All About Fasting Benefits! Different Kinds Of Fasting | Health Benefits Of Fasting
Hello! My tribe
What is fasting, what are the different kinds of fasting, what is the Health benefits of fasting and many more?
Many of you have asked me to throw more light on fasting and so here I am with all the details of my research.
Fasting is a natural healing therapy that has been used for centuries to aid, treat, and even cure multiple ailments and diseases. While modern medicine focuses on healing by curing the symptoms of a particular disease, fasting helps in healing the body from the inside out and eliminating the root of the disease, by enabling the growth of healthier cells and burning the ones that are old and decayed.
Benefits of fasting
• cleanses your body of metabolic wastes and toxins
• heals a host of health disorders
• helps you lose weight and keep it off
• improves your skin tone and health, making you look younger
• stimulates new cell growth, making you feel younger
• strengthens your immune system and natural defenses
• improves glandular health and hormonal balance
• increases mental clarity
• enhances your mood
• gives you more energy and enthusiasm
Different kinds of fasting
Dry Fasting
Dry fasting, also known as absolute fast. For centuries, this type of fast has been practiced for spiritual and religious pursuits. This fast is the most extreme fast in which one has to abstain from food and water for short intervals of time. In a dry fast, the body gets rid of toxins in different ways than normal. Instead of eliminating toxins from urine, bowels, kidneys, liver, and skin, the toxins are burned up inside of each and every cell. The body begins to self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate directed by stem cells. The production of stem cells in the body decrease with age. A newborn baby has one stem cell per 10,000 cells which drops to a ratio of 1 per 500,000 cells.
Liquid Fasting
As the name suggests, this is a fast that is done only by consuming only liquids.The most popular in this is the water fast.
1.Water fast
Water fasting is the oldest and perhaps the simplest form of liquid fasting which delivers the greatest health benefits in a short period of time. It promotes Autophagy which is a process where the old parts of your cells are broken down and recycled. This process helps prevent against diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and heart conditions.It also helps in lowering blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity.
2.Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is a popular fasting method where a limited nutrition support is provided to the body in its most natural form. Any kind of fruit or vegetable juice can be consumed in this type of fasting. During a period of juice fasting, the digestive system gets a rest. However, unlike typical fasting with no food or drink, during juice fasting the body is fed a big supply of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This helps the digestive system to recover. It also has multiple other benefits like increasing your energy, helping with weight loss, enhancing your mood and much more.
3.Partial Fasting
Partial fasting also known as selective fasting, modified fasting, fasting diet, cleansing diet, single food fast, one-food diet, and mono-diet, is milder in nature than other fasts, but it offers the same health and cleasing benefits. No doubt, at a slower pace but it is also more comfortable in nature. Partial fasting is limiting or excluding certain foods from your diet, for example a mono diet may contain eating only apples in a day. A partial fast can be very cleansing and detoxing as it eliminates chemicals, processed foods, and “dead” foods, and replaces them with natural food stuff.
So these are different kinds of fastings, if you want me to elaborate on any of these and you want to know more, please leave a comment on the comment box.
Hope this helped. Have you tried any fasting ever? Please share with me and my tribe.
Love and health
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