Welcome to another episode and today lets talk about why 500s are better than 20s. This is why Finding Your True Identity: In our 20s, we often struggle with figuring out who we are. We’re constantly experimenting, searching for our identity, and often conforming to societal pressures. But by the time we hit our 50s, …
Today, we’re diving into a powerful topic, why negative mindsets are one of the most expensive habits you can have and how you can build positive habits for overall well-being. Let’s jump right in! We often talk about hobbies as things we do for fun or relaxation. But did you know that holding onto a …
Get 15 days of free healing for you and your family- visit https://www.scalarlight.com Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking …
Welcome to my journey at 50, where I see aging as a privilege and an accomplishment. In today’s video, I delve into how my proactive mindset towards aging has shaped my experience. For me, aging is not about loss but about gaining wisdom and opportunities to grow. I’ve never harbored a fear of aging; however, …
Daily well-being practice for me is a spiritual practice. I know sometimes it seems overwhelming in midst of our busy schedules, but daily well-being practices are so important to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. While sometimes it can seem you have too little time for a daily wellness practice, but its important to know …
Last year I suffered from severe dry eyes and I had to really take my eye health into my own hands. Dry eyes were affecting my eyesight, my eyes were forever itchy and irritated and also reddish. I realized ever since I have taken my business into the digital platform, though I have grown exponentially, …
This video is long overdue. I get so many questions from you on hyperpigmentation, beauty rituals and tools, food, workout, mindset and so much more. I try and answer them on my insta stories, but then I finally thought of doing this long video on my channel. I loved answering your questions, let me know …
I can’t imagine a day without my morning ritual. My Morning ritual sets the mood and the energy for the day. This one hour when I do my breathwork and mediation always brings me back to my center. This time in the morning is also the time to honor my emotions, my internal health, and …
Our body is hardwired to protect us against the threats we face every now and then and fight back. From predators and aggressors to taking care of huge workload, the responsibility of paying bills, or even taking care of our family, we have a wide range of rattling dangers to everyday hassles we call ‘threats’. …
‘Don’t wear that color.’ ‘It’s your fault now handle it’ ‘live, love and laugh. Anxiety is all in your head’ ‘People have got it worse’ Ughhhhh. These sentences might leave us feeling hurt, infuriated or simply baffled at the audacity. And you have the right to feel and think so. These are some of the …
Have you ever wondered why meeting and interacting with certain people and doing somethings make us very happy or uplifted? Why do we always get excited when we are one step closer to our goal or destination? How do we feel connected with people and empathize with them? Or why do you feel angry when …
This video is sponsored by Bioniq. I recently have been appointed a Middle East Brand Ambassador by Bioniq and I am so honoured to be associated with this unique brand. Bioniq Life is a personalized nutrient supplement driven by world leading data. Their system analyses each individual in depth and then nutritional supplements are produced …
This video is sponsored by Sage Appliances. Today I’m going to be sharing three of my favourite breakfast toasts recipes. They’re super easy to make, absolutely nutritious and so fulfilling! 1. Avocado Toast 2. Peanut Butter Banana Toast 3. Hummus Mushroom Toast Watch the video and let me know what you think in the comments …
Now that is something we all need to learn, right? And I agree, it is not at all easy. Being a media person, I’ve tried really hard to not let mean comments get to me and honestly, I’ve gotten really better at this. Check out my tips of how to stop worrying about what other …
For busy women, self-care can feel like an unaffordable luxury. Self-care is often advertised as long weekends spent at the beach, a trip to the spa, or even hours spent on exercise. In reality, though, self-care can be anything (small or big) you do to give your body attention. Which is why the following self-care …
Laughter and humor can be super effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety. According to studies, laughter is the perfect stress relief. It triggers the release of feel-good endorphins that improve your mood, and regular laughter can make it easier for you to manage your response to stressful situations. This study from the University of …
2021 is a fresh new notebook and we will be filling it with self-love, gratitude, light and inner-peace. This year will be all about healing and nurturing ourselves. It’s time to take a fresh perspective on your life and finding ways to take better care of yourself this year. To give you guys an idea …
• Improving Immunity and Gut Health Now, you must know by now how important is immunity in times like these. Every doctor is advising to focus on more immunity-boosting diets. Now why I mention immunity and gut health in the same sentence is because our immunity is very closely related to gut health. Actually, 70% …
In Ayurveda, the body is comprised of five different elements. These elements combine to create three doshas (or energy types). It’s believed that people are born with a unique mixture of doshas, which can determine your physical and emotional characteristics. Determining whether you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dosha is super important for following an …
Ayurveda has a long history of being used for holistic healing. In Ayurvedic medicine, the balance between the mind, body, and spirit is super important for maintaining wellness. If there’s an imbalance, it can lead to illness. “Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit words meaning “life” (“Ayur”) and “science” (“Veda”). You can literally think …
Do you find yourself eating in the evenings when you know you’re not really hungry? Nighttime eating is a major culprit for extra calories and weight gain. It can become something of a vicious cycle that you struggle to break away from but with the right mindset and tactics, it can be done. Here are …
Essential oils have a long history when it comes to wellbeing and has been used for a wide range of health problems. Many oils have specific properties that make them great choices for treating specific health but their effects can go far beyond this. Research has shown that the limbic system in your brain (which …
It’s an era of minimalism! From minimalistic makeup and jewelry to minimalist interior, I’ve been loving and following this trend quite enthusiastically. Why shouldn’t I? This trend proves that less IS actually more now. You don’t have to be too extra or put in too much effort to live a happy and contented life. A …
Did you know that 8 million tons of plastic waste reaches the ocean every year? According to the National Geographic, that much amount is equal to placing five full garbage bags on every foot of coastline around the world. Plastic being thrown into the ocean is nothing short of a global crisis. According to an …
During this period of uncertainty, self-love is very important so lets dive a little deeper into it today. We all have an inner critic that talks to us and offer us “advice”. Trouble is, this kind of self-talk can be very negative and unhelpful, especially when it comes to self love and can create a …
You are what you strive for. I found out that human will is a very strong asset. It can take you to places you never imagined. Our decisions decide who we are going to become and this is one of the most ruthless yet the most comforting line. Ruthless for those who don’t want to …
Of course, broccoli and kale are superfoods – and for many good reasons. Not only are they seriously packed with nutrients, and are amongst the most nutrient-dense foods around. But, they’re also packed with amazing health-promoting compounds. Today we’ll list out some of the impressive numbers of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and detoxifying abilities of these …
No one is going to argue that unprocessed foods are good for you and ultra-processed foods are often not. But, there is a bit of a grey area between them. And this is only true if we have clear definitions of what processed means. In the post I am sharing today I dive into the …
If you have some nagging symptoms, it’s possible that they’re related to the foods you eat! And we’re not just talking digestive symptoms. Even things like headaches, joint pain, or eczema can be related to food that you’re sensitive to. How would you find out if there is food at the root of your issue? …
Constipation is more common than most people think. And there are lots of things you can do to keep food moving right through you (without sticking around for too long). We’ve all heard to eat more prunes, right? But there are lots of things you can eat, drink, and do beyond prunes. By incorporating some …
Did you ever think that what you eat doesn’t just feed you… it also feeds your friendly health-promoting probiotics in your gut? Food for our probiotics is called… you guessed it: “prebiotics.” “Pre” biotics? Yes! They’re the food that we feed our probiotics, the friendly gut microbes that are oh so important for good health. …
Oh no! You have a cold? Let me tell you what you can do naturally to recover as soon as possible. You’ll be back to yourself in no time with my tried-and-true tips. Getting a common cold doesn’t have to be so… common. There are things you can do naturally to make getting sick less …
How’s your health mindset? Do you feel like you’re healthy and fit? Do you treat foods like they’re good or bad? Are you aiming for perfect, or is it good enough or better working for you? Is it just me, or is “mindset” the new buzzword in the health & wellness sphere lately? You may …
High blood pressure affects a billion people! It’s one of those silent conditions that can become serious. High blood pressure is a silent disease. Often, there are no symptoms, so that’s why it’s tested regularly by your healthcare professional. It’s better to catch it before it gets out of hand. Beyond the standard advice to …
Your thyroid is sometimes thought of as a master controller of your metabolism. The hormones it makes affects the biochemical reactions in all of your cells. But, thyroid concerns are more common than you might think. So, what kind of healthy foods support your thyroid? I have a bunch listed in this video. Your Thyroid: …
Is intermittent fasting another new diet fad, or does it have some merit for weight loss? While lots of people may claim that it helped them to lose weight, the research isn’t so clear. Intermittent fasting 101: What is it and will it help me lose weight? In a nutshell, intermittent fasting is just that: …
Most vitamin deficiencies are unheard of in developed nations. This is especially true of young people in developed nations. We just eat so much food, and such a wide variety, that we meet all our basic nutritional requirements. We live with so much abundance that some children live off one food item for years without …
Hello! My Tribe, You’ve heard so many people recommend meditation and mindfulness; but, do they work? Can they help? If so, how is this even possible? Find out here. Mindfulness and meditation are health buzzwords nowadays. Everyone, even those who aren’t health practitioners, tout the amazing effects of being mindful and practicing meditation. But, just …
Hello! My Tribe, Multivitamins DO have health benefits…but they may not be what you’ve been led to believe. Want to know the actual health benefits of taking multivitamins? Are you one of the many people who feels that multivitamins are an “insurance policy” for your health? Do you take the very popular “Jack of all …
Hello! My Tribe, Vitamin D It’s not easy to get most of the year, and it’s not in too many foods. Are supplements the answer? Here’s the lowdown on this critical, all-too-often deficient vitamin. And three ways you can get enough of it. How Can I Get Enough Vitamin D? When we think of “vitamins,” …
Hello! My Tribe, Name four things that can contribute to weight gain, even if you’re eating the same way you always have. Want a hint (or four)? Check out this video here. Do you feel like you’re getting fatter but you’re still eating the same way? I want you to know that you are NOT …
Ahhh, the “stress mess.” Does stress make you feel a bit off? Do you notice negative health effects when stress is the worst? Maybe it affects your sleep, or maybe you get sick more often. Yes, stress can definitely mess with your health. Today I talk about some of the telltale (and not-so-obvious) signs that …
Hello! My Tribe Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. And we’re not just talking about heartburn, constipation, …
Hello! My Tribe, Do you want to lose weight this new year? Then this video is just for you. Today I am I am busting 5 Common Weight Loss Myths. Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions everywhere. I say, forget about “who’s right” and let’s focus on “what’s …
Hello! My Tribe, STRESS!!! Its causes are absolutely everywhere. Would you agree? Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. It’s supposed to help us escape injury or death in an emergency and then return to normal after we’ve fought or flew. But, that doesn’t happen too much in our …
Hello! My Tribe, Is your Metabolism Slow? You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight. Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen? Why do metabolic rates slow down? What can slow my metabolism? Metabolism includes all of the biochemical …
Hello! My Tribe, Are you a victim of frequent headaches? Are you the one who’s so bogged down with your schedule that you are stressed out all the time and experience headaches? Does an over-packed to-do list, a demanding job, relationship issues or a growing pile of bills — or any other nerve-wracking scenario — …
Hello My Tribe A lot of you ask me about detox, what is it, how is done and why one needs to do it. So I here you go. Detox has been a hot topic in recent years. There are “detox” supplements, guides and books in all the health food stores, and every other person …
Hello! My Tribe, You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (border lining obsession) about cholesterol, right? Before we jump into some myths let’s make sure we’re on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is. Myth #1: “Cholesterol” is cholesterol While cholesterol is an actual molecule what it is bound …
Hello my tribeeeeee! M soooo excitteeddd to announce the launch of my new website! I would love to invite you all to my new website, where I am going to share all the knowledge that has empowered me over the years and has helped me stay younger and healthier. So what are the things you …
Hello! My Tribe, Are you a victim of frequent headaches? Are you the one who’s so bogged down with your schedule that you are stressed out all the time and experience headaches? Does an over-packed to-do list, a demanding job, relationship issues or a growing pile of bills — or any other nerve-wracking scenario — …
Hello! My Tribe, When was the last time you felt awake and energized all day long without that cup of coffee? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Many of us suffer from energy highs and lows throughout the day, then we inject ourselves with caffeine or food so that we can pass through the day. …
Paid Partnership Hello! My Tribe Time is our most valuable asset. We all want to make the most of the 24 hours we get each day. However, some people achieve more happiness, productivity, and success – in the same amount of time as everyone else! How can only few people be more successful at managing …
Paid Partnership Www.philipstein.com How lack of Sleep Can Affect You | Home Remedy and Tips to Get Good Sleep Hello! My Tribe, Are you one of those, who is so tied up with work commitments and responsibilities that you don’t get enough time to sleep? Is sleep the last thing on your priority list? Or …
Hello! My tribe Nowadays, you can see plastic everywhere around you. Your food and hygiene products are packaged in it, your cars, phones and computers are manufactured from it. And you might even chew it daily in the form of chewing gum. Unlike naturally-derived products, synthetic plastics are not biodegradable. This means that once plastic …
PAID PARTNERSHIP Hello! My Tribe Hope you all are having a great EID holiday. Today Lets talk about our frequency. According to universal law and the science of quantum physics, everything in the universe is fundamentally made of pure energy. This energy is constantly moving, oscillating and vibrating at different speeds. Though we are made …
Hello! my tribe ! Today I am going to share something very personal. Not many of you know that I have a huge phobia for snakes, something I have had ever since I remember. Even if there is a picture of snake in a magazine, I cannot continue reading it unless I tear the page. …
Hello! My Tribe, This one is one of the most requested videos. I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things. Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box. Always waiting to hear from you all. Love and Health Uma …
Hello! My Tribe, This one is one of the most requested videos. I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things. Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box. Always waiting to hear from you all. Love and Health Uma …
Hello! My Tribe, This one is one of the most requested videos. I am super excited to share my hair and beauty routine with many other things. Enjoy the video and if you have any more questions, please leave them on the comment box. Always waiting to hear from you all. Love and Health Uma …
Hello! My Tribe! You asked and I answered . All you wanted to know about me and my daily routine. Love and health Uma Green Juice Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIRgRLd9WX4 Follow Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd
Hello! My tribe! When was the last time you sat down and really thought about the good things in life? In our day to day busy schedules, we really forget to count the blessings we already have that have kept us smiling and moving forward. But with a gratitude journal, it can all be just …
Hello! My Tribe, As we all know chemicals have totally overtaken our lives. They are all around us because of which we tend to fall sick pretty often. But whenever we face issues with our health, we directly visit the doctor’s clinic without realizing the fact that whatever we are using inside our homes is …
Hello! My tribe Good Night Sleep Well Tips For Better Sleep. We all Want to know about sleep hacks so we can sleep better . so today I`m here with all these answers about, How to Sleep Better? In today’s stressful life, setting ourselves for a night of nice quality sleep is easier said than …
Hello! my Tribe, Wish you all a very Happy Valentines Day. Its that time of the year, when everybody is focusing on gifting, building relationships, spending quality time with their partners and in short, loving their better halves. But today i’m going to discuss with you something that’s more important than loving your partner! And …
I am going to share with you some simple ways to release anxiety and stress. Financial pressure, Deadlines at work, relationship issues, build up to exams or an ailing spouse or parent…there are scores of such reasons that cause stress and may be sabotaging your confidence, turning your stomach into knots, and impacting your general …
My morning routine A few weeks back I uploaded a few insta stories on my morning routine and a lot of you posted your comments and wanted to know more about it so I thought why not do a video on the same and tell you everything about my morning routine. So let me first …
What is Mindfulness And What Does It Mean to You? Our ability and willingness to focus on just one thing at any one given moment in time is mindfulness. In today’s world, we often work longer hours and pack more into every day. As a result, we end up juggling different activities at the same …
How to create a vision board to get achieve your goals and to be a success in your life. New Year brings new beginnings! And like every New Year, we all have some goals and resolutions. But, how to put these goals to practice? Well, that’s a million dollar question! So the simple answer is, …
New Year Resolutions 2018 | Ideas That Will Make You Healthier and Happier New year 2018 is right here and it’s time to welcome it with some amazing resolutions. It’s time for some lifestyle changes and getting on a journey to be healthier. So today I’m here with you to help you make your health …
Which oil is best for face massage? Hey guys, I got a lot of valuable feedback from you guys for my recent video on face massage and many of you asked me which oils should we use while doing the face massages. So today I am here to share with you some oils that you …
Hello, friends here I am sharing with you some New Year’s Resolution Ideas and also talk about to how to Achieve Each One of them. 1) Getting in shape! 2) Eating Healthy 3) Work life balance 4) Pamper your mind 5) Work on your relationships 6) Have a spiritual practice 7) Small acts of kindness …
Decluttering Tips! How to declutter and organize your home before New Year. New year brings new excitement every year! We all look forward to some party, some hearty celebrations and of course, inviting the new by bidding a farewell to the old. And when its time to let go of the old, it is not …
How to survive a party with Uma. Some very simple tips for you to party like a pro. New year parties are the highlight of winter festivities but these seasonal extravaganzas can be stressful and exhausting. They are known for over-indulgence and going overboard. But it’s possible to come out relatively unscathed with a few …
How to boost your energy from morning to evening? Sharing easy ways to boost your energy to look and feel best this festive season. Christmas and New year is right around the corner and we are all excited to party! I am sure you all are keen on socialising way more than usual and already …
Amazing immunity-boosting food for winter that will boost your immune system . Winter has arrived! And as you all know, winter has always had a bad name as you’re likely to catch the winter bug that’s hitting the town! In this cold season, often called the flu season, when temperatures drop, viruses thrive indoors and …
I am going to share you about some superhealthy food that I eat daily. These superfood will make you super healthy. These foods are very effective for weightloss, glowing skin and healthy heart. Are you amongst those who want to pack their food with nutrients but don’t know what to eat? Or are you someobody …
How To Be Happy And Positive All The Time? It’s a very big question in our life but believe me, very small changes can bring more positivity and happiness to your life. Wake up early “The early morning has gold in its mouth,” was an apt statement made by Benjamin Franklin. Over the years I …
With the advent of the digital age, social media has emerged as a huge platform for online businesses across the world. From multinational companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon to small locally owned businesses and start-ups, everyone around the corner is using social media as a platform to identify their target audience and reach potential customers. …
Parenting is no child’s play. Being a mother myself, I know how challenging it can be to nurture a child and provide him the best possible upbringing. From the time a child is born till the time he reaches adulthood, there are constant changes that take place in his personality; and as parents, we play …
Pregnancy and new motherhood is the most wonderful phase in a woman’s life – one that brings with itself an altogether different joy; but it also gives rise to apprehension, worry, disappointment, guilt, frustration and sometimes even fear! Moreover, in such a crucial phase of life, if one does not have family or loved ones …
We all desire a life that is pain-free! We always want to feel the most pleasant emotions and spend a life devoid of pain and sorrow! However, it is a known fact that pain in human life is inevitable! So how should one deal with it? Well, most of the people think, when they feel …
The concept of Sustainable fashion or eco fashion is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment and social responsibility. The growing sustainable fashion design philosophy can be seen as an alternative trend against fast fashion Last couple of weeks I have been talking about Sustainable …
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence” – Aristotle At the root of all human needs, there is just one need—the need to be happy! No matter what you wish for in life, ultimately the only purpose behind it is to be happy. However, what …
Since the past few years, I have been really interested in researching about sustainable fashion or eco fashion and how this whole industry is ganing popularity. I came across some really shocking and unpleasant facts related to the fashion industry. While everyone is aware how the transportation industry or other industries cause an imbalance in …
It’s becoming very clear and supported with a lot of evidence that the wellbeing at the work place is critical for performance, work atmosphere and culture in space. Your professional space can even impact your health! However sometimes being used to how things are, we start to miss on key indicators that the workspace is …
It is that time of the year where families are planning their vacations and taking a few days to unwind and relax. After all, travel is the best medicine for stress or boredom; it is a breath of fresh air, a chance to see new horizons and gain new perspectives. A considerable part of us …
It feels like yesterday that I was walking through the many isles of Baby Shop trying to figure out what the best car seat for my son would be. Well, I can hardly believe it myself, it has been 16 years since that happened! I had spent hours and hours trying to research the best …
Did you know that a whopping 700 gallons of water are consumed in the manufacturing of just an average T-shirt? Alternatively, that one pound of textile emits more than seven pounds of carbon dioxide? Have you ever heard that 17-20 percent of water pollution occurs due to industrial textile dyeing? These are just some of …
I almost can’t believe how quickly our world is turning around. I still remember sitting in front of a black TV box as close as I could to be able to watch my favorite shows, and here I am today presenting you with the new LG OLED W that’s been referred to as a wallpaper …
As a working mother, I cannot stress enough on how fundamental and useful it is to multitask. You are on the phone helping your child find his missing things while driving to work; you are cooking up dinner while taking an important business phone call – the list goes on and on. I know firsthand …
I have to admit; I took a long trip down memory lane when filming this episode. It is so hard to believe that my son is now 16 years old! I have so many vivid memories of endlessly strolling through the aisles at the Baby Shop when I was pregnant and when he was an …
Around 7 years ago, when I was going though a very challenging time, I wanted answers to many questions, and that is how my spiritual journey began; and that journey has been so full of learning and awareness. Today I find myself much stronger, patient and conscious than I ever was and I feel indebted …
Have you seen the new LG G6? If you have been a reader for a while, then you are probably familiar with all the latest LG products that I have featured here on my blog. Everything from washing machines to air conditioners, you name it, and I have covered it nowhere else but here on …
I just love the Sun in all its brightness, and I always feel so much more vibrant and alive, when the sun is out and shining. That is probably one of the reasons why I just love the city of Dubai. However, equally true is the fact that the weather at the peak of summer …
Have you ever given a thought to the fact on how much stress does your body and your mind endure on a daily basis? In today’s day and time of fast-paced lives, especially in a city like Dubai and other big cities in the world, Stress seemed to be the most used, overused and abused …
HAS YOUR SKIN BEEN FEELING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ISSUES: Dullness Puffiness Saggy Premature Ageing? Uma Ghosh Facial Cupping Set will be a major key in helping you overcome these issues. What do Facial Cups do Facial cups boost skin radiance and make it more plump by increasing the oxygen flow to your skin. BUY …
3D FACE MASSAGER Meet the newest addition to my Face Massage line of products – My Face Massager! The Face Massager contains multi-faceted rollers which behave similar to the deep tissue kneading massage done by professionals at the comfort of your home. Regular use of my face massager will aide your anti-ageing skincare routine and …
GUA SHA STONE The Uma Ghosh Gua Sha stone is a special facial massage tool design to tone and relax the facial muscles and replenish the skin. Unlike the common Gua Sha tools made from materials like jade and quartz, Uma Ghosh Gua Sha stone is made from a Black Bian stone, a stone known …
FACIAL GUA SHA RITUAL I am so excited to present to you my self-care group WorkShop with Gua Sha,live on the Zoom platform! DAY: Tuesday 10th November, 4:00 pm GST DURATION: 1.5 HOURS. VALUE: USD 99 THEME: GUA SHA FOR ANTI AGING, TONING AND RELEASING I invite you to my new online WorkShop through Zoom …