe to my newsletter

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Tips To Go Dairy Free

Let’s count the reasons to go dairy free: allergy, intolerance, preference, try new recipes…

I can help you make delicious and super-simple substitutes for the most popular dairy products. You won’t miss them!

As a health practitioner, I can tell you that dairy is not an essential nutrient. #truthbomb

Whether you can’t consume it, choose not to, want to cut down, or just want to try new simple recipes, this post is for you.

I’ve compiled a list of delicious dairy-free substitutes that I love. Substitutes for milk, butter, parmesan, and even pudding and ice cream! And you don’t have to buy them at the grocery store if you don’t want to. There are super-simple recipes that you can easily make in your kitchen.

If you’re reading this, you likely are or are considering going dairy-free. You may have an intolerance, have been told to eliminate dairy, or just want to have less of it.

Either way, dairy is not an essential nutrient, and there are lots of things you can have instead.

These include not just milk, but also yogurt, butter, parmesan, and even pudding and ice cream!

Dairy-free products are becoming more and more popular. Nowadays you can easily find them in the grocery store. But read your labels! Some contain way too much sugar, or other ingredients you may not want to eat or drink.

I’ve put together some simple recipes to make delicious dairy-free foods right in your kitchen.

Go ahead and try my dairy substitutes.

Delicious dairy-free milk

Dairy-free milk is so easy to make and flavour yourself. You can make milk out of just about any nut or seed. You can even make alternative milk out of grains like rice, oats, or quinoa. And you can flavour them too.

It just takes a high-powered blender, some water, and cheesecloth to filter out any remaining bits.

For flavouring, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, or vanilla extract. You can also sweeten your milk with soaked dates, maple syrup, or honey.

To make a super-simple dairy-free milk just soak ½ cup of almonds, coconut, or even hemp seeds for a few hours (if you have the time). Soaking is optional, but it makes the blending process easier and the final milk creamier. Then drain the soaking water, rinse, and add to a blender with 2 cups of fresh water. Blend on high until smooth (about 1 minute). Add your flavourings, if desired. Then strain through a nut milk bag, fine mesh strainer, or a few layers of cheesecloth.

If you want to make a dairy-free cream, just blend your nuts, seeds and/or grains with 1 cup of water instead of 2 for a thicker, creamier, dairy-free milk.

Delicious dairy-free yogurt

Technically, with the right yogurt starter probiotic culture, you can make yogurt out of any dairy-free milk. The most common one to ferment into yogurt is coconut milk. But you can use almond milk or other nut or seed milk.

The trick here is with the fermentation. Follow the instructions on the label of the yogurt starter culture, and enjoy delicious dairy-free yogurt in a few days.

Delicious dairy-free butter alternatives

Nut and seed butter is a fabulous substitute for dairy butter. Plus, they have the bonus of fibre, protein, and other nutrients that real butter doesn’t have.

Have you tried coconut oil? It’s a great dairy-free substitute for butter. You can fry with it, or even bake with it. You can even use it to pop popping corn in a pot on your stove.

I love the mild flavor of coconut oil in anything I bake with bananas. It tastes better than butter anyway.

Delicious dairy-free parmesan

If you haven’t tried nutritional yeast, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much it tastes like grated parmesan. Plus, it contains some B vitamins as well.

It’s a salty, cheesy, flaky powder that you can use wherever you want to add a pop of savory flavor to any dish.

TIP: After you’ve popped your popcorn, sprinkle it with a bit of nutritional yeast for a salty, cheesy flavour.

Delicious dairy-free puddings

Did you know you can make a delicious and thick pudding without dairy? That’s right; the plant kingdom has some natural thickeners that are full of fiber.

You can make a chocolate pudding with avocado. Take one whole avocado and blend it up with ¼ cup cocoa powder, ¼ cup dairy-free milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Then add dairy-free milk to thin if desired.

For chocolate chia pudding, use ⅓ cup chia seeds and place in a food processor with 1.5 cups dairy-free milk. Wait for 5-10 minutes until the seeds soak up the liquid. Then add ¼ cup cocoa powder, tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Blend into a smooth pudding.

Dairy-free is easy! Making delicious dairy-free yogurt, milk, butter, parmesan flavor, and even pudding and ice cream is simple.

Are you going to try any of these recipes? Do you have a great one to share as well?

Let me know in the comments below.

Love and Health


How To Create Mindset For Health

How’s your health mindset? Do you feel like you’re healthy and fit? Do you treat foods like they’re good or bad? Are you aiming for perfect, or is it good enough or better working for you?

Is it just me, or is “mindset” the new buzzword in the health & wellness sphere lately?

You may feel like there are so many things that can improve your health and wellness. But, maybe, there is one small and powerful thing you can do to start. That thing is your mindset!

And research is showing that having a positive mindset about your health can improve your physical health! The mind-body connection is real.

So much of health is all about habits and actions, but where do these all stem from? What if we don’t have to make as many changes as we think we do? What if there was one powerful thing that makes a lot of difference?

That thing is the mindset.

Mindset is sometimes called “the story we tell ourselves.” It’s our attitude toward things in our life. And we have control over our mindset.

And research is showing that it may be far more powerful than we thought.

Very interesting health mindset study

Here’s a quick story about a fascinating study.

Researchers at Stanford University looked at a bunch of people’s health and wellness lifestyle habits, as well as health markers.

What they found was that the people who thought they were a lot less active had a higher risk of death than the general public. And, they also had up to 71% higher risk of death than people who thought they were more active. Even if they actually weren’t less active!

How is this even possible that people who simply thought they were less active had higher risks, even if it wasn’t true?

There are a couple of ideas why. One is that maybe if we feel like we’re less active, it may make us feel more stressed. And stress isn’t good for our mental or physical health. Second, there may be a bit of a mind-body connection where the body embodies what the mind visualizes.

Researchers don’t know why, but what matters is that there is a good mindset. So, let me give you a couple of strategies to boost your mindset for health.

Health mindset strategy 1 – Aim for good enough.

Almost no one eats perfectly seven days a week. It’s inevitable that obsessing over the quality and quantity of everything we eat or drink isn’t necessarily a great mindset to have.

It can bring on binging, shame, and guilt – none of these are great ways to get healthy. We want to get healthier by making better choices and building better habits. And these are usually best done incrementally – one step at a time.

So, instead of having a black and white approach where everything is good or bad, why not try aiming for good enough to empower ourselves to make better choices, instead of perfect choices.

Health mindset strategy 2 – Stop making tradeoffs

When you try to earn a gluttonous weekend by eating clean during the week, you’re making a tradeoff. You’re telling yourself that, as long as you’re good most of the week, you can go wild on the weekend.

And that’s not awesome because the mindset is jumping from one extreme to the other. You’re controlling what you do all week, and possibly thinking about how to indulge over the weekend. Just live as though you’re trying to do well every single day. Like you care about your health and wellness. You’re doing your best, and that’s good enough.


Mindset for health can be a powerful tool for better physical health. There’s a proven mind-body connection that research can measure.

Thinking positively, and dropping the black/white and good/bad labels, can help you reach your health goals.

How is your mindset for health? Which of these tips resonate with you the most? How are you going to implement them in your life? Let me know in the comments below.

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Natural Anti Aging Secrets

One thing that we cannot change about our skin is that it ages – it loses firmness and elasticity over time as well as becomes hyperpigmented. One thing that we can change though is postponing this process to as far in the future as possible – the sooner we start the better. Knowing that, let’s go through what we can do every day to keep our skin looking youthful for longer.

Eat your way to glowing skin!

It is very true that we are what we eat – it also applies to skin aging. Our skin changes with time because its building proteins break down more easily, mainly due to a weakened response to free radicals – particles that destabilize the structure of macromolecules in the skin layers. They also promote the overall inflammation in our bodies that results in poorer skin resilience, more age spots and higher susceptibility to infections. The answer here is antioxidants that, luckily for us, are abundant in all sorts of different foods.

• Eat berries! They’re round, they’re juicy but they also happen to be one of the most antioxidant-rich foods that exist. Their hidden weapon is flavonoids that give them their beautiful colors – the darker a berry, the more antioxidant properties it has.

• Pamper yourself with dark chocolate. It does sound too dreamy, doesn’t it? Well, good for you because chocolate with high cacao content teems with polyphenols. Be sure though that it doesn’t have sugar nor milk added!

• Drink green tea as often as you can, even in place of your daily cup of coffee. It contains plenty of health-giving tannins and other antioxidants.

Try incorporating a bit of each of the above foods in everyday diet; they are the most powerful amongst all that nature has to offer. It doesn’t have to be anything big or special, a handful of blueberries with a nice and warm pot of freshly brewed green tea is enough; the key here is regularity.

Use your sunscreen!

Sun rays are something that we are exposed to every day, yet they are also one of the most deleterious factors for the skin – they damage the DNA that weakens the skin cells and results in poorer protein content. Sun also promotes free radicals activity if that was too little. That’s why it is crucial to wear a high SPF and broad-spectrum filter every day even when it is cloudy outside – the sun rays do not rest; they penetrate our clothes let alone the clouds on a gloomy day. Indeed, what is also confirmed by dermatologists, a combination of antioxidants and regular use of sunscreen is the infallible receipt for youthful skin for long years.

Try face massage or face yoga!

The skin needs their nutrients and a simple way to fulfill that wish is via having a massage or doing face yoga. During both activities, the local circulation in the skin is stimulated hence more oxygen and nutritive particles can reach the cells – a well fed skin = a glowing skin! Furthermore, face yoga has one extra feature – it forces the facial muscles to move. By doing so, it cares for that no area of the face remains unused and thus flat or inelastic. This effect is visible from the outside with the naked eye after a few sessions – the skin is significantly firmer and brighter.

Besides doing a few face yoga exercises from time to time, you can also easily incorporate face massage into your routine while applying your moisturizer. Start with small and gentle circular movements from the inside to the outside using just your pinky finger – not only the microcirculation will be adequately boosted but also it is fun to be this precise! When it comes to the face areas which need lifting and more firmness, try sliding movements from the base up – positive results guaranteed!

Which one will you incorporate in your routine to delay the signs of aging? write in the comment box below.

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Holistic Skincare Masterclass


How To Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure affects a billion people! It’s one of those silent conditions that can become serious.
High blood pressure is a silent disease. Often, there are no symptoms, so that’s why it’s tested regularly by your healthcare professional. It’s better to catch it before it gets out of hand.

Beyond the standard advice to reduce salt and caffeine, there are some foods and drinks that can help too. I’ve rounded up a few for you. You may be surprised at them.

If you have high blood pressure, it’s best that you are monitored by your healthcare professional. And if you’re on medication for high blood pressure never change that without speaking with a medical professional.

Today, we’ll talk about what exactly blood pressure is, and which foods and lifestyle factors can help with it.

What is high blood pressure?

It’s something your doctor commonly checks. You can even do it yourself in many pharmacies, or purchase at-home blood pressure monitors. There is an inflatable tube placed around your arm that gets blown up and tight. It measures how hard your blood is pushing against the walls of your blood vessels.

If your vessels are stiff, the pressure increases. It’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly because for many people there are no symptoms as it slowly creeps higher and higher.

This measurement is important because elevated high blood pressure for too long can cause serious damage. In extreme cases, it can result in blindness, kidney damage, stroke, or even a heart attack.

Here are a few of the foods and drinks that can help with blood pressure.

Eat more plants – This is key

If there is one thing you can to eat to help with blood pressure, it’s plants.

Plants increase your intake of many critical nutrients. Especially vitamins C, E, and folate; and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sulfur. Not to mention the all-around health booster known as fibre. All of these nutrients are needed for optimal heart and blood health.

Some plants to eat more of include leafy greens (kale in particular), legumes, nuts/seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes.

Two plants I want to highlight in particular are flaxseeds and beets. A few tablespoons of ground flaxseeds a day is one of the best foods to help with blood pressure. Beets contain a blood pressure lowering substance called nitrate. Beet juice has been shown to reduce blood pressure within hours of drinking it.

Eat fewer processed foods

We’ve all heard the advice to reduce sodium intake for high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, most of the sodium in our diet is from the salt added to processed foods. It’s not from the dash or two on your homemade cooked-from-scratch dinner. Reducing processed food intake not only reduces sodium and sugar intake but also increases intake of more nutrient-dense less processed foods. Win-win.

Ditch the fast-food, takeout, restaurant meals, and convenience snacks. Replace them with some of the plants I mentioned above.

Ditch the caffeine… particularly if you’re sensitive to it

Coffee has been shown to temporarily increase blood pressure. Its effects can last for up to three hours after drinking it. It may not be so bad if you’re not sensitive to it, but caffeine affects some people more than others. Some caffeine sensitivity symptoms include shakiness, worry, irregular heartbeat, or difficulty sleeping.

If you find caffeine affects you, then try switching to decaf or eliminating it altogether.

PRO TIP: Don’t drink a cup of regular coffee or have other sources of caffeine right before your next doctor’s appointment or blood pressure test.

Drink hibiscus tea

This is not hype. There is science behind the blood pressure lowering effects of hibiscus tea.

Several clinical studies have shown that it works. In one study, people drank two cups of strong hibiscus tea every morning. Those two cups were made using a total of five tea bags. This lowered the subjects’ blood pressure as much as a blood pressure medication.


In addition to food, know that a number of lifestyle factors can be helpful too.

● First of all, if you smoke, really focus on quitting.
● If you drink alcohol, don’t overdo it.
● If you’re seriously stressed, try meditating, yoga, deep breathing, walking in nature, or any other way that busts your stress.
● If you don’t exercise, start small. Also try not to overdo exercise if you already have high blood pressure.

Which of these are you going to try first? Let me know in the comments below.

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Foods To Eat To Heal Your Thyroid- Thyroid Diet

Your thyroid is sometimes thought of as a master controller of your metabolism. The hormones it makes affects the biochemical reactions in all of your cells. But, thyroid concerns are more common than you might think.

So, what kind of healthy foods support your thyroid? I have a bunch listed in this video.

Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things – not a big deal – just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining a healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life.

(Yes, your thyroid IS a big deal!)

It’s estimated that at least 3.7% of US adults have an underactive thyroid.

When you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, it’s called hypothyroidism. This can result in the slowing down of your metabolism and cause difficulty losing weight; and even weight gain. Some of the other symptoms can include fatigue, forgetfulness, dry hair and skin, constipation, muscle cramping, and feeling cold.

An underactive thyroid can be diagnosed from a blood test from your health professional.

How does the thyroid become underactive?

There are many reasons why your thyroid may become underactive. The most common is autoimmunity, where the immune cells attack other cells in the body. In this case, the cells of the thyroid gland.

It can also be the result of low levels of iodine, which is an essential mineral. Combining that with high levels of goitrogens (food substances that inhibit iodine from getting into thyroid) and you can be at risk for an iodine deficiency.

PRO TIP: Iodine-deficiency is not very common in the developed world, so supplements are likely not necessary, and may exacerbate certain thyroid issues. Check with your healthcare professional before taking supplements, and always read the label.

Foods and nutrients for your thyroid

Enough iodine from food – Iodine is naturally found in fish and seafood. Other foods that contain iodine are navy beans, potatoes, and eggs. Sometimes levels of natural iodine depend on the amount of iodine in the soil. Iodine is also added (i.e., fortified) to some foods.

PRO TIP: During pregnancy and breastfeeding iodine requirements increase by up to 60%, so pay attention to eat enough iodine-containing foods.

Enough selenium from food – Some people recommend selenium (another essential mineral) to support the thyroid. A recent review of several clinical studies showed that there is not enough evidence to recommend selenium supplements to people with certain thyroid conditions. Because of this, it’s best to stick with selenium-rich foods like Brazil nuts, mushrooms, meat, and fish.

Reduce goitrogens – Goitrogens are plant-estrogens that prevent the iodine in your blood from getting into your thyroid where it’s needed to make thyroid hormones. Goitrogens themselves are not that powerful, unless they’re eaten excessively, or are combined with a diet already low in iodine. They are found in “cruciferous” foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. Goitrogens can be deactivated by cooking the foods they’re found in. Because these cruciferous vegetables are very nutritious, you may choose to cook them instead of eliminating them altogether.

Enough protein – One of the common symptoms of thyroid issues is the inability to lose weight. If this is the case, one thing you can eat more of is protein. Protein has a “thermogenic effect” because your body has to spend energy metabolizing protein; this means that calorie-for-calorie, carbs will promote weight gain more than protein will.

Gluten-free – Try going gluten-free. There is evidence of a link between underactive thyroid and gluten sensitivity. There may be a “cross-reactivity” where the immune cells that are sensitized to gluten can attack the thyroid cells by mistake; this is essentially how autoimmunity works and can affect more than just your thyroid. You might request getting tested for celiac disease if you are experiencing thyroid issues.

Lifestyle upgrade – Weight gain and difficulty losing weight are very common when it comes to thyroid issues. In this case, it’s important to get enough regular exercise, enough quality sleep, and reduce stress.

Do you or someone you know have concerns about your thyroid? What diet and lifestyle factors have you gotten the most benefit from? Let me know in the comments below.

Love and Health


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5 Surprising Skincare Mistakes That’s Aging You

Everyone leads a different lifestyle, has their own habits as well as is loyal to their well – planned skincare routine. The uniting factor in all that is that we all strive to do our best for the most effective results possible. What if we unconsciously sabotage ourselves though? What if we unintentionally make small blunders every day that are unobviously detrimental to our skin? View our list below of five surprising habitual mistakes that propel skin aging and check if any of your routine’s elements is on it!

Over cleansing
Even if you have extremely oily skin, over-cleansing is never a good idea. When washing our face, we strip it off its naturally composed, protective lipid film that locks in moisture as well as is antiseptic. It has been dermatologically proven that the more we wash the film off the face, the more sebum production is promoted – the process propels itself and we get caught in a vicious circle. Not only is it harder then to control the excess of oil but the skin also gets weaker, dehydrated and less resilient – it is anything but beneficial. Dermatologists recommend to gently wash the face twice a day + just after we had sweated hard – it is not too little yet not too much at the same time, truly a golden standard.

Over exfoliation
A very similiar thing happens when we over-exfoliate – yet again we excessively strip our face off its protective lipid barrier. We might get a feeling that the skin is purer and simply cleaner but what we achieve is aggravating inflammation and irritation – the skin will probably become reddened, thiner and tighter. Furthermore, we may contradictorily bring about the formation of clogged pores and blackheads due to the aforementioned promoted production of excess sebum. For the best results, choose retinoids or acid – based chemical peels and use them up to 2 times per week – if you have dry skin, once a week will be totally fine.

Exercising too little or too much
Exercise overall is indeed an important factor in keeping our skin healthy and functioning properly. When we work out, our heart rate increases what pumps the blood through our organs, including the skin, more intensively – the skin cells get better supplied in needed oxygen and beneficial nutrients for accurate growth and proliferation. Moreover, when exercising the skin adjusts itself to the movements of our body – it stretches and therefore promotes its own elasticity and firmness. That’s also why special facial exercise like facial yoga is an efficacious way to lift the specific areas of the skin.

Going further, we can easily imagine what happens when we exercise too little or too much. Regarding the former, our skin will become duller and grayer due to an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. Furthermore, our blood vessels are to some degree visible through our skin, contributing to its external color – if we don’t move a lot, less healthy skin color will be provided. If we exercise too much on the other hand, we might put too much weight on the skin and overburden it – it can be further exacerbated by the excess sweat which only serves as food to pathogenic bacteria residing on our skin. It is also an irritant in its own nature.

Sleeping less
Our sleep time is our recovery time from all the stress put not only on our body or mind but also on our skin. At night, a hormone called melatonin is secreted in higher amounts that promote healthy skin cells’ growth and proliferation – that’s when the skin regenerates itself. Same happens for the boosted production of all the protective lipids of the skin barrier or building structural proteins like collagen and elastin. If we do not sleep enough, most of those processes is lost and never to be regained. In addition, we wake up looking not in our best condition.

Have you ever wondered about the correlation between our mindset and mental health with the condition of our skin? It turns out these two things are closely connected with each other! When we are stressed, anxious or depressed, so-called stress hormones like cortisol are excessively produced. They are responsible for taking all the nutrients away from the skin to the organs which are crucial in terms of survival like the heart or the brain – the skin is on a lost position here and is deprived of many beneficial substances. It is less hydrated and yet again stripped off its lipid barrier hence more susceptible to infections and wounds. On the contrary, when we are calm and think positively, the stress hormones are healthily kept in check.

Are you making any of these mistakes?
Are you struggling with skin issues?
My Holistic Skincare Masterclass is finally here. Click on the link and get your glowing skin back.…

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How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight

Is intermittent fasting another new diet fad, or does it have some merit for weight loss?

While lots of people may claim that it helped them to lose weight, the research isn’t so clear.

Intermittent fasting 101: What is it and will it help me lose weight?

In a nutshell, intermittent fasting is just that: fasting intermittently.

It’s limiting calorie intake during certain hours/day or days/week. It’s more of an eating pattern than a diet. It limits when to eat, and not so much what to eat. And that’s part of it’s appeal to people who don’t want to count calories or use their food log to track everything.

Some would say that it’s a more natural way to eat because humans evolved without refrigerators, drive-throughs, or 24-hour convenience stores. We now have access to food (including junk food) all day long, so eating several meals per day plus snacks may be less natural than fasting from time to time.

There are lots of variations on this theme. They include:
● 16/8 which is 16 hours of fasting, and eating only within the other 8 hours (often 1:00 pm. – 9:00 p.m.);
● 5:2 days of fasting, where you eat regularly for five days of the week, then take in just 500-600 calories/day for the other two (non-consecutive)
● days.

Is intermittent fasting effective for weight loss?

Intermittent fasting can help to lose weight because it can help you to eat fewer calories, and burn more calories too.

Lots of people say they have success with it. But what do the studies say?

According to one review study, intermittent fasting helped people to lose 3-8% of their weight over 3-24 weeks. In this study, people also lost 4-7% of their waist circumference (i.e., belly fat).

Another study of 100 people with obesity showed that after a year, the people who fasted on alternate days lost more weight than people who didn’t change their eating patterns. But, (and here’s where it’s interesting) they didn’t lose any more weight than those on a calorie-restricted diet. Out of the people who were to follow the intermittent fasting protocol, 38% of them dropped out.

Sticking with a diet is one of the keys to weight loss success. So, if you can’t stay with a weight-loss diet, you’re less likely to lose weight and keep it off.

Before you consider intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. People who are underweight, or have eating disorders shouldn’t fast. Neither should women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Certain medical conditions can be worsened with longer periods of fasting. Also, people taking certain medications can be prone to side effects with intermittent fasting as well.

One of the reasons people drop out of the intermittent fasting eating pattern is that it’s hard to stick with the fasting part. They eat more than allowed (low-level of) calories when they’re supposed to be fasting. And when they finish fasting, they may overindulge due to the reaction of the appetite hormones and hunger drive while fasting. None of these will help with weight loss.

Also, the hours and days of fasting can be very difficult. So having strong social support will be key to those intermittent periods of fasting. Sticking to a (healthy, nutrient-dense) weight loss diet is the key to success, and intermittent fasting can be difficult for many people to stick with.


Intermittent fasting is a weight-loss trend that seems to work for some people. It can help to lose weight and reduce belly fat. But, it isn’t safe for everyone. Many people should not try intermittent fasting because it can be risky. It can also be difficult to stick with.

For the best chance of long-term weight loss success, finding a diet, you can stick with is key.

What about you – Have you or someone you know tried intermittent fasting? What were the results? Let me know in the comments below.

Are you struggling with skin issues?
My Holistic Skincare Masterclass is finally here. Click on the link and get your glowing skin back.


Love and Health


Holistic Skincare Masterclass

Glowing skin does not come from a jar

Get lifelong, holistic tools to achieve the skin you strive for with my 6 week video series program, where I give you a step by step guide to becoming best friends with your skin and developing a sustainable and effective skincare routine for clear, balanced, youthful and healthy skin.

Expensive creams won’t make you look fabulous. There are no miracles. You need to put in a bit of effort every day. Start early with skincare and believe in the power of a good skincare routine along with a good diet that will make you look fresh and youthful.

It is for this reason that cosmetics are not the solution and only hide the problem temporarily, if not aggravate it!

I will reveal to you in this program a true healing method which is based on precise protocol and fundamental principles.

Would you like to have…

• Better understanding of your skin
• Health and balanced skin
• An ideal skin comfort
• Tighter pores and a smooth skin texture
• A skin that does not pull more and is well hydrated
• Less allergies and skin reactions
• Mattified skin all day
• Skin that is less sensitive and less prone to redness, whatever the circumstances
• Fewer pimples, blackheads and microcysts on the face
• No more acne scars and a perfectly even complexion
• Healthy skin, smooth and without imperfections
• A perfectly homogeneous complexion, bright and radiant
• A refreshed and illuminated look
• Youthful appearance
• A plump and youthful skin
• A fresh complexion on all occasions
• Fewer fine lines and wrinkles
• A sustainable skin routine specifically for you and your skin type

Holistic Approach is the only way to lifelong healthy skin

Anyone who wants to clear up a complexion issue or wants to reverse signs of aging simply wants to feel comfortable seeing their reflection.

My philosophy is simple!
Confidence and comfort in our skin is the first step to healthy skin. Everything we see comes from our belief systems. And to have great skin, we first need to believe that we deserve great skin.

To have good skin you need to believe that you deserve it. When you establish communication with your skin, you will find all your answers.

And trust me, it’s pretty easy! That’s what the program can do: Give you lifelong tools for the skin you strive for.

Through this program, I want to encourage people to dedicate themselves to self-love and self-care, which is a lifelong commitment that one should make to oneself. The more you learn the more you can apply and the results will teach you more about your skin than anything else.

I’m excited to share all the knowledge I have with you, wherein every video will empower you with everything you need to know about Skin and step by step how to take care of your skin and how to sustain it. All you need to do is to soak in this information and begin.

So when you’re ready, let’s get started…

Click below and buy the program at a special price NOW


I am waiting for you on the facebook page.

Love and Health


Apple Cider Vinegar For Glowing and Clear Skin

Apple cider vinegar has many skincare uses. It can be a potent weapon in the fight against acne, and it can help soothe sunburned skin. Ahead, learn some of the best ways to use apple cider vinegar in your skincare regimen.
Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an effective remedy against razor bumps. When dealing with aggravated razor bumps, put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton swap. Then apply the vinegar to the affected area. The anti-inflammatory effects will minimize signs of razor burn, and vinegar’s acid levels will soften the skin, helping to prevent ingrown hairs.

Toner for Acne-Prone Skin

Instead of purchasing pricy facial toners, simply use apple cider vinegar as the first step in your post-cleanse skincare regimen. When undiluted, apple cider vinegar is too strong for the facial skin. To make it a suitable toner, combine one cup of water with ½ tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Then apply it to the face with a cotton ball. Make sure to mix the toner thoroughly before every application. Because apple cider vinegar contains natural alpha-hydroxy-acids, this toner will help to exfoliate the skin and tighten the pores. This minimizes breakouts and get rid of existing blemishes.

Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot

Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties. When dealing with athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, try using a footbath filled with an apple cider vinegar mixture. For best results, combine one cup of vinegar with four cups of water. Soak feet in the mixture for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse them in water. Because apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties, this remedy also helps to deodorize feet.

ACV Bath for Eczema

Many people find that ACV (apple cider vinegar) is an effective remedy for eczema and itchy skin. Because it contains everything from acetic acid to mineral salts, apple cider vinegar can reduce eczema-related inflammation and restore the skin’s pH levels. This helps to soothe eczema-prone skin. To use vinegar as an eczema remedy, add two cups to a warm bath. Soak in the mixture for 30 minutes or more, and then apply an eczema emollient to the skin afterward.

Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is often caused by fungal growth and damage to the scalp’s acid mantle. Apple cider vinegar can help to mitigate both of those problems. To use it as a dandruff treatment, mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Rub it into the scalp before you take a shower. Let it sit there for about ten minutes, and then shampoo the hair and scalp as usual. Do this several times a week until the dandruff is gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sunburn

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH level of skin. When you apply it to sunburned skin, it helps restore the damaged skin to the appropriate level of acidity, which minimizes blistering and peeling. To use apple cider vinegar as a sunburn relief, mix one cup of vinegar with four cups of water. Then apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin using a warm washcloth.

Bug Bite Remedy

Apple cider vinegar is an effective anti-itch treatment for eczema and rashes. It’s no wonder, then, that it’s also a great way to treat bug bites. Simply apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to an inflamed mosquito bite. It will speed healing, minimize itchiness, and reduce swelling.

Apple Cider Vinegar Clay Mask for Acne

Many people combine apple cider vinegar with bentonite clay to create a blemish-banishing facial mask. Bentonite clay has healing properties, and it goes deep into the pores to get rid of impurities and blemishes. Apple cider vinegar reduces inflammation and irritation. For a powerful at-home facial, combine equal parts vinegar and clay. The mixture should have the consistency of a paste. Apply it to the face, and leave it on the skin until it dries. Then gently rinse it off with warm water. You will immediately notice that your pores look tighter, your skin looks clearer and that your face feels refreshed.

Hope this video helped you. Have you ever used ACV on your skin? Share the experience with me and my tribe.


My Night Time Skin Routine For Healthy Skin

I have been on TV for the last 14 years or so, and heavy makeup has been a part of my life now forever. So to have a good skincare routine is imperative. Being also a certified health coach and a busy professional, I make sure the routine is practical enough for me to be consistent with it.

And there is nothing better than unwinding after a long day and pampering my skin. And because our skin cells regenerate in the evening, this is a prime time to focus on restoring it.

I personally have dry, pigmented and sensitive skin, so to combat this, my routine focuses on maintaining my skin barrier and treating hyperpigmentation and melasma. And since I’ve hit my mid- 40s, I’ve added anti-aging products to try and delay premature wrinkles.

For my nighttime skincare, my basic routine looks like this:


While I stick to this routine daily, I do switch the products from time to time, depending on how my skin is feeling on that particular day. I also like to keep my routine fun but mindful 

Watch the full video to know more

These are the products I have used. None of them is sponsored.

Bioderma Sensibio H2O

Shu Uemura beauty cleansing oil

Natura Bissé Oxygen Mousse

The ordinary Buffet

Natura Bisse Tensolift Neck Cream

Organic Radha Rosehip oil

Gua Sha massage

Organic Jojoba oil

Natura Bisse diamond Bio lift eye cream

Carmex lip cream.

Before you comment and compare me with any other beauty bloggers, firstly I am 46 years old, and I am not a beauty blogger. I am a certified health coach, TV personality and content creator.
Beauty is part of all that I do.

I hope you enjoy this video, it’s not a sponsored video. I loved an have been using these products for some time now.

And remember consitency is the key.

Sending you love and glowing skin.

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Common Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency

Most vitamin deficiencies are unheard of in developed nations. This is especially true of young people in developed nations. We just eat so much food, and such a wide variety, that we meet all our basic nutritional requirements. We live with so much abundance that some children live off one food item for years without suffering a deficiency. But it can’t go on forever. As we grow older we become more vulnerable to deficiencies. This is for three reasons.

Firstly, we do not eat as much. As we grow older our bodies need fewer calories because our metabolism slows right down. This isn’t automatic. If we try and gain more muscle, or do more exercise, we can keep our calorie needs up. But the point is that if you do not make an effort to increase your calorific needs, they will go down over time. And the less food you eat, the fewer vitamins you will eat. For this reason, a switch onto vitamin-focused foods is essential as we grow older.

Secondly, we need more vitamins and minerals. As babies and children, we need a lot of nutrients for our small bodies, but this is still less by volume than adults need. And as adults, we need a relatively steady amount. But once we pass the age of fifty our cells begin to degrade. The root of our DNA is in our chromosomes, which determine our sex, appearance, and layout of our organs. At the end of each chromosome, we have some arms, called telomeres. These telomeres protect our chromosomes from damage, making sure that when they divide they are healthy. However, as we grow older our telomeres shorten, making us vulnerable to mutations. And a higher intake of vitamins can protect us against mutations by both preventing and fighting them.

And finally, we do not store, use, or recycle vitamins as well anymore. Normally our bodies do not absorb more vitamins than they need. Any surplus of water-soluble vitamins is secreted in our urine, and any surplus of fat-soluble vitamins gets stored for later use. However, if we do not eat enough vitamins our bodies then need to get them from somewhere. Fat-soluble vitamins are easy, as we have plenty of stores of them, but water-soluble vitamins run out fast. In these instances, we take vitamins and derivatives that have already been used for other purposes and reuse them, making them last as long as possible. But as we age our metabolisms become far less efficient, resulting in us losing more vitamins and storing and recycling less.

For these reasons, we need to be aware of the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. It isn’t enough to assume that we are eating enough vitamins, as we may not be absorbing them, recycling them, or we may simply need much more than before. Knowing the signs of vitamin deficiency and going for a blood test when we suspect a deficiency is the only sure way of telling if we are deficient.

Loss of eyesight.
It’s normal for our eyesight to degrade a little as we grow older, but if you experience a sudden decline in vision, especially if you never had eye troubles before, it may be a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins A, E.

Repeat infections.
Again, it is normal to get ill more frequently as we grow older. But if you find you are continually ill, that you get the same infections repeatedly, or that your illnesses are suddenly severe, it could be a deficiency.
Vitamins A, B5, B9, C, D.

Reduced bone density.
The main culprit for osteoporosis and brittle bones in old age is hormonal imbalances and mineral deficiencies. However, the right vitamins can lessen the severity of your symptoms.
Vitamins A, D.

Loss of color and strength in hair and skin.
Grey hair is normal as we age, but grey skin is not. If you find your hair is brittle and dry, and your skin is pale and sore, you could have a deficiency.
Vitamins A, B2, B3, B9, C, D.

Loss of cognitive functions.
Many assume that cognitive decline is an essential part of aging, but in reality, if you find your cognitive processes sharply down turning, a deficiency is likely.
B vitamin complexes, D, E.

Lethargy, weakness, and fatigue.
When you can’t summon the energy to move, moving feels difficult, and your limbs are heavy, you could be experiencing a severe deficiency.
B vitamin complexes, D.

Depression and mood changes.
Mood changes are a normal part of being human, but if you experience persistent mood swings for no apparent reason, you could be suffering a deficiency.
B vitamin complexes, D.

Weight loss.
Too often we consider weight loss to be a plus, but unexplained weight loss is often a sign of medical concerns.
Vitamins B1, B5, B12.

Anemia can be hard to detect, but if you’re pale and bleed and bruise easily, you almost certainly have a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins B2, B9, C, K.

What symptoms do you have? Time to get blood work.

Waiting to hear from you.

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5 Effective Skincare Tips For Glowing Skin

Caring for your skin properly is incredibly important as there are many factors in daily life that can negatively impact it, such as pollution, makeup, eating unhealthy foods, stress, and more. These variables can cause many side effects, including acne, dryness, red marks, and even wrinkles, and knowing how to take care of your skin can eliminate these results and leave your skin feeling smooth and looking bright and healthy.

There are many solutions that can improve the condition of your skin, and here are five natural ways to brighten it for a flawless and healthy look for the long run.

Lemon Juice
The acidic properties of lemon juice can do wonders for your skin. The acidity helps to cleanse the pores, exfoliating the skin, helping to rid it of pimples and blackheads and prevent them from popping up as frequently in the future. The juice is also packed with antioxidants and vitamins that help to rid the skin or red spots and dark spots, resulting in an overall brighter complexion.

Lemon juice can be applied directly to the skin using a cloth or cotton ball. Be cautious when using pure juice because the high acidity can irritate skin. For less potent solutions, mix the lemon juice with some water or make a mask with honey, turmeric, milk, specialized oils, or other ingredients. Leave the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off.

Green Tea
Green tea has many common health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss, strengthening hair, increasing energy levels, and more, but it can also help you achieve healthy skin. The antioxidants in green tea help rid the pores of bacteria, decreasing inflammation, acne, and symptoms of conditions like rosacea. It also removes dead skin cells and promotes healthier cells, helping them grow and heal more effectively, leading to smooth and younger-looking skin.

Soaked green tea bags can be applied directly to dark spots, but there are also many homemade options that can serve as simple face masks. Some common ingredients that can be used to make a mask include water, oils, aloe, turmeric, sugar, banana, and more, all of which can be blended with green tea leaves to maximize benefits.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is most commonly used to soothe the skin after a sunburn, but it also has many other benefits and can help naturally brighten your skin. Aloe can reduce hyperpigmentation, or dark spots, on the face and other parts of the body with its moisturizing and purifying qualities. The enzymes, vitamins, acids, and other properties in the aloe plant’s gel help fight skin infection and can reduce redness and inflammation.

Aloe in its original form comes in a gel substance from the aloe plant. Aloe vera can be found in various lotions, chapsticks, masks, and other products, but the gel can be applied to any part of the body directly from the plant if desired.

Epsom Salt
Epsom salt and similar magnesium products can help exfoliate and draw toxins from the skin, leaving it feeling and looking smooth and healthy. It reduces redness and inflammation and has anti-bacterial properties that soothe itchy skin and reduce infections. For those with atopic dermatitis or eczema, Epsom salt can be particularly helpful in reducing irritation and lessening the redness of the area.

Add one to two cups of the salt to a warm bath and soak in the water. Depending on the condition of your skin, a relaxing bath with Epsom salt can be taken anywhere from one to a few times a week. A small spoonful can also be added to body and face washes for extra exfoliation.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil provides an incredibly effective solution for many skin types due to the wide range of benefits it provides. This oil has anti-fungal and bacterial properties, strengthens skin, protects against sunburn and harsh weather, reduces redness, and is a great moisturizer. These many benefits can help relieve the symptoms of various skin conditions, such as the dry, flaky skin associated with psoriasis. Not only does coconut oil protect skin, it also nourishes it below the surface, providing a simple way to achieve a bright and healthy look.

This natural remedy can be used simply by rubbing a small amount onto the face and body. It may leave an oily appearance directly after application, but the oils will be absorbed. Coconut oil can also be added to face masks and combined with natural substances and lotions for a healthy boost for your skin.

Pollutants, skin diseases, and other elements of daily life can take a negative toll on the skin, and taking care of it is important to ensure that it remains healthy and looking young.

I hope you try them and get back to me with the comments below. Always waiting to hear back from you all.

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Anti Aging Juice Recipes For Beginners

The secret to my youthfulness is Fresh vegetable juices. And by youthfulness, I don’t just mean great skin and cosmetic anti-aging effects. I mean high levels of energy, youthfulness that reflects in your thoughts and in your actions. I actually got hooked on to fresh vegetable juices a few years back, and believe you me; the effects have been wonderful, to say the least. My skin has been glowing; my hair more luscious and most importantly my energy levels have been at an all-time high. All this – by investing just a few minutes in the kitchen. So here we go the recipes four Super juices as I call them.

Here are my favorite green juice recipes, simple and quick for beginners.

Watch the full video.

Do you have your favorite green juice recipes? Comment Below.

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My Mini Home Facial

A lot of you ask me about my skin routine and here’s a video with my mini home facial that I love to do once in a week at least. Simple and quick.

Products used-

Natura Bisse- GlycoExtreme Peel
Avocado Oil- Cold Pressed
Avocado + Blueberries + Moringa Powder
Rosewater- Kama Ayurveda
Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme
Natura Bisse C+C Sunscreen 30 SPF

This video is not to promote any brand or products, it is just to show my routine, you can use products that suit you, and you have been using for a while.

According to me, routine and consistency are very important, a good skin care regimen goes a long way.

Hope you like the video, comment below, waiting to hear back from you.

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Remedies For Open Pores

Many of you have asked me about open pores on my social media platforms and i had to do a video on this subject, so here is what I think are the causes and remedies.

5 Causes Of Large Pores And 5 Ways To Combat Them

Pores are either hair follicles or sweat pores. These tiny openings play an important role in keeping your skin and your body functioning properly. Sadly they can also be perceived as unsightly by some and can negatively affect your self-esteem and confidence. Hopefully this article will shed some light on what makes pores look large and the available techniques that can help you cope with that.

5 causes of large pores
1. Skin type
Oily skin and acne are usually caused by our sebaceous glands overproducing sebum. Sebum is an odorless, waxy substance that acts as a natural lubricant and moisturizer and while it has many protective and nourishing properties, it can also clog and enlarge our pores.

2. Age
As we age our skin naturally loses collagen and some of its elasticity and when you add environmental factors your pores inevitably become more noticeable as you grow older. Our skin also regenerates much slower.

3. Gender
Men have naturally thicker skin and tend to have oiler skin due to testosterone. They also have a larger number of hair follicles that can become clogged and enlarged.

4. Genetics
Your skin type and your ethnicity can determine the size of your pores. We tend to inherit skin types to some degree and large pores are more prevalent among certain ethnicities, while others have naturally smaller pores.

5. Comedogenic makeup or skincare
When you use comedogenic products you trap all the debris and natural oils in your pores essentially clogging them and making them appear larger than they would otherwise.

5 ways to combat them

You can’t change your genetics, your ethnic background, or your biological sex, but here are the five effective things you can do in order to combat the appearance of enlarged pores.

1. Gentle cleansing
Using harsh cleansers is counter-productive because they strip your skin of its natural oils and your skin can respond by producing even more sebum. Use a mild cleanser in the morning and at the end of your day.

2. Makeup
A good primer can help you minimize the appearance of large pores by filling them in. Ideally, you should use one without dimethicone or other silicones because they can trap debris and the buildup can actually enlarge your pores.

3. Moisturizing
When it comes to pores a good moisturizer can do wonders, especially if you have acne-prone skin. It helps you regulate the production of sebum throughout the day. You just have to make sure it’s non-comedogenic so it doesn’t clog your pores.

4. Acids
Exfoliation is one of the most important steps in your routine because it removes dead skin and oils that would otherwise get trapped in our pores.
Salicylic acid is an antibacterial chemical exfoliant that dissolves skin debris and helps you get rid of blackheads, whiteheads, and acne in general. It truly is a perfect choice if your skin is acne-prone. Acids (AHA, BHA, PHA) in general are very effective and safe exfoliants when used correctly.

5. Sunscreen
And last but not least, sunscreen. Besides preventing skin cancer, sunscreen can also prevent premature aging of your skin. UV rays cause photodamage and can severely degrade collagen and elastin. Using sunscreen is the best way to prevent most of that damage.

Hope this helped you, I am excited about my Holistic Skincare Masterclass Launching next week. Watch this space for more information or follow m on social media.

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All You Need To Know About Adult Acne

All You Need To Know About Adult Acne

There’s nothing more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then learning the hard way that bad breakouts don’t necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—but be rest assured, you’re not the only grown woman dealing with zits.
Put it this way: It is so common that pimples are meeting wrinkles, dermatologist tells, For the last 10 to 20 years, adult acne has been increasing. It can even go into your 50s, right to menopause. If you had acne as a teen, chances are, you’ve got oily skin that’s prone to breakouts. But even if you didn’t, it’s still possible you’ll end up with adult acne.
Even though the outlook seems scary, knowing what’s causing your complexion woes can help you clear up your skin and keep breakouts at bay.

The Causes:
1. Your hormones may be to blame.
Fluctuation in hormones, such as before one’s menstrual cycle, is the main cause, explains dermatologist. Specifically, androgens (male hormones) like testosterone. This usually rears its ugly head in the form of deep (painful) cystic acne around the chin, neck, and back.
2. Stress can be an extra (and very influential) driving force.
Another source of hormonal changes: Stress. Whether you work full time, are a full-time mom, or juggle both, chances are, your stress levels are high. When you’re stressed, you have an organ called the adrenal gland that makes the stress hormone cortisol, and puts it out into the body to help the body deal with stress. Unfortunately, a tiny bit of testosterone leaks out with it. For a woman, this male hormone can drive the oil glands to produce more oil—the root cause of breakouts.
3. Pollution isn’t helping your case either.
Air pollution just puts this layer of crap on your face. Especially if you live in a city. Go walk around outside for a half hour, When you come home, wipe your face with a toner pad or face wipe, and see what color it is. Warning: You’re not going to like what you see.
4. You may be using the wrong products.
If you have oily or combination skin and are prone to breakouts, you should be using skin-care products labeled “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” or “water-based. Just one of these will ensure that the lotion you’re slathering on isn’t going to clog your pores and make matters worse. Try a gel-based moisturizer.
5. You’re cleansing too frequently and intensely.
Over washing your face can make acne worse, cleansing more than twice a day is too much and can just dry out skin, which can cause [it] to produce more oil to overcompensate. Your Clarisonic addiction may not be helping either. It helps remove all makeup and helps your cleanser work better, but I worry about the coarse ones. It’s almost like giving yourself microdermabrasion twice a day, which can cause a breakout, anything that rubs skin will, to a small extent, promote acne. That includes a grainy or gritty cleanser, too.
6. Specific foods may or may not have an effect—
We’ve all heard the foods that allegedly cause acne—chocolate, processed foods, fried foods, pizza, caffeine, nuts and sugary foods. Same with diary, which again, has been shown in many cases to have an effect but no concrete cause-and-effect relationship exists.
7. Your sweet tooth is causing a skin problem.
Another potential skin saboteur is sugar, because it raises your insulin level. More and more evidence show that insulin may boost those oil-triggering male hormones, try Stick to low-glycemic foods—ones that have complex carbs like whole grains, which break down slower in the body and cause less of an insulin spike. 

The Treatments:
Watch the full video to know more about how you can treat them.

Hope this video was helpful, connect with me, waiting for your comments.

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5 Natural Ways To Deal With Bloating

Bloating. That oh-so uncomfortable feeling in the gut. Often it rears its ugly head after a large meal. Or a small meal. Or a snack. Or…
How can we figure out what’s causing it? Perhaps you already have some wise de-bloating habits like avoiding foods you know give you gas. But that’s not completely solving the problem.

5 Natural Ways to Deal with Bloating

Do you ever feel a bit “overextended” in the belly after a meal? Perhaps “gassy?” Have you ever carried a “food baby?”

Well, bloating is common. Up to 25-30% of people experience it regularly. It happens when you have trouble digesting. The symptoms come from excess gas, reactions to foods, or food not moving through you as well as it could.

There are many reasons you might experience these symptoms. Maybe because of a serious condition (disease), or a food allergy or intolerance (what you eat). It can also result from how you eat.

If you have a serious digestive issue like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), then make sure you eat accordingly. Same goes if you know certain foods give you gas. Simply avoid them.

If you’re already doing those things, and still experience bloating, here are some great tips for dealing with it naturally.

1 – Don’t overeat

If you overeat at a meal, then you’ll feel bigger around the mid-section. You’ll feel more pressure in your abdomen. Plus, you’re giving your digestive system a hard time. It’s better to eat until you feel almost full and not overindulge. Grab an extra snack or small meal throughout the day if you have to. Just don’t over-stuff yourself in one sitting.

2 – Avoid sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols are low-calorie sweeteners made from sugars. In an ingredients list, they end in “-ol,” and include things like sorbitol, xylitol, and erythritol. They’re found in some chewing gums and sugar-free foods. Some people experience bloating after eating foods with these. So, try avoiding them and see if that helps you.

3 – Avoid swallowing air

Sometimes the gas that causes pressure in your digestive system is from swallowing air. Things like carbonated drinks are the biggest culprit here. You can also swallow air when you chew gum or drink through a straw, so try ditching these.

You can also swallow air when eating too quickly or while talking. Which leads me to…

4 – Eat slower, more mindfully, and less stressed

Eating too fast isn’t doing your digestive system any favors. You can help the food move along by chewing it thoroughly and slowing down your eating habits. Be mindful and enjoy the time you are spending eating your meals. Savour them.

The feeling of stress can also cause increased bloating. Stress-reducing techniques can help improve your digestion. Try meditating or deep breathing (but not while you’re eating). 🙂

5 – Try peppermint

Peppermint oil has been shown to improve bloating. It’s thought to increase transit time by relaxing the stomach muscles and increasing the flow of bile. Try steeping fresh peppermint leaves, or a peppermint tea bag, and drinking it slowly. See if that helps reduce your symptoms.


There are a bunch of natural ways to deal with bloating.

First, avoid it by not eating things that give you gas or aggravate a digestive issue. Try not to overeat, consume sugar alcohols, or swallow air. Also, eating more mindfully and reducing stress can help too. Finally, if you are experiencing bloating, enjoy a cup of peppermint tea.

If you do all of these, and still experience bloating, then you may have a food intolerance; this could be from an allergy or intolerance. If you have a major concern, then please see your doctor. Your doctor can help to rule out a serious and/or chronic condition.

Do you have any natural ways to deal with your bloating? Share with me and my tribe.

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How to Stay Healthy While on Holiday

Hello! My Tribe,

Holidays bring with them an exciting change of routine. They’re a chance to live differently.
You’ll leave behind your responsibilities and commitments, instead, you’re free to do what you want when you want.

Some people enjoy unbridled overindulgence for a week or two, but other people want to maintain their health or even find a way to improve it. If you’re the type of person that wants to enjoy rest, relaxation and fun without undoing all of your hard work, here are four tips that will help you to stay healthy on holiday:

– Enjoy a morning or evening jog

You might not be able to visit the gym every day whilst you’re on holiday, but that doesn’t mean that you’re away from all exercise opportunities. It costs nothing to go out for a run or a jog and can take as little as 15 minutes out of your day.

The beautiful thing about jogging on holiday is that your surroundings are new. You can enjoy all-new scenery, coming across different types of wildlife, and you’ll connect with the locals as well. As you jog, lookout for great places to visit that you might not otherwise have noticed.

You can even find running routes that have been recorded by other people, to take advantage of local knowledge of the safest and most picturesque spots.

– Pay attention to your diet

Eating well can be difficult at home when you lack inspiration or don’t have time to cook. On holiday, you have a wealth of restaurant and dining choices that you simply can’t get elsewhere. Check menus carefully, looking for delicious and nutritious foods that use fresh locally-sourced ingredients.

If you’re in self-catering accommodation, make cooking into an enjoyable activity and spend a little extra time on it- after all, you don’t have work or the school run getting in your way.

– Think about existing conditions

Your existing medical conditions won’t just disappear because you’ve flown on a plane. In fact, it’s especially important to keep them in mind whilst you’re travelling. Don’t push your body too hard simply because you’re on holiday, but don’t give up on your usual healthcare routines either.

Make sure that you have good travel insurance in place. This may include access to a 24/7 emergency helpline just in case you need it.

Even if you don’t have any existing conditions, remember that we can all get ill or be injured at any time. Don’t be complacent, assuming that it won’t happen to you. When you travel, check the details of emergency healthcare services and the location of local pharmacies.

Stay healthy by making sure that you know who to contact, for peace of mind and a quick recovery.

– Enjoy the pool

Most holiday properties come with access to a swimming pool. Swimming is an activity that’s both fun and healthy, and can even be enjoyed as a family. It’s great to top up your tan on the sun lounger, but remember to take a dip in the pool now and again.
At regular intervals, do a few lengths to get your heart working a little bit harder. Swimming will help you to cool off and avoid hours spent completely sedentary. It can also burn upwards of 500 calories an hour.

Staying healthy on holiday can be even more fun than looking after your health at home. It’s easy to find activities that are quick, easy and good for you, as well as delicious food that you don’t usually have the chance to enjoy. Embrace a healthy holiday, and return home guilt-free at the end.

Anti Aging Infused Water

Water is our most precious resource… literally, we can’t live without it! We all know hydration is imperative for our health, overall wellbeing and our skin.
Water is in our cells and in our blood and in all of the tissues in-between, proper hydration helps our digestive system run smoothly, keeps our cells young and helps our immune system fight infection.

But let’s accept, sometimes just to drink plain water gets too boring, as so we need something delicious to sip on, and if that delicious infused water also gives us anti-aging benefits then what more do we need?

Here are some you can try.

1. Orange + lemon + ginger

Oranges- help with bloating, detoxifying and cleaning out kidneys. Lemon helps with liver cleansing keeping skin healthy and toxin-free.

Ginger water has high antibacterial properties. 

Lemon – Full of skin-clearing vitamins like vitamin C, and B vitamins along with citric acid. Help to purify the blood, cleanse the kidneys and help rid the body of unwanted toxins.

2. Cucumber + Grapes + raspberries

Cucumber – Not only is juiced cucumber great for rehydration, but it also has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation and swelling caused by wounds as well as sunburn.

Grapes – Highly antioxidant and rich in vitamin C and K. Helps with circulation.

Berries – High in antioxidants to help manage free radicals. Also, help fight the production of enzymes which may break down collagen in the skin. 

3. Mint + Pineapple
Mint- boosts the circulation of blood to your skin and hydrates it, it also delays the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Pineapple – Pineapple juice contains vitamin C and beta-carotene. These antioxidants can help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles, and improve overall skin texture

Do you have any other recipe that you would like to share with me and my tribe?

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9 Ways To Manage Stress For Healthy Skin

Stress plays a huge role in creating havoc in our skin. So it’s important to manage stress better to have healthy and glowing skin.

I know I keep talking about meditation, and if you love meditating and do it regularly, you’re still going to want to watch this video.

While the health and skin benefits of relaxation techniques like meditation are amazing, there are other ways to relax as well. You may want to try something new or share some of these ideas with a friend or family member who might want to de-stress but just can’t seem to meditate.

Either way, I have you covered with nine non-meditation ways to break free from stress.

The whole purpose of meditating is to calm the mind and emotions and relax our physical body too. And there is always more than one way to get there.

Let’s talk about some of the other things to try if meditation is not exactly your thing.


Spending some time every day writing out your thoughts can help to relieve stress. You can use journaling to list the things you’re grateful for, this is known as gratitude journaling. You can use it as a “brain dump” to get all of your thoughts and ideas out of your head to soothe your mind. You can use “ever since” journaling to describe your life after you reach your goals.


It’s one thing to read to learn something that you have to learn, or to advance your knowledge. And, you can also read for pure pleasure. To get caught up in a story and just relax.


Adult coloring books are all the rage! Not *that* kind of adult, but coloring pages with lots of detail and tiny areas to color in. Something that can take you hours. You can always opt for something simple, like kids coloring pages too. The idea is the same. Repeated movements and focusing on the art you’re creating can help to clear your mind.

Knitting or crocheting (or other crafts)

Knitting, crocheting or other yarn activities are a great way to de-stress; this is a skill that comes in all levels from beginner to advanced. You can choose a quick little rectangular scarf to make or a detailed sweater. You can choose the pattern, size, and yarn. Once you get into the flow of these skills, they’re great to do when you’re feeling stressed. Not only can they relax your mind to focus on your work, but you can end up warming yourself or others with the products you create.

Gentle exercise

Gently moving your body is another great way to de-stress. Activities that are slower and less intensive are ideal. Things like walking, yoga, stretching, or tai chi can all be great ways to relax your mind and improve your strength and balance at the same time.

Sleep in or take a nap

A common cause of increased stress hormones is lack of sleep. Too little sleep and too much stress go hand-in-hand. So, getting enough good quality sleep is important to help you break free from stress without having to meditate.

Pamper yourself

Maybe you love getting massages or mani/pedi’s? Maybe you love a long bath or lighting candles? Perhaps you can add your favourite relaxing music to the mix for a pampering evening? Spending some time to pamper yourself regularly is great for your mind, body, and spirit.

Spend time in nature

You don’t have to head away for vacation to relax in nature. While a calm beautiful beach or cabin in the woods may be amazing, you don’t have to go that far. Even spending time on the grass at your local park or playground, or walking on a wooded trail in your neighborhood can do the trick.

Make time for people and pets you love

It’s so important to spend time with family, friends, and pets whom you love. New research is coming out about the health issues related to loneliness. Reach out and plan to hang out with your besties, or even offer to take your neighbor’s dog for a walk in the park.


Stress reduction is the goal. How you do it, be it meditation or otherwise, is not that important. What’s important is that you find what works for you.

Try journaling, reading, colouring, knitting/crocheting, gentle exercise, sleep, pampering yourself, spending time in nature, and making time for people and pets you love.

Have other great ideas? Let me know what helps you de-stress in the comments below.

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How Leaky Gut Affects Your Skin


How Do You Know if you Have a Leaky Gut?

Epidemiological evidence shows a clear association between gut problems and skin disorders.
most of you have heard of leaky gut by now, but what about “leaky skin”? The main function of the skin is to act as a physical, chemical and antimicrobial defense system. Studies have shown that both stress and gut inflammation can impair the integrity and protective function of the epidermal barrier. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in antimicrobial peptides produced in the skin, and an increase in the severity of infection and inflammation in the skin. (5)
The gut flora also influences the skin.
So lets understand leaky gut better.
The term “leaky gut” is thrown around a lot these days. I want to share with you some of the latest information about leaky gut. Leaky gut can be linked to so many conditions; especially ones related to the gut and chronic inflammation.
While there may not be 100% definitive tests on it just yet, there are known diet and lifestyle factors that can make it better or worse. So I’m diving into those factors right after telling you a bit about what it is, how it occurs, and what some of the common symptoms are.
How Do you Know if I Have a Leaky Gut?
“Leaky gut” is a popular topic in the health and wellness spheres these days. It’s been blamed for many symptoms and conditions that seem to be all-too-common. Allergies, intolerances, joint pain, even autoimmune diseases can all be linked back to leaky gut and of course various skin issues
But what exactly is leaky gut? What causes it? What kinds of issues are related to it? And most of all, what can you eat for leaky gut?
Simply put, your “gut” (a.k.a. “intestinal tract”) is a tube that makes up part of your digestive system. It’s not as simple as a hose or pipe; it’s an amazing tube made of live cells tightly bound together. Your gut helps your body absorb fluids and nutrients, digests your food, and houses billions of friendly gut microbes.
It’s also selective to what it allows past its barrier. Your intestinal tract purposefully keeps some things from being absorbed, so they pass right on through to the other end to be eliminated as waste. You don’t want to absorb many harmful microbes or toxins into your body, right?
Absorption of fluids and nutrients happens when they’re allowed through this cellular tube into the circulation. And this is great! As long as what’s being absorbed are fluids and nutrients. The blood and lymph then carry the nutrients to your liver, and then around to the rest of your body; this is so that all your cells, all the way to your toenails, get the nutrition they need to be healthy and grow.
How does a gut become “leaky?”
The gut can become leaky if the cells get damaged, or if the bonds that hold the cells together get damaged. Leaky gut can be caused or worsened by a number of diet and lifestyle factors. Dietary factors like too much sugar or alcohol or even eating things that you’re intolerant to can all contribute to leaky gut.
Lifestyle factors like stress, lack of sleep, infections, and some medications can also be culprits in this area.
Any contributing factors that alter the balance in your gut may cause our gut to become “permeable” or leak. At this point incompletely digested nutrients, microbes, toxins, or waste products can more easily get into our bodies.
As you can imagine, this is not a good thing.
Symptoms of a leaky gut?
Because so much of your immune system is around your gut, the immune cells quickly recognize a “foreign invader” and start their response. This is normal and good if the gut is working properly and not allowing too many things to “leak” in.
But when that happens too much, and the immune system starts responding, the notorious inflammation starts. Once the immune system starts responding it can look like allergies, food intolerances, and even autoimmune diseases.
Because the first place affected is the gut, there are a number of symptoms right there. Things such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea.
Some of the symptoms can also occur on the skin. Acne, dry skin, itchiness, rashes, eczema, and hives can all be symptoms related to leaky gut. Even rosacea and psoriasis can be linked here due to their autoimmune component.
It’s possible that even some neurological symptoms are linked with leaky gut. For example, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, inability to sleep, and general moodiness can also be related.
Finally, a number of chronic inflammatory diseases are thought to be linked with a leaky gut. Things like Crohn’s, colitis, celiac disease, IBS, and MS.
Leaky gut foods
Watch the full video to see the list.

So do you think your guts is creating skin issues?


Love and Health


5 Steps To Getting Rid Of Wrinkles

Are you struggling to get rid of your wrinkles? Those expensive creams and lotions promising to eliminate all of your wrinkles, but do you feel as if they’re empty promises? The key to diminishing and preventing future wrinkles is right in your home and your day-to-day lifestyle. Consuming high-quality proteins, vegetables, and getting adequate sleep can all contribute to decreasing your wrinkles and preventing future ones!

1. The next time you take a trip to the grocery store, make sure to stock up in the produce department! It’s crucial to consume at least the minimum daily serving requirement of fruits and vegetables to maintain adequate health and diminish the appearance of wrinkles. Limit the consumption of fruits heavy in fructose—or fruit sugar—since fructose, as with all sugars, can increase the appearance of wrinkles. Stick with fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, lemons, and bananas.

2. Toss out the refined sugar and replace artificial sweeteners with organic, natural sweeteners such as Agave, Raw Local Honey, and Stevia. Excessive sugar consumption can damage your liver and cause breaks in your DNA, leading to autoimmune disorders. Consume any sugar, including fruit sugar, in moderation. Training your body to break the habits of sugar-overloads is key in being an overall healthier you and saying goodbye to those wrinkles!

3. Get outside and into the sun! Moderate sunshine provides your body with necessary Vitamin D to replenish the vitamins and elasticity in your skin. Aim for at least 15 minutes a day of moderate exposure, but be sure to slather on your SPF. Reapply and take all other precautions if you’re planning any prolonged periods of sun exposure.

4. Commit to a life-long relationship with coconut. Replacing vegetable or canola oil with coconut oil and olive oil is a simple way to slow your skin’s aging. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your morning smoothie, indulge in some coconut crisps, replace standard dairy with coconut milk, or rub unrefined coconut oil on your problem spots.

5. RELAX. Stress is one of the primary contributors to premature aging because it reduces the natural collagen and elasticity in your skin essential to preventing wrinkles. Start every morning off right with a few minutes of meditation. Read a good book, go for a walk, or relax by the beach after a long day at work. Remember to take a little time out of the day for yourself. A stress-free lifestyle is one that reaps astounding rewards!
5 simple steps are a great start to a healthier, younger, wrinkle-free appearance. Make small changes to your time and energy and see how that healthy, natural glow blossoms!

Hope this video helps you look and feel younger.

Love and Health


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3 common mistakes people make when buying skincare products

We all want to do what’s right for our skin, but there are just so many products to choose from. Some products promise a miracle, but once you get your hands on them they only make your skin oilier, your acne worse, and your bank account dented. Pay attention to these common skincare mistakes and increase your buyer-satisfaction next time you shop for skincare.

1. Buying the wrong products for your skin type

When it comes to choosing the next skincare potion to add to your medicine cabinet, there are so many factors to consider! Beautifully designed packaging and viral trends often lure us in, rather than buying the best ingredients for our skin.

Often the products that promise to do the impossible are too good to be true. Don’t fall for the fads, figure out your skin’s unique needs and you’ll find perfect products for you.

If your skin often feels dry, pay attention to including moisture-rich ingredients. Read up on hyaluronic acid and why it’s a miracle ingredient for dry skin. Whereas, if you have oily skin you can probably handle more foamy face washes, just don’t use products that will completely dry out your skin and encourage even more oil-production. Acne-prone skin will often benefit from products that include salicylic acid in the ingredients list.

If you have no idea about your skin type and don’t know where to start, speak to a dermatologist.

2. Using too many products

As fun as it is being surrounded by so many tempting products, buying too many could be causing your skin problems. You might think you can’t live without all of your cleansers, eye creams and face sprays – but your skin may be craving a little simplicity.

Cleansers are refreshing, satisfying and remove make-up easily – no wonder we love them so much. However, many cleansers can strip your skin of its vital natural oils. Fragrances found in cleansers could also be irritating sensitive skin. If you feel your skin is sensitive, try a make up erasing towel to wash your face. This way you can clean your skin without any soapy chemicals.

Face masks are another never-ending craze and who doesn’t love to pamper their face with indulgent masks? However, you could be using too many and confusing your skin. Find masks and ingredients that really work for you and save them for that much-needed pamper evening.

Most importantly, keep it simple and read the ingredients lists on products. Find staple products for your skin and stick to them.

3. Not shopping cruelty-free

Ten million animals suffer and die as a result of cosmetic testing every year, and consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the ugly truth behind their products. The popularity of cruelty-free products is growing, as a recent study found as many as 36% of women only bought from brands that didn’t test on animals. Cruelty-free products do not compromise on testing, as there are more than 50 validated tests that do not involve animals. Shopping cruelty-free will add some good karma to your skincare routine, and there are products available for all budgets.

Next time you shop for skincare remember to keep it simple, cruelty-free and suitable for your skin-type, and you’ll be on your way to the glowing complexion of your dreams!

Love and Health,
Wayne Thomas
Guest Post

Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipes

We all know by now that food plays a huge role in slowing down age.
So here are some recipes for anti-aging smoothies.

1. Pumpkin+ Avocado + Almond Yogurt

Pumpkin- With vitamin A, C, and E, antioxidants, zinc, potassium, and fruit enzymes, pumpkin is a natural skin superhero. also contains beta-carotene which helps to reverse UV damage and improve skin texture. It helps to promote the production of collagen, thus improving your skin tone and elasticity. I

Avocado – In addition to vitamin E, avocado oil contains potassium, lecithin, and many other nutrients that can nourish and moisturize the skin.
Some studies have shown that consuming healthful fats, such as those found in avocados, can help the skin to retain its elasticity.

2. Mixed berries + Sesame seeds + Orange Juice + Organic honey

Mixed Berries – High in antioxidants to help manage free radicals. Also help fight the production of enzymes which may break down collagen in the skin.

Sesame Seeds – Packed with antioxidants to slow down the ageing process greatly. Also rich with anti-inflammatory properties.

Orange Juice – High in vitamin A acting as a moderate antioxidant and aids in detoxification. Great against inflammation.

Organic Honey – Full of antioxidants and great against ageing. Antibacterial and helps with acne.

3. Cacao+ Banana + Coconut water + Brazil Nuts
Cacao – Polyphenol rich which promotes blood circulation and glowing skin. Contains Antioxidants.

Banana – Rich in potassium and vitamin A which helps moisturize the skin. Great anti ageing effects and fighting against wrinkles.

Coconut Water – Rich in vitamin C which reduces pigmentation. Known to soothe eczema with daily consumption.

Walnuts – Walnuts are great anti-aging food because of the amount of omega-3s in just a handful. These omega-3 fatty acids are real longevity tools.

Try them and let me know how you like them.

Do you have any of your anti-aging recipes?

Please Share below.

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How Much Sugar Is Good For You?

Total sugar = naturally occurring sugar + added sugar. Confusing?

Let my latest video de-mystify these three terms because they’re coming to a nutrition label near you!

Hello! My Tribe,

Everyone’s talking about how bad sugar is for you. There are even entire documentaries on the topic. The amount of information in the “health waves” can be crazy sometimes.

Sugar is not health food, as you know. And “added sugars” (ones that are not naturally found in whole foods like fruit) are particularly bad. They’re not only bad for diabetes; but, also for your waistline, mood, and energy levels.

So let’s look at sugar more objectively, shall we? Is there a good balance that can be found? (Spoiler alert: It may not be what you think.)

How Much Sugar is Too Much?

It’s official! Organizations and governments are (finally) declaring a maximum amount of daily sugar intake.

While this is a step forward, there are still a few problems. One – they don’t all agree with each other. And, two, I don’t necessarily agree with them either.

We all know sugar is NOT a health food. It isn’t full of nutrition, and excess consumption is not associated with great health.

The problem is that sugar is everywhere. It’s naturally occurring. It’s also added to just about every processed food there is. And this “added sugar” is a factor in many chronic diseases we see today. Sugar is inflammatory. Too much is associated with weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and cavities. Too much sugar is a huge health risk, no matter how you look at it.

So let’s talk about how much sugar is “too much.”

Added sugar vs. naturally occurring sugar. What do some of the officials say?

Before we talk about the “official” numbers (and why I don’t agree with them), you need to know the difference between “added” sugar and “naturally occurring” sugar.

Fruit and other healthy whole foods contain sugar. They also contain water, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other phytochemicals. They are good for you. Eating fruits and vegetables is a well-proven way to reduce your risks of many chronic diseases.

“Added sugars,” on the other hand, are concerning. In 2013, the American Heart Association calculated that about 25,000 deaths per year were due to sweetened beverages. “Added sugars” are also in baked goods, candies, soups, sauces and other processed foods. You can find sugar on the ingredient list as many names, often ending in “-ose.” These include glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.

So, “Total sugars” = “Naturally occurring sugars” + “Added sugars.”

The “official” change is the new Nutrition Facts tables. You may remember that in Canada and the USA, they declare the amount of sugar, but don’t give it a %DV (% daily value); this means, they’ve never had a “benchmark” maximum daily value to use. They haven’t declared how much is too much. Now, both countries are implementing a %DV for sugar.

In Canada, the %DV is based on 100 g/day of total sugar. Unfortunately, this number is large because it includes both naturally occurring and added sugars. The %DV is in-line with the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation’s recommendations of no more than 90 g of total sugars per day.

In 2008, the average daily total sugar intake in the USA was 76.7 grams per day; this is less than these two benchmarks. Yet, it doesn’t seem that people are getting healthier. I’d argue that 100 g per day total sugar is still too high.

In the USA, the labels are changing too. They are not declaring “total” sugars but will differentiate between naturally occurring and added sugars. They have decided on a maximum of 50 g of “added” sugars each day. Unfortunately, this is still more than the American Heart Association’s recommended maximum of 24 g/day added sugar for women, and 36 g/day added sugar for men.

What is a better daily sugar goal?

While these official numbers are a step in the right direction, they’re not what I would recommend.
I’d ditch as many processed food as possible, regardless of their sugar content. There are a ton of studies that show that processed foods are bad for your health. Period. I wouldn’t recommend eating your “daily value” of sugar from sweetened processed foods. I don’t recommend even 50 g of “added” sugar per day. Get your sugar from whole, unprocessed fruits first.

Tips to reduce your sugar intake

Here are some of my most popular recommendations to reduce your sugar intake, so you don’t get too much:
● Reduce (or eliminate) sugar-sweetened beverages; this includes soda pop, sweetened coffee/tea, sports drinks, etc. Instead, have fruit-infused water. Or try drinking your coffee/tea “black” or with a touch of cinnamon or vanilla instead.
● Reduce (or eliminate) your desserts and baked goods and bake your own instead. You can easily reduce the sugar in a recipe by half. Or try my delicious (no added sugar) dessert recipe below.

Let me know in the comments your favorite tips to reduce your sugar intake!

Love and Health


My Experience With Chiropractic in Dubai

I Have been having back and shoulder pain since a few years now, and never paid attention till it became quite bad a few weeks back and so I went to a chiropractor and I felt so much better in just two sessions and I thought I must have him on the show.

So Meet Dr. Gerry Nastasia
Fellow, Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists
Certified Primary Spine Practitioner
You can reach him at Emirates European Medical Center

The Emirates European Medical Centre

Hope this helps you.

Love and Health


Turmeric – Is it Really a Miracle Spice?

Turmeric may be called the “miracle spice,” but the curcumin is really the star of the show. It has so many health benefits, including being antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Hello! My Tribe,

Turmeric is touted as a superfood and miracle spice. It’s delicious, and one of its “active ingredients” curcumin has been studied like crazy. It has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and many other great health benefits.

In this week’s video I go over:

● The difference between turmeric and curcumin.
● Turmeric’s amazing health benefits.
● How to get the most out of your turmeric.
● Things to consider before running out to buy yourself curcumin supplements.

Turmeric is a rhizome that grows under the ground like ginger. It has a rich, bright orange color and is used in many foods. Originally used in Southeast Asia, it’s a vital component for traditional curries. You can find dried powdered turmeric in the spice aisle of just about any grocery store. Sometimes they carry the fresh rhizome too (it looks like ginger root, but smaller).

Turmeric contains an amazing anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant compound called “curcumin.” The amount of this bioactive compound is around 3-7% by weight of turmeric. Curcumin has been studied like crazy for its health benefits. Many of these studies test curcumin at up to 100x more than that of a traditional diet that includes turmeric.

Health benefits of curcumin

There are dozens of clinical studies using curcumin extract (which is way more concentrated than ground turmeric).

Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory compound. It fights inflammation at the molecular level. Some studies even show it can work as well as certain anti-inflammatory medications (but without the side effects).

Curcumin is an antioxidant compound. It can neutralize free radicals before they wreak havoc on our biomolecules. Curcumin also boosts our natural antioxidant enzymes.

These two functions of reducing inflammation and oxidation have amazing health benefits. Chronic inflammation plays a major role in so many conditions. Including heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, dementia, mood disorders, arthritis pain, etc.

Curcumin has other amazing functions too:

● Boosts our levels of “Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor” (like a natural growth hormone for your brain) which is great for brain health.
● Improves “endothelial” function” (the inner lining of our blood vessels) which is great for heart health.
● Reduces growth of cancer cells by reducing angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels in tumors), metastasis ( the spread of cancer), and even contributes to the death of cancer cells.

Do you think these make turmeric deserve the “miracle spice” title?

How to get the most out of your turmeric

Curcumin is not easily absorbed by your gut. For one thing, it’s fat soluble. So, as with fat-soluble nutrients (like vitamins A, D, E, and K), you can increase absorption by eating it with a fat-containing meal.

The second trick to get the most out of your turmeric is eating it with pepper. Interestingly, a compound in black pepper (piperine) enhances absorption of curcumin, by a whopping 2,000%!

If you want the health benefits of curcumin, you need to get a larger dose of than just eating some turmeric; this is where supplements come in.

Before you take a curcumin supplement, take caution if you:

● Are pregnant
● Are taking anti-platelet medications or blood thinners
● Have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction
● Have stomach ulcers or excess stomach acid
Always read the label before taking a new supplement.


Turmeric is a delicious spice, and it’s “active ingredient” curcumin is a great health-booster.

Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which are great to bust chronic inflammation. It also has other amazing health benefits, like brain- and heart-boosting properties, and even cancer-fighting properties.

Curcumin supplements can be great for your health, but they’re not for everyone. Check the label or speak with your practitioner(me?) before taking it.


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Need A Mood Boost ? Eat This

There are mood-boosting foods and mood-busting foods. You may not be surprised with the boosters, but there are some busters that mimic boosters. Some mood-busting junk foods are engineered to trick your body into feeling “good” when in fact, this feeling becomes fleeting and soon disappears.

Want to know what’s on my “mood-boosting” and “mood-busting” lists?

Hello! My Tribe,

While we know bad moods can lead to bad eating habits; it’s also true that bad eating habits can lead to bad moods.

Food can impact our moods because of two factors. First, the nutrients are the building blocks for everything in our body, including mood-regulating “neurotransmitters.” Second, what we eat affects our blood sugar levels, which also impact our moods.

There is a list of common healthy foods that have positive impacts on our mood. But some junky ones make us feel better sometimes too. Once we see this is as temporary (industry engineers processed food is designed to hit those “pleasure centers”), we can ditch those.

No question that what you eat can affect how you feel, right?

Mental health and brain health are complex. So are the foods we eat, and the ways our bodies interact with those foods. While, we don’t know the exact mechanisms how food and nutrition help, we know a few ways food impacts our moods.

First, what we eat becomes the raw materials for our neurotransmitters. “Neurotransmitters” are biochemical messengers that allow our nerve cells to communicate. They are important not just for thinking and memory, but also for mental health.

Second, what we eat affects our blood sugar. And having unstable blood sugar levels can contribute to mood swings.

Mood-boosting foods

Some nutrient deficiencies look like mental health problems; this includes deficiencies in B-vitamins, vitamin D, and the mineral selenium. So, getting enough vitamins, minerals, (and other things like antioxidants) are key. These nutrients not only reduce inflammation but also fuel the biochemical reactions in our bodies. Including those that create neurotransmitters. So make sure you’re eating a variety of nutrient-dense whole foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. People who eat the most fruits and vegetables are the happiest.

Also pay special attention to vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin), as it’s not naturally occurring in too many foods. Selenium is an essential mineral found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, cod, and poultry.

Second, make sure you get enough protein. Protein is your body’s main supply of amino acids. Amino acids are very important for mood issues because they are the building blocks of neurotransmitters. Protein also helps to regulate blood sugar. I recommend eating protein with every meal; this includes dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, poultry, and meat.

Third, complex carbohydrates like sweet potato and quinoa are great too. They allow better absorption of key amino acids like tryptophan. Tryptophan is used by your body to make serotonin (your “happy hormone”) and melatonin (your “sleepy” hormone). So, if you want to relax, try these in the evening.

Fourth, fish and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, seeds, and algae) are also mood-boosting. Omega-3s are definitely “brain food” and may help to ease some symptoms.

FUN FACT: One study showed that giving one multi-vitamin and one omega-3 fish oil tablet per day to prison inmates reduced the incidence of violent behavior by 50%!

Make sure you’re hydrated. Mild dehydration can cause mood issues as well.

Mood-busting foods

You won’t be surprised to hear me say processed foods are mood-busters, right? One study suggests that eating a lot of processed foods devoid of nutrients can increase your chances of becoming depressed by as much as 60 percent! This is on top of the research that shows nutrient deficiencies can look like mental health problems.

“But it makes me feel good!”

Yes, some of these mood busters can make you feel better temporarily. Some big food companies study how to maximize the “pleasure” centers with the perfect amount of sugar, salt, and fat. Not to mention the color, texture, and taste; they can light up our taste buds and make us feel good… for now.

A few other things to avoid are:
● Alcohol (nervous system depressant)
● Caffeine (may worsen anxious feelings and ability to sleep)
● Sugar (messes with your blood sugar and can worsen inflammation).

Bad moods can lead to bad eating habits; and, bad eating habits can lead to bad moods. If you need a mood boost, stick to minimally processed nutrient-dense whole foods. Things like fresh fruit and vegetables (including leafy greens), nuts and seeds, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat. Avoid common mood-busting foods like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.


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Mindfulness and Meditation…Do They Really Work?

Hello! My Tribe,

You’ve heard so many people recommend meditation and mindfulness; but, do they work? Can they help? If so, how is this even possible? Find out here.

Mindfulness and meditation are health buzzwords nowadays. Everyone, even those who aren’t health practitioners, tout the amazing effects of being mindful and practicing meditation.

But, just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you should do it…or does it?

As a practitioner, I recommend it. This video gives you the lowdown on why it may be something you should start (or do more of).

Well…yes, they do really work. The fact is, science shows definite health benefits for people who use mindfulness and meditation.

Before we dive in, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page when we say “mindfulness” and “meditation.”

“Meditation” is the ancient practice of connecting the body and mind to become more self-aware and present. It’s often used to calm the mind, ease stress, and relax the body.

Practicing “mindfulness” is one of the most popular ways to meditate. It’s defined as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.”

Mindfulness meditation is well studied in terms of its health benefits. I’m going to talk about a few of them below, and refer to it as “mindfulness” for the rest of the post.

The link between mindfulness and health = stress reduction

Have you heard the staggering statistics on how many doctors’ visits are due to stress? Seventy-five to ninety percent!

So, if you ask me, it makes a ton of sense that anything that can reduce stress can reduce health issues too.

Mindfulness reduces inflammation, reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and improves sleep. All of these can have massive effects on your physical and mental health.

I’ll briefly go over the research in three main areas: mood, weight, and gut health. But know that the research on the health benefits of mindfulness is branching into many other exciting new areas too.

Mindfulness for mood

The most immediate health benefit of mindfulness is improved mood.

In one study, people who took an 8-week mindfulness program had greater improvement in symptoms according to the “Hamilton Anxiety Scale.” They were compared with people who took a stress management program that did not include mindfulness. It seems that the mindfulness training was key to lowering symptoms.

Other studies show that mindfulness has similar effects as antidepressant medications for some people with mild to moderate symptoms of depression.

While mindfulness isn’t a full-fledged cure, it can certainly help to improve moods.

Mindfulness for weight

Studies show that people who use mind-body practices, including mindfulness, have lower BMIs (Body Mass Indices).

How can this be?

One way mindfulness is linked with lower weight is due to stress-reduction. Mindfulness can reduce stress-related and emotional overeating. It can also help reduce cravings and binge eating.

Another way it can work for weight is due to “mindful eating.” Mindful eating is a “non-judgmental awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating.” It’s the practice of being more aware of food and the eating process. It’s listening more deeply to how hungry and full you actually are. It’s not allowing yourself to be distracted with other things while you’re eating, like what’s on TV or your smartphone.

People with higher mindfulness scores also reported smaller serving sizes of energy-dense foods. So it seems that more mindful eating = less junk.

Mindfulness about food and eating can have some great benefits for your weight.

Mindfulness for gut health

Recent studies show a link between stress, stress hormones, and changes in gut microbes (your friendly bacteria and other critters that help your digestion).In theory, mindfulness-based stress reduction could be a way to help prevent negative changes in the gut’s microbes.

Also, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) seems to be linked with both stress and problems with gut microbes. In one study, people with IBS who received mindfulness training showed greater reductions in IBS symptoms than the group who received standard medical care.

The research here is just starting to show us the important link between stress, gut health, and how mindfulness can help.


Science is confirming some amazing health benefits of the ancient practice of mindfulness meditation. For moods, weight, gut health, and more.

Do you regularly include it in your life? If so, have you seen benefits? If not, would you consider trying it?

Let me know in the comments below.


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Good Fats VS Bad Fats

Hello! My Tribe,

It’s probably not shocking that the most commonly consumed oil is a health-buster. It’s inexpensive and in just about every processed foods.
Ever heard conflicting information on the healthfulness of different fats? Olive oil; coconut oil; soybean oil; etc.?

Well, I have some clarifying information in my newest video.

In this video, I list out my favorite cooking fats. I also give you my full permission to ditch a few of the popular but oh-so unhealthy fats.

All fat is NOT created equal!

Fat is one of the three critical macronutrients; along with protein and carbohydrates. Some fats are super-health-boosting; and, others are super-health-busting.

Health-building fats support your brain, hormones, immune system, heart health, and moods. Health-busting fats pretty much bust all of these (brain, hormones, immune system, heart health, and moods). So, this is why the information I’m sharing today is so important.

As a general rule, the fats from whole foods that are the least processed will be the healthiest for you. But, you already knew that, right?

So let me give you a definitive list of the fats to use, and the fats to ditch.

Health-boosting fats

Health-boosting fats are from:
● Nuts and seeds (hemp, flax, and chia)
● Fish
● Seaweed
● Pasture-raised/grass-fed animals/eggs
● Olives
● Avocados
● Coconuts.

I love “virgin” oils, and here’s why. Getting the oil out of a whole food involves some processing. Sometimes it’s by squeezing, or heating. Other times it’s by using chemical solvents. The word “virgin” is used to show minimal processing (and no solvents!).

According to the World Health Organization’s Codex Alimentarius:

“Virgin fats and oils are edible vegetable fats, and oils obtained, without altering the nature of the oil, by mechanical procedures, e.g., expelling or pressing, and the application of heat only. They may be purified by washing with water, settling, filtering and centrifuging only.”

For example, Extra virgin olive oil must:
● Be cold pressed
● Not contain any refined olive oil
● Possess superior quality based on chemical composition and sensory characteristics.

Don’t you think these standards ensure higher quality? I sure do!

Plus, the minimal processing helps to maintain some of the quality of delicate fat molecules, as well as their antioxidants. Win-win!

Health-busting fats

Health-busting fats are from:
● Seed and vegetable oils like safflower, soybean, and corn oils
● Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.
Hydrogenated oils are particularly bad; this is because they contain small amounts of “trans” fats. Studies show that trans fats lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, belly fat. They also drastically raise the risk of heart disease. Lose-lose!

Don’t forget, we’re not just talking about buying bottles of these fats for home cooking. We’re also looking at the processed foods that contain them.
How to get more health-building fats

First, you have my permission to ditch any foods in your cupboards that contain safflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, or any hydrogenated oil. Soybean oil alone accounts for over 75% of oils consumed by Americans, so it’s pretty popular in the “non-health food” department.

Second, try substituting one of the health-building oils whenever you have a recipe that calls for the other stuff. Try flax oil in your salad dressing, avocado and/or olive oil in your cooking, and coconut oil in your baking.

Third, make healthier versions of your go-to processed foods. I’ll help you out now with my super-simple mayonnaise recipe below. It’s way better for you than the unrefrigerated stuff you find at your grocery store.

Now tell me: What’s your favorite fat and why? Let me know in the comments below.

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Emotinal vs Physical Hunger- Ways to Identify The Difference

Hello! My Tribe,

If you always feel hungry, did you know that it’s not always a physical need for nutrition? It can be psychological or emotional. Sometimes we feel hungry because we’re bored, sad, or stressed. I help you get to the bottom of that hunger feeling in this video.

If you often feel hungry, you are not alone!

There are many reasons to feel hungry. Of course, the most obvious one is that you are actually physically hungry. Perhaps your stomach is empty, your blood sugar has dropped, and your hunger hormones are having a party.

But other times, the hunger may not be physical hunger. It may be a craving or an emotional trigger. These are common reasons why some people eat too much. It could be brought on by a certain type of diet, stress, or other things going on in life.

It’s easy to mistake “psychological” hunger for “physical” hunger.

I’m going to talk about the difference between both of these types of hunger, and give you some tips how to figure out which is which.

And, of course, I will give you a very filling recipe too!

Physical hunger vs. psychological hunger

Your “physical” hunger is regulated by the body through your hunger hormones. And of course, it should be. You don’t want to be completely drained of fuel and nutrients for a long time. So, you’re programmed to seek food when your body physically needs it. Some of those physical needs are that your stomach is empty or your blood sugar has dropped.

“Psychological” or “emotional” hunger is eating to overcome boredom, sadness, stress, etc. It’s based on a thought or feeling. It happens when you see a great food commercial or smell a bakery. It is not from your empty stomach or low blood sugar.

So, here’s how to tell which is which.

Eight steps to figure out if you’re physically hungry or not

1 – The first thing you need to do is stop to evaluate. Scarfing down that protein bar at the first sign of hunger isn’t necessarily going to help you.

2 – Now that you’ve stopped. Pay attention to where this hunger is coming from. Can you actually feel or hear your stomach growling? Did you skip a meal, and haven’t eaten in hours? Or are you seeing and smelling something divinely delicious? Perhaps you’re bored, sad, or stressed? Take a peek into all these areas and really pay attention.

3 – Have a big glass of water. Now observe your hunger feeling for at least a minute. Really dig into the source of the feeling. It can be easy to jump to a conclusion, but that may or may not be the right one. So listen to your body and mind very deeply.4 – If you do find that your feelings may be the source, then face them. Acknowledge and observe them. They may just be needing comfort and recognition, even if they sound like they need food. Try deep breathing, having a stretch, or going for a quick walk to release some of these emotions; this also gives your mind a chance to focus on something other than the feeling of hunger.

5 – If you’re pretty sure that your body physically needs nutrition, just wait a few more minutes to make sure.

6 – Now you can be fairly sure whether your hunger was from emotions, boredom, thirst, or actual physical hunger.

7 – If it’s physical hunger, feel free to eat healthy and nutritious food. To fill you up the food you eat should be high in protein, fibre, and water. Eat slowly and mindfully. Chew well and savour every bite of it.

8 – Rinse and repeat at the next sign of hunger.


The feeling of hunger can manifest for many reasons. Of course, if you’re physically hungry and need the food and nutrients, then this is what it’s for!

But often, there is an underlying psychological or emotional reason you might feel hungry.

Now you know my eight steps to figure out if your physical body is hungry, or if you’re bored, sad, or stressed.

Use this process over and over again to feed your body what it actually physically needs (and not overdo it).

Hope this video helped you understand your hunger batter.


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I Volunteered At Masai Mara Medical Camp

Hello! My tribe,

Last month ( May 2019) , I had the opportunity to travel to Masai Mara, Kenya with the team of Lifecare to volunteer at a medical camp organized by lifecare international. And what a life changing experience it was.
Watch the video and get in touch with Lifecare in case you want to contribute to this cause in any way.
Visit their website


Love and Health


I Went For Gorilla Trekking

Hello! My Tribe,

I am in Uganda and had an experience of a lifetime that I wanted to share with you. When I got invited to visit Uganda by my dear friend Shamira Mitha who owns Verve, a boutique PR and marketing agency based in Dubai, I took no time to say yes. I had no idea what to expect but always excited to visit a new country I got on to a flight and landed in Entebbe.

I stayed a few days in Kampala (more about Kampala will be in my blog soon that I will share with you) and then drove down to Bwindi for an indescribable experience of my life.

Almost an 11 hours drive from Kampala, took me to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Checked into Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge. Woke up early morning to start the Gorilla trek. The Trek is conducted under the supervision of park rangers.


Treks set out daily. Rangers keep park HQ informed by radio of the gorilla’s whereabouts, so sightings are virtually guaranteed. After an obligatory briefing, I was assigned to a group of eight trekkers, plus guides and porters. Each group is allocated to a particular gorilla troop. Mine was Christmas troop, headed by a silver back Gorilla who was born on a Christmas day. The trek, including an hour with the gorillas, may take anything from three to nine hours, depending on the location of the troop. The trek is definitely not for the faint hearted and it demands a certain level of fitness to take this on. This is what I wore during our hike:
• Waterproof Hiking Boots
• Thin, Water Resistant Pants
• Sweat Proof / Water Resistant Long-Sleeve Shirt
• A Waterproof Wind/Rain Jacket
Overall, I wanted my skin to be covered for protection from bugs and thorns and the elements.

We walked for almost 4.5 hours through beautiful terrain in dense undergrowth at altitude and steep, slippery and muddy trails for an encounter of a lifetime…an encounter with the last of the wild mountain Gorillas.


Nothing prepares you for the intensity of the encounter. Our guide explained the rules. We had to keep quiet, be still and preserve a distance of seven meters – although there’s nothing to stop the apes from approaching you. Generally, nothing much happens. We were there there for an hour. The privilege of observing an extraordinary animal close-up is indescribable. One hour is not enough, but it is an hour that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Mountain Gorillas
These severely endangered animals are being pushed into extinction by humans.
About 800+ of these great apes remain in the wild, according to the most recent census. The biggest threats come from political instability, human encroachment, and forest degradation.
The world’s remaining mountain gorillas live in three countries spanning four national parks—Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Volcanoes National Park, and Virunga National Park.


Adult male gorillas weigh up to 440 pounds and can reach a height of six feet when standing on two legs. Mature male gorillas are known as “silverbacks” for the white hair that develops on their back at about 14 years of age.

Gorilla Family

Gorillas move around in family groups that can range from a couple of individuals to more than 40 members. A dominant male leads and holds the position for years.

Interesting Fact

Charismatic and intelligent animals, gorillas share 98.3% of their DNA with humans. They are our closest cousins after chimpanzees and bonobos.

How can YOU help Gorillas from going extinct?

By visiting the mountain gorillas in the wild through organized gorilla treks, tourists contribute to their continued survival within the forests. Though the governments of the host countries and conservation organizations have tried to protect the mountain gorillas, a lot is still needed to ensure sustainability and the full protection of these great apes. After your trek, there are a lot of things that you can do to help promote gorilla conservation.
Over the past 20 years, tourism has been the most successful tool for protecting gorillas. Local people have now widely embraced gorilla tourism as a form of additional income. Tourism has also created jobs for the locals as well as generating direct revenue from the sale of goods or provision of services such as guiding, transportation, and more.

Anything adventurous like this doesn’t come easy to me, I am more a luxury kinda girl than hiking and camping. But I am so glad that I swapped my Louboutin for my hiking shoes and went on this adventure of a lifetime.
I so highly recommend this, with your family, children and friends. I promise you, this is an experience that will stay with you forever, after all life is made of moments and experiences like these, that introduces you to a new world outside and inside of you.

Love and Health


Multivitamins: Are They Really a Waste of Money?

Hello! My Tribe,

Multivitamins DO have health benefits…but they may not be what you’ve been led to believe.

Want to know the actual health benefits of taking multivitamins?

Are you one of the many people who feels that multivitamins are an “insurance policy” for your health? Do you take the very popular “Jack of all trades” of the supplement world?

Or, have you been told that they’re not worth anything, and just make “expensive pee?”

I’m spilling the truth in today’s video.

The truth is, there is too much hype out there about multivitamins. Hype about their health benefits, and hype about their risks.
Multivitamins are exactly what they sound like: multiple vitamins. They’re supplements that contain several different vitamins in each one. They can also contain several minerals and other ingredients like amino acids or fatty acids. And because there are multiple ingredients, there are low doses of each ingredient.

In fact, they are the most commonly used supplements in the world!

There are 13 vitamins and at least 16 minerals that are essential to health. You need certain amounts of all of these nutrients for optimal health. In fact, nutrient deficiencies can impact reproduction, growth, and regulation of bodily processes.

Lots of people say that if you follow a “balanced diet,” you’ll get enough vitamins and minerals. I personally would love to believe it … but it’s just not true. Many people are eating way too much-processed food that is devoid of nutrition. There’s a lot of research that shows many people don’t get enough vitamins and minerals. Period.

How do you know which vitamins and minerals are in your multivitamin? Read the label, and don’t be afraid to ask questions! If there are at least three different vitamins and minerals listed, it’s a multivitamin.

Do multivitamins work?

Multivitamins have been studied a lot.

The quality of the multivitamins studied has not been consistent. Some studies consider any supplements with at least three vitamins to be a “multivitamin.” Most of the time, the multivitamins studied are ones that are very popular and are available everywhere.

So, what exactly do we know about the health benefits of multivitamins?

Here’s a quick summary of the science:

● Multivitamin use is linked with improved moods. Interestingly, if someone has nutrient deficiencies, they may have mood imbalances. So, if the multivitamin addresses an underlying deficiency, this makes sense.
● In terms of memory and cognitive performance (ability to think), there seems to be an improvement in people who regularly take multivitamins.
● In terms of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, there seems to be a slight improvement.
● In terms of heart disease, the results are mixed. There may be an increase, or a decrease, or no effect on risk of heart attacks.
● In terms of cancer, there is a slightly reduced risk of certain cancers in men.
● In terms of mortality (death), there doesn’t seem to be a clear increase or decrease in mortality rates for people who take multivitamins.

All in all, multivitamins aren’t magical “health pills.” They’re not guaranteed to improve your mental or physical health, or help you live longer; but, they do have some health benefits.

Are multivitamins safe?

Just about every study that looked to see if multivitamins were health-promoting, also looked at side effects. They have consistently shown that multivitamins are very safe.

Now, I’m not talking about high-dose supplements. High doses of many nutrients can be harmful. But specifically for multivitamins where there are several nutrients included, all of which are in low doses. Those are safe.

Unless you have a knowledgeable practitioner advise otherwise, you want to stick to the dose on the label. That dose should be safe for most people.

However, there are many times when supplements (not just multivitamins) have been tested and found to contain different ingredients than what’s on the label; this may be different quantities of vitamins or minerals. Sometimes they contain ingredients that are not supposed to be in them at all (like toxins or prescription medicines).

This is why choosing supplements that are licensed, if applicable (like in Canada), and from reputable companies is so important.


Since they contain low doses of many different nutrients, they’re also safe (as long as you have a quality product).Of course, taking a multivitamin is not a way to improve a poor diet. I always recommend eating a balanced diet of whole foods. There is plenty of evidence that eating a diet of whole, unprocessed food prevents many diseases.

Hope this enlightened you about Multivitamins.


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Hello! My Tribe,

What’s up with the ketogenic diet? Is it healthy? Will it help me lose weight? What should I consider before “going keto.”

I have answers to your keto questions right here.

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, very high-fat diet.

It has recently gained a lot of popularity in the wellness sphere because of some of its health benefits.

A ketogenic diet has been shown to help some people lose weight (yes, even with high fat). It can also help improve certain health conditions, like epilepsy in children.

Read on for some of the lowdown on how it reprograms your metabolism (for “ketosis”), and whether or not it’s something for you to consider.

What is “ketosis?”

Carbs (sugars & starches) are the preferred fuel for your brain and muscles. They use carbs first, whenever they’re available.

This is why maintaining stable blood sugar can affect your attention, mood, and energy level.

However, when very low amounts of carbs are available for fuel, your body starts making compounds known as “ketones.” These are your body’s “backup fuel.” And your body makes them from fat.

Ketogenic literally means “the generation of ketones.”

After a while being on a diet very low in carbs, your blood level of ketones increases. This is the metabolic state known as “ketosis.” It’s the same process that your body goes through if you’ve fasted for 72 hours and depleted your supply of carbs as fuel. That’s the trigger for turning fat into ketones.

Pro Tip: “Ketosis” from a ketogenic diet is not the same thing as the dangerous condition known as “ketoacidosis.”

Ketogenic diet for weight loss

With a high fat intake, it may be surprising to know that studies show that a ketogenic diet is effective for weight loss.

But it’s true!

It can also have better results than low-fat diets. At least one study showed that people lost 2.2 times more weight on a ketogenic diet than those on low-fat or calorie-controlled diets.

How is this possible?

Eating all that fat and protein is filling! It helps release satiety hormones that tell us that we’re full and satisfied, and we don’t need to eat anymore. Many people don’t need to count calories or track food intake, as they do with low-fat or calorie-controlled diets.

So, by eating enough fat and protein to go into “ketosis,” you can actually feel fuller and eat less food overall. Of course, this can help with weight loss.Ketogenic diet for improved health

Some studies show other health benefits of the ketogenic diet.

As you can imagine, having very low levels of carbs can help reduce blood sugar and insulin issues.

One study showed improved blood triglycerides (fat) and cholesterol numbers. Others show lower blood sugar levels, and even up to 75% improvement in insulin sensitivity.

Several studies show reduced seizures in children who follow a ketogenic diet.

Changing your metabolism has widespread health effects. And this can be beneficial for some people.

How to do the ketogenic diet

Not everyone should go on a ketogenic diet. Make sure you speak with a trained healthcare practitioner before you try it. It can have side effects, including the infamous “keto flu.”

The ketogenic diet involves getting 60-75% of your calories from fat, 20-35% from protein, and just 5% from carbs. Many people find it quite restrictive and are unable to stay on it for a long time.

The foods to focus on for a ketogenic diet are meat, fatty fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, healthy oils, avocados, and low-carb vegetables (cucumber, celery, peppers, zucchini, leafy greens, etc.).

The main thing to avoid are foods that are high in carbs. These include sugary foods and desserts, grains, fruit, legumes, starchy vegetables, alcohol and “diet foods.”

And because of the limits on fruit and starchy vegetables, many people on the ketogenic diet need to take supplements. This is because, in addition to their sugar and starch, fruits and starchy veggies are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. So, if you’re cutting those foods out, you still need to give your body those nutrients. And often, it means needing supplements.


The ketogenic diet is very popular these days. It can be helpful for weight loss, and other health conditions.

It’s not for everyone, so make sure you check with a knowledgeable practitioner before you begin.

Hope this video helped you.


Love and Health


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Hello! My Tribe,

Vitamin D

It’s not easy to get most of the year, and it’s not in too many foods.

Are supplements the answer?

Here’s the lowdown on this critical, all-too-often deficient vitamin. And three ways you can get enough of it.

How Can I Get Enough Vitamin D?

When we think of “vitamins,” we know they’re super-important for health.

But vitamin D is special.

It’s difficult to get enough vitamin D; vitamin D is, therefore, a very common deficiency.

So, let’s talk about how much of this critical fat-soluble vitamin we need, and how you can get enough. The three ways to vitamin D are exposure to the sun, consuming vitamin D containing food, and through supplements.

Why is vitamin D important, and how much do we need?

Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium from our food and acts like a hormone to help us build strong bones. Vitamin D can also help with immune function, cellular growth, and help to prevent mood imbalances such as depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to bone diseases like osteomalacia. Inadequate vitamin D can also increase your risk of heart disease, autoimmune diseases, certain cancers, and even death. The “official” minimum amount of vitamin D to strive for each day is merely 400-600 IU. Many experts think that this is not nearly enough for optimal health.

To ensure you get adequate amounts of vitamin D, you can implement any combination of the three vitamin D sources mentioned above on a weekly basis.

How can I get enough vitamin D from the sun?

Your skin makes vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun; that’s why it’s referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.”How much vitamin D your skin makes depends on many things. Location, season, clouds, clothing, all affect the amount of vitamin D your skin can produce from the sun. One standard recommendation is to get about 5–30 minutes of sun exposure between 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. to the face, arms, legs, or back. This should be done without sunscreen, at least twice a week.Of course, we should always avoid sunburns and of course in some locations (and seasons of the year) it’s not easy to get sun exposure. So, how can we get enough vitamin D in other ways?
How can I get enough vitamin D from food?
Vitamin D is naturally found in fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks. Some mushrooms make vitamin D when they’re exposed to the sun.
Some foods are “fortified” (which means vitamin D has been added) with vitamin D. These include milk, some orange juices, breakfast cereals, and yogurt. It will say on the label how much vitamin D has been added per serving.

Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, you can increase absorption of it from your food if you eat it with some fat (healthy fat, of course).Between sun exposure and food, it still may be difficult to get even the minimum of 400 IU of vitamin D each day; this is why vitamin D supplements are quite popular.

How can I get enough vitamin D from supplements?

It’s easy enough to just “pop a pill” or take some cod liver oil (which also contains vitamin A). Either of these can ensure that you get the minimum amount of vitamin D, plus a bit extra.

But before you take vitamin D containing supplements, make sure you check that it won’t interact with other supplements or medications you may be taking. Always read your labels, and ask a healthcare professional for advice.

Do not take more than the suggested dosage on the label of any vitamin D supplement, except under medical care.

The maximum amount recommended (for the general population) is 4,000 IU/day. Too much vitamin D can raise your blood levels of calcium (to an unsafe level), and this can affect your heart and kidneys.

The best thing, if you’re concerned, is to ask your healthcare professional to do a blood test and make a recommendation about how much vitamin in supplement form is right for you. Your healthcare practitioner may recommend higher amounts of vitamin D supplementation for a short time while under their care.


Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin which; many people have a hard time maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D. There are three ways to get enough vitamin D: sun exposure, through certain foods, and in supplements.

I’ve given you some ideas how you can get the minimum 400-600 IU or vitamin D daily.

If you’re concerned, it’s best to request a blood test that tests your vitamin D levels to be sure what’s right for you. Always take supplements as directed.

Hope you found this video informative.


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How To Make Cooking Fun

Hello! My Tribe,

Do you find cooking to be fun? Or do you do it because you know it’s good for your health?

Maybe you avoid it because it’s such a chore?

If you’re in a rut and want some inspirational tips on making cooking more fun, I’ve got you covered.

Here’s How to Make Cooking More Fun

If you don’t love cooking, maybe I can help to make it more fun for you?

I know that sometimes I don’t find cooking to be all that fun. I can get into a rut just like everyone else.

So that’s why I’ve listed my best “fun” cooking tips for you.

Fun Cooking Tip #1

Check out new recipes.

Sometimes just seeing the beautiful food photos and reading the recipe can spark some inspiration and fun in your kitchen.

You can head to your local bookstore. Or look up your favourite nutritionists, chefs, bakers, and other online foodies. Maybe do a quick search on Google or Pinterest to see thousands of new ideas.

Perhaps you have some ingredients in your fridge that are just waiting to be eaten.

Pro Tip: Searching through recipes can be so fun and inspiring, and can also end up taking waaaay longer than planned. So, consider setting your timer when you start browsing. The last thing you want is to take too much time looking, that you don’t leave enough time for cooking.

Fun Cooking Tip #2

Make grocery shopping fun and inspiring.

When you’re at the grocery store, try something that you haven’t had in a while. Is there a seasonal fruit or vegetable you haven’t had for months? What about a childhood favourite? Did you come across something totally delicious at a restaurant or get-together lately?

Or, browse around the store looking for something you haven’t had before; something that is completely new to you. Be adventurous and fun. Then you can go to tip #1 to find new and inspiring recipes when you get home.

Fun Cooking Tip #3

Keep it simple!

Sometimes when I see a great food picture, I immediately get inspired to make it. But if I look at the ingredients or instructions and they’re too long, I stop. While there are times when I’m inspired and dive into a new great recipe; when I’m not all that inspired, I need to keep things simple.

A few ways to keep things simple are to:
● Search for recipes with 10 or fewer ingredients, and five or fewer instructions;
● Search for recipes that can be made in one pot or pan;
● Buy ingredients that are ready to cook with (pre-washed salad greens, diced squashes, frozen vegetables, etc.)

Fun Cooking Tip #4

Put on some music and invite someone to join you.

Do you have kids that need to learn the critical life skill of cooking? Perhaps your partner would love to join you? What about having a “cooking party” where everyone brings something and pitches in on the process?

Fun Cooking Tip #5

If none of the other tips work for you, invest in some kitchen swag!

Having proper kitchen tools makes cooking so much easier and faster. When’s the last time you sharpened your (our bought yourself a new) knife? Could dicing carrots with a dull knife be draining the fun from cooking? Or is blending a smoothie with a crummy blender, leaving it too chunky to enjoy, making you feel less excited to try new smoothie recipes? I know it does for me.



You know that cooking is key to healthy eating. And, yes, it does get boring from time to time.

Try one (or all) of my fun cooking tips to inspire you to get over to your kitchen and cook yourself some great dishes.

You already know your health will thank you.

Hope this video is helpful.


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How Can You Keep You Blood Sugar Stable

Hello! My Tribe,

You’ve probably heard every health and wellness expert talk about blood sugar at some point, right?

Well, this means it’s probably important for your overall health.

While your body has mechanisms in place to maintain stable blood sugar, there are many nutrition and lifestyle strategies that you can implement to help it out. Maintaining stable blood sugar will improve your overall physical and mental health.

How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable?

Oh, the words “blood sugar.”

Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications, or insulin injections?

Blood sugar is the measure of the amount of sugar in your blood. You need the right balance of sugar in your blood to fuel your brain and muscles.

The thing is, it can fluctuate. A lot.

This fluctuation is the natural balance between things that increase it; and things that decrease it. When you eat food with sugars or starches (“carbs”), then your digestive system absorbs sugar into your blood. When carbs are ingested and broken down into simple sugars, your body keeps blood sugar levels stable by secreting insulin. Insulin allows excess sugar to get it out of your bloodstream and into your muscle cells and other tissues
for energy

Why keep my blood sugar stable?

Your body wants your blood sugar to be at an optimal level. It should be high enough, so you’re not light-headed, fatigued, and irritable. It should be low enough that your body isn’t scrambling to remove excess from the blood.

When blood sugar is too low, this is referred to as “hypoglycemia.”

When blood sugar is too high, it is referred to as hyperglycemia. Prolonged periods of elevated blood sugar levels (chronic hyperglycemia) can lead to “insulin resistance.”

Insulin resistance is when your cells are just so bored of the excess insulin that they start ignoring (resisting) it, and that keeps your blood sugar levels too high.

Insulin resistance and chronic hyperglycemia can eventually lead to diabetes.

So let’s look at how you can optimize your food and lifestyle to keep your blood sugar stable.

Food for stable blood sugar

The simplest thing to do to balance your blood sugar is to reduce the number of refined sugars and starches you eat. To do this, you can start by dumping sweet drinks and having smaller portions of dessert.

Eating more fiber is helpful too. Fiber helps to slow down the amount of sugar absorbed from your meal; it reduces the “spike” in your blood sugar level. Fiber is found in plant-based foods (as long as they are eaten in their natural state, processing foods removed fiber). Eating nuts, seeds, and whole fruits and veggies (not juiced) is a great way to increase your fiber intake.

FUN FACT: Cinnamon has been shown to help cells increase insulin sensitivity. Not to mention it’s a delicious spice that can be used in place of sugar. (HINT: It’s in the recipe below)

Lifestyle for stable blood sugar

Exercise also helps to improve your insulin sensitivity; this means that your cells don’t ignore insulin’s call to get excess sugar out of the blood. Not to mention, when you exercise, your muscles are using up that sugar they absorbed from your blood. But you already knew that exercise is healthy, didn’t you?

Would you believe that stress affects your blood sugar levels? Yup! Stress hormones increase your blood sugar levels. If you think about the “fight or flight” stress response, what fuel do your brain and muscles need to “fight” or “flee”? Sugar! When you are stressed signals are sent to release stored forms of sugar back into the bloodstream, increasing blood sugar levels. So, try to reduce the stress you’re under and manage it more effectively. Simple tips are meditation, deep breathing, or gentle movement.

Sleep goes hand-in-hand with stress. When you don’t get enough quality sleep, you tend to release stress hormones, have a higher appetite, and even get sugar cravings. Sleep is crucial, often overlooked, factor when it comes to keeping your blood sugar stable. Make sleep more of a priority – it will do your blood sugar (and the rest of your physical and mental health) good.


Your body is on a constant 24-hour quest to keep your blood sugar stable. The body has mechanisms in place to do this, but those mechanisms can get tired (resistant). Long-term blood sugar issues can spell trouble.
There are many nutrition and lifestyle approaches you can take to help keep your blood sugar stable. Minimizing excessive carbs, and eating more fiber, exercising, reducing stress, and improving sleep are all key to having stable blood sugar (and overall good health).

Hope you liked this video


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Hello! My tribe,

This is my first self filmed and edited vlog ever, so please be kind to me 😉
You all asked for my everyday makeup look and here it goes.

It’s a long video, if you watch the whole thing, I know you are my biggest supporter and I love you too.

Ignore small editing glitches etc.

If you are watching me for the first time, go on and know more about me.

This blog is inspired by and dedicated to all the makeup bloggers out there, you guys are amazing.

I can’t wait to read all the comments.

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel too.

Love and Health


DIY Face Scrubs For Clear And Glowing Skin

Hello! My Tribe,

I know beauty videos do amazingly well on my channel, and I am always super happy to share all that I know about beauty, all tried and tested.

So today I have some DIY face scrubs for you all that I have been using for some time now.
Simple homemade face scrubs are the perfect recipes to attempt if you’re new to do-it-yourself skincare. The ingredients are easy to find in fact, you probably have most of them in your kitchen already, inexpensive, and homemade face scrubs are really hard to go wrong with.

Exfoliation is a key part of any facial routine; I recommend a scrub 2-3 times a week to help slough off dead skin cells and unclog pores. Give any one of these simple scrubs a try.

Watch the Video for the recipes.

Love and Health


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Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter?

Hello! My Tribe,

Name four things that can contribute to weight gain, even if you’re eating the same way you always have. Want a hint (or four)? Check out this video here.

Do you feel like you’re getting fatter but you’re still eating the same way?

I want you to know that you are NOT alone!

There are so many variables when it comes to weight gain and (of course) these go way above and beyond the concept of “calories in, calories out”.

I discuss the four top reasons in my newest post. And none of them are related to food or exercise.

Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter?
You are positive that you’re not eating more food or “junkier” food but you’re still gaining weight.

Is this possible?

Yes! You are NOT crazy!

And here’s why.

We both know that the whole “calories in, calories out” argument is an overly simplistic view of weight.

There’s definitely more to the story than just what you’re eating, right?

A lot of this comes right down to your metabolic rate which is affected by things like your activity level, history of dieting, body composition, and even what you eat.

But, let’s go beyond the “eat less and exercise more” advice and dive into some of the less obvious underlying reasons why you may be gaining weight even though you’re eating the same.

Things like:
● Aging;
● Hormones;
● Sleep;
● Stress.


Funny things happen the older we get. People commonly experience lower energy levels, more digestive discomfort, weight gain, as well as aches and pains.

Aging can result in hormonal changes for both men and women. And these can contribute to loss of some lean muscle mass, as well as increases and changes in fat storage on our bodies.

The good thing is that, this is very common and not your fault one bit.


Your thyroid is the master controller of your metabolism and can be a massive contributor to your weight gain. There are several things that can affect it and throw it off course.

When your thyroid gets off course and produces fewer hormones your metabolism slows down. And when your metabolism slows down you can gain weight. Even though you’re eating the same way you always have.

Pro Tip: Talk with your doctor about having your hormones tested. Oh, and try the thyroid-friendly recipe that I created for you at the end of this post.


There is plenty of research that shows the influence that sleep has on your metabolic rate.

And as we age it can become harder and harder to get a good night’s sleep.

The general consensus is to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night to help avoid weight gain.

It’s true! Lack of sleep is linked with weight gain.

Who ever thought you can sleep off your weight?

Pro Tip: Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. The first place to start is by implementing a calming before bedtime routine.


It seems to be everywhere! So many things that can cause stress responses in your body.

And you know that stress hormones are not going to help you sustain healthy habits or maintain a healthy weight, right?

While you can’t necessarily change your stressors you can try to adjust your stress response to them.

Pro Tip: Try meditation or yoga. Or even mindful eating. What about those new adult colouring books that are all the rage now?


There are lots of factors that can affect your weight, even if you’re eating the same way you always have. Aging, hormones, stress, and sleep are all interconnected to each other and can all contribute to weight gain, even if you’re eating the same way you always have.

Hope this helped.


Love and Health


This Is How Food Affects Your Blood Sugar Levels

Hello! My Tribe,

Have you ever had your blood sugar levels tested or heard about eating to balance blood sugar? Have you wondered about the science behind how foods affect blood sugar? Or more importantly, which foods affect your blood sugar more than others?

If so, this video is for you.

It’s all about the glycemic index and glycemic load. And it’s not boring, promise!

Have a read because you may want to pay attention to foods that are high on the glycemic index or high glycemic load. And if you’re at risk of blood sugar issues, pancreas conditions, or even diabetes this is IMPORTANT for you to know.

What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?

Glycemic this and glycemic that. Does it matter?

You’ll notice that they both begin with “glycemic.” That’s one tip that they have to do with sugars and carbs. Not only how much sugar is in foods, but more importantly, how it affects your blood sugar levels.

In general, diets that are high on the glycemic index (GI) and high in glycemic load (GL), tend to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

FUN FACT: Starches like those in potatoes and grains are digested into sugar; this is because starch is just a bunch of sugars linked together. Digestive enzymes break those bonds so that the sugars become free. Then those sugars affect your body the same way that eating sugary foods do.

Glycemic Index (“how fast”)

The most common of the two terms is “glycemic index” (GI).

As the name suggests, it “indexes” (or compares) the effect that different foods have on your blood sugar level. Then each food is given a score from 0 (no effect on blood sugar) to 100 (big effect on blood sugar). Foods that cause a fast increase in blood sugar have a high GI. That is because the sugar in them is quickly processed by your digestive system and absorbed into your blood. They cause a “spike” in your blood sugar.

So, you can probably guess that pure glucose is given a GI rating of 100. On the other hand, chickpeas are right down there at a GI of 10.

Regarding GI: low is anything under 55; moderate is 56-69, and 70+ is considered a high GI food.

Remember, this is a measure of how fast a carbohydrate containing food is digested and raised your blood sugar. It’s not a measure of the sugar content of the food.

How the carbohydrates in food affect your blood sugar level depend on other components of the food. Things like fiber and protein can slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream, and this can make even a high-sugar food, low on the GI scale.

So, lower GI foods are better at keeping your blood sugar levels stable because they don’t increase your blood sugar level as fast.

FUN FACT: Can you guess which food has a GI of higher than 100? (Think of something super-starchy) White potatoes! They have a GI of 111.

Glycemic Load (“how much”)

The glycemic load is different.

Glycemic load (GL) doesn’t take into account how quickly your blood sugar “spikes”, but it looks at how high that spike is. Basically, how much the food increases your blood sugar.

GL depends on two things. First, how much sugar is actually in the food. Second, how much of the food is typically eaten.

Low GL would be 0-10, moderate GL would be 10-20, and high GL would 20+.

Example of GL and GI

So, let’s compare the average (120 g) servings of bananas and oranges:

Food GI Serving Size GL /serving
average 48 120 11

Oranges, 45 120 5

Excerpt from: Harvard Health Publications, Glycemic index and glycemic load for 100+ foods

As you can see, the banana and orange have almost the same glycemic index.; this means they both raise your blood sugar in about the same amount of time.

But, the average banana raises the blood sugar twice as high (11) as the orange does (5). So, it contains more overall sugar than the same amount (120 g) of orange.

What does this all mean for your health?

Certain people should be aware of the effects that foods have on their blood sugar. People who have diabetes or pre-diabetes conditions like insulin resistance
need to be aware of the glycemic index and glycemic load of foods they are eating regularly.

The GI and GL are just two factors to consider when it comes to blood sugar. Some high GI foods are pretty good for you but if you want to reduce the impact on your blood sugar, have them with a high-fiber or high-protein food.


If you have blood sugar imbalances or diabetes, you should probably be aware of the GI and GL of your food.

If you are at risk of diabetes or heart disease, you might try swapping out some higher GI/GL foods and replacing with lower GI/GL foods.


Love and Health



DIY- Under Eye Masks For Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Hello! My Tribe,
This seems to be the most common issue people have as I get asked about this all the time.

So many women and men wake up every morning, stagger to the bathroom and look back at their reflection with some seriously tired, puffy eyes. Not the best way to start the day! If under eye bags are dragging you down, give them a wake-up call with these simple, DIY under eye masks.
DIY eye masks are easy to make, inexpensive and do the job as well as a store-bought one. Plus you can add pure, natural ingredients that are sure to be found in any home. From cucumber to almonds, these combinations are free of chemicals and are sure to help you diminish your dark circles. Blend all the ingredients in a paste and store in a container. Cut one round cotton pad in half and dip in the paste. Apply under the eyes for 15 minutes and wash off any leftover residue.
1.Cucumber and Rosewater

Cucumbers have been used as an amazing home remedy for ages because of its high water content, Vitamin C content and soothing properties. Cucumbers contain antioxidants and flavonoids that reduce redness, swelling, and irritation.

Rosewater contains vitamin C and A, as well as flavonoids. It is a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory properties. It is also incredibly rejuvenating and refreshing. And Rosewater isn’t just about the fantastic fragrance– it also soothes and rejuvenates tired skin. Another bonus is that it acts as a toner reducing the size of skin pores at the same time.

2. Potato juice and green tea

A great source of starch, potatoes have anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties that help fade away the dark shadows of under eye circles. Furthermore, the starch in them reduces inflammation and soothes tired eyes. Vitamin C in potatoes initiates the synthesis of collagen that in turn makes the skin look younger.
We all know the amazing anti-aging and properties of green tea when drunk but the benefit extends to treating undereye bags as well. Green tea contains antioxidants and tannins which shrink swelling caused by fluids around the eyes.

3. Turmeric and Vitamin E oil
Yet another natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric minimizes dark circles. Known for adding a yellow sheen to food, turmeric can counter the dark purplish shade of the under eyes.
Vitamin E is a perfect add on to turmeric. Vitamin E is a popular ingredient in anti-aging creams and serums as it helps fight the effect of free radicals that speed up signs of aging like wrinkles. So when massaged under the eye, it can repair tired skin and keep it moisturized.

4. Rosehip oil and Almond powder

Almond oil is a wonderful hydrating agent which helps fade away dark circles and minimizes the appearance of crow-feet wrinkles. Almond oil is perfect for delicate skin too as it is naturally rich in retinol, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

Rosehip oil is an essential fatty acid that moisturizes and plumps the delicate thin skin around the eyes. Loaded with vitamin C, rosehip oil fights wrinkle-causing free radicals and even out pigmentation.

Have you ever tried any of these or similar masks, what is your DIY under eye masks?


Love and Health


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Raw Vs Cooked Which Contains More Vitamins and Minerals

Hello! My Tribe,

Want to know how cooking impacts the vitamins and minerals in your uber-healthy food? I laid it out for you right here.

Let’s finally put an end to the debate of raw vs. cooked.

Of course, in the grand scheme of a well-balanced, nutrient-dense, varied, whole foods diet, the cooked vs. raw debate isn’t that critical for most people.

Where this can become a consideration is for vitamin and mineral deficiencies (or “insufficiencies”). These may be due to digestion or absorption issues, or avoidance of certain foods (due to allergies, intolerances, or choice).

And I’ll tell you that the answer isn’t as simple as “raw is always better” or “cooked is always better.” As with most nutrition science, it depends on several factors. Some vitamins are destroyed in cooking, while others become easier to absorb (a.k.a. more “bioavailable”).

Here is the skinny on vitamins and minerals in raw foods versus cooked foods.

Foods to eat raw

As a general rule, water soluble nutrients, like vitamin C and the B vitamins, found mostly in fruits and vegetables, are best eaten raw.

The reason why is two-fold.

First, when these nutrients are heated, they tend to degrade; this is from any heat, be it steaming, boiling, roasting, or frying. Vitamin C and the B vitamins are a bit more “delicate” and susceptible to heat than many other nutrients.

Of course, the obvious way to combat these nutrient losses is to eat foods high vitamin C and B vitamins in their raw form (like in an awesome salad) or to cook them for as short a time as possible (like quickly steaming or blanching).

Fun fact: Raw spinach can contain three times the amount of vitamin C as cooked spinach.

The second reason why foods high in vitamin C and the B vitamins are best eaten raw is that they’re “water soluble.” So, guess where the vitamins go when they’re cooked in water? Yes, they’re dissolved right into the water; this is particularly true for fruits and veggies that are boiled and poached but even for foods that steamed as well.

Of course, if you’re a savvy health nut, you’ll probably keep that liquid to use in your next soup or sauce to preserve those nutrients that are left after cooking. Just don’t overheat it or you may lose what you were aiming to keep.

But, how much loss are we talking about? Well, of course, it ranges but can go from as low as 15%, up to over 50%.

In short, the water soluble vitamins like vitamin C and the B vitamins degrade with heat and some of what’s left over after they’re heated dissolves into the cooking water. So be sure to cook your fruits and veggies as little as possible, and keep that cooking water to use in your next recipe.

Soaking nuts and seeds

Regarding raw nuts and seeds, it may be beneficial to soak them. Soaking nuts and seeds (for several hours at room temperature) allows some of the minerals to become “unlocked” from their chemical structure, so they’re more absorbable.

Foods to eat cooked

Cooking certain orange and red “beta-carotene rich” veggies (e.g. tomatoes, carrots, & sweet potatoes) can help make this pre-vitamin A compound more absorbable.

Fun fact: One study found that absorption of beta-carotene was 6.5 times greater in stir-fried carrots than in raw carrots!

Of course, eating your fat-soluble vitamins with a bit of fat will help you to absorb more of them, so that’s one factor to consider.

One vegetable that’s best eaten both raw and cooked


And I’m not just saying this to get everyone to eat it any way possible (although, I would love for this to happen…unless you’re allergic, of course).

Spinach contains so many beneficial compounds that it’s great eaten both raw and cooked.

Eating raw spinach preserves the water-soluble vitamins C & the B vitamins.

Eating spinach cooked allows the pre-vitamin A, as well as some of the minerals like iron to be better absorbed. Not to mention how much spinach reduces in size when it’s cooked, so it’s easier to eat way more cooked spinach than raw spinach.


The old nutrition philosophy of making sure you get a lot of nutrient-dense whole foods into your diet holds true. Feel free to mix up how you eat them, whether you prefer raw or cooked just make sure you eat them.

Hope this video helped you to understand Raw vs Cooked better.
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How Stress Is Messing With Your Health

Ahhh, the “stress mess.”

Does stress make you feel a bit off? Do you notice negative health effects when stress is the worst? Maybe it affects your sleep, or maybe you get sick more often.

Yes, stress can definitely mess with your health.

Today I talk about some of the telltale (and not-so-obvious) signs that stress is messing with your health.
We all have some level of stress, right?

It may be temporary (acute), or long-term (chronic).

Acute stress usually won’t mess with your health too much. It is your body’s natural reaction to circumstances, and can even be life-saving.

Then, when the “threat” (a.k.a. “stressor”) is gone, the reaction subsides, and all is well.

It’s the chronic stress that’s a problem. You see, your body has specific stress reactions. If these stress reactions are triggered every day or many times a day that can mess with your health.

Stress (and stress hormones) can have a huge impact on your health.

Let’s dive into the “stress mess.”

Mess #1 – Increased risk of heart disease and diabetes

Why save the best for last? Anything that increases the risk for heart disease and diabetes (both serious, chronic conditions) needs to be discussed.

Stress increased the risk for heart disease and diabetes by promoting chronic inflammation, affecting your blood “thickness,” as well as how well your cells respond to insulin.

Mess #2 – Immunity

Did you notice that you get sick more often when you’re stressed? Maybe you get colds, cold sores, or even the flu more frequently when you are stressed?

Well, that’s because stress hormones affect the chemical messengers (cytokines) secreted by immune cells consequently, they are less able to do their jobs effectively.

Mess #3 – “Leaky Gut.”

Stress can contribute to leaky gut, otherwise known as “intestinal permeability.” These “leaks” can then allow partially digested food, bacteria or other things to be absorbed into your body.

The stress hormone cortisol can open up tiny holes by loosening the grip your digestive cells have to each other.

Picture this: Have you ever played “red rover?” It’s where a row of children hold hands while one runs at them to try to break through. Think of those hands as the junctions between cells. When they get loose, they allow things to get in that should be passing right though. Cortisol (produced in excess in chronic stress) is a strong player in red rover!

Mess #4 – Sleep Disruption

Stress and sleep go hand-in-hand, wouldn’t you agree? It’s often difficult to sleep when you have very important (and stressful) things on your mind.

And when you don’t get enough sleep, it affects your energy level, memory, ability to think, and mood.

More and more research is showing just how important sleep is for your health. Not enough sleep (and too much stress) aren’t doing you any favours.

Stress-busting tips

Reducing stressors in your life is an obvious first step.
Can you:

● Put less pressure on yourself?
● Ask for help?
● Say “no”?
● Delegate to someone else?
● Finally, make that decision?

No matter how hard you try, you won’t eliminate stress altogether. So, here are a few things you can try to help reduce its effect on you:
● Deep breathing
● Meditation
● Walk in nature
● Unplug (read a book, take a bath)
● Exercise (yoga, tai chi, etc.)
● Connect with loved ones


Stress is a huge and often underappreciated factor in our health. It can impact your physical body much more than you might realize.

Stress has been shown to increase the risk for heart disease and diabetes, affect your immune system, digestion and sleep.

There are things you can do to both reduce stressors and also to improve your response to it.

You can ditch that stress mess!

Hope you found this video informative, LIKE, SHARE, SUNSCRIBE AND COMMENT.

Love and Health


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Hello! My Tribe,

Luxury is in every detail of the newly opened Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort – from the marine-inspired architecture to the detailed amenities, private pools behind each villa and the staff’s professional but warm welcome.

As soon as your barefoot steps onto the wooden jetty which leads up to the resort on the beautiful, tiny island and you’re handed a cool, refreshing towel, you can feel your stress melt away.

Over the next five days, I was impressed time and time again with the incredible dedication to luxury and wellness that the resort offers.

I’ve visited the Maldives twice before with trips that focused on the luxurious side of life so this time I was looking forward to incorporating the wellness facilities and activities on offer.

Getting to the Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort

This valentine I was looking for a destination that has, sun, sand and wellness and so my dear friend Shamira Mitha who owns Verve PR in Dubai suggested Westine Maldives and in no time I packed my bags to fly.

Situated on a beautiful coral island in the Baa Atoll, the resort is surrounded by an expanse of crystal clear sea which sparkles turquoise, aqua, indigo – every hue of blue imaginable.

Because of its remoteness, the only way to get to the resort is by a small seaplane which is an experience in itself. From the air you can truly appreciate the Maldives’ magic with tiny green and white islands dotted in the incredible colours of the Indian Ocean.

Due to rough seas with large waves I wasn’t able to land at the resort so instead landed in protected lagoon which and were taken to the resort by the Westin’s small boats.

Just landed at Male airport

About to board my sea plane to Westin maldives

The entire management staff greeted us at the large jetty with cool towels and a refreshing cucumber and mint drink which I welcomed after our flight. It helped kick-start our sense of calm and tranquility.

As I walked down the jetty over the aqua water, I got a glimpse of what was to become my home before being whisked away in a buggy to our water villa which was perched over the lagoon. This incredible setting is brought into the architecture through a glass floor, making the ocean a feature of the suite as well as giving unbelievable access to the sea so I could snorkel whenever the mood stroke.

Resort View

Enjoying the serenity and the vastness of the ocean

Once more, the commitment to luxury continued inside my private villa – one of 70 villas and suites spread across two islands which have the option of sunrise or sunset views and over the water or nestled among the beautiful foliage of coconut trees and palms.

Designed by award-winning architects PEIA Associate, every detail in the villa was thought through and complimented the tropical paradise I was in. The eco-friendly design draws on influences of understated style, large spaces, open-plan living with an impeccable attention to detail. Perhaps the pièce de résistance was our own pool where I could cool-off while looking out to the expanse of the Indian Ocean.

Water Villas

Villa Interior Pic

After settling in and feeling peckish, I made my way to Hawker for lunch which is one of three restaurants at the resort. The style at beach-side Hawker is causal and the cuisine is authentic Asian street food, but in an opulent setting. I opted for the soft shell crab, prawn and egg fried rice which was a delicious take on the traditional dish which showed the chefs’ impeccable training and finesse.

Egg Fried Rice with Shrimps

Vegan Pad Thai

I took the afternoon to rest and recuperate from the journey before heading for sundowner drinks at the Sunset Bar. There I enjoyed a lovely drink, the warm sea breeze and watched the colours change as the sun sank into the horizon as the DJ played music which perfectly accompanied the vibe of the sleek, laid back lounge bar.

Every part of the Westin Maldives experience drips with luxury and elegance – including the Heavenly bath experience which was the perfect way to end our first day. When I got back to my villa after dinner, the bath had been drawn with rose petals scattered over the bubbles. Soaking in it both relaxed and refreshed me and set me up for a wonderful night’s sleep in the famous and exclusive Westin Heavenly Bed which have been developed to promote sleep to restore your body and mind. You’re also given a menu for the different pillow options so you can choose one which you like best and find most comfortable. It’s the little details which make you feel at home.

Perfect way to end the day

Wellness at the Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort

I was so looking forward to the wellness offerings at the Westin Maldives. The next morning I made a start at making the most of them by stretching at the gym which, like the rest of the resort, offers uncompromised views across the aqua sea.

The Westin Maldives has six pillars of wellness as part of its Well-Being Movement which is not only offered to hotel and resort guests, but to employees around the world. These pillars are:
feel well
work well
move well
eat well
sleep well
play well

They’ve truly incorporated these into this resort which offers an array of activities including yoga and personal complimentary training sessions.

Meditation At Westin Maldives

Workout At Westin Gym

This is also present in food. Every morning I was spoiled with an incredibly elaborate breakfast buffet which had many healthy options, including the celery juice I drink daily at home. And for our other meals, the chefs were extremely accommodating and offered me modifications to the dishes to make them healthier and fit within my diet.

A favourite meal of mine which I had at the Island Kitchen was ceviche with steamed fish and vegetables. At the other evening restaurant, The Pearl, the décor is refined and the Japanese cuisine with exquisite and beautifully-cut sushi from fresh and local ingredients.

Activities at the Westin Maldives

The Westin Maldives has a spa unlike any other I’ve been to.

Set over the water and with stunning sea-views and glass floors, the Heavenly Spa brings a sense of calm by bringing the ocean into the treatment rooms where you’re spoiled for choice of therapies and massages. I opted for a deep tissue massage to help heal and recuperate my body which was provided by an incredibly well-trained masseuse who made adjustments for my needs.

Enjoying My Time at The Heavenly Spa

And in between resting, yoga, pranayama, mediation and treatments at the spa, Imade the most of the incredible snorkelling which is unmatched almost anywhere else in the world.

Not only is water perfectly warm, but it’s crystal clear so you can see all the details of the underwater heaven which lay beneath us in exquisite detail. It’s such a joy and privilege to see the green sea turtles, which are a protected species in the Maldives, feed from the algae on the coral reef just metres from me as I floated on the surface.

Underwater Activities Around the Hotel

Unfortunately, the reef itself took a bit of a beating from the last tsunami so during our visit the coral wasn’t as colourful as it has been in the past but the multitude of fish and sea creatures more than made up for it. I easily spent hours lost admiring this amazing underwater dreamland.

I was also fortunate enough to be taken out dolphin watching, which is an incredibly precious experience. I was taken out on a boat which had a upper deck and gave me a birds eye view of the water. Soon enough we came across a whole pod of dolphins with many mothers and small calves. Such playful creatures, they put on an incredible show for us jumping and gliding through the water, faster than our own boat could take us with their high-pitched squeals filling us with laughter.

My five days spent at the Westin Maldives can only be described as heavenly and I couldn’t recommend it more to anyone looking for a relaxing and luxurious escape which is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.




How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Hello! My Tribe,

There’s far more to hair growth than many people realize. The hair growth process occurs in a cycle, with hair follicles going through four different stages as they grow, regress, rest and shed over the course of several years.

If only hair growth was a simple process. There is a process involved in its growth but don’t worry it’s quite simple to understand. And once you understand how it works, you will know why your hair thins or falls out and how you can maintain the best hair texture over time.
The Four Stages of Hair Growth
The hair growth cycle has four different stages:
● The anagen is a growing phase, during which your hair grows
● The catagen is the regression phase during which hair follicles shrink and detach from your skin
● The telogen is the resting phase during which new hair begins to grow
● The exogen is the shedding phase, during which the older hair falls out from your scalp
Each of these stages lasts for a different amount of time, so your hair can be in anagen for years before it can enter into the catagen, telogen, and exogen phases.
The Anagen Phase
This phrase generally lasts for 3-5 years and continuously growing. Generally, the length of this phase of the hair growth cycle determines the maximum length of your hair which is 18 to 30 inches on average.
The Catagen Phase
In this catagen phase, hair follicles will shrink slightly in size and detach from your skin, just beginning to falling out. Hair falls out in later stages when the new hair “pushes” it out from your scalp.
The Telogen Phase
The hair follicles go on a resting phase which lasts for three to five months before a hair is “pushed” by new hair. For most people, 10 to 20% of their hair in the telogen phase at any time. When someone is stressed or unwell, hair follicles shed more than normal to resulting in temporary hair shedding.
The Exogen Phase
During the exogen phase, the old hair falls out by itself or when it is combed or washed. Experts state that its normal for about 50 to 150 hairs to fall out on a daily basis, so don’t panic if you see a few strands falling out when you style your hair.
New hair will grow to replace the old hair and thus completing the hair growth cycle.
This process is not foolproof though and can be derailed by external factors like stress, malnutrition, and illness. Here are some ways you can keep growing stong and healthy:
– Eat a healthy diet:
What you put into your body is more important than the product you put on it. Increase your protein intake with foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains.Consider adding supplements to your diet that are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, minerals like zinc and iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.
– Get regular scalp massages:
The good old-fashioned Champi massage can improve hair growth due to 2 main reasons. When massaged, blood vessels are stimulated, thus follicles receive more nutrients and oxygen, which promotes the growth of hair. In addition, the scalp massage can also increase increased hair thickness when done periodically.
– Give your hair a break
Like all good things in life, your hair too needs periodic rest from all it endures during the week. Consider using the weekend to let your hair recuperate. Let your hair air dry, avoid heat styling, and keep it out of a ponytail to avoid any unnecessary pulling on the shaft.
– Avoid overwashing your hair
Washing your hair every day does more harm than good even if you have super oily hair. People who wash their hair often to get rid of oil end up drying out their scalp that results in more oil production. Plus most shampoos contain harsh chemicals that are used to create lather, which does no good to the hair. As a general rule, experts recommend washing your hair every 2 to 3 days.
– Say no to the colour
We’re all tempted by fancy cuts and colours at some point in life. But remember that colouring your hair can lead to some amount of hair damage as they are full of chemical agents. Frequent chemical application on the hair will affect the natural lustre and elasticity of the hair. So we would recommend that you keep the colour to a minimum.
– Give your hair homemade TLC
Hair masks are a great way to ensure the health of your hair and add a beautiful shine to it. Homemade hair masks are even better as you can control the ingredients, that go into it and avoid spending a lot in salons. Add honey and coconut oil if your hair is dry as they can condition your hair leaving it soft. For oily hair use yogurt, lemon juice or aloe vera as they moisturize your hair while removing excess grease.

Hope this helps, as I always say, be consitent.

Love and Health


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All About Digestive Enzymes

Hello! My Tribe,

So what are digestive enzymes?
Technically, “enzymes” are compounds that help critical biochemical reactions to happen in your body. These reactions can be anything, from making neurotransmitters like serotonin, to burning food for energy, to breaking down food we eat into smaller pieces that our guts can absorb.
As I just hinted, “digestive enzymes” are specifically those enzymes we use for digestion. They’re enzymes that our digestive system naturally makes and secretes when we eat.
Now, all of the “macronutrients” we eat (carbs, protein & fat) need to be broken down into their individual (smaller) parts so that we can properly absorb and digest them. They’re just too big otherwise, and if we don’t absorb them properly, we can get symptoms of fatigue, malnutrition, digestive distress, or a host of other symptoms.

The most common digestive enzymes you’ll see on product labels are:

● Amylase – Helps to break down starch into its sugars.
● alpha-Galactosidase – Helps to break down specific “fermentable carbohydrates” into its sugars.
● Lactase – Helps to break down lactose into its sugars.
● Protease – Helps to break down protein into its amino acids.
● Bromelain and/or Papain – Help to break down protein into its amino acids.
● Lipase – Helps to break down fats into its lipids.

Who should consider taking digestive enzymes?
I would always recommend that you see a qualified health care practitioner for an expert opinion on whether your issues can be related to digestion, and which, if any, supplements can help you.

In general, the most common digestive symptoms that enzymes *may* help with are bloating, cramping, and/or diarrhea. Particularly if it happens after eating certain foods (think lactose-intolerance symptoms after eating dairy).

One reason for these symptoms can be that food particles are not broken down properly, and the larger pieces travel further down the digestive tract to the microbiota where those little critters start breaking them down themselves. And this is definitely troublesome for certain people.

Don’t get me wrong, a healthy gut microbiota is absolutely essential for good health. And more and more research is showing just how it can affect not only our digestion, but also our immune system, and even our mood.

What do I need to know? – Medical conditions

Of course, you should read the label of any products you take, and take them as directed, especially if they’re not specifically recommended for you by your health care practitioner who knows your history.

Here are two critical things to be aware of:

1 – Digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugars are not recommended for diabetics, or pregnant/breastfeeding women.

This is because taking them breaks down more carbohydrates into sugars than your body normally would; so, anyone at risk of blood sugar issues should take caution.

2 – When it comes to enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids, there are a few people who should avoid them because of potential interactions. That is if you have an ulcer, or are taking blood-thinners or anti-inflammatories, or if you’re having surgery.

The reason is because the digestive enzymes that break down protein are thought to cause or worsen ulcers, as well as have the ability to “thin” the blood and prevent normal clotting.

What do I need to know? – Possible Side effects

Using digestive enzyme supplements for a prolonged period of time may well justify an appointment with a knowledgeable practitioner. There may be strategies other than daily supplementation that can serve you better.

If you find that your symptoms get worse, or even if they don’t get better, you should probably stop using them.

Allergies are always a possibility, so if you know or suspect you’re allergic, then you should avoid them.

And, as always, keep supplements away from children.

Before considering a digestive enzyme supplement

You shouldn’t just jump to supplementing with digestive enzymes without a proper diagnosis or trying a few strategies first.

My first recommendation for digestive distress would be to relax more, eat slower, and chew more thoroughly. This helps to break down food and can put less stress on your digestive tract.

The second step would be to try eliminating certain troublesome foods from your diet (dairy & gluten, for example) and see if that helps.


While many supplements are safe products, they’re not all for everyone.

I recommend that you:
● Read your labels carefully (who should take them, how to take them, when to stop taking them).
● If you have a medical condition or are taking medications to speak with your doctor or pharmacist.
● If you want expert advice on whether a specific supplement is for you, speak with a qualified health care practitioner.
Hope this helped.

Love and Health


Truth About Coconut Oil

Hello! My Tribe,

The Coconut Oil Craze – Should I Jump on the Bandwagon Too?

Yes you should (end of post).

But what exactly is it about coconut oil that makes it so healthy? And which type is best?

Let’s dive into some of the fascinating research and find out.

Coconut oil is a special kind of fat

Coconut oil is fat and contains the same 9 calories per gram as other fats.

It is extracted from the “meat” of the coconut. Coconut oil is a white solid at room temperature and easily melts into a clear liquid on a hot day.

The idea of adding coconut oil to your diet is NOT to add on to what you already eat but to substitute it for some of the (possibly) less healthy fats you may be eating now.

And here’s why – Because not all calories or fats are created equal.

Coconut oil contains a unique type of fat known as “Medium Chain Triglycerides” (MCTs). In fact, 65% of the fat in coconut oil are these MCTs.

What makes MCTs unique is how your body metabolizes them; they’re easily absorbed into the bloodstream by your gut, where they go straight to the liver, and they’re burned for fuel or converted into “ketones.”

This metabolic process, unique to MCTs, is what sets coconut oil apart from other fats.

Coconut oil MCTs may help with fat loss

Coconut oil’s MCTs have been shown to have a few different fat loss benefits.

First, it can help to increase feelings of fullness, which can lead to a natural reduction in the amount of food you eat.

Second, because of their unique metabolic route, MCTs can also increase the number of calories you burn; this happens when you compare the calories burned after eating the same amount of other fats.

In fact, a few studies show that coconut oil may increase the number of calories you burn by as much as 5%.

Third, some studies show that eating coconut oil can help reduce belly fat (a.k.a. “waist circumference”).

Just remember not to add coconut oil to your diet without reducing other fats and oils!

How much coconut oil should I eat?

Many of the studies that showed increased fullness, increased metabolism, and reduced belly fat only used about 2 tablespoons per day.

You probably don’t need any more than that.

What kind of coconut oil is the best?

There are so many coconut oil options available in grocery stores these days
that it can make it difficult to know which is best.

I recommend you stay away from “refined” ones, and opt for “virgin” coconut oil. That is because it is processed at lower temperatures and avoids some of the chemical solvents used in the refining process; this helps to preserve more of the oil’s natural health-promoting antioxidants.

Pro Tip: Always (and I mean ALWAYS) avoid “hydrogenated” coconut oil. It can be a health nightmare because it contains the infamous “trans fats.”

One thing you should also consider is that each oil has a specific high temperature that you should avoid surpassing (e.g. its “smoke point”). For virgin coconut oil, that temperature is 350F. That means you can safely use it on the stovetop on a low-medium setting, as well as in most baking.

Hope this helped.


Love and Health



As the sun set, silhouettes of fishing boats dotted the horizon against the pink sky. I relaxed against the edge of the infinity pool, looking out to the vast Indian Ocean spread out below me fading into a distant horizon and I couldn’t think of a time when I felt more at peace.

At Pema Wellness, detoxing is anything but a chore – it’s relaxing and healing. You can feel your body getting better without being forced to go through what’s normally a very challenging time.

The sense of calm starts from the moment you arrive at the retreat.

After a five hour flight from Dubai to Vishakapatnam via Hydrabad, a 45 minute beautiful drive through lush green hills and beautiful landscapes in Vizag brought me to Pema, set atop the hilltop of Healing Hills. The location is stunning with amazing views spread out below where you can see sandy beaches lying on the edges of the Indian Ocean.

Getting out of the car, I was greeted by a fresh sea breeze, a serene rock garden and a large koi pond filled with beautiful large brightly colored and patterned Koi carp fish. The building architecture was modern and minimalistic with large spaces and neutral colors. The energy was soothing and the décor homely and warm. I felt more in a upscale resort than a naturopathy wellness center.




Why Pema Wellness?

After a busy and social Christmas and New Years’, I wanted to get my health back on track so it seemed like a good time to have a detox – both mental and physical.

I also wanted to address my constipation issue that I get now and then, re-balance my gut, heal some aches and pains from old injuries and stresses.

So I was looking forward to being somewhere that I could rejuvenate and heal.

On my first day, I met with the Doctor and the clinic’s medical director – and did a full-body check-up which involved everything from a height and weight check, to my family history and a full body analysis report. Afterwards, we ran through the results and worked out an individual plan for my time at Pema.

I was surprised at how high my toxin levels were and this goes to show even following a healthy lifestyle diligently, stress and other factors can yet wreak havoc in our bodies. This is why it’s so important to detox every once in a while to let our bodies cleanse and heal.

One of the main philosophies at Pema is naturopathy which is about healing your body with food.



What is Naturopathy?

Personally, I don’t believe in popping pills to fix your health – it’s about healing from the inside out. I believe the body can heal itself but all we need to do is keep it clean so it can function properly.

I spoke to the Doctor in detail at the clinic who explained how they use natural healing to treat the cause of problems and not the symptoms. Naturopathy is about using non-invasive therapies, like massage and acupuncture and exercise, and promotes self-healing from within. About 100 different therapies are offered at Pema to cater to everyone’s needs.

Modern medicine often focuses on suppressing symptoms, like pain relief prescriptions, instead of fixing what’s causing the pain in the first place. The underlying cause can be physical, emotional or both.

It’s also about treating the whole person – their mind, body and soul – and recognizing that everyone is different. Our age, experiences, issues and social factors have all impacted our physical beings.

The Doctor said that’s why at Pema they look at each person and create individual plans – no two people are the same, so much in sync with what I truly belive.

An important part of the process is elimination where you rid your body of all the toxins which have accumulated through pollution, stresses, diet, pesticides, lifestyle and medicines. These all obstruct the main functions of the body, which causes us to get sick, tired or feel aches and pains.

This can be done through, clean food, water fasting or juice fasting, but the Doctor said there isn’t a set time he could recommend someone to do this as again, everyone is different so it will take some people longer than others to detox.

At Pema Wellness, they detox clients through clean, organic, pestisides free, vegetarian, nutritious and healthy food which is easier for your body to digest.

They also hope to instill good habits which you can take with you back to your regular life so you can continue your health journey.

Before visiting Pema, I hadn’t experienced naturopathy first hand – despite believing many of its principles around natural healing – and am impressed with what I’ve learned and how it impacted my body.




But one of the downsides of eating holistically is that the food can become bland and unexciting. But at Pema, food was a culinary experience and a pleasant surprise thanks to the talented Chef.

My meals were incredible and both a feast for the taste-buds and the eyes. They were beautifully presented and bursting with flavor. I chose for gluten free options and mainly indian flavours with less oil in my food.
I loved the way fresh herbs and spices were used to add flavours to simple healthy food.

Some of my meals included:
Curried cauliflower soup
Roasted pumpkin soup
– Millet rotis/ Bread
– Babycorn and brocolli masala
– Steamed mixed veggies
– Green gram idli
– Moringa and tofu curry
– Lauki Kofta Curry

My meals were specifically designed towards reaching my health and healing goals whereas others who were there for weightloss, diabetes or other lifestyle conditions had different, but equally delicious, meals.






Each day consisted of similar routines but different therapies to help me achieve my goals and make the most of my time at Pema Wellness.

My day at Pema

5:30 – 6:00 – walk around the resort
6:00 – 6:30 – Yogic Kriyas followed by herbal teas
6:45 – 7:00 – laughing class (which was incredible to watch people transform just by laughing, it bought out the child within)
7:00 – 8:00 – Yoga Asanas, followed by juice, fruits and sprouts
11:15 – juice
11:30 – Sand therapy
12:45 – lunch
14:15 – acupuncture, followed by Aab E bahar drink
15:15 – mustard pack
16:10 – light afternoon tea
16:20 – Jala Yoga
17:00 – 17:30 – reflexology walking track
15:50 – fruit
18:00 – 18:30 – Yoga Nidra
18:30 – 19:00 – meditation
19:15 – dinner
20:00 – 20:30 – cooking demo

As gut health is integral to the process, I also had enemas to help flush out my system and really eliminate the toxins we accumulate in our intestines.

Naturopathy takes a multifaceted approach to health thru food, hydro therapies, massages, reflexology, acupuncture, nature walks, yoga, breathing exercises and more. The acupuncture was a new experience for me and I found it very efficient in eliminating pain.

Meditation at Pema

Enjoying outdoor Yoga


For me, the most incredible part of the experience was the people.

The staff were all so humble, kind, friendly and just incredibly well-trained, everyone from the therapists to the management to the chef, who came to speak with us at almost every meal.

Pema Wellness’ founder and owner Meena Mulpuri who impressed me with her knowledge, passion for healing and her heart-centered approach to business. She began her journey into health with a degree in nutrition and public health before getting her masters in Biochemistry and Nutrition. She and her core team spent a deceade developing and researching the food and therapies they offer .

Pema is an experince that is rewarding to one’s heart, body and soul, I came away feeling light physically and emotionally and I highly recommend that if you are looking for a holistic wellness resort, to try Pema atleast once



DIY Anti Aging Superfoods Face masks

Hello! My Tribe

We all know superfoods are great of our health but did you know that superfoods are great for our skin too.

In Today’s Video I am showing some DIY superfoods face masks that I have tried and tested.


Cacao is known as a superfood powerhouse for its high antioxidant levels, but most people don’t realise our skin can benefit from these antioxidants through topical application as well. The high levels of polyphenol antioxidants in cacao belong to the same group of antioxidants found in green tea and red wine and protect our cells from premature ageing. Amazingly, raw organic cacao has over 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries.


One of the most effective raw milk benefits is moisturization. This is not exactly a secret benefit of raw milk. Raw milk nourishes deeper skin layers and offers conditioning and moisturization from inside. It effectively treats the common problem of winter dryness too



Moringa is filled with vitamin A and it’s one of the most potent vitamins out there for near perfect skin. When applied topically, it encourages the skin cells to renew themselves at a lightning speed, helping to limit peksy breakouts, blur blemishes and pigmentation, and iron fine lines. The unsung skincare ingredient is also packed with moisture magnet and antioxidant vitamin E, which makes it perfect for combating dry, flaky skin as well as skin problems caused due to pollution and other environmental changes.


Avocado oil is a rich source of healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Avocado oil also contains chlorophyll, which gives it its slightly green color and acts as an antioxidant to scavenge free radicals, protecting our skin from their harmful and aging effects.


Honey, especially raw or unpasteurized, is a fabulously versatile and all-natural ingredient to use on skin. It’s full of antioxidants, which are good for wrinkles and aging skin. It is antibacterial, which helps with acne treatments and prevention. It clarifies skin by opening up and unclogging pores. It’s also a great moisturizer that soothes irritation and blemishes, and it leaves a lovely afterglow.


BERRIES helps in reversing the signs of aging. Berries are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that inhibit the oxidization of other molecules. Oxidization is the loss of electrons in a molecule, which results in the production of free radicals. They can damage, or even destroy, cells completely.
The phytochemicals and antioxidants found in the fruit help to neutralize the free radicals, which prevents further damage. They are also helpful in strengthening blood vessels and healing broken capillaries



Avocado comes up with excellent hydration properties which not only nourishes the skin but also protects it inside out. Presence of Vitamin E in abundance makes this fruit a perfect natural moisturizer. Butter fruit is peculiarly so much buttery that when applied topically, the fatty acids present in it deeply penetrates into the dry skin and re-invigorates dull and dry skin. Hence, makes it look healthily glowing, soft and supple. It also works wonders for improving the skin tone.


Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, that dissolves dead skin cells. This gentle exfoliation not only helps to create a natural glow and prevent breakouts, but works to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


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The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners

Hell0 My Tribe,

Do you know how artificial sweeteners act in your body? Nobody really does! Here are some thoughts as to how they affect your body, it may inspire you to reduce the sweetness in your food and drinks.

You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially “added sugars” like in soda pop, candy, baked goods, and many commercially-available cereals, just to name a few. Added sugar is hiding just about everywhere in the grocery store.

Yes, ingesting refined sugar spikes your blood sugar and insulin, and increases your risk for a whole host of issues.

A while ago, one of the food industry’s responses to the demand for lower-calorie foods that still taste great, was artificial sweeteners.

The idea behind them is that you can still get the sweetness, without the calories; like when you have a “diet pop” versus a regular one. Theoretically, this was going to help people maintain a healthy body weight, and hopefully not increase anyone’s risk of heart disease, diabetes, or obesity.

But, it doesn’t always work out the way we think it will…

Types of artificial sweeteners

Sugar substitutes fall into several categories, but what they all have in common is that they have a sweet taste and fewer calories than plain sugar.

Today we’ll specifically discuss “artificial sweeteners,” which are synthetic chemicals where a tiny bit tastes very sweet.

They’re also known as “non-nutritive sweeteners,” and include things like:

● Saccharin (Sweet & Low),

● Acesulfame potassium,

● Aspartame (Equal & NutraSweet), and

● Sucralose (Splenda).

Health effects of artificial sweeteners

Negative health effects from artificial sweeteners are cited all over the place, and while many studies show effects, others don’t. Cancer? Maybe yes, maybe no. Heart disease? Maybe yes, maybe no. Not to mention that much of the research has been on animals, which may or may not translate to people.

I did want to point out one ironic thing, to do with artificial sweeteners and weight.

One study found that people who tend to drink diet sodas have double the risk of gaining weight than those who didn’t.

Another study has shown an increased risk for metabolic syndrome and diabetes for those who consume diet drinks every day.

While these results don’t apply equally to everyone, they do somehow seem ironic, don’t they?

How do artificial sweeteners affect our bodies?

Now that’s a million-dollar question!

There are so many ideas out there to try to explain it, but the reality is we don’t know for sure; plus, it might play out differently in different people.

● Is it because people feel that they can eat cake because they’ve switched to diet soda?

● Perhaps it’s because the sweeteners change the taste preferences so that fruit starts to taste worse, and veggies taste terrible?

● Maybe artificial sweeteners increase our cravings for more (real) sweets?

● It can be that the sweet taste of these sweeteners signals to our body to release insulin to lower our blood sugar; but, because we didn’t actually ingest sugar, our blood sugar levels get too low, to the point where we get sugar cravings.

● Some even say (and at least one animal study suggests) that saccharin may inspire addictive tendencies toward it.

● Maybe there is even a more complex response that involves our gut microbes and how they help to regulate our blood sugar levels.


Understand that added sugar is not good for you, but the solution may not be to replace them all with artificial sweeteners.

I highly recommend reducing your sugar intake, so you naturally re-train your palate and start enjoying the taste of real food that isn’t overly sweet. This way you’re reducing your intake of added sugar, as well as not needing to replace it with artificial sweeteners.

Try having ½ teaspoon less of sugar in your hot morning drink. Try reducing a ¼ cup of the sugar called for in some recipes. Try diluting juice with water.

Hope you found this video informative, SHARE, LIKE AND SUNSCRIBE.

Love and Health


My Skincare Routine- Morning

Hello! My Tribe,

This is a long overdue video, and I am sooooo excited about this week’s video, because you know I love all thing SKIN.
This video shows you my exact morning skincare routine. I love every second of it! Enjoy, and if you have any questions, I’ll be checking the comments.

Product links below.



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How To Identify and Treat Food Intolerances

Hello! My Tribe,

Are you fed up with your symptoms yet? Have you thought that even though they don’t seem to be related to food or digestion, that they, in fact, might be?
Can Your Symptoms Actually Be a Food Intolerance?

Food intolerances or “sensitivities” can affect you in so many ways.

And they’re a lot more common than most people think.

I’m not talking about anaphylaxis or immediate allergic reactions that involve an immune response. Those can be serious and life-threatening. If you have any allergies, you need to steer clear of any traces of foods you are allergic to, and speak with your doctor or pharmacist about emergency medication, if necessary.

What I’m talking about, is an intolerance, meaning you do not tolerate a specific food very well and it causes immediate or chronic symptoms anywhere in the body. Symptoms can take hours or even days to show themselves. And symptoms can be located just about anywhere in the body.

This is what makes them so tricky to identify.

Symptoms of food intolerances

There are some common food intolerances that have immediate and terribly painful gastrointestinal symptoms, such as lactose intolerance or celiac disease. These can cause stomach pain, gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea; symptoms can start immediately after eating lactose or gluten.

On the other hand, other more insidious symptoms may not be linked to foods in an obvious way.

Symptoms like:

● Chronic muscle or joint pain

● Sweating, or increased heart rate or blood pressure

● Headaches or migraines

● Exhaustion after a good night’s sleep

● Autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s or rheumatoid arthritis

● Rashes or eczema

● Inability to concentrate or feeling like your brain is “foggy”

● Shortness of breath

If your body has trouble digesting specific foods, it can affect your hormones, metabolism, or even cause inflammation and result in any of the symptoms listed above. And these can affect any (or all) parts of the body, not just your gastrointestinal system.

How to prevent these intolerances

The main thing you can do is to figure out which foods or drinks you may be reacting to and stop ingesting them.

I know, I know…this sounds so simple, and yet it can be SO HARD.

The best way to identify your food/drink triggers is to eliminate them.

Yup, get rid of those offending foods/drinks. All traces of them, for three full weeks and monitor your symptoms.

If things get better, then you need to decide whether it’s worth it to stop ingesting them, or if you want to slowly introduce them back one at a time while still looking out to see if/when symptoms return.

Start Here: Two common food intolerances

Here are two of the most common triggers of food intolerances:

● Lactose (in dairy – eliminate altogether, or look for a “lactose-free” label – try nut or coconut milk instead).

● Gluten (in wheat, rye, and other common grains – look for a “gluten-free” label – try gluten-free grains like rice, quinoa & gluten-free oats).

Watch the full video for more.

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What I Eat To Look Younger | Anti aging foods

Best anti aging foods that I eat daily to look younger, watch this video and try these super foods & share your experience with me .

Hello! My Tribe,

We all know that food has huge impact on aging.
What you put on your plate might affect what you see in the mirror. But a few tweaks to your dining habits can go a long way to keeping your skin youthful and your body healthy.

The key approach? Eat nutritious foods.

These are the thing I eat every single day ( Almost) to keep looking and feeling younger.

• Berries
Berries, especially strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, contain high levels of flavonoids, a powerful kind of antioxidant that helps the body combat health-damaging free radicals that cause cancer and premature aging. These also support memory functions that are likely to diminish as you increase in age.

• Cruciferous Vegetables
Eating veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, watercress, turnips, Brussels sprouts, and radishes provides you additional security from toxins and other foreign bodies that accelerate aging and weaken your immune system, causing a variety of diseases.

• Spinach
This is another essential vegetable to eat daily. This is abundant in Vitamin K, which is important in blood clotting and rebuilding bone density.

• Tomato
Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene, an antioxidant that produces the red color in vegetables and fruits and helps protect your skin from cancer and sun damage.

• Avocado
Avocados are good for your heart because their healthy fats help lower the level of bad cholesterol. They also contain Vitamin E, making them a perfect food for healthy skin.

• Watermelon
Watermelon with the seeds is loaded with nutrients like Vitamins A, B, C and E; good fats; zinc; and selenium. These essential nutrients come into play to secure your skin and your body from rapid aging.

Hope this helped.
Share this video with your loved ones, Like and comment. Always waiting to hear from you.

Love and Health


Face Oils- What’s Good For Your Skin | Best facial oils for all skin types

I am sharing with you some Best facial oils for all types of skin, they are packed with good-for-you ingredients such as Polyphemus, fatty acids, and antioxidants, to help reduce inflammation and give skin a dewy glow. These face oils are best for massaging your face or skin, face oils are the best-kept skincare secret to naturally clear, flawless skin.

Hello! My Tribe,

Oils have become a beauty cabinet staple, thanks to their natural ability to hydrate and nourish a variety of skin types. Despite what their name might imply, some natural oils won’t leave your face oily. And no, they will not make you break out! Best of all, they are packed with good-for-you ingredients such as polyphenols, fatty acids, and antioxidants, to help reduce inflammation and give skin a dewy glow. Whether you are looking to eliminate redness, stop irritation from acne or rosacea, plump skin, or simply moisturize, oils are your best bet. In fact, face oils are the best-kept skincare secret to naturally clear, flawless skin. So let’s talk about different types of face oils and which oils are the best for your skin type.

For Dry Skin
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Almond oil

Oils for oily and acne prone skin
Jojaba oil
Tea Tree oil
Evening Primrose oil
Grapeseed oil

Oils for anti aging skin
Avocado oil
Rosehip oil
Marula oil
Argan oil

The video has all the details stating why these oils are good for these skin types.

Watch, share and apply.

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How to Improve Gut Health

Hello! My Tribe

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.”

And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. And we’re not just talking about heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, etc. We’re talking about all kinds of issues like allergies, pain, mood disorders, and nutrient deficiencies.

There are a lot of reasons for this. Our gut is the portal to the outside world. It’s here where we take in disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites. We also take in nutrients (and toxins) through our gut. The nutrients we ingest and absorb are the building blocks of every single part of our body. We’re just learning the connections between our gut and other areas of our body, like our brain (have you heard of “the gut-brain axis”). Not just our gut per se; but, its friendly resident microbes too. These guys also have newly discovered roles in our gut health and overall health.

Our gut’s role in our overall health

Our gut’s main role is as a barrier. To let things in that should get in, and to keep things out that should stay out. Think of “absorption” of nutrients as things we want to let in; and “elimination” of waste as things we want to pass right through and out.

For one thing, our guts can “leak.” Yes, like a long tube with holes in it, it can allow things to get into our bloodstream/bodies that can wreak havoc (bacteria, undigested food, and toxins). You name it, whatever you put into your mouth can be absorbed by your gut and get into your bloodstream, even if it’s not supposed to. And when your gut wall gets irritated, it can “leak.” When this happens, you get inflammation, which is a starting point for many diseases that don’t seem linked to the gut but have a sneaky connection there.

FUN FACT: About 70% of our immune system lives in and around our gut.

The second main part of your gut are the billions of friendly health-promoting microbes. Gut microbes help us digest and absorb nutrients. They fight off disease-causing microbes, make some vitamins for us, and have all kinds of other health benefits, like mental health benefits, reducing inflammation, and stabilizing blood sugar.
So, keeping your gut microbes happy is the second pillar of gut health!

How to improve gut health

There are a lot of natural ways to improve gut health. Let’s start with what to stop. It’s always best to eliminate the cause, so let’s stop giving our guts junk to deal with. How about eliminating added sugars, processed foods, and alcohol? Try that for a few weeks, and you may be amazed at how much better your body (and gut) feels.

You may also want to eliminate other gut irritants. Dairy and grains contain common compounds known to irritate some people’s guts. Sometimes you only need to eliminate them for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference for your health.

By eating nutrient-dense foods, we allow ample macro- and micro-nutrients into our gut to maximize the chance for absorption. These nutrients help our bodies build and repair our gut, and every other body part as well. Some of the most nutrient-dense foods include dark leafy greens, colourful fruits and veggies, liver, and fish.

The second pillar of gut health is our microbes. By ingesting probiotic-rich foods and drinks, we can help to replenish our gut microbes. These are found in fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, miso, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Make these a part of your daily diet.

Whole foods are full of gut-friendly fiber. Not eating enough fiber increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Fiber plays lots of roles in our gut, including whisking away some of those pesky bad bacteria and toxins so they can be eliminated. Fiber also helps to feed our friendly resident microbes that help us absorb and digest our food better. What foods have a lot of fiber? Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and even cacao.

And don’t forget the uber-important lifestyle factors like getting enough sleep, stressing less, and getting the right amount (and intensity) of exercise for you. It’s easy to forget some of the simple, but key links there are between what we do with our bodies and how well they function.


The function of your gut is key to your overall health. There are two pillars of gut health: maintaining a good barrier and maintaining healthy gut microbes.

The main ways to improve both of these naturally is by eating nutrient-dense whole foods. Foods filled with nutrition, probiotics, and fiber. And eliminating common gut irritants like added sugar, processed foods, and alcohol.

Hope this helped you understand your gut better.
Share this video to spread health and wellness to your loved ones.
I will see you soon.

Love and Health


Jade Roller Tutorial for Youthful Skin

Hello! My Tribe,

Have you ever tried Jade Rollers?
I have been using it for the last few months and I see amazing results.

Jade facial rollers have been around for centuries; there’s evidence of them as far back as seventh-century China, where the stone was believed to have healing and protective properties. Like most beauty strategies that stand the test of time, the art is in a jade roller’s simplicity. The mechanism ist basic, It features an oblong stone of pure jade, usually an inch to an inch and a half long, that’s attached to a handle with a metal frame, like a paint roller. Many versions are dual-ended, featuring a smaller stone on the opposite end for use on smaller areas, like around the eyes. Some versions also feature a textured surface, like the one I have which increases the massage factor.

Jade rollers used for facial massage, are said to help sculpt the features – by way of encouraging drainage and toning muscles – which accentuates facial contour.

The main benefits of self-massage using a jade roller are that of “drainage”, by way of encouraging the lymphatic system’s natural detoxification process, and “brightening” – by boosting the circulation and blood flow beneath the skin granting a visible glow.

Gentle pressure and motion also promote circulation, which plumps and firms skin and is a major contributor to that clean-living, eight-hours-of-sleep glow we’re all striving for.

What has your experience been with Jade Roller? Share with me.

Hope you found this video informative, please share with your girls.

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5 Weight Loss Myths

Hello! My Tribe,

Do you want to lose weight this new year? Then this video is just for you.

Today I am I am busting 5 Common Weight Loss Myths.

Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions everywhere.

I say, forget about “who’s right” and let’s focus on “what’s right.” Because what gets results is what I’m focusing on in this post.

I respect you too much to make empty promises and try to sell you on something that doesn’t work.

There are too many weight loss myths out there. I’m going to tackle the top ones I come across in my practice.

Myth: Calories cause weight gain, and fewer calories are the path to weight loss

Calories are important for weight loss. If you eat and absorb a ton more than you use, then your body’s wisdom will store some for later. Calories matter.

But, they are not the “be-all and end-all” of weight loss; they’re important, but they’re the symptom, not the cause. Let’s think about the reasons people eat more calories. Let’s focus on the causes.

People eat too many calories, not because they’re hungry, but because they feel sad, lonely, or bored. Or maybe because they’re tired or stressed. Or maybe even because they’re happy and celebrating. And all these feelings interact with our gastrointestinal, nervous and hormonal systems; all of which influence our calorie intake.

Myth: “Eat less move more” is good advice

Well, then we’re all in tip-top shape, right? Because people have been doling out this advice (myth) for years.

The premise of this is based on the above myth that calories in minus calories out equals your weight. So, eat fewer calories, and burn off more calories (because human physiology is a simple math equation, right?).

Even if people can happily and sustainably follow this advice (which they can’t!); it completely negates other factors that contribute to weight problems. Things like the causes of overeating we mentioned above. Not to mention our genetics, health conditions we’re dealing with or our exposure to compounds that are “obesogenic.”

Myth: A calorie is a calorie

Can we please put this one to bed already?

Science has confirmed several caloric components of food differ from others. For example, the “thermic effect of food” (TEF) is that some nutrients require calories to be metabolized. They can slightly increase your metabolism, just by eating them.

For example, when you metabolize protein you burn more calories than when you metabolize carbohydrates. Proteins and carbohydrates both have 4 calories/gram; but, the TEF of protein = 15–30%; and the TEF for carbohydrates = 5–10%.

Here’s another example of a calorie not being a calorie. Different fats are metabolized differently. Medium chain triglycerides (fats) (MCTs) have the same 9 calories/gram that other fats do; but, they’re metabolized by the liver before getting into the bloodstream and therefore aren’t utilized or stored the same way as other fats.

Myth: Buy this supplement/tea/food/magic potion to lose weight

There is no magic pill for weight loss. No supplement, tea, food, or other potion will do the trick.

There are products that make these claims, and they’re full of garbage (or shall I say “marketing gold?”). The only thing you will lose is your money (and possibly your hope). So, please don’t believe this myth. There is a reason most people who lose weight can’t keep it off. The real magic is in adopting a sustainable holistic and healthy approach to living your life. What you need is a long-term lifestyle makeover, not a product.


Weight loss is hard! There are too many people out there trying to make it sound like they have the simple solution (or the latest and greatest!).

Don’t fall for the myths that say:
● Calories cause weight gain, and fewer calories are the path to weight loss.
● “Eat less move more” is good advice.
● A calorie is a calorie.
● Buy this supplement/tea/food/magic potion to lose weight.

Hope this helped. Share with friends and family who you think will benefit from this.
And as always I am waiting to hear back from you.

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How to Get Rid of Mouth Lines with Massage

Hello! My Tribe,

Anyone can benefit from fewer lines and wrinkles, a firmer jawline, improved skin tone, plus reduced headaches and eye strain, easing of tension, and, best of all, a healthy glow.

‘Ten minutes of daily face exercise targeting the lip and mouth area help to prevent wrinkles — it works the hypodermis (the lower layer of the skin), the dermis (middle layer) and the epidermis (upper layer), increasing blood circulation and allowing more oxygen and nourishment to reach cells,’ she says.

Exercises strengthen the muscles around the mouth and increase the blood flow to the face, which stimulates the production of collagen and will naturally plump the lips.

So what is collagen- Collagen is a protein found in all our tissues. It forms a sort of mesh that supports our skin, helping it to stay firm – and experts believe both massage and exercise can speed up its production in our bodies.

The real draw for many, of course, is the complete lack of risk when it comes to side-effects.

Celebrities are increasingly turning to this natural form of enhancement instead of the expensive and risky fillers that once left so many famous women with bumpy, uneven lip and mouth area and fishy pouts.

So here’s on how to get rid of those lines around your mouth with the help of massage.

Like it, share it and most importantly try it. BE CONSISTENT to see results.

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How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone Cortisol

Hello! My Tribe,


Its causes are absolutely everywhere. Would you agree?

Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. It’s supposed to help us escape injury or death in an emergency and then return to normal after we’ve fought or flew. But, that doesn’t happen too much in our society – it becomes a long-term reaction. It becomes chronic.

You’ve probably heard of the main stress hormone, called “cortisol.” It’s released from your adrenal glands in response to stress. It’s also naturally high in the morning to get you going, and slowly fades during the day so you can sleep.

Did you know that too-high levels of cortisol are associated with belly fat, poor sleep, brain fog, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and even lowers your immunity?

Do you experience any of these? Well, then read on because I have a list of foods, nutrients and lifestyle recommendations to help you lower this stress hormone naturally!

Foods and nutrients to lower cortisol

Let’s start with one of the biggies that increase your cortisol… sugar. Reducing the sugar we eat and drink can be a great step toward better health for our minds (and bodies).

High doses of caffeine also increase your cortisol levels. If coffee makes you feel anxious and jittery, then cut back on the amount of caffeine you ingest.

Also, being dehydrated increases cortisol. Make sure you’re drinking enough water every day, especially if you feel thirsty.

Eat a variety of nutrient-dense whole foods; this doesn’t just help reduce stress hormone, it helps all aspects of your health.

Lower your cortisol levels with tea and dark chocolate (not the sugary milky kind!). Have a bit to unwind.

Don’t forget your probiotics and prebiotics! There is so much new research about the gut-mind connection, and how taking care of your friendly gut microbes is key! Make sure you’re eating probiotic rich fermented foods and getting a healthy dose of prebiotic fiber.

Lifestyle techniques to lower cortisol

It’s not just food, but there are things you can do with your time that can lower cortisol.

Reduce your stress with mindfulness. Many studies show that reducing stressful thoughts and worry reduces cortisol.

Get enough exercise (but don’t overdo it). While intense exercise increases cortisol levels temporarily, it can reduce overall cortisol levels.

Get enough sleep!
Getting adequate sleep is way too underrated. Sleep reduces cortisol levels and also helps improve your overall health in so many ways.

Relax and have fun. Things like deep breathing, massages, and listening to relaxing music all reduce cortisol.

Be social and bust loneliness. Would you believe me if I told you that science has shown health risks from social isolation and loneliness? It’s true! Maintaining good relationships and spending time with people you like and who support you is key.


Too much of the stress hormone cortisol can have several negative impacts on your health. There are many proven ways to reduce levels of cortisol naturally.

In terms of foods and nutrients, have less sugar and caffeine. And have more water, fruit, tea, dark chocolate, probiotics, and prebiotics.

Lifestyle factors are huge when it comes to cortisol. To lower yours, exercise (but not too much), get more sleep, relax, and have more fun.

In the comments below, let me know your favourite ways to bust the stress hormone cortisol!

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My Scalp Massage Routine For Hair Growth

Hello! My Tribe,

Hope your week started with lotsa positivity.

Today I am going to share a little secret with you 😉 a secret that keeps my hair healthy and strong. Oohh I got you there …

So the secret is actually no secret, its easy and quick scalp massage that I do very regularly, at least once a week. And so you would ask, how does scalp massage help?

1. It stimulates the scalp circulation, bringing with it oxygen and hair nourishing nutrients, thus promote stronger and healthier hair growth

2. It removes any toxins that may have accumulate in the scalp by increasing the lymphatic flow.

3. It activates the dormant hair follicles to promote new growth.

4. When done using oil such as jojoba, almond, sesame, olive, coconut, and castor, it moisturizes and conditions the scalp. This helps you avoid dry flaky scalp and dandruff.

5. It strengthens the hair shaft and helps distribute the natural scalp oils down to rest of the hair – this adds luster and shine to your hair and protect it from breakage and split ends.

6. It also relaxes the scalp and neck muscles. Tight scalp muscles restrict blood flow and suffocate your hair follicles.

7. It also eases stress and tension and helps you sleep better.

Watch the full video and lest do scalp massage together.

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Why is Your Metabolism Slow?

Hello! My Tribe,

Is your Metabolism Slow?

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight. Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”.

You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow.

Why does this happen? Why do metabolic rates slow down?

What can slow my metabolism?

Metabolism includes all of the biochemical reactions in your body that use nutrients and oxygen to create energy. And there are lots of factors that affect how quickly (or slowly) it works, i.e. your “metabolic rate” (which is measured in calories).

But don’t worry – we know that metabolic rate is much more complicated than the old adage “calories in calories out”! In fact it’s so complicated I’m only going to list a few of the common things that can slow it down.

Examples of common reasons why metabolic rates can slow down:
● low thyroid hormone
● your history of dieting
● your size and body composition
● your activity level
● lack of sleep

We’ll briefly touch on each one below and I promise to give you better advice than just to “eat less and exercise more”.

Low thyroid hormones

Your thyroid is the master controller of your metabolism. When it produces fewer hormones your metabolism slows down. The thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) tell the cells in your body when to use more energy and become more metabolically active. Ideally it should work to keep your metabolism just right. But there are several things that can affect it and throw it off course. Things like autoimmune diseases and mineral deficiencies (e.g. iodine or selenium) for example.

Tip: Talk with your doctor about having your thyroid hormones tested.

Your history of dieting

When people lose weight their metabolic rate often slows down. This is because the body senses that food may be scarce and adapts by trying to continue with all the necessary life functions and do it all with less food.

While dieting can lead to a reduction in the amount of fat it, unfortunately, can also lead to a reduction in the amount of muscle you have. As you know more muscle means a faster resting metabolic rate.

Tip: Make sure you’re eating enough food to fuel your body without overdoing it.

Your size and body composition

In general, larger people have faster metabolic rates. This is because it takes more energy to fuel a larger body than a smaller one.

However, you already know that gaining weight is rarely the best strategy for increasing your metabolism.

Muscles that actively move and do work need energy. Even muscles at rest burn more calories than fat. This means that the amount of energy your body uses depends partly on the amount of lean muscle mass you have.

Tip: Do some weight training to help increase your muscle mass.

Which leads us to…

Your activity level

Aerobic exercise temporarily increases your metabolic rate. Your muscles are burning fuel to move and do “work” and you can tell because you’re also getting hotter.

Even little things can add up. Walking a bit farther than you usually do, using a standing desk instead of sitting all day, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can all contribute to more activity in your day.

Tip: Incorporate movement into your day. Also, exercise regularly.

Lack of sleep

There is plenty of research that shows the influence that sleep has on your metabolic rate. The general consensus is to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Tip: Try to create a routine that allows at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

Hope this helped your understand your metabolism better.
Like and share this video with friends and family if you think it will help them too.

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Anti Aging Superfood Face masks

Hello! My Tribe,

We all know superfoods are great of our health but did you know that superfoods are great for our skin too.

In Today’s Video I am talking about superfoods and their benefits on skin. You can mix and match any of these and make your face masks.
Tried and tested. be consistent,to see results.


Moringa is filled with vitamin A and it’s one of the most potent vitamins out there for near perfect skin. When applied topically, it encourages the skin cells to renew themselves at a lightning speed, helping to limit peksy breakouts, blur blemishes and pigmentation, and iron fine lines. The unsung skincare ingredient is also packed with moisture magnet and antioxidant vitamin E, which makes it perfect for combating dry, flaky skin as well as skin problems caused due to pollution and other environmental changes.


Honey, especially raw or unpasteurized, is a fabulously versatile and all-natural ingredient to use on skin. It’s full of antioxidants, which are good for wrinkles and aging skin. It is antibacterial, which helps with acne treatments and prevention. It clarifies skin by opening up and unclogging pores. It’s also a great moisturizer that soothes irritation and blemishes, and it leaves a lovely afterglow.


Avocado comes up with excellent hydration properties which not only nourishes the skin but also protects it inside out. Presence of Vitamin E in abundance makes this fruit a perfect natural moisturizer. Butter fruit is peculiarly so much buttery that when applied topically, the fatty acids present in it deeply penetrates into the dry skin and re-invigorates dull and dry skin. Hence, makes it look healthily glowing, soft and supple. It also works wonders for improving the skin tone. Credit goes to antioxidant carotenoids like Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lutein present in avocados that offers a great help in skin whitening. Moreover, Avocados work best for skin lightening because it contains a high amount of Vitamin C and E (antioxidants found in many skin whitening creams). These Vita


Cacao is known as a superfood powerhouse for its high antioxidant levels, but most people don’t realise our skin can benefit from these antioxidants through topical application as well. The high levels of polyphenol antioxidants in cacao belong to the same group of antioxidants found in green tea and red wine and protect our cells from premature ageing. Amazingly, raw organic cacao has over 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries. Raw cacao is full of effective vitamin C which is excellent for collagen production, skin plumpness, fighting wrinkles, protecting against UV damage, brightening the skin and reducing pigmentation.


Spirulina is rich in antioxidants that can help defend your skin and body from free radicals. It neutralizes free radicals and other toxins that cause premature signs of aging. In addition to neutralizing free radicals with antioxidants, spirulina has anti-inflammatory properties that can also slow down signs of aging. Some studies report that spirulina provides strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, both of which are leading drivers for reversing skin aging. It attracts and removes heavy metals from the body before they reach and get stored in skin tissue. With a good amino acid profile, including chief constituents for skin collagen—glycine and proline—and mineral copper, spirulina is a great option to support skin collagen production. It is also effective in treating dark circles and dry eye symptoms.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a bona fide super ingredient, with a long list of health benefits and a celebrity following that dates right back to Egyptian times. Cleopatra used the plant in her beauty regime, selecting it to treat everything from burns to infections and parasites. The jelly-like substance found inside the thick spiky leaves of the aloe vera cactus is laden with an impressive list of nutrients, including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active plant compounds or phytonutrients. Applied topically, the gel is purported to be outstanding for skin health.


One of the most important active compounds found in turmeric is curcumin – an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral powerhouse. Curcumin has been shown to be quite effective in calming the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, rosacea, and other skin diseases. Curcumin has also been recognized as an impressive anti-cancer treatment, able to selectively kill tumor cells while leaving the normal cells intact – a feat that traditional chemotherapy treatments are unable to accomplish.

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Hello! My Tribe,
Here I am sharing my travel essential or travel tips to stay healthy and fit while travelling .Watch the full video to know about all my travel essentials.

The mind, body, and soul always appreciate when we decide to pack up and explore new places. But it can also take a major toll on your body if you’re not careful. Many of us get so caught up in the excitement of visiting new places that we forget to prepare ourselves for the elements that can make travelling a health burden – inability to find clean food, being stuck on an airplane for hours, horrendously unnatural airplane food, and of course, jet lag. But that shouldn’t stop you from seeing more of the world. If you’re a lover of travel and all things wellness, it’s important to be mindful about supporting your body and sticking to a balanced routine while away from home.
And with some prep and mindfulness, it’s easy to give your body the support it needs to cope with all of this. So, here are some of my favorite tips on how to stay healthy while you are on a wellness travel.

Watch the full video to know about all my travel essentials.

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Here’s Why You Should Visit Moscow

Hello! My Tribe,

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”― Mark Twain

I am Passionate about traveling, and every time I go to a new place, something within me shifts. This week I am taking you back to Moscow with me. Home to a population of 12 million people – the second largest city in Europe via population – Moscow is an excellent place to explore. The finesse of the historic buildings are the forefront of a stern and robust past yet with its modern and vivid way today, Moscow balances old with new. Moscow was a total package of history, culture, fun, nature, peace, everything that one needs in a travel destination! I was truly impressed with the city of Moscow and its definitely an intriguing and interesting city I would go back to! 

Here’s why you should visit…

Have you visited Moscow before? or Is Moscow on your bucket list?Would love to hear from you my tribe.

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My Visit To Verba Mayr Wellness Spa in Moscow

Hello! My Tribe,

A sprawling metropolis of well over 15 million people and the capital of the world’s biggest country, the city of Moscow in Russia was on my bucket list for the longest time. Moscow is one of those destinations that always gave me the impression of must-see. From world-class architecture to a wealth of history and culture, this city is one that every fervent traveller wants to visit in their lifetime. Moscow is rich in history for its Soviet past, while also boasts of European living. Parts of the city will have you travelling back in time, whilst on the other hand, with sports, theatres, shopping, and historical monuments, you’ll have no time to be bored! Interestingly, in the late 1230’s, 1571 and 1812, the city of Moscow was burned to the ground. So you can say, that it’s the city that’s risen like a phoenix from the ashes! And that’s one fact about Moscow that got me really interested to visit this city, when airarabia and air Arabia holidays my travel partner, chose this city as my next travel destination. I was thrilled

So I started my journey from Sharjah airport… Air Arabia and its services(haven’t written coz already written before). Once I landed on the Moscow airport, Air Arabia team at Moscow was there to receive me with a big welcome board and their warm hospitality. From airport we started for Verba Mayr, which is a wellness spa resort located in the suburbs of Moscow. It generally takes one and a half hour to reach Verba Mayr from the airport, but since we met with traffic on our way, we took two hours to reach the resort. While we were on our way to Verba Mayr.

Asi said earlier Russia was on my bucket list for the longest time and it was a place that had always intrigued me with its rich history, its beautiful, landmarks and most importantly, its gorgeous delicate yet strong women. I once had a pen friend from Moscow, who would send me pictures and details about Moscow, and since then I have always been curious as well as excited to visit Moscow. Traveling has always been one of my major passions in life! I feel traveling is education. It opens the doors to your mind and heart and makes you a better person with every experience that comes your way. There is a lot in this world to explore and traveling helps you look at the bigger picture. Ever since I remember, I love to travel. It’s something I want to keep doing until the end and I am never bored of it. Thanks to Air Arabia I was getting this wonderful opportunity to travel. Watching the roads and taking in the feel of the city throughout the drive, I finally reached Verba Mayr.

The next day, I woke up at Verba Mayr. The health center is located in a picturesque forest zone 30 km along the Yaroslavl highway. Verba Mayr offers its guests a rejuvenation and detox program based on the well-known methods of the prominent Austrian physician Franz Xavier Mayr (1875-1965). Dr. F.X. Mayr found that long-term health stems from a healthy gut. The Mayr doctors expanded the principles of Dr. F.X Mayr to create Modern Mayr Medicine and opened up clinics with holistic treatments, fresh air, and mineral-rich waters to ensure exceptional health for guests.

I woke up and had a lovely breakfast which consisted of Bukhwheat porridge, almond milk, buckwheat bread, and avocado spread. Moscow in October gets really cold and rainy, which was something I didn’t know about, so for some respite, I went to the tea lounge to have a hot cup of tea. The tea lounge was beautiful, surrounded by lush green trees and manicured lawns. So, as I sipped my tea, I felt calm looking around the greenery.

Watch the full video to experience it all with me.

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Tips to Reduce Stress Headache | How to Avoid Tension Headaches

Hello! My Tribe,

Are you a victim of frequent headaches? Are you the one who’s so bogged down with your schedule that you are stressed out all the time and experience headaches? Does an over-packed to-do list, a demanding job, relationship issues or a growing pile of bills — or any other nerve-wracking scenario — eventually stresses you out and leads to you having a headache? Well, if that’s the case with you, then you have been experiencing stress headaches – the most common type of headache which is also called a tension headache.

Hectic schedules and busy lifestyles can bring on headaches in a variety of ways. First, when people are stressed, they often tighten their neck and shoulders. Tense muscles in the back of the neck and even in the scalp can cause compression which many people describe as a stress-related headache. Also, when under stress, many people clench their jaws or grind their teeth, both of which can trigger headaches. What’s more, no matter your headache type, stress can both worsen and prolong your symptoms.

According to recent research, every 10 percent increase in people’s stress levels causes them to experience tension headaches 6.3 percent more days/month and migraines 4.3 percent more often. So although headache is a condition so common that it’s the punch line for a number of jokes, when you’re experiencing a headache, it’s no laughing matter. But before we talk about how we can get rid of this crappy feeling, let’s see what causes stress headaches.

Causes of Stress headaches:

Sleep deprivation
Inadequate rest
Hunger or meals at irregular times
Food containing tyramine
Red wine
Bright sunlight or changes in weather
Strong smells
Tightly tied hair
Strenuous exercise
Excessive sex
Excessive caffeine and its abrupt withdrawal
Menstrual periods

So now that we know what causes headaches, let us see how we can use nutrition, fitness and wellness to conquer some of our headache triggers and what are the quick solutions to get rid of it.

Have you ever used any of these techniques to get rid of a headache? Or have you tried some other headache relief methods? Share your experiences and let me know what remedies have worked for you. Like, Subscribe and comment on this video and stay in touch!

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Detox 101

Hello My Tribe

A lot of you ask me about detox, what is it, how is done and why one needs to do it. So I here you go.

Detox has been a hot topic in recent years. There are “detox” supplements, guides and books in all the health food stores, and every other person you know has done some kind of “cleanse” – some with great results, but others with “horror” stories to tell.

Since every body is different – not just the physiological makeup but also how high a toxic load we are experiencing when we start a detox program – we can encounter very different effects and results even from the same protocol. The key is to work with your current toxic load, your detox history, and your unique physical condition (bio-individuality) so that you can benefit most from a program without dramatic side effects, which can be detrimental to your effort and even your health.

In this special report, I will share with you some detox basics and easy to follow tips so that whether you are a novice or a veteran, you will be equipped with accurate information and a “sane” approach to start your next detox program, or simply to live a “cleaner” life so that your body does not have to deal with increased toxin exposure.

Topics Covered
Introduction to detox
Detox- Why should I care
Environmental toxins and how to avoid them
Symptoms of toxicity
Benefits of lowering your toxic load
8 ways to reduce your toxic load
How to select a detox program

All about it on the PDF below. Download and save it and go through it when you get a chance.

Click here to download the pdf

How to Read Food Labels | Understanding Nutrition Labels

Hello! My Tribe,
In this video I’m going to share with you some easy way to reading or understanding food labels.

When you are trying to lose, gain or maintain weight, it is important to understand and know what you are putting in your body. Food labels have become increasingly easier to read and more informative for even beginning label readers to know what they are consuming. Food labels provide all the information you need regarding the nutritional values of a particular food product.

Reading the labels will make it easier for you to judge what type of food product is good enough to put in your body. With labels, you can easily compare the food products and select the best option for your diet.
As necessary as it is, reading food labels can be a little tricky at first, but here are a few tips to get you reading them like a pro.
1. Servings:

First things first. Check the amount and size of servings contained in a package because the nutritional values are written relative to that size of a serving. Serving sizes are mentioned to make it easier to compare similar amounts of food products. Every nutritional fact mentioned on the label is influenced by that serving size.

2. The total number of calories:

The next thing you should check is the number of calories. It will tell you how many calories you are consuming per serving. You can easily calculate the number of calories that you have consumed based on the amount of the food product you have eaten. Calories are very important because the number of calories you consume or burn determine whether you are going to gain or lose weight. For instance, if you consume or burn 3500 calories, you are going to gain or lose one pound of weight respectively.

3. Nutrients to avoid:

The number and type of nutrients listed let you know how much energy you are consuming and how are the ingredients of this food product are going to affect or nourish your body. While reading the label, check for things like saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium; these are things you need to completely avoid if you intend to maintain your health or lose weight. These four nutrients are notorious for contributing to heart disease and various types of cancers.

4. Nutrients to focus on:

On the flip side, look for foods that have high amounts of fiber, calcium, iron, proteins, zinc and a variety of vitamins. These nutrients will nourish your body and get you through your day without draining you of energy.

5. Percent Daily Value, or % DV:

This percentage gives you an idea of the number of nutrients that are available in a single serving. If you intend to avoid or limit a certain nutrient like cholesterol, sodium, trans fat or saturated fat, select food products that show less than 5% Daily Value. Similarly, if you want to start increasing the protein in your diet, look for food products that contain 20% or more of your daily value.

Hope you found this informative, share, like and comment. Always waiting to hear from you.

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Healthy Eating on a Budget

Hello! My Tribe,

Trying to eat healthy on a tight budget? An important part of a healthy diet is to be supermarket savvy.
Here are some tips on how to save at the grocery store:
1.Plan your meals out for the week. You’ll be more likely to avoid impulse buying. if you have a plan for each night, you’ll be less likely to spend money at a restaurant.
2.Glance up and glance down! Some manufacturers actually pay more to have their food placed at eye level, and these products are often pricier than other brands. Better deals will probably be found above and below this.
3.Take your time. Go when you’re not in a rush and when you’re not tired. If you are able to go slowly and without distraction, you’ll have more time to hunt around for better buys.
4.Shop in season. Fresh fruits and vegetables are an important part of any diet, but they can be costly. To avoid this, buy produce when you know it’s in season. It’ll be cheaper and taste fresher.
5.Make More. When cooking a big meal, make extra to freeze, or use later in the week for lunches or quick suppers. Double recipes, then freeze half.
6.Buy More. Buying in bulk is almost always cheaper; you can freeze perishable items (such as meat, milk, and even bread) in smaller portions to use as needed. It’s always a good idea to buy
non-perishable items in bulk (canned foods, dried beans and grains, etc.).
7.Use Less. Use less expensive cuts of meat for casseroles that you slow cook; add extra vegetables and beans to make the meal go further.
8.Stock on Staples. Take advantage of specials on staples—broth, soups, pasta, rice, canned veggies, even bread and meat. Many of these items have a long shelf life or can be frozen for short
periods of time.
9.Limit Yourself. Limit your dining out, especially when it comes to fast food, since you’ll find yourself spending unnecessarily on items that are high in fat, salt, and calories, which short-change
you in the nutrition department.
Hope this will help you to organize yourself and stick to your healthy diet. Subscribe, share, like and leave a comment. Always waiting to hear back from you all.

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Everything You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong | Healthy Eating Myths

Hello! My Tribe,
eat right stay healthy

There is no shortage of health information available on the internet, in the media, and from well-meaning family and friends.

But some of that information may be doing you more harm than good.

In this post I spill the beans about some common healthy eating myths and what matters just as much or even more than “how much” you eat.

Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong and it’s Making You Fat and Tired
Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere!

And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right?

Well, maybe…

Everyone has heard (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much you eat. This has gotten way too much attention because while this does affect your weight and energy level, it’s certainly not the “holy grail” of health.

Let’s focus a bit more on the often overlooked (and proven) benefits of what you eat and drink and how you eat and drink it.

What you eat and drink

The “calories in, calories out” philosophy (i.e. how much you eat) is being drowned out with research on other factors that may be just as important. Don’t get me wrong limiting calories, carbs or fat can certainly help you lose weight but that’s simply not the only factor for long-term weight loss and maximum energy for everyone.

When the intense focus on how much we ate didn’t work in the long-run it wasn’t really a surprise. We kinda knew that already, didn’t we?

You can certainly still continue to count your calories, carbs, and fat but don’t forget to also pay attention to what you eat.

Ideally, you need a varied diet full of minimally-processed foods (i.e. fewer “packaged” “ready-to-eat” foods). This simple concept is paramount for weight loss, energy, and overall health and wellness.

Every day this is what you should aim for:
● A colourful array of fruits and veggies at almost every meal and snack. You need the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
● Enough protein. Making sure you get all of those essential amino acids (bonus: eating protein can increase your metabolism).
● Healthy fats and oils (never “hydrogenated” ones). There is a reason some fatty acids are called “essential” – you need them as building blocks for your hormones and brain as well as to be able to absorb essential fat-soluble vitamins from your uber-healthy salads. Use extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, eat your organic egg yolks, and get grass-fed meats when possible. You don’t need to overdo it here. Just make sure you’re getting some high-quality fats.

How you eat and drink

Also pay attention to how you eat and drink.

Studies are definitely showing that this has more of an impact than we previously thought.

Are you rushed, not properly chewing your food, and possibly suffering from gastrointestinal issues? Do you drink your food?

When it comes to how you eat let’s first look at “mindful eating”.

Mindful eating means to take smaller bites, eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and savour every bite. Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture. Breathe.

This gives your digestive system the hint to prepare for digestion and to secrete necessary enzymes.

This can also help with weight loss because eating slower often means eating less. Did you know that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full?

Thought so!

We also know that more thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest and it makes it easier to absorb all of those essential nutrients.

And don’t forget about drinking your food.

Yes, smoothies can be healthy and a fabulously easy and tasty way to get in some fruits and veggies (hello leafy greens!) but drinking too much food can contribute to a weight problem and feelings of sluggishness.

Don’t get me wrong a green smoothie can make an amazingly nutrient-dense meal and is way better than stopping for convenient junk food – just consider a large smoothie to be a full meal not a snack. And don’t gulp it down too fast.

If your smoothies don’t fill you up like a full meal does try adding in a spoon of fiber like ground flax or chia seeds.


Consider not only how much you eat but also what and how you eat it.

Hope You found this video informative, If so please comment below and share with your friends and family to spread knowledge.

Love and Health


Travel With Me to Izmir

Hello! My Tribe,

After having a great time in Istanbul ( read if you haven’t yet My Trip to Istanbul ), I was ready and looking forward to leaving for the frontier city of Turkey, Izmir. Air Arabia, my travel partner has a direct flight from Dubai to Izmir four times a week, but since my first pit stop of this enchanting sojourn was Istanbul, I took a flight from Istanbul to Izmir. I was looking forward to my journey to Izmir, a bustling city I had only heard of before. My journey started with a comfortable hour long flight and as soon as I landed at the airport, I knew the next few days were going to be magical. The Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport was a chic and organized airport. One of those efficient airports, where you can get off the plane and be out in just about 15 minutes. From the airport, a quick 30-minute drive took me to the city center where my hotel, Swissotel Buyuk Izmir was located.

At Adnan Menderes Airport

Surrounded by acres and acres of landscaped gardens, the 402-room, 5-star luxury Hotel Swissotel Buyuk Efes Izmir held the pride of place in the heart of the city’s commercial hub overlooking Kordon Promenade on Turkey’s Aegean Sea. I was told that it is one of the oldest hotels in Izmir. I was welcomed by the celebrated Colombian artist, Fernando Botero’s sculpture “Man on Horse” at the entrance of the hotel, which led me into a living, breathing gallery of more than 800 artistic masterpieces from around the world, including established Turkish artists such as Rabarama, Lorenzo Quinn, Mike Berg and Anthony Gormley. I was accommodated at a suite at the hotel which suited just right for my leisure trip. The view from the balcony was captivating, inspiring and perfect for unwinding. I just loved the comfort-engineered bedroom and private bathroom. Since it was late night by the time I checked into my suite, I just thought of quickly hitting the bed so that I could wake up fresh next morning to enjoy the city tour.

In front of Swissôtel Buyuk Efes Izmir

Swissôtel Buyuk Efes Izmir

The next morning, I woke up energized and had a wholesome breakfast at the hotel and then decided to head off for a city tour. At the lobby, I met the very dynamic, marketing head- Ayse Karpat and also my wonderful guide for the day Meltem Ciftci. She suggested that instead of going for the city tour, we could first go to Ephesus to avoid the blazing afternoon sun. So off we went to have a tour of the city enriched with history- Ephesus. She gave me an introduction of Ephesus in the car itself and told me how Ephesus was one of the greatest and second largest cities of the world, ranking only behind Rome in its size and importance during the Roman period. After a one hour drive, we finally reached Ephesus. As I walked through Ephesus, she also told me how the city was not just one of the most important Greek port cities for international trade but was also a center for academics, culture, and arts, with two amphitheaters and a great library, all of which have been largely uncovered and reconstructed. Ephesus is the largest archaeological site in the world and yet much of it remains undiscovered to date. I marveled at the well-preserved library and the intricate detailing of the architecture. I walked down the ancient marble street where Cleopatra had walked once upon a time.



Amphitheater- Ephesus

Walked down the street where Cleopatra walked once upon a time

I sat in the massive Roman theater and imagined all the artists who performed there.

Unfortunately, after 2500 years of being a thriving hub of one of the greatest civilizations in history, the city was ravaged by a series of earthquakes, and receding water level and conflicts ultimately led to its abandonment. What fascinated me most about Ephesus was just how advanced the city really was, with remarkably modern systems of running water, natural cooling and lighting. I took a lot of interest in listening to the guide throughout my stroll at Ephesus, where I was witnessing ancient Roman history unfolding its mysteries. When I was a child, I never liked studying history in the classroom, but when it’s told to you at the place where it actually happened it is indeed a lot more engrossing. I truly wish students were taken to different historical places and they were allowed to have real experiences when it came to history. I am sure this would help them register it better.

Well, having spent half a day at Ephesus, we went to have lunch at a restaurant called Aysa which served local authentic Turkish cuisine. The restaurant had some delicious veggie options to choose from. After relishing my lunch, I took a city tour and then went to THE ELEVATOR (ASANSOR). Due to the difference in elevation between the two streets, an elevator was built by Nesim Levi, a Jewish businessman in 1907, with the aim to facilitate easy access to the road. Previously, people living here had no option but to climb 155 steps to have an access to their houses. That’s when the lift, called Asansor was built which made life easier for the inhabitants of the two districts. That’s where it got its name from and since then it’s called Asansor. I was in awe of this place. So thoughtful and glorious!

Authentic Turkish Food

Having had a wonderful city tour, I went back to the hotel and got into the spa to relax. I must say, Swissotel has one of the biggest and most luxurious spas, Truly impressive !!! Purovel Spa & Sport offers 14 treatment rooms, a Presidential Wellness Suite, therapies, a relaxation lounge, solarium, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, Jacuzzi, traditional Turkish Hammam, sauna, steam bath and an array of therapeutic and beauty treatments. I chose a 90-minute deep tissue massage which relaxed me thoroughly. Followed by a rejuvenating spa, I went into the Jacuzzi which was equally calming. This was how my first day in Izmir came to an end with an invigorating experience, and I began looking forward to what the next day held in store for me!

A Relaxed Moment at the Spa

Second day was even more fun, I went to Alacati, which is a small little colorful town filled with cafes and shops by the sea. Sleepy and unspoiled, with low mountains hovering on the horizon, a tranquil turquoise sea, and narrow cobbled streets lined with cozy outdoor cafés and restaurants, the charming port town of Alacati offers an idyllic seaside break on the Turkish Aegean coast. Dating back to around the 14th century, the town is an unpretentious place, scattered with ivory-colored stone houses and rustic boutique hotels with old wooden doors and pastel-hued window shutters draped with purple and pink bougainvillea. This small town was just full of life with happy faces, people hanging out in cafes, talking about art and culture, playing musical instruments and just being who they are! There were old buildings and arty cafes serving Turkish coffee, spreading its aroma all through the streets. I spent some good time here in a café, smelling the aromas and having a refreshing Turkish tea. Although I generally prefer earl grey tea, this time I opted for the Turkish tea. Teatime is like my sacred time; it’s like a ceremony! Its that time of the day when I ponder, muse, generate ideas and spend time with myself. That’s what a refreshing cup does to many people just like me! On that day, the tea refreshed me to walk down the street and observe people, look at the stories their faces told, and feel the energies they emanated. It was a total delight to have walked those streets and just flow with the pleasant vibes of that place.

Colorful Alacati

Enjoying my Turkish Tea

A few minutes drive from Alacati took me to a long, sandy and clean beach in Cesme. Walking on the beach with its warm waters, long stretches of white sand and beautiful views totally refreshed me. Although Dubai has amazing beaches, it’s always so nice to feel the unique and vibrant energy of different beaches around the world. Turkey’s Cesme Peninsula is dotted with sprawling beaches of golden soft sand perfectly suited to the families looking for a tranquil experience as well as the vacationers looking for a more bustling marina.

Cesme Sailing Club

Breathe in and breathe out, after my mini breathing session on the beach Ayse took me to an authentic Turkish restaurant and we enjoyed some delicious food there, with an endless exotic parade of vegetarian options as well. Turkish food has many vegetarian cold mezzes, but the traditional food is dominated by meat, and although I don’t eat meat or chicken, I did get many options in vegetarian and seafood. I loved the flavors, with its minimal use of spices, I could taste the real flavors of all the veggies in most of the mezzes.
I ended the day strolling around Cesme sailing club and dreaming of going for a long sail.

Next day I knew it was time for me to workout and sweat some. Even on a holiday, I try to pack in a workout session as much as possible and which is why I love hotels with good gyms and equipment.
I started by spending some time at the pool. Ayse had organized a session for me at the gym with a trainer, she is such a rockstar, she knew exactly what I wanted and when. Loved the gym -It had a complete range of machines for cardiovascular & strength training, accelerated full-body workout devices, personal training equipment, stretching equipment and free-weight area. And the best part was, they were all Technogym equipment! As you know, I am the wellness ambassador for Technogym, I was very happy to have found my favorite equipment. When you travel and find your comfort zone, it’s a totally different joy! So I spent a good time doing reformers pilates with the trainer at the gym. The gym and the wellness center were both very impressive at Swissotel Buyuk Izmir. Swissotel Buyuk Efes is a wellness hotel in its true sense and they have all the facilities for wellness enthusiasts. Half a day spent in the gym and pool made me feel totally rejuvenated.

Working Those Muscles

I got out of the hotel to buy some local veggies as I do in every country I visit. Love shopping for fresh local and organic produce. From Izmir, I bought some cherries, peaches,, aubergine, ladyfingers. I am always excited like a little girl buying local fresh produce.

That night I had dinner at Equinox, the rooftop restaurant at my hotel overlooking the entire ocean, watching one of the most amazing sunsets of my life. The chef prepared a 3-course vegan meal which was delicious and proved to be a perfect combination with the view of the amber sunset over the Izmir Bay.

Magical Sunset

The hotel’s restaurants served a wonderful array of innovative food choices I had dinner the previous night at Aquarium and thoroughly relished the experience and I must add that the staff was a delight and very friendly as well.

Izmir is an absolute pleasure for everyone wanting to walk along the coast and see the sunset, it’s a great running and cycling route as well.
Bicycles are available via the city’s bike share scheme with a dedicated bike lane as well, so that’s exactly what I did on my last evening, cycled around the boulevard, watched sunset and people walking by.

Enjoying Last Few Moments in Izmir

Well, so this was how my short and sweet trip to Izmir came to an end, and I packed my bags to head towards the airport, carrying with me memories of a beautiful and charming city that were a heady combination of history, cuisine and sea air. I would totally recommend that the next time you visit Turkey, you save a few days for Izmir, and especially Cesme.

Sun, sand, food, culture, history and amazing locals. Isn’t that a perfect combination of a perfect holiday destination?



My Trip To Istanbul – City of Two Continents

After a hectic week at work, I decided it’s time for a break and this time, I thought let it be more cultural and connecting, so I chose Turkey as my travel destination. My first stop was Istanbul, the city of fantasy and reality.. I was already excited about my travel, and Air Arabia, my travel partner just made it quick and smart as always! As soon as I reached Sharjah International Airport, they pampered me with their Hala Service, a unique range of services that made my journey simple and hassle free. I was greeted and assisted, had a fast track check-in and immigration clearance, used the smart gates, and went into duty free in hardly ten minutes! There I spent some time at leisure in the lounge. I was already feeling great with the pampering and then, it was even better when I entered the aircraft. Generally, we struggle with leg room in aircrafts, but Air Arabia‘s planes have all-economy class cabins Since I was in the first row, I did not struggle with the leg room at all. Travellers who require extra legroom can upgrade to bulkhead or exit row seats. The interiors were also classy and comfortable and I had a pleasant flight. The flight was super comfortable and cozy. The best thing was the in flight temperature, I usually feel very cold in the aircraft but this time I felt so comfortable.

At The Air Arabia First Class Lounge

A pleasant flight landed me in Istanbul late in the night and the city welcomed me with heavy rain and thunder. It was a refreshing change, as in Dubai, of course, the heat was killing me due to harsh summer. The smell of mud and the beauty of rain just mesmerized me and had a soothing effect on my senses. I’ve been to Istanbul twice before and every time it has been a different experience (more historic and cultural in nature). So, this time I wanted to experience something I did not last two times. Istanbul is a stunning city oozing with depth and culture. I’ve eaten some of the best food of my life here, met some of the friendliest people, and seen some of the most beautiful sights and architecture in this vibrant city. I reached and checked into Fairmont Quasar Istanbul, a hotel with 209 guestrooms including 25 suites where I was staying in a marvellous 1 bedroom suite. Since it was late night by the time I checked in, I decided to have a good night’s sleep.

Fairmont Quasar Istanbul

The next morning I woke up to a beautiful sight. A wide panoramic view overlooking the serene Bosphorus and Historic Peninsula was just the perfect view from the balcony that added an elegant and exotic touch to my stay. If you’ve ever been to Istanbul and stayed in Fairmont Quasar, you would know that the rooms at Fairmont Quasar are designed to maximize comfort and technology, with stylishly industrial touches, plenty of space and natural light. My room was elegant, with modern décor and included large smart TVs in both the living room and the bedroom. The design details at Fairmont Quasar were a smart mix of glamour and culture, rightly suited to the atmosphere of the city.

Refreshed after a good night’s sleep and a picturesque view, I started my day with a scrumptious breakfast. I had egg omlette with veggies, gluten free bread, some delicious fresh fruits and some cheese. Since they had a good variety of cheese and various different choices in fresh fruits which I just love as their breakfast options, I was more than tempted to just gorge them. I literally had no agenda for the day. Having no schedule is just so refreshing. It’s a true switch off for me. Since I had nothing planned, I thought of catching up with an old friend in the afternoon, who is Turkish and whom I had met and instantly got along with around 8 years back when I had come here to Istanbul and Bodrum to shoot for my then TV show, High Life Dubai. She took me to the buzzing Istiniye Park mall where we went into a restaurant called Massa, a local Turkish brand of restaurants. I had some delicious and yummy porcini mushroom risotto here which I thoroughly enjoyed over some enlightening conversations with my old friend. Its so amazing to have friends all over the world and even more amazing to catch up with them in their own city.

With my friend Gizem

From there she dropped me to Rumeli Hisari fortress, a place I had not visited the last two times. Since this time the agenda was to have new experiences, I was just thrilled to be there. It is one of the most important fortresses built by the Ottoman Empire in order to conquest Constantinople in 1453. The Rumeli Hisar? (which means Fortress in the land of the Romans) is located at the European side of Istanbul, and was built by the Sultan Mehmed II in the place where the distance between the European and the Asian sides by the Bosphorus strait are the narrowest. It was abandoned and inhabited by some citizens and finally converted to a museum in 1960. I was totally lost looking at the view of Istanbul from the top of its walls; it was breathtakingly beautiful. For some time, I just forgot the present and was lost in the history of that period. Sometimes, old monuments and structures become alive when you walk through them and that just makes you feel out of this world.

View from Rumeli Hisari

On top of Rumeli Hisari

It was indeed a wonderful experience! By evening, I came back to the hotel and booked myself for an experience of Dervish whirling at Hocapasa. I have always been intrigued by Sufism and have read extensively about Rumi’s philosophy, so this time I really wanted to experience it. It was a magical moment experiencing dervish whirling. It’s a form of meditation, its said that mevlana Rumi established a close connection with God while whirling and that’s how it has been followed over the years as his legacy. The experience was truly mesmerizing and brought spiritual bliss to my mind. What a fabulous day 1 I had had in this bustling city of Istanbul. Pictures were prohibited so I have none, but in a way it was good, as I immersed myself in the experience.

The next day I woke up early, did my breathing and meditation as I always do as my morning routine, and then after breakfast, headed straight to Sculpture Poliklingi. I was invited at Sculpture Poliklingi to especially experience their queen facial. I was looking forward to this experience and it turned out to be more than I had expected. I felt truly pampered during my facial; my skin was glowing and I was shining inside out. Sculpture Poliklingi is pioneer in the beauty and reshaping industry in Istanbul.

Facial at Sculpture Polikligi

With my glowing skin and even bigger smile, now I was ready to explore more of Istanbul, I quickly got ready after reaching the hotel, left for Taksim square, where I came across a traditional Turkish sweet shop Hafiz Mustafa, established in 1864, which serves a wide varieties of Turkish delights and sweets. I tried their baklava and kunafa, which were absolutely divine, everything at Hafiz Mustafa was so fresh and was made with a lot of attention to quality which is something I like when I visit a food joint. I love trying local flavours and traditional recipes and love to know the stories behind such delicacies.

Exploring Takshim Square

Delicious Bakhlava at Hafiz Mustafa

I strolled around for some time and decided to go to old town and visit cistern basilica. This subterranean structure was commissioned by Emperor Justinian and built in 532. The largest surviving Byzantine cistern in Istanbul, it was constructed using 336 columns, many of which were salvaged from ruined temples and feature fine carved capitals. Its symmetry and sheer grandeur of conception are quite breathtaking, and its cavernous depths make for a great retreat. This place is one of the most popular attractions in Istanbul and has a lot of atmosphere. It’s easy for one to feel goosebumps while walking through it.

I was told Aila, The Turkish restaurant at my hotel was preparing some special vegan dinner for me, and I could not wait for it; they are known to serve some traditional and authentic lip-smacking Turkish mezzes. And they converted some of their signature recipes into vegan versions. To name a few, delicious hummus with porcini mushrooms and truffle oil, bulgur in beetroot sauce, artichokes in beetroot and beetroot paste were some of my favourites. Always love it when chefs experiment and come up with innovative recipes inspired by the traditional ones. If you are a vegetarian and are looking for some veggie options, this is the place for you!

Well, that was how my day ended with a wholesome and satiating dinner.

Dinner at Aila, Fairmont Quasar Istanbul

The next day I woke up and had a hearty breakfast and then headed for my spa. Willow Stream Spa is your unrivaled escape from the bustle of urban living and a refuge to reinvigorate the mind and restore the body. This unique 2,000 square meter urban retreat provides a quieter place to recover from this modern fast paced world, a place which has nine tranquil spa suites, including two couple VIP suites and calming relaxation lounges with courtyard views, steam rooms and saunas. My body and soul were rejuvenated with the amazing Turkish coffee and coconut sensory oasis body scrub and massage which of 120 minutes. The spa was a combination of the newest innovations in skincare with local authentic touches that took me on an ultimate sensory journey from head to toe. What a relaxing spa that was! Truly!

Outside the spa by the pool

Energized and rejuvenated now I wanted to explore a little more of Istanbul, so my first stop was, Ortakoy and then the Agean side. I walked around to soak into the energy of the city. I went to a traditional Turkish Restaurant that a friend recommended, called Hamdi, which is one of the city’s best-loved restaurants, near the Spice Bazaar and is owned by Hamdi Arpaci, who started out as a street-food vendor in the 1960s. His tasty Urfa-style kebaps were so popular that he soon graduated from his modest stand to this building, which has views of the Old City, Golden Horn and Galata from its top-floor terrace. Although the menu was dominated by meat dishes I did find some vegetarian options too. I had aubergine in yogurt, grilled aubergine and also some really fresh and soft local bread which was sooooo yummyyyy!

In Front of Ortakoy Mosque

At the Gym

Honestly after eating so much I just wanted to be back in the hotel, take a nap and then hit the gym. Fairmont Quasar Istanbul has a state-of-the-art gym that provides ample space to replenish the mind, body and spirit. I was very impressed with the gym since there were all Technogym equipments and being a technogym wellness ambassador, I was glad to see these equipments. The gym also had a Pilates reformer corner along with a stretching corner. I totally loved the gym and spent two hours doing a workout there which totally refreshed me. Post my workout, I spent some time in both the pools that the hotel boasts of, one that is in the spa and the other pool, Ukiyo, which is a pool paradise situated on the fifth floor overlooking the entire city. This pool was out of the world with its outdoor infinity pool and offered panoramic Bosphorus views with a striking décor. It was truly a calming experience, looking at the city, sitting in the pool, and thinking about how beautiful this world is!

Pool with a view

Being so refreshed and energised with spending time in the pool, I went for steam and sauna. Now since I had a flight to Izmir, I had only one thing left, getting hair ready. If you follow me on social media you know how important it is to have my hair in place at all times, and the hair salon in a hotel is always a fine luxury.
Hair ready, dressed, packed and ready to for Izmir.
To be continued…



Five Cholesterol Myths | All About Cholesterol

Hello! My Tribe,

You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (border lining obsession) about cholesterol, right?

Before we jump into some myths let’s make sure we’re on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is.

Myth #1: “Cholesterol” is cholesterol

While cholesterol is an actual molecule what it is bound to while it’s floating through your blood is what’s more important than just how much of it there is overall. In fact depending on what it’s combined with can have opposite effects on your arteries and heart. Yes, opposite!

So cholesterol is just one component of a compound that floats around your blood. These compounds contain cholesterol as well as fats and special proteins called “lipoproteins”.

They’re grouped into two main categories:
● HDL: High Density Lipoprotein (AKA “good” cholesterol) that “cleans up” some of those infamous “arterial plaques” and transports cholesterol back to the liver.
● LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein (AKA “bad” cholesterol) that transports cholesterol from the liver (and is the kind found to accumulate in arteries and become easily oxidized hence their “badness”).

And yes, it’s even more complicated than this. Each of these categories is further broken down into subcategories which can also be measured in a blood test.

So “cholesterol” isn’t simply cholesterol because it has very different effects on your body depending on which other molecules it’s bound to in your blood and what it is actually doing there.

Myth #2: Cholesterol is bad

Cholesterol is absolutely necessary for your body to produce critical things like vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun, your sex hormones (e.g. estrogen and testosterone), as well as bile to help you absorb dietary fats. Not to mention that it’s incorporated into the membranes of your cells.

Talk about an important molecule!

The overall amount of cholesterol in your blood (AKA “total cholesterol”) isn’t nearly as important as how much of each kind you have in your blood.

While way too much LDL cholesterol as compared with HDL (the LDL:HDL ratio) may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease it is absolutely not the only thing to consider for heart health.

Myth #3: Eating cholesterol increases your bad cholesterol

Most of the cholesterol in your blood is made by your liver. It’s actually not from the cholesterol you eat. Why do you think cholesterol medications block an enzyme in your liver (HMG Co-A reductase, to be exact)? ‘Cause that’s where it’s made!

What you eat still can affect how much cholesterol your liver produces. After a cholesterol-rich meal your liver doesn’t need to make as much.

Myth #4: Your cholesterol should be as low as possible

As with almost everything in health and wellness there’s a balance that needs to be maintained. There are very few extremes that are going to serve you well.

People with too-low levels of cholesterol have increased risk of death from other non-heart-related issues like certain types of cancers, as well as suicide.

Myth #5: Drugs are the only way to get a good cholesterol balance

Don’t start or stop any medications without talking with your doctor.

And while drugs can certainly lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol they don’t seem to be able to raise the “good” HDL cholesterol all that well.

Guess what does?

Nutrition and exercise!

One of the most impactful ways to lower your cholesterol with diet is to eat lots of fruits and veggies. I mean lots, say up to 10 servings a day.

You can (should?) also exercise, lose weight, stop smoking, and eat better quality fats. That means fatty fish, avocados and olive oil. Ditch those over-processed hydrogenated “trans” fats.

Hope you liked this video and found it informative, share with freinds and family if you think it can help them too. Comment below, always waiting to here from you.

Love and Health


Wardrobe – Maje Dubai Mall

Launch of My New Website

Hello my tribeeeeee!
M soooo excitteeddd to announce the launch of my new website!
I would love to invite you all to my new website, where I am going to share all the knowledge that has empowered me over the years and has helped me stay younger and healthier.
So what are the things you can do on my website,
1) Sign up for my free 14 day Smoothie Challenge
2) Have a one on one coaching session with me which is a six month transformative health programme
3) Have a 90 minute power session with me where I will give you some super easy tips to balance your lifestyle.
4) Book me for a session of workshops in your space; as usual, I would be happy to share my knowledge with you and teach you about wellness.
And this is not all, there is so much more!!
So visit my new website, and sign up for my newsletter to stay updated with my new videos and so much more that I will be sharing exclusively on my website every week.
So, join me and together we will create a newer, healthier and happier version of you!

Love and health


Tips To Overcome A Fitness Plateau

How to break through the fitness plateau?
Are you one of those who’s been consistently working out, eating better and feeling great about your fitness routine, but then suddenly all the magic that was happening – everything that was working for you – suddenly came to a screeching halt? Well, if that’s the case with you, then you’ve hit the dreaded fitness plateau. Anyone in the fitness game long enough will most likely encounter one. It can be frustrating and you are probably wondering what you’re doing wrong. Sometimes all it takes to get past a workout plateau is to look back at your training and find out where you’ve gone wrong. Don’t worry, it has happened to the best of us. And I totally feel you. We all experience lack of gym motivation – and that’s only because we’ve hit the plateau. So, I’m going to tell you a few things that have helped me get out of my fitness plateau and get back on the top of my game.
Track Your Workouts
Keep a log of each workout you do: your movements, reps, duration, and anything else you can think of. Write it down! Writing it down will give you something to refer back to. This will help you to continue to challenge yourself by knowing what you have done before. So get a notebook and start writing! Be sure to keep track of every workout. Also, keep it in a place where you can refer back often, probably in your gym bag.
Change Your Workouts
When you do the same old workout with the same old weights and rep scheme every time you go to the gym, you aren’t going to get anywhere. In order to achieve your goals, your body needs to be pushed to new limits. Try throwing different movements and rep schemes in your workouts that can help with your goals. Hit your muscles with workouts they have never experienced before. Let each workout be different from the last forcing your body to adapt and change for the better.
Refocus Your Nutrition
If you are someone like me, you tend to go through what I call “nutrition cycles.” If I am have a fitness goal, I try to clean up my diet as best I can and eat accordingly. But after I reach my goal, if I do not have another goal in sight, I tend to start caring less about what I eat. It’s not that I jump off the boat all at once and start eating everything and anything. Usually it’s just a few subtle changes that add up overtime and these changes start affecting my fitness. In order to get past this, you need to refocus your nutrition. Be sure you are getting the nutrients you need to perform at your highest potential. Take some time to regroup, make some goals, and plan your diet accordingly. Analyze what foods you were eating before, add some variety to keep it fresh, and then return to what worked!

Use the Phillip Stein Sport Bracelet

Whether you’re a world champion athlete or a weekend warrior, the Philip Stein Horizon Sport Bracelet can help you achieve your fitness goals and break out from that fitness plateau. I love Phillip Stein’s Horizon Sport Bracelet as it is sleek and waterproof, and is uniquely designed to move with you anywhere you go. These bracelets use a special Natural Frequency Technology to help you reconnect your body with the Earth’s beneficial natural frequencies. When your body is in tune with the vibrations of the Earth, you tend to feel focused and more collected. But artificial frequencies emitted from modern technology like smartphones can cause a disruption between your body and the Earth’s vibrations, making you feel drained and less focused. So each Horizon Sport Bracelet features an embedded metal disc that acts as an antenna to channel the Earth’s frequencies back into the body. I myself love to use these bracelets as I am a major fitness enthusiast and I believe, wearing the Horizon Bracelet enables me to keep my stress levels in check — especially during those high-pressure moments. The Horizon Sport bracelet is sweat and water resistant, and can be used during high activity in the gym or outdoors. It is especially designed to improve your overall performance. So whenever I need more power, improved performance and more focus in my fitness regime, I wear Phillip stein’s horizon sport bracelet and as always, it works wonders. True to its tagline, Its more energy, more of you!

Well, so these were some of the methods to break out of the fitness plateau. Hope you liked my tips. Please use them and let me know what worked for you and what didn’t! If you know some tips to deal with a fitness plateau, please share with me and my tribe in the comments. Like this video and subscribe to my channel so that you keep getting notifications for my recent videos. Stay connected.
Love and Health

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Reenergize And Revitalize Yourself with Six Minutes Yoga | Power Yoga

Hello! My Tribe,

Feeling tired, sleepy and lethargic in the middle of the day?

My Yoga teacher Chandnee and I have a few yoga postures that can make you feel energized and revitalized in just 6 minutes.

Try them and let us know if this worked.

It works for me every time.

Love and Health


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Tips to Reduce Stress Headache

Hello! My Tribe,

Are you a victim of frequent headaches? Are you the one who’s so bogged down with your schedule that you are stressed out all the time and experience headaches? Does an over-packed to-do list, a demanding job, relationship issues or a growing pile of bills — or any other nerve-wracking scenario — eventually stresses you out and leads to you having a headache? Well, if that’s the case with you, then you have been experiencing stress headaches – the most common type of headache which is also called a tension headache.

Hectic schedules and busy lifestyles can bring on headaches in a variety of ways. First, when people are stressed, they often tighten their neck and shoulders. Tense muscles in the back of the neck and even in the scalp can cause compression which many people describe as a stress-related headache. Also, when under stress, many people clench their jaws or grind their teeth, both of which can trigger headaches. What’s more, no matter your headache type, stress can both worsen and prolong your symptoms.

According to recent research, every 10 percent increase in people’s stress levels causes them to experience tension headaches 6.3 percent more days/month and migraines 4.3 percent more often. So although headache is a condition so common that it’s the punch line for a number of jokes, when you’re experiencing a headache, it’s no laughing matter. But before we talk about how we can get rid of this crappy feeling, let’s see what causes stress headaches.

Causes of Stress headaches:

Sleep deprivation
Inadequate rest
Hunger or meals at irregular times
Food containing tyramine
Red wine
Bright sunlight or changes in weather
Strong smells
Tightly tied hair
Strenuous exercise
Excessive sex
Excessive caffeine and its abrupt withdrawal
Menstrual periods

So now that we know what causes headaches, let us see how we can use nutrition, fitness and wellness to conquer some of our headache triggers and what are the quick solutions to get rid of it.

Have you ever used any of these techniques to get rid of a headache? Or have you tried some other headache relief methods? Share your experiences and let me know what remedies have worked for you. Like, Subscribe and comment on this video and stay in touch!

Love and Health

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My Armenia Travel Stories – Part 2 | Armenia Tour Video

Hello! My Tribe,
Armenia video part -2 All about Armenia
Welcome back , I hope you enjoyed my episode 1 of my trip to Armenia.

Hello! My Tribe,

Welcome back , I hope you enjoyed my episode 1 of my trip to Armenia.
Hyper link of epi

I reached the wings of Tatev at 4 o clock after a 3 hours drive took me from Jermuk to wings of tatev. Wings of Tatev is the aerial tramway to Tatev monastery. It’s the shortest and most impressive route to Tatev Monastery and the longest reversible cableway in the world, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. I had a typical Armenian lunch at Wings of Tatev which included Armenian tea, plate full of herbs and salads, plate filed with purple basil green basil, grilled potatoes and the traditional bread of Armenia called lavash. The whole way from wings of tatev to tatev monastery took us about 12 minutes, which I spent enjoying landscapes, valleys, and the beautiful view from the top. The cable car then dropped me at a beautiful spot, from where I was taken by a local Armenian driver in an old 4WD of soviet vintage 1959 to a spot where I could get an ariel view of the Tatev monastery. Tatev Monastery is the architectural pearl of medieval Armenia.
The name of the monastery has become a cause of many legends. According to one of those legends when the architect was about to finish his work and was putting the last stone on the dome of the church, he asked Lord to give him wings – “Ta TeV” meaning “give wings,” so that he can fly high into the sky and see the wonder he had created from the far. God listened to the prayer of the talented architect by giving him wings to see his creation.
I had a mesmerizing and peaceful experience at the Tatev monastery. The place was rich with history, culture and serenity. Having experienced the beauty of the place, we then took the cable car again and drove down back to the hotel. That night we shifted to hotel Hyatt Place Jermuk. Hyatt Place Jermuk is conveniently located in the center of Jermuk and is famous for its accessibility and its provision of a wealth of enriching individual experiences to both business and leisure travellers alike. I was living in a suite. The bright, air-conditioned rooms with warm-colored interiors and modern décor were a true delight. My room featured a separate bedroom and living area, including one king Hyatt Grand Bed and our Cozy Corner with sofa and a mountain view. I had a peaceful sleep in this comfortable place and the next day, woke up fresh and energized.
I quickly got ready, went to the café and ate a healthy and nice breakfast, and then I started for garni temple via Yerevan. This is the only pagan temple left in Armenia which has not been turned into a church. A 3-and-a-half-hour drive took me to garni temple. All the way, I went clicking pictures and taking halts at many spots. I then went into the restaurant overlooking garni temple where I had some yummy Aubergine, potatoes and grilled fish. The Temple dates to 77 AD and is a bright example of the developed culture and beliefs of the locals. Armenians had eight Pagan Gods and Goddesses at the time which were equal in numbers; 4 male and 4 female.
The Temple of Garni was dedicated to the male God of Sun, Mithra or Mihr, as locals call him. He was responsible for sun, light, and justice. The water near garni temple was refreshing; I noticed little spring water taps all over this country that had fresh water located at short distances. The water in Armenia is known for its special therapeutic quality which really quenches the thirst and energises you!
The next day it was time for spa and I went to a wine and grapes spa. In the Wine and Grapes spa, I met the owners, a couple who started this concept and they copywrited it. They grow their own organic red and white grapes. They have done an intensive research on the benefits of grapes on our skin and overall wellbeing.

Five days in Armenia were definitely not enough to soak in its beauty and enjoy it thoroughly, but it was time for me to get back to Dubai , on the way back , sitting in my comfortable seat in air Arabia flight, I realized that the history of Armenia had seeped into me, and I was a more empowered and zealous me after exploring this wonderful hidden gem of the world – Armenia.

As Seneca has aptly said,

Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind.
A huge thanks to air Arabia, Air Arabia holidays and tourism board of Armenia for this fabulous trip
Love and Health


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My Armenia travel stories

My Armenia Travel Stories-
Hello! My Tribe,

Since the time I had been hearing about this country, I was curious and eager to visit it. The underrated and oft-forgotten country of Armenia, is located in Eurasia’s South Caucasus region, and nestled between Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran. It’s difficult to say whether this country is part of Europe or Asia. Home to some of the world’s oldest monuments, breathtaking vistas, a hospitable culture with a rich history and a delightful food and drink scene, Armenia offers a gamut of travel experiences that will not disappoint. It’s also not overcrowded with tourists yet, a fantastic ingredient in the recipe for a unique and awesome modern day travel experience.
Armenia has a large diaspora, with about 8 million Armenians living throughout the world. Thisi is much larger than the current 3 million population of Armenia itself.

My travel partners air Arabia holidays and Air Arabia has daily direct to Yerevan,
Air Arabia and air Arabia Holidays, always makes it quick and smart! As soon as I reached Sharjah International Airport, they pampered me with their Hala Service which is a unique range of services that made my journey simple and hassle free. I was greeted and assisted, had a fast track check-in and immigration clearance, used the smart gates, and went into duty free in hardly in a few minutes. I mean it was that quick! There I spent some time at leisure in the lounge. Also scrolled through there app, Air Arabia Now you can make and manage your bookings anywhere, anytime at the tap of a finger, with their user friendly mobile app.
I was already feeling great with the pampering and then, it was even better when I entered the aircraft. Generally, we struggle with leg room in aircrafts. But Air Arabia’s planes have all-economy class cabins. Legroom allowances are generally the same for all passengers
Travellers who require extra legroom can upgrade to bulkhead or exit row seats. The interiors were also classy, chic and comfortable and I had a pleasant flight 3 and half hour flight. They served me vegetable biriyani and I was content and happy before I landed in Yerevan.

A nice and pleasant flight landed me into the city of Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. as usual made things smooth for me at the Yerevan airport. Visa was done in 15 minutes, for Indians its visa on arrival. Out side the airport wI was welcomed by our guide Carrinne, her smile ad red roses made me feel very welcomes. A twenty minute drive took us to Radisson Blue.
WE drove to the hotel. The hotel was really nice. With a stunning location near Victory Park and Areni Lake, the Radisson Blu Hotel, Yerevan offers 5-star accommodation on the upscale Azatutyan Avenue. magnificent hilltop setting provides beautiful views of Yerevan city center against the backdrop of Mount Ararat,

The city centre is divided into two parts, upper Yerevan and lower Yerevan. I were staying in upper Yerevan. I freshened up quickly and thought, a walking tour was the best way to really get immersed in Yerevan’s culture, history and cuisine. So off we went! The city centre was, of course, the place to do this, as it was home to landmarks like the grand Republic Square, the impressive Opera House, the 18th century Blue Mosque and the famous Cascade complex. the cascades – open-air giant stairwell leading to the top of the hill with an unforgettable view of Mount Ararat and the city of Yerevan. It sits right in the city centre and is one of its key landmarks. It was built during the Soviet period in 1971 and was completely renovated in 2009. It has eight levels, all of which are accessible by climbing up the stairwell, though those that would rather not walk can take an elevator. I decided to walk down, the views over the city were absolutely breathtaking. I was so glad I came here as it was certainly not a place to be missed. The cascades were decorated with sculptures, fountains and patches of grass. We walked down the stairs of cascades, towards the fountains and park where various art pieces were displayed, I saw some beautiful sculptures by the Columbian artist Fernando Botero

Have you travelled to Armenia? How was your experience? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health
Follow uma on
Instagram @umagd

My Armenia Travel Stories | Armenia Tour Video

My Armenia Travel Stories-
Hello! My Tribe,
Armenia video part – 1 All about Armenia
Since the time I had been hearing about this country, I was curious and eager to visit it. The underrated and oft-forgotten country of Armenia, is located in Eurasia’s South Caucasus region, and nestled between Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran. It’s difficult to say whether this country is part of Europe or Asia. Home to some of the world’s oldest monuments, breathtaking vistas, a hospitable culture with a rich history and a delightful food and drink scene, Armenia offers a gamut of travel experiences that will not disappoint. It’s also not overcrowded with tourists yet, a fantastic ingredient in the recipe for a unique and awesome modern day travel experience.
Armenia has a large diaspora, with about 8 million Armenians living throughout the world. Thisi is much larger than the current 3 million population of Armenia itself.

My travel partners air Arabia holidays and Air Arabia has daily direct to Yerevan,
Air Arabia and air Arabia Holidays, always makes it quick and smart! As soon as I reached Sharjah International Airport, they pampered me with their Hala Service which is a unique range of services that made my journey simple and hassle free. I was greeted and assisted, had a fast track check-in and immigration clearance, used the smart gates, and went into duty free in hardly in a few minutes. I mean it was that quick! There I spent some time at leisure in the lounge. Also scrolled through there app, Air Arabia Now you can make and manage your bookings anywhere, anytime at the tap of a finger, with their user friendly mobile app.
I was already feeling great with the pampering and then, it was even better when I entered the aircraft. Generally, we struggle with leg room in aircrafts. But Air Arabia’s planes have all-economy class cabins. Legroom allowances are generally the same for all passengers
Travellers who require extra legroom can upgrade to bulkhead or exit row seats. The interiors were also classy, chic and comfortable and I had a pleasant flight 3 and half hour flight. They served me vegetable biriyani and I was content and happy before I landed in Yerevan.

A nice and pleasant flight landed me into the city of Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. as usual made things smooth for me at the Yerevan airport. Visa was done in 15 minutes, for Indians its visa on arrival. Out side the airport wI was welcomed by our guide Carrinne, her smile ad red roses made me feel very welcomes. A twenty minute drive took us to Radisson Blue.
WE drove to the hotel. The hotel was really nice. With a stunning location near Victory Park and Areni Lake, the Radisson Blu Hotel, Yerevan offers 5-star accommodation on the upscale Azatutyan Avenue. magnificent hilltop setting provides beautiful views of Yerevan city center against the backdrop of Mount Ararat,

The city centre is divided into two parts, upper Yerevan and lower Yerevan. I were staying in upper Yerevan. I freshened up quickly and thought, a walking tour was the best way to really get immersed in Yerevan’s culture, history and cuisine. So off we went! The city centre was, of course, the place to do this, as it was home to landmarks like the grand Republic Square, the impressive Opera House, the 18th century Blue Mosque and the famous Cascade complex. the cascades – open-air giant stairwell leading to the top of the hill with an unforgettable view of Mount Ararat and the city of Yerevan. It sits right in the city centre and is one of its key landmarks. It was built during the Soviet period in 1971 and was completely renovated in 2009. It has eight levels, all of which are accessible by climbing up the stairwell, though those that would rather not walk can take an elevator. I decided to walk down, the views over the city were absolutely breathtaking. I was so glad I came here as it was certainly not a place to be missed. The cascades were decorated with sculptures, fountains and patches of grass. We walked down the stairs of cascades, towards the fountains and park where various art pieces were displayed, I saw some beautiful sculptures by the Columbian artist Fernando Botero

Have you travelled to Armenia? How was your experience? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health
Follow uma on
Instagram @umagd

Boost Your Energy Without Food and Caffeine

Hello! My Tribe,

When was the last time you felt awake and energized all day long without that cup of coffee? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Many of us suffer from energy highs and lows throughout the day, then we inject ourselves with caffeine or food so that we can pass through the day. This has become a daily routine, with many of us wishing we could nap under our desks so we could have a few minutes of rest.

1.Take a shower
Take a hot, cold or alternating hot / cold shower or rinse-off while on business trips. It’s one of the best ways to change how you feel in your body without digging in to the ice-cream tub or planning out your next iced coffee break. If you are at work, try splashing some cold water on your cheeks or put a cold paper towel briefly on the back of your neck and let that sleepy feeling disappear.

2.Take a walk
Taking a brisk walk has similar effects like working out. Moving your body even at a slow pace will have you feeling more alert in just minutes. Try using this tip in your daily routine by walking instead of taking the bus or driving. For me, a leisurely walk works great for clearing up brain fog, which results from hours spent working or too much computer time. So next time you need a break from work or studies, head outside. You’ll feel surprisingly refreshed and return to your workplace fresher than before.

Hit up the nail salon for a back and neck massage in the forward reclining chairs. Just 10 minutes can melt away stress, work on any knots in your back, mitigate a tension headache and even take away food cravings. Studies also show massage therapy increases serotonin, which affects the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep, therefore helping you get a full night of sleep naturally and increasing energy levels during the day. You can also try spas for rejuvenation once a week that will melt away stress and keep you high on energy through the week.

4.Take a power nap
Napping isn’t just for preschoolers. Though you might not always be able to nap, when you can, sneaking in a power one could make all the difference. Research shows that naps can improve memory, alertness and boost overall energy. For an immediate and natural energy boost, take a 10- to 30-minute nap. Studies indicate that limiting your nap to this manageable chunk of time helps ensure you don’t wake up groggy.

5.Listen to Music
Whether you’re at work or commuting home, rock out to a few of your favorite songs of the moment. Music has been proven to elevate your mood and change your energy. Listen to high-energy music. Not only does great music give you that near-magical second wind or extra kick when you are exercising, it also boosts your mood and energy during regular tasks. In fact, some research even revealed workers who listened to great classical music experienced increased productivity and creativity.

Stop for a few minutes to practice your breathing and focus your mind through a mini meditation. Take five minutes to do some deep breathing and keep your focus on your breath. If your mind wanders just bring it back to your breath. It’s amazing what this can do for your mental energy and it readies you to take on the day.

So these were my tips for having energy without caffeine or food during the day. What are yours? Write in the comments section and stay tuned for more videos on similar topics. Don’t forget to like and subscribe my channel. See you next week!

Love and Health

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