When in doubt, Google it out…or that’s what most of the so-called e-generation believes in. Although I am not a firm believer of the same, I would rather work my through the doubt; but the reason I talk of a doubt is because of this ONE DOUBT that the whole world seems to be facing– Relationship Doubt. Now as much as there cannot be any shortcut to a doubt of this enormity, the search results of – Relationships is very interesting.
– 10 signs your relationships is in trouble
– 8 habits that can put your relationship in danger
– 5 signals that you are in a toxic relationship …
And so on and so forth. But nobody has an iota of idea on how to save a failing relationship? How to identify chinks in the armor? How to do away with the monotony of an association? How to address the issues of your partner? How to empathetically listen to women rather than term them over-emotional and how to help men deal with vulnerabilities and not term them weak? These are the questions that are staring at a huge population of today’s world. To be more specific, 85% of modern day relationships end in a break-up.
So then let me re-define my first sentence now. When in doubt, seek expert help. It is exactly with this intention that I invited Isabelle Galiardo – A personal development trainer, a counselor, a relationship expert to my studio for an enlightening chat on the state of modern day relationships and the ways to untangle the many threads of complexities involved.
Of course, lack of communication is the biggest issue, but what lies underneath the issue are the fears and the insecurities that we all face as individuals. As Isabelle suggests, it is extremely important to face and delve into our fears, insecurities and our past to be able to overcome them; because only when we feel the pain, can we overcome them.
In today’s day and time of cut-throat competition at the professional level, money matters, parenting, sex, day-to-day affairs, in fact even individual habits and preferences take so much of our time and energy that the relationship as a whole takes a back seat. But what concerns me more is the fact that couples often live in denial of this stark reality. Especially men who, thanks to the societal norms, often either deny the chinks or refuse to seek help from an expert. It is this denial which eventually takes a toll on the relationship. In other words, we often build a wall of ignorance around us and keep accumulating everything that is not right, till one day the dam of negative emotions bursts open, and washes away everything that was good about the relationship. Isabelle has very interesting and extremely workable tips to avoid building that wall of ignorance around us. Watch the video to understand what I am trying to convey.
To simply it spell it out; following practices can help in ironing out the wrinkles that appear on the fabric of relationships.
1) Communicate – Make space, make time, hear your partner out as a third person
2) Have fun together to create a powerful bond.
3) Re-connect with your partner. We often get too consumed by various things like rent, mortgages, parenting, job security et al and we disconnect from our lives.
4) Have the big picture in mind, yet live in the moment.
From my personal experience, I can tell you one thing for sure. Even the happiest relationships in the world have their own share of ups and downs. A stich in time can definitely save a relationship from falling apart. I would love to know your story of the relationship challenges, and may be all of us together can develop a never seen before perspective.
Love and Health,
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