Effective Time Management Tips

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Hello! My Tribe

Time is our most valuable asset. We all want to make the most of the 24 hours we get each day. However, some people achieve more happiness, productivity, and success – in the same amount of time as everyone else!

How can only few people be more successful at managing time? Well, it’s simple! All they do is follow one powerful concept – conscious time management.

So today I will tell you about some quick time management tips, which will help you plan, execute and manage your day, thereby helping you achieve massive success in life!

Sleep and rest are often sacrificed to gain more time. Half of the workforce of the planet is sleep deprived without being aware of the damage they are incurring. They rely on energy drinks and alertness products sold over the counter and prescribed by physicians for a condition that would often time be remedied by a good night’s sleep. This is a mistake that we often make early on in our careers or when we are against a deadline. A well-rested, well fed and healthy body removes the distractions that can rob us of valuable moments or even hours.
When we have gotten adequate sleep, our focus is sharper, our attention span longer and the quality of our work is higher. So a proper time management needs enough sleep.

Create a Deadline
Often people feel that they work best under pressure. The attitude towards the time crunch allows you to be more focused for some but it is actually a time management pitfall, best to be avoided in most cases. The amount of stress that you go through by practicing this habit, is detrimental to your health and well-being. Thus keeping a deadline and working towards completing it until the set time, is always better than last moment hush hush.

Plan Ahead
Nothing is more disturbing and disconcerting than trying to jump into a workflow with no idea where to start or what needs to be done in order to reach the end goal. When we take the time to outline the events of the coming day, we give our mind time to work through the tasks while we sleep, and then we begin with many of the subtle details already worked out.

Use Phillip Stein Watches

Stress is a killer when it comes to managing time. We all face stress during tight deadlines and busy schedules. To overcome stress and deal with situations better, I personally use Phillip Stein watches. Philip Stein watches are designed to help bring us back to a more relaxed state allowing us to better cope with everything we face in our busy lives. Without the ability to focus we are constantly living in a state of imbalance. Philip Stein watches help regain this focus, giving a better chance at coping with everything life throws at you. It’s like yoga to go! The watch utilizes propriety technology called Natural Frequency Technology to help tap into and channel the Earth’s beneficial natural frequencies into the body via an embedded metal disc. The theory is that modern technology like Wi-Fi and cellphones emits frequencies that can interfere with the body’s natural inclination to tune-in to the Earth’s healing energy. When this happens, the body’s immune system, energy levels and sleep quality are negatively affected. And with this technology being used in the watches, wearing Phillip Stein watches you can maintain the natural frequency of the body, feeling relaxed and fresh as ever.

So these were some of the tips that you can use to manage your time effectively. Use them and let me know how effective you found them. You can share some of the tips you use to manage time. Like, Subscribe, and comment if you liked my video and follow me on Instagram for regular updates. See you next week.

Love and Health

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Natural Home Remedies for Sunburns | 5 Natural Ways To Soothe Sunburn

Hello My Tribe,
Today I am going to share the five Natural Home Remedies for Sunburns that I have tried and tested and which can help you soothe the sunburn.

Summers are that time of the year when we get to enjoy the warm weather, blue skies, swimming, fishing, picnics with friends and family, and many other outdoor activities. In fact, for most of us, summer simply means getting a killer tan. But it’s also the time when exposure to sun for long hours can lead to a nasty sunburn.

s you must know, sunburn is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Too much exposure to UV light can damage your skin, making it red and painful. You might not see the symptoms immediately; as it can take up to four to five hours for sunburn to appear. But if not treated timely, the burn can lead to peeling or blistering skin, and also doubles the risk of developing melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. So what can you do if you’ve got a scorching sunburn?

Well, I am sure you too overdo your skincare routine just like me. Earlier when I used to get sunburn, I used to come back home and apply a lot of creams and go overboard with my skin care regime. But with time, I realised that these creams only increase your sunburn issues and make them worse. That’s when I thought it’s time to go natural and started using natural remedies for sunburn and it worked wonders for me.

So, today I am going to share the five natural ways that I have tried and tested and which can help you soothe the sunburn. All these methods may not work for everyone since we all have different skins, but they have really worked for me. So if you want relief from sunburn, now you can have it in the comfort of your own home—with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen! So let’s see what are these natural remedies for sunburn.

So these were some of the remedies that I swear by when I have sunburn. Also, when I have a sunburn, I avoid going in the sun for a week and use these natural remedies to heal the burn. Most importantly, I don’t use any chemical based products on my skin and go completely natural by using these natural remedies.

So, if you have used some natural remedies and have found relief from sunburn please share it with me and my tribe in the comments. And write to me if you have any queries about today’s video. Like and subscribe to my channel for more such videos.

Always waiting to hear from you all.
Lots of love, health and beauty

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Healthier Alternatives to Sugar

Hello! My Tribe

So we already know that cutting out sugar is one of the best moves you can make for your health, but if you’ve got a serious sweet tooth – like I have – then it’s a lot harder than it seems. Whether it’s a late night craving or a bit of workday stress, having a sweet tooth can be a struggle if you’re trying to keep a healthy diet. While a few treats here and there won’t completely derail your healthy eating efforts, they aren’t something you should have every day. If your need for sweet treats seems like it’s too much to overcome, consider swapping the sugar for one of these healthier alternatives. So today I’m going to list down some substitutes that you can have when you get the sweet craving, instead of indulging in wholesome dessert.
Fresh Fruits
Most fruits have enough sugar to satisfy your cravings and are a lot healthier – especially if it’s organic. If you’ve got a serious craving, cut up some of your favourite fruits and make a healthy salad out of it and relish!

Frozen Banana or Banana Ice Cream
Frozen bananas are like eating a banana popsicle and are great for after your workout when you want to cool down and have a sweet craving. If you want to take it to the next level, though I wouldn’t recommend it so often, dip that banana in dark chocolate – 80% cacao or greater – which will pack in all the benefits from the delicious cocoa bean. You can also have a simple banana ice cream treat. All you need is one ingredient which is delicious and healthy and though it will add some calories, it will not hamper your health like refined sugar.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate as opposed to the usual sugar-laden milk-chocolates, if had in moderation can be very healthy. The secret is to get your chocolate dark. And when I say dark, I mean 80% dark or more cocoa. Though it’s not as sweet as your typical chocolate, it goes well with things which are a little sweet on their own like fruits.

Frozen Granola Bites
Granola is yummy! But you know what’s better than just your run-of-the-mill granola? A mix of granola and yogurt without a lot of added sugar. You can also use some dark chocolate to make it more indulgent.

Acai Berry Bowls
Made by the antioxidant filled superfood acai berry and covered in delicious fresh fruit, acai bowls look like the perfect snack when you need something sweet. They are high in fiber and low in cholesterol since it is plant based. They are also low in sodium. With fresh fruit toppings this treat also provide several other vitamins and minerals of their own. Acai bowls are one of my favourite delicious treats that can reduce sweet cravings. But remember, these should be enjoyed in moderation and not as an everyday meal.

Blueberry Almond Butter Smoothie
Smoothies are our savior when it comes to health! Whether it’s an on-the-go meal or a sweet craving, smoothies can really do the trick. Blueberries are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K, which help improve bone health and almond butter offers antioxidant action from Vitamin E and helps lower cholesterol. So both the ingredients are tasty as well as nutritious and are sweet enough to satisfy your sugar craving. Plus the protein from the almond butter will keep you feeling full for longer.

Healthy Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Strawberries + chocolate. Now who can resist that? Make sure you have more of strawberries and less of chocolate to reduce the calories. And also make sure you have dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. This is a healthy dessert since strawberries are packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and K, folate, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. They are low-calorie, fiber-rich fruits, which are abundant in antioxidants. So indulge in this treat guilt free.

What are your favorite ways to satisfy your sweet tooth? I would love to know your options. If you liked this video, do leave your feedback in the comments box.
And don’t forget to subscribe!

Love and Health

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Skin Care Tips for Summer | Daily skin care Routine for Summer

Hello My Tribe,
Every year, summers take a toll on our skin. The scorching heat, pollution and the humidity can make your skin appear dull and tired during the harsh weather. Not only is your skin prone to tanning and peeling during summers, but the harsh sun rays can also cause premature ageing of the skin. To avoid such skin woes, you must take a step before the damage is done.
So today I’m going to talk about six skin care tips during summers that you can follow to keep your skin safe and radiant like before.
What it does: Dead cells sit on the surface of your skin making it look dull, rough and dry. By exfoliating, you are removing these dead cells, and allowing your skin to appear more radiant and healthier during summer. Exfoliating also allows skin cells to regenerate more quickly, which keeps aging at bay.
When: Perform in the mornings prior to toner, moisturizer, SPF and make-up application.
Tip: Make-up will last longer on an exfoliated skin!
Don’t forget: After you exfoliate, use a hydrating body cream to keep the skin moisturised, and always apply SPF on freshly exfoliated skin (as recommended by the FDA).
Keep skin hydrated
How: If your skin is craving more hydration, it might need a little extra care. Add a hydrating serum or a nourishing mask to your skincare routine. Generally, serums are applied after cleansing and before moisturizing and can be used every day at night. You can also use intensive masques once or twice a week. If you wish, you could replenish your skin’s moisture in the middle of the day without dusting your makeup, by grabbing a facial spray for quick moisture. It’s not just super-refreshing but super-convenient too!

Drink more water
Why: Higher temperatures and spending long hours outdoors leads to internal dehydration, which can result in headaches and dizziness! Proper hydration helps flush out toxins from your body. When toxins build up, they cause organs such as your kidneys to work less efficiently, which has a direct impact on your skin. Sip water throughout the day at least eight glasses of water every day.
What you can do: Eight glasses of plain, filtered water every day helps to maintain critical moisture balance of the skin and body, and helps in detoxification. Tip: If you are a caffeine lover, you must triple the amount of water you drink every day!

Don’t save on your sunscreen
Why: Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! UV rays can be harmful for your skin, especially in the summer months when our exposure levels are higher. Pick a sunscreen that gels into your skin and gets absorbed. A minimum SPF of 30 is recommended and must be applied 20-30 minutes before you head out into the sun. Also, it’s not enough to just apply sunscreen. You need to apply enough, and apply it frequently. Studies show that most people do not apply nearly as much daylight protection as they should. Sunscreen application can go a long way in minimizing sun related spots and could even help delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.
How much: A teaspoon for the face. For the body, about as much as would fill a shot glass.
How often: Re-apply every two hours. Tip: Stay out of the midday sun from mid-morning to late afternoon whenever you can.

Soothe over-exposed skin
What: You forgot the sunscreen, didn’t apply enough, or got caught in a sunny spell.
What’s next: Unfortunately, the damage is done, but you don’t have to suffer! Cooling gels and soothing botanicals can help prevent peeling and reduce redness and inflammation.
How: Apply cooling balms generously over exposed skin, preferably as soon as you see any redness.
Prevent: Sunburn can increase your risk of melanoma cancer. So remember to get a yearly skin exam by a doctor and perform a self-examination once a month to detect early warning signs of carcinomas and malignant melanoma. Look for a new growth or any skin change.

Repair and treat sun damage
Whether you have burned your skin or not, UV light causes photoaging in the form of wrinkles, brown spots and coarse skin. When sunlight comes in contact with skin, it causes inflammation, production of reactive oxygen molecules that affect healthy cell growth, and stimulation of collagen destructing enzymes.
What to do: A tan may be a popular summer look, but it indicates damage. Bombard your skin with age-fighting ingredients to help undo any damage that may occur, and to further protect it from the aging effects of UV.
Healthy skin is a reflection of overall health. So keep yourself healthier by following this simple skincare routine. If you want to know more about skincare or skincare products, write to me.
What is your tip for summer skincare? I would love to know your beauty secrets. Write to me, comment on my video or send me your queries on my blog.
Have a great summer!
Love and Health

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Find that glow inside out, Let me teach you how!

Well, there’s a huge list of things that happen when you don’t get enough sleep:

  • Short term memory and learning problems
  • Irritability
  • Skin Aging
  • Weight gain and impulse control problems
  • Alzheimer’s-linked toxin build-up in the brain
  • Vision problems
  • Heart disease risk
  • Slowed reactions
  • Immune system issues
  • Bad decision-making
  • Depleted sex drive and function
  • Frequent Colds
  • Risk of Cancer
  • Genetic Disruption
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Migraines
  • Lack of alertness
  • Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal Imbalance

I believe, a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest success formulas, and the best habit you can cultivate in your life
via @umagd

instagram this

So next time you want to skip sleep to be on schedule, or you want to compromise it for another hour of binge watching a show, consider how it is hampering your health.

Well, now that we know the hazardous impact of less sleep, let’s look at five things you can do that can help you sleep better.

1) Schedule a sleep appointment

Get yourself into a routine where you go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. This will get your body into the habit of regular sleep. Be very strict with your bedtime. Don’t let yourself get distracted by social media, TV programmes or deadlines you didn’t meet. When it’s bedtime, just go to bed, no matter what. Soon your body will be habituated to it and you will naturally fall asleep and wake up when you are supposed to.

2) Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual

Get into the habit of a relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime. Put a facial mask, read in bed, say prayers, whatever works for you. But by doing a little routine before bed, you’re prepping your body and mind. Also remember to stay away from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety that make it difficult to fall asleep.

3) Make your surroundings comfortable

Design your sleep environment to create the conditions you need for a good sleep. Maintain a temperature in your bedroom that you’re comfortable with and make sure your bedroom is free of any noise that can disturb your sleep. Most importantly, your bedroom should be free of any light. Consider using eye shades, ear plugs, blackout curtains, humidifiers, fans and other devices.

4) Try aromatherapy

The scent of lavender has some amazing benefits for sleep.
A small 2005 study found that a sniff before bed led to deeper
sleep. And a 2008 study found that lavender helped women
with insomnia fall asleep more easily.

5) Take a hot bath

A cozy soak raises your body temperature slightly. Then, when
you hop out, you’ll cool down quickly, which mimics the natural
drop in body temperature caused by the brain as it readies the
body for sleep. A warm bath before bed helps people fall asleep
more quickly, and also betters the quality of sleep.

6) Wear a Phillip Stein sleep bracelet

Wearing the Phillip Stein sleep bracelet enhances your quality of sleep and ensures a rejuvenated morning. I personally use use it and it has really benefitted my quality of sleep. The Philip Stein Sleep Bracelet works with a unique Natural Frequency Technology which channels frequencies that help you sleep better and wake up more refreshed. This has helped me experience deeper and enhanced quality sleep naturally, without feeling drowsy the next morning. I’ve also gifted it to my mother and she totally loves me for this. Initially, she used to wake up multiple times in her sleep, but with this, her sleep quality has improved and she has experienced a boost in her energy levels. The best part about this bracelet is, it is a portable device that provides natural sleep, and is very easy to maintain. I love it, because you don’t need to charge it and you can carry it even while you are travelling. It has classy design and interchangeable bands to suit your choice, and it’s very simple to use. All you have to do is place it on your wrist 15-20 minutes before going to sleep and then remove it the next day when you are awake, so that you can be ready to take over the world.

If you find it challenging to sleep well, try sleep bracelet from Philip Stein. Go on their website www.philipstein.com type on UMA10 to get 10% discount on all PS products.

And one more thing! Please don’t find a quick fix in caffeine. Because caffeine might help you stay awake when you need to, but it is not going to help you in your health journey. Instead, start with cultivating healthier habits one by one, so that you can follow it in the long run and live a better life. Think of sustainability and not short-cuts. I believe, a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest success formulas, and the best habit you can cultivate in your life. So sleep well yourself, and educate the people around you to do the same.

What remedies help you sleep better at night? Let me know in the comments section. And if you liked my video, subscribe to my channel so that you get regular updates on my videos. Stay Tuned.

Love and Health,

How lack of Sleep Can Affect You | Home Remedy and Tips to Get Good Sleep

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How lack of Sleep Can Affect You | Home Remedy and Tips to Get Good Sleep

Hello! My Tribe,

Are you one of those, who is so tied up with work commitments and responsibilities that you don’t get enough time to sleep? Is sleep the last thing on your priority list? Or perhaps you think it’s okay to cover up on sleep on a weekend? Well, it’s a fact that we’re not sleeping enough. Our fast-paced lives demand more time, and often that comes at the expense of our sleep. We insert coffee, wade through foggy mornings, and suffer from darkened eyes and irritability. However, it’s time to wake up and realise that not getting enough sleep can impact our lives way beyond feeling grumpy during the day. So let me explain how seriously lack of sleep can impact your health.

Well, there’s a huge list of things that happen when you don’t get enough sleep:

• Short term memory and learning problems
• Irritability
• Skin Aging
• Weight gain and impulse control problems
• Alzheimer’s-linked toxin build-up in the brain
• Vision problems
• Heart disease risk
• Slowed reactions
• Immune system issues
• Bad decision-making
• Depleted physical drive and function
• Frequent Colds
• Risk of Cancer
• Genetic Disruption
• Gastrointestinal Problems
• Migraines
• Lack of alertness
• Blood Pressure
• Diabetes
• Depression
• Obesity
• Hormonal Imbalance

So next time you want to skip sleep to be on schedule, or you want to compromise it for another hour of binge watching a show, consider how it is hampering your health.

Well, now that we know the hazardous impact of less sleep, let’s look at five things you can do that can help you sleep better
1) Schedule a sleep appointment
2) Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual
3) Make your surroundings comfortable
4) Try aromatherapy
5) Take a hot bath
6) Wear a Phillip Stein sleep bracelet

If you find it challenging to sleep well, try sleep bracelet from Philip Stein. Go on their website www.philipstein.com type on UMA10 to get 10% discount on all PS products.

And one more thing! Please don’t find a quick fix in caffeine. Because caffeine might help you stay awake when you need to, but it is not going to help you in your health journey. Instead, start with cultivating healthier habits one by one, so that you can follow it in the long run and live a better life. Think of sustainability and not short-cuts. I believe, a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest success formulas, and the best habit you can cultivate in your life. So sleep well yourself, and educate the people around you to do the same.

What remedies help you sleep better at night? Let me know in the comments section. And if you liked my video, subscribe to my channel so that you get regular updates on my videos. Stay Tuned.

Love and Health,

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
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Visit Www.philipstein.com

How to Reduce Plastic Use in Daily Lives | Tips to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Hello! My tribe

Nowadays, you can see plastic everywhere around you. Your food and hygiene products are packaged in it, your cars, phones and computers are manufactured from it. And you might even chew it daily in the form of chewing gum. Unlike naturally-derived products, synthetic plastics are not biodegradable. This means that once plastic items are churned out into the world they remain there, unless recycled or incinerated.

Don’t use plastic water bottles
Tap water is free and you avoid buying plastic bottles which you will throw away after having finished your drink. By avoiding plastic bottles you are saving money and you can enjoy the fresh water from the tap whose quality is much better than that of water packed in a plastic bottle. You can also carry around your own fancy water bottle. The best options are stainless steel water bottles which contain no dangerous toxic material that is present in plastic bottles. Stainless steel water bottles are safer to use and keep your water fresh.

Try your own coffee cup mug
When ordering your coffee at the take-away just bring your own coffee mug and say no to the paper cup and the plastic lid. In your stainless steel cup your coffee or tea would stay warm for longer. And plus you can avoid adding more plastic to the environment.

Say no to plastic straws
Think twice before getting a plastic straw for your drink. Do you really need one or can you easily do without it? Straws are among the top ten marine debris items and cause a lot of pollution in the marine life. Save the marine life by using stainless steel straws. You can easily say no to plastic straws…so please do it!

Use a reusable shopping bag for your grocery shopping
Ask yourself: Do you really need a bag for every single thing that you buy? Probably not! Does it fit in your normal handbag? If yes, why take a plastic bag then? Or you can bring your own reusable bag, even if you need one. So take this first step and say no to plastic.

Store your food in glass or stainless steel containers
Keeping your leftovers fresh is a challenge. Whilst a plastic container comes in handy because it is light, has clips and you can use it even in the microwave, you forget that it is pure toxic. Never heat up your food in a plastic box! Put your food on a normal plate before heating it up. Instead of buying plastic containers, invest your money in glass boxes or stainless steel containers. It is safer and will prevent you from toxicity.

Refresh yourself with non-plastic tasting ice cubes
We all want to cool down a bit and refresh our drinks with some ice cubes. But have you noticed, that sometimes suddenly something tastes weird in your drink. Yes, that’s what I am talking about. It is the ice cube which you have pushed out just a few seconds ago from the plastic or silicon tray. To avoid those tastes in your drink, make sure to get a stainless steel ice cube tray and have a better taste of your drinks.

So these were some of the basic changes we can make in our lives to prevent our environment and make life better for us and our future generations.
We need to be conscious that the health of the environment is closely intertwined with our own health.

Love and Health,

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Spices For Your Youthful Skin | Spices for anti ageing and glowing skin

Hello! My Tribe,

Let’s talk about spicing our life today a little more.Many of us enjoy making our food more exciting by adding spices. But did you know that spices can also help to bring out your skin’s healthy glow?

Your skin is your largest organ. It’s not always easy to take good care of it so that it’s always looking awesome. And when it isn’t looking at its best, it can really knock your confidence. Blemishes and fine lines can wreak havoc with our self-confidence, and for some of us this can take over our lives. We avoid dates, work – anything that makes us leave the house. And when we do leave the house, we make sure we have the make-up on. But then why live this way when the secret to a healthier skin is lying in your spice rack? Today I’m gonna tell you about 5 super spicy spices that are good for your skin and are rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, as well as anti-inflammatory agents. So let’s take a look at five most commonly used spices that are good for your skin.

Turmeric has been in the limelight for dietary reasons but did you also know that it can do wonders for your skin? Traditionally known as Indian saffron because of its deep yellow-orange color, turmeric provides amazing healing benefits, not just inside the body,

We use cinnamon abundantly in our foods to add flavor, but for years now people have been using this spice to also treat various skin ailments and disorders.

When we are talking about pepper, we could easily say that things are gonna get hot. The small black spice is a powerhouse, when it comes to benefits. Pepper, when mixed with other ingredients and applied on the skin can loosen up the pores and facilitate the removal of blackheads and acne.

Ginger has some awesome beauty benefits. Eating ginger can help fight wrinkles! The food is packed with the super-foodiness of anti-oxidants, which reduce toxins in skin cells while increasing blood circulation, helping to reduce the appearance of ageing.

The beauty benefits of garlic include anti-ageing. Allicin, an organic compound present in garlic destroys some of the harmful free radicals that cause skin cell damage.

Have you been using any of these spices for your skin? What is your feedback. Share with me and my tribe.

Love and health


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GIVEAWAY Alert 1- All Expenses Paid Staycation in Le Meridien Dubai

Hello my tribe!

I’m so excited today that we have reached 100000 + subscribers on youtube! And guess what? It’s time for giveawaaayyy!!!

After receiving all your love and support, I have planned to launch a giveaway just to brighten up your week. 1 lucky subscriber will have the chance to win
2 nights stay for
2 guests in
Le Meridian Dubai,
inclusive of lunch and dinner at Yalumba Restaurant and 1 spa treatment for 1 guest.

Surrounded by 38 acres of landscaped gardens, Le Méridien Dubai Hotel provides a serene and luxurious counterpoint to the citys cosmopolitan flair. A short distance from the Dubai airport, Deira City Centre shopping hub, Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club, the Gold Souk, and Burj Khalifa, the hotel puts the city’s unique experiences within easy reach. The hotel also features five outdoor temperature-controlled swimming pools, Natural Elements Spa, a state-of-the-art fitness centre, and tennis courts. There are 18 restaurants in the hotel that serve a sophisticated blend of Thai, Italian, Japanese, Cantonese, Szechwan, and seafood cuisines.
I totally love my stays at Le Meridian, Dubai! So with this voucher, you’re going to get a wonderful stay at this mesmerizing hotel.

All you have to do is,

Subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already.
Like this video,
Comment on this video telling me why You like the Uma Show.
And share this video with your friends and people you love.

So get started! The lucky winner will be announced in two weeks on my channel.
So Stay Tuned
Sending you all

Love and Health

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GIVEAWAY Alert 2 – All Expenses Paid Holiday to Sri Lanka

Hello my Tribe,

Here comes another give away

I’m so excited today that we have reached 100000 + subscribers on youtube! And guess what? It’s time for the 2nd giveawaaayyy!!!

I am here to let my subscribers indulge for an all expenses paid holiday to Sri Lanka with Air Arabia. And air Arabia holidays.

It’s simple and easy, you have been watching my videos on The Uma Show Youtube Channel and you all know that my channel is all about YOU!

I am here to empower you and help you to live a happier, healthier and fulfilling life.

We all need to get away from our busy schedules to find our balance, so here is your opportunity.
A holiday to Srilanak, all expense paid, for 2 nights and 3 days for two.

All you have to do is follow these simple steps:
‘Subscribe’ to The Uma Show channel on Youtube
Like this Video
Comment on the video telling me why do yu desrve this holiday package.
Get your friend/partner you tag to ‘Subscribe’ to the TUS channel on Youtube.

So get started! The lucky winner will be announced in two weeks on my channel.
So Stay Tuned

Good Luck and Thank you my tribe for joining me on this journey of ‘Spreading Love’.

Sending you all

Love and Health

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How Frequency And Vibration Affect Your Energy


Hello! My Tribe

Hope you all are having a great EID holiday. Today Lets talk about our frequency. According to universal law and the science of quantum physics, everything in the universe is fundamentally made of pure energy. This energy is constantly moving, oscillating and vibrating at different speeds. Though we are made of flesh and bones, we too are essentially nothing but just pure energy moving at a rapid pace, and that energy has a vibrational frequency.

ou might have never thought about your frequency before, but believe it or not, it impacts every aspect of your life – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. A high vibration attracts more high frequency, spiritually uplifting you by creating positive experiences in your life. A low vibration does the opposite. What exactly is a high frequency? It’s simple! It’s when you feel good! When you hold positive thoughts in your heart and mind, you feel happy, inspired and content and that’s how you know your frequency is high. And when you hold negative thoughts, like fear, sadness, disappointment, your frequency falls. People who are suffering from any kind of physical or mental illness is all thanks to their low frequencies.

The good news is, as the creator of your life, you have the power to change your frequency at any moment. Even something as simple as laughing or being creative can get the positive juices flowing. So today, I’m going to talk about a few things you can do to raise your frequency and live a happier and more positive life.

1) Become conscious of your thoughts.
2) Detoxify with water
3) Positive food
4) Devote time to Nature
6) Use wellness watches and bracelets.

I am also super excited to offer 10% off on your horizon bracelet once you type the promo code UMA10 on www.philipstein.com

By engaging in daily practices like these, even you can shift your energy and begin to operate at a high-vibrational frequency—the frequency of love—and that’s when you will become a magnet for more positive relationships and experiences. And as always, I am there to help you in this journey. So for any queries, write to me in the comments section and I would be glad to answer them. If you liked my video, please subscribe to my channel so that you get to see all my videos as soon as they are uploaded.

Have a great day!

See you next week!

Love and health

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How to Stay Healthy and Fit While Traveling

Hello! My Tribe!

Eid Holidays are right around the corner and many of you are planning a mini holiday.

So here are few of my tips to stay healthy and fit while traveling.

All tried and tested. Hope these help you too.

Do you have any healthy travel tips?

Please share with me and my tribe.

Happy Holiday.

Love and Health

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The truth about rice – White vs Brown | Which Rice is Good For Health? | Best Health Tips

Hello! My Tribe,

Does brown rice deserve all the love?
Should we abandon white rice for the healthier choice?
Honestly, there’s a lot of hullabaloo about the perfect rice variety. So let me clear the air about it and list down some of the differences between white rice and brown rice.
Firstly let’s look at the basic difference between both! Why is brown rice brown and white rice white?
Brown rice is a whole grain. This means that it has all its parts intact—the bran, germ, and the endosperm—only taking off the outer hull of the rice kernel. This also means it is high in nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. White rice, on the other hand, is made from stripping off the germ and bran, leaving only the endosperm intact. This variety is milled and heavily polished to give the white color to the core. So, as expected, most of the nutrients, proteins and the antioxidants are lost in the process. So, when you’re downing that tasty bowl of white rice with perfect side dishes, you’re missing out on most of the essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, folate, and fiber.
Well that was about how we get these two varieties of rice. Now let’s see what are some of the differences between these two.

Calorie Content
Generally, brown rice contains slightly fewer calories per serving than white rice. According to reports by The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database, 1 cup of cooked brown rice contains 218 calories, while cooked white rice contains 242 calories per cup. Therefore, if you’re on a calorie cutting spree, brown rice is the better option.

Carbs and Fiber
White rice and Brown rice are both high-carb foods, but brown rice contains fewer carbs and more fiber than white rice. One cup of white rice contains 53 grams of carbs, and less than 1 gram of dietary fiber. The USDA reports that a cup of brown rice provides 46 grams of total carbohydrates, including 4 grams of fiber. Because fiber aids in healthy weight management, and can help improve blood cholesterol levels, fiber-rich brown rice is again the better choice.

Vitamins and Minerals
While brown rice naturally contains more vitamins and minerals than white rice because white rice is a refined grain, most white rice varieties are full of certain vitamins and minerals, which means manufacturers add those nutrients to the rice during processing. Brown and white rice are both sources of vitamin B, and have small amounts of iron and zinc. White rice is also a good source of folate which helps your body make DNA and other genetic material. It also supports cell division. Although folate is an essential nutrient for everyone, it’s especially vital for women who are pregnant or are planning to have a baby.

I love white rice but I do feel lighter and more energetic when I have brown rice so I try and balance it as much as possible.
What about you? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health


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Anti Ageing Neck Yoga and Massage Techniques

Hello! My Tribe,
The neck is as important as our face, do massage, yoga, and exercises for neck these anti ageing yoga, massage and exercise will make your neck beautiful and relief you from neck pain,
Neck skin is one of the most delicate skins of our body more sensitive than both hands and face. We usually take care of our face but we mostly neglect this particular area. Most women do not pay attention to the next until they notice the first sign of ageing , skipping all the kinds of preventive measures
That’s a big mistake we do

Neck skin is one the most fragile because it has less sebaceous glands that’s why it gets easily dehydrated it has little fat so thinner and with a lower density of connective fibers and very susceptible to sagging. It’s therefore crucial to devote proper care before the years make their mark
Treat your neck exactly like your face

A few months back I saw a few fine lines on my neck and was very concerned and I started doing this routine of neck yoga and massages and now I really feel and see the difference.

Watch the video for the entire routine.

Do you have any special routine for your neck?

Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health


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Wellness travel with Uma – Sri Lanka Part 2

Hello! My Tribe,

In the last episode you saw the amazing experience I had flying with Air Arabia Holidays my travel partner and staying at Anantara Tangalle, a blissful haven.

Air Arabia and air Arabia Holidays, my travel partner just made it quick and smart! As soon as I reached Sharjah International Airport, they pampered me with their Hala Service which is a unique range of services that made my journey simple and hassle free. I was greeted and assisted, had a fast track check-in and immigration clearance, used the smart gates, and went into duty free in hardly in a few minutes. I mean it was that quick! There I spent some time at leisure in the lounge. Also scrolled through there app, AirArabia Now you can make and manage your bookings anywhere, anytime at the tap of a finger, with their user friendly mobile app. I was already feeling great with the pampering and then, it was even better when I entered the aircraft. Generally, we struggle with leg room in aircrafts. But Air Arabia’s planes have all-economy class cabins. Legroom allowances with a seat pitch 32 inches, it’s pretty generous leg room.The interiors were also classy and comfortable and I had a pleasant flight.

After a beautiful stay at Anantara, I took a drive from anantara which is located in south Sri Lanka to Jetwing Vil Uyana which is situated in the Central Province of Sri Lanka, six hours away from Anantara and five hours away from the capital city of Colombo. The six hour drive was a delight! It’s always so exciting to be in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka offers an array of breathtaking experiences and activities. An island country located in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is truly breathtaking, with its countless picturesque beaches, tropical rainforests, wildlife and ancient ruins. Nature-lovers and adventure-lovers alike can travel to Sri Lanka for a taste of tropical paradise.

A country full of rich culture, beautiful scenery, and smiling locals, Sri Lanka is just like an undiscovered slice of paradise you’re looking for. Surfers from across the world visit the island’s southern coast to surf. A lot of travellers come to Sri lanka for Scuba diving off Sri Lanka’s numerous beaches and to explore.

And for nature lovers, places like Jetwing Vil Uyana are the perfect find. I was really thrilled when I reached Jetwing Vil Uyana. A luxurious sanctuary in Sigiriya, Jetwing Vil Uyana looked like an epitome of regal history and had magnificent surroundings. Located in a well-travelled region of Sri Lanka’s cultural triangle, the beautiful property is located right next to world-renowned national parks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Sigiriya, bordered by ancient kingdoms and abundance of natural reserves. The place was in perfect proximity to some of the greatest experiences in Sri Lanka.

Love and Health


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How To Lose Weight During Ramadan

Hello! My Tribe,

Ramadan Kareem to all of you who are fasting.
Its a beautiful time of year, so serene, peaceful and blissful. I love it.

How to lose weight

Rule no#1: Drink More Water and Hydrate
Although it may seem like mission impossible with the long fasting hours, hydration is key to weight loss in Ramadan. Drinking enough fluids will not only keep you from becoming dehydrated while you fast, but it will also control your sugar cravings after you break your fast.

Rule no#2: Replace Refined Carbs to Complex
Eliminate those calorie-filled and nutrient-poor refined carbs. Instead, replace those carbs with foods that are higher in fiber and less processed such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods pack a powerful nutritional punch including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Rule no#3: Quit sugar
It seems the number one cause of weight gain in Ramadan is not the food you eat for iftar. You guessed it, it’s the sugar you consume from Ramadan beverages and sweets. This Ramadan, challenge yourself to only eat naturally occurring sugar such as fruits, dried fruits, molasses and honey. This will be life changing and oh so effective in ensuring a nice surprise the next time you stand on the scale.

Rule no#4: Choose more greens and Whole Foods
Whole foods are healthier and keep you full for longer hours. They will help you with the hunger pangs. And greens like cucumbers, lettuce and other vegetables are high in fibre and water. They not only help your body feel cool, but are also a great choice for keeping your skin healthy and avoiding constipation during Ramadan.

Rule no#5: Stay away from processed ready meals
Cook fresh and healthy meals at home, instead of buying readymade packets, which may contain preservatives and high fat content. Eating fresh food is always healthier when compared to processed and packaged food.

Rule no#6: Stay away from fried food
Greasy and fried food, such as fried dumplings, samosas, pastries and oily curries, should be avoided as they are loaded with fat and stored in the body as fatty tissue. Eating fatty foods after long hours of fasting causes acidity and indigestion. Frying can be replaced by grilling, boiling or baking.

Rule no#7: Reduce meat and chicken
Avoid chicken, as a health coach I would say, avoid chicken at all times, its filled with hormones that messes with our system completely. Red meat takes a log time and energy to digest so makes us feel lethargic and heavy and low on energy. So it best to avoid meats at the time of Ramaradan.

Rule no#8: Chew your food
It’s natural to want to eat as fast as you can when you’re very hungry, but slowing down can help. Research has shown that eating slowly and mindfully helps you eat less, aids the digestion process and enhances the pleasure of the food. The physical process of chewing food in your mouth helps to break down larger particles of food into smaller particles. This helps to reduce stress on the esophagus and helps the stomach metabolize your food. When you chew each mouthful properly, you also release a lot of saliva, which contains digestive enzymes. As you release these enzymes into the throat and stomach, you further improve the digestive process.

What do you like to incorporate during Ramadan for your health and over all wellness?
Share with me and my tribe.

Love and health

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Wellness Travel with Uma – Sri Lanka

Hello! My Tribe,

Off late, I had been really tied up with work. And I was feeling burned out! That’s when I thought, that I need some time out to rejuvenate and de-stress! With so much on my mind, I thought why not choose a destination which is not so far away but I would still love to visit. And I chose Sri Lanka – one of my favorite destinations. I was super excited about my travel, and Air Arabia and air Arabia Holidays, my travel partner just made it quick and smart! As soon as I reached Sharjah International Airport, they pampered me with their Hala Service which is a unique range of services that made my journey simple and hassle free. I was greeted and assisted, had a fast track check-in and immigration clearance, used the smart gates, and went into duty free in hardly in a few minutes. I mean it was that quick! There I spent some time at leisure in the lounge. Also scrolled through there app, AirArabia Now you can make and manage your bookings anywhere, anytime at the tap of a finger, with their user friendly mobile app.

There were so many beautiful, quaint and picturesque corners in the resort which I explored. Every nook and corner had something refreshing. And every little thing played an important role in de-stressing me one by one. After losing myself in a tranquil world of my own at Anantara, my batteries were fully recharged. Truly, all the fun and excitement of travel makes it a natural antidote to stress. Whatever style of travel you prefer, getting away from the routine of normal life and totally immersing yourself in new places, cultures and experiences is a fantastic way to refresh your body and mind. It gets you back home feeling grateful and reminds you about the beautiful things that life has blessed us with!

If you are based in Dubai, its worth looking at the holiday options Air Arabia Holiday offers. Ramadan is round the corner and then Eid Holidays, a short holiday will recharge you batteries and make you ready for new things in life.

I will soon be giving away a holiday package for two on my social media pages. Do you like to travel? Why?

Love and Health


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How I Got Over My Fear of Snakes

Hello! my tribe !

Today I am going to share something very personal.
Not many of you know that I have a huge phobia for snakes, something I have had ever since I remember. Even if there is a picture of snake in a magazine, I cannot continue reading it unless I tear the page. I sweat and scream if there is a snake scene in a movie. At times I dream of snakes and I cannot sleep after wards

So I invited a well known NLP expert and hypnotherapist Beryl Comar on my show to help me get rid of this phobia.

Bery started with showing me the picture of a snake on an iPad.

My intention was to be able to see snakes in real life and not freak out and be able to conquer that fear. I don’t want to start holding them or start playing with them yet, but even if I am able to look at them without screaming and sweating I would be happy to begin with…

Watch the Video to know what happened.

This was an extremely emotional experience for me, something shifts within you when you conquer your fear, after just one session with beryl, I was able to see a real life snake without hesitation, and now after a month of this session I am not loosing control or freaking out when I see a snake pictures or videos. I feel I have come a long way , this is one fear I have had since very early age and , I kinda feel empowered to have conquered it.
Have ever conquered any of your fears?

Please share with me and my tribe.

Love and health


Details of Beryl Comar

Beryl Comar
Emotional Intelligence Development Specialist
Consulting Hypnotist & Instructor
NLP Platinum Master & Instructor
SleepTalk for Children Trainer
EFT Trainer

PO Box 11902, Dubai, UAE.
Tel: +97150 655 4523 (Dubai)
Calle Levante #1,
Orba 03790
Alicante, Spain.
Tel: +34636569030 (Spain)

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My Hair & Beauty Routine

Hello! My Tribe,

This one is one of the most requested videos.

I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things.

Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box.

Always waiting to hear from you all.

Love and Health

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My Hair & Beauty Routine

Hello! My Tribe,

This one is one of the most requested videos.

I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things.

Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box.

Always waiting to hear from you all.

Love and Health

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My Hair & Beauty Routine

Hello! My Tribe,

This one is one of the most requested videos.

I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things.

Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box.

Always waiting to hear from you all.

Love and Health

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What I Eat Daily & More

Hello! My Tribe!

You asked and I answered .
All you wanted to know about me and my daily routine.

Love and health

Green Juice Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIRgRLd9WX4

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Face Masks For Pigmentation, Discoloration and Dark Spots | HomeMade Face Masks

Hello! My Tribe
Sharing 4 types of Homemade face masks for pigmentation, discoloration, and dark spots.
Many of you have asked me for home remedies for pigmentation and so here I am, as always trying you give what you want.:)

Firstly let’s know hyper-pigmentation better.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin can cause uneven color and dark patches. Excessive production of melanin is responsible for this condition. Hyperpigmentation can occur on almost any part of the body, including the face, neck, hands, arms and legs.

The root cause of excess melanin production is generally attributed to internal factors like hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy and various health problems. External factors like excessive sun exposure, skin injury, burning, emotional stress or contact with certain chemicals can also cause hyperpigmentation.
You can manage hyper pigmentation naturally with the help of some simple and easy home remedies.
I myself have suffered from hyper pigmentation and Melasma for many years and after trying many different treatments, I now have come to a conclusion that eating healthy, managing stress better and home remedies can be very helpful.

The video talks about my story.

Below are some ingredients that you can use to make your masks, I have also mentioned the benefits of each ingredients. On the video I have mixed a few of these and made masks but you can use any combination that you like and is most effective and easily available to you.

So here goes

1. Lemon
Lemon contains citric acid that helps bleach the skin, making it a popular home treatment for hyperpigmentation. This natural bleaching agent can effectively fade dark blemishes on your skin.

2. Raw Potato
Raw potato works very well to help lighten hyperpigmented skin as well as other spots and blemishes on the skin. Potatoes contain an enzyme that is believed to help lighten skin tone. Grate one medium-size potato and squeeze the juice out of it. Add an equal amount of lemon juice to it and mix well. Apply the solution on the pigmented area and leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes before washing it off. Do this twice daily for a month.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is simply miraculous when it comes to reducing the appearance of dark patches on the skin due to hyperpigmentation. It has excellent skin lightening as well as astringent properties that can help restore your skin’s natural color.

4. Vitamin E
Often referred to as the skin vitamin, vitamin E is an obvious treatment for skin hyperpigmentation. Being an antioxidant, vitamin E neutralizes the effects of harmful UV rays of the sun and repairs and protects the skin.
Puncture two or three vitamin E capsule and put the contents in a bowl. Add three or four drops of castor oil to it and mix well. Apply the mixture on the affected skin before going to bed. Rinse it off the next morning. Follow this remedy daily for two to three weeks.

5. Turmeric
Turmeric has bleaching properties that can help get rid of the symptoms of hyperpigmented skin. Plus, turmeric can keep the skin free of infection.

6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera works excellently on hyperpigmented skin due to the presence of mucilaginous polysaccharides in the gel. It can remove the dead skin cells and promote regeneration of new skin cells.
Before going to bed, apply some fresh aloe vera gel on the hyperpigmented skin and leave it on overnight. Rinse it off in the morning. Follow this remedy daily for a few weeks to get positive results.

7.Onion juice
Onion juice is an effective home remedy used by melasma sufferers to restore the skin tone. It is a natural treatment that works to remove the unsightly darkening of the skin caused from melasma. Overall, the pungent herb is used for various ailments and provides nourishment to the skin cells. It contains a range of sulfur containing compounds called sulfoxides (cyteinesulfoxide, isomer of alliin) and cepaenes. In addition to treating melasma, it is also used for wounds and the removal of acne blemishes.

8.Coconut oil
Coconut yields a nourishing and moisturizing oil which we know as coconut oil. The high fat content has been shown to help improve certain skin conditions by healing wounds, reducing rashes and preventing acne. The fatty acids in coconut oil help it to work as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial natural product. This works in favor of reducing acne breakouts and keeping the pores dirt-free.

Every spot tells a story… 🙂

What is your story of pigmentation, share with me and my tribe.

Love and health

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Interview With Plastic Surgeon Maurizio Veil All | Every Thing About Plastic Surgery

I am with the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai Maurizio Veil, today he will tell you everything about cosmetic surgery.

Hello! My tribe!

As you all know I am a big proponent of beauty inside out and always choosing consciously and carefully. I believe in keeping it simple and natural, as much as possible but a lot of you have asked me about plastic or cosmetic surgery and I have here Dr. Maurizio Veil answering all your queries.

Hope this segment is helpful for you if you are planning any cosmetic procedure, Incase you are in London or Dubai, you can get in touch with him. All his details below.

Please leave a comment below if you want more of interviews with experts on my show.

Love and health


+971 4 3752393
London center for aesthetic surgery.

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What Sugar Does To Your Body!

Hello! My tribe

Do you feel lethargic post lunch or you crave something sweet after meals? Or are you a victim of a bloated stomach and are struggling to lose weight? Well, let’s agree to it; we all love donuts, chocolates and that tall glass of cold coffee loaded with ice cream. But sugar consumption has hazardous effects on our overall health, which cannot be ignored, especially for those with a sedentary lifestyle. Excess sugar increases your risk of type -2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. And the worst part for us women who love our skin and want to look and feel young all the time, let me tell you, sugar reacts with the amino acid proteins in our body, causing wrinkles and premature aging. So with all these facts, we all know how bad sugar is for the body, but we don’t know why is it bad! So let me tell you, what sugar does to our body!

Eating sugar creates a surge of feel-good brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. That’s something like what happens to your body when you take cocaine. And just like a drug, your body craves more after the initial high, which gradually gets you addicted to that feeling. So every time you eat it, you want more of it. Once you eat glucose, your body releases insulin, a hormone from your pancreas which absorbs the excess glucose in the blood and stabilizes your blood sugar levels. But then, your blood sugar drops again. Which means you’ve just experienced a sugar rush, and then a drastic drop, leaving you drained. This makes you feel sluggish all the time, or or you begin to feel hungry or thirsty constantly. And then you end up consuming more sugar. Eventually, you get stuck in a vicious cycle and keep consuming sugar to feel good. But then, your body is not capable of digesting all the sugar you are feeding your body. So it ultimately gives up! That’s when your body starts storing the excess glucose, making you fat, leaving you at the risk of diabetes and multiple other diseases.

Now we all know that sugary drinks, candy, baked goods, and sweetened dairy are the main sources of added sugar. But even savory foods, like breads, protein bars and ketchup can have sugar, making it all too easy to end up with a surplus of the sweet stuff. To complicate it further, added sugars can be hard to spot on nutrition labels since they can be listed under a number of names. So let’s see which are those foods with hidden sugar…..and what are the different hidden names for sugar!

Hope this video really helped you understand sugar better, and what it does to our body and hidden sugar in foods we eat.

Have you ever tried to quit sugar? And how did you feel? Please share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health

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Lip Care Routine | Lip Exercises, Scrub And Moisturizer | For Soft And Pink Lips

Hello! My tribe
Watch My Lip care routine for soft, pink, plumpy and healthy looking lips at home with lip yoga exercises, scrubbing and moisturizing so let’s start.
Soft and pink lips is a sign of good health. But sometimes bad weather tend to take a toll on your lips, making it look dry and unhealthy. Not only that, the habit of smoking, consuming alcohol and trying on different cosmetics also leaves them chapped, dark and dry. Later, this brings an impact to your self esteem, making the whole situation look like an unending dilemma. Fortunately, we have the answer to you question “How to keep Lips Healthy?” – you can achieve the luscious lips you have always wanted to have with the tips and home remedies I am about about to recommend you.
Hope you love the video and it helps you keep your lips healthy, plump and pink.

Love and health

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Benefits of Writing a Gratitude Journal | How To Change Your Attitude

Hello! My tribe!

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about the good things in life? In our day to day busy schedules, we really forget to count the blessings we already have that have kept us smiling and moving forward. But with a gratitude journal, it can all be just a cake walk! A gratitude journal is a diary you write every day in which you can express all the things that you are grateful for. If you take just five to ten minutes per day reflecting on what’s beautiful in life and write it down, you’ll find the benefits reach far into other areas of your life. I have been practicing this for years, and in my experience, it has a huge list of benefits. I have noticed very prominent changes over years in my general attitude towards everything in life ever since I have started writing gratitude journal.

Here are some of the benefits that I am going to share with you today and also tell you how to write a gratitude journal:

Benefits of a Gratitude Journal
1.Lowers stress levels.
2.Helps you feel calm all day.
3.Helps you gain a new perspective about what you truly appreciate in life and what’s important to you.
4.Helps you gain clarity on what you want to have more of in life and what are the things you can let go.
5.Helps you focus on what really matters to you.
6.Helps you become more self-aware.
7.A gratitude journal is a safe zone where you can write anything you feel without the fear of judgment.
8.Helps you Improve physical, emotional and social well-being
9.Increases your self-esteem and heightens your energy levels
10.Decreases stress, anxiety and depression
11.Helps you get evolved spiritually and see things from a wider perspective.

How to write a gratitude journal

Be thankful!
Being thankful is an attitude that should be cultivated and practiced. Developing a habit of gratitude will not only keep you motivated to write a gratitude journal every day, but it will also lead to a peaceful sleep when you hit the bed. Feeling thankful for the things you are blessed with will make you feel more confident and good about yourself and make you feel satisfied for the blessings you have.

Write about extended material things in your life.
These things are person specific and depend on your personal interests. For example, if you are fond of music and have your favourite things, or if you love to paint and have your paints. Being grateful about these things will grow their presence in your life.

Think about your abilities.
This is the first thing you should do when you want to practice gratefulness. The very fact that you are alive and breathing is such a big blessing. Start writing about how grateful you are for your body, for your health, for the eyes that help you see, for the ears that help you to listen and for every small cell in your body that is functioning perfectly. These are the small yet huge blessings that we have but we fail to recognise them. Just imagine, if breathing wasn’t effortless, how difficult life would be?! So start by being grateful for being alive!

So this was all about how you can write a gratitude journal and how it can help you become more powerful with each passing day. So grow on and discover the neglected blessings of life. You are already blessed and successful, all you need to do is realize it.

Do you gratitude journal? If yes! Share your experience with me and my tribe!

Love and Health

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All About Fasting Benefits! Different Kinds Of Fasting | Health Benefits Of Fasting

Hello! My tribe
What is fasting, what are the different kinds of fasting, what is the Health benefits of fasting and many more?

Many of you have asked me to throw more light on fasting and so here I am with all the details of my research.

Fasting is a natural healing therapy that has been used for centuries to aid, treat, and even cure multiple ailments and diseases. While modern medicine focuses on healing by curing the symptoms of a particular disease, fasting helps in healing the body from the inside out and eliminating the root of the disease, by enabling the growth of healthier cells and burning the ones that are old and decayed.

Benefits of fasting
• cleanses your body of metabolic wastes and toxins
• heals a host of health disorders
• helps you lose weight and keep it off
• improves your skin tone and health, making you look younger
• stimulates new cell growth, making you feel younger
• strengthens your immune system and natural defenses
• improves glandular health and hormonal balance
• increases mental clarity
• enhances your mood
• gives you more energy and enthusiasm

Different kinds of fasting

Dry Fasting

Dry fasting, also known as absolute fast. For centuries, this type of fast has been practiced for spiritual and religious pursuits. This fast is the most extreme fast in which one has to abstain from food and water for short intervals of time. In a dry fast, the body gets rid of toxins in different ways than normal. Instead of eliminating toxins from urine, bowels, kidneys, liver, and skin, the toxins are burned up inside of each and every cell. The body begins to self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate directed by stem cells. The production of stem cells in the body decrease with age. A newborn baby has one stem cell per 10,000 cells which drops to a ratio of 1 per 500,000 cells.

Liquid Fasting

As the name suggests, this is a fast that is done only by consuming only liquids.The most popular in this is the water fast.

1.Water fast
Water fasting is the oldest and perhaps the simplest form of liquid fasting which delivers the greatest health benefits in a short period of time. It promotes Autophagy which is a process where the old parts of your cells are broken down and recycled. This process helps prevent against diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and heart conditions.It also helps in lowering blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity.

2.Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is a popular fasting method where a limited nutrition support is provided to the body in its most natural form. Any kind of fruit or vegetable juice can be consumed in this type of fasting. During a period of juice fasting, the digestive system gets a rest. However, unlike typical fasting with no food or drink, during juice fasting the body is fed a big supply of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This helps the digestive system to recover. It also has multiple other benefits like increasing your energy, helping with weight loss, enhancing your mood and much more.

3.Partial Fasting
Partial fasting also known as selective fasting, modified fasting, fasting diet, cleansing diet, single food fast, one-food diet, and mono-diet, is milder in nature than other fasts, but it offers the same health and cleasing benefits. No doubt, at a slower pace but it is also more comfortable in nature. Partial fasting is limiting or excluding certain foods from your diet, for example a mono diet may contain eating only apples in a day. A partial fast can be very cleansing and detoxing as it eliminates chemicals, processed foods, and “dead” foods, and replaces them with natural food stuff.

So these are different kinds of fastings, if you want me to elaborate on any of these and you want to know more, please leave a comment on the comment box.

Hope this helped. Have you tried any fasting ever? Please share with me and my tribe.

Love and health

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Healthy Salad Dressings

Hello my tribe !

Drowning a salad in a high-calorie, high-fat dressing can easily turn a healthy dish into a diet disaster. The typical commercially prepared dressing is chock-full of industrial vegetable oils, sugar, and chemical additives and preservatives. But you can make your own salads at home and guess what? No exotic ingredients or fancy techniques are necessary. So since you all have been asking me this for a long time, I’m gonna show you today how to craft your own salad dressings with a step-by-step demo on how to make the perfect salad. Start dressing your salads the homemade way, and you’ll never go back to store-bought. So let’s get started.

1.Mustard garlic recipe

The health benefits of lime include weight loss, improved digestion, reduced respiratory and urinary disorders, relief from constipation, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, gout, and gums.

Mustard detoxifies your liver and blood, helps lower cholesterol, and is a great source of immune boosting vitamin C. It is high in fiber and has high levels of antioxidants.

Salt sustains the hydration levels of the body and is extremely vital to maintain the electrolyte balance for the smooth functioning of organs.

Consumption of pepper increases the hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, thereby facilitating digestion.

Olive oil
Olive oil contains large amounts of antioxidants and has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Minced garlic
Garlic contains a compound called allicin which has potent medicinal properties. It is highly nutritious and has very few calories. It is also great to combat sickness, including common cold.

2.Sesame ginger salad dressing

Rice wine vinegar
Rice wine vinegar provides a number of health benefits, such as boosting immunity, regulating blood pressure, preventing infection, and detoxifying the body, among others.

Soy sauce
Firstly, soy sauce contains niacin, which is great for heart health. It regulates fat content in the blood stream and promotes the production of the good cholesterol.

Sesame oil
The health benefits of sesame oil include its ability to improve hair and skin health, help in bone growth, reduce blood pressure, maintain good heart health, manage anxiety and depression, protect infant health, cure dental problems, prevent cancer, improve the digestive process, and lower inflammation.


Ginger is one of the most ancient spices worldwide. It has become well-known for its health benefits, which include its ability to boost bone health, strengthen the immune system, increase appetite, prevent various types of cancer, improve respiratory conditions, aid in digestion and eliminate arthritis symptoms.

3.Garlic pepper recipe

Garlic powder
This can be an excellent replacement for fresh garlic. If you have ever cooked with garlic, then you know it is one of the most powerful flavors you can add to a dish, and garlic powder is much the same. It delivers a number of important nutrients, which provide various health benefits.

Fresh basil
Basil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It contains disease fighting antioxidants and combats stress and depression. It also promotes cardiovascular health.

Oregano is antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It helps to fight cancer cells and is a great immune system support.

Black pepper
Consumption of pepper helps with weight loss and improves cognitive function.

Sea salt
Rich in trace minerals, sea salt helps avoid dehydration and balances fluids in the body. It is also an excellect source of electrolytes.


Olive oil

4.Avocado chilly recipe

Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. They also contain substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which are the good fats for your body.


Rice vinegar

Olive oil


Green chili
Not many know that green chillies are rich in dietary fibre, which is important for a healthy digestive system. Green chilli is also a rich source of vitamin C and eating it helps in keeping your skin healthy and glowing.

Always waiting to hear from you.

Love and health

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Top 10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight | Why AM I Not Losing Weight? Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Hello! My Tribe,
Why Am I Not Losing Weight? Do you have this question then today will tell you about some common Weight Loss Mistakes

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you’ve probably started to eat less, exercise more, choose diet foods, avoid fat, or cut down calories. Maybe you’ve done all this and you’re still not achieved your weight loss goal. Or you’ve had short-term results, but the weight keeps coming back and you feel stuck.

To be able to lose the weight for good, it’s important to understand that both your dietary as well as lifestyle habits can really hinder your success, sometimes on a very subtle level.

So, today I’m going to tell you about ten common mistakes that are slowing down your weight loss progress.

Your expectations are unrealistic
Although we all know too well that losing weight takes a lot of time, every time we begin a diet we want to see the results almost immediately. Most people think that only after a week of dieting their body shape will noticeably change. Well, no such thing will happen, because of course, the weight that you have gained over months or years wont shed off in a week or a month.

You are losing weight without realizing it
It’s very common to feel like you’re not losing weight fast enough, despite faithfully sticking to your diet. However, the number on the scale is only one measure of weight change. Weight is influenced by several things, including fluid fluctuations and the amount of food that remains in your system. In fact, weight can fluctuate by up to 4 pounds over the course of a day.

Physical, mental and emotional stress can be one of the biggest culprits for hormone fluctuations, which eventually halts the fat losing process in the body. To reduce stress, you can light candles, have long salt baths at the end of the day and try breathing exercises.

Lack of sleep
Research says that sleep deprivation can hinder fat loss and lead to hunger pangs due to high levels of the hormone ghrelin. This simply means that to keep your stress levels in check and to lose more weight, you need to get enough sleep. When you get enough sleep, you feel less hungry and eat less. Being sleep deprived can lead to overeating and cravings for junk food. Therefore a healthy seven to nine hours of sleep everyday can help you lose weight without struggle.

You are binging on healthy foods
While healthy foods are good for your health, eating too much of them is not going to help you with weight loss. Anything in excess will only do more harm than good. And food, even if its healthy, is calories at the end of the day. So if you have been binging on healthy foods, stop doing that now and you might see some change in your weight loss progress.

You are not lifting weights
Performing resistance training is incredibly important during weight loss.Lifting weights is one of the most effective exercise strategies for gaining muscle and increasing metabolic rate. It also improves overall body composition and boosts belly fat loss.

If you love your cardio and shy away from lifting weights, you need to change your habit, because while cardio helps you lose fat while you workout, lifting weights helps increase your muscle mass. And more muscle means more fat burning capacity. So, next time you hit the gym, try weights instead of cardio.

You have hit a plateau
If you have been following the same kind of diet for too long and have stopped losing those pounds, you need to stop and change the way you eat. Eating too less or too more has an effect on our metabolism and as soon as our body is habituated to a routine, the weight loss journey begins to stall. So if you have hit a plateau in your weight loss journey, replace your current diet and workout with a new one!

If you are one of those who is finding it challenging to loose weight, I am sure you will relate to some of these. Weight loss is a journey, even if you are making a few mistakes, its never too late to get yourself on to the right track. Be consistent, the magic word, this will lead you to your destination.

Share with me your weight loss journey. Always waiting to hear from you.

Love and health

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Detox Infused Water

Hello! My tribe

Drinking water is vital for a healthy body and a glowing complexion. But when you’re supposed to drink eight 3-4 litres every day, plain water can get boring. Adding certain ingredients to your water not only gives it a refreshing and unique taste, but works to cleanse and detox your system. Detox water comes in many forms, whether you want to clear your skin, lose weight or flatten your tummy. There are so many different options that are one hundred times healthier than reaching for juice or soda pop. So today I will share with you some tasty and healthy detox water recipes that are my favourites.

Flat belly water

Lemons have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and they can be used as a great tool for weight loss because lemon juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser.

Mint is a great appetizer or palate cleanser. It also promotes digestion and soothes the stomach in case of indigestion or inflammation.

Did you know that cucumber has 96% water content? So, this makes it a perfect ingredient to be added to your detox drink.

Summer chiller

If you’re not already a die-hard fan of strawberries, you should be. Not only are they juicy, summery and delicious, they’re a bona fide superfood, too. Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants (like vitamin C), strawberries offer a wide range of health benefits, some of which may surprise you. Wrinkle prevention is one of them!

Lemon (have already given a description for lemon so haven’t repeated)

Watermelons keep you hydrated, lower inflammation and oxidative stress. They also prevent muscle degeneration, improve digestion, and contains compounds that prevent cancer.

Rosemary is great for liver detoxification and gallbladder function. Traditionally, it has also been used to ease muscle pain and spasm, support the circulatory and nervous systems, improve memory and stimulate hair growth.

Refreshing detox water

Ginger can add zest to your detox water while aiding the digestive system to open inflamed airways. It is a health-promoting elixir for the full body.

Oranges are a rich source of antioxidants and Vitamin C which help promote the body’s immunity and fight cancer cells. They are also a very good source of fiber which helps keep your stomach and intestines healthy.

Did you know that cucumber has 96% water content? So, this makes it a perfect ingredient to be added to your detox drink.

Honey is a natural source of energy and an antioxidant powerhouse that helps in weight management and promotes good sleep. It also acts as a natural cough syrup.


The fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content in blueberries supports heart health. Fiber content helps to reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease. They are also one of the best superfoods that help with your beauty goals.

The best part about watermelons is that they are mostly water — about 92 percent — but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. There’s even a modest amount of potassium. So you can imagine how beneficial watermelons are….and tasty too!

Basil has anti-ageing and antibacterial properties and it aids in reducing inflammation.

Do you infuse your water ? Share your recipe with me and my tribe.

Love and Health

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Tips For Clean Eating

Hello my tribe!

As you all know, eating clean is the latest buzz word among the health-conscious consumers. Eating clean promotes eating healthy, whole, unprocessed foods and getting rid of anything that’s manufactured or processed. Well, although the concept has recently begun trending, it is quite ancient and has been used since the ancient times. What do you think our forefathers must have survived on?

Well, that was about the past. Currently, many health organisations have been promoting clean eating based on the current nutrition science. Research shows that clean eating optimizes your overall health, maximizes your energy levels, and keeps you youthful and glowing. More than a diet, it is now being promoted as a sustainable lifestyle shift that can be adopted for a healthy body and mind. And I am a live example of that, So today let us talk about a few steps you need to keep in mind in order to eat clean!

Stick to whole foods
Whole foods like fruits and vegetables which are naturally produced in Nature and are not processed or manufactured can significantly reduce your risk for a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer. The fiber in whole produce also keeps the good bacteria in your gut called microbiome happy, which eventually fights off pathogens and infections and even helps to improve your mood.

Cook your food
Eating home cooked food will increase the nutritional value of your food because unlike restaurant food, it will be fresher, healthier, and unprocessed. So you may not be a great cook, but at least when you cook your meals at home, you know what’s going into it and that makes it more nutrient rich than foods you have at a restaurant.

Eliminate refined sugar and carbohydrates
Get rid of the whites from your diet, be it white sugar, white rice, white flour or anything that’s to do with high carbs. Also keep your sweet cravings in check and don’t let refined sugar ruin your system. The more sugar and carbs you eat, the more calories you are adding to your food. So go for fruits instead or opt for berries or foods that are naturally sweet.

Maintain blood sugar
Eating on time is key to maintaining your blood sugar. If you starve yourself for long hours or eat processed foods that spike your blood sugar, you’re going to ultimately end up having those sugar cravings. And that’s simply because you are low on energy. In such cases, you’ll end up indulging in more chocolates, sweets and caffeine to keep yourself going. This is a vicious cycle that will continue if you don’t decide to break it. So make sure you’re eating whole foods and eat at regular intervals so that you don’t go hungry for too long. This will keep you feeling full on the physical as well as the mental level.

Keep a check on your sodium intake
Just like sugar, most of us are consuming more sodium than we ideally should. So minimize your salt intake and flavor your foods with vinegar, spices, lemon and herbs. You can also use coarse sea salt or kosher salt which can add punch when sprinkled on dishes at the end of cooking, and they contain less sodium compared to table salt.

Have a good mix of protein carbs and fats
Most of us typically have good intake of carbohydrates and fat in our meals, but we often miss on protein. Protein is an important muscle-builder, and it can stave off your cravings and help in curbing your appetite. By having a balanced meal with all your three important nutrients in place, you will stay healthy as well as feel younger and healthier for long.

Don’t drink your calories
High calorie drinks such as soft drinks, specialty coffees, and beverages, add on extra 400 to 500 calories a day. Choose water or unsweetened tea as much as you can. Or if you really want to drink something, then go for some clean drinks like low fat skimmed milk or juice diluted with sparkling water.

I have never gone on any diet in my life, and I am big advocate of eating clean and balanced. And as I always say we are all different, and our bodies our different, we react to different foods differently so try them, maintain a food diary and see how you feel after having certain foods and continue doing this, be consistent and your body will tell you all that you need to know.

Have you started your journey with clean eating, and how is it going? Would love you to share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health

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Toxic Chemicals Hiding In Your Home

Hello! My Tribe,
As we all know chemicals have totally overtaken our lives. They are all around us because of which we tend to fall sick pretty often. But whenever we face issues with our health, we directly visit the doctor’s clinic without realizing the fact that whatever we are using inside our homes is filled with chemicals and that is what is exactly causing the damage. Barely do we realize that the things we are using to improve our health and well-being are most often the things that contain these toxins which prove hazardous eventually.

Toxins in the Bedroom
Having a good night’s sleep is the key for maintaining good health. It plays a crucial role in supporting memory, immune function, metabolism, learning, and other critical functions. But the presence of toxins in your bedroom can unfortunately mess with the quality of your sleep.

Foam mattresses as well as baby’s and children’s mattresses which have gained a lot of popularity in the past few years might contain toxic flame retardants. These chemicals, if inhaled, can negatively impact your body’s ability to heal and detoxify. So try a non-toxic mattress made with organic stuffing and without flame retardants.
Additionally, do not place mattresses on a pressed wood or plywood bed frame. These two types of wood release formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals.Mattresses also contain microscopic creatures which are potent allergens. Mites may leave their excrement in your mattresses, pillows, sheets, furniture, and drapes. So, wash your sheets every three days with fragrance- and chemical-free laundry detergent.

Devices with a screen that emit blue light slow down the production of melatonin, the hormone that is necessary for healthy sleep cycles. This is why using your cell phone before bed affects sleep quality. Electronic devices also emit a small amount of electromagnetic radiation. If they break or their insides are exposed, metals such as mercury, lead, barium and arsenic can leak. So the best way to have a toxic free sleep is to keep them off the bedroom altogether.

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are a group of extremely toxic materials that don’t break down in the environment. The most toxic of these is a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is extremely toxic in nature is used to produce carpeting and upholstery. This means that if you have a carpet at your home, you are inhaling it every day. Natural hardwood or stone flooring can be a better substitute for a carpet which doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals and is comparatively easier to clean.

Toxins in the Bathroom
You won’t believe the number of toxins creeping inside your bathroom. The area under the sink, cosmetics, the toilet, toothbrushes, and the floor can all be a storehouse to harmful, biological pollutants. Biological pollutants are living organisms or the by-products of living organisms which are small, travel through the air, and can be easily inhaled.

Every time you flush keeping that toilet lid open, fecal matter spreads in the atmosphere and lands over everything in your bathroom including your toothbrush. Toothbrush cups may be the biggest station of germs in your home space. So make sure you disinfect them often or replace them with an air holder. Also, thoroughly wash your toothbrush after use and leave it dry. And please don’t use a toothbrush for more than 2 or 3 months.

Bathroom sinks facilitate the growth of a fungus called Fusarium which is a common source of infections in humans. In addition to fungus, sinks can have bacterial growth and chemical toxins from home cleaners. Its better to use organic cleaning products to keep this area of your bathroom clean to maintain a healthy environment at home.

Have you been conscious about the chemicals and toxins you have been using in and around your home and have changed a few things? And have you noticed any impact on your over all wellbeing ? Please share with me and my tribe.

Stay tuned for more!
Love and health

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Amazing Health Benefits of Probiotics | Why And How Its Good For Our Body?

Probiotics, what is probiotics, How its good for the body, How it works and what is the benefits?
Hello, My Tribe!

A lot of my followers ask me about probiotics so today I am blogging about the same.

Lets start…

So let us first understand what are Probiotics?
Well, each one of us has good and bad bacteria that live in our digestive tracts. Some are illness causing and some help us break down food and absorb nutrients. Probiotics are the good ones; they are those breathing bacteria that can improve your digestive health and help you get a strong immune system.

Why it is Important and how they help?
So whenever you take a probiotic, you increase the amount of friendly bacteria that live in your intestines thereby helping your gut maintain good health. Probiotics do far more than keeping your gut healthy and improving your digestive system. They strengthen immunity, help in weight loss and even protect against periodontal disease, among other proposed benefits, plus they are like those health superheroes who save you from all kinds of diseases. I’m sure you must be wondering how these bacteria can help you with being healthy. So let me tell you…there’s not one and two…but many benefits of these good bacteria and today I’m gonna tell you about some of them. So let’s get started…

The first one is…

Stronger immune system
Probiotic foods for example yogurt contains lactobacillus bacteria which is one of the bacteria that serves to defend your body against other harmful bacteria. By eating probiotics you are essentially sending reinforcements to your immune system. Probiotics and the function of the immune system go hand in hand, so you better gorge on probiotic foods as often as possible. This will help you work from the inside to protect your body, leading to a stronger immune system which will be able to better defend itself against anything and everything.

Promotes weight loss
Consuming probiotics can really reduce your body weight and body mass index. Interestingly, ingesting more than one type of probiotic and taking them for 8 weeks or more results in the greatest amount of weight loss. So get on the bandwagon and trim your tummy!

Soothes Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
We all love to have a lovely meal once in a while but nothing’s worse than enjoying a delicious meal and suffering from bloating, gas, or abdominal pain. It turns out that bacteria can play an important role in causing bowel irritation. Probiotics correct the balance of gut bacteria the body needs for proper digestion. Regular consumption of probiotics can reduce the effects of digestive disorders like IBS. So make sure you have probiotic rich foods on your diet.

Helps in getting a healthier skin
Skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea can be embarrassing and bothersome. But with probiotics, you can fight them. Our body needs more good bacteria to eliminate toxins. Removal of toxins promote in healing, rejuvenating and strengthening the skin’s innate immunity. Also, for those who suffer from acne because of unhealthy guts, supplementing with probiotics, particularly lactobacillus acidophilus and the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, will see an acne ridden face soon. If these disorders can be saved by probiotics, is it a far stretch to assume that those advantages can extend further…

Relieves mood swings
We all have probably experienced the food-mood connection on some occasion. If you’re not getting the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and protein, you experience a mood swing. Probiotics can help you in keeping your gut clean and you will be able to stay more positive and happy.

Prevents allergies and colds
Allergy occurs when your immune system reacts to allergens in the environment. Runny nose, difficulty in breathing, rashes, watery eyes, sneezing, itchy nose, hives, coughing are some of the most common symptoms of allergies. Allergies have been linked to digestive disorders and altered gut bacteria. Many are looking for ways to augment their usual allergy treatments with alternatives. One of the remedy on the list is using probiotics for allergies. Populating your gut with the right probiotics could be the key to easing those allergy symptoms as it can boost your immunity in no time.

hat’s why it’s so important to get as many of these good guys into your system as you can! There are many super healthy probiotic foods you can eat. If you can’t or won’t eat any of these foods, then you can also take a probiotic supplement. Probiotics, from both foods and supplements, can have some amazing health benefits. So don’t wait for too long! Go on right away! Get probiotic rich foods and get started for a healthy journey!

Have you been already taking probiotics? What has been your experience with it? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health

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Drinks To Soothe You When You Are Sick | Home Remedies Drink To Boost Your Immunity

Hello! My Tribe, I`m going to share with you
Best immunity boosting drinks if you are suffering from fever, cold, cough, sore throat or any flu infection.These home remedies drink will soothe you when you are sick. These drinks will detox your body and you will feel better.Infect these can boost your mood too.

Virus is in the air and off late a lot of people are falling sick. Just recently, even I fell sick but unlike all other times, the unpleasant mood that creeps in with sickness had not consumed me! And that’s only because i kept sipping some energising and soothing drinks all day. That’s when the thought struck me that why not do a video on the same subject to share with you all these soothing drinks that you can have when you are sick.

Water helps detoxify the body and keeps illnesses and diseases at bay. It increases energy and relieves fatigue, boosts immune system and helps in maintaining overall health. A fever causes you to lose body water, which may lead to dehydration if you are not drinking enough fluids. The dehydration may worsen your fever, further exacerbating the dehydration. This cycle will continue unless you break it by rehydrating your body. The best thing you can do is prevent dehydration before it is caused by drinking plenty of water and other fluids.

Lemon Water
Many don’t realize this but there are tons of health benefits of having a tall glass of lemon water when you’re in those sick days! It has a huge impact on your overall health because lemons are loaded with vitamins A, B6, C, E, calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.Lemons are high in a fiber called pectin — a prebiotic that keeps your gut healthy by aiding the growth of good health bacteria.

Ginger Tea
This is my favourite tea when i get sick! Ginger works wonders to keep the cold away. Ginger is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including chromium which prevents fevers and chills. This tea warms up almost instantly and can be used as a wellness tonic throughout winter. For cough and sore throat, this is the most effective remedy that has been used since the ancient times.

Green Tea
Believe it or not…this is one of the healthiest beverage on the planet. Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant EGCG, which stops free radicals from damaging healthy cells in the body. It is an antiviral tea, which combats flu and viruses and enhances rapid growth and activity of immune cells which act as a defence system against infection! So sip it up when you feel low, and love it, because there’s nothing better than a cup of green tea.

Hibiscus and Rose Hip
Well, if you want something even better than green tea, this is what you should pour in your mug! Research says that hibiscus has the highest level of antioxidants compared to any food on the planet. Rose hip is rich in vitamin C as well and people all around the world use it as a medicinal beverage. It also helps your body fight infections and has high percentage of antioxidants.

Thyme Tea
This tea can be found in your kitchen and most probably, you must have not yet tried this for a tea because you didn’t know certain amazing facts about it. `This herb is packed with disease fighting antioxidants and it particularly useful for colds, flu and easing sore throats. Additionally, it also has mood boosting effect to keep you calm and get out of those sickness blues.

So next time you fall sick, make these drinks and keep sipping on them throughout the day! All these work wonders for immunity as well as eliminating the toxins from the body. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” So keep your body healthy and keep rocking!

Let me know if you have your favorite sickness drink. Share the recipe with me and my tribe.

Love and health

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Sleep Hacks | How to Sleep Better | Good Night Sleep Well Tips For Better Sleep

Hello! My tribe
Good Night Sleep Well Tips For Better Sleep. We all Want to know about sleep hacks so we can sleep better . so today I`m here with all these answers about, How to Sleep Better?

In today’s stressful life, setting ourselves for a night of nice quality sleep is easier said than done. We all want a good night’s sleep, and yet so many of us find ourselves tossing and turning our heads hours after we hit the sack, unable to slip into a slumber.

We all deserve a peaceful sound sleep and so I thought why not round up some of the best and most useful sleep hacks that can help you find it a lot easier to curl up under the covers and nod off. Making simple changes to your daytime routine and bedtime habits can have a huge impact on how well you sleep, leaving you feeling mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long. So, without further ado, here are my ten simple sleep hacks…

Get regular
You have an inner scheduler, hardwired into you. Called the circadian clock, it helps you fall asleep each night and wake up the next morning. Getting in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle is one of the most important strategies for sleeping better. If you keep a regular sleep-wake schedule you’ll feel much more refreshed and energized. This will help set your body’s internal clock and optimize the quality of your sleep.

Among its many benefits from weight control to reduced stress, exercise is one of the most important things for a sound sleep. But the timing of your exercise can make a difference. Morning workouts are usually the best choice, working out in the early hours has another bonus: deeper sleep at night. Also, if you exercise outdoors in the morning, you’re sure to get a daily dose of sunshine, which can help regulate your sleep/wake cycle. On the other hand , a high-intensity workout late in the day can disrupt sleep. The boost in body temperature might interfere with falling asleep. If you prefer to get in some pre-bedtime movement, try yoga or simple stretching, both of which can help you unwind and relax for a restful night.

Avoid bright screen atleast 2 hours before sleeping
The screen light emitted by cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions restrain the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle. Reducing melatonin makes it harder to fall asleep. Instead, try and turn off your laptop, phone or tablet about an hour before you hit the bed, so that your mind can unwind properly, and you can get that all-important quality sleep you deserve.

Have a warm salt bath
Still can’t seem to wind down at night? Try soaking in sleep inducing salt baths which calm your mind and body and ensure a good sleep. They do more than just smelling great. It’s the aromatherapy from the essential oils and herbs, plus the sleep property of the salts that makes soaking in bath salts one of the most natural ways to fall asleep naturally.

Eat small carbs
Eat a low carb meal and avoid heavy, carb rich foods within few hours of bedtime. Spicy or acidic foods can cause stomach trouble and heartburn. Eating late will also affect your weight, so its best to get most of your calories early in the day and then have a light supper.

Introduce lavender scent to you bedroom
Lavender oils and fragrances works great anytime you need to relax or wind down. It calms both your body and mind. Overall, it just creates a comforting, calming environment for your perfect sleep!

Use the bed room only to sleep
The bed is for sleep and sex only. This is the golden rule of good sleep hygiene because having multiple distractions in your room interferes with your transition into sleep. Your body and mind should recognize your bedroom only as a place of rest.

Don’t drink coffee in the afternoon
A cup of coffee in the afternoon may sound good for combating sleep and staying energized but caffeine can be a double-edged sword. It actually prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. Basically, Caffeine prevents sleep by blocking adenosine receptors. As long as there is a steady supply of caffeine flooding the receptors, sleep will be hampered.

Wear socks
Wearing socks can be smart if you’re having trouble falling asleep. When you’re about to sleep, your body redirects blood flow to your hands and feet to redistribute heat from your core, triggering sleep. Cold feet, on the other hand, interfere with blood flow. So a pair of socks to warm your feet causes blood cells to widen, which increases blood flow, and, in turn, helps you fall asleep faster.

So sleep well and use these simple hacks. I am sure you will sleep like a baby and love me for this!
Do you have any other sleep hacks?
Please share with me and my tribe.

Love and health

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Salad Jar Recipes With Leftover Indian Food

On this video I am sharing some of my favorite recipes that I absolutely love. These are salad jars with left over Indian food. I make them quite often, they are quick, easy and nutritious. Would love to have your feedback on this. If you have any of your similar recipes, please share with me and my tribe. Comment below if you love these recipes and if you would like to see more of these videos on my channel.

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6 Minutes Butt Workout | Butt Workout For Women

Today’s video is all about Butt Workout or Butt Exercise.
Hello! My Tribe

After 6 minutes abs and arms workout, a lot of you requested for butt workout.
That’s the area in my body too that needs attention and I have put together something easy and short that I regularly do, even on days when I don’t have too much time.
I am not a trainer but a few things I have learned from my trainers over years and have created short sessions that suit me and my lifestyle. As always I like to share all that I know with you all. So here goes..

Close Stance Squats
Stand straight.
Put both your hands out in front and clench them into a fist for balance
Sit back as if you are sitting in a chair, keeping your feet flat on the ground and your knees above your toes.
As you are sitting back, keep your chest up and your head looking forward.
Keep going! This is one of the best exercises to get those kickass glutes!

Bodyweight Squat
Keep your torso upright and your feet slightly wider.
Sit your butt back into a squat, without letting your knees go past your toes.
Make sure your weight is on your heels, and keep your chest straight up.
Repeat the set and fuel up your abs, inner thighs and butt!

Jump Squat
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hip.
Bend your knees and sit your butt back, keeping your chest upright.
Jump up into the air as high as you can and stretch out your legs.
Land back on the floor with soft knees.
Repeat this multiple times to “pulse”. You will really feel the burn with this one!

Dirty dog
Start on all fours with hands underneath and your shoulders aligned to your wrists.
Your back must be flat and the belly button should be pulled to the spine.
Bend your knees and take one leg out to the side and then bring it right back down. Use both your legs one after another.
For a better looking and better performing butt, keep going for 30 seconds.

Glute Kickbacks
Glute kickbacks are performed on your hands and knees.
All you have to do is kick one leg straight back, flexing your butt muscles.
Work the deep glute muscles and lift your tush with this classic exercise!

Glute Kickbacks Variation
The second option probably works your butt muscles harder. Stay on all fours.
Keep the leg bent and press the bottom of your foot up toward the ceiling and then pull it back down diagonally.
Repeat the set to develop a deep burn in the gluteal muscles

These really get the glutes muscles burning. Try them and let me know how they work for you. You all know my mantra is to be consistent, so do it for a month and notice the results .

Always waiting for you feedback.

Love and health

Best Anti-Ageing Foods For You

Hello! my Tribe

As we get older, the body’s machinery begins to function a little less smoothly and we become vulnerable to age-related diseases. However, there are certain foods that can help prevent or slow down the negative effects aging has on the body. They won’t stop you from getting older, but they can improve your overall health and vitality, and protect you against diseases and illnesses, helping your body stay younger at any age.

So today I’m going to talk about some anti- ageing foods that are especially good at preventing or reducing the effects of age-related diseases and other health problems and can slow down the ageing process.

These sweet treats are tiny powerhouses of nutrients. In fact blueberries get their pigment from a property called anthocyanin that helps boost skin’s elasticity and support healthy connective tissue. The deep blue colour of blueberries have some awesome free radical-fighting abilities which has been linked to fight off degenerative diseases and help slow down age related problems such as loss of coordination and mental function. A 2012 study suggested that, not only are blueberries one of the best forms of antioxidant intake, but they have a higher content compared to other berries. These potent superfoods are considered the best antioxidant fruit available out there!

Pomegranate, eaten in any form is a miracle fruit. From assisting with weight loss, to reducing the risk of cardiac disease, to preventing cancer, you name it and pomegranate heals it all. Pomegranate offers us the chance to slow down the aging process, almost naturally! Two potent nutrients, namely punicalagin and ellagic acid found in the juice of pomegranate protect skin from premature aging by eliminating oxygen stealing free radicals which in turn prevents wrinkles and age spots on the skin.

Kale and spinach
Kale is a huge source of beta carotene, vitamin C and anti inflammatory substances called flavonols. One such flavonol known as quercetin, protects the body from stress which in turn reverses the ageing process. Kale also contains sulphur based glucosinolates that enable the detoxification pathways in the liver to function smoothly.
Spinach is a rich source of vitamin C and contains antioxidants which are essential for the production of sebum—the natural oil produced by the skin’s oil glands. Sebum is necessary for moisturizing skin and prevents dry and withered skin. It is also a conditioning source for hair and helps in casting an overall youthful body glow.

Dark chocolate
Everybody has a sweet tooth, and chocolate an all time satisfier. Dark high-quality chocolate in particular has several health benefits that make it a bit more justifiable to snack on! In fact, it ranks as one of the top anti-aging foods. Eating about an ounce of dark chocolate every day proves to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). As we know, too much bad cholesterol is not good for us. Dark chocolate contains nutrients that are known to help lower blood sugar and increase blood flow. It also contains lots of flavanols, which protect the skin against sun damage and also contains a vast amount of antioxidants, which are great for promoting heart health, decreasing the risk of infection, and fighting free radicals in the body.

Eating nuts as part of a balanced diet can add years to your life by helping prevent chronic disease, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline. Nuts are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fibers that reduce inflammation and its effects on the body and reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Since all vascular factors are related with cognition, nuts have the potential to slow cognitive decline in older adults. So it’s time to snack on some chestnuts, walnuts, almonds and more!

Figs are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant properties that help prevent various oxidative stress-related medical conditions, such as hepatic and neurodegenerative issues.

I added them in my diet, one at a time, slowly but I have them constantly. And I see the results, well I am 44 and I know you believe me when i say that I feel way younger and energetic.
I love sharing all that I have learned over years, these are all tried an tested methods, so try adding these foods and write back to me, always waiting for your comments and feedback.

Love and Health

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What Is Food Cravings | Why You Have Food Cravings | How To Stop food Cravings

Hello! My tribe,
This video is all about food cravings.What Is Food Cravings | Why You Have Food Cravings | How To Stop Food Cravings

Do you have cravings all the time? Are you into stress eating and binging? Well, if that’s the case with you, you need to understand that cravings are nothing but important messages from the body that point towards deficits and imbalances! All you need to do is pay attention to these messages to deconstruct those cravings and stop binging!

So these are the eight main causes of cravings-

1. Lack of primary food.
A stressful job, a broken relationship, a bored routine, lack of proper exercise, or feeling disoriented can be some of the causes of emotional eating. We generally look for food when we are hungry, but we fail to realise that in such moments, our hunger is not for food but for something else! So keep yourself full emotionally if you dont want those stress cravings to trouble you!

2. Less water intake
Not drinking enough water can send the signal that your body needs water and probably you are on the verge of dehydration. Sometimes, when you are dehydrated, you might think its hunger, but its not! So whenever you feel hungry, first thing you should do is have a full glass of water.

3. yin yang imbalance.
There are different kinds of foods, some are more expansive(yin) and some are more contractive(yang). To maintain a balance, you need to have a perfect diet which is balanced between these two. When you have too much sugar, you begin to crave meat. And when you have too much plain food, you begin to crave the fried ones. So maintain a balance and the cravings will be gone!

4. Inside coming out.
Many a times, we get cravings for those foods that we’ve recently eaten, or nostalgic foods from our childhood. The smarter way to substitute these foods can be to switch to the healthier versions of these foods.

5. Seasonal cravings
Some cravings are seasonal. You might crave detoxifying foods like leafy greens or citrus foods in spring, while in summers, you might crave foods that cool down your system like ice creams, fruits and smoothies. Seasonal cravings can also occur during festivals, like christmas cookies, and sheerkhurma on eid. While you might love to indulge in these delicious sweets, you can substitute this with a meal and balance your sugar intake on other days!

6. Lack of nutrients
If the body does not have enough nutrients, it begins to produce odd cravings. For instance, inadequate energy leads to caffeine cravings and inadequate minerals lead to salt cravings.

7. Hormonal Cravings
Hormones can play a major role in triggering food cravings. Be it menstruation, menopause or pregnancy, if you are experiencing some wierd cravings and mood swings, its because your estrogen and testosterone levels are fluctuating. The best way to keep your hormones balanced is to have a good exercise routine and keep the mind at rest.

8. ‘Feel good’ cravings!
Sometimes, when we are feeling amazing, we feel like hogging on foods that we love. These cravings are mood based and throw us off the wagon, by creating a series of similar mood cravings for food. This results in a cycle, where your blood sugar goes low, and you tend to eat a lot of extra sweets. So if you feel you’ve entered that zone, satiate your cravings with fruits and use honey instead of sugar.

So the next time you have those cravings, ask your body what do you want and why? Dont just neglect what your body is telling you! Listen to your body and do what it demands. Close your eyes and check in with your self and see what is your body trying to tell you.

And if you figure out, please share with me.

Love and health

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How To Love Yourself This Valentines Day

Hello! my Tribe,

Wish you all a very Happy Valentines Day.

Its that time of the year, when everybody is focusing on gifting, building relationships, spending quality time with their partners and in short, loving their better halves. But today i’m going to discuss with you something that’s more important than loving your partner! And that is, loving yourself!!!

Well, think about it, can you honestly say that you love yourself? If you are having a hard time being happy with yourself and are always focusing on the flaws or if you are constantly thinking of what others think about you, then you need to stop right now! And what you need to do instead is to fall in love with yourself! Because the best relationship is the one you have with yourself! So this valentine’s let’s skip the partners and let’s look at the ways through which you can start loving yourself!

1. Wake up every morning being grateful and meditate
As soon as you wake up in the morning, just look around you. I’m sure you will find one thing in the room that makes you feel a swell of gratitude. It could be your partner sleeping beside you, the sound of your child breathing peacefully or a framed photo of you and your best friend! If you begin your morning on a positive note, you will carry this feeling through the rest of your day which will eventually help you maintain good vibes. You’ll feel much more excited and motivated to hop out of bed and conquer each day.

2. Compliment yourself
This is something I personally do every day! Every morning I wake up and while brushing my teeth in front of the mirror, I think about at least 10 things I love about myself! Complimenting oneself is a beautiful way to experience self-love! This will help in boosting your confidence and will motivate you to take care of yourself.

3. Add “You” in your to do list
The biggest priority in your life should be you! Nobody and nothing else deserves to be more important than you! Have time for yourself like a meeting in your to do list . Spend one hour with yourself, either walking, sitting, introspecting, working out or things that you would do just with yourself without feeling guilty.

4. Get rid of negative influences from your life
Don’t believe everything people say. People may think you are arrogant , snooty , dumb, smart etc etc. But you need to introspect and find an answer for yourself. You need to know who you really are!

5. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made
Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes once in a while. Making mistakes is not wrong, its human nature. So just forgive yourselves for your mistakes. Realise that it is mistakes that help you learn and grow. So be at peace with making mistakes and let that guilt go away!

Remember, you are like a cup of your favourite beverage. It is you who needs to fill it up and let it overflow—so if you love yourself so much, the love will eventually multiply and then you will have so much more to give everyone. When you are filled with self love, you receive love from everyone around you.

Hope this video evokes a lot of self love in you! How are you celebrating your valentine Day?

Love and health.


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6 Minutes Standing Abs Workout

Best Abs workout without Equipment at home or outdoor for man and woman. really you will feel the burn and the effectiveness.
Hello! My Tribe,

Thank you for an amazing response to my 6 minutes arm workout. Many of you have tried and felt the burn and the effectiveness, and those feedback for me are so encouraging to keep doing what I absolutely love to do. Creating content and taking them to you all.

As an entrepreneur, wellness personality and a health coach, I am a huge advocate of how small changes can bring about a huge impact, if done consistently.

So here goes another video and this time as requested is for our most troubled area of the body abs.

These are the 6 workouts

1. Standing marches
Hold both your arms upwards.
And then pull your legs up to touch your arms.
Pull your right leg followed by the left one.
Repeat this just for 30 seconds and feel your core burning!

Punch with your right hand towards your left side and then pull back your arm.
Now punch with your left hand towards your right side and pull back again. Make the move more dynamic by speeding it up!
Repeat this motion for 30 seconds. This is a great way to stand and work those abs.

3.Front kicks
Stand in an onguard position and start kicking forward.
Use both your legs one after another and repeat for 30 seconds. Engage your core!
Those awesome abs are not so easy to get but with this exercise you’re gonna blast that fat, guaranteed!

4.March on!
Lift your left leg and your right hand. Then lift your right leg along with your left hand. Do it as if you are marching!
Keep doing this for 30 seconds. Gear up for a strong and fit core!

5.Standing bicycle
Put both your hands behind your head and pull your right leg up to touch your left elbow while twisting slightly.
Now switch to the left leg and right elbow and repeat.
This one is for building endurance in the lower abs!

6.Passe Rotation
Lift your left leg up while opening both your arms diagonally towards your right with the left leg up in the air and right one down.
Now switch the leg and the arms to repeat!
Do this for 30 seconds and you will sculpt your middle into a flat and sexy stomach!

At the end I would like to say, don’t ever emulate anyone, only get inspired to become your best self. Most positive results come from celebrating others and not competing with others.

Hope you liked this blog and the video and will give me feedback once you try these exercises.

Always waiting to hear from you.

Love and health

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How To Release Anxiety and Stress & Relax Naturally

I am going to share with you some simple ways to release anxiety and stress.
Financial pressure, Deadlines at work, relationship issues, build up to exams or an ailing spouse or parent…there are scores of such reasons that cause stress and may be sabotaging your confidence, turning your stomach into knots, and impacting your general wellbeing and happiness. There is a lot of day to day stuff that occupies our mind and stresses us out! Well, it is absolutely normal to feel this way. But when stress gets out of hand, it becomes anxiety—that feeling of sweaty hands and being unable to relax. It can be caused by a grim family situation, tough deadlines at work, an over demanding boss or teacher, an unsteady relationship, exams or something as trivial as not being able to find something. While its normal to feel stressed and anxious sometimes, it’s not good to be gripped by worry all the time and let anxiety take over your life. So how can you fight the demons and learn to chill out? So let me tell you a few things I do when I am bogged down by stress and anxiety. Just like me even you can squash the uncomfortable consequences of stress and anxiety with these simple tips.

A walk on the beach or Nature
Whenever I feel stressed out and overwhelmed by responsibilities, I prefer to take a walk along the beach or in nature and watch the beautiful sunset. It soothes my mind and makes me feel beautiful, and invokes a feeling of ‘being’ within me. All the stress that has kept my mind occupied, releases in no time and I begin to feel calm and peaceful. Health advocates say that walking on the beach or nature reconnects us to nature’s beauty which helps reduce stress as we find perspective in life.

Breathe deeply
Deep breathing is one of the quick fixes to lower stress in the body. This is simply because when you take deep breaths, you send messages to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Increased heart rate, fast breathing, high blood pressure and other symptoms associated with stress and anxiety disappear as soon as you begin to indulge in deep breathing!

Be present
This is something I practice everytime. I believe, awareness of the present moment is a key feature of mindfulness which increases stress resilience and effective coping. When you begin to monitor and pay attention to the present moment rather than predicting the future events or dwelling on the past, you begin to feel better. Living in the present reduces stress levels, eliminates anxiety and depression, improves mood and fills us with a sense of improved well-being. Start practicing this and see how stress free you begin to feel!

Long salt bath
This is something I do before sleeping in the night. To soak that day away, I prefer to take a long Epsom salt bath. Salt baths are amazing to relieve stress and make you feel relaxed inside out. Salt baths help me sleep like a baby and I wake up fresh and rejuvenated. If you can’t find the time to do this every day, at least try to do it twice or thrice a week. .

Chamomile tea
When you’re feeling frazzled, a cup of chamomile tea can soothe those ragged nerves
Not only does a daily cuppa boost your immune system, reduce inflammation and keep your memory sharp, but it can also reduce stress, calm anxiety and improve mood. Chamomile tea, generally known as one of the best calming teas is the best tea for anxiety. It promotes sleep and relaxation, has anti-inflammatory properties like green tea and is also naturally caffeine free. It contributes to better sleep, and can cause drowsiness, so have it at bedtime or in the evening.

Reach out
When stress takes over, most people feel like isolating themselves, withdrawing into their cave and shutting out the world. But this is precisely the wrong approach. Not feeling connected to others contributes to depression, anxiety and low energy. Reaching out to people for support can be helpful from several different perspectives. Reach out to people in your life you can have fun with. Laughing and playing in all its forms can have a significantly positive impact on our stress levels. Doing things that are fun, especially together with other people, can lighten the heaviness of tough times. You can also try to connect with a person or community, that can create a deeper sense of meaning and put your own challenges into perspective. Sometimes we do need mentors to guide us through the uncertainties in life.

Remember, stress is just a perspective, and to overcome it, all you need to do is, change your perspective! These are the things I do to fight stress and I hope these methods help you conquer your stress too!
What is your way to beat anxiety and stress naturally? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health

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6 Minutes Arm Workout

Hello! My tribe
Workout for arm for woman or man very simple to do at home or outdoor without any equipment and weights.
A lot of you are requesting for fitness videos for some time now so here goes, easy quick 6 minute video that will make your arms burn.

Stand up and extend your arms straight out by the sides. Slowly start to make circles with each outstretched arm. Breathe normally as you perform the movement. Continue the circular motion of the outstretched arms for about fifteen seconds. Then reverse the movement, and move the arms in circles the same way in opposite direction.

Push your arms up and down without raising the arms too high or putting them down too low. Just the way I am doing it here, do it fast and quick and feel that fat burn.

Now push your arms forward by keeping both them straight. Keep pushing the air front and back for 30 seconds.

Keep both your arms straight and fold both your forearms upwards. Push your arms upwards and then get them back gently in the initial position. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Now keep one hand still in the same position and do this with just the right hand. Continue for 15 seconds . Repeat the same with your left hand and have some fun!

Have both your arms crossed across your chest. Now open both your arms diagonally like I am doing here and then cross them back again. Repeat this for 30 seconds. This will work on your arms and will also help you get those awesome shoulders.

Repeat the whole set. If you want you can do 3 sets of these too.

Believe me this works, when I don’t have too much time, I do these arm exercises and they keep my arms toned. But as I always say, be consistent, at least do these 3 times a week and after 3 weeks yoy will feel the change.
Would love to know your feed back on this blog and video.

Love and Health.

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Food Swaps for Healthy Living | Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

Have you gone the road making huge changes to your eating habits only to find yourself failing again and again? Well, the truth is making huge changes in a short period of time may appear promising but is not manageable and practical. As always I wanted to tell you’ll about some small manageable and sustainable changes that you can make in your diet that will not only help you stay fit but will also have a great impact in improving your health in the long run!

1) Granola, cornflakes with steel cut oats or muesli
Granola or cornflakes may sound like a healthy option but they are heavy on calories and sugar. So, I suggest swap it with steel-cut oat, provided you are not gluten intolerant. You can also swap it with chia seeds pudding or muesli. Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium. And muesli is high in fiber and whole grains, which regulate the digestive system, and help with weight control and super easy to make. Muesli is also a potent source of antioxidants. Just add some fruits and Viola your nutritious breakfast is ready.

2) Instead of white bread grab multi-fiber brown bread
White bread may do more harm than good by providing excess calories and few nutrients. On the other hand, multi fiber brown bread contains whole grains and provides fiber, vitamin B, and minerals.

3) Coffee with milk to Americano or green tea
Love coffee? But too much caffeine combined with milk is hazardous to your digestion and causes acidity. So swap the milk based coffee with Americano or go for a mug of green tea or black tea without milk and sugar. Green tea and black coffee both are filled with antioxidants and have scores of health benefits! However, if you still want to add milk, add almond milk (plant based milk) or soya milk! Almond milk is high in vitamin D and low on sugar, and soya milk contains vitamin B6, vitamin B 12, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

4) Salad dressings with lime and pepper
Most dressings available in the market are loaded with saturated fat, sugar and oil. So if you are thinking why you’re not losing weight despite eating salad, let me tell you it’s may be because of the dressing you use! So instead of any dressing, use freshly squeezed lime and dash of mustard, salt and pepper. Lime and pepper both have amazing benefits for weight loss and so instead of increasing calories they will aid the weight loss process!

5) Instead of Cruotons in salads use some walnuts
Croutons are bread based and ultimately contain more carbs. Swap it with walnuts which contain a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants. Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health, including increasing inferential reasoning in young adults.

6) Creamy soups with broths
We all think soups are healthy but don’t be misled. Creamy soups or canned soups are high on calories and fats because they are loaded with sodium, sugar and chemicals that we can’t even pronounce. Swap them with home cooked broths and clear soups. These will be healthier and will be rich in nutrient value. Moreover, they also taste great! Add herbs and spices to make them flavorful and also packed with nutrients.

7) Swap dairy milk with almond milk
Many dairy farmers put hormones in the diets of their milk-producing cows. These hormones are meant to increase milk production so that farmers are able to supply a larger quantity of milk to consumers. There is some concern that these hormones increase your risk of developing prostate, breast and colorectal cancer. Almond milk is low in fat but high in energy, lipids, proteins and fiber. It is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, potassium, iron etc. you can also make almond milk at home. Watch my video for homemade almond milk

8) Drinks with sparkling water with lemon or orange.
Drinks or canned juices, sugary or frizzy drinks in general have a lot of calories and add up to your sugar intake. So simply replace it with sparkling water with lemon or orange. Lemon and orange both have vitamin C which is great for eliminating toxins. You can also infuse it with coconut water, cucumber , mint leaves and berries, tastier and healthier options for overall health and well-being.

Small changes can make a huge impact, make changes slowly, one by one and be consistent to see results. That’s the key to success. Print this list and save with you or save on your phone to keep reminding yourself.
Do you have any more ideas for healthy food swaps? Please share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health


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Homemade Almond Milk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-UVpCARuss

Most Effective Homemade Face Mask for Acne | How to Get Rid Of Acne & Acne Scars

Hello! My tribe,
In this video, I will share with you some amazing face masks for acne.
A lot of you have been asking me about quick remedies to acne so I thought why not talk about some kitchen-pantry saviors today, that will not only act as blemish-battling solutions for acne but are also brilliant skin enhancers. So let me roll out the list for some super easy and super quick face masks that you can make with the ingredients found in your kitchen closet. I have tried all of them and they all work effectively.
The Garlic Acne Face Mask
So, let’s get started with how to make this amazing mask!
What you will need:
2 – 3 cloves of garlic mashed up
Did you know garlic was used by ancient Egyptians to brew a love potion that would make people look more attractive! Well, that kinda explains why garlic is great if you want to have an amazing skin and reduce acne. So if you haven’t tried it yet, probably you should right away! Whether you eat it or apply it on your skin, garlic is always beneficial with its amazing antibacterial properties. Plus you don’t have to go through the garlic-breath ordeal! However here’s the warning bell. Don’t apply it raw. Add some water or aloe vera!
A little water or Aloe-Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel contains two major hormones, auxin and gibberellins. These hormones have wound healing and anti inflammatory properties. In ayurvedic medicine, aloe has been used to effectively heal chronic skin issues like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

How to make:
Let the ingredients mix for 10 minutes. Now use a cotton pad to soak up the juice and apply it to the problem areas. Allow the mixture to sit on your skin for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

Turmeric, Honey, and Greek Yogurt/Raw Milk
What you will need:
Turmeric – 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder can actually help in removing excess oil and destroying bacteria. It is also an excellent antioxidant which helps in treating pimples and inflammation.
Raw honey – 1 teaspoon
Raw honey is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Its anti inflammatory and antimicrobial, healing and cleansing properties make it effective in treating acne. It also reduces swelling and kills the bacteria that causes acne.
Raw milk/ Greek yogurt – 3 teaspoons
If you’ve got acne prone skin, raw milk or yogurt will gently exfoliate and gradually cure your acne. It draws out excess sebum within skin pores and tightens large pores. It also helps in getting those spots clear by adding radiance to your skin.
Prepare a mixture of all these ingredients in a bowl until it forms a fine paste. Now use a makeup brush or cotton ball and apply this paste all over the face as a mask. Massage gently for a minute and let the mask sit for 10 – 15 minutes. Now use a damp washcloth or cotton ball to remove the mask. If you notice any yellow tint remaining on the skin then use water diluted apple cider vinegar as a toner to get the yellow stains off your skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Honey
What you will need:
Raw apple cider vinegar – 1 teaspoon
Apple cider vinegar is amazing for acne because it restores the acid mantle in our skin. It also kills bacteria, removes excess dirt, oil and makeup and dissolves dead skin cells.
Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
Baking soda is helpful in managing pH levels and helps neutralize acidic substances in and outside of the body. Baking soda can help soothe inflammation and mild pain and works as a great exfoliant.
Honey – 2 teaspoons
Honey gets used for everything from hair treatments to relieving sore throats, so it really isn’t hard to understand that it’s also great for your face. Remember, when I say honey, it’s the raw honey I am talking about and not the commercial substitute that you find in stores. I generally prefer manuka honey but even raw honey is great. It’s perfect for moisturizing dry skin since it is a natural humectant and has antibacterial properties.
How to make:
Mix all these ingredients in a bowl until it forms a fine paste. Apply it all over the face and massage gently for a minute or two. Let it sit on your face for 10 – 15 minutes and then clear the mask using a damp clean washcloth. Now rinse the face with lukewarm water and after drying the skin apply a light moisturizer.

Love and health

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Get Rid of Acne by Eating Healthier : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bp5b10Fw48

Yoga For Eye | How to reduce under eye bags

Hello! My Tribe,
Yoga And exercise are very important and need for our face And our eye. the eye is the very sensitive part of our body so it’s important to take good care of them.
I have a big fan of face yoga, I have been doing it for years and it really helped me so much to look and feel youthful. For the past few months, I have been receiving a lot of queries from my viewers about yoga for under eyes and puffy eyes and so I thought let me do a video for yoga poses for under eye bags. So today, I’m gonna show you some simple yet effective yoga poses that I have been doing for years that have kept me looking youthful and help me get rid of those puffy and droopy eyes. Well I might look funny while doing these, but trust me its part humour and part beauty! So you’re going to love it in the long run!
Benefits of yoga for under eye
If you have tried facial yoga, you might definitely know that in yoga a lot of stretching is involved. And stretching effectively relaxes tensed muscles and tired nerves. These stretching actions promote normal and healthy circulation and distribution of blood, oxygen, and other essential nutrients in and around the eye area. It relieves pressure where fluids have been stuck and have failed to be circulated properly.
When essential nutrients reach nerves and skin cells under your eyes, nerve and skin repair processes are initiated. These essential nutrients act as fuel for cellular regeneration: the capillaries which have been injured capillaries are restored, and the cells that have been damaged are regenerated.

Exercise 1
Start off with gentle taping with the index finger in circular motion. This helps in increasing the circulation in this area. It also helps in transporting fresh oxygen and nutrients and helps in removing toxins. This one is a great face yoga technique that will help you in getting a smooth skin and reduce under eye bags.
Make sure you don’t wrinkle your forehead while performing this exercise.
Exercise 2
Look straight
Open your mouth and form a shape
Move your forehead while looking towards the ceiling
Hold this position for a few seconds
This pose promotes blood circulation on your face and stretches the skin under the eyes.
Exercise 3
Let’s place the middle fingers on the nose
And then put both your index fingers on the outer edge of your eyes
Now look towards the ceiling and half squint them
Hold this position for 2 to 3 seconds and then relax
Benefits of yoga for face
It’s less expensive

Unlike cosmetic surgery and botox, facial yoga costs nothing! All it requires is a couple of minutes once or twice a day. If you compare the time you spend undergoing expensive treatments, or in the store purchasing skin tightening creams that may or may not work, why not give facial yoga a try?

Its natural

Most anti-aging creams contain paraffins, mineral oil, heavy fragrances and other undesirable ingredients. Facial yoga is 100% natural and without any harmful chemicals. So you can get the youthful look without going under the knife.

It may slow down the aging process

The more we smile, squint, or become tense, the more wrinkles we notice on our face through the years. While all this is natural, facial yoga can help slow down this aging process. So if you want to look 20 when you’re 40, facial yoga is your thing!

It releases tension

Well, yes! Facial yoga releases tension too! It’s unbelievable how much stress we carry around in our neck and face. Facial yoga alleviates any tightness that you may carry around your neck and face and helps you get rid of chronic neck pain.

Can help eliminate double chin

Who doesn’t want to get rid of that double chin? Facial yoga not only helps you shed those fats around your face but also helps in toning your face. In many Asian cultures, women swear by the neck exercises to promote youthfulness.
Can boost self-esteem and confidence
Let’s face it – when you look great, you feel great. My experience with facial yoga, so far, has been a major confidence boost. So what are you waiting for? Start this routine today and see some awesome results for yourself!
Have you tried face yoga? What has been your observation? Would love to know from you.

Love and health

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Morning Routine For Balanced Life

My morning routine
A few weeks back I uploaded a few insta stories on my morning routine and a lot of you posted your comments and wanted to know more about it so I thought why not do a video on the same and tell you everything about my morning routine.

So let me first tell you that I usually hit the sack by 10.30 pm because sleeping early is the key to beauty and good health. And then I generally wake up at 5.30. In fact, you won’t believe but I never set an alarm because I like waking up without the alarm’s noise. The first thing I do when I wake up is have a full glass of water. I always have water on my bed side table. Water keeps the toxins at bay and flushes your system. So having a full glass of water early in the morning empty stomach really does wonders to keep you healthy. Then I use the washroom and then I come to my meditation spot and start with pranayam which is my breathing exercises.
I do three breathing exercises

2)Anuloma Viloma
3)Bahya pranayam

Aum chanting
Well this is something I do because its got some superb science behind it. You might have heard of quantum physics, which explains that at the micro level of everything, there is just energy. So from the furniture to trees, to metals to us human beings, everything is just energy. And energy has a unique vibrational frequency. So when we chant aum again and again we create its pure vibrations in the body and become one with the aum. Aum chanting connects us to all that is living from existence to nature to the universe!

Benefits of Aum Chanting
1. It creates positive vibrations in you. You feel happy for no reason
2. It purifies your Aura.
3. It purifies the environment around you.
4. As you practice Aum chanting, you will notice changes in you. You will look younger, happier, energetic calm and peaceful.

Mindfulness Meditation
Then I do some mindfulness meditation.
So let me tell you how to do it first and then I will come to its benefits.
First of all choose a place that feels peaceful and where you can detach from the outside world. Now get comfortable by adjusting the room temperature and wearing comfortable clothes so that nothing can distract you. Now start with just a 5 to 10 minute meditation. Don’t choose lengthy meditations initially because you might just get bored and leave it midway. Now take the position you are comfortable in. Most people take the lotus position to meditate but that’s not at all necessary! So sit on a chair if you want but be comfortable. Now settle your mind and detach from all the things going on in your life. You may get multiple thoughts, let it happen for a bit as you settle in. Now take some deep breaths and start observing your breath. As you meditate, remind yourself that you have control over what thoughts and emotions you choose to engage in. If the noise disturbs you, ignore it and get back to focus on your breath. Do this for a while and I am sure this will make you feel beautiful just as it does to me!

And then I have a big glass of green juice.
Drinking your greens doses your body with a highly concentrated blast of powerful, instantly absorbable nutrition that can have transformative effects from the inside out…Rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, green juices aid in healthy skin. These antioxidants help to rid your skin of acne or sun damage. Plus it has Vitamin A, which is crucial for cell growth and regeneration. In addition, green juices provide adequate hydration. One serving of green juice provides an extremely rich dose of essential nutrients that your body needs every day. Giving your body the nutrition that it needs to convert your food to energy, such as vitamin B12, allows you to shake that sluggish feeling without reaching for caffeinated beverages. There are scores of benefits of green juices. It is no surprise that green juice cleanses help you drop a few pounds. Leafy green juices are excellent sources of amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

After interviewing many people for my show, I know that most successful people have some kind of morning routine, to balance their lives, handle stress better and be more efficient. I hope this will inspire you to start your morning routine too. I would love to know if you have a morning routine already or would like to start one soon.

Love and Health,
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Check Out Some Green Juice Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGCeOkO5ddk

How To Get Rid Of Acne ? Get Rid of Acne by Eating Healthier

Hello friends In this video, I will tell you about foods that you should be eating get rid of acne.
For the past few months, I have been receiving a lot of queries from my viewers about their acne issues. I am truly grateful to you all for trusting me with your issues and making time to post your queries. I always love to give out solutions that I have tried and tested. So today, I’ve created a video for acne solutions in which I’m gonna tell you what is acne and what are the best foods you must eat and not eat when you have acne. After all, what could be better than starting the New Year with a beauty solution?

The first obvious question is what is acne?
Well, acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes annoying, painful and unpleasant spots and pimples especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts and nodules are all different forms of acne. Let me tell you acne is a deeper issue than we think! It’s not just skin deep but it goes way way deeper. In fact, if you have acne, it is because something has gone wrong with your system. I have met so many people for whom acne is not just a skin condition but a reason for low self-esteem and
under confidence. Most of these people often rely on medicines and strong antibiotics which is harsh on their system; these medicines or antibiotics given for acne have major side effects in the long run. So today I am going to talk about the internal factors that affect acne; issues like our overall health in general and specifically our gut health. Remember if you have skin issue, you have gut issue! So get your gut health right and you will get your skin right!
What causes acne?
Your sweet tooth is causing acne You must be thinking, does sugar really cause breakouts? Even though we would
like to believe it doesn’t, the fact is, it does. Sugar has had a longtime bad rep in the skincare world. For decades physicians, dermatologists, and skincare companies have been telling us to reduce sugar, spice, and everything that tastes nice for being one of the main acne triggers and I’ll tell you why! The more carbs
you consume, the more your blood sugar levels increase. This leads to the pancreas releasing more insulin, which absorbs the excess sugar into cells and reduces blood sugar levels again. This increased amount of insulin in the body causes more oil production in the pores. More oil production means more breakouts. So if you have a couple of cookies now and then, you’re ok, but when you go on a binge spree and hog on cookies, sodas or candies on a regular basis, that causes the real problem! Another problem with too much sugar is inflammation which leads to depletion of important antioxidants. This depletion is the cause of many gut problems, allergies, and of course, you can guess what comes next—clogged pores which are prime culprits for bad breakouts. So to satiate that sweet tooth, pick berries and green apples, which are naturally sweet but lower in sugar.

How to Get Rid of it!
Go grain/gluten free
Avoid dairy products
Processed food
Stress can be the driving force
Your hormones can be blamed
Eat foods that are rich in fiber.
Bank on good quality protein sources
Include healthy fats in your diet
Fermented foods
Herbs and Spices

I hope you found this video useful and by following this you will get the desired results. Beauty is a process that happens inside out! So clean up your inside and your outside will appear beautiful as a result! Just eat right and love yourself! Eating right should be a hobby and not a compulsion! So have fun! And have a great time. Share with me your acne stories, I would love to know your tips too.
Love and Health

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what is Mindfulness ? Easiest ways to Master Mindfulness |

What is Mindfulness And What Does It Mean to You?
Our ability and willingness to focus on just one thing at any one given moment in time is mindfulness. In today’s world, we often work longer hours and pack more into every day. As a result, we end up juggling different activities at the same time, all in order to get those ‘To-Do’ Lists done! Sometimes we need to get things done, and the most productive way is doing more than one thing at a time. However, when a person is multi-tasking they’re actually switching simultaneously between tasks, and research indicate that this reduces productivity by up to 40%. This habit can spill over automatically into almost everything we do. Living this way we often fail to notice the beauty of life, fail to hear what our bodies are telling us and we all too often become stuck in mechanical conditioned ways of thinking and living that may be harmful to ourselves or others. Becoming more mindfully aware is about developing our ability and willingness to focus on just one thing at any one given moment in time. This means if you are in nature, rather than allowing your mind to wander off, simply focus on being in the nature and what’s going on in your surrounding at that moment.Becoming more mindfully aware is about developing gratitude and appreciation of the present moment. Often if we’re not doing more than one thing at a time, we may think that we’re not working hard enough. However. Mindfulness is not about getting rid of your thoughts and its not a relaxation technique, nor is it a spiritual practice, mindfulness is simply being engaged in the present moment, be fully aware of what is happening now.

How can Mindfulness help

Mindfulness improves mental health
Neuroscience studies show it literally rewires the brain and thickens the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus which are key areas for learning and functioning including: In recent years, psychotherapists have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems,
– depression
– substance abuse
– eating disorders
– couples’ conflicts
– anxiety disorders
– obsessive-compulsive disorder

Some experts believe that mindfulness works, in part, by helping people to accept their experiences—including painful emotions—rather than react to them with aversion and avoidance. It’s become increasingly common for mindfulness meditation to be combined with psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. This development makes good sense, since both meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy share the common goal of helping people
gain perspective on irrational and self-defeating thoughts.

Mindfulness improves over all well being
-Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life.

-Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.

-By focusing on the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others.

Mindfulness improves physical health
If greater well-being isn’t enough of an incentive, scientists have discovered the benefits of mindfulness techniques help improve physical health in a number of ways. Mindfulness can:
– help relieve stress
– treat heart disease
– lower blood pressure
– reduce chronic pain
– improve sleep
– alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties

Hope this blog and video helped. Start slow, start small, be consistent. That’s the key.

This moment is all that we have.

Love and Health,
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Foods to Eat for Healthy and Strong Hair | Healthy Food For Hair

Want tips for healthy and strong hair! I have a good solution.Go natural. Healthy food for healthy hair, it will really work.
I have had a journey with my hair, when I started my TV career 12 years back, I colored my hair way too often. I put extensions and styles very regularly and that resulted in dry damaged hair and major hair fall. My hair is really important to me and that phase really disturbed me a lot and I started doing a lot of research for me to understand my hair better. I figured good hair needs good food and right nutrients. Just like skin, the condition of your hair is an outward sign of inside health. The cells that make up each strand of hair require a regular supply of key nutrients.

I worked on my diet and started eating the correct balance of the following nutrients including protein, vitamins and minerals to supply hair with all that it needs, and within 3 months started seeing the difference in my hair. So today I going to talk about the foods that we need to eat for good hair.

Before that lets understand hair first.

Hair Follicles
Hair grows from hair follicles, which are embedded below the skin on your scalp. The portion of the strand of hair that is in the hair follicle is known as the root. The part that you can see, touch and style is called the hair strand. At the base of the root in the hair follicle is the hair bulb. The bulb is where nutrients are converted into new hair cells.Each hair follicle is connected to your body’s blood supply. This allows nutrients to be transported to the hair follicle for new growth. The blood supply is also connected to an oil producing gland and a small muscle that allows the hair to stand on end or lay flat.

As hair is pushed up through the hair follicle and towards the surface of your scalp, it goes through a process known as keratinization. The hair cells fill with fibrous proteins and lose their nucleus. By the time the
hair reaches the surface, it’s nothing more than a complex system of interwoven protein-rich fibers.

Proteins and Hair
A large portion of your hair is nothing more than protein. Proteins are series of long, connected amino acids known as polypeptides. Polypeptides can form side bonds with one another, leading to the thick strands of hair you recognize.

Hope you found this video informative, please write to me always waiting to hear from you all. How do you take care of your hair?

Love and health

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How to make a vision board that will help you achieve your new year goals

How to create a vision board to get achieve your goals and to be a success in your life.
New Year brings new beginnings! And like every New Year, we all have some goals and resolutions. But, how to put these goals to practice? Well, that’s a million dollar question! So the simple answer is, by creating a vision board! Without a doubt, it is the visual aspect of a vision board that really drives home your desires. It’s pretty easy to think that choosing and focusing on a specific desire helps to achieve it, but visualization isn’t as straightforward as we think it is. To understand why visualization is so powerful, we need to understand our brain. Our brain is an incredible machine that is geared towards making us successful with every action we take. Our brain trains our bodies to prepare for action. When we imagine ourselves preparing for an activity, our brains actually runs through the process and sends signals to the rest of our body to complete the action. By putting a vision board somewhere you can see it every day, you will be able to visualize your ideal life on a daily basis. And that’s super important because visualization activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind and programs your brain to notice available resources that were always there but escaped your notice. Believe it or not, visualization works. Vision boards have been used by Olympic athletes to improve performance for decades and many famous celebrities use it to achieve their goals. So why wait? Use this step by step guide I am going to share with you today and create an effective and awesome vision board. It’s time to get closer to your goals this New Year!

1) Create a list of goals for the New Year

Before you can really visualize all those awesome goals you have, you need to know what those goals are.And for that you need to spend some good time thinking on how you want your life to be in this coming year and who you want to be. And what is it that you need to do in the next one year to get closer to that bigger goal and take your life to another level. So the first step is to decide what you really want by asking questions like, ‘What do I want?’ ‘What do I need?’ ‘What do I value?’ and why do I need these things, ‘how do I want to feel when those things manifest?’ and’ who do I want to be?’. Once you find the answers, write it down.

2) Gather your supplies.

• blank art book /poster board/a large sheet of paper, and/or a cork board
• glue/pins
• markers, pens, paint
• colourful or plain paper
• scissors
• magazines/books that can be cut up for images

3. Find the right images and words

Flip through the magazines or online sites and begin cutting out images/words/phrases that appeal to you.When looking for images in the magazines, look out for images that immediately make you feel the connection and closer to your dream. It’s not necessary that these images should be literal interpretations of what you want. Focus more on how you feel by looking at this image. Does it invoke the feeling you’re looking for. If yes, cut it out! Similarly, you can add words to your vision board that describe how you wish to feel on a daily basis. Affirmation words like joyful, abundant, financially independent, loved, strong, powerful, fearless, healthy, light, fun are some of my favourites!

4. Paste them to the page

Segregate the board in section like, personal goals, and professionally goals. Segregate them further in to smaller and bigger goals. Go through your cutouts and look specifically for things that invoke the feeling you are looking for and start arranging them on your page. When it feels just right, go ahead and paste them to the page. Be sure not to use images that make you feel crappy or invoke despair!

5. Put your vision board in a place where you can see it everyday

Your vision board is a visual reminder of what you are working towards in your life. So keep it in a place where you can look at it often and connect with why you created it. You can pin the pages up somewhere so that you can see them easily. This will help you get a constant reminder of your goals and serve the purpose in a better way.

6. Notice and heal any resistance

As you progress towards making your visions real, you may begin to notice resistance in the form of habits and patterns in your personality that act as a hindrance to achieve your goal. Heal them so that you can move closer and closer to your goal.

These are some of my tips , do you have yours? Share with me and my tribe.

Love and Health,
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New Year Resolutions 2018 | Ideas That Will Make You Healthier and Happier

New Year Resolutions 2018 | Ideas That Will Make You Healthier and Happier
New year 2018 is right here and it’s time to welcome it with some amazing resolutions. It’s time for some lifestyle changes and getting on a journey to be healthier. So today I’m here with you to help you make your health resolution this New Year and have a healthy, beautiful and happy beginning! It’s timeeeeee for a new you! So let’s get started!

Stop counting calories
Stop counting calories because calorie count does not work. Period! We are human beings and not a number. We need to understand that it’s the nutritional value in foods that we need to watch out for and not calories. We have to look at our food with a different approach this year. Whatever you eat, think about how it is going to make you healthier. So primarily, gather more knowledge about your food, know what is the nutritional value of what’s on your plate and choose smartly. So this new year, aim for adding nutrition and forget the calories!

Focus on overall well-being and not just losing weight
Health is not about losing those pounds but rather about being healthy! It’s about feeling good about yourself and focusing on your overall health and well-being. So don’t focus on losing weight and start thinking of how you could be healthier. Head on to a journey that is health driven and trust me, weight loss and beauty will just be a bonus!

There are no two ways about the fact that exercise can help you look and feel great. And to do that it’s not necessary for you to hit the gym or hire a personal trainer. Start small. Start with a fifteen minute walk five days a week! But be consistent. If you don’t have enough time at hand, just stretch at home and do exercises at home that focus on full body. There are some amazing videos you can find on YouTube and you can also follow the videos I’ve posted before during Dubai fitness challenge.

Greens should be your thing!
You might be a meat lover but adding a little greens to your diet should not be a big task! Greens add more nutrition to your food and have multiple health benefits. If not during meals you can also start your day with some green juices. For this you can check out my video on green juice recipes!

Drink more water!
75 percent of our body is made up of water and that being the case, you can think how important it is to drink more water. Water impacts our overall well-being. From immunity to our skin, from health to our mood, everything that happens in our body depends on our water intake. So stay healthy by drinking more water!

Be in the present moment
Being and staying in the present moment seems like the great goal of the moment,and we’re hearing it from everyone. It is one of the best things to strive for this New Year! When you don’t live in the present, your mind darts all over the place, fretting about the past, worrying about the future, and distracting you from whatever is going on right now. After all, the past is done and dusted, and those worries of the future may never come to fruition, so in a purely practical sense, thinking about it is a sheer waste of time. But when you’re firmly anchored to the present moment, you have a sense of equilibrium. So go out there and live in the present moment, feel every breath you take and live every moment as it comes!

Start loving yourself
You need to give yourself a healthy dose of self love. Because you are magnificent and you are awesome! While following all the above points is indefinitely important in your health journey, this is the most important of all! Because only if you love yourself, will you end up giving yourself the best you deserve! You will choose the best for yourself! And once you start choosing the best foods and best habits, you will begin to feel healthier and livelier in no time!

Have a great health driven New Year! And look and feel beautiful!

Love and Health
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Anti Ageing Face Yoga

Hate to go under the knife or needle? Then say no to anti-ageing facial surgeries and discover the magic of facial yoga! I have come forth today to share these awesome facial yoga techniques with you, because facial yoga has been a subject I have been covering in my videos quite often; and I had received more than a million views from my viewers on one of my previous facial yoga videos! Considering that facial yoga is something my tribe is so fond of, I thought why not have some more cool videos on this superb beauty regimen and motivate my viewers to make it a part of their lives. So to begin with, facial yoga has been a part of my daily routine for almost a decade now, and I must say, I have seen some mind-blowing results with facial yoga techniques—not only do I look younger but I also have a plump and firmer looking skin!

Among its many benefits, facial yoga helps in slowing down the aging process, makes you look younger and beautiful, smoothens wrinkles, relaxes your eyes, helps with headaches, lifts your mood and most importantly, boosts your overall confidence. Additionally, facial yoga encourages the production of collagen—the protein that keeps skin elastic and gives it a plump, youthful feel. Imagine how amazing it could be if you could have all these benefits in just 3 to 4 minutes every day? Yes, you heard it right! 3 Minutes….That’s all you need to meet a younger you. So get ready and start with these few exercises…

Puff up your cheeks
Fill your mouth with air and shift the air from the left cheek to the right cheek and then vice versa. Do this for 30 seconds and then gently release the air. This exercise will help in strengthening your cheeks and making them look firm.

Pout.. .pout.. .pout! All you have to do is pout a few times as if you are kissing and you can have those amazing younger looking cheeks.

Stick your lips together
Press both your lips together like you do after you apply lipstick and smile. Get those pink lips and firmer cheeks with this magic move!

Chin lift
Tilt your head upwards looking at the ceiling. Tighten your lips and protrude them forward as if trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold on to this position for a few seconds and then release slowly.
This exercise will help that double chin disappear…!

Forehead exercise
Place the fingers of your right hand on your mid forehead and look up while keeping your face straight. Now move your eyebrows in the upward and downward direction. Repeat a few times to release stress and tension in the forehead muscles.

Neck exercise
Start with keeping your head straight. Now look towards your right and then move your head in front to look straight. Now repeat the same motion towards your left side. Repeat a few times to have a firm neck and release stress from your neck nerves.

Tap it!
Tap your fingers gently under your eye and keep tapping while moving towards your forehead and then do the same in reverse direction. Reduce under eye sagging and dark circles while this move works under your eyes.

Roll your neck up and down
Keep your head straight. Look down at the floor while moving your neck in the downward direction and then look up at the ceiling. Repeat this motion a few times to have a firm jaw line and ease stress in neck muscles.

So all you need is a daily investment of 3 to 4 minutes in this beauty regimen and trust me, you will see a transformation! We cannot stop ageing, but we can slow down the process and age gracefully. So let’s do it together. I promise you, I will be coming out with more videos that will help you achieve your beauty goals. Until then, stay in touch.

Connect with me on facebook, instagram or the umashowblog.

Have you tried facial yoga before? If yes, what results have you seen? Do write to me.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Love and Health,

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Face Massage Oil For Glowing Skin |

Which oil is best for face massage?
Hey guys, I got a lot of valuable feedback from you guys for my recent video on face massage and many of you asked me which oils should we use while doing the face massages. So today I am here to share with you some oils that you can find in your kitchen cabinet and can be easily used for face massage. Like I told you in my last video, all you need is 2 to 3 minutes for this daily routine and you will see some miraculous results. So try these oils that I am telling you and feel smoother, younger and prettier!

Castor Oil
I have been using castor oil since I was pretty young and it has been a home remedy for me for a host of problems. Castor oil happens to be one of the most widely used oils, owing to the fact that it has plenty of benefits for your skin. I often use it to cleanse my skin and moisturise it. But there are multiple benefits of castor oil. It
is great for blemishes, pigmentation, sunburns, redness, under eye puffiness, inflamed skin, acne etc.
Well, the best think I like about this oil is that it has anti ageing properties. So an anti ageing massage along with this anti ageing oil is your perfect beauty hack before a good night’s sleep.

Almond Oil
Sagging skin. Baggy eyes. Dullness. These words are an absolute turn off for us girls. And then why be sulky over all this, especially when you have the elixir of youth handy- almond oil. Trust me, massaging your under eyes with this oil just before you hit the sack is a sure shot remedy for getting rid of dark circles. Also regular application of almond oil on your skin will make you feel younger and fresher within no time. The vitamin E and fatty acids present in this oil reverse and prevent signs of aging. It not only helps in skin renewal but also fights wrinkles. It also removes impurities and dead skin cells, reduces tan and promotes those flirty eyelashes
that you sooo love! So don’t take refuge in concealers and rather find this oil in your kitchen to work on those dark circles and skin problems!

Coconut Oil
It’s no surprise that I’m a huge coconut oil fan, because its got multiple benefits for skin and no side effects. You will be surprised to learn just how great coconut oil is for the skin. In fact, you can ditch those extra expensive skin products and go natural with coconut oil. All you have to do is dab it a bit on your lips see how it gets you those soft pink lips. When you use it to massage on your skin, it will not only soften your skin, but also act as an anti ageing cream and moisturiser. Let me share a personal tip with you. Coconut oil is a great make up remover too. So without worrying about any harsh chemicals just use this oil to remove that heavy makeup you have been wearing all day and let your skin breathe!

Olive Oil.
Probably, olive oil is a staple in your kitchen whether you use it for cooking or whipping up easy salad dressings! But it has some great skin benefits. So if you have extra olive oil on your hands from cooking, don’t be so quick to rinse it off. Olive oil has amazing moisture-holding properties, and it can hold water against the skin to keep it smooth and hydrated. So you can use it for a hydration boost. If you have a dry, itchy or inflamed skin, use olive oil as a cream to relieve the discomfort. It really works wonders for those who have a dry skin. Olive oil is also rich in vitamin E and so it is a great oil that helps with anti ageing. It also helps in gathering and neutralising free radicals that can otherwise damage the skin and fasten skin ageing. So use it like a mask and see how it works its magic in just a few days!

Hope this video was helpful and you guys had a great time! Do use these oils for at least a month consistently to see the results. Club it with the face massage and let me know your feedback! I love to get your feedback as it helps me get more videos that are helpful. So keep sending me feedback and connect with me on facebook, insta and my blog.

Catch you up soon with my next video! Have a great time!

Love and health

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Face Massage Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag_RQHn0UwE

Simple Beauty Tips | Easy beauty resolutions you can make this new year 2018

We are breaking into 2018 and I have some awesome resolutions for every aspect of my life! And in that amazing list, I have resolutions for beauty too. While I was writing down my own personal resolutions for beauty, I thought why not create a video that will help you all to make your beauty resolutions too and achieve it in a simple way! So get ready because it’s time to feel fabulous and on top of this world by following these simple beauty resolutions that I am going to tell you about right now!

Have a morning routine
A simple morning routine can do wonders to make you look beautiful.

All you have to do is follow these simple steps:
Step 1
Wash with an exfoliating cleanser. This will help your skin stay hydrated and bring the glow!

Step 2
Tone up
Apply toner in order to even out the pH balance of your skin. There a multitude of toners available for every skin type and condition. So choose the right one for your skin pH woes.

Step 3
Apply a serum
After toning, apply a serum. This will brighten your skin over time as vitamin C breaks down brown spots and helps with building collagen

Step 4
Protect your skin
Sunscreen is not just for summer. It should be applied consistently every day, and the best way to make this habit stick is to do it every morning without fail. Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and don’t step out of the house without using the sunscreen.

Love and Health

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8 New Year’s Resolution Ideas and How to Achieve Each One of Them

Hello, friends here I am sharing with you some New Year’s Resolution Ideas and also talk about to how to Achieve Each One of them.
1) Getting in shape!

2) Eating Healthy

3) Work life balance

4) Pamper your mind

5) Work on your relationships

6) Have a spiritual practice

7) Small acts of kindness

To achieve any goal you have to visualise it. I myself have a vision board that i literally post pictures on for every new year’s resolution. I post pictures of things i truly want to achieve. And then i write down the steps how i am going to achieve it. So ill share with you some simple tricks that i use for any goal i want to achieve

Hope you liked the video and you will send me loads of feedback like always! Dont forget to subscribe! Keep watching my channel for more videos! Until then, have a great time! Party hard! And make those resolutions; coz this time i know you will be smart about them and you’re gonna keep them!

Love and Health,

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Location Courtesy: http://www.palazzoversace.ae

Easy Decluttering Tips | Before New Years

Decluttering Tips! How to declutter and organize your home before New Year.
New year brings new excitement every year! We all look forward to some party, some hearty celebrations and of course, inviting the new by bidding a farewell to the old. And when its time to let go of the old, it is not just our feelings that we need to let go, but its also the clutter in our space that we need to get rid of. Decluttering often sounds like a very boring word for most of us. We all are stricken with those same thoughts. Who has the time to declutter? And what if you can’t let go of so many things you have been keeping all this while, because, of course, they are memories! But decluttering is important because clutter creates chaos and confusion. And who wants that? I’m sure nobody! So, i’m here today to help you overcome your boredom and get on to decluttering before the new year hits us! I will share with you some simple steps to gear up on this front and you will know how simple it is to declutter!

Schedule It
Your first step is to schedule an appointment with yourself for decluttering. Most of the times, we dont get to cleaning because we have very tight schedules. So just as its important to attend the meeting or go to a doctor, its important to declutter. Just decide a particular day or date you want to declutter on. You could schedule it for half an hour everyday, or dedicate 2-3 days in a month to do it all at once. Depending on when you can remove the time according to your lifestyle, decide on it and stick to it. This step is the key to decluttering.

Make a list
Once you have scheduled your appointment, create a list of places or areas in your home to declutter beginning with the easiest. It could be your closet, the space below the sink, your bathroom, or an entire room. Make a list according to your schedule and pick one spot at a time. This will help you slowly declutter all your spaces one by one. Also make a list of things you want to declutter, like clothes, shoes, receipts, bills, magazines, cosmetics, books, medicines, office supplies, dvds and cds , old things etc.

Go by the three bags rule

Before you actually get on to decluttering, make three bags and label them as ‘throw away’, ‘give away’, and a ‘maybe’ bag. You must have noticed that a lot many times, we cant really decide if we want to give away or throw away a particular item. So make a maybe bag for those items and keep them aside. You can take some more time to think over it and then throw it or give it away when you really feel like.

Decide where to start
You could start with your kitchen, or your bedroom, or a particular zone you select like your wardrobe. Decide the spot that is visible to you everytime and begin from there. So, even if you feel demotivated towards the end of the process, atleast you are sorted with the spaces that you see everyday. This will help you feel good, because your immediate spaces are organised and clean.

Get containers ready or reuse and recycle
Organize containers you can use to keep the stuff that is not important at the moment. You could tag the containers in four categories, trash, give away, keep, relocate. Just label the containers and see how easy it is to organise! Or like me You can also re use and re cycle your shoe boxes.

Take photos of nostalgic items
We hold a lot of obscure sentimental items and they stay stashed in our boxes, closets and all over our house, occupying a lot of space. I know how difficult it is to part with items you are emotionally attached with, and of course you should keep a few special ones really close to your heart, but for some others you can always take a picture. Remember that pictures are also memories. And they occupy less space. So why not take some pictures and do away with the sentimental clutter. Now a days thankfully we have soft copies for all the pictures but when my son was small we use to click pictures and have all of them in albums, I think it’s a good idea fro me to convert them to a digital format and I suggest you do that too.

Put it back if you take it out
Close it if you open it
Pick it up if you throw it
Hang it up if you take it off

Feel lighter, brighter and happier! Go decluttering my tribe. Ill see you next week with another fabulous video. Until then, keep missing me and have a great time! Dont forget to watch more of me and posting your awesome feedback and your tips and tricks to decluttering. Always waiting to hear from you all.

Love and health


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Location Courtesy: http://www.palazzoversace.ae

How To Survive A Party ? Healthy Tips for Surviving a Party!

How to survive a party with Uma. Some very simple tips for you to party like a pro.
New year parties are the highlight of winter festivities but these seasonal extravaganzas can be stressful and exhausting. They are known for over-indulgence and going overboard. But it’s possible to come out relatively unscathed with a few simple tips I’ll give you today to survive parties. So get on to the health and wellness bandwagon with me and party like a pro this new year!

Sleep more
Having a power nap before hitting the party can keep you in good mood, make you feel energised and give you that amazing glow that you need for the party! It also increases your metabolism and keeps your system in place.

Add some exercise to prepare your body
Let’s face it! Parties mean a few more calories than usual. Overindugence on a day you dont exercise is not a very good idea. So be sure to sweat it out before you get going! You can do some strength training to pump up those muscles. This will help your body to handle the carbs and sugar better!

Eat before you hit the party
Eat a light meal before you arrive at a party. If you go to the party with a rumbling stomach, you’ll head up straight to the food section and end up eating mindlessly. So eat a well-balanced meal or a filling snack about 30 minutes before you go. If you are heading to theparty directly from work, a dried fruit or a grain muesli bar is good to satiate your hunger before you really pile on to those calories.

Drink smartly—Go easy
When at a party drink smartly if you do! Remember, cocktails are not your best friends!They have way more calories than wine or other beverages. From wines to cocktails calories can be anywhere between 80 to 350. So keep a check on how many calories are there in your favourite drink and be more mindful before indulging in them. Make sure you sip water in between and stay hydrated. Drinking water helps you feel fuller, which can help prevent overeating. It will help calm your cravings and you will have less room and time to drink caloric alcoholic or sugar-filled beverages at the party! Not to mention your brain and body need water to function properly, and the zinger here is that it’s ZERO calories!

Eat smartly at the party
There are scores of dishes at a party and you can eat anything but opt for wiser options. I generally go for grilled vegetables . If i want to indulge in the desert i make sure i don’t have too much main course. Try to choose more grills and protein options and you will stay safe!

Stay positive
Walk into a party with a positive attitude and radiate positive energy by smiling more. Most importantly, go with an intention of having fun. This will help you stay positive and have a great time. When you are positive, the energy around you becomes positive too!

Compliment more
Complimenting others is a great thing to do. Appreciating people for their outfits and how beautiful they look make you more sociable and also get you some compliments in return. This will help you feel positive and confident about yourself and create a lively environment in the party for yourself and others. Always be more interested and ask questions to those you meet about their family, their children, their work. Talk about their hobbies or what
activity they did recently. This will strike conversations and put you and others into a great mood.

Drink lots of water before you hit the sack
After the party, consume a lot of water and only then hit the sack. This will help eliminate all the toxins and keep that head from hurting early in the morning. Also when you wake up, make sure you drink at least 2 big glasses of water. Staying hydrated before, during and after the party is key! So don’t forget to stay hydrated during parties, and also otherwise.

So these were the simple tips i use to survive a party. You can share with me what are your best tips for surviving the party season and come back to me with your feedback. Have a great new year and gorge on those sumptuous foods you like and spoil yourself….. but wisely!

Do write to me on facebook, instagram and theumashowblog. And dont forget to subscribe to my channel. Ill see you next week with more videos and some cool tips and tricks that you will have fun watching! What are your healthi tips to survive a party? Share with me,always waiting to connect.

Love and Health

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
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Location Courtesy: http://www.palazzoversace.ae

Smoothie Recipes For Glowing Skin And Weight loss | Energize Your Morning

Sharing some of my favorite smoothies that I have used. Simple and healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss, glowing skin, energize your body and many more
After last week’s recipe of energizing green juices, today I’ve rounded up a roaster of simple scrumptious smoothies recipes that you can have this winter. These awesome recipes are not just a delight to savor but they also will boost your immunity and calm down those nerves and hunger pangsssss!!! And the most important thing – Fibers! You will get your fiber from these awesome smoothies that I am just about to share with you. So don’t wait my tribe..get your blenders out and start your day with one of these delicious smoothies just like me! A blend of some anti-oxidants and some vitamins is all you need to feel younger and healthier inside out.

Energy boosting green smoothie

Almond milk

Peanut butter




Almond milk

If you’ve been wondering if almond milk is good for you then the answer is yes! Almond milk contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. It is also a rich source of vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate and vitamin E. So include this nutty flavoured beverage to get all the goodness!

Peanut butter

Are you worried that peanut butter will make you fat? Well, you don’t need to think about it anymore! Because peanut butter is high in energy and protein. It also contains fat soluble vitamins and fibre and is loaded with healthy fats that support your energy levels!


Banana has got potassium..loads of it..which helps to maintain your heart function and regulates your blood pressure! Apart from this, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that make it a superfruit! It also improves energy and increases digestive power!



Coriander is a wonderful source of dietary fibre, magnesium and potassium with anti-allergic properties. Reduces skin inflammation, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, helps in reducing stress and also makes your skin look beautiful and younger.

Green Hydrating Smoothie



Green apple

Coconut water


Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids which breakdown and kill harmful pathogens in the body and help in preventing infections. With that flu and lethargy away, you’re going to be full on energy!

Coconut water

If you have charted a weight loss plan, then coconut water is a must-have in your diet chart. Low on fat, this beverage can help you feel full and reduces cravings. This is a trending food that is rich in nutrients and vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, thiamin and pyridoxine, and folates. It also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can help increase your body’s immune system and fight all those viruses!

Mood Booster Green Smoothie

TO make this you will need



Almond milk





Well, Popoye’s got its strength from spinach and you can too! A rich iron source, spinach is a plant with remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood. So make it your veg of choice and don’t shy away from adding a bit more of it in your diet!


Ginger is well-known for multiple health benefits, which include its ability to strengthen the immune system, increase your appetite, prevent various cancers, improve respiratory conditions, reduce acidity, relieve pains, nausea and flu and boost bone health. So in winters, while you are prone to having that flu, you need a bite of ginger and you are sorted!


Did you know that one ounce of turmeric gives you 26% of your daily requirement of manganese and 16% of your daily requirement of iron? This herb is also a wonderful source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, and vitamin C. It reduces bloating and helps keep the weight away as well!


Avocado is a nutrient all-star fruit and a great source of potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein. It also contains good amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. Avocados are also filled with fats that are good for you, specifically monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower bad cholesterol.

Wellness is not just about being free from illness, its a process of awareness, change and growth, from the inside out. So on this channel I share all that I have learnt over the years to empower you to choose better every single day. So like always, I wish you loads of health and happiness. Hope you found the video useful. Waiting to hear from you!

Love and Health,


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Green juice Recipes For Glowing Skin And Weight loss | Energize Your Mornings

Here I share with you easy to make green juice recipes for glowing skin and weight loss and most apart these juices will energize your body.
A big hello to my tribe, It’s a weekend here already in Dubai and the weather is getting better and better. I totally love the winter here in this city. I already feel the festive energy around, in fact, I have so many parties to attend this weekend and I am so looking forward to socializing and connecting. As promised last week I am back with some energizing green juice recipes to energize you before the festive season.

Since I am a big fan of green juices, I just love creating recipes experimenting. I don’t know how many of you are aware of this, but drinking your greens early in the morning doses your body with a natural blast of nutrients that gives you a healthy glowing skin, aids in weight loss and most importantly, improves your energy! You must have noticed that during winters our skin gets really dehydrated. So to keep it hydrated, green juices, rich in antioxidants and vitamins K and C really help! So make it a habit to juice it up every morning just like me and trust me you will see some wonderful results!

Spicy Energy Boosting Shot!
To make it you will need
3 celery stalks
1 granny smith apple
1 peeled lemon
2 fresh Ginger roots
Cayenne Pepper

Spirulina Energy Shot
To make it, you will need
2 oranges
1 tsp spirulina powder

Hydration Shot

for this you will need
3 leaves of kale, DE stemmed
3 stalks of celery
1 green apple
1 medium cucumber
1 piece of ginger
1/2 lemon, peeled

So these were some of my favourite wonder recipes that I enjoy during winters and which help me achieve my health goals. So people, its one small change in your daily routine that can make a world of a difference! So don’t feel sulky, don’t feel dry, don’t feel lethargic….feel nutritious, feel healthy, feel young and most importantly feel beautiful!

One step at a time, one day at a time…

Health is a journey not a destination…

Waiting for your feedbacks, do you have any energizing green juice recipes to share with
me and my tribe?

Love and Health

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Also Check Out!
Most Effective Anti Ageing Juice Recipes

How To Boost Your Energy | Easy Ways To Look And Feel Best this festive season !

How to boost your energy from morning to evening?
Sharing easy ways to boost your energy to look and feel best this festive season.
Christmas and New year is right around the corner and we are all excited to party! I am sure you all are keen on socialising way more than usual and already in the mood to go off the health and wellness wagon. But with that, i
am sure you also want to look your best this season! And for that I’m gonna share with you these few simple things you need to do to energize yourself before you hit the party season and feel & look your best.

1.So let’s start with the first step which is my key step to all energizing! Drink more Water!
Drinking more water and keeping yourself hydrated is the first and most important step to keep yourself energised! Water helps in transporting oxygen and other nutrients to different parts of the body, refuelling energy stores! So
if you are feeling sluggish, maybe its because you are dehydrated. As you all know 2-3 litres of water is a must everyday! In fact, drinking more water will give your skin a natural glow and keep the weight away! So keep yourself
hydrated and experience the energy boost!

2. Get more active
Exercise really helps detoxify your body and adds energy in so many different ways! It improves your muscle strength, keeps your heart pumping and gives you more energy to tackle your daily chores. A 30 minute morning exercise can
add so much energy to your day! So go for a morning walk or go cycling. A simple change can be climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. In fact, you can join the dance class and learn some new moves for the party season
while keeping your body moving!

3. Go Green
Add more greens to your diet! All health experts talk about going green and for good reason! Greens are not only high in vitamins A and C but these leafy greens are also loaded with vitamin B – called the energy vitamin! Vitamins keep you healthy, help in boosting your immunity and also keeps you peppy and fun! So include some salad in your diet or go for a quick smoothie or juice and include those leafy greens in your food! I will share some energising smoothies and green juices in my next video. So you can pick some recipes from there very soon!

4. Add some energizing super foods to your diet like maca powder, chia seeds and coconut oil.
Maca powder is nutritional powerhouse packed with nutrients like vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E, amino acids, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, and magnesium. This superawesome superfood will not only boost your energy metabolism but will also increase your stamina and keep you full of vim and vigour! Head to the health food section of your grocery store and stock up on those tiny bits of power chia seeds. High in protein and omega-3s, these seeds will pack you with some high energy and help you stay focussed. Snack on them, add them to a smoothie or sprinkle them on your salad, you’re going to love it anyway!

5. My next pick is coconut oil. Coconut oil is something we have been using for decades on end and have still not found it boring! Well, its all for the right reasons!. Coconut oil has a unique form of saturated fat known as medium-chain triglycerides which unlike other saturated fats, provides energy to the body and does not get stored. The fats in coconut oil may also help to boost thermogenesis or fat burning in the body.So get ready to lose that flab!

6. Practice mindfulness and meditation
I am sure you know that meditation helps in calming yourself and also helps you to connect with the deeper part of yourself but do you know that it is also an excellent source to keep you energised? So how does meditation help? Meditation helps you to be more centred and eliminates the wastage of energy from your life. With a huge bunch of those random thoughts wasting your energy, you feel fatigued and lethargic. But when you meditate your energy levels increase and you feel more good about yourself. You get centred, feel positive. And in particular, get rid of the stress! So if you are still thinking about adding meditation to your routine, stop thinking and do it right away!

7.And last but not the least, let me share a very important tip with you! While it is so important to eat the right foods, it is equally important to know the right way to eat them. And for that you need to do some chewing!

Hope you liked the video. Dont forget to send your feedback! I’m coming next week with another video…and you’re going to love it because that’s about some energizing smoothies and juices that you can use to keep yourself energised before the festive season! So see you next week with more wellness,more fun and more motivation!

Love and Health

Follow Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

Immunity Boosting Food | Health Tips For winter | Amazing immunity hacks

Amazing immunity-boosting food for winter that will boost your immune system .
Winter has arrived! And as you all know, winter has always had a bad name as you’re likely to catch the winter bug that’s hitting the town! In this cold season, often called the flu season, when temperatures drop, viruses thrive indoors and attack your immune system. And at such times, if your immune system isn’t up to the task, what do you think will happen? Less energy? Possible health complications? A feeling of lethargy and irritability? Yes!! All of it at once! Isn’t that too much to handle? So, I suggest the best way to get rid of cold is to prevent it! How many times have we heard that prevention is better than cure! So why not start implementing it? And you can start doing it right now by having the right foods that will boost your immunity during winters! So all you have to do is follow these simple winter hacks that I am going to tell you today and you can continue to get more out of life despite the weather forecast.

Eat a balanced diet with whole foods
Nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as minerals, selenium and zinc, and Omega 3, help in strengthening your immune system. So focus more on getting these in your food by eating whole foods, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and also plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you eat animal protein, please make sure, it is of good quality and hormone free! Avoid processed meats, fried stuff, processed or baked foods, soft drinks or any food product with artificial sweeteners or refined sugars. Eating too much of them suppresses the immune system. So love your immune system and don’t indulge in any foods that harm it!

Get plenty of Vitamin C
Fresh fruits and vegetables are our best sources of vitamin C. They help strengthen our immune system and keeps our body healthy and energetic. All you need for this is a handful of berries. You can also eat citrus, kiwi, bell peppers, and dark green vegetables to get a dose of vitamin C.

Use herbs and spices
Pack your food with a good amount of herbs and spices. Cook with onions, garlic, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne pepper, allspice, curry, and turmeric and all the nice spices
you can think of. The special ability of spices is to fight infections which will ultimately help you keep those diseases at bay!

Take care of your gut health
Did you know that 80% of our immune system is located in our digestive system? Imagine, in that case, how important it is to keep a healthy gut to have a strong immune system? When your gut is healthy, you have a large amount of probiotics thriving in there. And these probiotics are the good bacteria that you get from whole and fermented foods, such as raw sauerkraut, miso, yogurt, kefir, kimchi and microalgae, or in the form of supplements. In case you choose supplements for nutrition, please choose a brand that offers different sources of bacteria and one that’s ideally refrigerated.

This is one thing I have been motivating people to do since the time I have started talking about wellness and health! Exercising is not only a great way to get in shape, but it also improves our immunity, enhances quality of sleep, and makes our body stronger. If you are too busy at work or have no time at hand, take out just 15 minutes of your day and have a quick exercise session. If you are suffering from any ailments, go for a small walk at least. But please do not give yourself excuses for not exercising! You can check out my fitness videos for some simple quick exercises that you can do anytime anywhere. So no excuses my tribe. Hit the gym! Do that yoga! Dance! Do anything you like but please exercise! It really helps remove toxins and keeps you energetic and healthy.

Soak up some sun
One of the most important vitamins, Vitamin D comes from the sun. To strengthen our immune system, Vitamin D is extremely important. It helps in keeping your bones strong and your immune system healthy. So head out of your home early morning without sunscreen, when the sun is not at its highest and have a nice walk under the sun. You can also have fatty fish to get small doses of Vitamin D. Being healthy should not be an implication, it should be a choice you make to have a better life! After all, every moment in this world counts and why live it in a way that’s
not so pleasant!

I am here for you waiting to know how you found the video, always looking forward to hear from you because the lovely feedback that you give me really helps me to make more useful videos that can be of help to all…So guys do get in touch with me on Facebook, Instagram and theumashowblog.
See you until then with my next blog next week!

Love and Health,

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SuperFoods For Superhealth I Eat Daily

I am going to share you about some superhealthy food that I eat daily. These superfood will make you super healthy. These foods are very effective for weightloss, glowing skin and healthy heart.
Are you amongst those who want to pack their food with nutrients but don’t know what to eat? Or are you someobody who wants to go natural and avoid supplements for nutrition? Well, if you belong to any of those two categories, superfoods is your thing! Superfoods are these nutrient dense foods that help you stay fit and healthy! And today I am going to share some awesome superfoods I eat daily that keep me healthy and happy! So let me tell you about these five superfoods you can include in your daily diet just like me and feel great throughout the day!

Aloe Vera
This superfood is my favourite when it comes to adding nutrition to my diet and I have been using it for years. I generally extract aloe vera gel by putting it in a mixer and having it early in the morning. I also drink aloe vera juice in the morning to keep my gut happy and healthy. From vitamins to minerals, enzymes to amino acids, name it and you have it in aloe vera. It is a rich source of vitamin A, C and E, folic acid, Vitamin B12 and choline and rich in minerals like calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc and selenium. With anti inflammatory properties, aloe vera is very useful for people suffering from digestive issues and inflammation in the digestive tract. So to fight the inflammation and soothe your system, start your day with some aloe vera juice!

Packed with 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, avocados is a powerful superfood packed with nutrients that tops the charts among all fruits for folate, potassium, vitamin E and magnesium. The best part about this fruit is, it is high in monounsaturated fat, which is a “good” fat that helps lower bad cholesterol. So include avocados in your diet, either munch on them, put them in a salad or juice it up and have it. But do make use of this superfood everyday!

Say goodbye to cardiovascular disease, and other age-related conditions with blueberries! Blueberries contain antioxidants, which help with preventing cancer! These little powerhouses are tasty health boosters. Low in fat — just about 80 calories per cup and practically fat-free — blueberries are loaded with fiber to keep you full for a longer time. So when you have sweet cravings or want something to snack on reach out for blueberries!

Almonds and Almond Milk
You get a host of benefits when snacking on almonds or drinking almond milk which includes weight loss, stronger bones, an improved vision, a healthy heart, strong muscles and sooo much more. Almond milk is also great to maintain an ideal blood pressure and an amazing alternative for nursing mother’s milk. Packed with minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, it is one of the power packed foods that I love to have every day!

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has some awesome benefits and promotes heart health while lowering risk of heart disease. Among its multiple benefits there is Skin care, hair care, weight loss, treating yeast infections, improving digestion and increasing immunity against a host of infections and diseases. Coconut oil is high in monosaturated fats aka good fats. These fats not only improve the cholesterol levels in the body but also help in converting the bad cholesterol into good cholesterol. So those who told you cholesterol is bad, tell them about the good cholesterol and how to get it from coconut oil.

So have these superb superfoods that are part of my daily routine and head on to a healthy, happy and beautiful journey! Health is happiness! So don’t forget to be happy! Think of these foods like small investments you make for a healthier and happier you! So don’t wait any longer to invest in your health and happiness!

Which superfoods are part of your diet? Do write to me on my page on Facebook, twitter and theumashowblog. I always love your feedback! So get back to me people and ill come up with more videos that will be of help!

Love and Health,


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Workout For Women At Home

Workout for women is now very easy to do at home or anywhere with this super cool workout equipment that call wellness bag.
Don’t have time to exercise? Busy schedules and constant travel plans make it difficult for you to find time for workout? Well, I have a solution for you! Today with week 5 of the Dubai Fitness Challenge I am here with you to share some simple fun exercises that I do with the help of my favourite fitness bag from Technogym that i carry literally everywhere so that I don’t miss my workouts no matter how busy my schedule is. This bag is not only a boon for travellers and workaholics but also for those who hate to go to the gym and want to stay fit! So no more excuses! Because all you have to do is put your resistance band and ankle band from this fitness bag and stardoing these super cool exercises that I have shared in the video. So start sweating my tribe!

Chest fly
Stand straight with both your hands holding the resistance band. Now, extend your arms straight out by the sides. Move both your hands forward at the level of your chest while keeping your hands straight and pull them back again in the initial position. Repeat a few times to feel the stretch. This will help with your chest, shoulders and arms muscles!

Arm Circles
Move your arms forward in a circular motion and complete a couple of rounds. Now move them in the opposite direction a few times. This will also loosen all your chest, back, shoulder and arms muscles, improve your flexibility and help you cut fat on your arms!

Chest Press
Push your arms forward in a slant downward direction and lift them back up like I have done in the video. This exercise helps in working on your upper body and will give you that lean smart look!

Triceps Push
Pull your arms up from your sides together a few times just like you work on your triceps with dumbles, but this time do it with the resistance band. Do this a few times for good looking triceps!

Core Rotation
Pull the resistance band from left to right while bending downwards. Repeat the same motion from right to left. For a strong core, repeat a few times!

Squat and row
Sit like you do in squats with both your arms placed forward while holding the resistance band. Now stand up while pulling the band close to your chest. Repeat this fun exercise… This exercise will help your entire body and all the major muscle groups. So squat up while you have some fun!

Side Leg Lift
With your leg in the ankle resistance, all you have to do is lift one of your legs up towards the side while keeping it straight.Repeat it a few times for those sexy calves!

Back Kick
With your ankle placed in the ankle band, kick backward with one of your legs and repeat! You can take the support of a wall to do this exercise. This will help your thighs, your calves and help you get stronger legs!

Inner Thighs pull
Place your hands on your waist. Now lift your leg and move it inward and then outward on the side while keeping it straight. This will work on all your leg muscles and help you feel active in the legs!

Leg Circuits
Rotate your leg sideways while kicking behind. This is super fun and you can keep doing this while watching TV or reading a newspaper or doing anything you like! Just keep moving that leg!

So it’s a wrap for the videos for Dubai Fitness Challenge 30X30 with this being my last video in the series. But i’ll keep coming back with more fitness videos and fun workouts very soon! Until then, don’t compromise on your exercise while you are travelling or busy at work. Rather think of it as a priority! All you need is this fitness bag to get going!

Don’t forget to connect with me on social media on my page on facebook, instagram, twitter or theumashowblog and let me know about your experiences with the fitness bag and other products from technogym. I would love to see your pictures and your stories with the wellness bag.

Love and Health

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Technogym: https://www.technogym.com/ae/
Dubai Fitness Challenge: https://dubaifitnesschallenge.com/

How To Be Happy And Positive All The Time

How To Be Happy And Positive All The Time? It’s a very big question in our life but believe me, very small changes can bring more positivity and happiness to your life.
Wake up early
“The early morning has gold in its mouth,” was an apt statement made by Benjamin Franklin. Over the years I have realised that waking up before the sun has many perks. You stay more positive, more optimistic and focussed and can devise clear goals about how to go about your day. This is my favourite time of the day which I use to the fullest to do some productive work. These multiple benefits of waking up early fuse together into one huge benefit—the benefit of possibly having a longer life span and being a healthy, soulful and happy person—free of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other multiple ailments that you can think of.

Meditation, Breathing Exercises and Mindfulness
This is truly the guiding factor for my success. I am the woman I am today because of this one addition I made in my daily routine. Being an entrepreneur, anxiety was a part of my daily
routine and to cope up with it would give me a tough time. But with breathing exercises and meditation, I started being more aware of my actions and my surroundings and learnt how to
deal with them in a more effective way. This in turn also increased my productivity substantially. Most importantly, with mindfulness, I experienced growth as a person and today, when I look
back, I have really come a far way…So don’t think too much..Just incorporate meditation in your routine and see your dreams manifesting.

Exercise Daily
Physical exercise though generally associated with the body has a huge impact on the overall wellness of a person. I myself have realised that the days I exercise turn out to be my good days
and the days I miss it, I get irritable and don’t feel so good. For piling up energy, feeling fresh and for multiple health benefits, this is one change you must must must incorporate in your daily routine. Be it any problem, physical, mental, or emotional, exercise is your elixir to overcome everything…literally!

Eat clean and healthy food
Eating clean has a huge impact on your mood, and your mood is responsible for almost every action of yours. So why not be more mindful about eating? Take in the right amount of nutrients
that your body needs and keep a check on what you are feeding your body. After all, your body is the space you live in; so why not keep it clean? I have experienced that on days when I eat
healthy food, I feel more energetic and productive and perform better on almost all fronts. With healthy food, even your immunity will improve and diseases will be at bay.

Have a good night’s sleep
Sleep repairs your body and mind; it reorders and makes your mind and body ready for the next day. Without adequate sleep, you will be irritable, which will not only be dangerous to you but to
others too. And though as an entrepreneur, I always took pride in sleeping less and being busy, over the years I realised how important quality sleep is. I became less reactive to things and
became more action-oriented. And with this one change, a lot of things in my life changed for the better. Nothing in this world is more important than your mental and physical well-being. So
please give yourself the attention that your body and mind needs.

I know that making changes in habits is a big deal for many! But trust me, if you really set your mind to something, you can inculcate any change that you want in your habits. Willpower can
move mountains and this is just a small change in your habit. So not for anybody else, but for yourself, do this bit and I promise you, you will meet a better, livelier and healthier you! If these few habits can help you feel upbeat, then why not go for it? …So stop thinking…and start doing it from today itself…! See you next week with more fitness and wellness videos. Until then, have a great time!

If you have incorporated any of these habits, do write to me and let me know how you are feeling about it. You can connect with me on my page on Facebook, Instagram or theumashowblog.

Stay in touch my tribe!

Love and Health

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Wellness Ball Exercises

I have recently been appointed as a wellness ambassador for Technogym for the Middle East region and I am super excited to be associated with the brand because Technogym, known as ‘the wellness company’ promotes wellness in everything, from product design and medical or scientific invention to social projects and environmental awareness. ‘Healthy people healthy planet’ being their core philosophy, Technogym is a socially responsible company that’s committed to promoting personal wellness and environmental stability. So obviously I am so glad because their philosophy is in sync with what I truly believe in and always speak of. Moreover, since this is week 4 of Dubai Fitness Challenge, I thought why not familiarize my viewers about this fantastic wellness ball from Technogym that I benefit from while sitting in office and which keeps me fit and moving!

So let me first tell you a bit about this awesome wellness ball. This wellness ball active sitting meets the needs of the active urbanite, who is oh so busy with work and mired in routine but wants to seize every opportunity to improve health. It helps with a series of micro-movements that strengthen and stretch your abdominal and lumbar muscles, enhances spine-stabilisation and improves posture.

If you ask me, I am kind of addicted to this wellness ball as I sit on it in my office while I’m working. I sit on it and stretch out whenever I get time and can easily perform all my tasks while sitting and bouncing on this ball. Working out on this ball is sooo muchhh funn…! So let me share this fun routine with you guys and show you a few super cool exercises you can do while sitting on this wellness ball.

Bounce Baby Bounce!/ Bounce!
Bounce up and down on the ball while sitting. Repeat a few times and bingo! This move will keep you active throughout that busy day!

The Flex
Flex your muscles forward and backward while sitting on the ball. Repeat a few times to beat the lethargy that’s keeping you drained all day.

Round and Round
Roll your abdomen while sitting on the ball in circular motion. This will work on your core muscles and is a superfun exercise. Try it out! You can start your day with these movements after sipping your cup of coffee and then get ready for some more…!

Hip exercise
Open up your hip bones by placing one leg forward and one stretching backwards. Stretch your arms up in the air. Now bend on your right side. After you finish stretching, sit back straight on the ball and push your abdomen in and out in repeated motions. You can also move your abdomen in circular motions. Don’t forget to breathe. Repeat the same exercise on the other side.

Sit down like you do in squats but this time you sit on the ball. Enjoy this fun exercise for five minutes and work all the major muscles in your body. After all, squats are always a good option!

Sit cross legged
Sit on the ball and cross both your legs. Move your hands back and forth like you do while running. Turn towards your right while stretching a bit and breathe. Feel your core muscles getting activated. Now turn towards your left and repeat the stretch.

Up and Down
While sitting on the ball, lie down on your back, stretch backward and then gently get up. Now bounce 2-3 times. Repeat this motion a couple of times to keep your core activated.

Which exercise was the most effective? Have you tried technogym products before? If yes,
which one is your favorite? Do write to me. You can also send me videos of how you used the
wellness ball. Connect with me on my page on Facebook, Instagram or theumashowblog.

Stay in touch for more next week!

Love and Health

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Busy at work? That’s no excuse! Because all you need is 30 minutes for yourself… I’m here again this week to pump you up to get moving and show you some super cool exercises that you can do in just 30 minutes anytime, anywhere during the Dubai Fitness Challenge. So disconnect from your desk and fire up your mind and body with this 30 minute power workout! Ready for some smart moves?

Push Ups
Start in a high plank position placing your hands right under your shoulder and your knees touching the ground with your legs crossed and straight. Now begin to lower your upper body keeping your back flat, until your chest is almost touching the floor. Push back to the starting position. Do this a couple of times to have those toned arms and strong core.

Jumping Jacks
Stand with your feet hip-width apart with your spine erect and hands by your side. Now jump in the air opening your legs wide while raising your hands overhead in sweeping motion and land on the ground while taking the squats position(as if you are sitting in the air) with both your feet together getting back into the starting position. This exercise will burn calories, has cardiovascular benefits and is used by pro-athletes and military all over the world for endurance training. So don’t resist yourself from doing some extra reps.

Reverse Lunge to High Knee
Stand with your feet together. Step back with your right leg and bend until both your knees make a 90 degree angle. Stand up while bringing your right knee forward and up till it reaches your chest.
Switch legs and repeat this motion several times. This exercise targets the calves, glutes, groin, hamstrings and hip flexors.

Plank Builders
Start with the plank position placing your forearms on the ground. Now, raise your upper body with only your palms touching the ground. Do a few reps and see some fantastic results.

Scissor Kicks
To begin, lie down with your back on the ground, your upper body lifted and your lower body lifted in the air, both in about a 45 degree angle. Now raise one leg above the other in criss – cross motion. Switch legs and repeat as many times as you can.

Watch the video and do these exercises with me …

Which exercise did you find most effective? Waiting for your answers…! For any queries or feedback, connect with me on my page on facebook, instagram or theumashowblog. Always eagerto hear from you…!

Love and Health,


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Anti Ageing Face Massage

Hello! My Tribe,
Face massage is very effective if you want to look younger. Anti ageing face massage is the best thing that you can do to look young and beautiful, this will make your skin glow
Did you know that you can look younger without any injections or botox even when you are not in your prime? If you think not, then it’s time to try some face massages for glowing and beautiful skin

Anti-ageing Face Massages have not one, but multiple benefits. Apart from keeping you glowing and young, they detoxify the body, work on your muscles, tone your jawline, curb congestion, prevent wrinkles, and most importantly keep your mood upbeat!

So, today I am going to share with you a video where I will show you some awesome, quick and natural anti-ageing face massages that I have been practicing for almost a decade and these have kept me looking younger over the years! All you need is 2 to 3 minutes for that youthful look!

Neck massage
Neck massage is instrumental in relaxing the entire body and relieves your stress along with improving your blood circulation.

Jaw line massage
This technique will prevent bruxism (jaw grinding or clenching that often occurs due to stress, cold or while you are asleep). This is also very useful for helping with ringing in ears that you may sometimes experience and dizziness.

Cheek bones massage
This massage increases blood circulation in your facial tissue, resulting in brighter, youthful-looking skin and also helps to lift and firm the skin, reducing the appearance of puffiness and wrinkles. The tapotement technique that I use in this massage removes the blockages, especially those related with sinus.

Forehead massage
These massages that I have shown in the video will help keep those fine lines and wrinkles at bay. It will also increase concentration, improve blood circulation and relax and calm your mind keeping you stress free!

Eyelids Massage
Massages for eyelids will help you relax tired muscles and relieve the strain caused to your eye while using your laptop for too long or reading for long hours. It also helps to keep your eye bags from sagging and keeps you looking young and vibrant.

A lot of people often tell me that I don’t need to do these massages because I don’t have fine lines or wrinkles, and that I am already blessed with a good skin; but I always tell them that it’s a result of consistency with my routine. I don’t have wrinkles or fine lines not because I have some magic mantra with me but because I started massaging my face since I was in my 30’s so that when I am in my 40’s I could look youthful and full of energy!!! So I have achieved my beauty goals through consistently following some natural methods, and I urge you to do the same! Don’t forget my tribe….Consistency is the key to wellness!

For any queries or feedback, connect with me on my page on facebook, instagram or theumashowblog.

Which massage was the most beneficial for you? Looking forward to hear from you always…

Love and Health,

For more videos click the links below

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It’s amazing to have received a great response from all of you for the fitness video I uploaded last week in sync with the Dubai fitness challenge (www.dubaifitnesschallenge.com). I’m glad to know that you all have liked my fitness videos and have found them to be fun and exciting. So I am super thrilled this week to bring out the second video in this series where I will show you five power-packed exercises that will help you burn fat and release your happy hormones. Take your training up-gear with these five simple moves.
Plank to squat
Start in a plank position with arms and legs long, with hands shoulder distance apart. Now jump both feet forward coming into a low squat like you are sitting back into a chair pressing your weight back onto your heels. Reach your arms forward above the head and keep the back straight and chest lifted. Bring your hands back to the floor and go back into the plank position. Repeat a few times to see a difference. This exercise will improve your posture, flatten and tone your abs, increase your strength and stability and reduce lower back pain. A perfect exercise for overall body movement!
Crab Walks
Sit on the ground with your feet in a comfortable position. Keep your palms behind your hips on the ground. Now, pull your body off the ground, with your weight balanced on your feet and hands. Use your hands and legs to move forward and then do the same move backwards. Practice it for a few days and see it working some magic on your shoulders, upper arms, triceps, back, hamstrings, upper legs and abdomen. Not just a cool variation in your exercise regimen, but also lot of fun!

Bear Crawls
Get down on all fours with your arms straight, palms below your shoulders, and your knees bent 90 degrees below your hips with only your hands and toes touching the ground. Now, keeping your back flat, crawl forward and backward first with your right hand and left foot and then with your left hand and right foot. Repeat the same movement a few times. Bear Crawl is a superb full body exercise that works multiple muscles—shoulders, arms, back, chest, legs and core. It is a high-intensity workout that gets you to use your own bodyweight around on all fours, and increases your heart rate while toning your muscles.
Mountain Climber
Get into a plank position with arms and legs stretched long. Keep your abs pulled in and your body straight. Pull your right knee almost touching your chest.  As the knee draws to the chest, pull your abs in even tighter to retain the plank position. Quickly switch and pull the left knee in to your chest while pushing your right leg back. Continue to switch knees in one after another simultaneously as if using a “running” motion. Increase the speed as you do it a couple of times and don’t forget to keep your spine straight as core stability is crucial. This is a killer exercise that will improve your heart rate while also toning nearly every muscle group in the body—chest, biceps, triceps, abdominals, quads and hamstrings.

180 Degree squat jumps
Start in a standing position with your legs a little apart – should be wider than shoulder-width. Slowly lower your body into a squat. Jump upward, extending the legs, while simultaneously rotating 180 degrees to the other side. This is a total body move that will get your heart pumping. So don’t get lazy, repeat it a couple of times and get moving!
Watch the video and do these exercises with me.

Wait for my third video next week and until then have some fun with this one every morning…So elevate your tolerance and melt away that flab. 30 minutes is all you need to live longer! So don’t let it go waste and make it count! Add some music for motivation and rock and roll my tribe!

Which is your favourite exercise in this video? Which exercises have helped you strengthen your core?

Do connect with me on facebook, instagram and theumashowblog. Always looking forward to hear from you!

Love and Health,

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How To Detox Your Body | 5 Simple Ways To Detox Your Body

Learn how to detox your body naturally at home in 5 simple ways
An individual must consume at least 2-3 liters of water as a normal routine every day, but increase the water intake during this detox and add another liter to it. If you don’t like drinking plain water, you can add flavours to it like lemon, honey or other alkaline substances. When we overeat or overindulge in beverages, our bodies become acidic, and acid creates a number of diseases in the body. Water being alkaline helps to increase the alkaline levels in the body thereby neutralizing the acid levels in the body. So post diwali, while you have acidity or heartburn and bloating, this all-time elixir will help you in eliminating those toxins, flushing out your system and keeping it clean and healthy. Water is a natural lubricant which also keeps constipation at bay and promotes evacuation of the bowels. It helps in excreting all toxins from the body and filters blood. So there are not one, but multiple reasons for which water is an essential component of this detox.
Cut out all refined sugar
No more sugar belly! Since you have already binged on enough sweets this Diwali, this change should not be a difficult one. Foods high in sugar create a sudden spike in blood sugar levels, shoot up your insulin levels and mess with your metabolism, thereby increasing weight. Lowering sugar intake not only promotes weight loss, but also lowers your blood pressure, reduces inflammation, improves cognitive ability, keeps you more energised and active and also makes your skin healthier.
Add a lot of greens to your diet
As you know, vegetables are rich in vitamins and help in adding nutrition to your diet. They also contain detoxifying properties and are low in fat and high in dietary fibre which aids smooth digestion. Also rich in vitamin K, green leafy vegetables prevent in age related conditions. They improve eye health, boost bone strength, prevent cancer, improve metabolism, improve brain function and most of all, they act as energy boosters! So what else would you need? Just steam them, grill them, add them to your sandwich or make that soup; but make sure you consume them…! I generally begin my day with vegetable juice every day and even you can drink them. For your reference I have shared the link of my previous video where I had shared a few energizing recipes that will kick start your day and lift your mood. Click on the link to check out the vegetable juice recipes https://theumashow.com/4-effective-anti-ageing-juice-recipes/
Needless to say, workout will get you in shape, remove toxins from your body, improve blood circulation and cut down the weight you have piled on. Hopping on that treadmill for 30 minutes could seem backbreaking, but its worth all the effort! Apart from physical health benefits, exercise has some serious mental health benefits. It reduces stress, increases confidence, boosts self-esteem and alleviates anxiety. Workouts release endorphins in our body creating feelings of happiness, thereby reducing mental tension. So take a walk, head to the gym, and sweat out! And trust me, its worth all the effort! I’m sharing a few links with you which you can follow for your workout regime

You can also go for a walk if working out is not your thing. All you have to do is 30 minutes of body movement and trust me, you will really start seeing some fantastic results!
Salt baths before you sleep.

A salt bath before sleeping will enhance your mood, improve blood circulation and relax you thoroughly. Having a good night’s sleep is one of the most vital part in keeping you healthy and glowing. Sleep rejuvenates our body and helps in the healing process. So have a soothing salt bath and go to sleep like a baby, and get rid of all the toxins you have stored in your body while overindulging this Diwali.

What did you think of this video? If you want more of these videos where I talk about my life hacks or wellness hacks, do connect with me on my page on Facebook, Instagram or leave your comments in the comments section below. Always eager to hear from you!
Love and Health,

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Barcelona is a home away from home, and this time I visited the city to film a new global campaign for InhibitHD, a cream by Natura Bisse, targeted at women who are 40 years and above. I have been associated as a brand ambassador with the brand Natura Bisse for over 7 years now. Natura Bisse is a high-end skin care luxury brand which was founded in Barcelona, Spain in 1979. Today, the company is one of the leaders in the skin-care market when it comes to research, development and innovation and sells its products on a global scale. With an incredible vision, dedication, and a sense of social responsibility, Natura Bisse is focussed on innovating products that truly make a difference. I have been using their products for the past so many years, and I am truly grateful to them for keeping the years off my face. Natura Bisse is not just a brand for me; it’s like family to me. Whenever I visit Barcelona, I feel a different joy course through my being. The whole family at Natura Bisse treats me like a queen throughout my stay. This time, on all the four days, apart from working on the film, I indulged in some really wonderful experiences, and I would like to share a few with you all.

During my stay, I met other brand ambassadors of Natura Bisse from Spain and USA over lunch and had some enlightening conversations with them. One of the people I came across during this beautiful journey which left a lasting impression on me with her warmth, intellect and knowledge is the brand ambassador from Spain, Alejandra Valle Jonagera – a neuro scientist, psychologist, teacher, author of 34 books and a mindfulness trainer. Suelin Farel, the brand ambassador from the USA, is another enterprising and a highly intelligent and charming woman, who enlightened me about her business in the beauty industry in the USA.

I spent my last last day in Barcelona filming for the new campaign, and I must say, it was a great experience. With a team of 20 Spanish speaking professionals on board, I could find no difficulty at all while filming. The entire shoot was well-planned, and it was a thrilling experience to work with people who belong to a different culture and speak a different language. Indeed, creativity has no language, religion or borders. Language does not become a hindrance in your way when you intend to create something great. At the end of the trip, I felt charged, beautiful and empowered. I am extremely honoured to be a #NaturaBisse Woman, and it was a delightful experience to be a part of the new global campaign #InhibitHD by Natura Bisse. To check out my film for #Natura Bisse #Inhibit click on the link…It will be out on their website and social media very soon!

Have you ever used Natura Bisse products? If yes, what has been your experience with Natura Bisse?

Love and Health,

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Dubai fitness challenge began yesterday! A city initiative taken by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the dashing Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council for Dubai Government with the aim to motivate residents to take up physical activity and make Dubai the most active city in the world. The challenge that commenced on 20th of October (i.e. yesterday and ends on 18th of November) calls for some body movement and getting in shape.

As I myself am a fitness enthusiast and a wellness entrepreneur, and want my tribe to be healthy and well, I thought why not come up with some super cool, fun exercises that will help everyone feel motivated to get moving. While most people often take exercise as a drag, I wanted to help my viewers with their fitness journey by making exercise more fun and something they would look forward to. So in sync with the aim of our crown prince, during this month of fitness challenge, I’m going to post a video every week on Sunday, where I will share some quick, easy-to-do exercises that will work on your muscles and help you achieve your fitness goals in just 30 minutes. And no excuses this time! Because, you don’t have to hit the gym to do these exercises; you can do it at home or rather I would suggest, as the weather is really getting awesome, you go out on the beach or in a park and do them while communing with nature. So watch the first video in this series and all you have to do is simply follow these videos to get going.

The exercises I have shown in the video are:

1) Rolling hip bridge
Lie down with your heels close to your hips and then lift your hips off the floor. Now step forward in the same position with your heels moving away from your hips and then again move backward with your heels moving towards the hips. A great exercise for your hip and abdomen muscles.

2) Single Leg Tuck
Lie down with your heels close to your hips and then lift your hips off the floor to get into the bridge position. Now lift your right leg forward and then place it backward in the former position. Do the same with your left leg as well. Repeat a few times. A wonderful exercise to strengthen your core and thigh muscles.

3) Roll Ups to Burpees
Get started in a plank position, keeping your core tight throughout the move. Jump up to stand keeping your feet together, throwing your arms up towards the ceiling. Bend your knees down, lowering your arms until your hands are directly under your shoulders on the floor. Now roll onto your back, keeping your body curled into a ball, with your knees bent & arms out in front of you. Roll back to stand, and then jump straight into the air before landing gently. This powerhouse move burns calories, boosts metabolism & seriously tones your torso.

4) Hand Walk Outs
Lean forward and get your hands on the floor. Keeping the core engaged walk with your hands forward into a push-up position. Keep your body in a straight line and avoid the hips from sagging. Now walk back with the hands and come in the initial position. This is an excellent exercise to work out your core, abs, glutes and arms muscles.

5) Rotating Side Plank
Lie on your left side and position your elbow under your right shoulder. Stack together your legs, knees, ankles and feet. Tighten abs. Push your right elbow against the floor as you lift up your glutes and hips off the floor until left shoulder, left hip, and left foot are in a straight line. Reach up with your right hand and extend. Rotate your torso downwards and reach under your body with your left arm. Rotate back to the side plank with arm up and repeat for a few times before switching sides. A super cool advanced version of a plank that will help you strengthen your core.

Needless to say, exercise is an incredibly important part of our overall well-being. And it’s always easy to neglect it while you’re busy with your work or business, with caring for your family, while giving priority to everything but yourself. But not anymore! Because self-love is the best form of love! And it’s time for you to realise that asap! So all you need is 30 minutes for yourself—your mind, body, and soul…! Start your fitness challenge today and keep watching…Love you folks! And wish you health and wellness….xoxo! For any queries or feedback, you can connect with me on Facebook, Instagram or theumashowblog

Do leave your comments in the comments box.

Let me know which exercise was the most fun for you?
Also share the exercises that have helped you achieve your fitness goals.

Please tag @dubaifitnesschallenge #dubai30x30

Love and Health,

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With the advent of the digital age, social media has emerged as a huge platform for online businesses across the world. From multinational companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon to small locally owned businesses and start-ups, everyone around the corner is using social media as a platform to identify their target audience and reach potential customers. A well-planned strategy of social media can expand businesses by improving credibility, strengthening customer relationships and most importantly, brand building. With no geographical boundaries between the consumer and the businessmen, social media has become the meeting point of today’s internet savvy space. Without any third party intervention, social media provides a direct access to clients and opens possibilities beyond imagination. It is the only media which is cost friendly for advertising and has the potential to target relevant customers.
To note a few facts, the surveys according to Hubspot shows that 90% of the marketers claimed that social media marketing was significant for their business; but according to Social Media Examiner, 85% of participants were clueless about the social media tools to be used for marketing. So although social media has made its place in the marketing world as one of the most effective mediums of marketing, most entrepreneurs are still not sure about how to use this medium to the fullest to produce desired results.
As I myself was quite intrigued to know what exactly social media marketing is all about and how to use it in the most effective way, I decided to speak with the queen of Social Media Marketing in Dubai, Namita Ramani, Digital Strategist, Lead Generation Expert and CEO of Above Digital (https://abovedigital.com/).
When she came on the show, she gave me some wonderful tips on how different businesses can use social media to drive customers to their websites and increase business, and how start-ups can use social media as an effective method to promote their business and grow with it. She also spoke about how to target the right customers, how to identify the appropriate social media tools and how to use them. To know more tips and tricks of social media marketing, watch my video with Namita Ramani…

The best aspect of social media is its approach which is friendly and humanizing, which enables the customer to directly interact with the brand. Moreover, it also allows the customers to give their valuable feedback, which is generally the backbone for any business to flourish. The more one would know the pitfalls in their business, the more scope one has to improve it and make it better. If the customer is happy, there is always a chance of them spreading the news on all their respective social networks. So, use this platform in the best possible way for your business. Do share with me and all the readers your tips on how you have made use of social media marketing to your benefit.

Love and Health,

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Parenting is no child’s play. Being a mother myself, I know how challenging it can be to nurture a child and provide him the best possible upbringing. From the time a child is born till the time he reaches adulthood, there are constant changes that take place in his personality; and as parents, we play the most significant role in bringing about those changes and shaping them as they grow. This definitely evokes a sense of responsibility in us with regards to the values inculcated in them, the emotional upheavals they experience, the behaviour they exhibit towards people and society, the people they become in their adulthood and most importantly, the happiness quotient that exists in their lives. As a result, most of the parents feel anxious when it comes to parenting—unsure whether their approach in bringing up their child is the right one or not?
This is a question that I have been receiving from people since quite some time. A lot of people have been sending their queries to me asking me about parenting and the problems they face while bringing up their children. I completely empathise with them as I myself am a mother! Even I have experienced the anxiousness and the sense of responsibility of being a parent and I think it is very important for us to know what right upbringing means! Thus, to have a better understanding about the process of handling kids and to also have a helpful segment on parenting for my viewers, I thought of having a discussion on parenting with one of the most experienced counsellors in Dubai, Dr. Sarah Rasmi (http://www.drsarahrasmi.com/), Family Psychologist and Parenting Expert at Play: Date, Professor at United Arab Emirates University, and a widely published author and international speaker.
When I spoke with Dr. Sarah, she told me how significant it is to first talk to our partners about the values we intend to inculcate in our children and be on the same page before we actually start teaching them. She also highlighted a very important point wherein she said that most parents are clueless about how essential it is to say ‘NO’ to their children. If we always say yes to our children, it becomes difficult for them to face a ‘No’ in the outside world in the future; and that is indeed a very valid point! She further went on to discuss with me the nuances of parenting and answered many questions such as what does it mean to have a good upbringing, what values do we need to inculcate in our children, the role of modern-day technology in their life, how do we make them value relationships, and so on and so forth. To know more about my conversation with Dr. Sara, watch the video…

In my opinion, parenting is a never-ending process of learning. There is no right or wrong way of parenting. It is a path where one is constantly learning. So enjoy walking on this path while you learn something new each day. Do write to me – what lessons are you learning while bringing up your children?

Love and Health,

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Pregnancy and new motherhood is the most wonderful phase in a woman’s life – one that brings with itself an altogether different joy; but it also gives rise to apprehension, worry, disappointment, guilt, frustration and sometimes even fear! Moreover, in such a crucial phase of life, if one does not have family or loved ones in the vicinity, it becomes all the more difficult to sail through.
As I myself recall, I became a mother 16 years ago in Dubai – a city that was a lot different then – with a very little support system, in an environment without family or close friends. It was quite challenging to figure out what was right for my baby and what wasn’t, try every method and then learn from my mistakes. In fact, I went through post natal depression – a condition, which many people are not aware of.

Since I have always taken an interest in featuring segments that could help new mothers, I invited Natasha Bajaj, Founder of UAE’s first designer breastfeeding wear, N&J http://natsandjun.com/, who herself is a new mother and has emerged as a strong and healthy mother after seeking help from such support groups for mothers. She spoke to us about the different support groups that help new mothers – wherein other women who have experienced motherhood empathize with you and answer many your queries and most importantly, without judging you! Dubai Marina Mums, The Real Mums of Dubai, Mums and Bumps Dubai constitute the list of such support groups for women which you can easily browse and find online. She told me that the best part about these support groups is that they not only help women but also men with anxiety and many issues they face during this phase. To know more about Natasha’s story of motherhood and how the support group for new mothers acted as an aid to her, check out the video:

Are you a new mother and looking for help from a support group?
Do share your experience with us!

Love and Health,

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Almost all of us develop back pain at some point in time in our lives due to injury, overuse or disease. Yoga for back pain is an excellent therapy for healing sore and injured back muscles, reducing recovery time, preventing re-injury, and reducing the risk of disability from back pain.

Yoga for back pain helps alleviate lower back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower back, reducing inflammation and increasing circulation of blood and prana.

In fact, a lot of people who have stress or eat junk food or are suffering from a slipped disc and other back problems, face the issue of lower back pain. Lately, I have been getting many queries from such people where they ask me how to get rid of back pain. I often suffer from lower back pain myself and I know how excruciating it can be for people going through it. I have tried yoga for my back pain and it has really helped me, hence I thought of having a segment which could help people get rid of this problem. So, once again, I invited Fatima Garcia De Andres from 136.1 Yoga Studio (www.136point1.ae), one of the well-known yoga experts of Dubai who showed me some simple and wonderful yoga exercises that will help one instantly get rid of their back pain.
Some of the yoga exercises she showed to me were:
Uddiyana Bandha – The Abdominal Lock –Sit down with your legs folded. Press lower belly inside and upward. Continue breathing for a few counts. Now slowly exhale by releasing your belly and relax.
Back pain is often caused because of weak abdominal muscles. This asana will help strengthen your weak abdominal muscles and strengthen your core thereby protecting your back.
Marjayasana – Cat Pose – Get into the table top position with your knees and palms on the ground. Your spine should be parallel to the ground with both your feet and palms aligned. Now gently breathe in, raise your head upwards facing the ceiling, broaden your shoulders and push your spine and abdomen towards the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds. Now slowly breathe out while bending your head downwards, contracting your abdomen and pushing your spine towards the roof. Avoid touching your chin to your chest. Repeat this asana a couple of times.
Hip and Shoulder Rotation in Cat Pose – Get into the cat pose as mentioned above. And then slowly rotate your hip as shown in the video from left to right and then from right to left. This exercise is an extension of the Cat Pose and can be done a couple of times based on your capacity. This pose will help with flexibility in the lower back.
Balasana – Child Pose – Sit on your knees with buttocks touching your heels and place your palms on your thighs. Now slowly exhale and stretch your arms forward to touch your palm on the ground while your chest touches your knee. Stretch as far as possible and hold the posture for a few seconds. After this, inhale slowly and return to the starting position. Repeat this for a few times. This pose will help in increasing blood circulation and relieve stress and fatigue.

Watch the video and see how these asanas should be done.

All the above exercises are really simple to do and can immediately help you feel relaxed by releasing the tension accumulated in the lower back.

In our previous segment with Fatima, she showed us some cool exercises that one can do while sitting right in their office (https://theumashow.com/office-yoga/)! Do try these out and as I always say, be consistent while you try them.

Write to me if you know any other methods or exercises that relieve back pain and have worked for you!

Love and Health,

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We all desire a life that is pain-free! We always want to feel the most pleasant emotions and spend a life devoid of pain and sorrow! However, it is a known fact that pain in human life is inevitable! So how should one deal with it? Well, most of the people think, when they feel pain, avoiding it is the best possible way to get rid of it. They think they will not feel it anymore if they try to engage themselves elsewhere to seek happiness and neglect it. In fact, most people are taught to not express their pain at all, as expressing pain makes one vulnerable. We are given teachings not to cry when we feel pain. However, is that really possible? No! It is not! Pain is to be felt and dealt with sensibly. It is to be embraced just as we embrace happiness. Because it is a pain that ultimately makes you a stronger, better, and happier individual! I have had multiple experiences in my own life, where I have dealt with situations that were emotionally very painful for me; I went through it all and emerged as a stronger individual only because I felt the pain to the fullest, accepted it completely and found a proper way to deal with it.

Just recently I realised that I was getting many queries from people who found it difficult to cope with pain; so I thought this is a crucial subject that needs some serious attention. Considering this, I decided to speak with one of the most well-known doctors of the city and pain management specialist, Dr. Niveen El Saleh who came on the segment and gave us an insight on the subject. While she was with me on THE UMA SHOW, she spoke to me about the different kinds of pains that humans experience and how important it is for one to know and accept that he is in pain, and then gather the courage to deal with it. She explained to us about the pains human beings feel on different levels—emotional and physical—and the different strategies that can help them to deal with pain in life. Watch the video to know the strategies Dr. Niveen shared with us to deal with pain:

Don’t forget… Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice! I would love to know your experience on how you dealt with pain and how you came out stronger. Do share with me…

Love and Health

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Do you spend long hours at a stretch sitting at your office desk with little to no daily exercise? Do you feel drained in mind, body and soul after a long tiring day at work? Do you suffer from constant shoulder, neck and back pain after a hard day at work? If the answer is yes, then you certainly need to get proactive about your mental and physical health. You must be thinking how is it possible to do so while sitting at your desk Well, yoga is the way for you! Office yoga will not only help you combat mental and physical stress by relaxing your muscle tensions but also improve your concentration levels, along with increasing your productivity.
For a long time I had been receiving a lot of e-mails and queries from people who spend long hours in office and were seeking some tips that could help them find a solution to this problem. So, I decided to speak with one of the finest yoga experts in Dubai, Fatima Garcia De Andres, at 136.1 Yoga Studio (www.136point1.ae) where she showed us some amazing yoga postures that would help one ease their back, neck and shoulder muscles while in office. Here are few exercises and postures that you can easily practice at your office:

1) Shoulder Rotation: Inhale while you lift your shoulders upward moving them into the backward direction. Slowly exhale as you move them in a downward and frontward direction. Repeat the rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise at least ten times each.
2) Slow Neck Flexes: Slowly raise your neck up as you inhale, and then bend your neck down as you exhale. Repeat this for eight to ten times.
3) Side Bend – Neck Exercise: Bend your neck towards the sides from left to right and vice versa. Repeat this for eight to ten times.
4) Neck Rotation: Now rotate your entire neck in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for a couple of times. Begin this exercise, with your head bent down in the forward direction. Inhale while you bend your neck in the right direction and exhale while you bend it towards your left.
5) Gomukhasana: Put both your hands behind your back and hold them together. If it is not possible to clasp, don’t try too hard; just stretch your fingers comfortably towards one another. Hold this posture for a few breaths. Now, slowly release with an exhalation. Repeat this couple of times. Change into the other side and repeat the exercise.
6) Gurudasana: Sit erect and stick both your arms together in a 90 degree angle. Now cross your arms so that your right arm is above the left and interlock your arms and press your palms together with the tips of your fingers pointing upwards. Hold this posture for a few breaths and then slowly release. Repeat a few times.
Watch Fatima do it for you and practise it right away:
All the above exercises will help you de-stress and make you feel re-energised once again.
Personal Tip: Engage in some deep breathing between intervals, whenever you find a few minutes. It really helps remove toxins from the body and enables healthy functioning of the organs.
Also stretch your arms and legs during regular intervals.
Is there anything – exercise or yoga – that you do at your office which has proved helpful to you? Do share with me and all our viewers.
Love and Health

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The concept of Sustainable fashion or eco fashion is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment and social responsibility. The growing sustainable fashion design philosophy can be seen as an alternative trend against fast fashion

Last couple of weeks I have been talking about Sustainable Fashion, addressing the issue of pollution in the fashion industry and how it has adversely affected the ecosystem and consequently, our lives. As I shared with you before, I have found immense delight and satisfaction in knowing that a leading brand like Splash has endeavored to come up with its collection of Sustainable fashion and its #IAmSustainability campaign, and is striving to make people aware about sustainability in fashion. As environment protection, wellness and health are of utmost concern to me and is the philosophy of The Uma Show, I first spoke to the Director of Landmark Group and CEO of Splash Fashions and Iconic, Mr. Raza Beig (https://theumashow.com/sustainable-fashion-middle-east/) wherein he enlightened us on how we can move ahead towards being more sustainable in fashion and how glad he is to be able to play his part in conserving the environment.

In the same league, we then spoke to Mr. Raza Beig about how sustainability could be introduced in fashion without compromising on trend. To know the feedback of the youth on the sustainable clothing collection designed by Splash, we had called two youngsters, Althea Stephanie Afonso and Shahrose Nazir Chougle (https://theumashow.com/trendy-and-sustainable-fashion/), who came on the show and tried a few outfits.
After speaking with Mr. Raza Beig and having feedback from the youth of Dubai, I thought why not call a few well-versed fashion stylists and image consultants from the fashion industry and ask them about their take on Sustainable Fashion. So this time I spoke with two well known stylists – Amal Taysir (http://www.amaltayssir.com/), fashion stylist and image consultant, and Samantha Francis (http://www.styleisnecessity.com/), fashion stylist, who spoke to us about sustainability in fashion, how important it is and how to cultivate the habit of making the right and conscious choices while buying. They also spoke to us about fast fashion, how it affects our fashion choices and also drew our attention to conscious buying. To know more about their take on sustainable fashion and get their fashion tips, watch the video

Do share with me what measures you will take the next time you go shopping. We all must be aware and make conscious choices towards preserving our environment; because in the synergy of this earth, every person matters!

Love and Health,

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“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence” – Aristotle

At the root of all human needs, there is just one need—the need to be happy! No matter what you wish for in life, ultimately the only purpose behind it is to be happy. However, what is true happiness? How to find it and where? Centuries have passed, and humans have treaded a long path in their ‘pursuit of happiness’ and trying to find an answer to this one question that has been haunting their existence. Nonetheless, how many of them have found the right answer? In my life, I have come across so many people, who covet happiness, and yet cannot find it despite all their efforts. I have always thought that it is imperative for one to know what truly makes them happy. For some, happiness may mean becoming rich, and for some others, it may mean spending some time alone in serenity. We all have a different definition of happiness. All the same, how would you know what’s your definition? What is it that triggers your happiness? Moreover, even if you have found your happiness, how to cope up with overwhelming situations where being happy almost seems like a distant dream?

I am glad for the fact that UAE is the only country that has a minister for happiness, Ohood Bint Khalfan Al Roumi, and there is a huge focus laid on bringing happiness in people’s lives. As it is my core belief to spread happiness and health and I wish to support the cause, I thought it is imperative for people to know the true reasons that kindle their happiness and hence in this segment, I invited Andreea Zoia, International presenter and public speaking coach along with supermom, intrepid entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Janine Bensouda, who call themselves happiness experts and endeavour to spread smiles across the world. They have come forward to help people with finding their happiness. A noble vision indeed! They shared with us the secret about the magical remote that they use to make people happy and which helps people prevent their happiness from being lost. They also shared many other tips that will help one find true happiness in life. So don’t wait to find your happiness….Watch the video and share how you felt about it.

What did you learn from Andrea and Janine that you would want to implement in your daily life?

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Since the past few years, I have been really interested in researching about sustainable fashion or eco fashion and how this whole industry is ganing popularity. I came across some really shocking and unpleasant facts related to the fashion industry. While everyone is aware how the transportation industry or other industries cause an imbalance in the eco-system and cause a threat to our environment, barely do we know that fashion and textiles is the most polluting industry in the world, second only to oil. At every stage of production, the trendy garments that we so playfully wear and flaunt, affect our planet and threatens our resources. How many of us would know that it takes more than 20000 litres of water to produce 1 kg of cotton, equivalent to a single T-shirt and a pair of jeans. More than 8000 different chemicals are used to process raw materials into clothes, which includes a range of dyeing and finishing processes. Moreover, as fashion trends change, the clothing that goes out of style falls apart or maybe doesn’t sell anymore and is eventually discarded in giant landfills. To avoid this wastage of resources and work towards alternate methods to produce garments that are environment friendly is what sustainable fashion is all about. I must admit that these facts did bother me and left me feeling uneasy as well as concerned and I was looking forward to the advent of sustainability in the fashion industry since quite some time.

When I learnt that one of the most prominent brands, Splash has introduced its sustainable fashion collection and has come up with its #IAMSUSTAINABILITY campaign here in my home—Dubai, I was really glad! Mr. Raza Beig, Director of Landmark Group and CEO of Splash Fashions and Iconic had himself spoken about Sustainable fashion – https://theumashow.com/sustainable -fashion-middle-east at length in my previous segment. As health, wellness and conscious lifestyle has been the philosophy and ethos behind THE UMA SHOW, in this segment we called two youngsters on the show, Althea Stephanie Afonso and Shahrose Nazir Chougle to try some of the outfits and tell us how they feel about it. And they really loved it! So, I think, Splash has really done a commendable job by introducing sustainability and yet not compromising on trend.

As today’s world demands being trendy and fashionable, be it men or women, our first priority while buying clothes is to pick up something that sets us apart and make us look good and appealing. But, how much do we really think about sustainability while buying? However, if a brand balances both style and sustainability, it’s a good marriage. So, what we need is fashion that is eco-friendly yet trendy and that is what Splash has accomplished. A sustainable yet smart future! I wish more brands move ahead in this direction and help people become more aware about sustainable fashion. Also, I wish that we as consumers become more aware and conscious while buying, not just clothes but anything in general, as every person alive on this planet makes a difference. I think we all should realise our responsibility and contribute towards the health and well-being of Mother Earth that has provided us sustenance, and try to leave this world better than we received it for our future generations, in our own small way! What conscious choices have you made to save the environment? Do share with me and inspire all the other viewers to be on the same path.

Love and Health

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It is now just what you eat, but also how you eat. Let me share a few very valuable tips that I have taken away from Viva Mayr after every stay here:
1. Eat slowly. The key strategy is “souping,” in which you chew each mouthful 40 times, so it becomes a liquid mush of saliva and food.
2. Eat while sitting down without distractions: no television, no reading the paper, no stressful conversations, no smart devices.
3. Stop eating when you feel comfortably full. If you are chewing properly, you will simply not be able to eat huge meals.
4. There should be an interval of four to five hours between each meal. Frequent snacking disrupts digestion.
5. Make breakfast and lunch your largest meals.
6. Don’t eat too late in the evening. Ideally, your evening meal should be before 7 pm. It should be small and comprise only easily digested foods (no raw vegetables or fruit). Soup is ideal.
I stayed in Viva Mayr for 7 days, but after I came back, I continued with the therapy. I stayed away from all that I am intolerant and sensitive to, like gluten, dairy, and eggs. I drank way more water than I usually do, ate slowly, made my meal time very special, kept having the magic base powder and slept like a baby. After 3 weeks slowly added eggs back to my diet but maintained the same as clean as possible. Every time I am back from Viva Mayr my skin glows, that glow that comes with inner healing, cleansing, and happiness. Viva Mayr is an experience of a lifetime for our body, mind, and soul and every bit of money spent is so worth it for the high stress life we lead. I cannot wait to go back for my next therapy and walk in nature by the magical lake.

Happy tasting, healing, and growing! Always eager to hear and learn more from you. Share your views with me…what is the best detox that works for you?

Love and Health,

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Healthy eating is the cornerstone of managing diabetes, depression and fertility and many other health issues, yet it can be a challenge figuring out what to eat. My last stop is in their state of the art kitchen, cooking with Chef Martin Stein from Viva Mayer. If you want some really easy and quick healthy recipes that look delicious and taste even better, then watch the video below and get your pens and books out to take notes!

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Good health requires eating well, and so does a good mood!

As you all know, I have gone through detox journeys before and always openly shared with you all, but this one had a special “taste” and with no exaggerations – it split my life into before and after!

This blog is very close to my heart; I will share with you my trip to Viva Mayr Altaussee, a medical spa. It is the ultimate place to slow down from life’s fast pace, unplug and tune in, by just inhaling the fresh, clean air, which is why I have been going there for the last four years.

This time, I am going to be telling you about a whole different experience, and it all started when I landed in Vienna. The drive from the airport till Altaussee is 3 hours of breathtaking scenery that disconnects you from your reality immediately.

The air in Altaussee is one of the cleanest on our planet. I sometimes have sleep issues, but there I slept like a baby. I felt light and somehow way happier! No wonder Karlie Kloss, Liz Hurley, and Michael Gove are from the well-known figures who escape to Viva Mayr Altaussee as a detox destination.

More about the place in following videos

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It’s becoming very clear and supported with a lot of evidence that the wellbeing at the work place is critical for performance, work atmosphere and culture in space. Your professional space can even impact your health! However sometimes being used to how things are, we start to miss on key indicators that the workspace is not really as healthy as it should be and this evaluation and reassessment can really be done with the help of experts.

Most believe that long hours and hard work in the office will bring you the accolades, but today I am going to share with you how this is not necessarily true. I had the amazing opportunity to sit with Leila T. Almaeena, the founder of Leila Almaeena Coaching & Consulting, who shared with us a more practical wisdom on well being in the corporate world and believe me, balancing between the professional and the personal space is of utmost importance.

I truly believe that we all need coaching at every level and aspect of our life to take it to a different level and be a better version of ourselves in every space we are in and contribute to it.

Leila talked to me about the ‘wheel of life.’ Having gone through it herself and learning so much from her experiences, she redefined success and helped many to pay attention not only to professional growth but also emotional and spiritual growth. We are at a remarkable time in the UAE as we lead on the concept of happiness and well being in the workplace. It is so important to recognize that it has such an affect on everyone.

It was really interesting to reflect on the role of the Management on the happiness of a workplace. So we have to assess what’s going on regarding retention and turnover because it really is such a strong indicator to see what’s going on inside any workplace. Leila and I agreed that a key message for the Management is to shift messages of ‘work harder’ and ‘work longer’ to slightly something more balanced because we have so many unique and different backgrounds in our professional spaces that we really need to take into consideration.

We should really be careful with investing all of our time and money solely into our respective careers and rather focus on other areas as well, such as our health and families, etc who are equally important. Balance is key!

What’s so motivating is that you can actually change things in your workplace to make it more positive, and I am such a supporter of those who take the initiative to make a change through small things. These changes might be position related, or values related. We are always growing and changing and its so critical that we recognize and reflect on our values and align our actions. I feel you should watch the video; there is so much to learn and reflect upon.

In case you want to know if your work environment is healthy, simply look around. How do your colleagues look and feel? What about yourself? Development programs are key in creating healthy environments, and I really cannot stress more on how vital it is on so many levels that this happens. The development of one person contributes to the entire society.

Nowadays the word success is used so freely, and most of us relate success to the professional advancement and money. If we take a step back and think, we will realize that we can be successful by simply leading a healthy life and being happy. It was definitely very empowering and enlightening to sit with the amazing Leila and discuss the things that matter the most. How would you like your workplace to be? Share with my viewers and me what steps you can take today to achieve the ideal environment at your workplace. We can always learn from one another and live better.

Love and Health,

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It is that time of the year where families are planning their vacations and taking a few days to unwind and relax. After all, travel is the best medicine for stress or boredom; it is a breath of fresh air, a chance to see new horizons and gain new perspectives. A considerable part of us is eminently shaped by where we have been to, so travel whenever you can & create new memories. As much as I love travelling, there is one thing that always goes with me without fail wherever I go and is simply indispensable to me. If you are wondering what I am hinting at, it is my laptop. Trust me, in today’s fast moving life; I rarely see anyone moving out without his or her laptop.

Today I am going to share with you some of the secrets that I love about one of the lightest laptops in the world – the LG Gram! For those who live in the city of connectivity, Dubai, you will want to travel like me – with a super light & speedy laptop with top-notch battery life! There may be so many people who do not work from inside a typical office space, and in that scenario, our laptop becomes our office where ever we go.

Kyung Min Ro, LG Electronics IT product expert, shared with me some of greatest details about this laptop that made me fall in love with it immediately. The LG Gram weighs only 970 grams (and it really does feel like the lightest laptop in the world). They call it the laptop that’s lighter than paper, so imagine how easy it is to simply pick up and go. We all love to stay connected and be ready for anything, and everything…we need to be online, get some work done, and be live on social media, etc etc., and this laptop is exactly what you need to go. Another game changer is, it is full options connectivity, which includes USB readers, HDMI and other types of card readers.

Personally as a parent, it is so great that it is light and sturdy because it is actually exactly what your kids need – a light laptop that they can use anywhere, so they do not have to carry heavy bags around. Taking it that extra mile, the 15.6 inch Gram actually has a touch feature, making it even more fun for children to use at school.

Another great feature about the LG gram that is so attractive is its 17.5-hour reliable battery life for the 14-inch Gram and 18 hours for the 13-inch! It is exactly what I look for when buying a new laptop. The LG Gram also surprised me with its hyper charging feature. So you can basically charge half of the 13-inch PC Gram battery in an hour like magic!
The colors and texture are very different from all laptops you have worked with; and if you ask me, I personally loved the metallic pink! Just watch the video and hear it from the LG expert himself

I am really excited about this new product and knew I had to just share it with all of you. So hope you enjoyed a few key highlights about this amazing new technology and product that I am sure you will fall in love with just like I did. What do you have to say about this product – would love to hear from you…

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These are some secret homemade anti ageing face mask recipes that will make you look youthful these anti ageing face masks will make your skin glow, bright and clean
Here are my three simple and effective skin care recipes as well as an eye mask that anyone can use.

Skin Brightening Face Mask

This recipe has only three ingredients that are so simple! Here they are:
1. Yoghurt – it is such a great ingredient because it has lactic acid that helps remove dead skin
2. Ground almonds – almonds are rich in Vitamin E that not only moisturizes the skin but is also a natural antioxidant
3. Lime – as we all know it is rich in vitamin c and is also a great skin brightening agent
Tip: I personally always keep a bottle of water to change the consistency of the mixture of the face mask if I need. Also, I wash my face only with bottled water as I feel it works better and my preferred bottled water is Mai Dubai.
So when you have all of your ingredients ready, mix them in a small bowl, add a little water and then apply with a brush all over your face. You can wait up to 20 minutes for the mix to dry and then remove it
Tip 2: I personally wait just before it gets dry so that I can scrub it on my face and exfoliate before I wash it off and have a glowing face!
You can feel the effect of this mask right after you are done, try it out and let us know how it goes with you. I am sure you will love the results you get.

Skin Tightening Face Mask

My second recipe works wonders for face tightening and again, only needs three simple ingredients:
1. 1 egg white – egg whites help in reducing the size of your skin pores as well as skin tightening and toning because of the enzyme that it holds. It is also great for removing dead skin
2. Gram flour – helps reduce blemishes as well as brightening and tightening. It also makes a great face scrub
3. Turmeric – as we all know it is an anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory agent and has various medical qualities for both inside our bodies and outside. It also is so great to keep our skin healthy and reduce acne and all other kinds of issues.
So when you have all of your ingredients ready, mix them in a small bowl and apply with a brush all over your face gently. You can wait up to 20 minutes for the mix to dry and then remove it with water.

Skin Moisturizing Face Mask

While we age, we lose a lot of moisture from our skin and so it is important to use face masks that rejuvenate our skin and hydrate it. The third face mask is for moisturizing the face and works great for both men and women. Like the other recipes, you only need 3 ingredients:
1. Avocado – has a lot of vitamins and fatty acids that make the skin soft and supple, and is great for our bodies inside out.
2. Honey – has healing qualities, is an anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory. It also locks in the moisture into your skin to keep it supple
3. Almond milk – as we all know, it has a lot of protein which is great for the skin, hair, and nails which makes it such a great moisturizing agent
So when you have all of your ingredients ready mix them in a small bowl and apply with a brush all over your face gently. You can wait up to 15-20 minutes for the mix to dry and then remove it with water.
The first three masks work like magic for my face and you will see the results for yourself too!

My last recipe for you is this amazing eye mask and you can see the results immediately.

Eye Relaxing Mask
This homemade recipe also has 3 ingredients:
1. Coffee – reduces dark circles under the eyes and under eye bags as well as reduces inflammation and redness
2. Honey – healing qualities, anti bacterial, inflammatory, and is a relaxing agent
3. Coconut oil – great for everything; I use it on my hair, in cooking and on my skin. It has a great moisturizing quality and other good properties that can keep our skin supple, youthful and glowing
Always keep a bottle of water to change the consistency of the mixture of the face mask.
Mix them in a small bowl and apply with a brush under your eyes gently and wait up to 15-20 minutes for the mix to dry. You can do this as you do other things around the house, and then come back and slowly & gently remove the mix with wet cotton.
Tip: Don’t scrub the mixture instead simply dab it on gently

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It feels like yesterday that I was walking through the many isles of Baby Shop trying to figure out what the best car seat for my son would be. Well, I can hardly believe it myself, it has been 16 years since that happened! I had spent hours and hours trying to research the best car seat because like all parents, I was very concerned about my child’s safety and wellbeing.

Baby Shop was my guilty pleasure and blessing in disguise, coming to my rescue anytime I needed something. Even when I was just feeling anxious and worried about not knowing what I am still missing while pregnant, I knew that from the first few minutes of walking through their doors that I would find what I am looking for at this store.

At last, the time has finally come for us to update our laws here in the UAE, and we finally have a mandatory car seat rule for children under four effective as of July 1st. The new federal traffic law amendment will even introduce fines for those parents who are not using one for their child.

Safety always comes first for me, so I am here to help you stay safe and secure and pick the right car seat for your loved one. Many parents consider their laps to be the safest place for their child. When in fact, a car crash at just 50 km per hour without a child restraint system is like a 10 meter fall for a child. Imagine that! Moreover, the younger the child, the lower the force needed for injury. The undeniable fact is that car accidents are extremely common and frequent; even the best drivers find difficulty in avoiding them sometimes. That is why investing in a car seat will not only get you out of a fine but may also save a life.

I have got Jaya and Neeraj with me here today in Baby Shop to buy a perfect car seat for their little ones, Yash who is also here with us today, and baby number two who will be joining us really soon! Of course, we had to come to the one and only Baby Shop since it is the one stop destination for everything, the one place where you will find both a broad range and value for money. It is really one of my favorite places to shop for baby clothes and accessories of all ages.

There are many different types of car seats, from ones that are solid, secure, easy to strap in, convertible, booster, and the list goes on. It can be overwhelming to find the perfect one for you, so I am here giving Jaya, Neeraj, and you some of my favorite options.

Junior Infant Car Seat

This car seat has easy carry handling portability, a sense of comfort, ease of use, and most importantly, insured safety. It is suitable from birth up to a year; five points padded harness, a simple and clear belt routine, and extra cozy padding. It also includes three positions ideal for feeding or rocking and a non-slip ergonomic hand grip.

Maxi Cosi Pebble

This car seat is ideal for anyone who’s looking for a seat that can be fixed on a stroller for those times when your baby is fast asleep, or you are simply on the go. It is the complete travel solution; you can even secure it on an aircraft! It offers top safety performance, ultimate convenience with a click and go installation, and is used typically for children up to one year.

Joie Convertible Car Seat

The Joie is well known for its different recline positions and for being height adjustable, along with a side impact protection that provides added security. Its steel frame support keeps the car seat strong during impact and adds weight to keep the seat tight and low to the vehicle seat for better stability and protection

Britax Romer Convertible Car Seat

Last but not least, my favourite of them all, the Britax dual fix which combines an eye catching design with a state of the art safety technology. It comes equipped with a 360 degrees’ rotation allowing parents to choose rear facing to forward facing, making it safe for children from day one up to four years.

The best part is – You get a free installation service with any car seat purchase you make from Baby Shop! We all know how stressful and time consuming these things can be, so just a small gesture like this can really come in handy. I wish these new and considerate services were available back when I was shopping for my son. If you have a child who is 4 years or younger, check out the complete range of car seats at www.babyshopstores.com or visit your nearest store. Tell me, which car seat was your favorite? Are you excited to implement this new law?

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Did you know that a whopping 700 gallons of water are consumed in the manufacturing of just an average T-shirt? Alternatively, that one pound of textile emits more than seven pounds of carbon dioxide? Have you ever heard that 17-20 percent of water pollution occurs due to industrial textile dyeing? These are just some of the scary and shocking facts that prove to us that the fashion industry has a lot to do with climate change, an issue that as most of you know is very close to my heart.

If there’s one thing that I want to create more awareness is – Sustainable Fashion. That is why I am honored to have Raza Beig, Director Landmark group and CEO of Splash Fashions and Iconic, with me here today.

When Raza was in Amsterdam five years ago, he was intrigued by the terminology “sustainable fashion” which he heard for the first time. I personally have a lot of respect for Raza for admitting that he and the others in the business have done much damage to Mother Earth without even realizing it. The things he heard and saw hit him hard because he has been in the business for the last twenty-five years, but he was determined to do something about it.

Raza set his mind to it and later collaborated with a few agencies in the West to guide through the whole process of gradually producing a more eco-friendly line in the fashion arena. Soon afterwards, his entire team was put on board so that they could all work together and be responsible citizens. As Raza says, it must start with the awareness of us being conscious of what we are doing.

They first launched their sustainability in fashion collection two months ago for the SS 2017 collection. This year, they are committed to making 5 million pieces of sustainable fashion; and by 2020, their goal is to have at least 50 percent of their business to be sustainable. Imagine that! A company is so dedicated to having a strong moral ethic and saving Mother Nature that they set their minds to having half of their clothing being made of sustainable fabric.

If you are wondering what kind of fabrics they use in sustainable fashion, these are made of cotton and polyester – and today every fiber has an alternative. Almost every vegetable, like bamboo and banana, can be converted into the fabric (if you watched my episode with Baby Shop, then you know what I am talking about). It is luxurious, breathable, trendy and most importantly, it has our environment’s well being as a priority.

Raza admits that Splash is doing this initiative consciously because they want their competitors to join them in celebrating sustainable fashion. This is a fashion line that is both trendy and price conscious! Moreover, think about it this way, you are paying the same price you would pay somewhere else, but at Splash you’re at least giving back to the environment and letting them know that as a consumer you care about sustainable fashion.

Fun fact: 19 plastic bottles are used to produce one extra large T-shirt. Now imagine having to make a full collection, how many plastic bottles would you use? Alternatively, rather, how many plastic bottles would you recycle? Recyclable polyester is also a great alternative because now there is the technology that makes the fabric of a much better quality than the original.

For this collection, Raza tells us that Splash has maintained the serene theme trend: pastels, soft coloured, washed colors, all the areas where you do not have to use hard dyes and kept natural at best.

Here’s another fun fact: Splash’s smaller sizes out of this collection sold the fastest! That means that our youngsters are more switched on, learning about climate change and sustainability in school. Raza even admits that the people who have destroyed the earth are people his age, with his children being the ones who are more eco-friendly than him.

Watch the video and hear about Sustainable Fashion from Raza himself

Sustainable Fashion is not a one-time tactic for Splash, it is a program that they are working on step by step; and we, the lucky consumers get to witness them moving forward. Splash has always been a trendsetter, and I sincerely hope this trend catches on too. What about you? Are you excited to check their new collection?

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Even if the polar vortex is still in full swing where you live, you will be trading in puffy coats for tank tops before you know it. Luckily, you do not have to log tons of time at the gym to tone your core and your arms—just use moves that sculpt both body parts at the same time. Personal trainer and stand-up paddle (SUP) instructor Shannon MacDowell says that several SUP movements fire up the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and upper back—while engaging your entire core.
Summer is finally here, and we have switched up our wardrobes to include the breeziest and lightest tank tops and shorts. That is why I am back with Anna for another exciting fitness video for you, where we will be focusing on our arms and cores to flaunt our swimsuits and sexy summer dresses. My all-time favorite personal trainer Anna will be guiding us through today’s workout, showing us some quick and effective exercises that we can do literally anywhere – in the gym, on the beach, at home, or even at the office!

Anna is also here to remind you to stay hydrated during and after working out to boost your metabolism, improve your energy levels, and even help you get better sleep. Drinking water also keeps you more alert and awake. Moreover, trust me on this, drinking double the amount of water you normally do WILL make you look younger – I have tried it myself!

So without further ado, here are five effective and quick workouts that are guaranteed to fire up the muscles in your upper body while engaging your entire core to get the kind of abs that you want to flaunt.

Exercise 1: Plank Hold x 30 seconds

Come down to the floor into plank position onto your forearms, keeping your back straight and your abs tight for 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: Pushup with Rotation x10 on each side

Come onto your toes if you find this hard, drop down on your knees into a push-up, rotating through the top, and then back down again. Change arms with each turn.

Exercise 3: Single Leg Dip x 10 each side

Get down on the floor with one leg in the air, pushing on the other leg while dipping your arms down and then pushing at the top. Squeeze your arms, and allow your weight to go through them. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

Exercise 4: Reclining Cycle x 20 Rep

Also referred to as mountain climbers; come down onto your hands making sure your weight is on your shoulders, then drive your knees through inwards fast while keeping your abs tight. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 5: Plank Builders x 30 seconds

Go back down to the plank position and keep your abs tight. Push up on your right hand and left arm, then push up on the other side and go back down again for 30 seconds.

Now watch the demonstration of the above in the video below.

That concludes the end of our intense, quick and versatile workout which you can repeat 3 to 4 times a week, and make sure to check out our other fitness videos for a perfect summer body – https://theumashow.com/6-workouts-get-perfect-summer-body/ and lower body workouts https://theumashow.com/5-effective-glutes-exercises/ in those other days.

What’s your favorite way to workout this summer? Let me know in the comments below!

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I almost can’t believe how quickly our world is turning around. I still remember sitting in front of a black TV box as close as I could to be able to watch my favorite shows, and here I am today presenting you with the new LG OLED W that’s been referred to as a wallpaper TV – a slimmer than pencil sheet of glass. It is really a technological evolution in the making.

It does not take much to make me happy, so I will not be lying when I say that unwinding at the end of the day and watching TV is one of the life’s simplest pleasures to me. All I want to do after a long day of work is to get into my pajamas, pour in some coffee or tea, and just relax.

For those of you who are looking for a new TV or are just simply interested in witnessing technology at its best, let me give you some inside tips from the LG team about their all new LG OLED TV from W series.

OLED W is LG’s latest innovation in home entertainment, notable for its pictures with perfect blacks and incredible colors. It is the most innovative ultra premium TV, featuring an active HDR technology processing and a greater shadow detail.

They had one design goal in mind when creating this TV: eliminate every possible distraction from the viewing experience, and they did indeed. With 3.85 millimeters in depth, the LG Signature OLED is roughly same width as three stacked credit cards. Just imagine that! Stack three credit cards on top of each other right now, and you will have the entire depth of this TV.

The unique and simplistic design proves that the OLED W is the perfect fit for a luxury and elite family. It stands neatly in any living room, with its paper-slim thickness and cinematic colors. It has a greater definition than any television ever before, and the reviews have proven it. Watch the video and know more about it from the LG expert.

With LG, I am always sure about the quality and superiority of their products and this particular one is truly an ethereal work of art and technology combined. I cannot wait for the next LG product. Tell me, what do you think of the LG Signature OLED W?

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Working out is not easy. There, I finally said it. Some days you have to push yourself to get out of your door and hit the gym, and some days you wake up energetic and ready to get it on. However, in both cases, when you see the combined results on the inside and outside, your energy levels will spike up again, and you will feel more motivated than ever before.

I know that seeing my body and mental health improve over the years has led me to keep working out as part of my daily routine. I am finally back with another fitness video with Anna after getting so many requests to show and tell you more about my workout routine. Today, we will be focusing on the glutes and thigh area with five simple and straight forward exercises.

To see how each movement is properly conducted, make sure to watch Anna’s guidelines carefully throughout the video; and of course, you can copy and paste their names on your phone or screenshot them for a reminder.

1. Wide Squat Jumps x 20 reps
2. Single Leg Glute Bridges x 10 on each side
3. Squat Walk x8 reps forward and back
4. Reverse Lunge to Side Lunge x 8 each side
5. Squat pulses x 20 times

After I had finished my workout, my entire thigh and glute area were burning, and that is how I know the muscles are really working, and I will wake up the next morning still feeling it!

Watch the video now and see the demonstration.

You are probably tired of hearing me go over again about how important staying hydrated is, but I will never get tired of reminding you. Just one glass of water can help with weight loss, energy levels, curing headaches, and having healthier skin. Did you know that being dehydrated can severely hamper your workouts? You can easily maximize the effect of your workout by staying hydrated before, during, and after your workout. As a small gesture for my viewers, you can call 800-624 38224 and use promo code “UMAMAI” for an exciting promotion on Mai Dubai products!

We often focus on our stomach and upper body when we are working out and forget our glutes and lower body which are equally as important. I hope that Anna and I refreshed your workout routine with these new moves, and I also hope you wake up the next day feeling that burn! Lower body exercises are not my favorite, but I push myself to do them. How often do you work on your lower body? What are your favorite exercises? Let me know in the comments below.

Love and Health,

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As a working mother, I cannot stress enough on how fundamental and useful it is to multitask. You are on the phone helping your child find his missing things while driving to work; you are cooking up dinner while taking an important business phone call – the list goes on and on.

I know firsthand how hectic and busy life can be, and that is why I am more than thrilled to be introducing LG’s Twin Washing Machine in this segment. You may recall that I spoke about this innovation in the last season, but I am here today with two people who will give you a better and more thorough review based on experience.

Meet Juhi Malhotra Bhojwani, an interior designer, and her husband Rushi, a banker and a boutique owner. Nine months ago, their life turned around when they had their first adorable baby Rhiyan, and that is when they knew they should make a few changes around the house.

As anyone will tell you, being a working mother with a baby to take care of is far from being easy, and Juhi herself found that she now has to take care of her baby while juggling so many other things on the side.

Both Rushi and Juhi knew they did not want a traditional washing machine, so they did some research, and could hardly believe something as perfect as the LG twin machine was on the market. From its name alone, you can tell that it is really the ultimate laundry system. The LG Twin machine allows you to divide and conquer by washing two loads of laundry at the same time. It comes with a brand new ergonomic design, with an easy detergent and softener refill, and a mini washer tucked underneath.

It has more features than I can possibly put in this blog post, but let me tell you about my favorite one: the turbo wash feature. With the press of a button, you can speed up the cycling process and save up to thirty minutes on any cycle, making it ideal for anyone with a busy schedule or a baby to take care of. LG’s twin wash also has a stain capability feature to remove stains like blood and dirt, allowing for whiter whites and brighter colors.

Juhi knew early on that her baby’s clothes need special care due to his sensitive skin, so she would spend much time washing Rhiyan’s clothes separately. However, with her new LG twin wash, she now saves so much time by simultaneously washing both their laundry and more importantly, she saves resources and consumes less energy.

Moreover, if that is not enough, the twin wash can also be linked to an app that you download on your phone, so you can easily control and monitor your washing machine anytime, anywhere. That is right; you can now easily turn your machine on and off wherever you are. Watch the video to know all that I am talking about.

So what are you waiting for? Be the ultimate multitasker with this brilliant innovation that will surely make your life easier and save you more time. I know myself that I can never imagine using anything else. Have you used the twin machine? Would love to know about your experience.

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I have to admit; I took a long trip down memory lane when filming this episode. It is so hard to believe that my son is now 16 years old! I have so many vivid memories of endlessly strolling through the aisles at the Baby Shop when I was pregnant and when he was an infant, mixing and matching outfits and getting everything he could possibly need. Seeing Priya with her adorable little son brought back so many cherished moments, which is why I wanted to share this exciting announcement with you.

Recently, there have been rising concerns about toxins and dangerous chemicals in our synthetic clothes. According to research, chemically treated natural and synthetic fabrics are a source of toxins that adversely affect your health and the health of the planet.

Many fashion labels have heard the message and released eco-friendly collections, but Baby Shop is actually the first to cater for babies and small children. As a mother, I am always on the look-out for the best products concerning my son’s diet, skin and so on, but it never occurred to me that his clothes might be affecting his health as well!

If you are concerned about your baby’s health and wellbeing and are looking for more natural and organic clothing options, look no further! The Baby Shop is a one stop destination that has everything you could possibly need for your baby, and they are here with an all new sustainable, eco-friendly collection for newborns and babies to keep them healthy and happy.

Best of all, their clothing is affordable, fashion forward, and their stores even have personal shopping advisors to help you decide what to buy.

Read the details here on the 4 new categories of this collection and watch the video linked below for exclusive coverage.

The Mint Collection
It does not only look cool; it feels cool as well! The fabric made of this clothing is derived from mint leaves, which is known for its cooling and refreshing characteristics. It is also anti-irritation, making it perfect for premature babies or babies with sensitive skin.

The Milk Collection
These items are made of milk protein called casein, which is soft and antibacterial and smooth on the skin. The PH level of the fabric matches the PH level of the baby’s skin for the ultimate soothing texture.

The Bamboo Fiber Collection
Bamboo is known for being a thermal regulator, and that is exactly what these items are here for. This collection is soft; it maintains your baby’s internal temperature, making it great for layering in all seasons.

The Muslin Collection
With a moisture absorbing fabric, natural temperature control, and breathable texture, Muslin is ideal for delicate clothing, being both durable and shrinkage resistant.

So that is all for today’s segment on the Baby Shop’s new collection. Have you experienced the effect of any of these textures or fabrics on your baby’s health and skin? Let me know in the comments down below, and don’t forget to subscribe!

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Around 7 years ago, when I was going though a very challenging time, I wanted answers to many questions, and that is how my spiritual journey began; and that journey has been so full of learning and awareness. Today I find myself much stronger, patient and conscious than I ever was and I feel indebted to my spiritual journey for achieving this state of being.

So I really wanted to do a segment on how to begin this journey, literally a beginners guide and what is it all about. Today, I am here with Faddic, Spiritual Counsellor, and Energy Healer, to bring you the answers to all these questions and more.

In this segment, Faddic tells us all about spirituality and wellness, starting with the very basic definition. To him, spirituality is the pure essence of who we really are. By tapping into spirituality, we are tapping into our true essence. Simply put, the three planes of existence we are connected through are physical, emotional, and astral ones, astral being the one concerned mostly with spirituality.

If you miss out on one of the three, your life is not balanced. It is through them that we achieve inner peace and happiness.

Spirituality can be practiced in many ways, be it by praying, meditating, or even contemplating. It is not different from religion; it is just a different way of practicing it. Both of them help you become a better human being, to connect to God. The goal is to reach God however you want to. The main difference between them is that religion goes by the book, whereas spirituality is more open and fluid. Faddic touches up on this topic more thoroughly the segment.

As for beginners, Faddic believes it is good to begin by simply pausing and enjoying the silence. When we inhale and exhale, there’s a small pause which is a fraction of a second, and even that can be considered a pause. It is free, it is easy, and it is also the most essential thing. The next steps would be meditating and accepting the people around you by simply letting them be.

So why not start now? Take this opportunity to step back, pause, and reflect on everything you are doing. Life is becoming more hectic and demanding by the day. All you need to do is simply inhale, exhale, focus on your breathing, and think of a calming thought.

Through your spiritual journey, your perspective to life will definitely change. You will notice yourself being open to a higher level of knowledge, wisdom, and feeling, which are defined as higher vibrations. An example would be looking at the aura of a person rather than their physical form. Watch the video, and you will understand what I am trying to convey.

Spirituality helps us heal by cleansing our heart and soul from all the negative energy inside us. As Faddic explains, once you get into spirituality you really define what gives you happiness. You reach contentment, acceptance, and peace. You reach oneness with the universe when you realize that the smallest atoms in your body and the ones that fill our universe are all made of energy.

However, I think the most insightful answer that really changed my perspective after this segment was that of “What is the purpose of our life?” Faddic humbly says that we are living our life’s purpose everyday. That purpose is not a secret or mystery that we are going to unveil at a certain point in life. Rather, it is every moment and experience we are living that is shaping us.
Whatever you are going through right now is your purpose.

Today I was reminded once again to turn back to acceptance and peace and to reflect on the positive energy in my life. I truly hope these tips and examples were helpful for you, and I wish you well on your journey forward.

What your favorite ways of connecting spiritually? Let me know in the comments below!

Love and Health,

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Hello and welcome again to the Uma Show! For this week’s Ramadan recipes, we meet with the one and only Dalia Dogmoch Soubra, but this time, we are turning up a notch and stirring towards everyone’s favorite, Ramadan special dessert recipes!

Not only are today’s recipes really simple and easy to make, but they are also the perfect treat to relax and unwind after a long day of fasting and bearing through the hot desert heat. Today, Dalia is bringing us two of her favorite classic recipes: traditional Mhalabia and Um Ali, both of which are light and bursting with distinct flavors. They are suitable for dessert, suhoor, or even that cheat snack you sometimes squeeze in between.

Both the Mhalabia and the Um Ali need very little ingredients and can be prepared together in under thirty minutes, giving you just enough time for preparation after or before breaking your fast. Of course, don’t forget to drink enough water (at least 8 glasses) in those few hours you have between sunset and sunrise. You all know by now that my favorite water is Mai Dubai, and I am so excited to show a feature of their small and compact water dispenser in today’s blog.

As per usual, today’s recipes can be found in Dalia’s book Food, Love and Life. Dalia is a hybrid Syrian and German, with a rich Western multinational background that highly influenced her personality as well as her view of cooking. In Food, Love, and Life, you will find everything from traditional Syrian recipes to easy on-the-go ones for those busy weekdays.

So relax, lie back, and enjoy our journey today to the kitchen to make two delicious Middle Eastern treats. Although I follow a diary free diet, I have got these classic Ramadan recipes for my readers and viewers as I know how much people enjoy classic recipes during Ramadan with their family and friends. Watch the video.

You will find the detailed recipes below.

Mhalabia (Milk Pudding) with a Saffron Twist

⁃ 1 Liter of Full Fat Milk
⁃ 50g Sugar
⁃ 50g Corn Flour
⁃ 2 tablespoons Orange Blossom
⁃ Saffron, to taste
⁃ Pistachios, for topping


In a medium sized pot, mix the milk and sugar on medium heat. Add around 2 tablespoons of milk to the corn flour and stir to form a paste. Stir the corn flour mix back into the pot and add the orange blossom and a pinch of saffron. Stir until it thickens, around 10-15 minutes. Divide the mixture into around 6 glasses and pop them in the fridge for no less than two hours. Serve with pistachios as a topping. Feel free to add toppings of your choice, like chocolate or mixed nuts.

Classic Um Ali


-Baked Puff-pastry (or croissants)
-3 tablespoons Almond Powder
-3 tablespoons shredded coconut
-1 beaten egg
-1 bowl condensed milk*
-3/4 cups full-fat milk*
-Pistachios, to taste

*Note: For a dairy-free version, you can substitute the full-fat milk with either almond or coconut milk and the condensed milk with some honey.


Preheat the oven to 180*C. Grease the puff pastry with some butter and egg wash and bake it according to package instructions, or until golden brown. Break apart the puff pastry and crumble into tiny pieces in around two large bowls.

Whisk together the beaten egg, condensed milk, almond powder and shredded coconut. Pour the mixture evenly into the bowls, and top with more shredded coconut and pistachio.

Pop the two bowls into the oven for around 15 minutes. You can also garnish the finished result with some more shredded coconut to taste.

Don’t forget to let Dalia and I know by email or social media how you liked any of these desserts. I know for myself that these are two staples I will definitely be serving every now and then. I would love to hear your feedback, and of course, I would love to see some photos too!

Love and Health,

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Have you seen the new LG G6? If you have been a reader for a while, then you are probably familiar with all the latest LG products that I have featured here on my blog. Everything from washing machines to air conditioners, you name it, and I have covered it nowhere else but here on the Uma Show!

Today, I am bringing you LG’s latest in something much more compact and versatile than those home appliances, something we use on a daily basis and can’t leave the house without. If you guessed Smartphone, then you guessed right!

In partnership with LG, I will be giving you exclusive access to the features and characteristics of the new LG G6, along with an expert and a specialist in communications who will tell us everything we need to know about this all innovation.

On first glance, you will notice that its two unique characters are the design and the technology. For one, the screen is distinguishably bigger than that of previous phones, with an 18:09 full vision allowing you a much wider vision, while still fitting in your hand. It is now available on the market in three different colors, astroblack, ice platinum and mystic white.

Moving on to the camera, the LG G6 has a wide front selfie with auto-shot so you can easily fit all your friends in a group selfie together – bye bye selfie sticks! This feature is also useful when you are trying to fit a beautiful landscape behind you in your photo because the G6 comes equipped with a 125 wide angle picture. Both the front and back cameras are 13 megapixels, so you can really tell that G6 just took phone photography to a whole different level.

The phone is also water and dust resistant, two key factors which often get in the way when we are trying to use our phones. It is resistant to up to 1.5-meter depth and will last in the water for up to thirty minutes, all the pool time you need.

Additionally, all the lab tests conducted to prove that the G6 has a strong build, surviving a one-meter drop test, and temperatures ranging between -20 and 60*C – perfect for our Dubai heat!

On the technical side of things, the LG G6 is the world’s first and only smartphone to feature Dolby vision and HDR 10 simultaneously, which means watching videos and playing games are two experiences that just got a significant uplift. Moreover, most importantly, the G6 has enough battery to last us the whole day easily – at least 4 to 6 hours more than its competitors.

Watch the video and hear more from the experts themselves.

For all my viewers who are watching the Uma Show on their smartphones, this one is for you! With the LG G6, you will see for yourself how watching TV just got much more fulfilling and enjoyable. Do share with me what features you look for when you are buying a phone for yourself.

Love and Health,

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I just love the Sun in all its brightness, and I always feel so much more vibrant and alive, when the sun is out and shining. That is probably one of the reasons why I just love the city of Dubai.

However, equally true is the fact that the weather at the peak of summer can get a little harsh, and we all need to get ready for the same. How is it possible that we talk of summers and not talk of Air Conditioners? A good air-conditioner is a primary requirement for you and your family to combat the rising temperatures. In fact, as a women entrepreneur, who always has less time on her hands, I am always on the lookout for technology that is hands on and hassle free at the same time. The fact of the matter remains that air conditioners are a long term investment and that we must to choose an air conditioner that doesn’t just cool, but cools faster and lasts longer.

So when I started my research about the latest in air-con technology, I realized that You cannot Have Your Cake & Eat It Too, until of course, I chanced upon a brand that was hell bent on proving it otherwise. So here’s an air-con that cools faster, saves more energy, helps in keeping the air clean and lasts much much longer. Now that might look fantastic and almost impossible on paper, but one look at the LG Dual Cool Air Conditioner and you would immediately realize that you are not just looking at an extremely slim and elegant piece of home appliance, but also one that is nothing short of a technological marvel. LG has got the numbers to back their claim. Just have a look at these stats –

– Saves 65% more energy
– Cools 60% faster
– Variable Speed Dual Inverter Compressor (1st of its kind)
– 10 years warranty on Inverter Compressor
– Effective up to 65 degrees external temperature
– Multi-protection filter that removes and inactivates 99% of harmful particles
– Low Noise Technology
– Slim and Elegant Design

If you find those numbers impressive, then you must have a look at this video to know more.
Technology is good, only if it adds value to your life. Undoubtedly, LG has always been a brand that serves value to the maximum. I have been associated with them for about a year now and have been working with their teams, so I can vouch for the fact that LG Home Appliances are not just the most elegantly designed appliances but also offer technology that is way ahead of its time. The LG Dual AC is one such example, so how could I not share their wonderful piece of technology with you. After all, it comes with a dual benefit – conserving energy and saving your money. Guess now you can have your cake and eat it too. Always looking forward to hearing more from you

Love and Health,

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