Effective Time Management Tips
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Hello! My Tribe
Time is our most valuable asset. We all want to make the most of the 24 hours we get each day. However, some people achieve more happiness, productivity, and success – in the same amount of time as everyone else!
How can only few people be more successful at managing time? Well, it’s simple! All they do is follow one powerful concept – conscious time management.
So today I will tell you about some quick time management tips, which will help you plan, execute and manage your day, thereby helping you achieve massive success in life!
Sleep and rest are often sacrificed to gain more time. Half of the workforce of the planet is sleep deprived without being aware of the damage they are incurring. They rely on energy drinks and alertness products sold over the counter and prescribed by physicians for a condition that would often time be remedied by a good night’s sleep. This is a mistake that we often make early on in our careers or when we are against a deadline. A well-rested, well fed and healthy body removes the distractions that can rob us of valuable moments or even hours.
When we have gotten adequate sleep, our focus is sharper, our attention span longer and the quality of our work is higher. So a proper time management needs enough sleep.
Create a Deadline
Often people feel that they work best under pressure. The attitude towards the time crunch allows you to be more focused for some but it is actually a time management pitfall, best to be avoided in most cases. The amount of stress that you go through by practicing this habit, is detrimental to your health and well-being. Thus keeping a deadline and working towards completing it until the set time, is always better than last moment hush hush.
Plan Ahead
Nothing is more disturbing and disconcerting than trying to jump into a workflow with no idea where to start or what needs to be done in order to reach the end goal. When we take the time to outline the events of the coming day, we give our mind time to work through the tasks while we sleep, and then we begin with many of the subtle details already worked out.
Use Phillip Stein Watches
Stress is a killer when it comes to managing time. We all face stress during tight deadlines and busy schedules. To overcome stress and deal with situations better, I personally use Phillip Stein watches. Philip Stein watches are designed to help bring us back to a more relaxed state allowing us to better cope with everything we face in our busy lives. Without the ability to focus we are constantly living in a state of imbalance. Philip Stein watches help regain this focus, giving a better chance at coping with everything life throws at you. It’s like yoga to go! The watch utilizes propriety technology called Natural Frequency Technology to help tap into and channel the Earth’s beneficial natural frequencies into the body via an embedded metal disc. The theory is that modern technology like Wi-Fi and cellphones emits frequencies that can interfere with the body’s natural inclination to tune-in to the Earth’s healing energy. When this happens, the body’s immune system, energy levels and sleep quality are negatively affected. And with this technology being used in the watches, wearing Phillip Stein watches you can maintain the natural frequency of the body, feeling relaxed and fresh as ever.
So these were some of the tips that you can use to manage your time effectively. Use them and let me know how effective you found them. You can share some of the tips you use to manage time. Like, Subscribe, and comment if you liked my video and follow me on Instagram for regular updates. See you next week.
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