My hair Care Routine For Long Healthy Hair

This is one of the most awaited videos, so many of you asked me for it on my social media, so I am so glad I finally got down to doing it.

I will not write much, as its a long videos and i would like you to watch it.

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My Healthy Dairy- Free Hot Chocolate Recipe

My go-to drink is hot chocolate in plant-based milk. I absolutely love it.
It always makes me feel better, helps me focus also brings me back to my center.
So no matter what I am doing, or where I am at, a cup of extra hot, hot chocolate always does the magic.

Today I am sharing my recipe for a hot chocolate that I make myself. It’s dairy-free, no nasty ingredients, no processed sugar, and is full of anti-oxidants.

I use my favorite heirloom cacao from Anima Mundi.
Did you know cacao is very beneficial for skin too?
1. Cacao is a superfood
2. its Antioxidant-rich
3. Gives skin protection from environmental stressors
4. Helps in micro-circulation for vibrant skin
5. Calms, internally and externally

So it’s such a delicious drink to have to make you look and feel good.

Try my recipe and let me know how it goes.

Share in the comment below. What is your favorite drink?

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My Morning Ritual 2021

I can’t imagine a day without my morning ritual.

My Morning ritual sets the mood and the energy for the day.

This one hour when I do my breathwork and mediation always brings me back to my center.

This time in the morning is also the time to honor my emotions, my internal health, and all that is going on inside of me, coz as I have grown older I am so much more aware that, my internal health influences my external world. So if there is unrest within me that needs attention then morning ritual is the time when I address them, work on them and process them.

What is your morning ritual?

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Correct Your Posture In 5 Minutes

5 Minute Posture exercises. This is how to fix your posture.

What is your posture right now when you opened this mail? Just take a moment and get conscious about that.

Posture is so important for our physical, emotional, and mental health, and with us spending so much time, consuming content, our posture seems to get worse. They say sitting is the new smoking and I couldn’t agree more.

That’s why I felt this video is important for me to do. Try these posture correcting exercises, right now, it will take only 5 minutes.

Comment below. Waiting to hear from you.

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Get Rid Of Double Chin With These 5 Massage Techniques

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Double chin has lots to do with our posture, so in today’s video, I am showing you 5 massage techniques that will improve your posture and will help you get rid of your double chin. These techniques will also help you release stress, feel light, and lower cortisol levels.
Try them with me and comment below to share how they make you feel.

Love and Health


My Morning Anti -Aging Skin care Routine

A lot of you have asked me about my morning skincare routine, so here goes.

I have been doing this for a couple of months, and for now, it’s working wonderfully.
As you know I like to keep watching things up, so it might change a few months later.
Products I used

Seabuckthorn oil from Living Libations

Best Skin Ever – Seabuckthorn

Hyaluronic acid from Good Molecules
Discoloration correcting serum from Good Molecules
Niacinamide from Paula’s Choice
Vitamin C from Drunk Elephant
Moisturizer from Natura Bisse
Sunscreen from Natura Bisse

Have you tried any of these products? What is your feedback. Share with me in the comment box.

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4 Pillars Of Radiant Skin

Your face says it all!

How you’re feeling, your moods and different states of mind not only show up on your face as expressions but also show up on your skin. Many researchers have proved what we probably already know. Our emotions,our relationships, our mindset impact our skin.

Our skin is remarkable. It is not only the largest organ of our body but also one of the first to form. You may think your skin is only protecting you from the environment around you, but it’s also helping to control your body temperature and helping you maintain water balance in your body.
While it’s true that you are what you eat, everything you’re eating becomes a part of your skin. But it’s also true that you are, what you feel. Your experiences, your feelings also become a part of your skin.

Merrady Wickes, the head of education at the Detox Market, says that our skin is one of the biggest indicators of our state of mind. If you’re and content, your skin will have a healthy glow to it and will appear clearer and smoother. You’ll even have a healthy blush all over your cheeks. But if you’re constantly stressed or anxious, it will start to become a part of your face. Your skin will show signs of inflammation, rosacea and pimples.

So in this video, I speak about the 4 pillars of skin health.
Watch the video and see how you can understand your skin better.

Love and Health


Anti- Aging Face Massage With Knuckles

Hey!! Gorgeous!!

I am back with another video of full-face massage for you to do with me.
By now you all know the benefits of facial massage.

Facial massage helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles.

Anti-aging and wrinkles. One of the main benefits of facial massage is its ability to improve the overall appearance of skin.
Sinus pressure.
Glowing skin.
Skin blood flow.
Facial rejuvenation.
Manage scar tissue.

And Today we will do the massage with our knuckles.

Let’s start.

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Gua Sha Tutorial For Necklines and Sharpen Jawline

Facial Gua Sha is undoubtedly one of my favorite holistic beauty modalities.

I have been practicing Facial Gua Sha for a couple of years of snow, and I am in love with it. It gives very effective results and consistency reaps magic.

Try this is with me now, and let me know how this goes in the comment box below.

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11 Summer Skincare Hacks

Thinking of summer always makes us dream about pretty beaches, evening dates, swimming in the ocean, everything open-air, sunny and glowy. This golden dream drives you crazy on the idea of holding that warm skin tan and subtle sandalwood undertones.

But this lovely thought comes with the cost of a super vigilant skincare routine. Where you get so much to cherish outdoors because summer is that time of the year that compels you to feel free and wander around with the lightest of the outfits, and careless of the outings, your exposure to sun, heat, humidity, and dust also increases.

Due to this exposure, it is inevitable that your skin might encounter dehydration, dull and tired looks, damaged hair, and whatnot.
Tweaking your skincare routine is what these activities demand to keep your skin gorgeous and unharmed. Summer is the high time to go a lot gentler on your skin. Throw away heavy products and add light hydrating products that can safeguard you from violent UVAs/UVBs.

That feeling is unmatchable when you are all glowy and gorgeous out in the sun and you can’t stop admiring yourself in every reflection of yourself you pass by. Here I will be sharing with you some smart tips to tweak your skincare for that kind of glow in summer. Let us get started:
1. Sunscreen is your armor. Wear it!
Is there ever going to be enough preachings about the importance of sunscreen? No. Sunscreen is the solution to so many things.

2. Mindful cleansing:
All the sun, sweat, and salt that got accumulated on your skin demand a nice cleansing routine. Your skin produces excessive oil during summers.

3. Eat Probiotics:
Probiotics boost your immune system and improve your digestive system. It also reduces bloating and inflammation in your digestive tract.

4. Water-rich foods:
Eating water is the modern solution to the oldest problem of dehydration. Water-rich foods are a holy grail solution to your skin and hydration problem. Watermelon, Strawberries, cucumber, cantaloupes, skim milk, iceberg lettuce ad zucchini.

5. Exfoliate your whole being:
Exfoliating is not only for the face and neck. You have to exfoliate from head to toe. This way you’ll have your blood circulation improved and increased all over your body and hence a warm glow will emit your skin.

6. Vitamin C:
Vitamin C must be our first love in the skincare world. What is it that Vitamin c can’t offer? It is an antioxidant and fights oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Builds collagen, brightens your skin, strengthens it, shields from pollution, and protects from aging.

7. Cosmetics for the glow:
It is not only about adding skincare products to your list. You have got to update your makeup kit as well. For those of you into tanning.

8. Some home remedies:
Not only expensive products but some ingredients from the kitchen can also be our savior. Make a turmeric and yogurt face mask. Exfoliate your lips and around with honey and sugar. Apply some aloe vera on your face and hair.

9. Cooler Showers
Try to avoid steam baths and hot showers in summer as they can make our skin dry. Try cooler showers instead. They’d help keep skin hydrated and make you feel relaxed.

10. Hydrate yourself with water and herbal teas:
Hydration is so necessary to fulfill your dream of flawless glowy skin. Keep your bottles filled. Track our sips through some apps.

11. Smoothies:
Smoothies are marvelous when it comes to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits along with a good dose of fibers.

Protect yourself from violent heat and sunlight exposures. Be mindful of these tips. And let me know how it goes.

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How To Lower Your Stress Hormones Naturally

Our body is hardwired to protect us against the threats we face every now and then and fight back. From predators and aggressors to taking care of huge workload, the responsibility of paying bills, or even taking care of our family, we have a wide range of rattling dangers to everyday hassles we call ‘threats’.

In order to make that work, we have stress hormones called cortisol. You can think of them as built-in alarm systems. This hormone works with our brain to control our moods, fears as well as motivations. Hence whenever you feel alarmed or frazzled, it is your adrenal gland pumping this hormone.

It switches you from relaxed to “fight or flight” mode. This hormone is really important to help your body fight against an alarming situation. However, excess of it can be really deteriorating mentally as well as physically. Today I will tell you how to cope with your stress hormones naturally. But let us get to know the science behind cortisol first:

What to do to lower these stress hormone levels naturally?
I know it sounds scary But instead of stressing out after getting to know about the stress hormones themselves, you should try to relax and find ways that can help you. Although it seems like you don’t have control over all that happens in a “flight-or-fight” state, there are actually some hacks that can help improve your diet and lifestyle and hence manage your stress hormone levels. Let me share some of them with you:

Cut your sugar intakes:

Cakes, pastures, soda, bread all these foods are so tempting. But they are a great source of sugar. In order to lower your stress hormones, you have to reduce the intake of all such edibles. As I have told you so many times, an increased sugar rush can mimic a panic attack which can fuel your fight-or-flight instinct. Switch to their healthier substitutes like whole-grain bread and vegetables etc.

Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption:

Studies show caffeine increases the cortisol secretion in your body even at rest. Caffeine makes it worse, you see? People also think alcohol helps them relax. But it is addictive and depressant actually. Work on leaving these.

Hydration helps a lot!

The more you stay dehydrated, the more exhausted and stressed out you are. An ample amount of water regulates cortisol secretion. Dehydration is seen as a stressor and makes your adrenal gland surge out stress hormones. Drink water, herbal teas, healthy juices, and eat water-rich foods.

Eat regularly and eat healthily:

Sticking to a regular and healthy eating schedule can really help keep the hormone levels under control. Never let yourself either eat to the brim out of stress or not feel the appetite to eat at all. Keep track. Eat a snack every 3 to 4 hours while awake.

Break a sweat:

Exercising is never dangerous. Its intensity can be. Shift from high-intensity exercise to moderate or lower intensity exercises.

Take care of your sleep patterns:

Stress snatches your sleep first. Never compromise on it. Meditate for a while or have a gentle walk before going to bed. Some herbal teas also help relax so that you can have a good night’s sleep.

Eat cortisol lowering foods:

Let’s plan your diet schedule with foods that lower your cortisol. Fortunately, we have some foods that can surprisingly lower your cortisol secretion tr trends:
Like dark chocolates, bananas, pears, yogurt, and other probiotics and anti-oxidant-rich foods can lower your cortisol levels.

Foster good company:

Making good friends and keeping healthy company is as important as balancing your diet, Surround yourself with positive people. Share what you love with them. Tell them jokes. Watch shows together. Do all that it takes to release serotonin. Your happy chemical. It will keep cortisol at the corner.

Love yourself. Remind yourself that you can handle it, No matter how hard it gets. You have come so far and you have a long way ahead. And you will do it. Stress hormones are tough but you are tougher. Handle yourself with a little more love on hard days and things will be okay.

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7 Ways To Clean Up Your Beauty Routine

Are you planning on switching to a more hygienic lifestyle? Why not start with your beauty and skincare products!? Switching to a cleaner and healthier beauty routine sounds like a heavenly idea. Except that in theory, it is really hard to achieve one without proper guidance.

When you’re walking down the aisle of beauty products in a store, you are always tempted by the idea of deciphering and comparing the impact, toxicity content as well as market claims of tough-sounding ingredients mentioned on the labels of products. Selecting what’s healthy and discarding what’s toxic can be a daunting chore when you have to go through many unrecognizable ingredients.

Don’t worry! We all who switched to cleaner beauty went through it. However, I am here to share some tips from my experience that made this holistic journey much easier and lovelier. Without realizing what clean beauty is you can never switch to it.

So, let’s get started:
What is clean beauty?

Clean Beauty consists of products that are made without toxic ingredients that would otherwise be potentially harmful to human health or the environment. These toxic ingredients could be enlisted as Parabens, Sulphates, Mineral Oil, Phthalates, Reef-Harming Chemical Sunscreen, Aluminium, and Heavy Metals.

Why should we pursue it?

Researches have shown that women wear almost 12 to 16 beauty products almost every day in compliance with their culture or regional needs. That is quite like slathering a cocktail of chemicals over your skin. About 60% of the chemicals that you apply topically on your skin can enter your bloodstream.

How to achieve it?
Educate yourself:

It all starts with educating yourself. Know what a cleaner beauty routine is. How it is deteriorating in so many ways and then look for ways to switch wisely. Know the ingredients. Healthier ones and toxic ones. Try to find out what concentration of a certain ingredient is safe to use.

Audit what you already consume:

There are a dozen of wonderful apps that scan the label and offer you a sophisticated detail on the toxicity content, concentration, and usage of the products. Trace down all the information and this way it will be easier for you to realize what you can keep using and what should be lying deep down in your dustbins.

Investigate the products you are going to buy:

Just because a product has a fancy label with a regal color combination and intriguing marketing claims, you should not buy it without reading the labels and inquiring about the constituent ingredients.

Here’s a tip: When you start reading the ingredients, the ones written at the start of the list are used in higher concentrations. And hence they are put there in descending order. This is the smartest and quickest way to knowing how healthy the main ingredients are. Add the products with lesser ingredients to your cart that are plant-based and ideally organic.
Look for the certification logos over the labels.

Start by adding one

Instead of throwing a multitude of products to your cart and making a disaster of it out of experimentation, start by trying one. It should never be done in a rush. Just because it suits your friend or sister, it may not necessarily go with your skin type. Know your skin, know your product and add it to your kit.

Simplify the regime:

You don’t have to spend half your income looking for and testing companies with nontoxic ingredients. Take a quick round to your kitchen and see how many kitchen ingredients can work as multitaskers and they pose no serious threat to your skin either.

Start with your body products:

Since your body products cover the largest part of your body, they have greater impacts too. Start by investigating, testing, and switching these products. Then go for your hair care products. As you know your shampoo washes your whole body in a shower, wash your hair first, and the rest of the body later to wash its chemical off.

All these tips will help you once you educate yourself and are determined to take the challenge. Going cleaner will not only protect your health, but it will also offer you a matchless glow least exposed to toxicity. Mother earth will also benefit from this.

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7 Signs You Are In A Toxic Environment

‘Don’t wear that color.’

‘It’s your fault now handle it’

‘live, love and laugh. Anxiety is all in your head’

‘People have got it worse’


These sentences might leave us feeling hurt, infuriated or simply baffled at the audacity. And you have the right to feel and think so. These are some of the very common and similar statements we get to see when we are stuck in a toxic environment. If merely listening to them in a video is quite hurtful, having to listen to such remarks, even more intense ones every day by someone, can be disastrous for your health. How deteriorating it could be to your mental health, your sanity, and senses.

In order to escape a toxic environment, first, one needs to recognize what a toxic environment is. How does it affect you, what are the signs that signal you to leave it as soon as possible?

So, to be precise, a toxic environment can be any place or any behavior that causes harm to your health, happiness, and wellbeing and is playing a part in hindering your growth. If you’re around people who make you feel small, insecure, or bad about yourself, it’s time to depart from this brutal environment.

How to recognize it?

No matter how much you run, there will always be plenty of negative forces, trying to pull you down. Stopping you from becoming your best. Drawing your attention away from your goals, yourself, and your wellbeing. You have to love yourself enough to train your mind and recognize things that can high-key or low-key damage you. Let me tell you some things that people who are toxic for you can end up doing to you (intentionally or unintentionally):

Their manipulation game is strong:
If they try to control you by telling you what you want to hear and make threats when they feel they are losing control, then you are in danger, love, as they are manipulating you to meet their needs.

They intrude your boundaries and personal space:
Not respecting your boundaries should be the biggest red flag. If they keep on disrespecting you, forcing you to talk about things you don’t want to, or push you to do things you don’t feel comfortable with, anything that can hurt you.

They blame you for your feelings instead of helping you out of it. They never offer you a helping hand. Make you feel guilty over your struggles. They judge you by your looks, religion, or status. Discuss your traumas openly or even worse, joke about it.

They can’t take a ‘No’:
They think they always deserve a yes from you. Obedience and affirmations. Hence whenever you are courageous enough to say ‘no’, they take it to their ego and start taunting or misbehaving with you.

Gaslighting is their favorite tool to hurt you:
‘You sound crazy’
‘You need to get over it already’
‘You made me do it.’

But how to treat this cult of a toxic environment?
This toxicity leaves you after great damage. However, the earlier you recognize that it is positive, the easier it will be to get rid of it. There are a set of strategies that may help you get rid of it.
Enforce your boundaries and never let them intrude on them. Never!

Don’t shame yourself for your struggles. Wear your scars and stories like your armors. They are regal and they make you special.

Embrace the glorious mess you are. Accept the imperfections.

Block people who disrespect you.

Say no when it doesn’t suit you.

Outgrowing toxic friendships or relationships is okay.

Not replying to texts won’t hurt you. Respect your peace and space. Prioritize your health and comfort.
Seeking medical health. If it takes therapy to let it all out and move ahead, you should go for it without hesitation.
Our opinions matter: Trust your instinct.

Socially withdraw yourself when too overwhelmed and exhausted.

Surround yourself with the right people: who appreciate you and make you feel uplifted. People you can trust without any fear of judgment who makes you feel at home, trusted, and loved.

I know it’s hard to endure all the pain and trauma that comes with this toxicity. It will take time and patience to heal. However, self-love is your only companion on this rocky, bumpy ride of healing. Just take one courageous step to call them out for their behavior and cut them off.

Always remember that you can choose to be soft and strong at the same time for honey and wildfire are both color gold!

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How To Prevent Skin Water Loss In Summer

Summer is here and so is the monstrous TEWL (Transepidermal Water Loss). As the days pass by in summers, people start complaining about very dry, dehydrated, and dull skin. They point out a not-so-strange phenomenon of having their skin oily yet very dehydrated. It is like everyone is worried about their skin as the summer sets in.
But why does it happen at all? Because of Transepidermal Water Loss. This Multisyllabic buzzword sounds dangerous. But it refers to something pretty common and easily understandable.

Let me tell you what Transepidermal Water Loss is, why is it a big word with a really big deal and why do I call it monstrous.

What is TEWL?

In order to get to know about Transepidermal water loss, let us recall a little bit about our skin. Our skin is made up of several layers and is porous like a sponge. The outermost layer is the epidermis. The layer that you get to see in the mirror. Transepidermal Water loss is actually the amount of water evaporated from this layer of your skin into the air.

Here you see how important it is to take care of that water content !?
What causes and increases this phenomenon?

TEWL is something that every one of us encounters almost every day. However, the excess of it is always threatening, and here are some easily ignored Factors that increase TEWL:

Strength of your skin barrier:

I did a whole week on Skin Barrier and you guys should definitely check it out on my Instagram.
The skin barrier is the key. It is a shield between our skin and the cruel external environment. Harsh scrubbing, overuse of acids and actives, and poor products damage it. Now once the strength of the skin barrier is compromised, the pores get larger and these large gaps let anything in or out.
Skin loses hydration quickly due to increased TEWL and hence your skin produces excess oil to prevent it from getting absolutely dried out.

How to Prevent this Loss:

Although as I stated earlier, you just can’t control TEWL, you can tweak your skincare routine and some practices to minimize it.

Barrier friendly cleansers:
Throw away all the harsh cleaners and physical exfoliating scrubs. They are your worst enemy. Choose the gentler hydrating cleansers with lower ph. Heavy-duty cleansers strip off the skin moisture, worsening the Transepidermal water loss.

Take healthy beverages:

Cut caffeine out of your beverages. Add herbal teas and drinks with electrolytes that help retain water content. Caffeine-based beverages dehydrate you from the inside.

Choose your actives smartly:

Overusing some actives like retinol and alpha hydroxy acids damage your skin and shoot the tewl to the peak. Choose gentler actives like mandelic acid instead of glycolic. Scale back the usage from daily to few days a week. Be kind to your skin.

Look for products that help rebuild your skin barrier:
Products containing ceramides, fatty acids, and cholesterol help build your barrier. Forgo the harsher ones and let the gentler ones in.

Humectants like hyaluronic acid, propylene glycol or sorbitol, are the ingredients that naturally attract water when used in a humid environment.
In dry environments, they draw water from the dermis – lower layer of skin instead. However, no matter how much moisture it brings to your skin, the water content is to evaporate nevertheless. And that is where the occlusives come in.

Occlusives are called hydrophobic ingredients. They repel water. Hence when applied to the skin, they can lock the water content in your skin like a barrier and water can’t escape it. It has been observed that with certain occlusives, TEWL can be stopped up to 98%. Some occlusives are beeswax, petrolatum, and capric triglyceride.

Emollients help keep your skin smooth, flexible, and lubricated. Emollients naturally found in skin oils like fatty acids or lipids, play a vital role in the skin’s architecture. In moisturizers, make skin smooth and lovely and prevent water loss.

Use gentler water or aloe vera-based product. Cut off strong actives and heavy-duty ingredients from your routine. Try to take shorter and cooler showers. And don’t forget to take care of yourself.

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My Favorite Rice Recipes

This video is sponsored by @Sage Appliances.
Today I’ll be sharing two of my favourite rice recipes.
We Indians are known for our rice. So one is definitely my favourite Indian rice recipe and one is my version of Japanese Rice.

Today I’ll be making Khichadi and Japanese Mushroom Rice using @Sage Appliances Fast/Slow Row Cooker.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Face Steaming – Pros And Cons

Face-steaming a word that offers you with a warm imagination of soothing steam clouds rising towards your face and relaxing you. Am I right?

When it comes to skincare and self-love, a little bit of warmth is all that completes your routine. And to be honest steaming is a one stop solution for that. To make steaming easier, there are smart DIY steamer tools available to bring this comfort-activity home.
I myself have been a fan of face-steaming at home. I used to face-steam a lot as I had lots of blackheads and whiteheads. It worked wonders for me and evidence is here!!.
But what worries me is that you’d rarely find a complete and handy guide on the proper usage and precautions about this magic treatment. Hence, I decided to enlighten my beloved people with this beauty treatment.

To completely grasp the procedure, precautions and pros of face-steaming you should be aware of the actions that your skin undergoes while enjoying a healthy steam. What actually happens is that the steam, being warm, raises the internal temperature of your skin and hence offers it with a plentiful hyderation. Sounds soothing! Right?

Let’s move forward to the benefits it provides by these simple actions.

Provides ample hydration:

Ofcourse, as the steam itself is water, it helps provide your skin with a golden opportunity to lock in all the good hydration from those warm clouds. But for that you have to be super mindful. As soon as you are done with face steaming, your skin will hold higher content of water than the environment. The water greedy air will reach you to suck all the goodness you’ve gained. Hence, be quick and apply a serum or cream right away to prevent the loss of this sweet blessing. Otherwise you’d end up making your skin drier through osmosis.

Softening the clogged pores:

The steamer that makes it easier for you. Since steaming makes your skin softer, the extraction process becomes pretty convenient.
Hence you can easily remove white or black heads and the clogged oil.

It relaxes your stressed muscles and offer you some soothing warmth:

Along with many other advantages, face steaming helps loosen up your stretched muscles and gives you ultimate calm and peace. That will reduce stress, anxiety and offers you with a sound uninterrupted sleeping hours.

Now let us move ahead to the discussion precautions you need to take to avoid any undesired results.

Melasma can be activated:

If you’re suffering from melasma, a pigmentation that leaves your skin with grey or brown patches, avoid steaming. It can trigger the melanin cells to be in hyperactive state. And the results would be opposite.

Rosacea and broken capillaries can be worsened:

Here a little advice is to avoid steaming as much as possible and go for other treatments without risking a flare up. Because heat is one of the major triggers for your broken capillaries and rosacea acne worsening.

Concentrated essential oils can cause irritation:

If your skin is a little more sensitive than others’, the high concentration essential oils can irritate your skin. Avoid them!

Harsh exfoliators after steaming can damage your skin badly:

Peeling the dead skin seems easier with steaming. But the risk is that you might remove your live skin too. Hence you have to be super gentle and kind on your skin.

Now here arise the quick questions that how frequently you should use it and which part of your skin care routine should be reserved for this warmth.
Don’t worry, here’s the quick answer to your questions:

If you’re an absolute beginner, start using it once a week. And if it suits you, increase the count. In order not to overdo it, don’t steam your face more than thrice. I’d like to stress on the fact that everyone’s skin is different and you have to listen to your skin to understand what it really needs.

Lastly I, being someone who’s used face steamers at home for years, would definitely recommend you to steam your face without letting the idea of being gentle on yourself go. Use it as much as it suits you but remember excess of everything is bad too. Otherwise I’m here to show you can improve the circulation and hydration without being harsh on yourself.

Let yourself glow in this sweet warmth of self love and cherish the lovelier versions of yourself.

Take care.

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Happiness Hormones – What They Are And How To Boost Them Naturally

Have you ever wondered why meeting and interacting with certain people and doing somethings make us very happy or uplifted? Why do we always get excited when we are one step closer to our goal or destination? How do we feel connected with people and empathize with them? Or why do you feel angry when you miss a meal? Hangry?

One of the key factors is that our feelings of positive connections, awe, and wonder lead to chemical reactions in our brains. This happens through hormones, little chemical messengers in our brains.

There are a total of four happy chemicals that altogether help maintain your overall mood.

Let us see how they serve us and what good they contribute to. Along with that, I would tell you how to set a daily goal to achieve them:


Dopamine, also known as the chemical of reward, is a neurotransmitter. It is released when you’re doing something pleasurable. Like when you score a goal, reach a target, or complete a task you have a sudden hit of dopamine that tells you that “you made it, it was a good job!”
Also, the act of volunteering and kindness provides rich doses of dopamine. It simply motivates you to seek things you enjoy.

Daily Goal to gain Dopamine:

Anything that gives you a sense of productivity or success helps release dopamine. Question is that how can you achieve them? Here are some ways:

Arrange your messy closet. The one you had on your to-do list for weeks. Get it sorted and see how dopamine runs through you.


Serotonin is one of the best-known chemicals as most antidepressant medications address it. Also known as mood stabilizers, serotonin neurotransmitters are naturally triggered by things we casually do. Exposure to sunlight, exercise, having a good night’s sleep, etc. It also helps lessens our worries and stress.

Daily goals for serotonin:

How about some sunlight? Just pack your bag and spend your time outdoors, in sunlight. Treat yourself to a mini picnic even on your own balcony. Researches have shown that spending time in sunlight helps release serotonin and endorphins. Start with 10 to 15 minutes every day. Don’t forget the sunscreen though!


Oxytocin – getting all that love in your mind.
This love hormone is also affectionately referred to as a hugging drug as it is released when you have warm physical contact with someone, it’s the fuzzy, happy feeling. It is also the feeling that comes from love, friendship, or deep trust.

Everyday Oxytocin goal:

Cuddling is one of the most generous sources of oxytocins be it with your partner, friend, parents or your furry fluffy pet. Cuddle with them or hug them at least once a day.
Sharing a joke or connecting over something hilarious with your loved one can help release oxytocin too
Having deep stimulating conversations not only releases dopamine but also makes you closer to your loved one becoming a source of oxytocins.


You might have heard a lot about “Ëndorphin High” or “Runner High” that athletes get when they push their body to the level of real discomfort. They’re talking about this chemical which is called our natural pain killer. They are opioid neuropeptides released by our nervous system to help cope with physical pain. They also make us feel lightheaded and giddy. They release a euphoria that covers the pain.

Gain endorphins daily:

Along with multiple health benefits, exercise has a very positive impact on emotional well-being. Endorphin high is exactly what you achieve through exercise and workouts.
Musicians say that composing their music is a very pleasurable act. Research shows that composing music and playing your favorite instrument significantly increases your endorphins dose.

These four chemicals combined are truly amazing to make one happy. I believe in the power of working these chemicals to make my life happier and healthier.

So, what you need to do is add at least one goal from each category to your daily routines like hugging your loved one, making your bed, talking to a friend, and a goodnight’s sleep. It could be any combination as long as you’re targeting all four of these happy gems. Having the little fragments of happiness sounds like unachievable holy grails of emotion, achieving them is not that hard. You just have to look around, but with love!

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Live Long And Better With Bioniq

This video is sponsored by Bioniq.

I recently have been appointed a Middle East Brand Ambassador by Bioniq and I am so honoured to be associated with this unique brand. Bioniq Life is a personalized nutrient supplement driven by world leading data.

Their system analyses each individual in depth and then nutritional supplements are produced unique to each individual according to their body chemistry.

I met up with the CEO of Bioniq and let’s see what he say to say about his brand.

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My Favourite Breakfast Toasts Recipes

This video is sponsored by Sage Appliances.

Today I’m going to be sharing three of my favourite breakfast toasts recipes.
They’re super easy to make, absolutely nutritious and so fulfilling!

1. Avocado Toast
2. Peanut Butter Banana Toast
3. Hummus Mushroom Toast

Watch the video and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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Everything That’s Wrong With Diets

The skinnier me is the happier me.

Isn’t it what you think every time you look at yourself in the mirror? And this thought is always followed by the idea of following a vigilant and strict diet plan that brings you your dream body shape and looks.
At the start of almost every year, we are bombarded with the silly dieting messages to ‘eat only this specific food’ and ‘This is healthy’ etc. Only to realize later that we just burnt and stressed ourselves out for nothing.

But in this month, I aim to preach you self love and how you can avoid this toxic culture of dieting and hating yourself.

According to research, around 45 million people in just America diet every year and they invest 33 billion dollars annually on weight loss. Sounds pretty insane. Imagine the percentages around the world!

The fun fact about dieting is that 95% of the time it doesn’t work.

But what is actually dragging you to the point of diet plans, pills, or vomiting your food?

And the only cause behind it is the dieting mindset that offers you dissatisfaction towards your own body. The one that deserves all your love. Hence, in order to achieve the cliché, picture-perfect body, you are compelled to follow boring diet plans.

These diet plans have some disadvantages that can be nightmares for your mental and physical health and they can drastically damage you.

1. Weight regain is unavoidable:

Once you’re done with your diet plan the desire to eat everything and anything attacks you and you’re helpless to consume whatever you want with no check and balance. Secondly, the metabolism is very slow during dieting. This can lead to weight gain even above one’s weight prior to dieting. Hence increasing your natural ‘set point’.

2. Insufficient calorie intake:

Since your body doesn’t get enough calories, it slows down metabolism. Hence the normal functioning of your body is hampered. Your calorie intake should not be less than 300 calories.

3. Muscle loss:

You lose your muscles when you’re not having proper nutrition. Your body eats muscles for energy. The absence of protein, in particular, triggers this loss.

4. Depression and anxiety:

This short term fictitious solution of dieting leads you to long term damages to your health. Dieters often suffer from severe anxiety and depression. The reason behind it is that dieters have to give up on their favorite meals and drinks. Which in turn makes you stressed out. And it leads to great violations on cheat days as well.

5. Restrictions offer a sense of deprivation:

Dieting means endless restrictions. Removing a food group from your diet will make you feel deprived. This leads you to disturbance, sadness, and the primal urge to binge eat.
The restriction is an unhealthy mindset and you, my dear, don’t deserve it at all.

6. Slower functioning and Fatigue:

You can’t complain if you diet and then feel immensely fatigued as well. Since you’re missing out on many of the vital nutrients, the body’s functioning gets slow. It works on reserving the energy by every possible ways and means.

7. Your body is in starvation mode:

Your actual metabolism slows down in response to this starvation mode. It attempts to preserve the energy and hence you’re deprived of your normal body functions. This affects your digestive system and you can face different related diseases like constipation for instance.

8. Weaken immune system:

Depriving yourself of healthy essential nutrients can weaken your immune system. Which in turn increases the risk of dehydration, heart palpitations, and cardiac stress.

9. Incomplete diets lead to self-blame:

It has been observed that when you fail a diet plan you fall into the pit of despair and you start feeling guilty. It can result in anxiety, irritability, difficulty in focus, etc.

10. Eating disorders:

Researches have shown that Constantly focusing the weight loss can lead to drastic eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Dieting doesn’t teach us how to listen to our cues. And we tend to eat food that was once off-limits.

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Three Juices For Clear Skin

This episode is sponsored by Breville- That’s Sage Appliances now.

Juices are a huge love of mine. I love trying out different combinations of fruits and vegetables and see how they taste, how they work out for my skin and body and I even notice things like how they affect my moods.

Juices are not only refreshing and healthy for your body but they also work wonders on the skin.

In this episode, I’ll be taking you through three types of juices I like to drink that are amazing for your skin.

1. Crystal Clear Skin Tonic
2. Skin Refuel Booster
3. Sunshine Skin Juice

Try these juices at home and let me know what you think of them!

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Acne is a very stubborn thing. And the lengthy list of chemical products that you choose to treat it with poses lots of side effects. Eventually, it gets really sickening. So, for those of you who don’t want to expose your body to more chemicals you do not understand, let’s talk about how you can heal your acne naturally.

These pesky pimples are really stubborn and don’t leave your skin easily. Almost 85 % of the population suffers from mild to moderate levels of acne every year. And for acne, age is just a number. So associating acne with teenagers only is not really wise either.

But is it even possible to control these stubborn pimples naturally? The answer is a big Yes!!

Before jumping to the how-tos, let me tell you what are the major factors behind acne on your skin so that you can learn to prevent them as much as possible.

So, it all begins when the pores in your skin start getting clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and dirt. Since every pore is connected to an oil-producing gland called the sebaceous gland. Excess of this sebum can plug your pores. Beneath the plugs, a bacteria called propionibacterium acnes or p. acne starts growing. They cause your skin to be inflamed and grow acne. From mild acne like whiteheads, blackheads or pimples to temporarily scarring acne, acne has a total of four grades of severity.

There are many factors that contribute to acne growth like:

Now let’s cut to the chase and discuss how to get rid of this stubborn acne that keeps you restless all the time.

Adopt what suits you:

As I have always stated that every individual skin is unique and acts differently than the others. Hence the diet plan, number of products, or the number of efforts you invest in vary accordingly. One thing I can’t stress enough about acne is that there is no rush! Trying to heal it in a day is not realistic. Work on it little by little. Add a few things and drop the others from your diet and eventually, you’ll know what is actually working for your skin and what isn’t.

Cut back the dairy products:

Studies show that drinking milk or having dairy intakes can drastically increase acne since milk contains IGF-1 hormones that can trigger acne. Reduce dairy consumption if it disturbs you and if you have to drink milk prefer non-homogenized and grass-fed milk.

Zinc-rich food for hormone development:

Zinc-rich meals are very effective in cell growth and hormone development. Researches have shown that people suffering from acne have a comparatively lower content of zinc in their body as compared to healthier skins. You can find a good amount of zinc in oysters, nuts, legumes, beans, whole grains, etc

Make Omega-3 and fatty acids essential part of your diet:

Research has shown that food rich in omega 3 and fatty acids can help reduce inflammation. These nutrients are incredibly healthy. And they help reduce the new lesions on your acne. Since many of us follow a western diet, it’s hard to find these nutrients in our food. You can find them in salmon, sardines, walnuts, soy products or wild rice, etc.

Seek endorphins:

Your lifestyle and your inside matter a lot when it comes to the health of your skin. Adopt a happy, healthy, and stress-free lifestyle.
Exercising, reading a book, journaling, or even talking to yourself or a loved one will lead you to endorphins release. Since it’s all about what you feel.

Avoid comedogenic products:

Artificial chemical products get directly absorbed in your skin and clog your pores. This destroys the natural balance of your skin and leads to acne, eczema, and irritated skin. Any product with these pore-blocking comedogenic properties, like oil-based primers and foundations, etc., can worsen the condition by not letting adequate amounts of oxygen diffuse from your pores.
Be extra cautious while wearing a face mask these days. Wearing heavy makeup can cause maskne and hence lead to serious consequences. All you need is just a little sunscreen.

Ditch Dr. Google:

To actually get your acne cured, considering the grade of acne you’re at, try to avoid Dr. Google as much as possible and consult the actual expert before it’s too late. Because self-medication can lead you to even worse consequences.

I know acne is hard to get rid of, and the other commercial treatments are super expensive with uncountable side effects. Home remedies help a lot. But taking care of yourself and loving the sweet little you is the actual key.

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Beauty Boosting Teas

This episode is sponsored by Breville- That’s Sage Appliances now.

You know I love my tea. They’re light, refreshing and for me, drinking tea is a part of my self-care routine. It’s the time of the day when I just sit down, take slow sips of my tea and let it soothe my mind and body. Herbal teas work wonders on your skin and body and you can check out this video to learn about my Top 3 Beauty Boosting Teas.
Is your regular tea one of these?

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How to Stop Worrying What Other People Think of You

Now that is something we all need to learn, right?
And I agree, it is not at all easy. Being a media person, I’ve tried really hard to not let mean comments get to me and honestly, I’ve gotten really better at this.
Check out my tips of how to stop worrying about what other people think.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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3 Beauty Boosting Smoothies

This episode is sponsored by Breville- That’s Sage Appliances now.

Today I will be making three absolutely healthy and nutritious smoothies that are super-good for your skin using my Sage Blender. These smoothies will boost beauty and youthfulness, clear skin, and make your skin glow.

What is your go-to beauty smoothie?

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How Hormones Affect Anxiety

Anxiety and Your Hormones

Anxiety is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide array of disorders that generally result from worrying, fear, apprehension, and nervousness. Such feelings will most likely have an impact on your feelings and behaviors and can result into a variety of physical symptoms, including shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, and stomach aches, among others. According to experts, there are different causes of anxiety, including stress, lack of sleep, trauma, lack of oxygen, side effects from education, substance abuse, alcoholism, genetics, health problems, and hormones. The rest of this article will be focused on exploring how hormones, specifically amongst women, can have an effect on anxiety.

Difficulty of Tracing the Cause

While hormones or an imbalance of such can be regarded as one of the most common causes of anxiety, it is important to keep in mind that such is impossible to be verified, especially with a self-diagnosis. More often than not, you will need to have a consultation with a medical professional to trace its root causes, as well as the subsequent steps to have it treated. Even if the hormones can be the culprit, such may not be the lone reason. In most cases, the apparent symptoms will be the basis of determining whatever is causing your anxiety – whether it is hormones or anything else.

Hormonal Imbalances that Can Trigger Anxiety

Generally speaking, women are more prone towards suffering from anxiety as against men, and this is basically because of the female hormones. Anxiety in women is most common during their menstrual period, which is a result of the hormonal imbalance that they are experiencing. During menstruation, there is a fluctuation in estrogen and progesterone, which can all have an effect on appetite, digestion, and energy level, which, collectively, can alter mood, and hence, possibly leading into anxiety. The discomfort and the pain experienced during menstruation can also exacerbate anxiety.

More so, hormonal imbalance amongst women is also experienced during pregnancy, which makes it another trigger for anxiety. This is considered to be the king of all the hormonal changes that are experienced by women. The fact that you are pregnant can already make you feel anxious, and this is even escalated by your hormonal changes, which is at its peak during the said period. During pregnancy, women are generally irritable and experience various panic attacks, especially when they are about to give birth.

Anxiety is also experienced because of hormonal imbalance resulting from thyroid hormone, which constitutes a serious health problem. When you have an overactive thyroid, one of the consequences would be feeling more anxious in various situations. When you have more than enough thyroid hormones in your body, you can experience increase in heart rate and hyperventilation, which are all physical symptoms of anxiety. On the other hand, if the thyroid is below the normal level, your brain will be affected and this can also consequently lead into anxiety.

The Gray Line

While there is no doubt that anxiety is often connected with hormonal imbalance, this should not be singled out as there are other factors that can be blamed. Additionally, many also believe that hormones do not necessarily lead into anxiety, but they make anxiety worse. The blurred connection between the two remains to be a big debate in the medical world. For most women, however, they always have their hormones to point out as a reason for their mood swings and the rest of the days where they feel more anxious than in other instances.

Treating Anxiety as a Result of Hormonal Imbalance

As always, the best thing to do is to have professional consultation to know if you are really suffering from anxiety and to identify the treatment options that will prove to be perfect. For most health experts, one of the best things that can be done is to get enough sleep, which will help you to escape stress and possibly correct your hormonal imbalance. Regular exercise and having a proper diet will also be helpful. There are also people who resort into the use of hormonal drugs, but this should be done with caution and only with recommendations from a medical professional. At its worst, taking medications without proper diagnosis can only exacerbate your anxiety rather than having it cured.

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5 Self-Care Routines In Less Than 10 Minutes

For busy women, self-care can feel like an unaffordable luxury. Self-care is often advertised as long weekends spent at the beach, a trip to the spa, or even hours spent on exercise. In reality, though, self-care can be anything (small or big) you do to give your body attention.
Which is why the following self-care tips won’t take more than 10 minutes of your time while still having big impact on your body.

1. Touch your toes and stretch
It’s easy to ignore the stress in our spines. But the truth of the matter is that when we spend long hours hunched over the computer, curled up on the couch or picking up after the kids, our posture and body take the backseat. It won’t take more than ten minutes to step out of your chair and touch your toes, but the stretching will do your aching joints and body some long-lasting good.
While you’re at it, stretch the rest of your body as well. Perhaps you can look up a yoga posture, or you have a stretching routine in mind already. Whether it is advanced or basic, any kind of stretching will keep your body functioning well despite periods of inactivity. Touch your toes, extend your arms and gear yourself up physically and mentally for whatever task is at hand.

2. Massage and moisturize
Though we tend to link massages and fancy lotions to a day at the spa, not many of us have the time or budget to indulge in frequent spa trips. But that’s okay because no masseuse will know your body and your preferences as well as you do!
Use a natural lotion such as organic coconut oil or avocado oil (don’t be afraid to indulge in your favorite) and rub it mindfully into your arms and shoulders, or even across your legs. Spread the cream or oil gently and thoroughly and use your hands to massage over your body across areas that you might not realize are aching. You might come across some sudden sore spots, it’s important to focus on those for a moment, rubbing in the lotion. You will be relaxed and energized and your skin will benefit greatly from the extra moisturizing.

3. Phone a friend
At a time where connectivity options are abundant, it’s funny how disconnected we actually are. The troubles of everyday life can be exhausting and drain us of all the time and will to socialize beyond what is absolutely necessary. During our free time there are personal things we need to tend to that make socializing take a back seat. But to truly care for ourselves, we need to nurture social and emotional aspects as well.
While it’s easy to pick up your phone and send a text, take ten minutes out of your day to chat with a friend or family member. You benefit just as much as they do. Simply talk about your day and maintain the feeling of being connected.

4. Drink two additional glasses of water today
Water is that little magic potion we all too often ignore: it relieves fatigue, clears skin, detoxes your body, improves digestion, and prevents cramps. And yet we often forget to hydrate, or hydrate so little we get headaches as a result. Not only will drinking two glasses of water help you hydrate, it will also give you much-needed time to get away from your technological devices and focus on your surroundings.

5. Play with your pet or go for a walk
Whether it’s a furry friend or a tank full of fish, scientists have proven the health benefits of animals at every turn. A pet of your own means a faithful companion. And in addition to that spending time with a pet is a proven way to lower blood pressure and increase oxytocin levels.
The enjoyment from pets can be calming and repetitive motion of petting your companion (or even staring at a fish tank!) will help soothe you. Don’t have a pet? Go for a walk to your local park or dog walking track, just taking in the sights of other dogs and animals has the same impact on your wellbeing.

Self care isn’t just about facials, eating your greens and getting your hair done. It’s also about the soul food that fuels you and the small things that make big impacts on your overall wellbeing. By practicing these 5 tips, you get to spend 10 minutes away from whatever it is you do each day and you get to separate yourself from the chaos and stress of your daily life. Do you take 10 minutes out of your day for you each day? Share with me below!

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3D Face Massager Tutorial

Meet the newest addition to my Face Massage line of products – My Face Massager!
The Face Massager contains multi-faceted rollers which behave similar to the deep tissue kneading massage done by professionals at the comfort of your home.

Regular use of my face massager will aide your anti-ageing skincare routine and will also help sculpt your facial muscles. This massager helps rejuvenate the skin and boosts radiance in the skin. It is also excellent for de-puffing the face. This face massager can help lift and tighten the muscles as well.

Instant de-puffing effect
Relaxed facial muscles
Toned and sculpted muscles
Aides in removing fine lines
Boosts blood circulation

Buy it on this link:

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6 Free Ways To Reduce Stress

Laughter and humor can be super effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety.

According to studies, laughter is the perfect stress relief. It triggers the release of feel-good endorphins that improve your mood, and regular laughter can make it easier for you to manage your response to stressful situations.

This study from the University of Basel found that people who do a ton of laughing also do better at dealing with stressful situations.

It’s not just great for stress relief though. Having a good laugh helps you take in more oxygen, boosts your cardiovascular system, relaxes your muscles, reduces pain levels, and has positive effects on your heart rate and blood pressure. All of this can help you feel more relaxed.

Here’s how to make humour and laughter a huge part of your life so you can reap the benefits.

1. Listen to Your Favourite Comedian
2. Laugh at Yourself Doing Something Fun
3. Watch Funny Videos
4. Use Humour to Change Your Perspective
5. Surround Yourself With Humour

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Face Tapping Technique For Youthful Looks and Happiness

Face Tapping is an excellent technique to not only help manage stress but it also boosts blood circulation in the face for a youthful glow. It’s an ancient technique often used by makeup artists even now to make the skin look more glowing and blush.

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Face Cupping Tutorial

Has your skin been feeling any of the following issues:
Premature Ageing

Facial cupping can be a major key in helping you overcome these issues.
Facial cups boost skin radiance and make it more plump by increasing the oxygen flow to your skin.


Boost Skin Radiance
Help with lymphatic drainage
Boost the blood flow to the skin
Help reduce fine-lines and texture
Make the skin more plump
Lift the cheeks, eye and jowl area
Depuff the face
Boost the collagen
Regulate oil production

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How To Smoothen and Prevent Forehead Lines

One of the first signs of aging appears on our Forehead and also, one of the first signs of anxiety also appears on our forehead aka Frown Lines.
In this video, I’ll teach some of my methods of Face Yoga and Face Massage to help smoothen those Forehead Lines.

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#FaceYoga #FaceMassage #LipPlumping

Natural Lip Plumping Methods

If you’ve been looking for ways to make your lips more fuller and plump, this video will prove highly effective for you.
My methods for naturally plumping your lips include Face Yoga, Face Massage and a secret Home-made Lip Plumping Mask. Share your feedback in the comments.

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#FaceYoga #FaceMassage #LipPlumping


One of the most important aspect of the New Year resolutions is our health. And what’s a very
important indicator of our health? Something that means a lot to most of us? Our Skin!
You must be thinking about how to maintain and enhance the glow of your skin this year. What you can do over the twelve months to make your skin happier and healthier? What you need are habits! Good
Habits that can help your skin get better in 2021.
Luckily, I’ve got just the right ones to share.
Watch the video to learn a set of habits to adopt in 2021 that you’re gonna love.


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7 Wellness Trends in 2021

2021 is a fresh new notebook and we will be filling it with self-love, gratitude, light and inner-peace. This year will be all about healing and nurturing ourselves. It’s time to take a fresh perspective on your life and finding ways to take better care of yourself this year.

To give you guys an idea on how you can improve your self-care and wellness game, I’m going to share some of the wellness trends I’ve got my eyes on this year.

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8 Skincare Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

Skincare is thankfully getting all the fame and attention it deserves for the past few years. Every day, more and more people are focusing on their skin health and taking measures to improve it and I’m all for it! I’m here to make sure you take the right ones and avoid any mistakes that might actually end up harming your skin in the short or long run. Because you can use the most expensive products on your skin, it still won’t be right if you’re not getting the foundations of skincare right. So with 2021 blooming, let’s talk about skincare mistakes you should try to avoid in this New Year.

1. Forgetting to clean your phone

2. Ignoring the role of inner health in skin health

3. Falling for the hyped products

4. Not understanding oily skin

5. Not Believing in Holistic Modalities

6. Incorrect use of retinol

7. Believing SPF in products works the same as Sunscreens

8. Wearing Heavy Makeup or Products Under Your Masks

There you have it, guys! Don’t forget, the amount of love you put into your skin, your skin will show it back to you. It might take a while if you’ve made a habit out of any of these mistakes but please do try your best to avoid these skincare mistakes this year so that your beautiful skin stays safe and healthy and I pray this year to bring you love, health and light.

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Self Care Ideas For 2021

• Improving Immunity and Gut Health

Now, you must know by now how important is immunity in times like these. Every doctor is advising to focus on more immunity-boosting diets. Now why I mention immunity and gut health in the same sentence is because our immunity is very closely related to gut health. Actually, 70% of our immunity system is housed in our guts. When there is an imbal¬ance in your gut, such as an over¬growth of “bad” bac¬te¬ria, it can con¬fuse your immune sys¬tem caus¬ing it to start attack¬ing your own cells. If your immune sys¬tem is busy react¬ing to healthy cells, not only is it eas¬i¬er for you to get sick, it’s also hard¬er for your body to recover. That is why, taking steps to ensure your digestive system is functioning properly is an essential part of maintaining your overall health.

• Indulging in Activities You Love

With stressful times, I personally don’t think hitting the gym should be enough. How about indulging in a physical activity you love, rather than just hitting the machines? Wouldn’t that make you happier and help you release stress as well? Not only that, a physical activity that you love will make it easier for you to make it part of your daily routine. It can be anything. It can be cycling, long walks, playing outdoor games, skipping and the favorite of all – dancing! Just pick an activity that you love or maybe, even more, to add to your routine for relaxation and blowing off steam. I’m sure a positive and a happier you will have a positive effect on your body as well.

• Setting Your Screen Time

Binge-watching was something we were all already guilty of before the COVID days, with staying at home all day, we have doubled, no tripled the time we spend staring at our mobile, computer and TV screens. Increased screen time not only affects our vision but it also makes us irritable and sluggish and in some cases, people claim that it also has caused them headaches. So, it is very important to set a screen time so that you don’t do too much damage to your eyes. If you’re working or studying, try to take a 5-minute break after every 30 minutes of screen time to rest your eyes and brain. And if you’re free at home, set a strict screen time and use the rest of your time on productive things.

• Learning to Say No

Aaah, I understand it’s HARD. Sadly, it’s a habit that takes quite long to learn but it is just so essential for you and your mind. Learning to say no is one of the healthiest things you can do for your peace of mind. Don’t we all regret it when we’re guilt-tripped into something that we don’t want to do, worse if we don’t even have the energy to do it in the first place? This might have adverse effects on your health, that is why practice saying no. Make a buddy out of your loved ones and ask them to help you practice or just ask yourself when asked for a favor, “Do I have the energy to do this?” if the answer’s no, then your answer should be no as well.

• Gratitude Journal

This is one of my favorite self-care activities. Expressing Gratitude. You can’t even imagine the positive effects it can have on your spiritual and emotional health unless you’ve tried it. Every day, I write all the things I’m grateful for – good and bad in my journal. It helps me realize all the good in my life and recognize how strong I was through all the bad things and how they actually helped me grow kinder and stronger. Now, you don’t have to write it. You can just think of 10 things you’re grateful for before going to sleep and I’m sure you would have a peaceful sleep and you’ll wake up happy too.

• Embarking on a Spiritual Journey
This is the year to find, understand, and heal your soul. It’s time you embark on a spiritual journey where you learn to recognize your emotions, find your emotional triggers, work on healing your traumas and just try to transform yourself into a better and more aware person. This is the most important thing you can do for your soul, mind, and even your body. You’ll learn to be less affected by negative factors, outgrow the toxic environment, and just become kinder but more confident about yourself as well. 2021 should be the year you get to heal your wounds and know who you are.

2021 should be all about love, health, and wellness. It’s time to show yourself love and only then, you’ll be better at sharing all that love with others as well. Build healthy connections with people and build healthy connections with yourself. Stay safe, healthy, and loved!

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Gua Sha For Neck Lines

If you are following me on social media you know how much I love Facial Gua Sha.
Gua Sha has so many benefits

Enhances blood circulation.

Removes bad elements from the body (detoxification).

Widens range of clinical applications and suitable for medical and family healthcare.

Extremely cost-effective.

Effective in treating chronic fatigue syndrome and other diseases.

Often combined with acupuncture and bloodletting (Hijama) therapies to achieve the best results.

Often combined with cupping for the treatment of acne, chloasma, and other tissue-damage diseases

Extremely effective in pain management, bone and joint degenerative diseases such as cervical spondylosis, recovery of frozen shoulder, cold, fever, cough, and other respiratory diseases.

In today’s video, I am showing some techniques for smoothening neck lines.

Try it for 21 days and see the magic.

and If you want the Gua Sha, check out mine on my website.


Love and Health


New To Ayurveda? Want To Know About Doshas?

In Ayurveda, the body is comprised of five different elements. These elements combine to create three doshas (or energy types). It’s believed that people are born with a unique mixture of doshas, which can determine your physical and emotional characteristics.

Determining whether you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dosha is super important for following an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Doshas thrive under certain conditions and are aggravated by other factors. Lifestyle changes can even out an imbalance.

Let’s talk a little bit about the typical characteristics of each dosha type:

Vata types tend to be flexible and creative. If this is your dominant dosha, you’ll likely be quick on the uptake but your busy mind can forget things just as quickly. Lack of confidence can be an issue and Vata types often feel easily unsettled.

In terms of physical characteristics, Vata types are often slender. Appetite and digestion can both fluctuate. Vata is linked to the large intestine, pelvis, bones, ears, and skin. Rough and dry skin can often affect Vata types.

Emotionally, Vata can be linked to mood swings and impulsiveness.

Vata can be balanced through warm, cooked foods and sweet, sour, and salty tastes. Warm, moist and heavy foods can be good choices. Warming spices can also help, especially in herbal teas.

Cold foods and drinks can disrupt Vata, along with cooler temperatures. An imbalance of Vata can lead to anxiety, constipation, sleep problems, restlessness, fatigue, memory problems, and a feeling of being unsettled.

Physically, Pitta types are often of medium build and their weight is usually stable. An athletic body type is super common but weight gain tends to be on the bottom half of the body. Thin hair can be a characteristic of this dosha.

Emotionally, Pitta types are likely to have a fiery, energetic, determined, and competitive nature. A strong focus and a sharp mind are also super common. It’s also not uncommon for Pitta types to enjoy being center stage.

Pitta is linked to the small intestine, the stomach, the liver, the sweat glands, eyes, skin, and hair. Pitta can affect digestion, metabolism, and immunity. Stress can be an aggravating factor for Pitta.

Pitta types prefer sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes and don’t do so well with spicy, salty, and sour foods. Cooling foods, drinks, herbs, and spices can be a much better bet.

Pitta types can often handle raw foods well – more so than other dosha types. This is less true if raw and cooked foods are included in the same meal though.


Physically, Kapha types tend to have a stocky body type and are more likely to be overweight than Vata or Pitta types, especially when out of balance. They are often broad-shouldered and have a well-developed body.

Emotionally, Kapha types are super likely to have a stable temperament and have a ton of compassion and loyalty. They have tons of stamina and are also good sleepers.

Sweet, sour, and salty tastes can disrupt Kapha. Foods that are heavy and oily can also have the same effect. This is one of the big reasons why Kapha does better without a ton of cooking oil. Cold or carbonated foods and drinks can also have a disruptive influence on Kapha.

Kapha types don’t favor cold or damp conditions and staying warm is crucial.

Because Kapha enjoys warmth, cooked veggies can balance Kapha, along with pungent tastes and spices. Warm teas and room temperature drinks are also a good bet.

Kapha types can retain water easily, especially if they’re too hydrated. This is why Ayurveda practitioners often recommend not to go overboard with hydration and limit the amount of water-rich foods that are eaten.

Kapha types tend to do better with lighter foods. Heavy, fried and oily foods can be too rich. Processed foods can also aggravate Kapha. Cooked foods are also easier to digest than raw foods, especially when the weather is cooler.

Lighter meals can work well as eating too much in one go can disrupt Kapha. Movement can also be super important for balancing out Kapha.

When Kapha is out of balance, it can result in congestion, poor digestion, and wanting to sleep a lot. It can also encourage a stubborn nature.

A white coating on the tongue can sometimes indicate an imbalance of Kapha. Excess Kapha can also present itself through poor circulation, congestion, digestive problems, and weight gain.

Did this video help you understand Ayurveda a little better? Comment Below.

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8 Lesser Known Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is for everyone regardless of age, fitness level, flexibility, strength, or weight. But what’s even better though, is it is considered to be the best all-in-one exercise that ticks every box for those who simply want a bigger impact on their long-term health and wellbeing.
Yoga involves a combination of cardio and flexibility, meditation, and mindfulness.
A daily practice of yoga will bring you lots of different health benefits apart from keeping fit and relaxed. Here’s a list of the lesser-known benefits which you may enjoy if you make yoga your daily routine:
1. Stronger Immune System
One of the most significant health benefits of yoga is that your immune system will improve and get stronger. But, how can yoga lead to better immunity? Yoga helps to reduce your blood pressure, calm your heart rate, and relax the muscles that are involved in this active process. It also helps you to relax and eliminate or reduce stress. This is also important for the immune system because stress can negatively influence immune cells.
2. Protect from Injuries
Doing any fitness activity or sport puts you at a higher risk of getting an injury. But, yoga doesn’t fall under this umbrella. On the contrary, yoga allows you to develop an even deeper relationship and understanding of your body. And, once you get to know your body fully and identify your limits, you can modify any yoga pose to suit your body type and as a result, avoid injuries. It also helps you to strengthen weaker areas within the body.
3. Focus on the Present
Yoga naturally includes a form of meditation. And, just like meditation, it makes you focus on the present and distance yourself from the past or the future. By doing so, yoga as a form of exercise plays a large role in developing peace and happiness since it doesn’t really allow you to dwell on the past. So, by focusing on the present moment, you will get rid of all your negative and depressing thoughts.
4. Eat and Sleep Better
As we all know, eating well and sleeping well is one of the most crucial factors that affect our quality of life and health. What you may not know is that yoga helps to improve your diet and sleep. How? – With all the stretching out, relaxing, and slowing down your breathing, you boost your digestion and increase your serotonin levels which are both imperative for quality sleep and excellent food choices.
5. Improve Your Social Life
Yoga is considered quite a favorite exercise routine which means that many people are practicing it. In fact, it has become one of the world’s most popular forms of exercise. With this in mind, its popularity can also help you improve your social life and meet new friends. You will meet new people by merely joining a yoga class, but the opportunity of socializing doesn’t end there. Yoga is also a popular conversation topic so you can use it to break the ice.
6. Relieve Arthritis Symptoms
Suffering from Arthritis or chronic pain? One amazing benefit of yoga is that it relieves pain in the body. Yoga is a very gentle and minimal weight-bearing exercise involving low-impact movements of the joints. So, it is no surprise that people who suffer from arthritis or chronic pain may benefit from it. It includes the ideal amount of movement which helps to relieve stiffness and pain.
7. Relieve a Hangover
Here’s one for all of you boozers! If you had one too many the night before, doing yoga in the morning is a great way to cure your hangover. An early yoga session will help you get rid of the toxins in your body through a gentle sweat out. Even just a light or gentle yoga session will increase the amount of blood flow to your brain and as a result, help you relieve that hangover headache.
8. Ideal Pregnancy Workout
Last but not least, unlike most of the exercises, workouts, and sports that aren’t suitable for pregnant women, yoga is actually recommended. Being an adjustable workout that enables you to modify your poses according to you and your body, this makes yoga the perfect pregnancy workout. But, that’s not all! You can actually relieve labor pains thanks to yoga breathing techniques.
So, now that you know all of the amazing benefits yoga can bring along, it’s the perfect time to join a yoga class and get started!

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How To Reduce And Prevent Hyperpigmentation Naturally

After my previous videos on “5 Things That Can Worsen Your Skin Pigmentation” and “Foods You Can Eat To Make Melasma Better”, I still got a lot of requests that I should talk about pigmentation yet a little more and how to make it better. If you guys need to know information about what hyperpigmentation actually is and what you might be doing in your daily life that is making it worse, you can head onto my previous video in which I’ve covered different types of pigmentation and things we do that make the pigmentation worse.

So, let’s start with how you can prevent Hyperpigmentation.

1. Keep your hands off your face
As tempting as it might be to pop your pimples, scratch a mosquito bite or squeeze a stubborn blackhead, think back to your mother’s warning — “Don’t pick!” — and pay attention. Because Scratching and picking at a spot will only increase the inflammation that’s responsible for skin discoloration. The more you mess with it now, the worse it’ll get later.
So keep your hands off of your facial injuries, blackheads, bites and acne, please.

2. Broad Spectrum SPF
Now this is the number one rule for any kind of skincare routine and concern. You just can’t get by without sunscreen in your life. The absence of sunscreen use will show up on your face one way or another.
Sunscreen is the golden rule to avoid and pretend and even help reduce the skin pigmentation. Otherwise UV rays will make your pigmentation darker with exposure.
Also, you need SPF 30 and more with ingredients like Titanium Oxide, Zinc Oxide because it will give you protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

3. Wear a hat or cover exposed areas
More protection, the merrier. I personally believe that along with sunblock, extra measures should be taken as well. You can’t just lather on sunscreen and expect it to do a 100% job. You need extra protection and precautions. So use umbrellas, hats to protect your face a little better.

That said, let’s move on to the treatment part. Now, the one thing you should know is the sooner you treat hyperpigmentation, the easier it will be to get rid of. The pigment in brown spots can move deeper into the skin over time.
Like any medical condition, you should always see a doctor first. Follow their treatment and advice.

When you get treatments from a dermatologist, they’ll chemical peels like lactic acid, citric acid, glycolic acid and salicylic acid to treat the hyperpigmentation.

What I’m going to recommend are a few natural hacks you can use at home quite easily and will have the same results as the peels above – just milder and slower. Know that these natural treatments can’t completely heal your hyperpigmentation, of course. But these certainly do help with better texture and clearer skin.

So, let’s start with remedy number one.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

• Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water.
• Apply to the pigmented area for a few minutes.
• Rinse the area thoroughly afterwards.
• Use twice daily.

Keep an eye out for any signs of irritation, and stop using the vinegar if irritation appears in the area.

2. Aloe Vera

1. Apply pure aloe vera gel to pigmented areas before bedtime.
2. Rinse using warm water the next morning.
3. Repeat daily until your skin color improves.

3. Yogurt

How to use yogurt?
• Apply yogurt directly to the pigmented area or you can soak a cotton ball in milk, both of these ingredients will work for you.
• Let the yogurt or milk sit for a few minutes.
• Rinse the area thoroughly and apply moisturizer.
• Repeat this process two times a day and it might help improve your dark spots.

5. Red Lentils

How to make your own mask?

• Soak 50 grams of red lentils overnight in a bowl of water.
• Create a fine paste using a blender or food processor.
• Apply the paste evenly over your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
• Rinse with cold water.

6. Green Tea
Green tea also works really well to lighten the hyperpigmentation because it has an active ingredient called EGCG. EGCG is an antioxidant that helps block the processes in cells that lead to over pigmentation. The green tea leaves themselves also contain gallic acid and ellagic acid, which will help improve the skin texture and complexion.
How to use it?
• Simply place wet tea bags over your dark spots.

Hyperpigmentation is usually quite harmless and is more of a cosmetic concern rather than a medical one. These home remedies for pigmentation can definitely help you lighten the pigmentation to some extent.

Just take good care of yourself and show yourself the love you deserve and your skin and body will always be thankful.

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How To Get Rid Of Dandruff In Winter

Everyone, and I mean everyone, loves their hair. While women obsess over shiny, healthy hair and obsessive over every new hairstyle, men also are very careful about their hair. But talking about just us girls, we love our hair, don’t we? From doing everything we can to have beautiful long hair to obsessing over every new haircut. Experimenting our hair with hacks, products, stylings to achieve our dream hair looks.

Seeing our hair healthy and shiny makes us super happy, obviously. But just a little problem can also be a cause of stress. It could be a wrong haircut, hairfall, split ends, or the presence of dandruff which does a lot of damage. And you know me, I’m all about self-care and de-stressing yourself.

Since the Winters are around the corner, along with all its charm and beauty it also brings some dandruff and dryness. With the arrival of winters, dandruff becomes the elephant in the room. Sometimes it can give you bad hair days too. Every year the hair products companies start advertising expensive products that are ready to dig a hole in your wallet. Sounds worrisome, right? But you don’t have to worry at all if you know how to keep them with great care.

Today I will talk about what kind of minor mistakes lead to these white flakes in your beloved hair and how it is possible to get rid of them.

Here are a few causes of dandruff which, if taken care of, can be controlled and affect your hair health drastically:
Not brushing regularly:
Not brushing your hair regularly can lead to dandruff buildup in your hair and scalp. While brushing your hair regularly helps increase blood circulation which in turn makes your scalp healthier. And remember, a healthier scalp leads to shinier hair and a scalp free of flakes.
Excessive use of a hairdryer:
Hair Dryers have become a necessity of the day for many. Especially in winters, hair dryers help dry wet hair and prevent us from catching a cold. What we actually forget is that heat when used in excess acts as an enemy for the scalp. Towel-drying or better drying your hair with a cloth will save your scalp from excessive heat and let them stay moist.

Dehydration has never been a healthy sign for our bodies. We often forget drinking water in winters but you need to love yourself enough to keep your body hydrated. Drinking water regularly plays wonders to your skin, scalp, and eventually your dear hair. All you have to do is to keep yourself hydrated and your hair and body will thank you for it.

Unhealthy Diet:

A diet that lacks vitamins B, Vitamin E, Omega3, or zinc is an unfriendly diet for your hair. With such diets, smooth and stunning hair is just very difficult to happen. You need to pay more attention to your diet and give your body the nutrients it needs.


Stressing aggravates the chemical imbalance in your body which in turn affects your health in every possible manner. From dark circles and headaches to hair loss and dried out flaky scalps, stress is behind everything. Winters make us even lazier and too gloomy to work on ourselves. But if you find enough energy to show yourself a pinch of self-love to work out your stress with various techniques, you can lead a healthier life with healthier hair.

Let me discuss a few home remedies that you might want to keep in your diaries for good. You’ll be chuffed to bits to know that your kitchen is your earnest savior. All you have to do is pick the right ingredient. It won’t even break a bank if you put one egg in your hair mask instead of your cheese omelet.

Honey and Lemon Mask:

Honey and lemon are one of the perfect duets to ever exist for your hair crisis. Lemon gets unbelievably strong cleansing effects while honey is a humectant. If you are prone to dandruff and other scalp infections, take a deep breath and stop looking for expensive and harmful market products. Our honey and lemon mask will help you get rid of all your worries. Just take a few tablespoons of honey and squeeze a lemon in it. Apply it gently in your hair. You can let it rest for an hour or two.
Rinse your hair and enjoy a cleaner scalp

Yogurt Mask:

Yogurt is one of the most ancient home remedies. Its availability is not so rare in our households. Sneak into your kitchen and take out a quarter a cup of yogurt. After having one spoonful of it, you can apply it directly to your hair. To add a bit of shine to your hair, squeeze one little lemon as well.
Wear a hair mask to avoid stains and stuff. Let it dry. Wash it gently with lukewarm warm water.

For more masks, watch the full video.

Love and Health


Face Massage For Neck Lines And Wrinkles

6 Face Massage Technique to reduce neck lines and wrinkles.


Feeling serene…and positive, thank you Uma! – Alison Jane

Thank you so much for that amazing session di, lots of gratitude from my heart and soul to you for giving us so much of your time and those fantastic yoga techniques. – Suman Ahlawat

It feels great, result is visible even before 21 days!!! This encourages me to be consistent. – Forouzan Masoumian

I slept like a baby yesterday after all the eye yoga and massages, so thankful to you – Veena Siva

I also already feel lifted in every which way! Your sessions are elevating the muscles as well as the senses! – Adarsh Gill Brar

The sessions are beyond AMAZING..We are lucky to be taught by someone as brilliant, experienced & patient as you. – Adarsh Gill Brar

The session today was amazing, later I felt how my face muscles really worked! I have never felt that feeling before. – Sabina Stopello Hoffman

I am absolutely grateful for these sessions. Glad to be a part of this. Thank you very much. – Chioma Obiefule

Glad to be a part of this short but a wonderful journey. Learnt so much about the face muscles and every technique taught was very clear. – Fathima Safana

Uma I want to say a big thank you to you for this wonderful week together. Like many, I’d had some challenges recently, and this week learning from and doing with you and all the ladies really lifted my spirits as well as teaching a new skill. So often as wom-en we put ourselves (or feel we should put ourselves) last in the list. It’s meant so much to be a part of this community where we can nurture ourselves. My new year’s resolution for 2020 was to put as much into myself as so into others. Thanks to you I have started on that journey now. – Alison Jane

I have learned so much and you have been a wonderful, and fun and loving teacher xx – Lucy Ann

Thank you so much Uma for this wonderful sessions! It was indeed a great journey with many beautiful women across the world and those 1 hour was not just for facelift!! It was just much more than that!! Much love ! Going to Miss you!! – Sreelekha Pillai

This evening as I was getting ready for the last session, out of blue I get a enquiry from my SON he says,” Mom, does Uma conduct anymore sessions on anyother subjects , I said why l, why r asking that.. he says, mom I haven’t seen u so excited and in a such good mood in the longest time.. pl keep in touch with her coz I guess u like few people and she tops the list I was pleasantly surprise to hear this. Uma I don’t have to say an-ything more my son has summed up the absolute amazing effect of this course. Can’t thank u enough I fact am trying to figure out what r the other seasons that I can take from u. Pl guide us more in that. Lots n lots of love light .. keep spreading ur positivity u beautiful soul. – Sarieka Vaze

Hi Uma. Namaste. Greetings from Johannesburg South Africa. What can I say. I am smit-ten by you and your lovely personality. I thoroughly enjoyed all my sessions though I could not attend it personally. Next time. Learnt a lot and hope we can cross path in the near future. God bless you my friend – Kalpana Kana

Last 7 days was a wonderful experience to live with . I enjoyed every single moment of it. It was very helpful and knowledgeable. Hope you will have many more programs to come like this so that this family could meet over and over to share your knowledge and experience. All the very best to you – Dilrukshi Jayaratne

As you rightly pointed out its worth every penny, thanks a million Uma – Wahida Dastakeer

Thank you so very much Uma, more than anything, will miss seeing your beautiful face . You are really testimony to one of your affirmations -‘everyday i am growing more beautiful’ – have seen your earlier pics too, but you are now at your most gorgeous best! More and more power to you, God bless – Payal Garg

Glad to be a part of this short but a wonderful journey. Learnt so much about the face muscles and every technique taught was very clear. – Fathima Safana

Thank you so much Uma. Trust me, every start of the day.. i look forward to the time of our Yoga session. It has become a routine. Thank you for doing this session and giving us a chance to know our face and muscle and what we can do to it. Will miss your beautiful face. Hope we can keep the session on atleast once a month. Intereacting feels great..and inspired. Lots of love n light to you. And thank you for being beautiful YOU – Paveena Rathour

Loved every session and for having done few trainings I can say after this week I really feel like adding this special time to my morning routine . A big thank you – Karine BM

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AYURVEDA – Brief Introduction And Guide

Ayurveda has a long history of being used for holistic healing. In Ayurvedic medicine, the balance between the mind, body, and spirit is super important for maintaining wellness. If there’s an imbalance, it can lead to illness.

“Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit words meaning “life” (“Ayur”) and “science” (“Veda”). You can literally think of Ayurveda as being “the science of life”!
How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurveda places a huge emphasis on preventing illness and keeping you in good health. Disease is seen as being influenced by an imbalance of energy types.

Ayurveda is not a substitute for Western medicine. Followers believe you can become healthier and prevent illness by following its principles but if surgery or drugs are needed, these should be accepted. Ayurvedic medicine can then be used to rebalance the mind and body.

Ayurveda practitioners look of symptoms of illness, especially ones linked to imbalances. Taking the pulse, examining the tongue, eyes, and body, and listening to how you speak can all be used.
A brief look at dosha types

Doshas are a combination of 5 different elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth.

In Ayurveda, everyone is made up of the 5 elements, and they come together to create 3 different energy types (known as doshas).

There are 3 main doshas:

● Vata (comprised of space and air)
● Pitta (comprised of fire and water)
● Kapha (comprised of earth and water)

Understanding how Vata, Pitta, and Kapha work together to balance the body, mind, and soul is key to Ayurveda.

● Vata is linked to movement and is important for breathing and movement in the muscles, tissues, and cell membranes. When it’s unbalanced, fear and anxiety are super common.

● Pitta is linked to the metabolic system and is important for digestion, nutrition, metabolism, and temperature control. When it’s unbalanced, negative emotions such as anger and jealousy can feel out of control

● Kapha is linked to body structure and is important for healthy muscles and bones, joint lubrication, skin moisturization, and immunity. When it’s unbalanced, greed and envy are super common emotions.

We all have a unique combination of doshas and the make-up of these is pre-set when you’re born. It stays the same throughout your life.

A ton of factors can alter the delicate balance of doshas, including your emotions, stress, diet, weather, and trauma. Toxins can also be a factor. If you know the triggers, you can take steps to reduce the imbalance and get back in rhythm.

You may have two prominent doshas and it’s super common to be in this situation. Balancing the two can be challenging.

When you read up on doshas, you may feel that you fit the characteristics of one dosha more than the others. If you find it super hard to decide which dosha is your dominant one, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner can shed some light on which is most prominent for you and how to balance it.
The Ayurvedic diet

With the Ayurvedic diet, you can eat in line with your “dosha” type. Keeping it balanced is super important from a health perspective.

Once you know your dominant dosha, you can eat in line with it. This is designed to nourish your dosha type and provide the right kind of energy.

Here’s a rough guide to each dosha:

● Vata – Sweet fruits (especially when they’re cooked), cooked veggies, grains, red lentils, meat, fish, and eggs are all great choices for balancing Vata. Frozen and raw veggies, potatoes, chickpeas, and yogurt can make Vata unbalanced.

● Pitta – Sweet or bitter veggies, black beans, and chicken can work well for balancing Pitta. Avoiding pungent veggies, sour fruits, quinoa, brown rice, sour cream, and most seafood can help to balance too.

● Kapha – Astringent fruits, pungent veggies, buttermilk, and cottage cheese can be good food choices for balancing Kapha. Some of the foods that can aggravate Kapha include sweet or sour fruits, sweet or water-rich veggies, rice, pasta, kidney beans, and freshwater fish.

Mindful eating is also a big part of Ayurveda. Meals should be fully appreciated and eaten slowly without distractions. Listening to your body’s hunger cues around hunger is super important for this.
The science behind Ayurveda

Most of the evidence around Ayurveda is anecdotal or observational.

Some research has been done though and there seems to be some promise in using Ayurvedic techniques to support people with certain health conditions.

Studies have also suggested that Ayurveda can encourage people to adopt healthier habits.

Have tried Ayurveda? Comment below.

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5 Skincare Tips for Winters

Winter is coming. This phrase does make winter look dreadful, doesn’t it? Winter isn’t all bad. It’s full of cozy clothes, warm beverages, holidays but to enjoy winter properly, one needs to be strong and healthy enough to survive the season. Just like all the sensitive and good things, the season of winter is not kind to our skin either. Our hands get dry all the time, there’s dandruff on places we didn’t know could have dandruff, skin gets dehydrated, overall our skin just gets dry, sensitive and patchy.

You can already feel the weather shifting, right? That’s why you need to start preparing your skin for the winter ahead of time so your skin stays strong, healthy and glowing.
Let’s discuss how you can better equip your skin for the winter.

Number 1: Always go for lukewarm water

I, of all people, understand the need to take those long and hot steamy showers in cold winter but I know it’s not worth the damage it can do to my skin. When it comes to showers, always choose lukewarm water to shower with. Those steamy-hot showers can absorb all the moisture and dehydrate your skin which can make it dry and flaky.

Number 2: Create Barriers against water

The skin tends to get really dry when we take a shower, right? Another way to avoid the showers from drying out your skin is to create multiple barriers by layering your skincare products. The top layer of our skin contains Ceramides, lipids and cholesterol help and the hot water can remove the surface lipids, allowing the moisture to leak out of your skin, which can lead to dryness. I recommend applying different layers of products, like moisturizers, skin boosters, and facial mists one after the other, instead of using just one single heavy cream, to fight against further dryness to the skin.

Number 3: Change your cleansers

Now this is something you really need to know. Your cleansers need to be changed as soon as you see the weather becoming colder and drier. Your skin can easily become dehydrated because of central heating, and cleansers which have foam or alcohol strip your skin’s moisturizer.
Instead of cleansing your face every morning, just splash your face with water and use a cremier cleanser at night.

Also, try to get your hands on an oil cleanser. It can clear away all the makeup and debris.

Number 4: SPF, SPF and SPF

Just because it’s winter and you rarely see the sun, doesn’t mean the rays aren’t there anymore. Both UVA and UVB rays are present all year round in every season there is and yes, they’ll still be able to damage your skin. You have to apply sunscreen in any kind of weather to avoid any permanent damage to your beautiful screen. It’s a vital element in every kind or skincare routine.

Number 5: Hydrating and Moisturizing Masks

Our skin gets thirsty and dehydrated in the winter because the humidity levels outside drop, so the water in the air and in your skin layers evaporates quite quickly. This might make it harder for nutrients and your product ingredients to penetrate your skin, making the skin tight, dry, and flakey—which nobody wants.
Always use masks in winter, especially after exfoliation. You will get better penetration and your skin will be super plump and hydrated. Masks with more hyaluronic acid and antioxidants are best. The best thing about these masks? You can’t over-do it.

For sensitive skin, active and natural ingredients can be better, and also works if you’re looking to avoid using too many chemicals on your face. Go for masks that contain plant extracts, such as chamomile and aloe vera.

Other than these tips, it’s important to remember to feel your skin to see what it needs and then blend your products to tailor to the skin’s exact needs. Some feel that even the richest of creams don’t give them the moisture they need, while others say their skin can become oily and prone to spots when they use products that are too heavy. The key is listening to your skin and switching it up according to its needs.
Another important thing is to stay hydrated and nourished from within. And staying active from within.

Winter can be full of happiness, warmth, health and love if you take good care of yourself and show your body the love it absolutely deserves.

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10 Reasons Why You Can’t Shift Stubborn Belly Fat

A little bit of abdominal fat isn’t such a bad thing. It helps to protect your vital organs, after all!
It’s a fine balancing act though as storing too much fat around your abdomen can be dangerous and has been linked to some pretty nasty health problems. We’re talking heart disease, diabetes and even cancer, to name just a few of the things that it may set the scene for. Scary, right?

Some of the culprits are fairly obvious, especially if you’re eating a lot of processed foods and not doing much exercise. There can be some surprising reasons behind belly fat though and these can come into play even if you think you’re living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the factors that can make you more likely to store fat in your abdominal area.

Factor #1 – You’re Eating Too Much Sugar and Trans Fats
If you eat a diet that contain a lot of processed sugar, you’ll probably be struggling to shift belly fat. According to studies, there is a definite link between the two. This can be largely to do with the fructose content in processed sugars.

Trans fats are another big no-no if you want to avoid belly fat. These are pretty much the worst type of fat you can eat as they promote inflammation and according to studies on animals, they also encourage more fat to be stored on and around your abdomen.

Factor #2 – Your Alcohol Intake
You’ve no doubt heard of a “beer belly” and this is something that can affect women too. Depending on how much you drink, it could be the culprit for stubborn belly fat. Some studies have shown that alcohol can make it harder to burn fat and makes it more likely that the extra calories it brings to the party are stored on and around the abdomen.

Factor #3 – You’re On a Low Protein Diet
If you want to stay trim, it’s really important to get enough protein in your diet. Protein helps you to feel more sated and can mean that you consume less calories. Low protein diets are also more likely to result in belly fat, according to studies. People who eat a lot of protein tend to have very little in the way of belly fat.

Factor #4 – You Don’t Eat Enough Fiber
If your diet is low in fiber, you can be more likely to store belly fat. Observational studies show that getting plenty of soluble fiber reduces the chances of this. In one particular study that involved over 1,100 men and women, every extra 10g of soluble fiber led to a 32% decrease in how much belly fat was stored. This has a lot to do with the fact that low fiber increases your appetite and belly fat.

Factor #5 – You’re Scared of Eating Fat
Fat has had a bad rep and this can put you off eating it. While it’s true that you don’t need a lot of the unhealthier fats, good fats can help you to lose weight and keep belly fat to a minimum.

Monounsaturated fats are one of the good fats and are important for satiety. They’ll help you to feel fuller for longer so you’re less likely to make unhealthy food choices that increase your potential for storing belly fat.

Factor #6 – You Have Too Much “Bad” Bacteria in Your Gut
According to research, an imbalance of gut bacteria can have an effect on your weight and how much fat you store on your abdomen. If you’re overweight, you’re more likely to have a type of bacteria that can mean that more calories are absorbed from your food.

Factor #7 – You’re Stressed
Under a lot of stress? It could be one of the reasons why you’re storing belly fat. The stress hormone, cortisol, can lead to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. Rather than going on your body across the board, cortisol often encourages extra calories to be stored as abdominal fat.

Factor #8 – You Don’t Sleep Well
If you spend a lot of time tossing and turning in the average night, there’s a much higher chance that you’ll store belly fat. Poor sleep is linked to weight gain in general and according to some studies, it also predisposes you to abdominal weight gain in particular.

Factor #9 – You Don’t Get Enough Magnesium
Getting enough magnesium in your diet can lower your blood sugar and insulin levels. That’s not too surprising when you consider that this mighty mineral is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body! Some of these reactions have an effect on your body’s ability to burn fat so it can have an indirect impact on your weight.

Factor #10 – Your Exercise Isn’t Intense Enough
Not all exercise is equal when it comes to busting belly fat and keeping it off, especially if your workouts aren’t intense enough. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a good option but anything that involves reasonably intense exercise several times per week should help.

Are you struggling with belly fat? Did you find this video helpful? Comment below.

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The Skin Microbiome- A New Dimension In Skin health

Did you know that scientists can approximately predict your age with just your microbiome? Something to wonder about, right?
Long gone are the days when you just simply slap on an ‘anti-aging’ moisturizer and hope for the best. People are thankfully realizing the importance of wellness and know that overall wellness and skin health go hand-in-hand. Not only that, a few years ago, but skincare was also just marketed to a certain age group. Today, however, skincare is less about your age and more about your skin type, lifestyle, and individual needs and concerns. And one of the most exciting things in the skincare and wellness world is the skin microbiome.
Since every day more and more skincare companies are starting to invest in microbiome technology, I think it’s high time I discuss the all-too-important factor of skincare, the Holy Skin Microbiome. There even have been claims that your skin microbiome could be the secret key you were looking for the door to youthful and luminous skin.
What is Skin Microbiome?
For those of you who don’t know about skin microbiome yet, let’s start with what is skin microbiome. The skin microbiome sometimes called the skin flora, is the term for trillions of species that live on our skin. There are 1,000 different bacterial species and up to 80 different fungi species. Some of these are also residents of your gut microbiome and some are more likely to be found on your skin rather than your gut. Another important thing to know is microbiome is quite like a fingerprint. No two people have the same microbiome. The skin microbiome changes depend on the “eco-niche,” or location, age, and gender. For example, a hormonal, sweaty teenage boy sports a very different microbiome than a postmenopausal woman.
These microbiomes not only boost immunity and regulate pH levels but are also helpful in creating ‘tight junctions’ between skin cells, which helps keep water in and toxins out, meanwhile producing natural antibiotics called antimicrobial peptides that fight harmful bacteria.
How does it Affect our Health?
1. Communication with our Immune System:
Microbes don’t only lie on the surface of the skin, but according to research in 2013, scientists found microbes in the innermost layer of the skin which is the subcutaneous fat layer. The most interesting thing is that that is where the microbiome and our immune system engage in a very intimate conversation 24/7. So, we have to make sure that the microbiomes whisper only good things to our immune system.
2. Infection Prevention:
Just like a gut microbiome prevents bodily infections, skin microbiomes also work similarly. It helps control the growth of pathogenic organisms and helps prevent infection. Skin Microbiomes are actually our first line of defense.
3. Controls Inflammation
I’ve just told you about the conversation between our skin immune system and our microbiome, right? Well, inflammation is how you can tell how that conversation is going. If there are no signs of inflammation, that means that your microbiomes and immune system are getting along well, but if your immune system thinks that the microbiomes are crossing some kind of line, that causes the system to produce inflammatory compounds which if you’ve been taking care of your skin microbiomes, can help control it.
4. Environmental Shield
The skin microbiome acts as a shield against environmental aggressors. It limits the exposure of our skin to allergens, oxidative damage and even helps in healing our wounds. The skin microbiome is also responsible for keeping the skin plump and moist. The one thing that I’ve recently heard, and its amazing scientific research-based news, is that microbiomes help protect us from harmful UV rays.

1. Hydration and Healthy Foods:

2. Work the Gut

3. Avoid Harsh Soaps

4. Exercise!

Watch the full video. Did you know about the skin microbiome?

comment below.

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How Your Emotions Affect Your Skin

Your face says it all!
How you’re feeling, your moods and different states of mind not only show up on your face as expressions but also show up on your skin. Many researchers have proved what we probably already know. Our emotions impact our skin.
Our skin is remarkable. It is not only the largest organ of our body but also one of the first to form. You may think your skin is only protecting you from the environment around you, but it’s also helping to control your body temperature and helping you maintain water balance in your body.
While it’s true that you are what you eat, everything you’re eating becomes a part of your skin. But it’s also true that you are, what you feel. Your experiences, your feelings also become a part of your skin.
Merrady Wickes, the head of education at the Detox Market, says that our skin is one of the biggest indicators of our state of mind. If you’re and content, your skin will have a healthy glow to it and will appear clearer and smoother.

Why is our Skin Being Affected by Our Moods?
I’m sure all of you have heard about the fight-or-flight response, our core instincts to how we deal with issues.
When you’re going through something stressful, your body releases hormones inside. The hormones include cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline) and testosterone. These hormones cause excess oil production and acne breakouts, lower your immunity which can make you vulnerable to psoriasis and increase the amount of blood in your vessels which leads to a puffy face and dark circles.
And don’t forget what accompanies your stress and worries, WRINKLES. Constantly stressing leads to frown lines and wrinkles on your forehead and eye area as well.
Not only stress affects our health, but it also affects our lifestyle, disrupting our healthy routines. We get a little less enthusiastic about our skincare routines, being too tired to take off our makeup, not getting enough sleep and eating comfort food. All of this makes the matter for your already stressed skin worse.
At the same time, if you’re happy and joyful, your skin will show all the good signs for it. Your body will produce all four of the happy chemicals – endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals will help heal your skin barrier, make your skin more radiant and your facial muscles will relax leaving your skin to appear softer and smoother.

Help your Emotions to Better Skin
In this day and age, there’s so much negativity around us that we tend to get stressed quite easily. But always, always remember one thing: If the stress in your life isn’t going anywhere, your self-care shouldn’t be going anywhere either. Never ever forget to take care of yourself through the tough times. That way both you and your skin come out looking stronger than ever.
In this part of the video, I will guide you on how you can manage the stress for better-looking skin. Here are a few tips.
• When in doubt, sleep!
It’s called beauty sleep for a reason. Sleeping well can help fix a lot of problems for you. You sleep can save you and your skin. When you sleep, your happy chemicals start to grow, that is why you will always notice your skin has a positive glow to it when you get a good night’s sleep.

• Meditation
Meditation is a lifesaver when it comes to dealing with stress. It works wonders on your body, mind and skin. Especially techniques like face yoga and face massage help your face look more sculpted and more glowy because these techniques help your facial muscles relax.

• Set a Schedule
One of the things that really help one deal with stress is consistency. Making a routine of your everyday life will help you stay in control of how much you can to your plate of energy. Try to build a healthy system for yourself so you can deal with all the negative and stressful energies at your own pace.

Another trick is to cancel one task from your schedule every day. It helps you relax better and eventually lesser to-dos help you find time for yourself and your peace of mind.
• Treat Yourself
I’m a firm believer of showering yourself with love. If you’re feeling down and stressed, it’s always a good idea to break out the big guns and sweep yourself off your own feet. Go an extra mile to pamper yourself with skincare routines, spa treatments or buying yourself something that will make you happy.
Before I leave, please know that your skin and your nervous systems have a common embryonic origin. It means that the same kind of cells form both your brain and your skin. There’s a connection between your skin and nerves which makes it presence known in multiple ways. Always take care of one end to make sure the other one is doing good as well.

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How To Get Rid Of Body Acne

So, what exactly is body acne? Body acne is pretty much the same as the acne that we observe on our faces, but what makes it more problematic is that it covers more areas and occurs in areas that are hard to reach and treat.
Just like our acne on the face, body acne occurs due to unshed dead skin cells which combine with oil glands to clog our pores of the body. This leads to an environment on your skin that allows the acne-causing bacteria to grow and form those pesky little bumps on our body.
So why does it choose upper body areas like our back and chest?
The skin of our upper body especially our back is thicker as compared to the rest of our bodies, and they’re also full of oil-producing glands. These oil glands partner up with all the dead skin cells and lead to acne.

What Causes Body Acne?

Some common causes of acne are:
Genetics: Acne sometimes can be hereditary. Body acne can be a part of your genes and might run in your family.
Medications: Many medications, especially antidepressants, have been known to have acne as a side effect.
Hormones: Hormonal changes are often the cause of acne in our teenage years. But for women past puberty, pimple outbreaks can be linked to hormonal changes that happen during menstruation and pregnancy.
Sweat. Sweat is one of the main causes of body acne. It can clog the pores, leading to acne. And if sweat appears in tight clothing, it can make acne a lot worse.
Stress. Stress isn’t a direct cause of acne, but it could be a contributing factor.
Unhealthy Diet: The kind of food you eat, can also affect your acne. Research done by the American Academy of Dermatology shows that certain foods like dairy, potato chips, white bread can also be a trigger to acne.
How to Prevent and Get Rid of Body Acne?
Now on to the most important part of today’s video, how can you get rid of body acne.
1. Wear loose-fitting clothes:
Tight clothes can entrap heat and sweat against your skin which when left for hours can cause breakouts on your body. Tight clothes also create a lot of friction which is very inviting for acne. So always go for loose-fitting clothing that allows your skin to breathe and doesn’t trap the sweat.
2. Wash Your Bedsheets Regularly
Whenever someone tells me they have acne on their face, I always advise them to keep changing their pillowcases regularly to prevent the oil and dirt from your pillow reaching your skin. So to avoid body acne, please try to wash your bed sheets regularly too. Cleaning your sheets regularly will help keep your pores unclogged.
3. Keep an eye out for Panthenol
Now, this is something many just don’t know about. Panthenol also is known as Vitamin B5, is used in many skincare products and hair care products but the percentage of panthenol in skincare is really low for it to be harmful. Since it’s an excellent moisturizer, the percentage tends to be a little too high in hair shampoos and conditioners. Too much of panthenol can cause acne on some people’s bodies.
So, please try to keep an eye on the ingredients’ list on your shampoo and conditioners and try buying hygiene products without panthenol and that might help with the breakouts on your body
4. Shower Regularly
Excessive oil is the number one reason for back and chest acne. Some people, especially ones with oily skin, tend to produce a lot of oil all over their bodies. Since oil is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, try to shower as often as possible. And if you live in humid weather as I do, try to bathe twice a day. That will reduce the breakout on your body by controlling the oil and keeping your skin clean. Also, ALWAYS shower after a workout too or use a light cleanser to wash off all the sweat you’ve worked up. This is the easiest technique for controlling your body acne.
5. Go for Antibacterial Cleansers
Antibacterial soaps are quite helpful in helping clean the skin properly from all the dirt, sweat, and oil and eventually fight the bacteria that may be causing the acne breakouts.
While you’re on the lookout for a good body cleanser, try to find one that is sulfate-free and has salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is really good for fighting acne and cleaning the skin without drying it in the first place.
6. Eat Healthily
You really are what you eat. Please focus on what you’re putting into your body because it will eventually appear on your skin in one way or another. So I suggest you focus on healthy foods and healthy lifestyles to get healthy skin.
I hope you guys have a better understanding of body acne now and my hacks help you get rid of body acne as well. If you need a life coach to guide you to a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle, you can have a one-on-one session with me.

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6 Reasons Your Skincare Products Are Not Working For You

How many of you have wondered that after you’ve invested in a really good skincare routine, and the products are working their magic just like they promised but after a while, you notice that they’re not working as good as they’re supposed to? Your body tells you everything, right? When you started your regimen at first, it showed amazing results in a few weeks. Your face is glowing, your skin is clearer, your eyes appear bright and overall you look very fresh. But after some time, let’s say a year or two, I’ve heard from many women and seen it myself too that the results are not that great anymore. You don’t look as fresh and glowing as you’re supposed to. Since I’ve been often asked, on numerous occasions by women about why their skincare products are not working anymore, I thought I’d do a little video to help you understand the reasons behind your failing skincare products.
Reason Number 1:
– Products Have Been Contaminated

Contamination is one of the most important reasons your products may have stopped working their magic on your skin. Many times, we unknowingly transfer bacteria and germs to a lot of things. The same goes for our products. We can transfer germs and bacteria to our skincare when maybe we open the jar, dip our fingers into the products, touch our droppers directly to our skin, or even leaving the jars open for too long can introduce dirt, bacteria and other contaminants into the products.

Reason Number 2:
– Products Have Degraded or Expired

So, there’s an expiration date and there’s shelf life. The expiration date tells us about how long a certain product is safe to use and will deliver quality results. Now, that is obviously very important, because you wouldn’t want to use something expired which can potentially damage your skin. Another thing is the shelf life; shelf life tells us about the quality of the product. For example, is a product says its shelf life is 12 months, that means it’s going to deliver its best results for 12 months after you’ve opened it.
Reason Number 3:
– Wrong Frequency or Lack of Consistency

Now, lack of consistency is something we don’t like to admit but it is one of the reasons that can hinder the progress of your skincare glow up. We’re all guilty of that one or two lazy nights when we’re just too tired and numb to get up for our skincare regimen or maybe we’re running late and there’s just no time for skincare. First of all, I would strongly advise that you make the time. I totally understand if you’re lacking consistency, especially if you’re a mom or/and a working woman. You’re either too tired or too busy.

Reason Number 4:
– Your Skin or The Environment has Changed

Our skin goes through various changes as we grow and go through different experiences in life. Especially as we grow older, our skin’s texture changes as well as it’s requirements. It’s highly possible that what was working for you for two to three years back, may not be what your skin needs now and that’s why you’re not seeing any results. So, have your skin checked and get the products that your skin needs now.

Reason Number 5:
– Your Skincare Combination is not Right

We all feel like a little Chemist working off different products for our skins. We’re using different ingredients, different brands, and getting the feel of each new combo to see what’s working really well for us. While it’s really fun to pretend to be a chemist, we’re actually playing a risky little game with our skin. You see, some products don’t go well together and can cause more harm than good. For example, Retinol should not be used alongside with Vitamin C. Another thing that Vitamin C does not pair well, is with Benzoyl Peroxide (acne-treatment) and that can just do really bad things to your skin. Or maybe you’re using a little too much of some ingredients like AHAs and Vitamin A, which can also be bad for you. So, please consult a specialist before you’re playing chemist with your skin to make sure you get your money’s worth from your products.

Reason Number 6:
– Too Many Dead Skin Cells

Too much build-up of dead skin cells can stop your product from getting into the skin. And it makes total sense because your products will have to go through layers of dead skin cells to get to just the first layer of skin. So, if your product is fighting to get through so many layers already, it’s highly likely the active ingredients that are actually supposed to do their magic on your skin, will probably settle on some layer of dead skin and will never actually reach your skin.

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What is Mindful Eating And Why Is It Important

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating vs mindless eating

When you first start to get on board with mindful eating, it’s super likely that you’ll have been eating mindlessly until now.

Not sure if this applies to you or not? Let’s talk a little bit about the differences between eating mindfully and eating mindlessly.

With mindless eating, your focus isn’t solely on your food and the overall eating experience. You might be eating while catching up with episodes of your favorite shows or scrolling on your smartphone. Or maybe you’re eating while you’re walking or chatting on the phone and snacking at the same time. The common factor in all of these scenarios? You’re eating quickly and probably eating a lot more than you realize in a pretty short time frame. If you’re used to eating on the go and multi-tasking, there’s a fair chance that you’re used to eating in a more mindless fashion.

Mindful eating is a whole different ball game. It’s about taking your time while you eat, engaging your senses with every mouthful and enjoying what you’re eating. Experts agree that it takes around 20 minutes for the brain to register that you’re full and mindful eating helps you to eat in line with this. When you’re eating mindlessly, you can easily eat a whole heap of calories in that time frame before your brain can catch up with your actual level of satiety.

It can be a challenge to shift from mindless to mindful eating but there are tons of benefits too!

How to be mindful when you’re preparing food

You take your mindful eating approach a lot further by using your food prep and cooking time as another opportunity to engage your senses and build a super strong appreciation for what you’ll be eating.

Bringing your senses to the party is a huge part of this. You’ll want to immerse yourself in the visual elements of your food and the delicious smells that fill the room as it’s cooking. Don’t forget about how food feels as you touch it and how the texture may change as it’s chopped or peeled too. Even sounds can be brought into the equation … think about things like the sizzle of onions or garlic in a pan or the fizz of water as it begins to boil. Any opportunity to bring all of your senses into play.

Before you even begin to prep and cook your food, it can be super helpful to set an intention about why you’re preparing the food and check in with your state of mind. How are you feeling as you get ready to engage in mindful cooking?

Think about the ingredients you’re using and how they made it into your kitchen. Where did they come from? What was involved in their journey to get to you? How many people were involved in this?

Cut all outside distractions as you work. That means no television or radio on in the background and no YouTube videos or podcasts. This allows you to give your full attention to being mindful and fully present in the moment.

Why chewing your food well is super important for mindful eating

Slowing down your eating is a super important part of mindful eating and one of the easiest ways to do it involves chewing your food thoroughly.

It’s often recommended that you chew each mouthful up to 25 times (sometimes more!). This can be super daunting if you’re used to swallowing your food after just one or two chews but it can be massively important for both digestion and satiety.

Let’s talk a bit more about the role chewing well plays in both:

It’s often said that digestion starts in your mouth, not your stomach. This is because chewing your food really well breaks it down into small pieces that are much easier for your body to digest. It also makes it a lot simpler for nutrients to be extracted from the food. If you tend to struggle with digestive issues, chewing your food well could help with this.

Chewing your food well also helps you to feel fuller. A lot of this is due to the fact that it forces you to eat at a slower pace. Eating quickly is strongly linked to overeating, whereas eating at a more leisurely pace gives you more opportunity to recognize when you’re full. The end result? You’ll probably eat less food.

According to the results of a study involving 30 women, eating at a slower pace meant that they ate less food and felt significantly fuller.

And in another study, chewing thoroughly reduced intake of sweet snacks such as candy.

Do you eat mindfully?

Share with me in the comment section below.

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What To Eat To Avoid Sugar Cravings

Did you know that your diet is likely fueling a whole heap of sugar cravings? Depending on what you’re eating (or not eating, in many cases!), you could find it almost impossible to quit sugar. If you’re not eating enough of certain food groups, it can make sugar cravings a lot more likely. Here’s what to think about from a diet perspective to help you kick sugar cravings.
Protein and Sugar Cravings
Protein helps slow down the rate that sugar is released into your bloodstream. If your protein intake is on the low side, your blood sugar can fluctuate a lot. And this means more sugar cravings!

It’s your body’s way of trying to get a quick energy boost. According to studies, eating a high-protein diet can reduce night-time snacking by as much as 50%. If you find yourself reaching for sugary snacks in the evenings and towards bedtime, eating more protein during the day can be super helpful.

Smart protein choices include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, tofu, and some cereals.
Fiber and Sugar Cravings
Fiber is another way to slow down the absorption of sugar in your body. A lot of the time, fiber passes through your digestive system without being digested, which means it doesn’t have adverse effects on your blood sugar levels. And it doesn’t pave the way for huge sugar cravings.

Fiber also helps keep you feeling fuller. If you’re genuinely satisfied after eating, you’re less likely to have sugar cravings, especially if you’re also eating a ton of protein, and healthy fats.

Fruit and vegetables are a great source of fiber. There’s a good reason to eat the rainbow and make sure you get plenty of fiber-rich fruits and veggies to help keep your sugar cravings in check!
Simple Carbs and Sugar Cravings
You don’t always need to be eating sugary foods to get sugar cravings? Carbs can have much the same effect since they’re broken down into sugars in the body and cause the same blood sugar fluctuations as sugar. White bread, pasta, and rice are super common culprits for this, along with refined starches like crackers, bagels, and potato chips.

Simple carbs get in your bloodstream super quickly. The end result? An equally fast spike in your blood sugar levels. This is why you can get such an instant “sugar high” from eating a sweet treat.

The trouble is, it’s quickly followed by a blood sugar crash as your blood sugar levels dip. Your body tries to deal with this by looking for a quick energy fix and guess what it chooses? Sugar!

If you eat a ton of simple carbs and you’re not eating enough protein, fiber and healthy fats, you’ll constantly have sugar cravings.

And when you start to cut out simple carbs, you can get mega sugar cravings — in the short term, at least. After that, it gets easier to reset your body’s expectations, and it learns how to get energy from other sources (and not just sugar).

Swap simple carbs for complex carbs that don’t have the same effects on your blood sugar levels. Think brown pasta, brown bread, and brown rice.
Healthy Fats and Sugar Cravings
As your body gets used to fueling itself with fats (and not sugar or carbs), it can break fats into ketones and use it for energy. Because it’s not using glucose, this keeps you feeling fuller for longer and turns off sugar and carb cravings.

As a bonus, it also keeps your brain supplied with the fats it needs to function well. Since your brain is largely made up of fats, this is super important for a happy and healthy brain.

If you tend to lack focus and have “brain fog” more often than not, looking at your intake of healthy fats could help with this and your sugar cravings. Stock up on avocado, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and coconut oil to get more healthy fats in your life.
Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Cravings
Swapping sugar for artificial sweeteners might seem like a sensible choice. They have lower calories, so they must be better, right? Not always!

According to studies, you’ll still get sugar cravings — sometimes more extreme than sugar. Research has indicated that artificial sweeteners can change the way your body uses glucose, which has a knock-on effect on sugar cravings and calorie intake in general.

They can fool your mind into “needing” more calories. The end result? You can wind up eating a whole heap more calories than you realize. Super ironic given that people often switch to artificial sweeteners to lose weight and avoid the effects of sugar, right?

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How To Stop Midnight Snacking

Do you find yourself eating in the evenings when you know you’re not really hungry? Nighttime eating is a major culprit for extra calories and weight gain. It can become something of a vicious cycle that you struggle to break away from but with the right mindset and tactics, it can be done. Here are some top tips for stopping nighttime eating.

What are the triggers?

A few potential triggers of nighttime eating include:

● Are you limiting what you eat in the day (or have less of an appetite in the daytime) and overcompensate later on with the calories you eat? With this approach to eating, you can easily eat more calories at night than in the rest of the day combined.

● Eating in line with your emotions. If you’re feeling stressed, bored, lonely, upset, or angry, emotional eating can trigger late-night eating. It’s pretty common to feel more in control of your eating in the daytime, especially if you have a fairly structured day that doesn’t allow “free” eating. With more freedom in the evenings, emotional eating can become more of a problem.

● Late-night eating can also become a habit. If you tend to snack when you’re in front of the television, it could be down to habit, for example.

● Eating in the evening or late at night can also be a “reward” for a busy or stressful day. If things didn’t quite go to plan during the day, your brain may tell you that you deserve a sweet treat to make up for it.

● If none of that really applies to you, it may just be due to biology. According to a study published in the Obesity research journal, the body’s internal clock spikes your hunger levels at around 8pm. And guess what kind of snacks you’re more likely to want at this time? Salty, sweet, and high carb snacks, for the most part.

Tips for tackling nighttime eating

Mindful eating

A lot of late-night snacking is mindless and it’s often done on autopilot. How many times do you find yourself snacking in front of the television or while you’re cooking … often without even thinking about what you’re doing and whether you’re really hungry? Chances are, you’re not really aware of how much extra you’re eating. One way to avoid this is mindful eating. Get rid of any distractions that stop you from eating mindfully and make eating at the table a big deal. Mindful eating is the best way to get back in touch with your body’s natural hunger cues.

Change your routine

If you do a lot of your nighttime eating as part of a routine, it’s definitely time to have a go at breaking the habit and seeing if you can curb evening snack attacks.

For example, instead of snacking while you watch television, try doing something else while you catch up with your shows, especially in the breaks (which can trigger late-night snacking if they feature junk food). Doing some mini workouts in the ad breaks (or working out throughout the whole show if you won’t get many other chances to get moving) or doing the ironing.

Always tend to veg out after dinner? Go for a walk instead. It’ll stop you from getting boredom and burn off a few calories (rather than adding any!).

Set a timer

Next time you get the urge to snack in an evening, set a timer to go off in 10 minutes. This is how long the average craving will last if you ignore it and find something else to occupy your mind.

In the meantime, distract yourself and see how you feel when the 10 minutes is off. You might be surprised to realize that the craving is no longer an issue. Positive self-talk and affirmations can help with this too.

And if it still is? Go ahead and have a small snack … but swap the original craving for a healthier version.

Sip herbal teas

Dehydration can be a factor in cravings and sometimes, you may be thirsty rather than hungry. A glass of water can help but you may prefer to sip on a herbal tip instead, especially if you have go-to flavors to help you relax and have a “moment”.

Find other ways to reward yourself

If you often use food as a reward for a bad day, look for other ways to de-stress. Pamper yourself or have a relaxing soak in a warm bath, for example. This can help to train your brain away from the idea that food is an acceptable reward for a bad day. If this is usually a big trigger for starting off your nighttime eating, it can be a secret weapon in your efforts to move away from snack attacks.

Keep a food and mood diary

If you can’t spot any obvious patterns between your emotions and your nighttime eating, try keeping a food and mood diary. Note down how you were feeling when you wanted to snack or binge at night and you may be able to see some link. If you’re noticing that particular emotions are triggering late night snacking, you can work on tackling these.

Hope this helped, waiting for your comments below.

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All About Retinol – Anti Aging Skincare

Retinol is all the rage nowadays in the skincare industry and if you ask me, retinol deserves every bit of attention it’s getting these days. It can work wonders on your skin. Just buying a retinol product isn’t enough, you have to pick the perfect formula of retinol. You have to believe me when I say that picking the right retinol is as essential as using it. But there are a huge variety of retinol products available in the market and it can be quite confusing to choose the right one for your skin. So, this video will be an info-session on all you need to know about retinol to know what’s good for your skin.
What is Retinol?
So, what exactly is Retinol? Retinol is basically Vitamin A – one of the body’s more important nutrients. What you might not have known is that the whole family of retinoids is derived from Vitamin A. If you ask me, sunscreen is the number one fix to antiageing and Vitamin A is the next best thing. Retinol, when applied on the skin, turns into the retinoic acid, which is responsible for boosting collagen, increasing cell thickness, and skin cell regeneration. Retinol is super-effective in treating wrinkles, brown spots, acne, uneven skin tone and continuous use can make your skin appear more youthful.

How to find the right Retinol?
Retinol is a very tricky ingredient to work with especially when it is being formulated since it doesn’t work well with other ingredients. Nowadays, many brands are just adding retinol to their products and calling it an anti-aging miracle, but these products usually don’t work well due to poor formulating. So, to make sure your retinol product is doing its job, you have to learn to choose the best one for you.
Things to Look for in Retinol Products:
1. Stable Retinol

I know I’m starting with something that might seem complex to you at first, but I will try to make it as understandable as possible. Stabilization of retinol is all about how it’s contained. This is called microencapsulation. Microencapsulation is a process that actually protects active ingredients like retinol in liposomes, shells or membranes. This will help control the retinol and stabilize it so it’s magic isn’t released before it’s even applied on the skin. When you apply the encapsulated retinol, your skin will break down the encapsulation itself so the retinol can do its best work. So always remember to check the packaging of retinol products to make sure that the retinol is stabilized in liposomes, shells or membranes so you’ll know that the retinol will actually do its intended work. On the package, it would say “Encapsulated Retinol” or if you check the ingredients list, a stabilized retinol product will say “Liposome Encapsulated Retinol”.

2. Oil or Silicone?

That’s another thing to consider. Should your retinol be mixed with oil or silicone? These mixtures are relatively cheaper because they can be easily moved but that doesn’t mean they can’t be effective. And if you’re someone who loves the feel of oils and silicones on their skin, that’s a win-win for you. But if you have clogged pores, then you would wanna avoid these mixtures and go for stabilized fluid serums and boosters.

3. Know the Right Packaging

If you find a retinol product in a transparent container with no box, please put it back because it’s of no use now. Retinol is a very sensitive ingredient and it can be rendered ineffective if exposed to light. So, always try to look for retinol products in opaque containers because you want your retinol to remain active and safe from light.

Another thing to look for in your product is airtight containers. Oxygen is not good for your retinol products so try to avoid the bottles that come with droppers because your retinol will be useless after you’re halfway through due to all the air you’ve been pumping. Always pick the airtight and opaque containers.

4. The Right Brand

Please don’t go buying retinol online from a brand you don’t trust because retinol must always be made in advanced technology labs. Do your homework to find the right product for your skin. Go for brands that are proudly sharing important stats like the stability, percentages of ingredients and directions.

5. Prescription vs Non-Prescription Retinol

Prescription retinol does work faster, and you will be able to tell it’s working because you feel irritation and dryness and those are the side-effects as well. As for non-prescription retinol, it’s really hard to tell if it’s working for you because it can take a few months to see the difference but at the upside, there no side effects.
But just because non-prescription slow to work that causes some to give up. But I would advise you guys to please stick out long enough to see how good it is for your skin.

Love and Health


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Do Essential Oils Really Work?

Essential oils have a long history when it comes to wellbeing and has been used for a wide range of health problems. Many oils have specific properties that make them great choices for treating specific health but their effects can go far beyond this. Research has shown that the limbic system in your brain (which controls memory and emotions) can be acted on by scents to affect the whole body. A 2002 study from Japan confirmed that some oils can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system while others can promote calmness. With that in mind, let’s talk about exactly how essential oils can help you to take control of your wellbeing.

Essential Oils and Immunity

Lots of essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Tea tree is probably one of the most well known of these but there’s also lemon oil. Essential oils that contain sesquiterpenes can encourage oxygen to tissues and create a more hostile environment for viruses and bacteria to survive in. Cedarwood, vetiver, sandalwood, ginger, myrrh, and frankincense are just a few examples of essential oils that fall into this category.

Essential Oils and Relaxation

One of the most common reasons why many people try out essential oils involves relaxation. Lavender is often a go-to oil for this reason and has been proven in studies to have a calming and relaxing effect.

Rose oil is another essential oil that can help you to feel more relaxed. In a Japanese study, it led to a 30% decrease in adrenaline and a 40% decrease in activity in the parasympathetic nervous system.

Valerian oil is an essential oil that you may not be familiar with. This is often included in teas and supplements that aim to get you to sleep better due to its calming qualities as a herb so it’s no great surprise that the oil does the trick too. According to studies, valerian oil can help you to fall asleep more quickly and for longer. That’s some serious relaxation power!

If restless legs are a factor in keeping you awake at night, cedarwood could help. In studies, it’s been shown to reduce autonomic motor activity. Sandalwood is another essential oil that slows down the nervous system, which helps to relax the body.

Essential Oils and Sleep

If you’re struggling to drift off into a natural sleep most nights and you often wake up in the night, choosing the right essential oil could be a game-changer for getting deeper and longer sleep.

The essential oils that promote relaxation all help here but lavender and chamomile oils are great choices.

Cedarwood can help to reduce autonomic motor activity, which is great news for anyone who suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome at night.

Sandalwood is another essential oil that can suppress the activity of the nervous system, which helps with better sleep. In studies on rats, it has led to less time awake at night and more deep sleep. Similar studies on humans have had come to the same type of conclusions so it seems like a great choice if you’re someone who wakes up a lot in the night and struggles with disturbed sleep.

Essential Oils and Pain Relief

When it comes to chronic pain, you could do a lot worse than reach for some essential oils. There are quite a few to choose from so a lot will depend on what is causing your pain.

A few options include:

Chamomile oil can ease pain from a range of problems, including stiff and painful joints and muscles, headaches, nerve pain, and digestive issues. A lot of this is due to its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Ginger oil is another essential oil that has impressive anti-inflammatory benefits and this can work well for people with arthritis. In one study, ginger oil was effective in easing pain and stiffness in older people with chronic knee pain. Another study found that ginger oil worked well for 75% of people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

For headaches and migraines, lavender is also a great bet. Peppermint oil has been shown in studies to be as effective as paracetamol for treating tension headaches and is also a smart choice for IBS symptoms.

In studies, lavender has also helped to reduce lower back pain by almost 40% as part of acupressure treatment.

Thyme is a super effective essential oil for tackling different types of pain. From backache to joint inflammation, this oil is a great multi-tasker to keep around the home ready for when pain strikes.

Eucalyptus oil is very effective at tackling sinus pain. Definitely, one to keep on hand in case you come down with a cold or suffer from blocked sinuses.

Toothache can be eased by clove or sweet marjoram oils, and the latter can also work well for easing chronic neck pain.

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Difference Between Physical And Chemical Sunscreens

By now, all of you already know how essential it is to wear sunscreen daily. And that realization has thankfully led to a lot of women and men to protect their skin from the damages that come with sun exposure. Sunscreen has now the most integral part of morning skincare routine and I couldn’t be happier for everyone who’s doing their best to protect their skin.
Now that everyone has realized the importance of sunscreens, another important question arises; what type of sunscreen should you be using? There’s a lot of debate going on about physical and chemical sunscreens. So, I’ve decided to help you choose the best sunscreen for your skin.
Physical Sunscreen:
Physical sunscreens get their name because they act as a physical barrier against the UV rays from the sun. The sunscreen acts as a shield and does not allow the UV rays to get into your skin and actually ends of deflecting them away from your skin. Physical sunscreens also are known as mineral sunscreen because of the active mineral ingredients that it contains. The two active mineral ingredients, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have the only ingredients that have been labelled as safe by the FDA.
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of physical sunscreens.
• Starting with the pros, physical sunscreens are broad-spectrum. They can protect you from both UVA and UVB rays.
• Physical sunscreens instantly come into action. You don’t have to wait 15-30 minutes for it to start doing its work.
• Has the active ingredients that actually are approved safe by the FDA.
• Because of the white layer that appears on the skin, it’s really easy to tell if your sunscreen is coming off.
• If the skin doesn’t get sweaty or wet, physical sunscreens last longer in the UV light exposure as compared to chemical sunscreens.
• Physical sunscreen is extremely suitable for those who have sensitive skin since it doesn’t allow the heat to absorb.
• It’s really beneficial for acne-prone and oily skin since it does not clog the pores.
• Have a longer expiration date than chemical sunscreens
• The sticky white layer that usually accompanies almost every mineral sunscreen may not be appealing to some.
• You have to apply it frequently especially if you’re sweating because it can rub off.
• A thin layer won’t do. For physical sunscreen to work effectively, you have to apply it properly all over your face.

Chemical Sunscreen:
Chemical sunscreens can also be called organic sunscreens because they contain organic chemicals that absorb the UV rays and convert them into heat which is then released. Most of the sunscreens found in the pharmacies are usually chemical sunscreens. Many people avoid chemical sunscreens fearing that it might penetrate their skin, but it should be noted that it’s not the skin that absorbs the ray but the chemicals in the sunscreen themselves.
• Chemical sunscreens are more efficient when it comes to application. They are thin and elegant which feels good to wear on the skin especially when you’re wearing makeup.
• You don’t have to apply it generously. A small amount will go a long way.
• They don’t feel sticky at all.
• Chemicals can get into your skin, but it has been studied that they are not harmful at all.
• The most vital con I’ve learned about chemical sunscreens is that 12 out of 16 ingredients have not been labelled safe by the FDA. The most worrisome of all is oxybenzone. Oxybenzone has potential to disturb hormone levels and may cause endometriosis. It is not only a risk of humans but is also harmful to the coral reefs in the ocean because it is not biodegradable, that is why it is banned in a lot of places like Huawei and Virgin Islands.
• Chemical sunscreens have been known to irritate the skin and eyes as well which is not good for people with sensitive skin.
• May even cause your brown spots to get worse because of all the heat being made in the skin.
• Requires time ranging from 15-30 minutes to start doing its job after being applied.
• Chemical sunscreens are not as long-lasting as physical sunscreens. They have to be frequently applied throughout the day.
• Some chemical sunscreens may cause acne-prone skin to breakout.
• It is not suitable for people with sensitive skin and the higher the formula of SPF, the worse irritation and redness can get for them.
That’s all from me about physical and chemical sunscreens so now all of you can weigh the pros and cons according to your skin and choose the sunscreen best fit for your skin and your daily routine. And please don’t forget to do a patch test before applying a new sunscreen on your face.

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How To Care For Your Skin While Wearing A Mask

With COVID19 proving to us that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon, we’re all trying to keep ourselves as safe as possible. Everyone’s wearing masks, gloves and if you’re a health-care worker, a PPE kit. We’re all trying to adjust masks and other protective gear as part of our routine when we’re out to buy groceries or have to work outside. While many are us have been finding it difficult to breathe wearing the mask, but have you been noticing that your skin is reacting more than it usually does in this humid weather? If so, you may be experiencing another side-effect of the COVID masks – skin problems.
In the early COVID19 days, a survey was conducted in the Hubei province in China that revealed that nearly all doctors and nurses suffered from damaged skin because of protective gear, especially the masks. Dermatological damage was noticed in the areas of nose, cheeks, chin and hands. But these skin problems aren’t just restricted to health-care workers, is it? Anyone who’s wearing masks regularly and for long intervals is reporting skin problems.
Here are a few common ways your skin is acting up due to COVID masks:
1. Increased Humidity

When wearing a mask, we’re constantly feeling warm breath on our face which causes the humidity around our skin to increase. This humidity which is already blocked around our face starts to clog the pores which can result in acne. Dermatologists are coining this type of acne breakout as “maskne”. Not only that, but the excessive humidity and temperature can also cause rosacea, an inflammatory rash, to act up, which is not good for people with a history of rosacea and acne breakouts.
So, try to keep your skin cool and clean throughout the day and don’t forget to use light moisturizers when wearing masks.

2. Irritants in the masks

Masks, especially the fabric masks sometimes have substance in the cloth which can cause irritate the skin to cause dermatitis. Not only from the cloth, but there are also irritants and allergens in the detergents that can cause your skin to exhibit allergic reactions.

If you think you’re getting an allergic reaction from the detergents, try to use hot water with light, fragrance-free soaps to wash the masks. And try to buy good quality cotton masks.

3. Mask-Skin Friction

If you’re a medical worker or someone who has to wear masks for long hours, you are probably observing that your skin has red marks and the upper layer is starting to chafe. This is due to the friction between your skin and your mask due to the necessary tightness of the mask. If your skin is chafing, you will observe it in areas around your nose, cheeks, ears and jawline.

Try to buy masks that keep you safe but are not too tight or uncomfortable to wear. And when wearing light-weight moisturizers and sunblock, let it first absorb into your skin. It actually helps avoid friction and chafing.

4. Old Skin Routines

Your pre-pandemic skincare routine will probably not work if you have to regularly go outside and wear masks. As much as we want to practice the old skincare and makeup routines to hold on to the old days, it’s actually doing a lot of damage to our skin. Heavy moisturizers and wearing heavy makeup or a using bulk of products can lead to clogging of your pores. You may experience more breakouts than usual, which can lead to acne scars if you factor in the chafing from the masks.

So, it’s best to go easy on the makeup and skincare products and try to use lightweight moisturizers and non-comedogenic products to keep your skin clear and healthy.

5. Repeating the Same Mask

When we’re wearing a mask for a few hours, all the face oils, sweat and makeup can cling to your mask. All the residue will result in bacteria on your skin when you wear the mask again without cleaning it. The bacteria can also be the reason your skin starts to break out, which is something we don’t want.

So, it’s always best to keep a couple of masks in rotation and after wearing a mask, wash it in hot water with mild soap to clean it properly.

COVID masks are here to stay for the next few months. While you’re to keep your insides safe from the virus, try to protect your outsides, your beautiful skin, safe from any dermatological damage.

How are you taking care of your skin while wearing a mask? Share with me.

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5 Things That Can Worsen Your Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation is the dreaded brown, tan, or grey spots that appear on the skin. Now, it’s not something that just happens to women, but the pigmentation is common in men as well. Although people with darker skin tones are more commonly affected, pigmentation can occur on any skin color.
Now the most common types of skin pigmentation are melasma, sunspots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and believe me when I say that it’s important to know what kind of pigmentation you’re suffering from.
Here’s a short version of the three types to help you learn which kind of hyperpigmentation you’re dealing with:
i. Melasma:

Melasma is usually the result of hormone changes and commonly appears during pregnancies. Melasma may appear anywhere on the body but usually appear on the stomach and the face.

ii. Sunspots:

The name tells you everything. Sunspots appear due to excessive exposure to the sun. They are very common and appear in areas that are exposed to the sun, like face and arms.

iii. Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation:

This kind of hyperpigmentation usually appears after an injury or inflammation on the skin. The example we can all relate to is acne.
Most of you might be looking for treatment options but there are certain cares that you must take into account when dealing with hyperpigmentation. We wouldn’t wanna make that hyperpigmentation any worse than it already might be.
Let’s look at five things that might make your hyperpigmentation worse.
1. Ignoring Solar Protection

The fact that exposure to the sun can make your dark spots even darker is a no-brainer. I cannot stress enough about the importance of protection from solar rays. Lots of people out there are still not making sunscreens a part of their routines and that can make your hyperpigmentation even worse. Exposure to solar rays leads to a higher production of melanin and more pigmentation on your skin. So, invest in sunblocks, hats, and clothes that can protect your whole body from the sun.
2. Unsupervised Use of Topical Medication

There are many topical medicines used to treat hyperpigmentation, one of the most popular ingredients in these medications being hydroquinone. While hydroquinone can lighten the skin but prolonged use of hydroquinone without any expert’s supervision can actually lead to the darkening of your skin.

3. Picking at your Face

Most of us are guilty of the constant need to touch our face especially when we’re breaking out but it’s time you leave your face alone. Constantly picking or worse scratching at your acne or even blackheads will in no way help clearing your skin but what it will do is lead to more pigmentation.

4. Stress and Unhealthy Diet

Yes, just another problem caused by stress. Stress is not only an instigator of hyperpigmentation but it actually makes things worse. To top all of it, once you’re prey to hyperpigmentation, you have to be really, really careful with what you’re consuming. When it comes to food, “Psoralens” are to watch out for. Psoralen is the natural insecticide produced by the plants to repel insects but it can actually increase the production of melanin in your skin and allow pigmentation to get worse.
Not only psoralens, but an unhealthy diet can also make the matter a lot worse for you. Consuming unhealthy food especially dairy can lead to acne and inflammations that further lead to more hyperpigmentation.

So, try to practice zen-like calm using stress management techniques like meditation, breathing exercises. They will not only do wonders to your skin but will help a great deal with pigmentation. If you’re confused about your diet, you can watch my video on YouTube where I’ve discussed what kind of diet you need to improve pigmentation.

5. Random Home Remedies

Now, I’m all for a holistic approach to skincare routines and home remedies for skincare problems but when dealing with sensitive problems like hyperpigmentation, please don’t just throw anything on your face. Many people will advise you to use lemon on your skin but that can actually make your pigmentation way worse and also make it super-sensitive to the sun. So, before going for any home remedies, it’s always best to fact check the hacks.

There you have it, guys. If you were wondering before why your pigmentation was getting worse, you’ve probably figured it out by now. So, if you’re guilty of doing any of the above things before, it’s time you correct your habits and let your skin thank you for it!

Hope this will help you manage your pigmentation better.

Love and Health



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Easy Neck And Shoulder Stretches At Home

With all that time we spend on looking at our phones, in front of the laptop and other devices, we all have a certain amount of neck and shoulder tension. And a little bit of ache and tension in that area can be quite annoying.

To alleviate the tension you might be experiencing in your neck, there are a number of natural treatments you can try at home. In addition, the following simple exercises and stretches are also effective for treating neck and shoulder pain. Most of the exercises in the video can be performed while sitting or standing, holding each stretch for 30 seconds, or a minimum of five to 10 breaths. For instant relief, take a long, hot shower to help loosen the muscles prior to exercise.

Try them and let m know how it goes.

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5 Summer Skincare Tips

A lot of you are asking about things to do this summer for skin health.

So here you go, 5 things that you need to take care of during hot and humid weather.

What is your tip for summer skincare?

Leave a comment below.

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3 All Organic Facial Exfoliators

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells and other unwanted debris that cling to the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). Regular exfoliation of both the face and the body is an important part of maintaining healthy skin that looks and feels great.

Why You Need to Exfoliate?
As we age, the rate of skin cell turnover slows, meaning the body takes longer to shed old skin cells and generate new ones. Studies show it takes 40-60 days for skin cells to be completely regenerated in older adults, while it takes only 28 days for younger individuals (and half that for babies!). And to make matters more drastic, the production of collagen—a protein crucial to skin’s firmness and elasticity—also decreases with age, resulting in progressively-thinning, structurally-weakened skin.
So, what can you do to slow this process? Exfoliate. Sloughing away dirt and dead skin cells help eliminate dullness, roughness, and dryness—conditions that amplify the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation—and leaves you with a smooth, radiant complexion.

1 DIY Exfoliator
Sea Salt

2 DIY Exfoliator

3 DIY Exfoliator
Rolled oats
Brown sugar

Exfoliation is a confusing subject, I get that, watch the full video as I clear some myths.

And if you try these exfoliators then let me know how it made your skin feel?

Love and Health



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10 Things I Stopped Spending Money On

It’s an era of minimalism! From minimalistic makeup and jewelry to minimalist interior, I’ve been loving and following this trend quite enthusiastically. Why shouldn’t I? This trend proves that less IS actually more now. You don’t have to be too extra or put in too much effort to live a happy and contented life.
A minimalist approach not only saves time and effort, but it also saves money – which is obviously a huge win. If you’re wondering how you can hop on the minimalist train, just do what I did.
To become a minimalist and save a few bucks, I started to evaluate everything I spend on money on from food to hygiene. I made a checklist of everything and if any item did not help my goals, bring happiness to my life ( the famous Marie Kondo rule), add value to my life, hurting the environment or my wallet, or I had more than necessary; I stopped buying it.
To help you guys, I’ve made a list of things I’ve stopped investing my money into and maybe you’ll also realize that you don’t need to spend too much money on some of these things from my list as well.
1. Too Many Outfits

The first thing I started to do is I started shopping consciously. I’ll be honest, I used to invest a lot of my money on clothes and shoes. Like everyone else, I also used to follow the latest fashion trends but there was no end to that urge. I realized that I didn’t have to follow every fashion trend when it comes to clothes or even shoes. I’ve invested in classics only when it comes to clothes and shoes. Classics never go out of style.
Another step I’m super proud of myself for is I am always trying to invest in sustainable fashion. There’s no clutter, no more pressure to follow new trends and a lot more closet space.

2. Salon Expenses

As much as I love manicure and pedicure, I’ve had to give them up. Turns out, they weren’t as necessary as I thought they were. I do my nails and take care of my feet and hands at home. I have also said no to nail colours since they contain a lot of harmful chemicals.
I’ve also switched from waxing to shaving and as far as facials are concerned, I do organic facials at home which are quite cheaper and healthier.

3. Paperback Books

Okay, I’ll admit I couldn’t stop myself from buying paperback books. Reading paperback books gives me the happiness that an eBook just can’t. So, what I do is when I buy a new book, I give it away after reading it. It is not only decluttering but it’s also an amazing gift. Or I just issue one from a public library. Saves money and space!

5. Junk Food and Snacks

I decided a long time ago to cut the junk food out of my life and it has been by far the best decision I’ve ever made. I cannot insist enough on cutting the junk food out of your life; it changes everything! Not only that, I’ve stopped buying unhealthy snacks as well.
6. Alcohol

I usually don’t drink alcohol. But I have always been wary of the fact that whenever you go out with your friends or partner, you spend a lot of your hard-earned money on expensive alcohols. So, I am always really conscious of spending way too much money on expensive bottles when they aren’t really that healthy for you.

7. Plastic Products

Anything that is not good for Mother Nature, is not good for me. I’ve completely stopped buying any product containing plastic. No more plastic water bottles or containers or any hygiene products that come in a plastic container. I’ve bid farewell to plastic for good and I recommend you guys do as well.

8. Designer Bags

We all understand the calling of designer bags. I just carry around my wallet and my phone since you can use Apple Pay everywhere nowadays. So, I suggest you guys should also use all that money you would’ve spent on a designer bag and invest it somewhere more useful.

9. Makeup Products
. When it comes to buying new makeup, I’ve been following this trending one-at-a-time rule. It means you can only buy one makeup product at a time and you can’t buy another one until one of your products is completely finished (I usually end up buying foundation). This rule saves me from going on a makeup shopping spree and saving a ton of money in the process.

10. Souvenirs

Now that’s the one thing I didn’t realize I was spending too much money on. Buying a bunch of souvenirs, I’ve found, is an absolute waste of money. Every time I was on a trip, I used to buy all sorts of stuff like fridge magnets, iconic buildings, keychains and that sort of stuff but I’ve put an end to this. I don’t buy souvenirs since I don’t really enjoy them once I get back.

So, that was my list of things I’ve stopped investing my money in. I’m super proud of much of a money-saver I’ve become, and I love the stress-free life of a decluttered home. Is anyone else becoming as money-smart as I am? If so, I would love to hear what you have decluttered out of your life. And if you’ve not yet hopped on the declutter train yet, what do you think will be on your list?

How I Use Rice Water For My Hair

A lot of you ask me about my healthy hair secret.
A few months back I was experiencing hair loss, more than usual and I wanted to try out something natural for hair growth and strength.
A friend of mine suggested to use rice water for hair growth, I did my research and I tried it and I was consistent for two months. And I was pleasantly surprised to see some positive results.

The other day I shared this on my Insta Stories and you all wanted to know how I make it.

So I filmed this video to share with you guys.

Have you used rice water for your hair? What is the result you got?
Share it with me.

Love and Health


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Easy And Super Healthy Quinoa Salad Recipe

Many of you are struggling with eating clean right now.
So here’s goes on of my favorite and easiest salad recipes.
Its also very filling and tastes delicious.
Cherry Tomatoes
Lime Juice and zest if you want to add
Rock salt to taste
Olive oil ( i did not add, but you can )
Also herbs like parsley or coriander.
I ran out of them so I did not add them.

Watch the video and see how all these vegetables add to your health.
I did not mention quantity as I never measure while cooking.
That’s just how I cook.


Love and Health


Effective Face mask For Glowing And Brightening Skin

Self-care is big in my diary right now.
It’s important to take care of yourself to take care of everyone around you.
And if you are by yourself, all the more reason to take care of yourself since its good for mental health.

This DIY Face mask is one of my favorites, it’s an exfoliator and mask in one.
Great for pigmented, dull, and uneven skin.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is incredibly versatile and can be used to treat a lot of different issues. But one of the main functions is that it balances the PH level of skin.

Turmeric is highly anti-inflammatory
Fight off acne. Turmeric is excellent for acne because it is a natural antiseptic and helps to keep bacteria from spreading
Reduces dark circles and its brightening.
Protect against sun damage & aging.
Reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Soothe dry skin.

Honey opens up your skin pores to cleanse them and get rid of blackheads. Its antioxidants, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties allow it to help you fight acne by keeping your pores free of oily dirt while at the same time keeping them hydrated and tight to give your clearer complexion.

Try the mask and let me know how it feels.

If you are going through skin issues and you want to understand your skin better, you can check out my online course Holistic Skincare masterclass.
I have a sale going on, it’s only for USD 99 right now.
This course will give you in-depth knowledge about your skin inside out.

Love and Health


5 Easy Ways To Reduce Plastic Waste

Did you know that 8 million tons of plastic waste reaches the ocean every year? According to the National Geographic, that much amount is equal to placing five full garbage bags on every foot of coastline around the world. Plastic being thrown into the ocean is nothing short of a global crisis. According to an estimate, 5.25% trillion plastic particles are floating in the oceans and it is said to outweigh all the fish in the oceans by 2050.

If every one of us start accepting plastic as a pollutant and stop it from reaching the ocean, that would be huge favour to mother nature. Always remember that it only takes one spark to start a fire. So, every tiny step you take towards reducing the plastic waste, will create a huge impact on our environment. And every plastic spoon or cup you don’t throw away, there will be a seagull or turtle extremely grateful for your action. Feels good to hear, doesn’t it?

I suggest you commit to these steps that I personally follow and together we can play our part in reducing the plastic waste. So, here’s what you can do to help:

1. Shop Consciously for Personal Hygiene

From reusable products to plastic free packaging, there are so many to ways to look after yourself and your environment at the same time. Hygiene products, most female hygiene products, contain a lot of plastic and toxic chemicals in them that are not only bad for the environment but could also have harmful for your body. Many companies are working towards sustainable productions and reducing their plastic footprint. Here’s a few changes you can make in your shopping routine to reduce plastic waste without spending a lot of money.
• Instead of plastic toothbrushes that will not decompose for centuries, buy a biodegradable bamboo toothbrush. Not only are they affordable, they’re also really good for your teeth.
• Avoid buying shampoos in plastic containers or just buy reusable containers made of tin to store your shampoo and soaps.
• For shaving, buy non-plastic Safety Razors or electric razors. They might cost you a bunch in the start but will save you a lot of money in the long run.
• Go DIY! DIY lotions, lip balms and deodorants not only allow you to reuse old containers, but you can clearly choose what ingredients you want to put on your skin.

2. Carry your Own Bags and Containers

Instead of asking the cashier for a plastic or paper bag, why not buy 5-6 reusable tote bags and carry them for your grocery shopping. Reusable tote bags are available in majority of stores nowadays. You can also buy separate bags and jars for your produce shopping and do the ocean a huge favour by just spending a few bucks on your reusable bags. Not only are these bags good for the environment, they’re super fun if you personalize them according to your taste.

Another great way to reduce plastic waste is to carry your own reusable container for food instead of plastic containers. If you’re ordering takeaway, ask the restaurant for paper or cardboard packaging and if they only offer plastic containers, ask them to pack the food in your reusable container.

3. Carry your Own Bottle and Mug

I don’t know about you guys, but I love to use my own mug and bottle when I’m outside. Instead of buying plastic water bottles, carry your own reusable water bottle. Or if you’re a caffeine junkie, just carry your own coffee mug and ask the barista to fill your mug instead of a paper cup. I recommend buying a double vacuum insulated steel bottle for your drinks, it will keep your water cold and your coffee hot – just the way you like it.

4. Say No to Single-Use Cutlery

In this day and age, try to cook at home. Cooking at home not only ensures healthy eating but also involves zero use of plastic. But if you’re ordering food, make sure to ask the restaurant not to deliver extra cutlery with it. You have all the fork and spoons you could possibly need at home; you don’t really need the single-use plastic cutlery.
Also, it’s time you bid farewell to plastic straws and use the good old sip to drink your sodas. Or if you really need to use straws, buy a reusable glass straw.

5. Invest in Composter

Investing in a composter will not help you reduce your food and plastic waste but is also really amazing for gardening. If you’ve got a backyard in your house, you can easily decompose your food waste and have a really fertile soil and at the same time you’re saving the use of plastic garbage bags but if you don’t have a backyard, just give away your food waste to a local farmer’s market instead of a garbage can.
It’s not easy to just stop the use of plastic altogether but with these easy steps, it’s a start at the very least. An initiative that will help you play your part in making your environment a better one. Who knows how many people you might inspire to reduce their plastic footprint? Together we can make a huge difference in stopping the plastic from reaching our oceans.

Love and Health


Easy Breakfast Recipes To Make During Quarantine

Two very easy, super nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes for you to make during the quarantine.
All details in the video.
Do you have any questions?
Please ask in the comment box.

What is your favorite breakfast recipe? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health


My Nourishing Hair Oil Recipe

Hope you all are keeping safe and healthy
My secret is no more a secret, here’s how I make my nourishing hair oil.
Make it, try it, be consistent and let me know the results.

Love and Health


Diet For Fading Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

Here’s how a balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help to reduce and prevent hyperpigmentation effectively:
• Load Your Diet With Vitamin C
Since photo-damage is one of the most common factors that lead to dark spots, melasma, and freckles, it’s essential to eat vitamin-C filled foods. This super antioxidant is jam-packed with photo-protective, brightening, and rejuvenating properties. Vitamin C slows down the production of melanocytes by inhibiting the action of tyrosinase, an enzyme required for melanin synthesis. It also boosts the formation of collagen in the body, facilitating faster cell repair and renewal. Moreover, vitamin C defends the skin’s barrier against oxidative stress. Kiwi, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits, and broccoli are great sources of adding vitamin C to your daily diet.
• Amp up Your Vitamin B12 Intake
A lower level of vitamin B12 in the body is known to cause skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation. This essential vitamin is required for the production of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and optimal cognitive functioning. Besides, it acts as the body’s natural pigment regulator that keeps track of how much pigment is produced and where it appears. Vitamin B12 deficiency will not just increase the amount of melanin that results in hyperpigmentation but also reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. You can obtain this vitamin from eggs, dairy products, seafood, red meat, and other non-vegetarian sources.
• Increase Your Vitamin A Consumption
Vitamin A is widely known for its skin-loving effects, such as enhanced cell turnover rate and high concentration of antioxidants. Faster turnover rate ensures the regeneration and repair of damaged skin while antioxidants shield against free radical damage. Spinach, chili peppers, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, sweet potatoes, lettuce, apricots, and turnip are some of the abundant sources of vitamin A. Try to incorporate raw foods with vitamin A because cooking can reduce the efficacy of the nutrients. Get in sync with this miracle compound today and reap its amazing benefits.
• Incorporate Vitamin E into Your Diet
The skincare benefits of vitamin E need no introduction. It’s commonly touted as a skin hydrating, protecting, and brightening agent by various skincare manufacturers. Vitamin E provides the same incredible benefits when consumed in food. Its antioxidants reinforce the skin’s protective layer to protect it against harmful toxins and UV rays. The deep hydrating effect makes the skin glow from the inside. Try eating vitamin-E rich foods like apples, avocados, green tea, nuts, broccoli, and tomatoes to treat your hyperpigmentation naturally.
• Fill your Diet with Zinc
This is yet another skin-friendly nutrient that plays a significant role in keeping the skin feeling and looking healthy. It aids in cell production, protects against free radicals and UV rays, promotes tissue healing, and fights against bacteria and inflammation. Reduced level of zinc in the body is associated with the formation of hyperpigmentation along with a number of other skin issues. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep providing your body with a consistent supply of zinc through your daily diet to keep it in its top shape. A few of the foods to make sure your body is getting enough zinc include shrimps, kidney beans, flax seeds, almonds, chickpeas, beef, lamb, spinach, avocado, chicken, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, and lentils.
• Slack on Sugar
If you have a sweet tooth and struggle to fight hyperpigmentation, we have bad news for you. Your favorite desserts can cause glycation in the body, worsening your skin discoloration and unevenness. Glycation is the process during which glucose attaches to the protein molecules in the body and causes the protein to break down, resulting in collagen degradation. Therefore, cut down on your sugar consumption and avoid food items with high glycemic index, including pasta, white rice, chocolate bars, pre-made pasta sauce, candy bars, bottled salad dressings, and processed food. Some common swaps for refined sugar are honey, monk fruit, and stevia.
• Avoid Fizzy Drinks
Processed food and refined sugar are not the only enemies of your skin. Fizzy drinks are just as harmful and cause inflammation in the body that leads to cell degeneration. Cell damage can manifest in the form of acne breakouts, discoloration, or premature signs of aging. In addition, such inflammatory drinks have no or very little nutritional value. So, it’s time for you to ask yourself if it’s really worth putting your skin and body through unnecessary harmful effects. If you want to maintain a healthy body and, in turn, healthy skin, do yourself a favor and avoid drinking soda, energy drinks, packaged juices, and other sugary beverages. Turn to healthier ways of keeping your body hydrated, like herbal teas, fresh vegetable juices, and most importantly plain water.

Love and Health



6 Tips for Silencing Your Inner Critic

During this period of uncertainty, self-love is very important so lets dive a little deeper into it today.
We all have an inner critic that talks to us and offer us “advice”. Trouble is, this kind of self-talk can be very negative and unhelpful, especially when it comes to self love and can create a lot of anxiety and even shame.

Let’s face it, it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you have a strong inner critic that excels at making you feel bad about yourself. Silencing this inner critic is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing. It won’t necessarily be easy but you can encourage your mind to engage in positive self-talk!

Here are some tips for moving away from self-criticism and adopting thoughts patterns that are much more helpful and self-loving.

Think about what you’d tell other people

If the same situation happened to a friend, it’s very doubtful that you’d tell them the same things you tell yourself. We tend to be a lot harsher to ourselves than we are to other people, especially when it comes to mistakes. Next time your inner critic pipes up, try asking yourself what you’d say if it had happened to a friend.

Break long standing negative beliefs

A lot of us have deep-seated beliefs that we have held since we were young. You may not be aware of them if they have become second nature so the first step is to understand which ones you may hold and how they have been influencing your behavior.

For example, maybe you believe that you’re not good at certain things because of a bad experience earlier on in life or maybe you assume that you’re just not cut out for weight loss because you’ve not had success with diets. Or your inner critic might repeatedly tell you that you always get everything wrong and are useless.

Whatever form it takes, this negative self-talk can then become a self-fulfilling prophecy as an adult and leads to repeating patterns around these beliefs. At its worst, your inner critic can lead to destructive “coping” habits such as overeating, drinking too much or taking drugs. At the very least, it can really hold you back in life and stop you from being “you”.

The next step is to challenge these beliefs. If you’re being really objective, deep down you’ll know that there isn’t any real evidence to back them up. And if you dip deep enough and are really honest with yourself, you’ll probably find plenty of examples of situations that completely debunk the belief(s).

Focus on your strengths

Once you can recognize that your deep seated beliefs are not truths, you can focus on your strengths and start to see yourself in a different way. You won’t be defined by these beliefs and they can have less influence on your behaviour.

Your inner critic can make it hard to appreciate your “wins” but there is where a “proud moments” journal can work wonders. It helps you to appreciate the things that you’re good at and retrains your mind to see the best in you, rather than the areas that you think you’re lacking in.

Another trick is to write a list of your strengths and keep it folded up in your purse. Whenever your inner critic comes to the fore, you can refer to this list and remind you of your strengths. If you can’t come up with many on your own, rope in family and friends to tell you what they see your strengths as.

Practice mindfulness

Adopting a more mindful way of dealing with your thoughts can help your inner critic to be less powerful. If you’ve been so used to your self-criticism that it’s now second nature, mindfulness can also be a great way to make yourself aware of your critical thoughts in the first place. Once you can identify when they happen, you’re in a much better place to challenge them. You might it helpful to record patterns between your negative self-talk and how you feel when it happens.

Challenging your Inner critic

To some extent, your inner critic is protecting you from feeling certain emotions but this isn’t particularly helpful in the long term. Ask yourself what it is that you’re really scared of.

These may be quite wide ranging emotions when you dig deeper. For example, telling yourself that you’re fat and unattractive if you put weight on can be masking deeper feelings about losing control, fear and failure.

Acknowledging and getting in touch with the real emotions allows you to tell your inner critic that you understand where it’s coming from but you’re perfectly okay to deal with them.

Use positive affirmations

Making positive mantras and affirmations a key part of your day can help to move your thought patterns from negative to positive. This can be really effective for silencing your inner critic if you adapt your affirmations to focus on positive things about yourself – particularly areas that you feel negative about right now. Over time, it should help to retrain your thought processes.

Five Skin Care Tips For Your Body

Below are 5 top ways to take care of your body skin. While this list is by no means holistic, it serves as a good starting point for basics of skincare and should leave your body skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated:
1. Get into a skincare routine
Just like your face, your body skin also needs a proper skincare routine. Cleanse your skin with a gentle body wash that suits your skin type and won’t irritate or dry out your skin. Exfoliation, especially for elbows, knees, and heels, is another way to remove dead skin and prevent it from looking dull. Body skin is tougher than the skin on the face, so you don’t need to worry too much about rigorous scrubbing, but use an exfoliator or scrub that is suited to your skin type, especially if you use shaving to remove unwanted hair.
Lastly, hydration is the key. Use a body lotion or body butter generously to moisturize your skin starting from your neck down to your toes. The best time to do this is immediately after a shower when the body is still a bit damp so it absorbs moisture well.

2. Take care when shaving/waxing
Removing unwanted hair is an essential part of our skincare routine. But whether you are shaving, waxing or getting some other treatment done, pre- and post-care is essential. For instance, it is best to spend some time in the shower before shaving as it helps soften the skin and prevent cuts and bruises. Similarly, applying a soothing gel or moisturizer after waxing/laser helps keep the skin calm. Most technicians also apply aloe vera gel or a calming lotion after performing electrolysis on the skin.
Which hair removal method you opt for is a personal choice and depends on a number of factors including hair growth, convenience, pain threshold, budget. etc. But whichever method you opt for, do ensure proper follow-up care after the procedure to make sure you do not see any unpleasant reactions on your skin.

3. Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays
This step is mandatory in ensuring healthy and vibrant skin. A lot of exposure to the sun can result in skin damage, dark spots, premature aging, and even skin cancer in extreme cases. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen when going out – a moisturizer or BB cream with SPF 15 is usually enough for limited exposure, but high exposure activities like sports and swimming may require SPF 30 or SPF 50 which will need to be reapplied every couple of hours. SPF 30 is also recommended for kids and for those who have sensitive skin (talk to your dermatologist if you have concerns about choosing the right one)
Apart from that, if you expect to have prolonged exposure to the sun, wear protective clothing and avoid unnecessary exposure to sensitive parts of the body. Also make sure your clothing isn’t too tight or uncomfortable when the day is warm and sunny, as it won’t allow the skin to breathe properly and unnecessary perspiration may occur.

4. Manage stress and anxiety
Stress, fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety – these not only take a toll on your facial skin but on your body skin as well. A lot of people experience dry, patchy skin and acne breakouts when they are nervous or worried about something. While this is not controllable 100% of the time, it is essential that we maintain a positive outlook towards life and try and keep the stress at a minimum.
Having a regular routine and staying active plays a key role in this regard. Getting enough sleep, exercising, not smking and taking out time to pause and enjoy things in life will go a long way in keeping your skin healthy and youthful looking. Meditation and yoga can help improve bloodcirculation and slow down the aging process for your skin.

5. Eat healthily
While moisturizing your skin from the outside is essential, staying hydrated internally is just as, if not more, important. Our body is approximately 60% water, making it a key component for a properly functioning human body. Health authorities recommend drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, and your skin is directly affected by how much water intake you have. A well-hydrated skin looks fresh, radiant and youthful, and has a significantly positive impact on all functions of the body.
Furthermore, diet plays a huge role in how healthy your skin is. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy can help promote healthier and younger looking skin. Oily, spicy, sugary foods should be avoided, as should fizzy drinks and alcohol. All of these can have damaging effects on your skin which can range from being mild to permanent depending on the frequency of intake.

What are your tips, share with me in the comments below.

Love and Health


6 Daily Habits That Changed My Life

You are what you strive for. I found out that human will is a very strong asset. It can take you to places you never imagined. Our decisions decide who we are going to become and this is one of the most ruthless yet the most comforting line. Ruthless for those who don’t want to get up and write their fate, and comforting for those who are out there, burning the midnight oil to carve their destiny the way they want it to be.
We have to take control of our lives or we’ll be under the control of this life. I learned this when I started experiencing a difference in my life quality after adopting some habits. At first, I had no idea about how would everything change for me and why would integrating some habits into my life would make it better. However, only upon doing it, I got the best answer.
I will highlight the top 6 habits that improved the quality of my life soon after I made them a part of my daily routine.

Waking up and sleeping early
I had a very disturbed sleeping pattern because of the tremendous workload. It became a habit so bad that even when I had nothing to do, I stayed up late. This deprived me of sleep quite often and my mornings were quite inefficient and caffeine dependent. Coffee and tea can be used to boost one’s activity but depending on them is never a good thing. However, I started worrying about my sleep pattern when my daily performance got affected by it.
Initially, as an experiment, I started going to bed early. It took time as I was not used to it. In a few days, I was going to bed early.

Breathing exercises and meditation
Meditation is one of the most brain nourishing activities. Peace of mind is what you need to make wiser decisions and live a happy life. When I started waking up early, meditation was the first thing that I used to do. It blessed me with numerous blessings. Meditation improved my concentration and lowered my stress level throughout the day. I was so surprised and glad to see my stress handling becoming so good and effective. Situations that made me anxious were no more causing any distress and it all goes back to the meditation early in the morning.

A deep breath stimulates the body to release endorphins. They are a natural pain killer and make the person feel good. Endorphins have various health benefits that include healing inflammation, relaxing the mind and body, and improves blood flow.

Writing gratitude journal

The universe blessed me a lot and I couldn’t be less thankful enough for all the things I’ve ever had. Being grateful for the things one has is positive behavior and things start responding more and more when you thank the universe for giving you what you have. Our endless desires are a hurdle in our way of being happy. Being thankful and demonstrating it in your behavior turns the bad back and clears your paths. Keeping a gratitude journal reminds you of where you started and keeps you humble. That’s what I have been doing and it has proved to be a beneficial act for me.

Maintaining a diary about the things to do

Writing things down is a sort of affirmation. When you write down something that needs to be done in a given time frame, subconsciously the brain takes orders and gets to work for making that particular thing happen. This all happens so passively that we don’t get a clue. However, I kept track of my routine and found out that the tasks that I wrote in my diary are well done and in time. On the other hand, unwritten tasks often fall prey to laziness or some other unforeseen circumstance.

Stay hydrated

Health is one of the most important factors for a successful life. One can’t perform well if they are not healthy internally. Going to the gym or working out isn’t what I started with. It was all started with just staying hydrated. Water constitutes around 65% of our body. Our routines don’t involve staying hydrated much and this is where we deprive the body of its major constituent. Then we wonder why do we get tired easily and our brain cant work for more than 6 hours. I started staying hydrated and that became one of the best decisions of my life. It made me feel so whole and healthy.

Eat consciously
Malnutrition is often referred to as having a weak body because of not getting enough food. However, a healthy-looking person can also be malnourished. To prevent being in this situation, a person’s diet should consist of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. A balanced diet will ensure each and every demand of the body is being fulfilled.
My journey of shifting to a diet that consisted of all the essential vitamins and minerals was an enlightening one. I realized how listening to the demands of the body could produce such good results. Being active, feeling healthy, and a stronger immune system was the reward of eating the right food in the right amount.

What are the habits that changed your life? Share with me below.

Love and Health


How Pollution Affects your Skin

By now, everyone knows that you should NEVER leave your skin unprotected when it comes to sun exposure. Research suggests that pollution is just as harmful to our skin as unprotected sun exposure.
Pollution is one of the biggest dangers to your skin barrier – the golden veil protecting your skin against all bads. It significantly damages the skin’s microbiome by throwing it off balance which in turn disrupts the skin barrier.
Here are a few worrisome problems that air pollution can cause to our skin:
• Dull or uneven skin tone
• Wrinkles
• Enlarged pores
• Brown spots
• Acne
• Dry or itchy skin
To know everything about “common enemy”, we must know what pollution holds can do so we can create a stronger defense.
• Gaseous Pollutants making way for more problems
The pollutants can’t penetrate your skin right away but what they actually do is stick to your skin’s surface and start a consistent on your skin to leave it damaged just enough for new pollutants to easily pass through your skin barrier and wreak havoc to your beautiful skin.
• Nanoparticles damaging the pores
There’s another pollutant that is non-gaseous that we need to watch out for, that is small particulate matter. Also known as nanoparticles, these pollutants are so small that they can even get into your pores and become trapped in them – which we can all realize how many problems will that lead to. And that’s not even the worst part, these annoying nanoparticles can’t be easily removed by just washing our faces. Why does everything have to be so difficult?
• Smog – the source of free radicals
Smog is one of the most harmful sources of skin damage since it produces so many free radicals on your skin as compared to other pollutants. These radicals deteriorate the skin and target the skin in such a way that it starts to age prematurely.

• UV Rays – Many problems, One Cause
UV radiations have been proven to be the cause of age maturity and sunburn as well. Exposure to UVA rays has been observed to cause photoaging which leads to wrinkles, pigmentation and solar elastosis (a skin condition that causes the skin to appear yellow and thick). While exposure to UBB causes sunburn. Who wants that?!
• Cigarette Smoke ( CS)? Say goodbye to your Collagen
We’ve all heard and seen the effects a cloud of CS can have on the respiratory system, but the extent of damages CS can cause to your skin is also quite troubling. CS is comprised of thousands of chemical substances that can decrease the water in your skin causing dehydrated skin, disrupting the skin tissues and causing a lot of damage to the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers.
This will lead to premature aging and deeper wrinkling. And if you’re the one that’s doing it, hear this, it can even cause orange-purple skin discoloration.
• Automobile Exhaust causing some serious trouble
The chemicals and fumes from automobile exhaust have been proven to lead to pigmentation, premature aging, acne breakouts, and even skin cancer. These chemicals have also been linked to comedones and cysts. I know how you guys feel, I’m as scared as you guys are.
These pollutants make you want to stay indoor forever, right? As much as you wish you could stay inside forever, we know that’s not going to happen. With a healthy diet and proper skincare routine, your skin can pretty much fight off everything. I have many videos on those topics.
Watch them on my channel. Do You live in a polluted city, how do you manage your skin?
Comment Below.

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This Is What Makes Broccoli And Kale Superfoods

Of course, broccoli and kale are superfoods – and for many good reasons.

Not only are they seriously packed with nutrients, and are amongst the most nutrient-dense foods around. But, they’re also packed with amazing health-promoting compounds.

Today we’ll list out some of the impressive numbers of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and detoxifying abilities of these super vegetables.

Broccoli and kale are often touted to be “superfoods.” And, yes, they really are amazingly healthy for you.

If you’re wondering what exactly is in these green powerhouses that makes them so “super,” I’ve dived into the research to give you some nerdy reasons to make these a staple in your diet.

To start, they’re both considered cruciferous vegetables related to each other in the Brassica family. This family of super plants also includes cauliflower, cabbage, mustard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

These superfoods have a tonne of nutrition, and other health-promoting compounds, they’re relatively inexpensive and easy to cook too!

Super nutrition

Broccoli and kale are full of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. They’re both considered to be nutrient-dense which is a measure of nutrients per calorie – and these both have a lot!

100 grams of broccoli about 1 cup, chopped contains:
● 34 calories
● 2.8 g protein, 0.4 g fat, 6.6 g carbohydrates, and 2.6 g fiber.
● Good source of B vitamins when eaten raw
● 100% of your daily vitamin C
● Almost 100% of your vitamin K
● Good source of manganese
● Traces of all the other vitamins and minerals

One cup of loosely packed kale contains:
● 8 calories
● 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat including omega-3, 1.4 g carbohydrates, and 0.6 g fiber.
● It contains pre-vitamin A beta-carotene.
● Several B vitamins, including B1, B3, B5, B6, and folate B9
● Rich in vitamins C and K
● Lots of minerals including manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sulfur, copper, phosphorus, and calcium

As you can see, these two foods contain a lot of nutrients.

NOTE: Too much vitamin K may interact with certain thinning medications. If you’re taking one of these medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before incorporating too much of these superfoods into your diet.

Broccoli and kale also contain other health-promoting compounds.

Super health-promoting compounds

Broccoli and kale tend to taste a bit bitter – but that bitterness equals healthfulness!

This bitter flavor is from some of the health-promoting compounds in these super plant foods. Things like glucosinolates e.g., sulforaphane and isothiocyanates and polyphenol flavonols.

There are a few different types of kale – from curly kale to dinosaur kale, to red/purple kale. The different colors result from slight differences in the amounts of the compounds these plants contain.

One of the main active ingredients in cruciferous vegetables is glucosinolates. These antioxidant compounds are very useful to help detoxify and protect against cancer.

FUN FACT: It’s the precursors to glucosinolates that are in cruciferous vegetables, not the compounds themselves. When fresh broccoli and kale are eaten or even chopped/blended raw the active compounds are produced.

NOTE: Glucosinolates may affect iodine absorption and thyroid health, particularly in people prone to thyroid disease. In this case, you may not have to ditch these superfoods altogether – just cook them first.

These superfoods also contain flavonols like kaempferol and quercetin. Flavonols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and they decrease your risk of cancer.

Kale also contains carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are known for promoting eye health and are protective against many cancers.

When cooked, kale contains another anti-cancer compound called indole.

Do you, or anyone you know, absolutely love or not, these superfoods? Do you have a favorite recipe to share? Let me know in the comments below.

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The Truth About Processed Foods

No one is going to argue that unprocessed foods are good for you and ultra-processed foods are often not. But, there is a bit of a grey area between them.

And this is only true if we have clear definitions of what processed means.

In the post I am sharing today I dive into the four official categories of food processing:
● Unprocessed
● Minimally processed
● Processed
● Ultra-processed

What Makes a Food Processed?

The world of food can be so confusing at times. There was a time when it was clear what food was – it came directly from nature – whether foraging, hunting, or farming.

Now there are so many things we eat that don’t resemble natural food.

Michael Pollan has a famous quote, he said:

● Eat Food – Not too much – Mostly Plants

And in his famous book, In Defense of Food, he defines what food should be. He says, “Don’t eat anything your great-great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”

And, we can all agree that some things are obviously not recognizable by our great-great-grandmothers: candy bars, fast food, and sports drinks.

We can also say that many of the common health issues we face today: heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, cavities, etc. didn’t exist at anywhere near the rates before industrially processed foods became available.

But, where do we draw the line? How do we define processed? How processed is processed? And what the heck is ultra-processed?

Allow me to let you in on the internationally recognized classification system. And we’re going to go through it step-by-step with an apple.


According to NOVA, the official definition of unprocessed or natural foods is:

“The edible parts of plants (seeds, fruits, leaves, stems, roots) or of animals(muscle, offal, eggs, milk), and also fungi, algae, and water, after separation from nature.”

This is like eating a whole apple right off the tree – clearly unprocessed.

Minimally processed

Minimally processed foods are:

“natural foods altered by processes such as removal of inedible or unwanted parts, drying, crushing, grinding, fractioning, filtering, roasting, boiling, pasteurization, refrigeration, freezing, placing in containers, vacuum packaging, or nonalcoholic fermentation. None of these processes adds substances such as salt, sugar, oils or fats to the original food.”
So, with our apple example, once you cut the apple’s core out and put the slices into a container to bring with you for your afternoon snack, you are processing it – minimally. You can even peel and boil that chopped apple to make applesauce. And, as long as you don’t add anything else (like cinnamon), it’s still considered minimally processed.


Processed foods, on the other hand, are relatively simple products made by adding sugar, oil, salt or other processed ingredients to unprocessed foods.

“Most processed foods have two or three ingredients. Processes include various preservation or cooking methods, and, in the case of bread and cheese, non-alcoholic fermentation. The main purpose of the manufacture of processed foods is to increase the durability of unprocessed foods, or to modify or enhance their sensory qualities.”

So, if you take that applesauce, add cinnamon, and/or use it in a recipe, you technically have processed the apple.

This can still be a healthy choice, as you’ll see in the next definition of ultra-processed.


Here’s where things get interesting and scary!

Ultra-processed foods are:

“Industrial formulations typically with five or more and usually many ingredients. Such ingredients often include those also used in processed foods, such as sugar, oils, fats, salt, anti-oxidants, stabilizers, and preservatives. Ingredients only found in ultra-processed products include substances not commonly used in culinary preparations, and additives whose purpose is to imitate sensory qualities of [unprocessed] foods … or to disguise undesirable sensory qualities of the final product. [Unprocessed] foods are a small proportion of or are even absent from ultra-processed products.”

So, pre-packaged apple strudel with a long shelf life is very much an ultra-processed food. If you took a look at the ingredient list of pre-packaged apple strudel (one with a long shelf life), you would see added sugars, oils, preservatives, and flavour enhancers. And we can argue that the healthy apple is a small (very small) proportion of the strudel.

Now that you know the definitions of these foods, I think you’ll agree with me that the commonly used term processed is often referring to the industrial ultra-processing of foods.

I’d love to hear your thought on these definitions. Let me know in the comments below.

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Elimination Diet: The Easy Way To Discover A Food Intolerance

If you have some nagging symptoms, it’s possible that they’re related to the foods you eat! And we’re not just talking digestive symptoms. Even things like headaches, joint pain, or eczema can be related to food that you’re sensitive to.

How would you find out if there is food at the root of your issue? Through an elimination diet!

Elimination diets are just that – eliminating certain foods. Then you reintroduce them back one at a time to see if you are sensitive to those foods.

It’s a strategic process that can be great… but also not so great.

Our digestive system is a huge portal into our bodies. Lots of things can get in there that aren’t always good for us. And because the system is so complex (knowing which tiny molecules to absorb, and which keep out), lots can go wrong. And that’s one reason why 70% of our immune system lives in and around our digestive system.

This makes food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances a huge contribution to an array of symptoms all over our bodies. Things like autoimmune issues, inflammation, and even our moods can be affected by what we eat. If you have digestive issues or any other unexplained symptoms, you may consider trying an elimination diet.

An elimination diet is one where you strategically eliminate certain foods to see if you react to them. It can help immensely when trying to figure out if a particular food is causing symptoms because you’re sensitive to it.

You generally start out by eliminating the most common food allergens for a few weeks. Then you slowly add them back one at a time and note any symptoms (better or worse).

Let’s go over the pros and cons of this diet.

Pros of elimination diets

The main benefit is that, by tuning in to your body’s reactions to certain foods, you can pinpoint sensitivities and intolerances that you may not otherwise know of. Experiencing results first-hand can be very motivating when it comes to sticking to eliminating a certain food.

Elimination diets can be less expensive, and in some cases more reliable, than standard allergy testing.

It can also be very empowering to be in control of what you eat, learn about food and the compounds they contain, and try new recipes that exclude eliminated foods. Having a good plan makes things much easier (even exciting). If you love grocery shopping, cooking from scratch, and trying new recipes, you’re going to draw on all these skills.

These diets can be customizable, which is a great pro (see first con below).

Cons of elimination diets

You may not figure out everything you’re sensitive to. Your plan should be strategically created to ensure that the most common food allergens are eliminated. This will give you the highest likelihood of success. It can become complicated if you let it.

t’s a commitment for around 4-6 weeks, if not longer (which can be difficult for some people).

If you’re not used to tracking all foods and all symptoms every day, you’re going to have to start doing it.

You may find that you’re intolerant to one of your favorite foods, or even an entire group of your favorite foods.

When you’re eliminating certain foods (or parts of foods, like gluten), it can be HARD! You almost need to prepare all of your foods, snacks and drinks yourself from scratch. If you don’t take full control like this, it can be so easy to accidentally ingest something that you’re cutting out. And at that point, you might need to start all over again.


Elimination diets can be a very useful tool to identify food sensitivities. They can be empowering and customized.

However, they can be difficult to adhere to and, sadly, you may find out that you’re sensitive to your favorite foods.

Have you done an elimination diet? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below.

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Natural Ways To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is more common than most people think. And there are lots of things you can do to keep food moving right through you (without sticking around for too long).

We’ve all heard to eat more prunes, right? But there are lots of things you can eat, drink, and do beyond prunes.

By incorporating some of the strategies in this post, you can help to optimize your gut health, which can also help your overall health.

What to Eat if You Get Constipated

Constipation is the opposite of diarrhea – it’s when stool tends to stick around longer than necessary. Often it’s drier, lumpier, and harder than normal, and may be difficult to pass.

Constipation often comes along with abdominal pain and bloating. And can be common in people with certain gut issues, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

About 14-24% of adults experience constipation. Constipation becomes chronic when it happens at least three times per week for three months.

Constipation can be caused by diet or stress, and even changes to our daily routine. Sometimes the culprit is a medical condition or medications. And sometimes there can be a structural problem with the gut. Many times the cause is unknown.

Whether you know why or not, there are some things you can do if you get constipated.

1 – Eat more fiber

You’ve probably heard to eat more prunes (and figs and dates) if you get constipated.

Why is that?

It comes down to fiber.

Dietary fiber is a type of plant-based carbohydrate that we can’t digest and absorb. Unlike cows, humans don’t have the digestive enzymes to break it down. And that’s a good thing!

Even though we can’t digest it ourselves, fiber is very important for our gut health for two reasons.

First, fiber helps to push things through our system (and out the other end).

Second, fiber is an important food for feeding the friendly microbes in our gut.

There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to make a gel-like consistency. It can soften and bulk up the stool; this is the kind of fiber that you want to focus on for helping with constipation. Soluble fiber is found in legumes (beans, peas, lentils), fruit (apples, bananas, berries, citrus, pears, etc.), vegetables (broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc.), and grains like oats.

Psyllium is a soluble non-fermenting fiber from corn husks. It’s been shown to help soften stools and produce a laxative effect.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, holds onto water and can help to push things through the gut and get things moving. It’s the kind found in the skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, celery, zucchini, as well as the skins of apples, pears, and potatoes.

It’s recommended that adults consume between 20-35 grams of fiber per day.

If you are going to increase your fiber intake, make sure to do it gradually. Radically changing your diet can make things worse!

And, it’s also very important to combine increased fiber intake with my next point to drink more fluids.

2 – Drink more fluids

Since constipated stools are hard and dry, drinking more fluids can help keep everything hydrated and moist. This is especially true when trying to maintain a healthy gut every day, rather than when trying to deal with the problem of constipation after it has started.

And it doesn’t only have to be water – watery foods like soups, and some fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your fluid intake.

Always ensure you’re well-hydrated, and drinking according to thirst; this is recommended for gut health as well as overall health.

3 – Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial microbes that come in fermented foods and supplements. They have a number of effects on gut health and constipation. They affect gut transit time (how fast food goes through us), increase the number of bowel movements per week, and help to soften stools to make them easier to pass.

Probiotic foods (and drinks) include fermented vegetables (like sauerkraut and kimchi), miso, kefir, and kombucha.

More research is needed when it comes to recommending a specific probiotic supplement or strain. If you’re going to take supplements, make sure to read the label to ensure that it’s safe for you. And take it as directed.

4 – Lifestyle

Some studies show a gut benefit from regular exercise.

Ideally, aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes most days.

In terms of stress, when we’re stressed, it often affects our digestive system. The connection between our gut and our brain is so strong, researchers have coined the term “gut-brain axis.”

By better managing stress, we can help to reduce emotional and physical issues (like gut issues) that may result from stress. Try things like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise.

Have you found that fibre, water, or probiotics affect your gut health? What about exercise, stress, and regular bathroom trips? I’d love to know in the comments below!

Love and Health


These 5 Things Will Give You Better Skin

Your skin is amazing! It’s your largest organ and can help you look and feel fabulous.

But if it’s not fabulous at this very moment, let me help you to nourish it from the inside. Some foods can help your skin, and some foods can harm your skin. And I want to share with you some of my best skin-healthifying tips.

Whether it’s dryness, redness, blemishes, or whatever, your skin needs proper nutrition from the inside, not just the outside.

While I give you a list of foods great for your skin, I also have a super-simple recipe to incorporate them into your diet.

There are so many things that can go wrong with the skin: dryness, redness, blemishes, etc.

Healthy skin is a reflection of internal health. There are many creams and cosmetics to put on top of your skin. But, there are also lots of things you can do to nurture and nourish your skin to better health from the inside.

How better to do this than with food?

Your skin needs many nutrients: water, essential fats, vitamins, and amino acids. Here are five foods (and drinks and lifestyle tips) I highly recommend if your goal is healthier-looking skin. As a bonus, I have included a shortlist of some key foods to consider avoiding.

Let’s dive in.

Skin Food #1 – Water

No doubt hydration is key for healthy-looking skin! Water and other hydrating fluids are great to help your skin stay moist and supple.

And for a bit of an extra anti-inflammatory hydrating boost, try boosting your water with anti-inflammatory green tea (sugar-free if possible).

Skin Food #2 – Fish

Fish contains many nutrients important for skin health – omega-3s, and vitamins A and D to name a few.

Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory to help cool the flames of inflammation. Vitamin A can help with blemishes and dryness, while vitamin D helps with skin tone.

Skin Food #3 – Bell peppers, citrus, and broccoli

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our body. It’s also known to help our skin stay firm and supple.

Vitamin C is necessary for your body to make collagen. So foods rich in vitamin C are great for your skin. Cue: bell peppers, citrus, and broccoli.

FUN FACT: Overcooking vitamin C-rich foods can destroy some of the skin-supporting vitamins. So, try having these lightly steamed or raw for maximum vitamin C levels.


Did you know there are approximately 52 muscles in your face, and exercising them helps release facial tension, neck, and eye strain?

The muscles of the face are no different from the muscles of the rest of the body. If you don’t exercise the muscles below the neck, they become weak and flabby, and the same thing will happen to your face with age. Relaxing the facial muscles, especially where we hold tension – like the jaw, brow, and forehead – can counteract the wrinkle-causing grimacing we do on a daily basis. Facial Yoga obviously doesn’t eradicate lines, but it can definitely change the downward drift.

Love and Health


Skin “Food” #5 – Sleep more & stress less

I know these aren’t exactly foods, but they’re an important part of naturally great skin. When we don’t sleep enough, or stress too much our body flips on systems that affect our whole body… including our skin.

Stress hormones can increase inflammation and lead to not-so-healthy looking skin. Prioritize sleep and stress management, and you can see results in your life, and in your skin.

Watch out for these foods

Some foods are allergenic or inflammatory. These can cause all sorts of issues in your body, including affecting your skin.

It’s hard to come up with one list of inflammatory or allergenic foods for everyone. Each person is biochemically unique, so you may have to go through this and see what applies to you. There are a few common allergens that may be a good bet to eliminate from your diet.

The first is processed foods. These are pretty much not-so-good for everyone. And they can affect your health in so many ways, including how your skin looks & feels. Try ditching pre-packaged and fast foods in favour of whole foods as much as possible. Not just for your skin, for your whole body (and mind).

The second is gluten. While only a small number of people have serious reactions to gluten (i.e., celiac disease), many more people are intolerant to it. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and a few other grains. Many people have had several health concerns, including skin issues, clear up after eliminating gluten from their diets.

Third in line is dairy. It could be a hormonal response or even an insulin response. We don’t quite know why, but many people who cut out dairy report better skin

Travel With Me To Mauritius Episode 2

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” was aptly said by Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan explorer whose expeditions took him further than any other known traveler of his time. When I visited Mauritius this time, this was exactly what happened to me!
This beautiful island is like paradise with mile after mile of golden sandy beaches, but once you scratch below the surface, there’s a lot of culture and history. This island in the middle of the Indian Ocean is home to some incredible activities, unusual natural wonders, and fascinating history. Obviously, Mauritius is famous for 5* luxury hotels for a reason, and if you’re looking for a holiday to sit back and relax, Mauritius should definitely be on the list. I loved traveling around Mauritius and it completely blew me away. I have no doubt you’ll love it too! From Belle Marre Plage I checked out on the 7th day of my trip and checked into Maradiva Resort.

The 5-star Maradiva Resort is located on Wolmar Beach – near Flic en Flac. It is situated in a 27-acre tropical garden in the beautiful Tamarin Bay – well known for its stunning sunsets and dolphins. Owned by a fifth-generation Mauritian family, this hotel is the only all-villa hotel on the island. Spread over a generous 27 acres of lush tropical gardens, it’s also one of the island’s most private property, with a focus on romance, gastronomy, and wellness. Walking in the resort, I found the resort much better than what I had expected. Originally a Taj hotel, Mauritian-owned Maradiva’s architecture reflected the island’s mixed heritage. With cathedral ceilings, earthy yellow-and-ochre walls and polished Madagascan Rosewood floors, it was luxurious without being showy.

Watch the full episode

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6 Ways To Defy Aging and Enhance Radiance

Why do YOU look tired, worn down and aged?
Have people been telling you that you look tired or that you look older than you really are?
That is something that no woman wants to hear! Have you asked yourself why do people keep telling you that? Maybe it is time to re-evaluate!
You may not know this but the amount of sleep you get, the foods that you put into your body and the amount of activity you pursue have an everlasting effect on how you look and feel!

1.The Dirty Dozen That Causes Wrinkles
Here is a list of foods that are secret wrinkle formers. Stay away from these foods so that your skin looks flawless!
• Processed Meats
• Pasteurized Dairy
• Refined Sugar
• Alcohol
• High-fat & High-Sodium Snacks
• Coffee
• Fried Foods
• Gluten
• Overcooked Foods
• Soda
• Frozen Meals
• Flavored Yogurt
Once you eliminate these foods that cause those unwanted crow’s feet, you will have the ageless skin you have always wanted!

2. Gluten is Not Your Friend
When gluten is oxidized in the body, the Sulphur containing amino acids it possesses creates a bridge between the fibers and causes the protein to harden. When this happens, parts of the body that absorb the abnormal nutrient starts to lose their suppleness and elasticity, leading to pain and sagging skin.

Since one cannot stop oxidation from occurring, the best natural anti-aging means to follow is adhering to a gluten-free diet. Not only will you keep your physical youth, but you’ll also get to avoid its unpleasant long-term effects on your internal system.

Gluten is everywhere. It’s in bread, it’s in pasta, it’s in cupcakes. This wheat protein even sneaks into unexpected places like canned soup, salad dressings, and oatmeal. For most people, this is no big deal.

Gluten is a key factor in giving bread its chewiness and cupcakes their airy crumb.
By removing gluten from your diet, you will not only have more energy but your skin will look 10 years younger.

3: Get More Beauty Sleep
Not getting enough sleep not only influences your mental capacity but, it also takes a toll on your physical appearance. Your body can not truly restore itself until its asleep.

Making sure that you get at least 8 hours of solid sleep each night will kick those eye bags to the curb! Even if that means going to bed just an hour earlier to get the sleep you need to have you looking rested and it will also give you the energy back that has been behind those yawns.

4: Stay Active
Staying active is very hard for most people. When people hear active they immediately think 7 days a week at a gym, sweating through all of your clothes and lifting endless weights. There is nothing wrong with that but there is a simpler solution. Have fun!

Staying active does not have to mean the gym. It can be anything from taking a walk with your spouse, playing outside with the kids, even going dancing with some friends keeps you active. The more active you are the more energy you will and will make you feel and look 10 years younger.

Pretty soon everyone will want to know your secret!

5: Ditch the Toxins
Our skin is the largest organ in our body, and the organ that is exposed to SO much throughout our daily lives. Think about it, every day we step outside and do different things that expose our skin to so many different elements. Most of us don’t often think about how our skin is affected and what actually affects it on a daily basis. We thought we would share a bit more about how these elements can affect your skin and help you to understand how toxins affect your skin. We’re exposed to SO many toxins on a daily basis and we need to change that.

The good news is you can give it a boost, by doing a more serious detox through things like dry brushing. The point is you want to get your skin moving and functioning like it’s supposed to so you don’t continue to suffer the struggles of the toxins building up and preventing your body from naturally detoxifying itself.

6: Clean Out Your Makeup Cabinet
Most of your makeup is probably loaded with toxins. These toxins affect your skin by causing skin rashes, blemishes, wrinkles, dark circles and dry your skin out. It can also cause excess oil to remain on your face.

Natural beauty products are all the rage right now, and it’s no wonder why! Making the conscious decision to embrace a pure, organic and toxin-free beauty regime will not only lead to better skin but an overall improved lifestyle.

The majority of ingredients found in toxin-free beauty products are antioxidant, vitamin- and mineral-rich, meaning skin can receive a myriad of skin-loving nutrients to help with its regeneration and revival.

Who doesn’t want that?
Do you have any tips of you so keep looking younger, Share with me in the comments below?

Love and Health


Natural Facelift with Sculptural Facelift Technique

Do you exercise your face the same way you exercise your body?

If you are based in the UAE, contact me for an appointment.

Our face contains over 40 different muscles and unlike most of the rest of the body, a lot of these facial muscles are rarely used. So we need to do facial workouts regularly. And that’s exactly what the procedure of sculptural face lifting does.
It’s fitness for the facial muscles, which are very hard to train in any other way. ‪through this method, we restore the clear edges of the face as well as diminishing pouches under the eyes and sagging skin. We are essentially causing micro trauma to the skin by the repetition of the movements, enhancing the blood flow to the surface of the skin, and nourishing the cells in order to jumpstart the production of collagen and elastin.‬‬

The procedure of Sculptural Face Lifting has revolutionized the traditional approach to beauty in the industry which is dominated by invasive techniques, plastic surgeries, fillers and the use of various toxic substances to delay the ageing process. Being a pioneer in the field of modern holistic beauty, it proved its effectiveness and has shown time and time again that there is a way to beauty without pain. This treatment gives the prolonged effects of natural face, neck and décolleté lifting without side effects and the risks of complications. Sculptural Face Lifting propels the internal resources of the body for the natural rejuvenation and recovery. It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, increases the microcirculation in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, normalizes cellular respiration, activates metabolism and tissue nourishment. The secret of the success of the technique lies in the deep study of the basic facial and masticatory muscles of the face simultaneously – from the outside through the skin and through the oral cavity from the inside.

As a result, muscle tone and elasticity are restored. Muscles tighten and skin becomes smooth, returning the face to its natural shape. Overall, Sculptural Face Lifting technique produces such positive results:
• facial muscles relax and muscle tone returns to normal;
• helps muscle recovery, restores elasticity, tightens and smoothes the skin by restoring the oval of the face;
• eliminates spasms and blockages;
• enables metabolism and tissue nourishment;
• appearance and elasticity of the skin improve via stimulation of skin cell regeneration and prevention of wrinkles.

Additionally to tightening and strengthening of the face, the procedure normalizes the client’s psycho-emotional state including the chronic fatigue syndrome. The inner blocks and clamps are removed, stress and anxiety melt away.

During the session, an osteopathic effect is achieved – tissue tension decrease, muscle spasms and pain are removed. The face “opens’ and begins to “breath”.

Two complementary techniques are examined and worked out in details – Sculptural and Intraoral parts:

• Sculptural technique – this first part includes thorough skillful facial manipulations. Muscle sculpting is achieved by kneading the whole face, neck and décolletage area superficially.
• An intraoral technique that follows after effects mimic and chewing muscles along the entire length from point to point of muscle’s attachment simultaneously from the outer and inner sides through the oral cavity, and also, indirectly, the facial bones of the skull. In-depth massage results in face rectification, restoring the shape and improving oedema. It strengthens and tones the areas of the muscles which are inaccessible during the external massage. This part is performed by the practitioner wearing sterile gloves inside the oral cavity.

This massage is a highly specialized treatment –.by massaging the fascia inside and outside the mouth, the treatment increases blood and oxygen supply and collagen production. It also releases muscle tension that may lead to deep wrinkles or expression lines. “We have the most stress in the jawline,” “When we’re angry or have negative emotions, we have the most stress there. The earth’s gravity pulls everything down to there.”

1. Facelift without surgery

2. Rejuvenation without injection therapy

3. Passive Fitness for the Face

4. Anti-Stress Effect

5. Deep Relaxation of Facial Muscle

6. Lymphatic Drainage and Detox

7. Therapeutic Effect

8. Light Osteopathic Effect

9. Quality of Skin

10. Improved Facial Posture

Try Sculptural facelift method and you will be hooked

Love and Health


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Travel With Me To Mauritius Episode 1

A globetrotter that I am, a month back I was super excited when I was invited by the Mauritius tourism board.

Mauritius an island in the Indian ocean. As Mark Twain aptly said 200 years ago, “Mauritius was made first, and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius”.

With its spectacular lagoons, blinding white beaches, lofty peaks, beautiful people and delicious cuisines, Mauritius easily ticks the boxes of anyone’s definition of paradise or heaven.

But that is not all, it has some of the world’s most spectacular properties, beautiful sunrises, and Nature to lift up your spirits.

I landed in Mauritius and checked into my hotel Constance Belle Mare Plage. Set along a stunning 2km white sand beach, in a sheltered bay on the east coast of Mauritius, Constance Belle Mare Plage is a harmonious combination of the tropical environment and Constance Chic. Constance Belle Mare Plage has a very resort-like feel to it. It’s definitely the kind of place where I thought I could spend a week without setting foot off the property and have an amazing time.

Watch the full episode as I explore Mauritius.

Have you been to Mauritius? What is your favorite memory of Mauritius? Share with me in the comment box.

Love and Health


How Prebiotics Keep You Healthy and Help in Weight Loss

Did you ever think that what you eat doesn’t just feed you… it also feeds your friendly health-promoting probiotics in your gut?

Food for our probiotics is called… you guessed it: “prebiotics.”

“Pre” biotics?

Yes! They’re the food that we feed our probiotics, the friendly gut microbes that are oh so important for good health.

Our gut microbes are alive, and they need to eat too. Their favorite foods are called “prebiotics” and include dietary fiber and resistant starch. The same fiber that keeps us feeling full slows down digestion and provides roughage that keeps us regular. Resistant starch helps promote healthy blood lipids. Both types of prebiotics (fiber and resistant starch) are linked with many health benefits.

Technically-speaking, a prebiotic has three qualities:
It needs to be undigested and reach the colon intact;
It needs to be digested by our gut microbes; and,
It needs to stimulate our health-promoting good gut microbes.

Now that we know what prebiotics are let’s dive into their health benefits.

Health benefits of prebiotics

Prebiotic fiber helps keep us regular by bulking up our poop. It gives it substance and form, so it’s not too runny or liquid. In fact, more fiber is often recommended to help with symptoms of diarrhea. The prebiotic fiber used to be thought of like a broom that sweeps food through our guts, but we’re learning more about its health benefits beyond this role.

For example, prebiotics can also help to maintain normal bowel structure and function, and even enhance blood flow to the cells of the colon.

Those are some of the health benefits of prebiotics themselves. But we get even more health benefits when our friendly gut microbes eat and digest them.

For one thing, our gut microbes use prebiotics to make short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These SCFAs (e.g., butyrate) can feed the cells of our colon to keep them healthy. SCFAs also inhibit the growth of bad gut microbes, and can even increase mineral (e.g., calcium and magnesium) absorption. These effects are all linked to the slight acidity caused by the acids in those SCFAs.

Dietary fiber also binds to healthful phytonutrients (phyto = plant). These phytonutrients are lost when the fiber is removed from the food. But, when we eat the prebiotic fiber, our gut microbes release these phytonutrients so we can absorb and use them.

Where to get prebiotics

Dietary fiber and resistant starch are the main sources of prebiotics.

Prebiotic fiber is found mostly in plants; both fruits and vegetables.

Resistant starch is any starch (a type of carbohydrate) that goes through most of our digestive tract without being digested. It’s not broken down by our digestive enzymes because it’s “resistant”… until it gets to our gut microbes in the colon. Resistant starch is found in starchy foods like whole grains and potatoes.

One of the big differences between fiber and resistant starch is that all of the fiber we eat is undigestible. All of it reaches our colons. Resistant starch, on the other hand, is just a small percent of the starch we eat. Most starch is digested and absorbed along our digestive tract, and that part is not considered to be prebiotic. Only the small amount of starch that is resistant to digestion and makes it down to the colon to feed our probiotics is prebiotic.

Prebiotic fiber is found in fibrous fruits and vegetables. It’s essentially what’s removed when we make juice – the pulp. It’s one of the reasons why eating whole fruits and vegetables is more healthful than replacing them with juice.

Here are some great sources of dietary fibre:

Resistant starch is found in:
Whole grains (e.g. oats)
Green bananas

Starches can be made resistant by cooking and cooling these foods before eating them. The cooling process allows the starches to re-shape themselves into a structure that is harder to digest (i.e., more resistant).


Prebiotics are fiber and resistant starches that feed our gut microbes. And when we feed our gut microbes, they help keep our gut healthy and have other health benefits too.

Do you ever juice your amazingly healthy fruits and vegetables and have a ton of leftover pulp? What do you do with it? I have a great recipe for using that oh so healthy prebiotic fiber in a delicious way.

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Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

Oh no! You have a cold? Let me tell you what you can do naturally to recover as soon as possible. You’ll be back to yourself in no time with my tried-and-true tips.

Getting a common cold doesn’t have to be so… common. There are things you can do naturally to make getting sick less likely.

But, if you do happen to get sick, there are things you can also do to help support your body to fight it off.

Good hand hygiene and overall healthy habits can reduce your risk of getting sick in the first place. And good nutrition can help your immune system fight off a cold quicker. Imagine your germ-fighting immune cells all hungry and tired, versus them being nourished and full of energy.

And that’s what this post is all about.

First I’ll give you some tips to reduce your risk of getting sick in the first place. Then, I’ll let you in on some of my strategies to recover from that cold you may still get from time to time.

Natural tips to reduce your risk of sickness

Here are some great ideas to incorporate into your daily life to reduce your risk of getting sick.

1 – Wash your hands. A lot. Your hands can trap and transport all kinds of microbes that cause sickness. And I’m not just talking about colds here, but lots of different germs.

NOTE: Antibacterial soap is not recommended! Not only is it no more effective than regular soap and water, but it can contribute to antibiotic resistance.

2 – Get enough nutrients. I know this is way oversimplified, but I would be remiss to exclude it. Every cell in your body, including your immune cells, need enough of all the essential nutrients. The more nutrition you have, the better and stronger you will be, especially with vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A-rich foods include carrots, sweet potato, and organ meats. Vitamin C-rich foods include bell peppers and citrus. Vitamin E-rich foods include nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.

3 – Probiotic foods. Helping our health-promoting gut microbes with more of their probiotic friends is in order here to help keep the immune system strong. Try 1-2 servings/day of fermented foods and drinks like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kefir, and kombucha.

4 – Prebiotic foods. Feeding those friendly gut microbes their favorite foods can help them to grow and flourish. They love fibrous foods like onions, asparagus, berries, bananas, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and seeds. Aim for 2-3 servings/day.

5 – Get enough sleep. Did you know that our immune system cycles with our circadian system? When we sleep our immune cells produce antibodies to fight infections. Try to get at least 7 hours every single night, even when you’re feeling great.

Natural tips to recover from that sickness

When you do get an infection, not only do you need more nutrients to fight it off, but your body also has a harder time absorbing and using the nutrients you take in. Sometimes this is because of reduced hunger, sometimes due to gastrointestinal reasons. Either way, nourishing your body is even more important. When you do get sick, make sure you are implementing tips 1-5 plus the tips below that are crucial for getting over a common cold.

6 – Drink lots of fluids. Being sick can be dehydrating. Fluids like water, chicken soup, and green tea are warm, hydrating comfort drinks. Chicken soup is a source of electrolytes, especially if homemade from a real chicken with lots of vegetables. Green tea has been shown to boost some of our immune cells, and this can help to better fight off the invading germ.

7 – Rest and recover. When your body is fighting an infection, it’s busy working hard for your health. Give it a break and relax while you’re feeling under the weather.


There are lots of things we can do to stay healthy and reduce infections naturally. Washing your hands is a proven way to reduce your risk. And staying healthy in all other ways helps a lot. Getting enough nutrition, eating probiotic and prebiotic foods, and getting enough sleep are key year-round.

If you do get sick, keep up all of your good habits above, and make sure to add some warm, healthy fluids, and extra rest.

What do you do when you get sick? Let me know in the comments below.

Recipe (Throat soothing): Honey Lemon Ginger Cough Drops, Subscribe to my newsletter

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Tips To Go Dairy Free

Let’s count the reasons to go dairy free: allergy, intolerance, preference, try new recipes…

I can help you make delicious and super-simple substitutes for the most popular dairy products. You won’t miss them!

As a health practitioner, I can tell you that dairy is not an essential nutrient. #truthbomb

Whether you can’t consume it, choose not to, want to cut down, or just want to try new simple recipes, this post is for you.

I’ve compiled a list of delicious dairy-free substitutes that I love. Substitutes for milk, butter, parmesan, and even pudding and ice cream! And you don’t have to buy them at the grocery store if you don’t want to. There are super-simple recipes that you can easily make in your kitchen.

If you’re reading this, you likely are or are considering going dairy-free. You may have an intolerance, have been told to eliminate dairy, or just want to have less of it.

Either way, dairy is not an essential nutrient, and there are lots of things you can have instead.

These include not just milk, but also yogurt, butter, parmesan, and even pudding and ice cream!

Dairy-free products are becoming more and more popular. Nowadays you can easily find them in the grocery store. But read your labels! Some contain way too much sugar, or other ingredients you may not want to eat or drink.

I’ve put together some simple recipes to make delicious dairy-free foods right in your kitchen.

Go ahead and try my dairy substitutes.

Delicious dairy-free milk

Dairy-free milk is so easy to make and flavour yourself. You can make milk out of just about any nut or seed. You can even make alternative milk out of grains like rice, oats, or quinoa. And you can flavour them too.

It just takes a high-powered blender, some water, and cheesecloth to filter out any remaining bits.

For flavouring, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, or vanilla extract. You can also sweeten your milk with soaked dates, maple syrup, or honey.

To make a super-simple dairy-free milk just soak ½ cup of almonds, coconut, or even hemp seeds for a few hours (if you have the time). Soaking is optional, but it makes the blending process easier and the final milk creamier. Then drain the soaking water, rinse, and add to a blender with 2 cups of fresh water. Blend on high until smooth (about 1 minute). Add your flavourings, if desired. Then strain through a nut milk bag, fine mesh strainer, or a few layers of cheesecloth.

If you want to make a dairy-free cream, just blend your nuts, seeds and/or grains with 1 cup of water instead of 2 for a thicker, creamier, dairy-free milk.

Delicious dairy-free yogurt

Technically, with the right yogurt starter probiotic culture, you can make yogurt out of any dairy-free milk. The most common one to ferment into yogurt is coconut milk. But you can use almond milk or other nut or seed milk.

The trick here is with the fermentation. Follow the instructions on the label of the yogurt starter culture, and enjoy delicious dairy-free yogurt in a few days.

Delicious dairy-free butter alternatives

Nut and seed butter is a fabulous substitute for dairy butter. Plus, they have the bonus of fibre, protein, and other nutrients that real butter doesn’t have.

Have you tried coconut oil? It’s a great dairy-free substitute for butter. You can fry with it, or even bake with it. You can even use it to pop popping corn in a pot on your stove.

I love the mild flavor of coconut oil in anything I bake with bananas. It tastes better than butter anyway.

Delicious dairy-free parmesan

If you haven’t tried nutritional yeast, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much it tastes like grated parmesan. Plus, it contains some B vitamins as well.

It’s a salty, cheesy, flaky powder that you can use wherever you want to add a pop of savory flavor to any dish.

TIP: After you’ve popped your popcorn, sprinkle it with a bit of nutritional yeast for a salty, cheesy flavour.

Delicious dairy-free puddings

Did you know you can make a delicious and thick pudding without dairy? That’s right; the plant kingdom has some natural thickeners that are full of fiber.

You can make a chocolate pudding with avocado. Take one whole avocado and blend it up with ¼ cup cocoa powder, ¼ cup dairy-free milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Then add dairy-free milk to thin if desired.

For chocolate chia pudding, use ⅓ cup chia seeds and place in a food processor with 1.5 cups dairy-free milk. Wait for 5-10 minutes until the seeds soak up the liquid. Then add ¼ cup cocoa powder, tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Blend into a smooth pudding.

Dairy-free is easy! Making delicious dairy-free yogurt, milk, butter, parmesan flavor, and even pudding and ice cream is simple.

Are you going to try any of these recipes? Do you have a great one to share as well?

Let me know in the comments below.

Love and Health


How To Create Mindset For Health

How’s your health mindset? Do you feel like you’re healthy and fit? Do you treat foods like they’re good or bad? Are you aiming for perfect, or is it good enough or better working for you?

Is it just me, or is “mindset” the new buzzword in the health & wellness sphere lately?

You may feel like there are so many things that can improve your health and wellness. But, maybe, there is one small and powerful thing you can do to start. That thing is your mindset!

And research is showing that having a positive mindset about your health can improve your physical health! The mind-body connection is real.

So much of health is all about habits and actions, but where do these all stem from? What if we don’t have to make as many changes as we think we do? What if there was one powerful thing that makes a lot of difference?

That thing is the mindset.

Mindset is sometimes called “the story we tell ourselves.” It’s our attitude toward things in our life. And we have control over our mindset.

And research is showing that it may be far more powerful than we thought.

Very interesting health mindset study

Here’s a quick story about a fascinating study.

Researchers at Stanford University looked at a bunch of people’s health and wellness lifestyle habits, as well as health markers.

What they found was that the people who thought they were a lot less active had a higher risk of death than the general public. And, they also had up to 71% higher risk of death than people who thought they were more active. Even if they actually weren’t less active!

How is this even possible that people who simply thought they were less active had higher risks, even if it wasn’t true?

There are a couple of ideas why. One is that maybe if we feel like we’re less active, it may make us feel more stressed. And stress isn’t good for our mental or physical health. Second, there may be a bit of a mind-body connection where the body embodies what the mind visualizes.

Researchers don’t know why, but what matters is that there is a good mindset. So, let me give you a couple of strategies to boost your mindset for health.

Health mindset strategy 1 – Aim for good enough.

Almost no one eats perfectly seven days a week. It’s inevitable that obsessing over the quality and quantity of everything we eat or drink isn’t necessarily a great mindset to have.

It can bring on binging, shame, and guilt – none of these are great ways to get healthy. We want to get healthier by making better choices and building better habits. And these are usually best done incrementally – one step at a time.

So, instead of having a black and white approach where everything is good or bad, why not try aiming for good enough to empower ourselves to make better choices, instead of perfect choices.

Health mindset strategy 2 – Stop making tradeoffs

When you try to earn a gluttonous weekend by eating clean during the week, you’re making a tradeoff. You’re telling yourself that, as long as you’re good most of the week, you can go wild on the weekend.

And that’s not awesome because the mindset is jumping from one extreme to the other. You’re controlling what you do all week, and possibly thinking about how to indulge over the weekend. Just live as though you’re trying to do well every single day. Like you care about your health and wellness. You’re doing your best, and that’s good enough.


Mindset for health can be a powerful tool for better physical health. There’s a proven mind-body connection that research can measure.

Thinking positively, and dropping the black/white and good/bad labels, can help you reach your health goals.

How is your mindset for health? Which of these tips resonate with you the most? How are you going to implement them in your life? Let me know in the comments below.

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Natural Anti Aging Secrets

One thing that we cannot change about our skin is that it ages – it loses firmness and elasticity over time as well as becomes hyperpigmented. One thing that we can change though is postponing this process to as far in the future as possible – the sooner we start the better. Knowing that, let’s go through what we can do every day to keep our skin looking youthful for longer.

Eat your way to glowing skin!

It is very true that we are what we eat – it also applies to skin aging. Our skin changes with time because its building proteins break down more easily, mainly due to a weakened response to free radicals – particles that destabilize the structure of macromolecules in the skin layers. They also promote the overall inflammation in our bodies that results in poorer skin resilience, more age spots and higher susceptibility to infections. The answer here is antioxidants that, luckily for us, are abundant in all sorts of different foods.

• Eat berries! They’re round, they’re juicy but they also happen to be one of the most antioxidant-rich foods that exist. Their hidden weapon is flavonoids that give them their beautiful colors – the darker a berry, the more antioxidant properties it has.

• Pamper yourself with dark chocolate. It does sound too dreamy, doesn’t it? Well, good for you because chocolate with high cacao content teems with polyphenols. Be sure though that it doesn’t have sugar nor milk added!

• Drink green tea as often as you can, even in place of your daily cup of coffee. It contains plenty of health-giving tannins and other antioxidants.

Try incorporating a bit of each of the above foods in everyday diet; they are the most powerful amongst all that nature has to offer. It doesn’t have to be anything big or special, a handful of blueberries with a nice and warm pot of freshly brewed green tea is enough; the key here is regularity.

Use your sunscreen!

Sun rays are something that we are exposed to every day, yet they are also one of the most deleterious factors for the skin – they damage the DNA that weakens the skin cells and results in poorer protein content. Sun also promotes free radicals activity if that was too little. That’s why it is crucial to wear a high SPF and broad-spectrum filter every day even when it is cloudy outside – the sun rays do not rest; they penetrate our clothes let alone the clouds on a gloomy day. Indeed, what is also confirmed by dermatologists, a combination of antioxidants and regular use of sunscreen is the infallible receipt for youthful skin for long years.

Try face massage or face yoga!

The skin needs their nutrients and a simple way to fulfill that wish is via having a massage or doing face yoga. During both activities, the local circulation in the skin is stimulated hence more oxygen and nutritive particles can reach the cells – a well fed skin = a glowing skin! Furthermore, face yoga has one extra feature – it forces the facial muscles to move. By doing so, it cares for that no area of the face remains unused and thus flat or inelastic. This effect is visible from the outside with the naked eye after a few sessions – the skin is significantly firmer and brighter.

Besides doing a few face yoga exercises from time to time, you can also easily incorporate face massage into your routine while applying your moisturizer. Start with small and gentle circular movements from the inside to the outside using just your pinky finger – not only the microcirculation will be adequately boosted but also it is fun to be this precise! When it comes to the face areas which need lifting and more firmness, try sliding movements from the base up – positive results guaranteed!

Which one will you incorporate in your routine to delay the signs of aging? write in the comment box below.

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How To Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure affects a billion people! It’s one of those silent conditions that can become serious.
High blood pressure is a silent disease. Often, there are no symptoms, so that’s why it’s tested regularly by your healthcare professional. It’s better to catch it before it gets out of hand.

Beyond the standard advice to reduce salt and caffeine, there are some foods and drinks that can help too. I’ve rounded up a few for you. You may be surprised at them.

If you have high blood pressure, it’s best that you are monitored by your healthcare professional. And if you’re on medication for high blood pressure never change that without speaking with a medical professional.

Today, we’ll talk about what exactly blood pressure is, and which foods and lifestyle factors can help with it.

What is high blood pressure?

It’s something your doctor commonly checks. You can even do it yourself in many pharmacies, or purchase at-home blood pressure monitors. There is an inflatable tube placed around your arm that gets blown up and tight. It measures how hard your blood is pushing against the walls of your blood vessels.

If your vessels are stiff, the pressure increases. It’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly because for many people there are no symptoms as it slowly creeps higher and higher.

This measurement is important because elevated high blood pressure for too long can cause serious damage. In extreme cases, it can result in blindness, kidney damage, stroke, or even a heart attack.

Here are a few of the foods and drinks that can help with blood pressure.

Eat more plants – This is key

If there is one thing you can to eat to help with blood pressure, it’s plants.

Plants increase your intake of many critical nutrients. Especially vitamins C, E, and folate; and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sulfur. Not to mention the all-around health booster known as fibre. All of these nutrients are needed for optimal heart and blood health.

Some plants to eat more of include leafy greens (kale in particular), legumes, nuts/seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes.

Two plants I want to highlight in particular are flaxseeds and beets. A few tablespoons of ground flaxseeds a day is one of the best foods to help with blood pressure. Beets contain a blood pressure lowering substance called nitrate. Beet juice has been shown to reduce blood pressure within hours of drinking it.

Eat fewer processed foods

We’ve all heard the advice to reduce sodium intake for high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, most of the sodium in our diet is from the salt added to processed foods. It’s not from the dash or two on your homemade cooked-from-scratch dinner. Reducing processed food intake not only reduces sodium and sugar intake but also increases intake of more nutrient-dense less processed foods. Win-win.

Ditch the fast-food, takeout, restaurant meals, and convenience snacks. Replace them with some of the plants I mentioned above.

Ditch the caffeine… particularly if you’re sensitive to it

Coffee has been shown to temporarily increase blood pressure. Its effects can last for up to three hours after drinking it. It may not be so bad if you’re not sensitive to it, but caffeine affects some people more than others. Some caffeine sensitivity symptoms include shakiness, worry, irregular heartbeat, or difficulty sleeping.

If you find caffeine affects you, then try switching to decaf or eliminating it altogether.

PRO TIP: Don’t drink a cup of regular coffee or have other sources of caffeine right before your next doctor’s appointment or blood pressure test.

Drink hibiscus tea

This is not hype. There is science behind the blood pressure lowering effects of hibiscus tea.

Several clinical studies have shown that it works. In one study, people drank two cups of strong hibiscus tea every morning. Those two cups were made using a total of five tea bags. This lowered the subjects’ blood pressure as much as a blood pressure medication.


In addition to food, know that a number of lifestyle factors can be helpful too.

● First of all, if you smoke, really focus on quitting.
● If you drink alcohol, don’t overdo it.
● If you’re seriously stressed, try meditating, yoga, deep breathing, walking in nature, or any other way that busts your stress.
● If you don’t exercise, start small. Also try not to overdo exercise if you already have high blood pressure.

Which of these are you going to try first? Let me know in the comments below.

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Foods To Eat To Heal Your Thyroid- Thyroid Diet

Your thyroid is sometimes thought of as a master controller of your metabolism. The hormones it makes affects the biochemical reactions in all of your cells. But, thyroid concerns are more common than you might think.

So, what kind of healthy foods support your thyroid? I have a bunch listed in this video.

Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things – not a big deal – just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining a healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life.

(Yes, your thyroid IS a big deal!)

It’s estimated that at least 3.7% of US adults have an underactive thyroid.

When you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, it’s called hypothyroidism. This can result in the slowing down of your metabolism and cause difficulty losing weight; and even weight gain. Some of the other symptoms can include fatigue, forgetfulness, dry hair and skin, constipation, muscle cramping, and feeling cold.

An underactive thyroid can be diagnosed from a blood test from your health professional.

How does the thyroid become underactive?

There are many reasons why your thyroid may become underactive. The most common is autoimmunity, where the immune cells attack other cells in the body. In this case, the cells of the thyroid gland.

It can also be the result of low levels of iodine, which is an essential mineral. Combining that with high levels of goitrogens (food substances that inhibit iodine from getting into thyroid) and you can be at risk for an iodine deficiency.

PRO TIP: Iodine-deficiency is not very common in the developed world, so supplements are likely not necessary, and may exacerbate certain thyroid issues. Check with your healthcare professional before taking supplements, and always read the label.

Foods and nutrients for your thyroid

Enough iodine from food – Iodine is naturally found in fish and seafood. Other foods that contain iodine are navy beans, potatoes, and eggs. Sometimes levels of natural iodine depend on the amount of iodine in the soil. Iodine is also added (i.e., fortified) to some foods.

PRO TIP: During pregnancy and breastfeeding iodine requirements increase by up to 60%, so pay attention to eat enough iodine-containing foods.

Enough selenium from food – Some people recommend selenium (another essential mineral) to support the thyroid. A recent review of several clinical studies showed that there is not enough evidence to recommend selenium supplements to people with certain thyroid conditions. Because of this, it’s best to stick with selenium-rich foods like Brazil nuts, mushrooms, meat, and fish.

Reduce goitrogens – Goitrogens are plant-estrogens that prevent the iodine in your blood from getting into your thyroid where it’s needed to make thyroid hormones. Goitrogens themselves are not that powerful, unless they’re eaten excessively, or are combined with a diet already low in iodine. They are found in “cruciferous” foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. Goitrogens can be deactivated by cooking the foods they’re found in. Because these cruciferous vegetables are very nutritious, you may choose to cook them instead of eliminating them altogether.

Enough protein – One of the common symptoms of thyroid issues is the inability to lose weight. If this is the case, one thing you can eat more of is protein. Protein has a “thermogenic effect” because your body has to spend energy metabolizing protein; this means that calorie-for-calorie, carbs will promote weight gain more than protein will.

Gluten-free – Try going gluten-free. There is evidence of a link between underactive thyroid and gluten sensitivity. There may be a “cross-reactivity” where the immune cells that are sensitized to gluten can attack the thyroid cells by mistake; this is essentially how autoimmunity works and can affect more than just your thyroid. You might request getting tested for celiac disease if you are experiencing thyroid issues.

Lifestyle upgrade – Weight gain and difficulty losing weight are very common when it comes to thyroid issues. In this case, it’s important to get enough regular exercise, enough quality sleep, and reduce stress.

Do you or someone you know have concerns about your thyroid? What diet and lifestyle factors have you gotten the most benefit from? Let me know in the comments below.

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5 Surprising Skincare Mistakes That’s Aging You

Everyone leads a different lifestyle, has their own habits as well as is loyal to their well – planned skincare routine. The uniting factor in all that is that we all strive to do our best for the most effective results possible. What if we unconsciously sabotage ourselves though? What if we unintentionally make small blunders every day that are unobviously detrimental to our skin? View our list below of five surprising habitual mistakes that propel skin aging and check if any of your routine’s elements is on it!

Over cleansing
Even if you have extremely oily skin, over-cleansing is never a good idea. When washing our face, we strip it off its naturally composed, protective lipid film that locks in moisture as well as is antiseptic. It has been dermatologically proven that the more we wash the film off the face, the more sebum production is promoted – the process propels itself and we get caught in a vicious circle. Not only is it harder then to control the excess of oil but the skin also gets weaker, dehydrated and less resilient – it is anything but beneficial. Dermatologists recommend to gently wash the face twice a day + just after we had sweated hard – it is not too little yet not too much at the same time, truly a golden standard.

Over exfoliation
A very similiar thing happens when we over-exfoliate – yet again we excessively strip our face off its protective lipid barrier. We might get a feeling that the skin is purer and simply cleaner but what we achieve is aggravating inflammation and irritation – the skin will probably become reddened, thiner and tighter. Furthermore, we may contradictorily bring about the formation of clogged pores and blackheads due to the aforementioned promoted production of excess sebum. For the best results, choose retinoids or acid – based chemical peels and use them up to 2 times per week – if you have dry skin, once a week will be totally fine.

Exercising too little or too much
Exercise overall is indeed an important factor in keeping our skin healthy and functioning properly. When we work out, our heart rate increases what pumps the blood through our organs, including the skin, more intensively – the skin cells get better supplied in needed oxygen and beneficial nutrients for accurate growth and proliferation. Moreover, when exercising the skin adjusts itself to the movements of our body – it stretches and therefore promotes its own elasticity and firmness. That’s also why special facial exercise like facial yoga is an efficacious way to lift the specific areas of the skin.

Going further, we can easily imagine what happens when we exercise too little or too much. Regarding the former, our skin will become duller and grayer due to an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. Furthermore, our blood vessels are to some degree visible through our skin, contributing to its external color – if we don’t move a lot, less healthy skin color will be provided. If we exercise too much on the other hand, we might put too much weight on the skin and overburden it – it can be further exacerbated by the excess sweat which only serves as food to pathogenic bacteria residing on our skin. It is also an irritant in its own nature.

Sleeping less
Our sleep time is our recovery time from all the stress put not only on our body or mind but also on our skin. At night, a hormone called melatonin is secreted in higher amounts that promote healthy skin cells’ growth and proliferation – that’s when the skin regenerates itself. Same happens for the boosted production of all the protective lipids of the skin barrier or building structural proteins like collagen and elastin. If we do not sleep enough, most of those processes is lost and never to be regained. In addition, we wake up looking not in our best condition.

Have you ever wondered about the correlation between our mindset and mental health with the condition of our skin? It turns out these two things are closely connected with each other! When we are stressed, anxious or depressed, so-called stress hormones like cortisol are excessively produced. They are responsible for taking all the nutrients away from the skin to the organs which are crucial in terms of survival like the heart or the brain – the skin is on a lost position here and is deprived of many beneficial substances. It is less hydrated and yet again stripped off its lipid barrier hence more susceptible to infections and wounds. On the contrary, when we are calm and think positively, the stress hormones are healthily kept in check.

Are you making any of these mistakes?
Are you struggling with skin issues?
My Holistic Skincare Masterclass is finally here. Click on the link and get your glowing skin back.…

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How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight

Is intermittent fasting another new diet fad, or does it have some merit for weight loss?

While lots of people may claim that it helped them to lose weight, the research isn’t so clear.

Intermittent fasting 101: What is it and will it help me lose weight?

In a nutshell, intermittent fasting is just that: fasting intermittently.

It’s limiting calorie intake during certain hours/day or days/week. It’s more of an eating pattern than a diet. It limits when to eat, and not so much what to eat. And that’s part of it’s appeal to people who don’t want to count calories or use their food log to track everything.

Some would say that it’s a more natural way to eat because humans evolved without refrigerators, drive-throughs, or 24-hour convenience stores. We now have access to food (including junk food) all day long, so eating several meals per day plus snacks may be less natural than fasting from time to time.

There are lots of variations on this theme. They include:
● 16/8 which is 16 hours of fasting, and eating only within the other 8 hours (often 1:00 pm. – 9:00 p.m.);
● 5:2 days of fasting, where you eat regularly for five days of the week, then take in just 500-600 calories/day for the other two (non-consecutive)
● days.

Is intermittent fasting effective for weight loss?

Intermittent fasting can help to lose weight because it can help you to eat fewer calories, and burn more calories too.

Lots of people say they have success with it. But what do the studies say?

According to one review study, intermittent fasting helped people to lose 3-8% of their weight over 3-24 weeks. In this study, people also lost 4-7% of their waist circumference (i.e., belly fat).

Another study of 100 people with obesity showed that after a year, the people who fasted on alternate days lost more weight than people who didn’t change their eating patterns. But, (and here’s where it’s interesting) they didn’t lose any more weight than those on a calorie-restricted diet. Out of the people who were to follow the intermittent fasting protocol, 38% of them dropped out.

Sticking with a diet is one of the keys to weight loss success. So, if you can’t stay with a weight-loss diet, you’re less likely to lose weight and keep it off.

Before you consider intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. People who are underweight, or have eating disorders shouldn’t fast. Neither should women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Certain medical conditions can be worsened with longer periods of fasting. Also, people taking certain medications can be prone to side effects with intermittent fasting as well.

One of the reasons people drop out of the intermittent fasting eating pattern is that it’s hard to stick with the fasting part. They eat more than allowed (low-level of) calories when they’re supposed to be fasting. And when they finish fasting, they may overindulge due to the reaction of the appetite hormones and hunger drive while fasting. None of these will help with weight loss.

Also, the hours and days of fasting can be very difficult. So having strong social support will be key to those intermittent periods of fasting. Sticking to a (healthy, nutrient-dense) weight loss diet is the key to success, and intermittent fasting can be difficult for many people to stick with.


Intermittent fasting is a weight-loss trend that seems to work for some people. It can help to lose weight and reduce belly fat. But, it isn’t safe for everyone. Many people should not try intermittent fasting because it can be risky. It can also be difficult to stick with.

For the best chance of long-term weight loss success, finding a diet, you can stick with is key.

What about you – Have you or someone you know tried intermittent fasting? What were the results? Let me know in the comments below.

Are you struggling with skin issues?
My Holistic Skincare Masterclass is finally here. Click on the link and get your glowing skin back.


Love and Health


Holistic Skincare Masterclass

Glowing skin does not come from a jar

Get lifelong, holistic tools to achieve the skin you strive for with my 6 week video series program, where I give you a step by step guide to becoming best friends with your skin and developing a sustainable and effective skincare routine for clear, balanced, youthful and healthy skin.

Expensive creams won’t make you look fabulous. There are no miracles. You need to put in a bit of effort every day. Start early with skincare and believe in the power of a good skincare routine along with a good diet that will make you look fresh and youthful.

It is for this reason that cosmetics are not the solution and only hide the problem temporarily, if not aggravate it!

I will reveal to you in this program a true healing method which is based on precise protocol and fundamental principles.

Would you like to have…

• Better understanding of your skin
• Health and balanced skin
• An ideal skin comfort
• Tighter pores and a smooth skin texture
• A skin that does not pull more and is well hydrated
• Less allergies and skin reactions
• Mattified skin all day
• Skin that is less sensitive and less prone to redness, whatever the circumstances
• Fewer pimples, blackheads and microcysts on the face
• No more acne scars and a perfectly even complexion
• Healthy skin, smooth and without imperfections
• A perfectly homogeneous complexion, bright and radiant
• A refreshed and illuminated look
• Youthful appearance
• A plump and youthful skin
• A fresh complexion on all occasions
• Fewer fine lines and wrinkles
• A sustainable skin routine specifically for you and your skin type

Holistic Approach is the only way to lifelong healthy skin

Anyone who wants to clear up a complexion issue or wants to reverse signs of aging simply wants to feel comfortable seeing their reflection.

My philosophy is simple!
Confidence and comfort in our skin is the first step to healthy skin. Everything we see comes from our belief systems. And to have great skin, we first need to believe that we deserve great skin.

To have good skin you need to believe that you deserve it. When you establish communication with your skin, you will find all your answers.

And trust me, it’s pretty easy! That’s what the program can do: Give you lifelong tools for the skin you strive for.

Through this program, I want to encourage people to dedicate themselves to self-love and self-care, which is a lifelong commitment that one should make to oneself. The more you learn the more you can apply and the results will teach you more about your skin than anything else.

I’m excited to share all the knowledge I have with you, wherein every video will empower you with everything you need to know about Skin and step by step how to take care of your skin and how to sustain it. All you need to do is to soak in this information and begin.

So when you’re ready, let’s get started…

Click below and buy the program at a special price NOW


I am waiting for you on the facebook page.

Love and Health


Apple Cider Vinegar For Glowing and Clear Skin

Apple cider vinegar has many skincare uses. It can be a potent weapon in the fight against acne, and it can help soothe sunburned skin. Ahead, learn some of the best ways to use apple cider vinegar in your skincare regimen.
Get Rid of Razor Bumps

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an effective remedy against razor bumps. When dealing with aggravated razor bumps, put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton swap. Then apply the vinegar to the affected area. The anti-inflammatory effects will minimize signs of razor burn, and vinegar’s acid levels will soften the skin, helping to prevent ingrown hairs.

Toner for Acne-Prone Skin

Instead of purchasing pricy facial toners, simply use apple cider vinegar as the first step in your post-cleanse skincare regimen. When undiluted, apple cider vinegar is too strong for the facial skin. To make it a suitable toner, combine one cup of water with ½ tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Then apply it to the face with a cotton ball. Make sure to mix the toner thoroughly before every application. Because apple cider vinegar contains natural alpha-hydroxy-acids, this toner will help to exfoliate the skin and tighten the pores. This minimizes breakouts and get rid of existing blemishes.

Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot

Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties. When dealing with athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, try using a footbath filled with an apple cider vinegar mixture. For best results, combine one cup of vinegar with four cups of water. Soak feet in the mixture for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse them in water. Because apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties, this remedy also helps to deodorize feet.

ACV Bath for Eczema

Many people find that ACV (apple cider vinegar) is an effective remedy for eczema and itchy skin. Because it contains everything from acetic acid to mineral salts, apple cider vinegar can reduce eczema-related inflammation and restore the skin’s pH levels. This helps to soothe eczema-prone skin. To use vinegar as an eczema remedy, add two cups to a warm bath. Soak in the mixture for 30 minutes or more, and then apply an eczema emollient to the skin afterward.

Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is often caused by fungal growth and damage to the scalp’s acid mantle. Apple cider vinegar can help to mitigate both of those problems. To use it as a dandruff treatment, mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Rub it into the scalp before you take a shower. Let it sit there for about ten minutes, and then shampoo the hair and scalp as usual. Do this several times a week until the dandruff is gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sunburn

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH level of skin. When you apply it to sunburned skin, it helps restore the damaged skin to the appropriate level of acidity, which minimizes blistering and peeling. To use apple cider vinegar as a sunburn relief, mix one cup of vinegar with four cups of water. Then apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin using a warm washcloth.

Bug Bite Remedy

Apple cider vinegar is an effective anti-itch treatment for eczema and rashes. It’s no wonder, then, that it’s also a great way to treat bug bites. Simply apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to an inflamed mosquito bite. It will speed healing, minimize itchiness, and reduce swelling.

Apple Cider Vinegar Clay Mask for Acne

Many people combine apple cider vinegar with bentonite clay to create a blemish-banishing facial mask. Bentonite clay has healing properties, and it goes deep into the pores to get rid of impurities and blemishes. Apple cider vinegar reduces inflammation and irritation. For a powerful at-home facial, combine equal parts vinegar and clay. The mixture should have the consistency of a paste. Apply it to the face, and leave it on the skin until it dries. Then gently rinse it off with warm water. You will immediately notice that your pores look tighter, your skin looks clearer and that your face feels refreshed.

Hope this video helped you. Have you ever used ACV on your skin? Share the experience with me and my tribe.


My Night Time Skin Routine For Healthy Skin

I have been on TV for the last 14 years or so, and heavy makeup has been a part of my life now forever. So to have a good skincare routine is imperative. Being also a certified health coach and a busy professional, I make sure the routine is practical enough for me to be consistent with it.

And there is nothing better than unwinding after a long day and pampering my skin. And because our skin cells regenerate in the evening, this is a prime time to focus on restoring it.

I personally have dry, pigmented and sensitive skin, so to combat this, my routine focuses on maintaining my skin barrier and treating hyperpigmentation and melasma. And since I’ve hit my mid- 40s, I’ve added anti-aging products to try and delay premature wrinkles.

For my nighttime skincare, my basic routine looks like this:


While I stick to this routine daily, I do switch the products from time to time, depending on how my skin is feeling on that particular day. I also like to keep my routine fun but mindful 

Watch the full video to know more

These are the products I have used. None of them is sponsored.

Bioderma Sensibio H2O

Shu Uemura beauty cleansing oil

Natura Bissé Oxygen Mousse

The ordinary Buffet

Natura Bisse Tensolift Neck Cream

Organic Radha Rosehip oil

Gua Sha massage

Organic Jojoba oil

Natura Bisse diamond Bio lift eye cream

Carmex lip cream.

Before you comment and compare me with any other beauty bloggers, firstly I am 46 years old, and I am not a beauty blogger. I am a certified health coach, TV personality and content creator.
Beauty is part of all that I do.

I hope you enjoy this video, it’s not a sponsored video. I loved an have been using these products for some time now.

And remember consitency is the key.

Sending you love and glowing skin.

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Common Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency

Most vitamin deficiencies are unheard of in developed nations. This is especially true of young people in developed nations. We just eat so much food, and such a wide variety, that we meet all our basic nutritional requirements. We live with so much abundance that some children live off one food item for years without suffering a deficiency. But it can’t go on forever. As we grow older we become more vulnerable to deficiencies. This is for three reasons.

Firstly, we do not eat as much. As we grow older our bodies need fewer calories because our metabolism slows right down. This isn’t automatic. If we try and gain more muscle, or do more exercise, we can keep our calorie needs up. But the point is that if you do not make an effort to increase your calorific needs, they will go down over time. And the less food you eat, the fewer vitamins you will eat. For this reason, a switch onto vitamin-focused foods is essential as we grow older.

Secondly, we need more vitamins and minerals. As babies and children, we need a lot of nutrients for our small bodies, but this is still less by volume than adults need. And as adults, we need a relatively steady amount. But once we pass the age of fifty our cells begin to degrade. The root of our DNA is in our chromosomes, which determine our sex, appearance, and layout of our organs. At the end of each chromosome, we have some arms, called telomeres. These telomeres protect our chromosomes from damage, making sure that when they divide they are healthy. However, as we grow older our telomeres shorten, making us vulnerable to mutations. And a higher intake of vitamins can protect us against mutations by both preventing and fighting them.

And finally, we do not store, use, or recycle vitamins as well anymore. Normally our bodies do not absorb more vitamins than they need. Any surplus of water-soluble vitamins is secreted in our urine, and any surplus of fat-soluble vitamins gets stored for later use. However, if we do not eat enough vitamins our bodies then need to get them from somewhere. Fat-soluble vitamins are easy, as we have plenty of stores of them, but water-soluble vitamins run out fast. In these instances, we take vitamins and derivatives that have already been used for other purposes and reuse them, making them last as long as possible. But as we age our metabolisms become far less efficient, resulting in us losing more vitamins and storing and recycling less.

For these reasons, we need to be aware of the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. It isn’t enough to assume that we are eating enough vitamins, as we may not be absorbing them, recycling them, or we may simply need much more than before. Knowing the signs of vitamin deficiency and going for a blood test when we suspect a deficiency is the only sure way of telling if we are deficient.

Loss of eyesight.
It’s normal for our eyesight to degrade a little as we grow older, but if you experience a sudden decline in vision, especially if you never had eye troubles before, it may be a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins A, E.

Repeat infections.
Again, it is normal to get ill more frequently as we grow older. But if you find you are continually ill, that you get the same infections repeatedly, or that your illnesses are suddenly severe, it could be a deficiency.
Vitamins A, B5, B9, C, D.

Reduced bone density.
The main culprit for osteoporosis and brittle bones in old age is hormonal imbalances and mineral deficiencies. However, the right vitamins can lessen the severity of your symptoms.
Vitamins A, D.

Loss of color and strength in hair and skin.
Grey hair is normal as we age, but grey skin is not. If you find your hair is brittle and dry, and your skin is pale and sore, you could have a deficiency.
Vitamins A, B2, B3, B9, C, D.

Loss of cognitive functions.
Many assume that cognitive decline is an essential part of aging, but in reality, if you find your cognitive processes sharply down turning, a deficiency is likely.
B vitamin complexes, D, E.

Lethargy, weakness, and fatigue.
When you can’t summon the energy to move, moving feels difficult, and your limbs are heavy, you could be experiencing a severe deficiency.
B vitamin complexes, D.

Depression and mood changes.
Mood changes are a normal part of being human, but if you experience persistent mood swings for no apparent reason, you could be suffering a deficiency.
B vitamin complexes, D.

Weight loss.
Too often we consider weight loss to be a plus, but unexplained weight loss is often a sign of medical concerns.
Vitamins B1, B5, B12.

Anemia can be hard to detect, but if you’re pale and bleed and bruise easily, you almost certainly have a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins B2, B9, C, K.

What symptoms do you have? Time to get blood work.

Waiting to hear from you.

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