The holy month of Ramadan begins today, and I must admit it is amongst my favorite times of the year. The whole city of Dubai engulfs itself with tranquility, harmony, calm and spirituality. It is that time of the year which comes with the opportunity for everyone to connect with their inner conscience and with the Almighty.

Another reason I always look forward to the month of Ramadan is, of course, experimenting with cuisines. It does not take much time for fasting to turn into feasting…however, Ramadan is definitely not the time for the same. I have always believed that food during Ramadan must be nutritious; must give you the much-needed boost of energy and most importantly, keep you hydrated. Today, I decided to bring you this special food segment during this holy month in association with my favorite water brand Mai Dubai, so that I can get you some of the yummiest and the most nutritious dishes that you can easily cook during this holy month.

I have with me a renowned food author, presenter and a prominent culinary personality who brings with her the varied flavors of the east along with the zing of the west, Dalia Dogmoch Soubra. Watch the video where she is guiding us with two very special soups – Carrot & Ginger Soup and Hummus Soup.

In case you were too engrossed with the video, here are the respective recipes.

Carrot & Ginger Soup

Chopped carrots + Minced Onion + Garlic + Grated Nutmeg + Minced Ginger

(You can add Chicken & vegetable stock…as per your taste and need)

Put some olive oil in a pan, add the minced onions, garlic and the minced ginger followed by adding the carrots. Caramelize the carrots, till they turn brown. Add the nutmeg; add seasoning of salt and pepper & turmeric. Then add sufficient water and let it simmer until the carrots are soft. Be cautious against overcooking the carrots.

Simmer for 10 minutes and then blend the soft-boiled carrots, depending on the consistency that you desire. Season it well with a little bit of olive oil.

Hummus Soup

Minced Onion + Cumin Seed Powder + Chick Peas

Add some olive oil in a pan, sear the minced onion, and follow it up with Cumin Seed powder. Sear it well. Then add the chickpeas and sufficient water. Let it simmer, till the chickpeas soften up.

Post about 10 minutes of simmering, season it with salt and pepper and then mash it using a blender, depending on the consistency that you desire. Season it well with seasoned Olive Oil.

Healthy of course they are, but I must admit that both these soups tasted much, much yummier than what I expected them to. It was, in fact, a pleasant blast of flavors in my mouth. You can, of course, add milk cream to it, although be warned that both the soups are creamy enough even without the use of any dairy product.

These two are definitely amongst the best soups that I have ever had; and considering the fact that women won’t have much time during this holy month, these two soups definitely tick all the right boxes in terms of easy to cook, low on ingredients – high on nutrition, and of course keeps you hydrated. Yes, staying hydrated is of utmost importance and adding further:

a. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, especially water because of the long period of fasting and high temperatures. Water contains no calories and could compensate for the body’s fluids lost due to fasting.

b. Drink lukewarm water instead of cold water as this aids digestion. You can add lemon slices or mint to it to give that added flavor and taste.

So here’s wishing all my readers Ramadan Kareem, and I would really want you to try out these recipes. In fact, I would encourage you to go ahead and experiment with them and don’t forget to write into me with your experiences. What are your Ramadan Special recipes? Please share with my tribe and me.

Love and Health,

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I am a firm believer of the fact that people always want to remain physically fit and healthy. Now this might be the opposite of the worldly view that people in general are lazy and don’t want to be fit. I believe that people want to be in good shape; and if provided with the right guidance, they definitely follow a fitness regime. I can say this from my personal experience as every time that I have shared my fitness videos on social media, I have got a tremendous response and loads of queries – which indicates both the willingness and the curiosity to be fit.

Inspired by your responses, my personal trainer, Anna Holmes, and I have devised a perfect summer workout regime. I know it’s vacation time and you might be out on a trip, on a long holiday, away from gyms, no equipment et al. Thereupon, I am here with a summer fitness regime that you can practice in any small corner; a regime that needs no equipment, yet exercises and tones each and every part of your body. So the next time you want to flaunt your bikini body, you don’t have to think twice.

I must make a mention here and take the opportunity to thank Westin Workout Fitness Studio at The Westin Dubai, Al Habtoor City to keep up with my fitness routine & Mai Dubai for keeping me hydrated throughout my fitness regime. I have regularly been using the facilities of the Workout studio at The Westin Dubai, Al Habtoor City and it has the finest exercise equipment for all levels of performance in an airy, energizing environment. I always prefer Mai Dubai drinking water as it has extremely low sodium content, and is high in minerals like calcium and magnesium, thus not just rehydrating your body but also replenishing it with minerals.

But before we start with the regime, these are the 5 Tips that I always follow before any workout –
1) Pick the right time. Mornings and evenings are cooler.
2) Pick the right clothing with material that lets your body breathe.
3) Avoid extreme temperature changes. Never walk into a cold room when your body temperature is high
4) Listen to your body. Go slow and steady. Don’t push yourself too much.
5) Last but not the least…Stay hydrated at all times.

Now that we are done with the initial tips, let’s get going with the Ultimate Summer Fitness Guide

You see!!! It is that simple, easy to execute and very less time consuming. That’s my Summer Fitness Guide. But just in case you failed to note it down, here’s a lowdown on the whole regime.

1) Jumping Jacks * 20 Reps
A full body exercise with big explosive movements giving you a thrust of energy

2) Burpees * 5 Reps
Great full body strength training. One of the best forms of Functional Fitness

3) Squat Builder * 10 Each
Great for leg muscles. Helps in improving upper & lower body strengths

4) Push Ups * 15 Reps
Good for shoulder strength and toning up your arms

5) Pitcher Lunges * 5 Each
Good for hip strength and leg mobility

6) Sumo Hold * 30 Seconds
Builds strength of lower back, hips & legs.

I would really want to all my viewers to surely try and practice these simple exercises and see the benefits in a couple of weeks. In fact, follow this regime for at least 3 days in a week for 40 days, and I assure you that you shall feel the difference in the way your body looks and feels. So get going and please do definitely write in with the benefits that you experience with this regime.

Love and Health,

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Have you ever given a thought to the fact on how much stress does your body and your mind endure on a daily basis?

In today’s day and time of fast-paced lives, especially in a city like Dubai and other big cities in the world, Stress seemed to be the most used, overused and abused the word. Alternatively, at least that is what the perception is. However, what is more, worrying is that Stress is not a perception. Stress is for real and is taking its toll on our lives, slowly and silently, much like slow poison

Just take a pause and think of the stressed moments, and you will realize that more often than not, we wake up stressed. We spend our day in stressful conditions, only to go back to bed worrying about the next day.

Have a look at these statistics –

– 1 in 10 people is likely to take anti-depressant medicines.
– Amongst women in their 40s & 50s, that number is 1 in 4.
– 75% adults report experiencing moderate to high levels of stress.
– 80% of the workers feel stress in their jobs
– Fewer than 25% of those with depression worldwide have access to effective treatments

I am not sure if stress can be avoided, but I truly believe that it can surely be dealt better by us. Guiding us on the same is my guest, Life Coach & Craniosacral Therapy Expert – May Britt.

May ensured that our conversation on dealing with stress starts on an absolute de-stressed note. Her way of destressing me was by making me aware that stress can both be negative and positive. While positive stress motivates us and pushes us to challenge our limits (birth of a baby), it is the negative stress that actually takes its toll on the mind and the body. So then, how do we effectively deal with negative stress? Watch the video to know more on this from the expert herself.

One aspect is there for sure – that Stress is less about what the situation does to us, and more about what we do about the situation. It is all about how we deal with the situation and how we react. So take a deep breath, fill in your lungs with oxygen, let there be a gush positive energy in your body and the quaintness of a calm mind; because you can beat stress by saying no to others and saying a yes to yourself. How do you deal with stress? I would love you to share with me.

I sincerely want all my readers/viewers to follow the tips given by May and do write me on how these tips may have benefitted you.

Love and Health,

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Soaring temperatures, unbearable heat, high humidity, and the resulting sweat leading to loss of vital salts and water content of the body!!! Well, it is summertime in Dubai, and almost everybody is feeling the heat. The one definitive way that we can beat the heat is a bottle of water.

With over 2 million residents, UAE is the 3rd largest water consumer in the world, only after the USA and Canada. Being an avid health enthusiast, I always ensure that I am consuming at least 10 glasses of water a day, and maybe even more in the summers. ‘Water’ is everybody’s lifeline;
An essentially irreplaceable necessity and requirement in our lives. To get into the depth of what efforts, process, and technology goes into the bottled drinking water that we consume, I decided to visit the bottling plant of Mai Dubai in Yalayas. I personally find the brand name extremely intriguing. Mai stands for water in Arabic. So then Mai Dubai literally stands for The Water of Dubai. In the words of the CEO of Mai Dubai, Jay Andres, just like the city of Dubai, Mai Dubai stands for world class quality.

Well, I must admit that this was my first visit to a bottling plant. As excited as I was to see a drinking water bottling plant, I was equally interested in knowing as to what sets Mai Dubai apart from the other bottled water brands. Watch the video and experience it with me…

Yes, I was amazed at the best global practices and world class sterilization standards being maintained at the plant; but the health freak inside was itching to know if Mai Dubai has any health benefits too. Of course, it does. It has extremely low sodium content and is high in minerals like calcium and magnesium, thus not just rehydrating your body but also replenishing it with minerals.

No wonder then, Mai Dubai has a galore of accolades to its credit. In 2015 & 2016, Mai Dubai won the Best Factory Award in Food Safety by Dubai Municipality, with the highest A-Grade rating. Not just that, The US magazine ‘Beverage World’ also gave Mai Dubai a bronze award in the water category. Since April 2015, it has also become the preferred bottled drinking water for all passengers on Emirates Airlines. That is a testimony to the high level of standards that Mai Dubai has maintained.

So the next time, you pick up a bottle of water to quench your thirst, ensure that you are not merely rehydrating, but also replenishing your body too. Always eager to know your thoughts and views…

Love and Health,

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How to make Almond milk at home? Its super easy and very healthy. Almond milk is less in calories. its a very healthy drink for weight loss and other benefits of Almond milk are very as we all know its a superfood.
A couple of days ago when I shared the recipes of my Super Smoothies, I got many queries which interestingly, were mostly about the almond milk that I had used to make the smoothies. Where do I buy my Almond Milk from? Which is the best brand of Almond Milk to buy? Why do I use Almond Milk and not Dairy Milk? … Moreover, many such more queries.

Well, to answer your questions, let me just list down the benefits of Almond Milk.

– One cup of almond milk contains only 60 calories… so it is a great option for weight management.
– Almond milk has no cholesterol or saturated fats and is high in omega fatty acids, thus helping you manage blood pressure and heart diseases.
– Almond Milk contains 30% of the recommended daily amount of Calcium and 25% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin D.
– Almond Milk is enriched with 50% of the daily amount of recommended Vitamin E with anti-oxidant properties; it can help you say goodbye to skin problems forever.
– Almond Milk is low in Carbs and thus helps in controlling Blood Sugar.

The benefits are much more, but I believe these should answer most of your queries. However, coming to back to your query of which is the best brand of Almond Milk, if you believe me, the best brand is the one that you make at home. I never buy my almond milk from the market and always make it on my own in my kitchen. Click on the link below and watch how I make it at home.


In my last write-up, I have suggested a couple of smoothies that you can make using Almond Milk (https://theumashow.com/smoothie-recipes-power-breakfast/). Today, I am going to add up to that by giving you two very simple-to-make, yet super healthy recipes using Almond Milk.

Turmeric Latte

Turmeric Latte has actually taken the world by storm and is one super healthy drink that everyone wants to lay his or her hands on. Also known as the Golden Milk, Turmeric Latte is great for your skin, healthy for your brain, delays Diabetes, reduces cholesterol, fights cancer and has much more such benefits. Hence, it is also known as ‘Super Food.’ The good news is, you can make this at home in just a few minutes.

Boil some freshly made almond milk. Once the milk comes to a boil, add some organic turmeric and a few cinnamon sticks for flavor and there you are, your turmeric latte is ready. You can add some honey or agave syrup for sweetness… your Super Food is ready for you.

Hot Chocolate

The second simple, yet super recipe is Hot chocolate. It is one of my favorite drinks and a definitive mood booster.

Boil some almond milk, add some organic cocoa, and mix it well till the color turns dark. Your hot chocolate is ready. Simple isn’t it!

A perfect drink for the evening after a long and tiring day; and if you take my advice, it is better than any tea/coffee.

So these were my recipes for Almond Milk. I would want you to try it at home, and if you do so, don’t forget to write me with your experience. Also, I would love to know about your experiments and recipes with Almond milk. So do share your thoughts and experiences, because remember, the more we share, the more we care.

Love and Health,

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3 Breakfast Smoothies Recipe for Weight loss And Glowing Skin | The Power Breakfast Smoothies.

Smoothie sounds yum.. I believe that smoothies are the ultimate breakfast food and very effective for weight loss and glowing skin. They’re super fast to make and give your body the necessary nutrients to face the day. Here are 3 of my favorite healthy smoothie recipes for breakfast they’re all easy to make and taste absolutely nice
I never like to skip my breakfast and so the days when I am super busy; I love making a smoothie myself and carry it on the go – healthy, nutritious and convenient. Exactly, the three words all busy women love when it comes to food. I am happier when I have proper breakfast.

So today I am excited to share my power breakfast recipes with you all, my tribe – The Power Breakfast Smoothies.

You see smoothies are easy to make, hassle free preparations, full of nutrition, very filling and most importantly, incredibly yummy. So here are the recipes to 4 Power Smoothies, that I have experimented with and have found them to be ticking all the right boxes of health, nutrition, taste and time management. Here we go then.

I) Banana & Strawberry Smoothie

Almond Milk + Banana + Strawberry + Blueberry

A very filling smoothie that takes just about 3-4 minutes. The banana strawberry smoothie is just the right kind of boost that your body needs right at the start of the day. Bananas are great for your heart and skin, strawberries boost your immune system, and my favorite…the Vitamin D super ingredient almond milk ensures that you will have a great day ahead.

II) Avocado & Dates Smoothie

Almond Milk + Dates + Avocado + Sunflower Seeds + Cinnamon

I do not think I need to reiterate my love for Avocado. Combine that with locally produced dates, and you have got a mood booster for the day. Avocados are great for your heart; dates are a great source of iron and help in weight loss, whereas the sunflower seeds take care of your essential fatty acid requirements. This smoothie is creamy & thick & filling thanks to the super-combination, and a definitive energy booster.

III) Very Berry Smoothie

Blueberries + Strawberries + Raspberries + Almond Milk

When you have 3 kinds of berries in your smoothie, it cannot be named anything else but for a Very Berry smoothie. You want to wake your body up; then this is the smoothie for you. To say that it is delicious would be an understatement. The first sip of this smoothie and you shall experience a volcano of flavors in your mouth and a plethora of nutrition for your body. Blueberries are great for your heart, the raspberries take charge of your anti-oxidant needs, and of course, the strawberries boost your immune system. Could there be a better start to the day?

IV) Green Morning Smoothie

Almond Milk + Cucumber + Pineapple + Ginger + Cilantro + Basil Leaves

This one is a mega concoction. If you like to start your day with something green, then this one is for you. The basil, cilantro, and ginger make this the best smelling smoothie, whereas the pineapple and the basil leaves give you your dose of anti-oxidants and pump up your immune system; and of course the cucumber – great for your skin and detoxification. In fact, in my opinion, this is the perfect smoothie for the Dubai Summers.

Watch the video and see how quick and easy they are to make.

I must mention that these recipes are my experiments with healthy food, and you can totally add in your elements and make them even better. You can even use coconut milk or rice milk (I avoid soya milk) instead of the almond milk if you like. These smoothies are easy to make, easy to carry, give you the right nutrition and add to the variety. In fact, I often give smoothies to my son, and he loves them.

So ladies hit the smoothies and ensure that there’s never a dull morning again. Do try my recipes and I would love to hear from you and take your feedback. Also, feel free to experiment with my recipes and do share your ideas on how to make them better. What is your favorite smoothie recipe?

Love and Health,

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Often when people ask me about the changes and the positivity that reflects from my life, I ask them instead, albeit cliché, my favorite question – When was the Last Time? So then for today, I shall want to ask you a few of my favorite ones. Answer them honestly.

When was the last time you woke up in the morning and were raring to have a go at the day?

When was the last time you patted your back and told yourself – Good Job?

When was the last time you didn’t feel tired and directionless half way through the day?

When was the last time that you felt worthless and not making enough sense to your own self?

And last…and the most important one –

When was the last time when you went back to your bed, satisfied and happy about the day?

The answer to the above questions will tell you, whether or not you are in realization of your true potential. If not, then may be its time to ‘Re-Invent’ yourself. I am completely aware that there’s a huge fuss about the word Re-Invent – On how to do it? On how to go about it? And what will the end result be like. From my personal experience I can tell you that you don’t have to sweat about Re-Inventing yourself; because reinvention is more about the awareness than the forced efforts. It is about your consciousness for a better and stronger self. It is more about the process than the end result. Believe me, every time I have re-invented myself, it has always been when I am most broken. It is exactly when we hit rock bottom, that we need to pick ourselves up and turn things around. From my experiences, I have to believe that re-invention is a necessary part of our lives; necessary for a stronger, clearer and a happier us.

My guest today is a Master of turning things around – a breast cancer hero, a life coach, an inspiring Wonder woman, Nadine Chammas. She is someone that I have always looked up to. Often and rightfully called as Ms.Positivity, Nadine has this unique quality of spotting a ray of hope even in the darkest situations. I believe that it takes a woman of great substance like Nadine, who started coaching her own self, once she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

De-cluttering your mind, loving yourself, picking up your pieces together, realizing your true potential…when Nadine and I start talking, we can just go on and on even as we try and spread the light of positivity and reinvention. So then I guess I shall leave you with the interview of Nadine with the hope that if you are feeling stuck, you shall press re-invent button.

Start small but start for sure. Of course, please don’t forget to write in with your stories of re-invention; because both my readers and I can always feel better with a little more positivity.

Love and Health,

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How to juice? Its my secret recipes about anti ageing . my most favorite anti ageing juice recipes that will make you look young and make your skin glow.
I am very passionate about good health and well-being, and I am always on the lookout for ways to keep myself youthful. I have often been confronted with questions about my age, about my diet plans, about what keeps me so energetic and youthful. So I decided to share my little secret of good health, great skin and over all well-being with all of you today. Trust me; it is no secret. It is something that all of us are aware of but may be just too lethargic to implement.

The secret to my youthfulness are Fresh vegetable juices. By youthfulness, I do not just mean great skin and cosmetic anti-ageing effects; I mean high levels of energy, a youthfulness that reflects in your thoughts and in your actions. I actually got hooked on to fresh vegetable juices a few months ago, and believe me; the effects have been wonderful, to say the least. My skin has been glowing; my hair more luscious and most importantly my energy levels have been at an all-time high – all this, by investing just a few minutes in the kitchen. So here we go the recipes four Super juices as I call them.

I) Energizing Juice

Celery Stalks + carrots + Kale leaves + Cucumber + Ginger Chunk

If you are often low on energy and feel lethargic during the day… this is the juice to have. Pumped with the nutrition of the best vegetable on planet – Kale, the digestive properties of ginger, celery stalks take care of blood pressure issues and carrots being great for skin and hair, the energizing juice is just the right potion that keeps me going all day long. In fact, I also carry it along as I go about my hectic schedules, and of course, it tastes yum

II) The Wrinkle Beater

Red Beet + Carrot + Kale + Green Apple + Lime

Ageing is all about oxidation. So if you want to slow down the ageing process, include ingredients that have more anti-oxidants. The wrinkle beater juice is an anti-oxidant bomb. Beet root is amongst the best sources of Vitamin C, and that is an absolute essential for skin rejuvenation and hydration. My skin feels younger and healthier since I have started consuming the wrinkle beater juice, and of course, the sweet and tangy flavor makes this one of my favorite juices.

III) The Immortal Juice

Tomatoes + Carrots + Green Apple + Celery + Kale + Parsley + Garlic

Now, before you get bogged down by that long list, be rest assured that all of those ingredients are easily available in the supermarkets of Dubai. In fact, most of the above veggies are more often than not found in our refrigerators. So another very easy and simple juice to make, yet loaded with vitamins and nutrients that address the complete well-being of the body. Yes, thanks to the garlic, this is also the spiciest of the juices and thus an apt replacement for the evening tea.

IV) The Age Stopper

Coconut Water + Red Apple + Lime + Blueberries

The most refreshing anti-ageing juice for the summer, the age stopper comes loaded with the goodness of coconut water, and apple clubbed with the anti-oxidant properties of the blueberries. If green juices are not your cup of tea, then the age stopper is the perfect and a yummy juice for you.

Watch the video and see my preparations.

I know a lot of you are confused about the benefits of juicing, and personally more than relying on researches, I believe in experimenting with by own body, and I saw the benefits. I feel when we juice, we have the micronutrients from veggies ready for us to consume in one glass. The micronutrients available in one glass of vegetable juice typically come from a volume of vegetables we would not be able to sit down and eat all at once. I also feel these concentrated micronutrients available are incredibly easy for our body to assimilate. Personally, I prefer juicing vegetables than fruits as I feel fruits have way too much sugar that does not work for me. I truly encourage you to experiment, maintain a food diary and see what works or you and what doesn’t.
Have you already experimented with it? I would love to know your experience and may be you could also share your favorite recipe with my tribe and me. 

Love and Health

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Benefits of Vampire Facial – The Uma Show

In my persistent efforts to improve the health of my skin, to have it more healthy and glowing, more importantly get even skin tone, I came across the much talked about PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) facial or otherwise popularly known as the Vampire Facelift. This has been one technique that is probably the most talked about around the world, and thanks to the innumerable celebrities who have opted for PRP, as also are promoting it. I had read about this procedure and what excited me was the aspect that this technique uses your own blood (so all natural and no foreign material) to heal your skin. My curiosity made me get in touch with Dr. Maurizio of the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery here in Dubai. I must admit, he is one of the best in the business. Dr. Maurizio didn’t just assure me of the affectivity of PRP in improving the quality of my skin, brighter complexion, reduction in fine lines but also assured me that it is one of the simplest procedures that I would have to undergo. Especially for somebody like me who is terrified by the sight of a needle, Dr. Maurizio’s assurances really helped me make up my mind for this procedure.

And now begins my adventure (I call it adventure because of the needles again). I landed up at the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery directly from a shoot. I thus had to remove my make-up first and then I was given the application of a numbing gel (topical anesthetic cream) on my face. Post this, about 30-40 ml of blood was injected out and the same was centrifuged to separate the various elements of my blood and extract Platelet Rich Plasma. To explain about these platelets in simple language, when we have an injury on our body, it is the platelet cells that help in recovery and healing of the injury. The PRP facial is exactly the same procedure, wherein our own platelets are use to heal our damaged skin.

Once the platelets were separated and concentrated the same was injected into my skin by creating micro-pores. Thanks to the application of the numbing gel, I must confess the procedure was absolutely painless. If at all there was any sensation, it was that of someone pinching my skin. So don’t get overwhelmed by the images that you see on the internet. Yes the process might leave your face a little reddish and sore for about a day, but the procedure in itself is painless. Or may be it’s my doctor. 😉

The whole process took about 45 minutes, and by the end of it, my facial skin did feel a little tight, as also reddish. However, as Dr. Maurizio had suggested, this lasted only for a day. However, it was post a couple of days that I started experiencing the wonders that PRP was doing to my skin. In 7 days time, my skin was feeling tighter, plumper, evenly toned, glowing, less open pores and of course the pigmentation much lighter, but most importantly healthier and rejuvenated. It’s almost as if my skin is breathing a lease of life these days, to an extent that I have stopped using my foundation. Ahhh!!! what liberation. Watch the video and see the process…

You can see the progression of the Vampire Facial from Day 1 to day 7…and let me assure all my readers, this is the real me. No photography tricks or Photoshop gimmicks here…and I repeat, I am not wearing any make-up, because there is no better make-up than beautiful skin.

So if you are looking forward to an effective and valuable solution to your skin problems, I shall definitely recommend the Platelet Rich Plasma to you. In case you have already opted for this procedure or any other that has worked for you and made your skin look healthier, I would love you to share with me readers/ viewers. Always waiting to hear from my tribe…

Love and Health,

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As an entrepreneur, I am completely aware of the multiple responsibilities that a woman has to fulfill; and that often burns us out. Especially in a global mega city like Dubai where life is always on the move, where gadgets consume more of our time than humans and where sleep is considered a luxury, time exhausts us at a faster rate than we can ever imagine. That’s exactly the time when we need to probably take a step back, take a pause, breathe in deeply, and just try and be aware of ourselves. I must confess it’s not as simple as I might have portrayed it as…but it is not impossible either. Even if it is impossible…aren’t we women always pulling off some or the other impossible feat every day of our lives? That in my opinion is empowerment. I have personally experienced this empowerment and I wanted to extend same to other women in my circle. I was very sure of the fact that I wanted to make a difference. So what if the understanding of women empowerment is misconstrued, so what if I can’t change the way majority of the world thinks, can I at least start with the change I wanted to see? Yes I can…and thus culminated the idea of the The Inner Matrix, which is basically a networking session, sharing of ideas, a platform to inspire and aspire for successful women. On the occasion of the International Women’s Day on the 8th of March, I organized the Inner Matrix with support of my friend Shamira Mitha, the founder and MD of Verve PR and communication, in association with my favorite newest hotel in town Westin Dubai, Al Habtoor City.

I was happy to see a healthy turnout of the invitees, most of whom were successful entrepreneurs and names to reckon with in their respective fields. Come to think of it, as women, we often engage ourselves in so many roles, and we so immerse ourselves in a plethora of responsibilities, that we often forget our own selves. We often tend to forget that we are important, that we are beautiful, that our definition of happiness might differ from that of the world, yet we have every right to be happy. If we are not happy, if we don’t feel beautiful about ourselves, if we don’t enjoy the successes of our lives, how can we extend the same to our loved ones, our families and our society? How can I give something that I don’t have? Hence my thought that if you want to soar in life, you must F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself). You must connect with yourself, talk to yourself, and feel the inner matrix and bond with the powerful inner guide that lies within all of us.

The Inner Matrix didn’t just give me an opportunity to connect with some very inspiring and successful women, but it also gave me and everyone else a platform to express their experiences and their ways of connecting to something more deeper, something more meaningful. I of course wanted to keep it simple, so my focus was mainly on the small breathing practices and short meditation sessions that can help an individual stay rooted and always look at the larger picture even in chaos. My dear friends,Nadine Chamman and Irina Sharma, spoke on listening to our inner voice and the importance of healing through food and through our eating practices respectively.

But hold on, just before you think that The Inner Matrix is all about discourses and preaching…no its not. It’s actually more about connecting, not just with the inner –self but also with inspirational personalities. A high – tea session was organized where the women mingled and got to know each other better. Of course there were goody bags for everyone, but the best was saved for the last, and that was a Pamper Yourself session by the hotel’s Heavenly Spa. Westin Dubai Al Habtoor City also pampered the women with one night stay, brunch and spa vouchers – Truly grateful to them. Watch the video and see what the Inner Matrix was about….

So, to put things in a nutshell, inspiring personalities, smiling faces, innovative yet simple ways of listening to the inner voice and re-connecting to the inner matrix, connecting with successful women, Hi-tea, goody bags, spa session…aah…can it get any better? Well yes, it can. It can and it will get better, only when all my readers and viewers and all the women put in their small little efforts towards their own empowerment. Because there’s no greater knowledge than self-awareness and there’s no greater power than the inner voice. If you want to be successful, listen to the voice that’s inside of you. Because success has no set parameters, and as Arianna Huffington beautifully quotes – Failure is not the opposite of success…it’s a part of success. So go all out, cherish your failures and script your own success story.

Before I wrap this up, how can I not extend an invitation to all my women viewers to be a part of the Inner Matrix. Just write in to me with your experiences, and you might soon be a part of the Inner Matrix. Till then, keep listening to your inner voice.

Love and Health,


Let me start with a few questions. You want to be fighting fit? You have the eagerness but you don’t have the time? Even if you have the time you are not finding the right gym? Or maybe you are not finding the right trainer? Or don’t have the budget for one? Do you want to train at home, but don’t have the right equipments?

In case you have answered in YES to most of the above questions, then I have a solution for you. You don’t need a gym, you don’t need a trainer, and you don’t even need a big space. All you need is 20 minutes…and I can assure that you can be fighting fit as I am going to introduce you to HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training.

Now you might have already heard of this training format, and some of you might even be practicing it already. But just in case you are yet unaware of the most popular and easiest form of training, there is a video guide below to the same.

HIIT has emerged as an effective way of burning fat for many people around the world. In fact they are designed in a way to increase your heart rate, in short sharp intervals, which in turn increases your resting metabolic rate effectively. What I am coming to is that you can burn more calories even when you are resting.

So here we go then, you should do 110 Reps total of all in one round and total of 5 rounds. A maximum of 15 seconds rest between exercises and a maximum of 1 minutes rest between rounds.

– Start with some warm up, swing your legs, stretch your arm, ensure enough warmth in your hips
– 30 * Squat Jumps. Squat as low as possible, almost as if sitting on a chair. And jump as high as you can.
– 10* Walk Out Push Ups. Ensure that your back is straight.
– 20* Mountain Climbers. Ensure that you stretch your legs to the fullest.
– 10* Lunges + Squats on each leg. Stretch to the fullest as you can.
– 20* Courtesy Lunges
– 20* High Knees to Hands

Repeat the whole round 5 times. Each exercise should be completed with maximal effort. At the end of the workout, you should be completely drained and exhausted. Ensure that your rest time is minimal as only then can you achieve a higher rate of resting metabolic activity.

HIIT is known to be far more effective that normal forms of Cardio. In fact, in some researches it has been proved to be 50% more effective in burning fat tissues as compared to conventional forms of low-intensity exercises. But beyond that, this is one form of exercise that needs no gym, no equipments, no trainer and hardly any space. So…do you have any more excuses to not exercise?

I am a fitness enthusiast and I just can’t imagine a day without indulging into activities that help me attain, sustain and maintain my fitness. I often experiment with various fitness regimes. With the pure intent of experiencing the various benefits of varied fitness modules, I am always on the lookout for new and effective ways of workout. I must confess HIIT has indeed helped me to a great extent and am sure you will see the results too, provided you stick to the line.

I would love to know more about your exercise routine. Always happy to hear from you, what motivates you to keep fit; I would also like to know if you want to see more fitness videos on my page.

Love and Health,

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Breast Cancer one of the most talk about and discuss subject. Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer in women.
will discuss the symptoms, causes and medication or treatment of breast cancer.
Can there ever be any good news about Cancer? I mean, can we actually use the word Good and Cancer in the same sentence? Let’s give it a try. Following are some of the headlines that I read from various international medical bulletins.

Breast Cancer deaths have dropped in many countries.

Rates of Death to breast cancer have fallen in 39 countries

42% fewer US women are dying of Breast Cancer

Now that is definitely some good news about Cancer, isn’t it? Unfortunately, every time that I try reading up something about Breast Cancer, it often starts on a very alarming note with statistics that can scare the hell out of anyone. Yes, breast cancer is alarming. Yes, breast cancer is a matter of grave concern for today’s women; especially because most women are often shy, and at times even ignorant of the changes in the physiology of their breasts. But not all is as bad, and definitely, there is hope. With every passing day of advancement in medical science and Cancer research, it is quite clear, that breast cancer can be treated and every woman can lead a normal life even after suffering from breast cancer. All one needs to do…is be aware.

It is with this intention that I spoke to Dr. Astha Mishra, Gynecologist from Aster Clinics and Hospital, to understand Breast Cancer and know the methods of its early detection. Do watch the video and hear what Dr. Astha has to say.

One thing is quite clear, early detection of breast cancer is quite tricky. However, a sense of awareness, regular self-examination, and consulting your doctor in case of any doubt, can definitely go a long way in treating Breast Cancer in its early stages. As Dr. Astha pointed out, not all breast cancer patients have to undergo mastectomy, and even in cases of mastectomy, re-construction is always an option. All you got to do is have hope, be positive and never give up. Just like Irina Sharma. Do you remember her gritty and inspirational story of her fight with breast cancer? Just in case you want your dose of motivation for your battle, you must see the story of Irina.


Have you ever realized that CANCER has a CAN in it? And this CAN means YOU CAN. All you got to do is…be alert, understand your body, develop healthy lifestyle, and above all achieve
Emotional higher ground. And everybody CAN fight CANCER. Do write in to me if you have anything you have to share or any important information about Breast Cancer so that we can all benefit from your valuable input.

Love and Health,

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Ouch!!! Did that hurt? Maybe not that much! Wouldn’t it be really nice if most of the physical pains could be dealt with a mere Ouch…especially the pain of those big surgeries? Alas! That’s not the case always. In fact one of the biggest apprehensions that all of us have with regards to any surgery is the after-effect, the painful recovery process that one has to go through in the post-surgical phase. But fear no more, because medical science has advanced to a level wherein even the most complicated surgeries can be executed with minimum invasion and in an almost painless manner; and that technology is Laparoscopy.

Imagine undergoing an intensive surgery and walking your way to work in just 3 days from the date of surgery! Or can you imagine an intensive surgery without much blood loss, no/minimal post-surgical pain, and no scarring stitches! That’s laparoscopy. What surprises me is the fact that Laparoscopy has been around for about 50 years now, yet there is a certain lack of awareness associated with the technique of laparoscopy. I had a very informative chat with Dr. Ann Mini Matthew, Gynecologist and Laparoscopy Specialist, Aster Clinic and Hospitals, to understand more about this painless way of surgeries. Undoubtedly, my biggest take away from this chat was the fact that Laparoscopy can be used for practically all gynecological disorders and surgeries and is in fact one of the easiest, safest and the most painless way of surgeries. Watch the video and know all about this medical technique.

Ideally, take good care of yourself and ensure that you never end up in a situation that needs any surgery. But that’s an ideal condition and it’s only human to take ill. Therefore, god forbid, your medical condition requires a surgery, do consider if Laparoscopy could be an option. Because I truly believe, that there is no better pain killer than a laparoscopic surgery. Then again, that’s just me saying it and I have never undergone a laparoscopic procedure. So in case you have, why don’t you share your experience for my viewers? After all, your positive experience will only help loads of my viewers make a better and hopefully, a painless choice.

Love and Health,

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When did you last buy something organic for your kitchen? And where did you buy it from? Did you buy it from a big supermarket? Could you easily locate organic produce for the overall health of your family? Most importantly, are you sure that the produce you just bought is actually organic? And how organic is organic?

These are some of the queries that often cross everybody’s mind who is conscious of what they eat, and want to go the organic way. With my preference of organic produce in my kitchen, I must admit that laying my hands over real organic produce has not been easy. On days that am lucky, I get them over the counter…and on other days, I have to really scout for organic produce that I can totally rely on. I also have a small kitchen garden where I grow my own herbs and a few veggies. But having said that, it looks like today onwards I can put an end to this huge dilemma once and forever; because today, I have the Miracle Woman Elena Kinane with me. Yes, I call her the miracle woman because Elena has managed to build a green belt of organic produce, right in the middle of a scorching dessert.

What started as hobby from her balcony, has now transformed into a full-fledged organic farm. From juicy cucumbers, to the most authentic form of carrots, and from the rarest and freshest herbs to dairy and poultry products…Greenheart Organic Farms have more than 125 different kinds of organic produce…ranging across Vegetables, Herbs, Dairy and Poultry Products. But what really impressed me is her vast knowledge on this and the extreme labour that Elena puts into each and every of her produce. Right from sourcing genuine heirloom seeds, to soil building and harvesting fresh produce every morning, Elena ensures that each and every produce from Greenheart Organic Farms is not just organic but also brimming with the right nutrients. It was indeed a pleasure to chat with Elena, who is not just a determined entrepreneur, but an entrepreneur with a purpose – the purpose of healthy living for UAE. Watch the full interview and learn more about organic produce.

So the next time you want organic produce for your kitchen, don’t waste your time in a shopping mall…www.greenheartuae.com is the place to be for the right kind of nutrition and great health of your family. Always looking forward to your valuable inputs…

Love and Health,

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The one time that I fall short of words is when I want to talk about pregnancy. For every emotion that I want to express…it always seems to be falling short of the right expression. Its joyous, it’s lively, it’s powerful, it’s bold, it’s the purest form of love, and the highest form of being… it’s much more than what simple words can ever express. The beauty of being pregnant is the fact that a woman is at her strongest, yet at her most vulnerable self during the course of pregnancy. I remember how cautious I was during my pregnancy days. My efforts helped me keep my calm, but at the same time, the well-being of my baby was the paramount concern for me in those days.

Talking of well-being during pregnancy, quite a few women often suffer from cardiovascular disorders during pregnancy, and that can be quite concerning. Because then it’s is not just about one heart, it is about two hearts; and to keep both those hearts beating together, in tandem and in good health, it is extremely important to take utmost care of the mother. Considering the fact that a woman who is pregnant needs to extremely conservative during her fitness regime too as that can make the case all the more critical. So what better way but to take advice from a cardiologist who specializes in such cases? I spoke to Dr. Arun Cheriyan, Cardiologist from Aster Clinics and Hospitals and tried understanding the ways to deal with heart diseases during pregnancy.

The three basic points of my chat with Dr. Cheriyan are these –
1) Take care of your nutrition. Don’t bother about calories, rather be more concerned about the quality
2) Reduce your stress level. Practice Meditation
3) And last but not the least, exercise and Be Active.

To have a life harboring inside you is nothing short of a miracle. After all it leads to the birth of a child as also of a mother. So take good care of yourself and be absolutely fit and fine to embrace the biggest role of your life.

Last but not the least, it would really help a lot of my readers if we could all share our experiences and try and calm the restless minds of the pregnant mothers. So, come on and pour in your beautiful journey – as sharing is caring.

Love and Health,

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Just imagine this, you walk up to your refrigerator, with your hand full of foodstuff…and there’s nobody else to help you. Oh!!! What do you do? Offload the entire foodstuff, open the door of the refrigerator, and then hold it with one hand, even as you stuff in the food stuff with your other hand? Or…what if the refrigerator could sense your presence and open the door on its own?? Fancy that!!!

You know what’s exciting about technology? No, it’s not always about the latest innovations. To me, it’s more about how evolving technology constantly helps in making our lives easier. The fact that technology is becoming more and more human friendly, more and more user friendly, is what makes it exciting; and if you can add a dash of style and design to technology, I don’t think it gets any better than that. Or Does it?

Of course it does. I had the opportunity of experiencing the latest from the house of LG, the LG Signature Collection. Being a patron of LG, I have always experienced high reliability with my LG appliances. But this time, I was in for a huge surprise…and I couldn’t just stop smiling. One look at the latest range of the LG Signature Collection, and you will realize that when State of the Art Technology comes together with the essence of design, the end result is sheer magic.

The LG Signature Collection comprises of 4 appliances – The LG Signature OLED TV, the LG Signature Air Purifier, the LG Signature Twin Wash Washing Machine and the LG Signature Refrigerator. All these products have a few common features – Functionality, Beauty and Unique Essence. I must admit that each and every appliance that I have mentioned is nothing short of a piece of art and an epitome of user friendliness.

Have a look at them one by one, and I promise you, you would be as amused as I was.

That beauty and brains don’t go hand-in-hand is an old school cliché. Indeed for the longest time, that has been the reality of the gadgets and the appliances industry. But LG is all set to change the game. The LG Signature Collection is definitively life-enhancing, providing exceptional lifestyle through meaningful innovation and timeless aesthetics. Do share with me how this latest, modern, state of the art, high on technology products help you in your daily life. Have they made your life any easier?

Love & Health,

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Let me start with the bare basic. What is a blog? Google says – a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or a small group, which is written in an informal or conversational style.

Well, if I were to reply to that…I would say Google is right, but not completely; because a blog is much more than the above technical description. A blog is passion, zeal, even an obsession…an obsession to communicate and make your thoughts reach out to a larger audience in a way that keeps them informed, educates them, entertains them and most importantly motivates them.

When I had started writing my blog, that is exactly what was my vision, and that still remains the same for me. But is my way the only right way to blog? Or is there something more? In fact, is there a definitive way to blog in the first place? Is blogging as easy as it seems? And does blogging help make money? All these and a plethora of many more queries hound so many novice bloggers out there. To address all of my inquisitive viewers, I decided to have a chat with Max Stanton a.k.a. Max of Arabia and Tala Samman, two of the most prolific and widely followed bloggers in the Middle East. While Tala if a formidable word in the world of fashion and lifestyle, Max on the other hand has created an interesting mix of following thanks to his half-British, half – American origin with the strength of being able to speak Arabic. Here’s my conversation with these two social media celebrities on the art of blogging.

Blogging is definitely not about instant money, it’s more about your patience, perseverance and passion. It is often said, blogging is not merely about earning, it is more about helping others with the knowledge and the experiences that you gain. Just as Max put it…it’s always great when blogging is not your sole source of income. Rather when blogging is the result of a talent that you have…when you pour out your heart in your blogs, that’s when blogs come alive in the form of followers. Until then, a blog is merely the technical definition given by Google. I would like to add that if you follow your passion and dream, you will definitely reach your goal and maybe make a career out of it.

With every blog that I write, I do hope to make a difference to at least one life. If I can achieve that, I would have justified my journey of trying to have a positive and inspiring eco-system in and around us. Have I succeeded even marginally in my efforts? I would love to hear from you, and do pour in your thoughts on my today’s conversation… as only exchange of constructive ideas can take us to a constructive future.

Love and Health,

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Vitamin D Deficiency

This video is all about vitamin D Deficiency. Vitamin D is the main essential supplement of our body.
Feeling fatigued might have become a common phenomenon in today’s fast-paced life, but then when the fatigue lasts for a longer time – it is time to raise the alarm. That is exactly what happened to me some time ago. I would often feel exhausted and tired, and more concerning was the fact that I was finding it difficult to focus and keep my interests up. To be honest, that is not a usual feeling for me as I am extremely conscious about my fitness regime and my diet; yet why was I not feeling my usual upbeat self?

A few tests, a couple of consultations and Vitamin D Deficiency turned out to be the culprit. Alternatively, should I say, I was the culprit for the lack of Vitamin D in my body. I was put on Vitamin D Supplements, and it took me a good 3 months to recover completely. Now, why am I narrating this story to you? In all probabilities, even you could be Vitamin D Deficient without even knowing about it.

Research says that about 90% of the people in Dubai are Vitamin D deficient and consequently, I spoke to Dr. Abul Fazil from Aster Clinic and Hospital to understand more about Vitamin D Deficiency. The aspects that he put forth are quite concerning. However, the most concerning part here is the fact that there are no edible resources of Vitamin D. Sardines, salmon, eggs, portobello mushrooms, tofu, almonds can provide some amount of Vitamin D…just about 10-20%, and that is definitely not enough. Vitamin D supplements are administered, like in my case, but then the body can absorb not more than 5-10% from these supplements. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a lot of issues like depression, kidney disorders, and bone disorders in infants and elderlies, and much more. So then what’s the way to acquire enough Vitamin D.? It is quite simple actually…just get up and soak in the morning sunlight. Watch the video for Dr. Fazil’s valuable input on this for your benefit.

At the end of it, I would just like to point out at one aspect. Our gyms are air-conditioned, homes have huge curtains, offices are behind dark glasses; in general and our lives are spent in concrete boxes. In this modern world, we have conveniently shielded ourselves from the primary source of life – The Sun, in turn disturbing the complete bio-chemical cycles of our body.

So the next time that you feel fatigued and tired, feel disinterested, or even if you do not feel any of them; just get up wherever you are, walk out in the open, and soak in all the sunlight. Because feeling happy and bright under the sunshine…should need no reason. Do share any advice you may have for the viewers on dealing with Vitamin D deficiency.

Love and Health,

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If you are thinking that with another interview on IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) related issue I am repeating myself, then you are both right and wrong. Right – because yes, I did discuss the subject of IVF with Dr. Gautam Allahabadia from Aster Clinic and Hospital in one of the earlier episodes and you can find the link for the same here – (https://theumashow.com/health-care-vitro-fertilization/).

Why did I say wrong above – because this time my discussion with Dr. Gautam, is actually a result of the overwhelming response, or should I say, the plethora of queries that came to me about the various advancements in IVF and the possibility of the baby being completely disease free. Hence, Dr. Gautam is back on my show talking about not just IVF, but also about the various Chromosomal Screening Techniques available as an aid to ensure a healthy baby. In fact, the technology has reached a stage, wherein even parents with Genetic Disorders can ensure an absolutely healthy baby. It is really heartwarming to know of the hope that modern medical science brings with it today. Watch the video to know more on this….

Infertility or failing to conceive is without doubts one of the most painful emotions that one can ever face. And unfortunately, with our changing lifestyles, infertility is one bitter truth that more and more couples are facing. But with advancements in IVF and chromosomal screening techniques, all hope is not lost yet. Fertility issues might have challenged a lot of couples, but the same issue has also made them stronger. With advancements in medical science giving hope even in the rarest cases, you can fail, only if you quit.

Do any of my viewers of readers have a bright and successful IVF story? Is there any one whose dreams have turned into a reality thanks to your will power and all the support of medical science. Then do share your story with me, because you never know, your story might just become that ray of hope for a woman to give motherhood another chance.

Love and Health,



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“Wooww!! You must be eating really healthy? Must say it reflects on you” – that is often the first reaction I get every time I discuss healthy cooking and eating habits with anyone. As flattering as it may sound, what comes in next…is what really bothers me.

“Organic and healthy cooking is time consuming and expensive, how do you manage it?”

Over the years of me practicing healthy and organic eating habits, I have often failed to understand the co-relation between healthy cooking and the fuss that is often associated with it. In fact, at the turn of the year, even as quite a few people expressed their willingness to follow a healthy diet in 2017, I realized that people are more bothered about how to follow the habit and sustain it for a long time, than why to follow the habit.

To clear all the myths and to do away with the all the imaginary fuss often associated, I decided to meet Chef Jitin Joshi, Executive Chef of the Taj Dubai. Primarily for the benefit of all the viewers, I decided to learn 3 Recipes from him – one each for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All the recipes are organic, healthy and most importantly, extremely easy and quick to cook and yummy.

For Breakfast, Chef Jitin presented Chia Seed Baugette with Avocado and Smoked Salmon. This dish presents a palatable combination of great carbohydrates, healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids and most importantly powerful anti-oxidants. If Salmon bothers you, don’t worry, you can opt for eggs and vegetarians can opt for different topping like baby spinach, mushrooms and tofu instead of salmon. People who follow gluten free diet can opt for rice crackers. And all it will take is a few minutes of your busy morning schedule. Honestly this is my regular breakfast before I hit the gym.

Moving on to lunch, Chef Jitin presented the Quinoa Salad with Pine Nuts, which is also a personal favorite of mine. Quinoa is a South American Super Food, perfect for people like me who are gluten free. To add it, it is rich in Vitamins, Proteins, Essential Amino Acids and fibers, making Quinoa a complete food. Use all possible salad leaves available in your refrigerator, add your own sugar and salt free dressing, and you are ready with a bowl of Quinoa Salad, that will make you feel full and provide you just the right amount of nutrients. A little secret here – to make it more convenient, I boil quinoa and store them in containers for the entire week so that I save the boiling time. See how I store my food in refrigerator to have a healthy lifestyle : https://theumashow.com/organize-yor-refrigerator-stay-healthy/

Last but not the least, the dish for dinner was Miso Black Cod and Edamame. Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and a Japanese favorite, this recipe is perfect for a dinner that is light yet provides the essential nutrients.

Watch and learn the three absolutely delicious, nutritious and palatable recipes in this video.

I hope that you are definitely going to give it a shot. It was great experience for me too as I love cooking and am always open to learning new recipes. However, I prefer recipes that involve less ingredients and cooking time as that keeps the nutrients intact.

Am sure a lot of you also have your own recipes that brim with health and nutrition. Why not share it with me and my readers? After all, it is always the more the merrier…

Love and Health,


Snapchat @umagd




PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is not merely a disorder, rather a condition – a condition that healthy women dread. This is because PCOS is not just about the physical symptoms but also about the drastic cosmetic changes in a woman’s body that result with this syndrome.

PCOS is often accompanied with symptoms like severe acne, male pattern of hair growth, hair loss, darkening of skin in patches, skin tags and many more. No wonder then that for many women, learning that they have PCOS is shattering. I have myself observed this fact with a lot of my friends and their daughters who suffer from PCOS. What starts as a medical diagnosis, with the onset of the cosmetic symptoms, follows a plethora of emotional upheavals like embarrassment, irritation, guilt, and a sense of helplessness that affects their self esteem.

Although I have extensively spoken on this subject in my show (https://theumashow.com/health-care-pcos/), this time I wanted to focus purely on dealing with the cosmetic changes that accompany PCOS. This led me to have a chat with Dr.Moutusi Audhya, Dermatologist from Aster Clinic and Hospital specifically to discuss ways to deal with the cosmetic distress of PCOS.

My discussion with Dr.Moutusi definitely gives a ray of hope to millions of women around the world. Here are a few pointers from my discussion with Dr.Moutusi

– Acne management can be achieved using both medical as also cosmetic interventions. But what matters more is the post acne management as scars and marks can affect confidence and social life.
– Darkening of skin folds can be managed by both lightening creams as also cosmetic procedures.
– Hirsutism or unwanted pattern of male hair growth can be treated with the break through laser treatment, which has come as a huge relief to millions of women around the world.
– And last but not the least, although a lot of women are wary of cosmetic interventions, they are surely one of the most effective ways of overcoming the physiological changes with proper guidance.

Thankfully, there has been a steady rise in the awareness about PCOS and its sociological symptoms. A lot of women, and most importantly a lot of celebrities have actually come out in the open and discussed their issues and the ways to tackle them. Nobody can deny the medical aspects that accompany PCOS, however, modern medical science and more importantly such stories, definitely give a boost to one’s self confidence in better managing of PCOS. As someone has rightly said…’When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities’.
Love and Health,

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What is the most daunting task that most of us face at the beginning of a New Year? Is it keeping track of the changed calendar dates? Is it ensuring that you have extended your wishes to one and all? Or is it keeping up with the New Year Resolutions? Well no prizes for guessing the answer and no sense of pride in accepting the fault as well. We all make New Year Resolutions and most of us often lose our resolutions faster than we had made them. To be honest, I am no different. Although I must admit that my success ratio with my New Year resolutions has been fairly good, but then at times even I have failed to keep up with my own goals.

What goes behind making of an effective resolution? How can one set realistic goals that we can stick to and thus effectively see the difference in ourselves? Helping me resolve (no pun intended) the most daunting task of a new year is Holistic Life Coach Emma Thomson.

According to Emma, we often make the mistake of making resolutions that are not necessarily inherent to our personality and our needs; rather they are born out of the peer pressure of everybody having a resolution – and that is a perfect recipe for a failed resolution. Be it losing weight, leading a healthy lifestyle, bringing about dietary changes, taking up a hobby, adopting a new fitness regime or any other aspect, Emma says, that its extremely important to feel the need for the resolution that we make. For that, we must have an internal chat; realize our needs, our potential and most importantly the drive within to see the difference within ourselves.

I have always believed that a resolution needs to be one which helps us grow. This growth should be in terms of body, mind and soul. Now this might sound very heavy duty, but the fact of the matter is that even a simple resolution like choosing to have maximum fun, living in the moment, and not overthinking is also good enough to nurture and nourish our mind, body and soul. Believe me, that is my New Year Resolution for 2017 – to have loads of fun.

So what’s your New Year Resolution? Just before you make one, maybe you should take a few tips from Emma in the video.

Whatever is your New Year Resolution, don’t dream about it, start working towards it now. The following affirmations will surely help you in making your resolutions more effective.
1. Every day in every way, my body is becoming healthier through my guided health practices.
2. I vividly visualize the attainment of my goals and then I move into action
3. All my actions are aimed at attaining success in all areas of my life, beyond any perceived limitations
4. My past has no power over the fabulous future I create today.
5. I am the sum total of my thinking and therefore I shall only think those thoughts that bring peace and harmony into my life
6. I love myself and I chose to live in complete balance

With those affirmations in mind, it is just a beginning. New Year or any other time, a good time to bring about a change is exactly when you really want to bring about the change. Write in to me how you manage to stick to your New Year resolutions.

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The festive season brings along with it the all so important season of marriages. Look around and somebody or the other that you know is getting hitched. There are smiles all around and there’s love in the air. There are couples brimming with happiness and excitement to step into one of the most beautiful phases of their lives. One of the most important aspects of a marriage is to set up the new house for the newlywed couple. And especially in cities like Dubai, where both the partners are working, we are left with limited number of hours to spend quality time with our respective partners. The only way we can save time from the household chores to spend quality time with the family is by choosing the right home appliance according to the needs of the family.

I had the chance to visit the LG Signature gallery at a wedding fair, and to say that I am impressed, would be a gross understatement. Although I have always been a patron of LG Home Appliances, the LG Signature collection simply takes the home appliance category to a never seen before level. Much like its name, this collection is not just about utility but also about ultra-modern design, finesse, and luxury. Intended especially at the needs and desires of a newly-married couple in mind, the LG Signature range comprises of the state-of-the-art, LG Signature OLED Tv, the futuristic – the LG Signature Air Purifier, the world’s first twin wash – LG Signature Washing Machine, and an uber cool yet high on utility – LG Signature Refrigerator. Each appliance is devised to take your home-appliance experience to the next level, and designed to ooze luxury and opulence. I must admit that each and every one of these appliances signifies the epitome of aesthetic design and the art of craftsmanship. In fact, I personally feel that the LG Signature Collection will transform your kitchen into the most desirable space of your house. Take a look at the video and see for yourself.

LG home appliances have always been my personal preference, and the reasons are not hard to explain. What good is a home appliance, if it adds to your hassles instead to making leisure time? Spending time with each other is of utmost important in the case of newly wed couples in bustling city like Dubai. Undoubtedly, LG has always been at the forefront of the home appliance technology; because they don’t just guarantee high quality and utility, but they ensure quality time for you. With the LG Signature Collection, they have just upped the game, by making ultra-modern technology look like a beautiful painting. Do share your thoughts with me.

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Let me start with a very simple question. How many times in a day do you need use your washing machine – Twice? Or at times it may be even thrice? Or maybe even more? Well I am not surprised with your answer. Because with the variety of laundry, where we don’t want to mix up our pristine white clothes with the colored ones, where we don’t want wash baby clothes with the rest, and where we don’t want to mix up apparels of various fabrics, washing just once cannot be enough. In fact, I myself, on certain days, end up washing clothes in my washing machine at least three times.

Now that is such a waste to time, electricity and other resources. So what if we can wash all our different clothes without mixing them up, yet at the same time? Is that possible? Well if the brand is LG, then it’s definitely possible. I had the chance of having a look at the world’s first Twin Wash washing machine by LG.
LG Twin Wash, is basically a front loading washing machine, combined with an additional smaller unit of washing machine, and hence the name Twin Wash. The machine facilitates washing different kind of clothes in the two different chambers, all at the same time. The beauty of LG Twin Wash lies in the fact that both the washing units are independent of each other and can be used separately as well. So just in case, on a particular day, you just have a couple of clothes to be washed, you can choose to use the smaller 3.5 Kg capacity and save on your electricity and other resources. Of course, how can I not mention that the LG Twin Wash is absolutely top of the line, with never before seen features, including that of Smart Wash. Which means you can now connect the LG Twin Wash with Wi-Fi and command your washing machine from your mobile phone. Now isn’t that simply wow!!! Have a look.

Super-efficient on Utility, High on Comfort and Uber Stylish. Now who would have thought that you could operate a washing machine, at the tap of the screen of your cell phone, without mixing up your clothes, and yes all this with a lot of style and oomph. That’s the magical LG Twin Wash for you. Does this product enter your wish list?

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Pregnancy, without doubt, is one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences. However, the beauty is often accompanied with disorders, complaints, and changes in the body that can put even the toughest of the women at the highest level of discomfort. Right from symptoms like nausea, vomiting, heart burn and so many other gastrointestinal discomforts that often raise the apprehension levels and consequently ruin the beauty of the experience; and of course with the baby occupying more and more space with every passing day, the other vital organs are squeezed for space, leading to a plethora of gastro and liver function disorders.
From my own experience, I can still recollect that when I was pregnant, I suffered from severe vomiting and nausea in the 1st trimester and itching in my stomach during the 3rd trimester causing some terrible discomfort. Am sure a lot of my viewers who are expecting have experienced similar symptoms. I spoke to Dr. Prakash Shankar, Specialist Gastroenterologist from Aster Clinic and Hospitals, to understand the ways and methods in which liver disorders, especially during pregnancy, can be better managed. For the ease of understanding, I shall organize my chat with Dr.Prakash under three broad based categories and their remedies –
VOMITING & NAUSEA – These are the most common symptoms. These often start from 4th week, escalate up to the 12th week and subside by the 20th week. Dr. Prakash suggests that both of them can be managed by switching to more frequent and smaller meal portions. Avoiding fats and sticking to carbohydrates can also help the cause.
HEARTBURN – Another major complaint during pregnancy, often seen in the 3rd trimester, and is caused by the acid reflux. Avoiding oily and spicy food, staying away tea and coffee, can go a long way in avoiding heartburn
ITCHING OF THE ABDOMEN – Dr. Prakash says that itching on the abdomen is reported by many pregnant women. Although the good part and the bad part is, they can’t be treated and these symptoms disappear along with the delivery of the baby, still your doctor should be kept informed about this state.
Watch the video below and get more information on this from Dr. Prakash.

I hope this write-up and the video was somewhat helpful to all the pregnant, yet anxious women out there. However, let me tell you one thing – Just like you, even I would read up a lot, do a lot of referencing to understand the changes that my body was undergoing when I was pregnant. I would say reading up is a good habit too; but at the end of the day, let your doctor know of every discomfort that you confront, and let your doctor take the final call as nobody understands your condition better than your doctor. Take Care and share your valuable insight with me on this.

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What can be more challenging than being a mother? It certainly is, and I would like to add, and am sure many of my viewers would agree, that being the Mother of a Teenager is a tough phase of motherhood. Because communicating with a teenager is probably one of the trickiest, as also one of the most sensitive tasks for parents. Being the mother of a 16-year-old boy Dhruva, I have often found myself short of words and short of ideas to communicate with my son and hence my guest today is someone who has mastered the art of communicating with children, and guiding parents to do the same.

Listen, without uttering a word, without getting judgmental, without interrupting, without giving commands and without lecturing – says Carmen Benton, a Personal Development Trainer and a Parent Educator for the last 20 years. With her vast experience, Carmen says that more often than not, most teenagers who come to her complain that No One’s listening and that is exactly what parents need to do. Parents need to listen.

I cannot but agree more with her, as I have experienced this myself. Till Dhruva was about 12 years of age, I would just raise my voice and get things done the way I wanted; but as he entered his teens, I realized that being strict is not working anymore. Instead, Dhruva stopped responding to me and got into a cocoon leaving me wondering as to what is going wrong with him , till I mended my ways and tried opening the communication doors by being more receptive to him, backing up with logic and softened my approach. Over the years I have managed to build a strong bond with my son, but with a teenager around, daily new challenges are just around the corner.

Carmen pointed out that children often get apprehensive of the consequences of their communication. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg since a teenager is bombarded with a plethora of first-time problems in their formative years. These might include dealing with peer pressure of education, of fitting in within the norms, addictions like gadgets, dealing with multiple emotions simultaneously, so on and so forth. As Carmen suggests, all of these can be handled…only if the parent takes an effort to be more aware and to be more in sync with the child. Watch the video and hear what she has to say.

As parents, we often want to play multiple roles for our children – that of a friend, a confidant, the secret keeper, a bounce board, an advisor…in short a role model. Carmen believes that can only be achieved if parents treat their bond with their children as they treat any other relationship – with respect and trust.

So help your children, not by giving them a solution but rather by helping them find a solution.

Help your children, not by snubbing them, but by helping them identify their emotions
Help your children, not by talking to them, rather by listening to them. Carmen further elaborates – Listening is allowing someone to say something that you do not want to hear.

I would love to hear from you your ways of communicating with teenagers. After all, every child is unique in their own way and thus need a unique approach towards better communication.

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Fibroids – the word itself can make women cringe with pain and discomfort. A sizeable number of women that I have met and many my friends too, suffer from Fibroids. I must share that I myself have developed Breast Fibroids a few year back, and that is exactly when I started reading and researching about it. And the figures are indeed very concerning.

About 30% of all women by the age of 35 are affected by Fibroids and the figure only gets more concerning with about 70% women being affected with fibroids by the time they reach the age of 50. I thus had a chat with Dr. Sejal Surti, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynecology, Aster Hospital, to understand the severity and the ways to manage fibroids.
In Dr. Sejal’s words, Fibroids are the most common form of benign tumor affecting the uterine wall of women. Fibroids are often accompanied by symptoms like abnormal uterine bleeding in the form of heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle that lasts longer than usual, along with the passage of clots. At times the fibroids can grow big enough to affect the other organs like the intestine leading to symptoms like constipation and higher frequency of urination. However, of course, the most disturbing symptom being Reproductive dysfunction, wherein women can either find it difficult to conceive, or they find it difficult to complete their term of pregnancy.

Clearly, Fibroids can lead to traumatic experiences, but thanks to modern medical science there is always a ray of hope. As Dr. Sejal suggests, various treatment approaches like Medical, Surgical, and Minimum Invasive Therapies can be adopted depending on the symptoms and condition of the patient. I have said this repeatedly that good nutrition, healthy eating habits, and a healthy lifestyle can go a long way in both the treatment and the prevention of Fibroids. Even if they can’t be prevented, they can surely be managed. Watch the video and see what Dr. Sejal has to advise on this medical condition.

Please do write into me in case you have any queries about fibroids or better if you have managed fibroids well – my viewers and I would benefit to hear from you. Do spread the word and the information as it can be of great help to someone really needy; and keep eating healthy, because every time you eat or drink anything, you are either feeding the disease, or you are fighting it.

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When in doubt, Google it out…or that’s what most of the so-called e-generation believes in. Although I am not a firm believer of the same, I would rather work my through the doubt; but the reason I talk of a doubt is because of this ONE DOUBT that the whole world seems to be facing– Relationship Doubt. Now as much as there cannot be any shortcut to a doubt of this enormity, the search results of – Relationships is very interesting.

– 10 signs your relationships is in trouble
– 8 habits that can put your relationship in danger
– 5 signals that you are in a toxic relationship …

And so on and so forth. But nobody has an iota of idea on how to save a failing relationship? How to identify chinks in the armor? How to do away with the monotony of an association? How to address the issues of your partner? How to empathetically listen to women rather than term them over-emotional and how to help men deal with vulnerabilities and not term them weak? These are the questions that are staring at a huge population of today’s world. To be more specific, 85% of modern day relationships end in a break-up.

So then let me re-define my first sentence now. When in doubt, seek expert help. It is exactly with this intention that I invited Isabelle Galiardo – A personal development trainer, a counselor, a relationship expert to my studio for an enlightening chat on the state of modern day relationships and the ways to untangle the many threads of complexities involved.

Of course, lack of communication is the biggest issue, but what lies underneath the issue are the fears and the insecurities that we all face as individuals. As Isabelle suggests, it is extremely important to face and delve into our fears, insecurities and our past to be able to overcome them; because only when we feel the pain, can we overcome them.

In today’s day and time of cut-throat competition at the professional level, money matters, parenting, sex, day-to-day affairs, in fact even individual habits and preferences take so much of our time and energy that the relationship as a whole takes a back seat. But what concerns me more is the fact that couples often live in denial of this stark reality. Especially men who, thanks to the societal norms, often either deny the chinks or refuse to seek help from an expert. It is this denial which eventually takes a toll on the relationship. In other words, we often build a wall of ignorance around us and keep accumulating everything that is not right, till one day the dam of negative emotions bursts open, and washes away everything that was good about the relationship. Isabelle has very interesting and extremely workable tips to avoid building that wall of ignorance around us. Watch the video to understand what I am trying to convey.

To simply it spell it out; following practices can help in ironing out the wrinkles that appear on the fabric of relationships.

1) Communicate – Make space, make time, hear your partner out as a third person
2) Have fun together to create a powerful bond.
3) Re-connect with your partner. We often get too consumed by various things like rent, mortgages, parenting, job security et al and we disconnect from our lives.
4) Have the big picture in mind, yet live in the moment.

From my personal experience, I can tell you one thing for sure. Even the happiest relationships in the world have their own share of ups and downs. A stich in time can definitely save a relationship from falling apart. I would love to know your story of the relationship challenges, and may be all of us together can develop a never seen before perspective.

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I have always said this time and again – listen to your body when it is whispering to you, or else very soon you will hear your body screaming. That is one of the many ways in which I try to propagate good health. After all, health is the only real wealth.

Talking of good health and a whispering body, the subject that I have chosen today is Urinary Tract Infection or UTI. Although it is true that both men and women can suffer from UTI, but what is concerning is the fact that women are four times more susceptible to urinary tract infections. No wonder then that UTI in women is responsible for nearly 10 million doctor visits every year. I spoke to Dr. Mahavir S. Deshmane, Specialist in Urology, Aster Hospital, who highlighted the causes and the precautions for UTI.

Any infection of the kidney, bladder, ureter or the urethra is known as UTI. However, the point to be noted is the fact that 80-90% of the infections start with the bladder. So, if you have symptoms like burning sensation while urination, lower abdominal pain, back pain, blood in urine or fever, you should not ignore it and must see a urologist without losing any further time. In some severe cases, UTI can also lead to infection in the kidneys…moreover, that can be very concerning.

The only relieving factor in UTIs are the precautions. In fact, a few simple hygiene steps can go a long way in avoiding the pain

1. Drink adequate water
2. Don’t hold your urine for long periods of time
3. Empty your bladder before going to sleep
4. Ensure personal hygiene
5. Last but not the least, eat healthy

The video here offers valuable insight into this in Dr. Mahavir’s words.

With those simple steps, you can definitely win the race against UTI, because being a bit more careful and a bit more precautious is the first step towards your well-being. I have suffered from UTI in the past, have you? How did you cope? Do share your thoughts with me.

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Happiness, positivity, and good health are the only motives that have made me live my life the way I do. Since I believe that the mind is a magnet, I am often surrounded by like-minded people and any conversation that I have…inevitably leads towards the subjects of positivity and optimism in life.

Today I am going to talk about my encounter with two extremely positive personalities – Natalia Hassanie and Nadine Chammas. I did not just have a great conversation with them, but this was one rare conversation where positivity was out there and free flowing in all its glory and joy. It is almost as if I found a part of me in them. Moreover, how am delighted I am to bring the same to my viewers.

Natalia is a certified yoga teacher, a meditation expert and founder of Posetivity sports services – Yoga and Mindfulness Curriculum programs. Nadine is also a part of Posetivity and is the Founder of the Life Director Training and Life Coaching events. Both have successfully fought cancer, and that has completely re-defined positivity for them.

By Nadine’s own confession, positivity to her was a planned time-table approach towards her life about 3 years ago when she was detected with Breast cancer leaving her completely shocked. That is exactly when she realized that positivity does not mean not having challenges in life, rather it means a constructive approach towards overcoming the challenges. This is exactly what Nadine followed, as she re-aligned her mind with her body and fully lived each and every moment of her recovery process.

Much like Nadine, Natalia had her own battle; wherein she was losing all hope and spirit. Until one day, she decided she has only two options, either to go the doctors and pop in a pill…or to try something that she had never tried before. Natalia chose the latter, joined Pilates that completely changed her outlook towards life. Today, she lives every moment of her life and fruitfully connects with all her emotions, good or bad alike.

It is indeed amazing how one completely unrelated event can change your attitude and perspective towards life. I connected so well with both Natalia and Nadine; wherein I too had chosen the alternative way to overcome my post-natal depression.

As Nadine says – It is all about moving. We got to keep moving so that we can develop more perspectives and understand more dimensions, which in turn positively impacts your thinking and decision making.

So, if you want to wake up and kick start your day on a positive note, here’s a small to-do list.

1) Wake by asking yourself, how am I today?
2) Ask yourself, what am I feeling?
3) Try and understand your emotions
4) Connect to your talents
5) Have a gratitude list

A positive mind, positive vibes and a positive life, that is my take away from this wonderful chat. Trust me, your mind is a powerful thing, and when you fill it with positive thoughts, your life begins to change for the better; and I speak from my experience of having done the same time and again. Write me if you have something to share that made you believe in the power of Positivity.

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As intriguing as the title of the story might sound, equally gripping is the subject of this disorder that I am going to write about.

Irregular and painful menstruation cycles, excessive bleeding, obesity, excessive facial hair, difficulty in conception are just some of the problems that Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can lead to. No wonder that Dr. Indira Venkatraman, Gynecologist, Aster Clinics and Hospitals, terms PCOS as the thief of womanhood.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a condition wherein there is an imbalance in the female reproductive hormones – estrogen and progesterone. There is more of the production of the male hormone – androgen, which leads to a plethora of cosmetic issues like excessive hair and acne. Dr. Indira says that PCOS affects one in 10 women of child bearing age but quite alarmingly, adolescent PCOS is also on the rise. Unfortunately, about 50 percent of women who have PCOS remain undiagnosed. In fact, in some of the cases, PCOS can also lead to high insulin resistance which in turn leads to brownish black patches on the neck, breast area, arms, and thighs.

With no definitive cause clearly known besides lifestyle changes and genetics, PCOS is clearly a huge concern for women of all ages, and I was particularly shocked to know that it has become a very common health issue with teenage girls and young women. However, what is heartening to know is that even if it can’t be cured, PCOS can be controlled through medication and lifestyle changes. Most importantly, Dr. Indira reassures that with proper medical treatment, PCOS can be managed and women can conceive without any fear. The video below is really enlightening – Watch it

As I always say, good health is first about awareness and then about the action. If you have PCOS or you know someone who has been diagnosed with PCOS…please spread the word; there is no reason to lose heart. Corrective lifestyle changes and the right medication at the right time…will definitely not let PCOS rob you of your womanhood. All it needs is a stitch in time. Always looking forward to your thought.

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How to organize refrigerator ? A clean healthy eating habit.
Let me start with a direct question. Is your refrigerator slowing you down? According to me, there are two ways your refrigerator can slow you down.

1) It can either slow down your speed of cooking – thanks to an unorganized refrigerator, or
2) It can slow you down literally in your life – thanks to unhygienic and unhealthy eating practices.

Either of the two situations is extremely concerning to me and more importantly, to one’s health. Thank god, the mess hides behind closed doors; no awkward smells and no food spilling out either. However, that is only till the door is closed. The moment the refrigerator doors open, all hell breaks loose, and you can never find what you want. So today, I am going to talk about good refrigerator practices, and that starts with a good refrigerator.

I recently bought the latest Door-In-Door P-Veyron refrigerator by LG, and I must tell you that it is an extremely good buy. The reason being that in today’s day and time, a good refrigerator is not merely about bigger capacity, but more about innovative, organized and optimum ways of storage and cooling. The LG Door-In-Door Refrigerator ticks on all those parameters. As much as I am excited about my new buy, it was fun filming this segment for you all to show how I organize my refrigerator to help me have a healthy and active life.

The unique door-in-door feature ensures that there is enough space for all your needs that will come in handy more often than the others. The 9% extra storage space on the doors lets me store all my skin care products effortlessly.

Being a morning person, I am extremely particular about my breakfast and the spacious upper shelves ensure that all my breakfast requirements are neatly packed and organized in a way that makes my mornings hassle free. The refrigerator has a utility box to store organic eggs; two veggie and fruit containers with Fresh Balancer and Hygiene Fresh feature that doesn’t just store all my requirements but also maintain the right levels of humidity to keep my vegetables and fruits fresh for a longer duration. On the other side is the unique water dispenser that gives easy access to drinking water and ice all day. How can I not mention the huge freezer space that lets me store all my frozen fish, meat and frozen veggies in an uncluttered manner.

Now that is what a good and smart refrigerator can do. Seriously, if you want your food to be hygienic and healthy following are my Dos and Don’ts.

1) Clean your refrigerator often. In fact, clean it very often. It ensures less clutter and good levels of hygiene
2) Be organized in your grocery shopping. Have a list and buy only what is needed.
3) Moreover, last but not the least, invest in a good refrigerator that will save your time, money and energy…as also take care of your health.

Watch the video to check the door-in-door LG P-VEYRON refrigerator and decide for yourself how user –friendly it is.

Living healthy is all about being organized and being planned. The LG Door-In-Door refrigerator lets you do exactly that. With just a little effort from your side, you can surely ensure that your refrigerator never slows you down. Do you agree with me?

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Heart Disease in women is the leading cause of death in most developed countries.
There’s a famous phrase that says – To feel good from your head to your feet, keep a healthy heartbeat. Although many people have become health conscious, the question that arises is – Is our consciousness enough? In today’s time and age, when women are juggling between their careers and personal lives, are we giving enough time to ourselves; are we taking enough care of our heart.

Research says that heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death amongst females in the modern world, much against the common belief that women generally do not suffer from heart disorders. To understand this alarmingly concerning phenomenon, I spoke to Dr. Zubair Memon, Specialist Cardiologist from Aster Clinics and Hospitals.

A very important thing that I realized during my chat with him is that the symptoms of cardiovascular disorders in men and women are completely different. Symptoms like indigestion, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back pain…can all be indicators of cardiovascular disorders in women.

However, some simple modifications in our lifestyles can go a long way in avoiding the risks of heart diseases. Have a healthy lifestyle, make exercises a part of your life. Walking for 30 mins a day would also do wonders. Change dietary habits, switch to more veggies and organic diet. Control your blood pressure or diabetes, if you have any. Last but not the least; get yourself checked once in every 6 months. Watch the video and hear it from Dr. Zubair.

You know it is often said that you cannot beat a healthy heart. Consequently, at the core of all our lifestyle practices should be a healthy heart; because when you take care of your heart, your heart takes care of you. Do share with me your most valuable tips on how we can beat heart diseases.

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Being an ardent follower of healthy eating, I must confess that we have made quite a Big Deal out of the word DIET. In fact, we have made the word DIET synonymous with weight loss and other health-related eating practices. What we fail to realize is that it is not about dieting or cutting down on the quantity of food, but is all about Eating Right and Eating Healthy.

Out on my mission to Eat Healthy and consequently hunting for restaurants that serve Healthy yet Delicious meals, I landed up at the famous Café Bateel. Don’t get misguided by the word café, for this place can surely take you by surprise.

I kicked off my lunch with a serving of Couscous Salad with veggies. With the right amount carbohydrates and just those measured number of calories, Couscous salad is amongst my top recommendations, with the plethora of flavors only adding to my belief. While the zucchini and tomatoes were pleasing for my health, flavors of Pepper, Parsley, Edamame were soothing my taste buds. Of course, how can I not mention of the Dates. After all, this is Café Bateel, and it is expected of them to surprise us with Dates…always.

Next on the platter – The Main Course – Sea Bass sautéed in very little olive oil on the bed of mashed beet and seasoned with sesame seeds. One morsel of this and believe me, the myth of – healthy food cannot be tasty – will be broken once and for all. Apart from the fact that white fish being lighter and my preference for lunch, what really got me excited was the use of Sesame seeds for seasoning. Sesame is known as one of the healthiest foods in the world, and I make it a point that I use them every time I cook. Besides being a great source of protein, sesame seeds help in preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, they bring relief from arthritis, are great for healthy skin, and I can go on and on. To put things in a nutshell, use sesame in your diet as much as you can.

Last but not the least, how can my meal over without a dose of desserts. Yes, I do eat desserts, I do eat sweets. Because I am not on a diet, I just eat healthy. Accordingly, my choice of dessert for the afternoon – Dates of course, which are synonymous with Café Bateel. Dates are categorized under super fruits, for the benefits of Dates are just unparalleled. High on proteins and Vitamins and also the best source of Iron, Dates must be a quintessential part of our diet. In fact, you can also try the date tasting session at Café Bateel as they have dates in various flavors. The one that I selected was caramel flavored and let me tell you that yummy would be an understatement. Watch the video, and you will know what I mean.

Thanks to my profession, I get to meet so many people, visit so many places; and thanks to my passion for fitness and health, I visit restaurants and hunt for the yummiest healthy foods in town. Café Bateel surely pleased all of my senses on that count. So the next time you want to experiment with healthy food, head to Café Bateel, and don’t forget to write your experience to me.

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Gastrointestinal Disease and Pregnancy

‘You never understand life, until it grows inside you’ – goes a famous phrase. The more I read it, the more I believe in the power of women, who are gifted with this almost miraculous ability to give birth to another life. Expecting a baby is without doubt one of those magical feelings that can’t be described in words. However, a lot of troublesome disorders can become spoil sport in this experience; and sitting right at the top of the list of Troublemakers, are the gastrointestinal disorders.

Research suggests that three out of four pregnant women suffer from bowel disorders during the three trimesters. Nonetheless, this is not just restricted to bowel ailments. GI disorders can also concern some of the vital organs. To understand the prevalence, the precautions, and remedies for the same, I spoke to Dr. Amal Premchandra Upadhyay, from Aster Clinics and Hospitals.

Dr. Amal simplified the otherwise complex sounding Gastrointestinal Disorders to disorders that concern our digestive system. Also, disorders concerning vital organs like the liver, pancreas, bile duct, gall bladder, etc are all categorized under Gastrointestinal Disorders. However, that’s the technical part, what concerns me and millions of pregnant women around the world is the commonness of these disorders amongst pregnant women.

The general symptoms include incidences of Nausea & Vomiting. Many women also suffer from constipation during their pregnancy. In some specific cases, conditions like reflux, sore throat, stone formation in the bile duct have also been seen. Although it was 16 years ago, I had struggled with severe constipation and nausea during my first trimester until I visited my doctor. I did not share my condition with my friends at that time, but I wish I had and would have been advised by them to consult the doctor much earlier.

However, these conditions can be managed and treated provided you are under the constant attention of your doctor because only a doctor who understands your case history can manage both your pregnancy and the GI disorders. Goes without saying, though, that a good and healthy lifestyle, working out the right way, eating fibers and eating right and keeping yourself hydrated can go a long way in avoiding GI disorders during pregnancy. Watch the video to help you understand more.

So take care of yourself, be in constant touch with your doctors and ensure that you enjoy every moment of the feeling of a new life growing inside you. Do share your thoughts with me as it will not only augment my knowledge but also be of guidance to all the viewers. One of my most important reasons for creating this platform and blogging is so that we can all come together, share our experiences and benefit from each other.

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Being the gadget enthusiast that I am, one word that has caught my attention since quite some time now is OLED. I have always believed that any innovation is nothing short of magic, so how could I not experience this magic? Honestly, first it was the word, and then it was the television that left me speechless with its stunning aesthetic and visual appeal. I mean who could imagine one of the world’s best and the best-looking television…at the width of 4 credit cards!!!

So what is OLED TV? How is it different from anything else that we have? How has OLED TV practically managed to blur the lines between the real and the virtual? Being the curious cat that I am, I started hunting for my answers, and who better to guide me than the pioneers of the OLED Tv technology – LG. I met up with an LG expert and here is the knowledge that I gained.

OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diodes. In simpler words, this technology is so responsive that each single pixel of the television can emit a different color and also turn an individual pixel On or Off, which in turns results in deeper blacks and better contrasts, making your pictures seem life like.

Now that is about the technical aspect. In a lay man’s language, there is no better viewing experience that an OLED TV, including 4K TVs or UHD TVs. Believe me; LG is right at the forefront of the OLED TV technology. In fact, I am told that LG is the only company that manufactures OLEDs that support HDR-10 and Dolby Vision.

If you thought LG OLED TV sets are all about life like visuals, then LG is changing the game in the aesthetic aspect too. With razor thin width of merely 2.7mm, LG OLED TVs are not just amongst the thinnest but also amongst the best-looking televisions in the market today. No wonder then, The LG Signature Collection has already bagged 28 design awards this year.

Gone are the days when Television sets would look and feel and sound like an idiot box. Now is the generation of Smart TVs which are not mere electronics and appliances, but an extension of your choice and personality. Taking the game a notch higher are the LG OLED TVs that have converted the otherwise mundane screens to a work of art. Moreover, being a television professional, it is technologies like these that really excite me. As a producer myself, I make sure we focus on the quality of what I produce and when a TV set can deliver the same quality, my job feels more fulfilling. Besides, I know I am reaching out with my best to everyone’s living rooms. The video below will help you understand much better.


Have you experienced the magic of OLED TV? Alternatively, do have something interesting to share about the latest evolutions in the visual technology sphere. Do write into me and enlighten both me and my audience.

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‘Stop making excuses; you want something…GO DO IT.’ These words kept ringing in my head, long after I had finished my chat with Irina Sharma. People know of Irina as the founder of Ekadaa PR, a health enthusiast, and a Cancer Survivor. However, I have known Irina for too long, to term her a survivor. She did not just survive Breast Cancer, rather she triumphed over one of the most dreaded diseases known to mankind, and came out much more healthier and fitter, with a smile that’s so full of life.

I have always known Irina as one hell of an optimistic person, besides being an absolute fitness freak. In fact, her fitness levels have always been enviable. Until last year, when Irina felt some discomfort in his chest and could feel a lump in her breasts. For someone who has been so much in tune with every part of her body, Irina instantly knew that something is wrong, only to be confirmed as Breast Cancer in the coming days.

However, what’s inspiring is the fact that Irina took the matter seriously, she did not let panic strike in. Irina knew exactly what she wanted. An ardent believer of the human body’s intrinsic self-healing capabilities, she did not choose the conventional approach of chemotherapy. Rather, she headed to Dr. Harald Stossier and Mrs. Dr. Christine Stossier at Viva Mayr Worth in Austria and worked on strengthening her immune system and heal herself with food, so that she could opt for the Double Mastectomy Surgery which was conducted on her by Dr. Houriya Kazim, a specialist breast surgeon in UAE. Dr. Kazim is country’s first female surgeon and founder of Well Woman Clinic. Irina went ahead and opted for the infusions from the Modern Viva Mayr Medicine approach, and believed that her body would heal, once and forever. To know more about Viva Mayr, click on this link – https://theumashow.com/travel/best-detox-destination-viva-mayr/

It’s been almost a year, and it is close to impossible to guess the physical and personal turmoil Irina faced just a few months ago. She is back to her fitness regimes, has explored various other forms of fitness like Tai Chi, which she claims extremely effective in healing breast cancer, and wears a smile that’s not merely inspiring, but also infectious. Irina continues to experiment with the wellness of her body and believes that every day is a new day…and that today…is her day. Watch the video and see how her positive approach could appeal to everyone.

Meeting Irina has always been an inspiring experience, but this meeting was much more than just inspiring. It was powerful; it was emotional, and it was stirring to the extent that my words fall short of.

Cancer…has to CAN in it. It means we CAN fight Cancer. Irina did it…and so can you, so can every one of us. All we need…is the WILL to do it. Write into me and share the zeal to win over every battle.

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Holistic way of understanding your children

It is often said that there is no emotion that’s unadulterated. This is what the world says, and I do not believe in it. For although a lot of our emotions and expressions might not be untainted, when it comes to expressing our love towards our children, we are at our purest best. I have complete faith in the power of love, and when it comes to expressing the same towards our children, I think this love takes on a completely new form, an emotion that transforms not just the child but even us as an individual.

However, as parents, a lot of us face situations where the communication between our children and us seems to be strained – when our children fail to express themselves and us as parents fail to empathize with their situations; when we assume their irritability as their tantrums and fail to identify the problem. That is when both the child and the parent need help, guidance, and support. I caught up with Terri Allen & Jacqui Gray – Intuitive Healers & Holistic Education Therapist for children & parents.

Terri and Jacqui came up with the idea of the book My Magical Garden. Aptly tagged as A Book for Children/ A Guide for Parents, the basic thought behind the book is to help the children express themselves better and guide the parents in understanding their children.

As Terri Says, “The whole point of the book is to help children make a choice and take control and in turn open more communication channels between the parent and the child.”

I found the concept quite intriguing. The book takes your child into the world full of magic, where they are inspired to create and explore their garden. The book can
activate their imagination and provide an outlet for their creativity as well as providing an opportunity to articulate their feelings by being free to explore and express themselves through the choices that they make. An interpretation of each choice is provided at the back of the book enabling the parent to understand their emotional needs and how to help them. This video is your guide to know your children, do invest some time to watch it.

Whether you are a parent, teacher or child, you will love this book!

So the next time you see behavioral changes in your child, the next time you feel that your child seems frustrated, and even if the child is bed-wetting, don’t confront your child. Rather try and identify and address the issue. My 15-year-old son teaches me every day that children are not ‘things’ to be molded, but people to be unfolded. Do write in your thoughts to me; these can open new doors for many.

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The more things you own, the more they own you – goes a famous phrase. This is probably the aptest phrase when I want to discuss a subject like decluttering.

Most of us often visualize clutter as a mess, confusion, and untidiness of the physical space surrounding us. However, clutter is not merely physical stuff. It is old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits as well. In fact, clutter is anything and everything that doesn’t help you better yourself.

Decluttering doesn’t just have a therapeutic effect, but de-cluttering your physical space eventually de-clutters your spirit and mind. I met my friends, Vaastu Consultant – Dr. Padmaja, and Energy Healer – Terry Allen, over a coffee chat to understand the significance and positive effects of de-cluttering. While Dr. Padmaja spoke elaborately on the significance of de-cluttering the physical space, Terry gives some insight on de-cluttering your mind. Watch the video and understand it is significance

Clearly, de-cluttering is one of the most important aspects in both Vaastu and the science of energy healing. It is not just about the science…its more about us. Because a de-cluttered space will always have more positive energy and a de-cluttered mind will always have more positive thoughts. Believe me; I say this from my personal experience. De-cluttering, opening up spaces, letting go of all the unwanted attachments, and even act as small as clearing up our mobile phones of all the unnecessary data, makes us feel lighter.

There is no good time to start de-cluttering because the time to do it is NOW. So, wake up in the morning, take a deep breath, de-clutter your mind, give away everything that’s not necessary; and trust me, we do not need additional space – we only need to lessen stuff. Share your thoughts if you agree with me…

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Diabetes really on the rise , How diabetes effect our health?How can we deal With diabetes
Let me start with some statistics right at the outset.

a) A staggering 415 million people are suffering from diabetes all over the world.

b) This figure is expected to rise to 642 million by the year 2040.

c) A 2015 survey suggests, one in 11 adults has diabetes.

d) One in two adults with diabetes is undiagnosed.

e) Every 6 seconds, one person dies from diabetes.

These statistics are not just alarming, but extremely concerning. From what was once known as a lifestyle disease, Diabetes has spread like wildfire and has engulfed almost one person in every family across the world. To seek more, I spoke to Caroline Grundy, Nutritionist, and Blogger, about the art of managing diabetes.

Diabetes affects individuals differently, depending on the type/kind of diabetes one is suffering from. For e.g. Type 1/Type A Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, wherein the body just can’t produce any insulin and for which, insulin injections is the only remedy. Type 2/Type B Diabetes, on the other hand, is a condition wherein the insulin is produced, but the body can’t use it effectively. Hence, portion and diet control is the only remedy in such cases.

Then again there’s the glycemic index, which actually is a measure of how soon blood sugar levels rise after eating particular food items. To explain, although a chocolate bar might seem high on GI, it is actually a loaf of bread that’s a sugar bomb and can aggravate your condition.

Do watch the video below, to have a better understanding of how you can manage your diabetes and noting down the pointers will do no harm either.

In most cases, Diabetes is a life-long condition and the only way one can lead a healthy life even with Diabetes, is by managing it well. So eat healthy, exercise regularly, and try and master the art of managing your diabetes. Would like to hear more from you which could probably throw more light on this.

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Cervical Cancer is one of the most common cancer in women . Cervical Cancer is caused by a virus called HPV.
The ground work of all happiness in our life is good health. Coincidently, just the other day I read that good health is definitely not something that we can buy; however, it can be an extremely valuable savings account. As complicated as it might sound, it is actually very simple. Because all we have to do to achieve good health, is take good care of ourselves and love ourselves.

Well, I can go on and on about good health. The subject that I have chosen today is something that has been concerning a major population of women worldwide.

Cancer, one of the most dreaded words on planet earth. However, what if this cancer comes with no symptoms? Concerning – Isn’t it? Thus, I spoke to Dr. Swati, leading Gynecologist from Aster Clinics and Hospitals to know more about the most silent form of Cancer, Cervical Cancer.

Research suggests that approximately 80% of cervical cancer cases and 85% of cervical cancer-related deaths occur in the developing world. Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cause of cancer among women. However, what is more concerning is the fact that Cervical Cancer comes with no symptoms. Dr. Swati told me that Cervical Cancer is caused by a prolonged infection of the Human Papilloma Virus and that every woman has suffered from this infection at least once in her life.

However, thanks to the advancements in Medical Science, we now have a vaccination against HPV virus, which in turn can help in the prevention of Cervical cancer. Along with the vaccine,
certain precautions, a few lifestyle changes, and regular screenings can definitely go a long way as prevention for Cervical Cancer. You must watch the video and learn more from Dr. Swati.

Cancer is surely amongst the most feared conditions, but what we often forget is that Cancer…has to CAN in it. We CAN beat cancer if we are aware of it and if we choose to beat it. Do you have anything to share with me on this? I always look forward to hearing from you…

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I think by now most of you know it well that I am a fitness freak. I totally believe in the fact that only a healthy and fit body can lead to a happy life, and thus I always advocate taking good care of our body. I don’t just believe in preaching; I religiously practice it. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. had once famously quoted – If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. However, whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. Same goes for fitness. If you cant go to the gym, just go for a run, go for a walk, or better practice it at home. However, don’t just laze around and ignore your body.

Talking of Fitness from home, my partner today is Fashion Model and Fitness Guru, Rania Gamal. What started as a way to make her time more productive, fitness has now become a way of life for Rania. Thanks to the dedicated fitness regime that she has been following for more than 6 years now, Rania’s physique and fitness levels are to die for. Most importantly, Rania believes that its not necessary to hit the gym and that a toned and fit body can be well achieved from with the confines of your home. Rania like me also has a teenager at home, and her fitness journey started after she became a mother.

Do check out my video link for some of the simplest yet most effective home workouts demonstrated by Rania.

If you have watched the video, I suggest you start the regime from now. Because the best time to start something good…is always…now. Do not miss your warm up, take the necessary precautions and let your body sweat it out as good things come to those who sweat.

So please do practice these simple exercises at home, and do write into me about the results that you experience. I would also love to know your ‘home’ fitness regime and what you follow.

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Samahita Retreat, I first heard of this place about a year ago from my dear friend Shamira Mitha, Founder and MD of the well-known PR agency ‘Verve.’ Nestled in the southern end of Koh Samui and surrounded by turquoise blue waters, Samahita Retreat was nothing short of a health heaven for Shamira. The wellness freak inside me was craving to visit a detox and rejuvenation destination and Shamira’s strong recommendation only added to my curiosity for this place. Thus, this September, I took some time off from my busy schedule of the ongoing season of ‘The Uma Show’ at that time and took off to Koh Samui, all thanks to the visit arranged by Shamira.

Turquoise blue waters on all sides, tropical climate, a warm & humid atmosphere and a hint of monsoon showers lingering in the air! Just the perfect set-up and weather to take a break from my long, hectic and grueling schedule back in Dubai. Far away from the hustle bustle of the International City, I was now in the quaint, serene and picturesque Samahita Retreat, a lifestyle center for yoga, detox, and holistic fitness. Founded by Paul Dallaghan, a certified Masters of Pranayama and Ashtanga Vinyasa, Samahita Retreat has achieved the distinction of being known as the most authentic yoga teaching locations worldwide. Leading from the front, Paul has combined meditation and mantra practice from the yoga lineage with his study of the Buddhist and Vedic text along with modern science; and adding Ayurveda and Detox programs have only added to their credibility and popularity. Precisely yoga teachers from around the world come to Samahita to hone their skills, enhance their knowledge and get certifications

Another intriguing aspect of Samahita is the accommodation. Guests have their own small apartments or rooms with tropical gardens and little temples dotted everywhere in the compound. The smell of frangipani and soothing incense prevailing and lingering in the entire garden and open spaces of the retreat add to the spirituality and tranquility of the space.

Watch the video to know more about this heaven on earth named Samahita Yoga Retreat

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I have always been a staunch advocate of healthy eating, as I truly believe and live by the fact that a healthy outside starts from the inside. Being fit and eating healthy is not a fad or a trend, it is a way of life. Therefore, in my efforts to better my own way of life, as also try and contribute the same to my viewers, I am trying to understand the role of Sugars or Carbohydrates in our lives and helping me with this complicated subject is Nutritionist Caroline Grundy.

Although we are going to be discussing sugars, I am not going to sugar coat my words. I had once read that Sugar is eight times as addictive as any drug and it this sugar that we are constantly subjecting our body to. Right from our breakfast, to the fruit juices, to complete meals, we consume more sugar than what we can imagine.

Putting things into perspective, Caroline told me that a maximum of 10-12 teaspoons of sugar consumption can be considered permissible daily. Mind you; this does not necessarily mean table sugar, rather 10-12 teaspoons include all the carbohydrate content including, juices, bread, cereals et al.

Similarly, you can keep a check on the carbohydrate consumption from processed food by checking the nutrition chart of the food items that you buy, and mind you, anything above 22.5 gms of sugar per 100 gram is considered very high levels of sugar. However, what was more alarming was the fact that even food items otherwise considered healthy, like Muesli or Breakfast Cereals, contain about 38-40 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

Clearly, we are living on the wrong kind of food, and our understanding of healthy diet is also clouded. What bothers me more is the fact that we also serve these high sugar foods to our children. It is ironical that something which is considered 6 times as addictive as cocaine is now used as comfort food and used as a reward for good behaviors.

Do watch the complete video to get a better understanding of sugars and carbohydrates and don’t just eat anything and everything. Eat, by knowing your sugar and don’t ask why healthy food is so expensive, rather question why fast food is so cheap.

I hope my chat with Caroline has been of some benefit to you and will help you understand labels on the food packets better. Do share your input on this with me. Any valuable advice from you will be put to good use not only by me, but everyone who reads and watches this.

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When was the last time you sat back, only with the intention of reviving your energies? When was the last time you could feel one with nature? When did you last find the balance in your body and mind?

Most of us wouldn’t have an answer to these questions. More importantly, thanks to our busy, fast paced and robotic lives, I wonder if we even try to seek answers to these questions at all. That’s exactly where we go wrong. As I have always emphasized, that it is important to sit back and breathe, to relax and give a thought to our mind and body, to calm our senses and try and align our energies. I am always on the lookout for ways and techniques that can help regain my energies & balance and thus caught up with Ania Shnyukova, Qigong Instructor & Energy Healer.

For starters, Qigong is a traditional Chinese holistic system meant to cultivate and balance our energies. Qi=Energy and Gong=Mastering Action and Direction. Elaborating on this traditional Chinese method, Ania says that our body has been designed to receive positive energy from nature around us. Qigong helps us in maximizing that potential and then transform, balance ourselves to become physically and mentally stronger and achieve deep emotional balance.

Qigong primarily involves general exercises and gymnastics that help in strengthening the bones and the joints, whereas breathing techniques, visualizations, and meditation session help in maintaining the balance and strength of the mind. I must confess, that within my short meditation session with Ania, I could immediately feel extremely centered and calm and composed, clearly indicating towards the long term benefits of Qigong.

Qigong is practiced by millions worldwide, and primarily for its health benefits. As Ania adds, “We are all self-healers and doctors.” Moreover, Qigong only helps us in strengthening this healing power.

As much as I understand that most people would have an excuse of the paucity of time for self-rejuvenating processes, equally true is the fact that if not for these small steps, we may not able to match up to the pace of the every changing and the ever demanding world.

I would love to hear from you about your methods of self-healing; and if you have practiced Qigong, please do share your experience with my viewers and me.

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In today’s time and world, where everybody seems to be in a rat race with no finish line, we are often termed as the representatives of a diseased universe. Blame it on changing lifestyles, the damaged environment, or the fast food culture; it is rare that you would come across a human being who is absolutely healthy and disease free, especially in a cosmopolitan city like Dubai.

Even as I believe that there is no such thing as an incurable disease, equally true is the fact that most us fail to realize that a disease, besides being a medical condition, is also the imbalance and disruption of energies within our body.

I spoke to Julia from the Hands in Hope energy healing center, where Barbara Jackle specializes in this form of alternative healing, and I must confess that I have personally benefitted and immensely gained from the positive aspects of energy healing. This form of alternative healing is something that can only be experienced and not quantified. In fact, I have known many people who are not exactly aware of the physical or mental imbalance that their body is facing. With just one session of energy healing, you not only start feeling healthier but also start understanding your own body and emotions better. All thanks to Barbara, who is gifted with an enhanced bio-magnetic field and hence can read our energies, their alignments, and disruptions in miraculous details.

Right from day to day ailments like stress, emotional imbalance, body aches to even life-threatening ailments, energy healing is known to benefit in 90% of the cases and sometimes is a complete cure for many of them. It is often said that the soul holds the secret to healing, and it is the soul that energy healing repairs.

You can reach Barbara Jackle through her website http://www.hands-in-hope.com/ and feel the magical difference first hand.

I would love to hear from you about your experiences with energy healing because I simply believe that the first step towards healing is to recognize the wound, and nothing helps you recognize the wound better than Energy Healing.

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I have always believed that there is no bigger loss than losing your own self in the rigors of today’s fast paced life. With never ending responsibilities and infinite stress, we often forget to tell ourselves that I AM IMPORTANT and that I DESERVE PEACE. Quite a few might see this as being selfish, but the fact of the matter remains that only when you take good care of your mind and body, only then can you take good care of the other aspects of your life.

I am of the firm belief that to be the best version of yourself, your mind, body, and soul should be in balance. Life’n One is one such place in Dubai that helps you regain that balance. It is a wellness center located right in the heart of Jumeirah. From yoga, Pilates, meditation, chakra reading to healthy eating, Life’ n One takes you on the ultimate journey to self-discovery. As Eda Gungor, the founder of Life’ n One Well Being Centre says, the whole idea is to use to your own energy to better yourself.

Eda says that the basic motive of Life n’One is to help an individual back to their own alignment with the help of various alternative therapies. However, the basic is always meditation. In fact, I can say with my own experience that mediation indeed changes the way one deals with stress and how one reacts to the various aspects of life.

Thus my advice to you is to start meditating every morning. Even if it is for 10 minutes, start doing it. Take that first step, and everything will start coming your way. Add to that the various alternative therapies of Life’ n One and you are definitely going to feel one with your own self and with life in general.

So, take a break, take a pause, give yourself more time, care for the state of your mind and your body, because only then can you manage your stress well. As it is often said, slow down and everything, you are chasing will come around and catch you.

Are you a believer of the holistic approach towards healing? Would love to hear from you how it has had a positive effect on you.

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One of the most difficult pains to bear is not any physical pain, rather the psychological pain of not being able to conceive, especially when you have made up your mind to get pregnant. Pause – when the hard part is not being a parent, but conceiving a baby first.

In today’s fast paced and stressed out the world, with rapidly changing lifestyles, ill-timed food habits, and careers being the priority over family planning, infertility is a rising problem; and especially in the UAE, the numbers are quite alarming. According to a recent study done by Aster DM Healthcare, one out of five couples in UAE face fertility issues, and that the annual figures of women seeking treatment will almost double by 2030.

Dr. Gautam Allahbadia, Specialist IVF Consultant, Aster Clinics and Hospitals, is of the opinion that various factors like age, hormones, obesity, life-style pressures can all have an adverse impact on the fertility factor of a woman. A pioneer of the IVF LITE treatment, Dr. Gautam is of the belief that although natural conception is the best way to conceive, medical help is always available for couples to fulfill their dreams. The IVF technique is one such medical miracle that has been helping parents for a long time now.

However, there have been many speculations about the side-effects and unaffordable expenses related to IVF technique; but thankfully Dr. Gautam, along with his team at the Aster Clinics and Hospitals, has devised the revolutionary IVF Lite treatment that not just reduces the numbers of medicines and the injections that a woman is subjected to, but also significantly brings the cost of the otherwise unaffordable treatment.

The IVF Lite initiative by Aster Clinics and Hospitals is indeed a ray of hope to a lot of couples and the advancement in medical science can help everyone, however, just take note of the following points –

 If you are more than 30 years old, definitely consult an expert about for your family planning and related issues.
 Both partners must get themselves checked for vital parameters of fertility
 And, last but not the least, believe in your doctor and not on internet search engines.

The process to conceive can be both frustrating and painful for a couple, but believe in miracles and don’t lose hope, because even miracles take a little time. Do share your thoughts with me as I would love to hear more from you on this.

Love and Health,

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Heaven on earth is a very commonly used phrase for a lot of picturesque places around the world. However, for me Heaven on earth would not merely be a place that soothes the sense of your sight, rather it would be a place that soothes all your five senses, along with rejuvenation and revival of the body. Can such a place exist for real? Yes, it does, and that is exactly where I was last month.

Situated on the banks of Lake Worthersee in Austria, VivaMayr Maria Worth is undoubtedly the most picturesque, as also amongst the most renowned, rejuvenation and detox centers of the world. Based on the principles of the famous late Austrian Doctor F. X. Mayr, the Viva Mayr way of life is clearly one of the most acclaimed detox therapies in the world. No wonder that celebrities from all over the world choose Viva Mayr for their detox and holistic transformation break.

The late Dr. Mayr believed that everything wrong with the human body has its source in the small intestine and that the root cause of all diseases is the acidic nature of the human body. Thus, the complete rejuvenation regime at the Viva Mayr focuses on having a healthier stomach and shifting towards an alkaline body which is achieved through various stomach massages, detox regimes, diet charts, foot spas, body scrubs, etc. and unsurprisingly, people coming to Viva Mayr go back a few years younger, healthier and with a cleaner mind.

Well, I can just go on and on about this place, but as Viva Mayr taught me, it is important to slow down and take a break, because life is in the pause. So I take a small break here so that you can watch the link to my stay in Viva Mayr in the hope the place inspires you as much as it did to me.

As you all may know, Diet and Nutrition have always been an integral part of all detox programs: however, at the Viva Mayr, it is not just about what you eat but also about how you eat. I had learned the tricks when I had visited Viva Mayr two years ago, and believe you me, having followed those eating principles, my body has undergone a phenomenal transformation.
Quite predictably, it was obvious that this time too I would pay a visit to Emanuela Fischer, Head Chef, VivaMayr Maria Worth, and take a few more healthy tips for my otherwise hectic life in Dubai.

Just in case you are apprehensive about the possibility of following these healthy tips in your day-to-day lives, I must assure you that these tips are very simple and easy to follow. In fact, it is a matter of habit, and once you get into it, your body will show the phenomenal change. That is why I absolutely believe that Viva Mayr is not merely a detox and rejuvenation medical spa, it is also a place where you can cure illnesses or even just be ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ and reconnect with your own self. How can I not mention about the staff there. They go that extra mile to look after you and your needs but are never intrusive if you want to be by yourself. They become like family after your repeated visits.

A few facts

1) Eat slowly. The key strategy is “souping,” in which you chew each mouthful 40 times, so it becomes a liquid mush of saliva and food.
2) Eat while sitting down without distractions: no television, no reading the paper, no stressful conversations, no smart devices.
3) Stop eating when you feel comfortably full. If you are chewing properly, you will simply not be able to eat huge meals.
4) There should be an interval of four to five hours between each meal. Frequent snacking disrupts digestion.
5) Make breakfast and lunch your largest meals.
6) Don’t eat too late in the evening. Ideally, your evening meal should be before 7 pm. It should be small and comprise only easily digested foods (no raw vegetables or fruit). Soup is ideal.

In my opinion, the Viva Mayr detox programme is, in fact, a holistic approach to transforming you into your best self it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, idyllic places on earth. A location that probably starts detoxifying your mind, before the medication detoxifies your body. I felt a kind of void within me when it was time for me to leave the divine place but I know for sure that I will be back again, soon – for the detox programme, attend the lectures by the wonderful doctors, to cleanse my mind, body & soul

Have you had a chance to visit any detox destination? Would love to hear from you and your experience.

Love and Health,

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Heaven on earth is a very commonly used phrase for a lot of picturesque places around the world. However, for me Heaven on earth would not merely be a place that soothes the sense of your sight, rather it would be a place that soothes all your five senses, along with rejuvenation and revival of the body. Can such a place exist for real? Yes, it does, and that is exactly where I was last month.

Situated on the banks of Lake Worthersee in Austria, VivaMayr Maria Worth is undoubtedly the most picturesque, as also amongst the most renowned, rejuvenation and detox centers of the world. Based on the principles of the famous late Austrian Doctor F. X. Mayr, the Viva Mayr way of life is clearly one of the most acclaimed detox therapies in the world. No wonder that celebrities from all over the world choose Viva Mayr for their detox and holistic transformation break.

The late Dr. Mayr believed that everything wrong with the human body has its source in the small intestine and that the root cause of all diseases is the acidic nature of the human body. Thus, the complete rejuvenation regime at the Viva Mayr focuses on having a healthier stomach and shifting towards an alkaline body which is achieved through various stomach massages, detox regimes, diet charts, foot spas, body scrubs, etc. and unsurprisingly, people coming to Viva Mayr go back a few years younger, healthier and with a cleaner mind.

Well, I can just go on and on about this place, but as Viva Mayr taught me, it is important to slow down and take a break, because life is in the pause. So I take a small break here so that you can watch the link to my stay in Viva Mayr in the hope the place inspires you as much as it did to me.

As you all may know, Diet and Nutrition have always been an integral part of all detox programs: however, at the Viva Mayr, it is not just about what you eat but also about how you eat. I had learned the tricks when I had visited Viva Mayr two years ago, and believe you me, having followed those eating principles, my body has undergone a phenomenal transformation.
Quite predictably, it was obvious that this time too I would pay a visit to Emanuela Fischer, Head Chef, VivaMayr Maria Worth, and take a few more healthy tips for my otherwise hectic life in Dubai.

Just in case you are apprehensive about the possibility of following these healthy tips in your day-to-day lives, I must assure you that these tips are very simple and easy to follow. In fact, it is a matter of habit, and once you get into it, your body will show the phenomenal change. That is why I absolutely believe that Viva Mayr is not merely a detox and rejuvenation medical spa, it is also a place where you can cure illnesses or even just be ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ and reconnect with your own self. How can I not mention about the staff there. They go that extra mile to look after you and your needs but are never intrusive if you want to be by yourself. They become like family after your repeated visits.

A few facts:

1) Eat slowly. The key strategy is “souping,” in which you chew each mouthful 40 times, so it becomes a liquid mush of saliva and food.
2) Eat while sitting down without distractions: no television, no reading the paper, no stressful conversations, no smart devices.
3) Stop eating when you feel comfortably full. If you are chewing properly, you will simply not be able to eat huge meals.
4) There should be an interval of four to five hours between each meal. Frequent snacking disrupts digestion.
5) Make breakfast and lunch your largest meals.
6) Don’t eat too late in the evening. Ideally, your evening meal should be before 7 pm. It should be small and comprise only easily digested foods (no raw vegetables or fruit). Soup is ideal.

In my opinion, the Viva Mayr detox programme is, in fact, a holistic approach to transforming you into your best self it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, idyllic places on earth. A location that probably starts detoxifying your mind, before the medication detoxifies your body. I felt a kind of void within me when it was time for me to leave the divine place but I know for sure that I will be back again, soon – for the detox programme, attend the lectures by the wonderful doctors, to cleanse my mind, body & soul

Have you had a chance to visit any detox destination? Would love to hear from you and your experience.

Love and Health,

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As much I always advocate good health, healthy eating, exercising and meditating for a balanced mind, I have realized that we do not value our health till sickness strikes. Then, we suddenly become open to all ideas and all relatable health practices. However, if and only if we are consistent in our health practices, can we achieve good health; because healthy living is more about discipline than instinct.

For my Aster Live Healthy segment, today I am going to understand and know more about a condition that bothers about 30% population of the world. In fact, why talk of the world when I battle with this disease closer home with my son suffering from the same. Sinusitis or sinus infection as it is commonly known as is growing into a major concern around the world with and more and more people becoming susceptible to this disorder. Helping me understand this better is Dr. Mukesh Ramani, ENT Specialist from Aster Clinics and Hospital.

In strict medical terms, Sinusitis is the infection of the air-filled cavities which surround the nose. To put things simply, if your nasal blockage last for more than 10 days, or if you have a running nose with nasal discharge which green or yellow in color, accompanied with a headache or an aching face, you must visit an ENT specialist as these are symptoms of sinusitis. In fact, as Dr. Ramani further elaborated that there are four different kinds of sinusitis ranging from acute to chronic, and in certain cases, even requiring surgery.

Lifestyle changes have been known to help in cases of patients with a history of allergy. Smoking is a strict No, avoid allergens if you can identify them, avoid working or living in humid conditions, practice breathing exercises & jal neeti. Humidifiers can be of great help as I have personally experienced in the case of my son. Watch the video and understand what Dr. Ramani has to say on Sinusitis.

Sinusitis can definitely be managed, and one can lead a healthy life even with sinusitis provided we learn to take care of ourselves; because good health is not a miracle, its rather a commitment.

Do you have sinusitis or do you know of somebody who suffers from sinusitis? Share your experience of dealing with this disorder, after all, the more the solutions – the merrier is our health.

Love and Health,

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Health Care – Laproscopic Surgery

It is no secret that I believe in holistic healing and the self – healing power of our body. As I always say, you take care of your body, and your body will take care of you. However, unfortunately, we do face situations wherein immediate medical help is a necessity in terms of surgery. The pre-process as also the recovery phase of any surgery are quite painful and can at times be traumatic. If the surgery is a necessity, how about a surgical procedure that causes, minimum invasion, minimum pain, and the minimum recovery process?

That is exactly what Aster Healthcare is trying to achieve by pioneering the minimum invasive surgery innovation with laparoscopic surgeries, also popularly known as Band-Aid Surgeries. I spoke to Dr. Vanesha Varik, Laparoscopic, and General Surgeon, Aster Clinic & Hospital to understand more about this intriguing surgical procedure. In Dr. Vanesha’s words, laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery in which keyholes are used to access various parts of the abdomen. In fact, laparoscopic surgeries can be performed for various abdomen related conditions like Gall Bladder surgery, Appendix, all kinds of Hernia, Bariatric surgeries and much more. Just as the name Band Aid Surgeries suggests, these surgeries involve bare minimum invasions and incisions.

The best part, laparoscopic surgeries do away with the generic apprehensions related to normal surgeries, with the following advantages –
• Very less pain, practically no trauma
• Keyhole incisions ensure no stitch marks, thus cosmetically appealing
• Shorter recovery period, early mobilization, and early return to work.

As much as I, along with most of us dread surgeries, I cannot but take notice of the advantages that come along with laparoscopic procedures. So in the case of an inevitable situation of surgery, why not ask your doctor for the option of a laparoscopic procedure?

I would love to hear more about this from you, especially if you have every undergone a laparoscopic surgery. Do share your experience with me, and help others to overcome the pre-surgery anxiety! Eagerly waiting to hear from you.

Love and Health,

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As a parent, I think one of the most alarming things happening around the world is child obesity. Moreover, I will come straight to the point.

– Childhood Obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the last 30 years.
– More than 3.5 Million children in the age – group of 5 to 17 have type 2 diabetes
– About 13.5 million children have impaired glucose tolerance, which is a precursor to diabetes
– Around 24 million children have high blood pressure
– More than 33 million children have fatty liver

All this is the aftermath of Obesity.

As parents, as much as we want our children to be happy and healthy, equally true is the fact that in today’s time and age of junk food, the perils of child obesity are looming large on an entire generation.

I thus spoke to Dr. Sivanandan, from Aster Clinics and Hospitals to understand the issue better and be able to address it in the nick of time. As Dr. Sivanandan puts it, obesity can be simply measured by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) of an individual. However, what is more complex is the plethora of diseases that Child Obesity can eventually lead to. Diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, joint problems, and even bone deformities are just some of the diseases that can affect our children. Moreover, this is just the tip of the iceberg, warns Dr. Sivanandan. Watch the video to know what he has to say.

The only way to address this issue is awareness amongst parents. Awareness to bring about lifestyle modifications and change the eating habits of our children so that they lead a healthy and disease-free future. This can be achieved only if we change our lifestyle and lead by example. As I always say, we are what we eat. So it is we, the parents who first need to give up on junk food and a sedentary lifestyle because our children will follow our example and not our advice. Do share your thoughts with me…

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I have always believed and written that wellness is not merely a physical state, but also a state of mind. Equally significant and relevant is the fact, that the mind needs to be aware and thus understand the various signs that our body keeps giving us. Joint pain is one such sign where the body tries to indicate probably something serious.

I have often seen that we tend to ignore creaky/achy joints, or a sharp shooting pain in the shoulders, at times even knee pain…as we choose over the counter medication to get some relief. To understand the severity of such instances of pain, I spoke to Dr. Manjunath, Specialist Orthopedic, Aster Clinics and Hospitals, who says that joint pains can be due to infection, trauma, tumors and various other reasons and therefore should never be ignored.

Joint pain can be of various types. Just to emphasize on the prevalence of joint pain, let me quote some statistics of the Emirates Arthritis Foundation that states that 20% of UAE’s population suffers from a form of arthritis; and for this Dr. Manjunath suggests diagnostic procedures, followed by conservative management to seek relief from joint pain.

However, in today’s fast moving world, the joint pain seems to be unavoidable as we grow old, especially the hip joint and the knees that are the most affected parts owing to body weight. However, to everybody’s relief, Dr. Manjuanth says that hip and knee replacement surgeries have become fairly simpler, less painful, and far more effective, thanks to rapid progress in medical science. Not just that, medical insurance ensures that such surgical procedures do not burn a hole in your pocket.

As much as I wish great health for everyone, I also believe that we need to be aware of what can go wrong and be prepared for such situations. If you are suffering from any kind of joint pain, do write in and let me and my viewers know about how you deal with it. The more we share such knowledge, the more we care about the world. Please remember, the next time you experience a creaky joint, don’t just resort to an over the counter medication – an expert advice will do no harm.

Love and Health,

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‘The moment a child is born, the mother takes birth too.’ I totally relate to that. When I go down the memory lane, I had myself become a new woman the day I became a mother. Pregnancy is the most beautiful and miraculous emotion that can be experienced. However, what we often fail to understand is that childbirth is not merely the birth of one, but the birth of two souls…both the child and the mother… moreover, utmost care, precautions, and provisions need to be made for the process to be smoother for both the child and the mother.

I spoke to Dr. Ramanathan, Specialist Pediatrician, Aster Clinics & Hospitals, who stresses on the need of Multi-Specialty Hospital care for expecting mothers as also for the delivery process.

I totally agree with Dr. Ramanathan when he says that expecting mothers are susceptible to many diseases particularly thyroid disorders, hypertension, diabetes and even liver diseases. Hence, it is extremely important to manage all of them well for the well-being and health of both the baby and the expecting mother. I am sure you would agree that for the sake of convenience, it truly helps if all the specialist doctors are available under the same roof.

Similar is the case during the actual delivery period, when not just mother but in many cases these days, even the baby needs intensive care especially in terms of breathing and nutrition. In fact, Dr. Ramanathan says that almost 10% of the babies born these days need additional medical support. Therefore, a neo-natal intensive care unit is almost imperative for the good health of the baby. It is only in a multi-specialty hospital that all the specialist doctors can come together to ensure the best attention to both the mother and the child.

A baby fills a place in your heart and life, and it is very important to ensure that the process is made as easy and as healthy as possible. I would love to hear from your about your moments of magic, about the moment when your little one was born, about the moment when you were re-born as the mother.

Love and Health,

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Health Care – Skin Care During Summers

I have always believed that the best make-up that you can wear is beautiful, glowing skin. Moreover, why not! After all, everybody is born with baby soft skin. However, the effects of time, the pollutants in the air, poor lifestyle and eating habits and odd sleeping hours lead to the loss of the skin’s original glow and radiance. There is nobody who is not affected with some kind of skin issues.

No wonder then, that I often receive a lot of queries with regards to skin health care. If I may say this, I am extremely particular about my diet, my health, my well-being and my skincare routine. Despite that, I too face skin issues like pigmentation and dryness, at times blackheads, and even the worst nightmare that almost all of you would identify with – a pimple or acne popping up right before an event or professional assignment you have to attend. Sounds familiar?? Personally for me, with all the makeup and harsh lights at shoots, the scorching heat and harsh climate of Dubai – having, and most importantly maintaining a healthy skin texture…is by no means an easy task.

Skin related issues and skin care being one of my favourite topics of discussion, I seized the opportunity to talk to Dr. Nasreen Sarwat, Skin Specialist, Aster Clinics and Hospital, to understand the basics of good skin care. She says “Our skin is not merely a protective layer; it is rather like any other part of our body. Therefore, take good care of your health, ensure good nutrition and your skin will take care of most of the other things.” Simple, isn’t it? At least these two are the most basic things that I never fail upon, and thus I suggest that you too should adhere to the same.

Talking of various skin types, Dr. Nasreen suggests that we must be well aware of our individual skin type, and our choice of cosmetics should always be based on the same. Even your choice of sunscreen should depend on your skin type. In fact, she goes on say that all kinds of cosmetics should always be taken under expert guidance, as off the shelf cosmetics like fairness creams do more damage to the skin than any good.

Dr.Nasreen ended her conversation with me with another pearl of wisdom…Be Happy with your complexion, and focus on keeping your skin healthy.

I could not agree more with her. We often tend to take desperate measures and at times…a lot of measures to get that perfect and flawless skin…where all we need to do is, take good care of ourselves, have the right nutrition and be happy. Moreover, believe you me, nothing looks more beautiful, than a happy and glowing skin. Share with me your skin care regimen – would love to know more from you.

Love and Health,

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Dubai is a city of extremes. From extreme engineering to extreme cultural diversity and from the extreme wealth to extreme megastructures, Dubai has it all that makes it the perfect world city. However, of all the desirable extremes, one aspect that is not exactly the most likeable, is the climate of Dubai, especially the extreme heat. Come summers and the sweltering heat has not just Dubai but the whole of UAE gasping for breath. When the heat wave strikes, one thing that we all are wary of is a Heat Stroke.

I spoke with Dr. Manodip Acharrya from Aster Clinics and Hospitals to know more about Heat Stroke and how we can save ourselves from the adversities of extreme climate. Dr. Acharrya clearly states that a Heat Stroke is a case of medical emergency and should in no way be taken lightly, or ignored. Often caused by extremely high temperatures, the high levels of humidity and extreme physical activity can also lead to heat strokes. He thus suggests that symptoms like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, excessive sweating, nausea should never be ignored and be immediately attended to. What’s more concerning is the fact that a heat stroke severely dehydrates our body and any delay in medical attention can cause damage to vital organs and may even prove fatal.

Wearing lighter clothes, protecting yourselves from the heat and keeping your body hydrated are some of the precautions that one should always take to protect themselves from the wrath of the extreme climate. Most importantly, do not ignore any of the symptoms of Heat Stroke and ensure medical attention at the earliest. After all, a stitch in time saves nine, and is there any other wealth that feels better than good health?

Do write into me if you know about remedies to avoid/treat heat strokes. I would love to hear from you and share your experience with my viewers.

Love and Health,

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A very popular phrase says ‘Take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live’. As much as most of us believe in this, equally true is the fact that we forget take care of our body every time we are outside the comforts of our home. Or if I may put it in other words, at times it is not possible to take adequate measures, especially in matters of personal hygiene. I have no qualms in accepting that am very fastidious about my personal hygiene and hence, I cringe at the thought of using a public restroom. I am sure it’s not just me, but a lot of women who are wary of using public restrooms. Fortunately, here’s help for all women out there; we now have something called as the ‘Safe Seat’.

I happened to catch up with Aquillha, the proprietor of the concept ‘Safe Seat’. Safe Seat is basically a toilet seat sanitizer, that Aquillha claims, kills 99.9% germs within 5 seconds of spraying. Easily available in the local stores, Safe Seat also comes with a strong fragrance that completely changes the atmosphere of the public restrooms at the blink of the eye. Considering that these sanitizers are potable enough to be carried in bags, Safe Seat can also be used for door knobs, flush handles, taps etc. In fact, this sanitizer can be used by men too.

Necessity is the mother of all invention. For Aquillha, it was the need to come up with a potable and effective sanitizer, after she suffered from a severe bout of UTI. And all thanks to her, women now don’t have to panic about using a public restroom anymore. A simple spray, and you can be assured of 99.9% hygiene.

So the next time, you have to especially use a public restroom, take up matters in your own hands, ensure your own personal hygiene, and always have a Safe Seat.

Would love to know more from you what measures you take for safe surroundings. Your tips could be helpful to me and others in so many ways.

Tons of love,

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Motherhood is truly the greatest thing, as also the hardest thing, especially if you are all alone during your 1st pregnancy in a big city like Dubai. I remember how my pregnancy days were full of excitement, curiosity, doubts and anxieties, and I am sure it remains the same for quite a few expecting mothers even today. It is exactly in this phase that a woman needs an advisor in the form of a friend or a family. With the never ending list of Do’s and Don’ts, expecting mothers walk the tightrope of being happy and excited as also apprehensive and anxious…always looking for that friend, who will reassert their thoughts.

It is exactly with the same idea that the Baby Shop has come up with a range of things, which can be your perfect guide and advisor, through your anxious days. I had the good fortune of introducing Sidra Surmed, who is seven months into her pregnancy, is glowing, is excited, is inquisitive, but also anxious, to these amazing things available at the Baby Shop. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised to see the kind of help available.

Like the booklet called as Mom’s Little secret…this is a perfect checklist for all expecting mothers, right until your baby turns two years old. It is like your friend and advisor, month on month, day in and day out.

And not just that, the Baby Shop has also started a service by the name of Shopper Assist. Moreover, true to its name, the Baby Shop helps you with your personalized shopping advisor, who advises you on preparing yourself with a range of things for the exciting months ahead. Right from prams to baby rockers and from a variety of milk bottles to toys for a growing baby; you think of it, and the Baby Shop’s Shopper Assist has a solution for all your problems.

With so much help and assistance available, how comforting would it have been for me, had the Baby Shop services been available when I was expecting. Nevertheless, it is available now for all you beautiful women expecting to deliver an exciting life soon. Do share your thoughts, your excitement, and your apprehensions with me as I would love to be a part of your wonderful journey and joyous moments.

Tons of love,

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Fast-paced lives, weird timings, unhealthy food habits and a mind that is over-burdened with stress!! If I had to define human beings in today’s date and time, those would be my choice of words. That is why I cannot but agree with the phrase, that we all are part of a rat race…moreover, it is a rat race. No wonder that as we all try to cope up with the worldly pressures, we often forget to look within, to take a break, to talk to our inner conscience, and most importantly, make time to rejuvenate.

Last time I did mention about the new concept of staycation wherein world over, people are taking a vacation to explore their own vicinity. An extension to the same concept…is the lesser known and much lesser realized fact that a stay in a resort need not necessarily be meant only for the luxurious materialistic pleasures but can well be meant for a well-deserved and much-needed wellness break.

Well, that is exactly I experienced at the Le Meridien, Dubai. I have been spending a considerable amount of time at the Le Meridien property for the shoots of my show, and I must confess, I am really impressed with the facilities and services available here. Nestled in the middle of a hustling bustling city, the spa experiences and the health treatments at the Le Meridien Dubai can be the perfect answer to your exhausted mind and tired body and I have to thank Inge Van Weert, Director of Operations, & Deveekaa Nijhawan, Complex Public Relations & Communications Manager at the hotel for taking me through all what it has to offer.

The Natural Elements Spa with its nine treatment rooms, hydro-bath facility, aroma heat caves, and a gala of treatments on offer has always been a favorite amongst patrons as also amongst people seeking a mental bliss and physical well-being. However, what has been stealing all the limelight since quite some time now is The Royal Club Spa at the hotel, with the unique and authentic Hammam experience. In fact, Le Meridien has painstakingly hand-picked some of the best hammam experts and masseurs from around the world to give you the most relaxing and authentic hammam experience in this part of the world.

If that was not enough, Le Meridien Dubai has also added the Sauna with a Snow Cave in its wellness den. This offers an extraordinary experience that’s great for skin health, detoxification and slimming. Needless to mention the fact, that this is one of those rare places in Dubai where you can see snow.

Two swimming pools, one of the biggest fitness centers, treatments that will spoil you to choices, hammam experience, Zumba, yoga…name it and the Le Meridien can pull a magic out of its hat. Precisely why I believe that the Le Meridien Dubai is not merely a luxury hotel, it is more of a resort which is also a wellness haven where you can relax the mind, revive the body and renew the soul.

So the next time you plan a day for your wellness, the Le Meridien Dubai, would be a good choice. Would love to hear more from you if you know of any place or get – away where you can get any such avant-garde, exceptional experience in Dubai

Tons of Love,

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Le Meridien Dubai:



Today, as the world tourism is converging in Dubai and the vibrant city emerging as one of the top tourist destinations of the world, it indeed comes as a surprise that millions of people who have loved and lived in this city for so long, have not yet discovered the beauty and magnificence of this city. I must accept, I am no exception to this. Nonetheless, it only made sense that this time around I make a difference to my own understanding of a holiday and a break by choosing a staycation.

With innumerable options of Staycations available in Dubai, it was Dubai Tourism who eased my task by extending a 2-nights 3-days invite to stay at the fabulous and the hugely popular Madinat Jumeirah. Nestled within the bustling city, to me the Madinat Jumeriah is nothing short of a haven for those seeking harmony and tranquility.

Comprising of 2 boutique hotels Al Qasr and Mina A’Salaam, 29 summerhouses called Dar Al Masyaf, 2 kms of private beach front and over 40 world-renowned restaurants and bars, all connected with tranquil waterways and tropical landscape, Madinat Jumeirah is the largest resort in the UAE; almost like a city within a city.
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Holidays and family time are the best times for any mother. After all, it is this time that you get to give and have the complete attention of the angels of your lives. Nevertheless, what follows next, in my opinion, is the most daunting task for any mother – preparing your children to go back to school. While some children are always excited by the prospect of going back to school, making new friends and starting a new academic year, there are the others who do not want their holidays to come to an end. It is with these children that mums have to strike a fine balance of wanting their kids to be excited to go back to school. So how do you do that?

Well, from my personal experience, I can tell you that one of the best ways to motivate your children to go back to school is by gifting them something that they are really fond of, and something that they can carry to school. That’s where the Babyshop Stores come to the rescue of all the young mothers, who are struggling to get their children motivated for school.

Every child has a superhero in their mind; and that superhero could be a cartoon character, an animated princess, or at times even a sports star. If you can identify your child’s superhero, Babyshop Stores can have that superhero as your child’s companion to school. Right from Spiderman to Minions, and from famous football team to Princess Elsa, think of it and the Babyshop store definitely has something that will keep your child intrigued. Right from school bags to soft toys, and from t-shirts to tiffin boxes, Babyshop not only understands what your baby needs, but also gives them the platform to form their own rules.

So all you mothers, go out there and shop for the best friend of your baby, and believe you me, this shopping is going to be as much for you as for the child. I would love to hear from all you lovely mothers about your unique ways of preparing your children for school.

Tons of Love,

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Health Care – Hypothyroidism

As much as I believe that the human body is the most beautiful creation of Mother Nature, equally true is the fact that the same human body is probably the most complex of all nature’s creations. On the other hand, when we tend to ignore or misread the signals given by the same body, it is exactly then that good health takes a back seat and diseases start driving our lives.

Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland is one such disorder which is affecting millions of people, especially women around the world. On that account, I spoke to Dr. Maneesha Pandey, Specialist Endocrinologist from Aster Clinic and Hospital, to understand the nuances of hypothyroidism. And believe you me, the statistics are quite alarming. About 30 million women around the world can be suffering from an under active thyroid gland. What is more concerning is the fact that an underactive thyroid gland in a pregnant woman can affect the brain development of the foetus.

For that reason, it is extremely important to make note of the symptoms associated with Hypothyroidism. Dr. Maneesha pointed out that symptoms like increased fatigue, weakness, weight gain or difficulty in losing weight, menstrual irregularity, increased hair fall, dryness of skin, and sensitivity to cold can be associated with hypothyroidism. However, since these symptoms are extremely common, it is regular blood screening that is extremely important to detect any anomaly in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Even as the complications that come along with an underactive thyroid gland can alter the way one leads their lives, Dr. Maneesha assures that timely and customized treatments can definitely help in the healing process and the affected person can lead a perfectly normal life.

My suggestion to everyone, especially the women, would be to go for regular blood screenings related to the thyroid gland and check for any irregularities in the early stages. This is because I truly believe that there is no wealth as priceless as good health; and there is no greater happiness than a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Do you see any of the mentioned symptoms in you? If yes, then do go in for a blood test to rule out hypothyroidism. Would love to have inputs from those who are diagnosed with this on how they have made and adapted certain lifestyle changes to lead a normal life.

Tons of Love,

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It’s often said that the groundwork to all happiness is good health. As a result, I constantly strive to spread some positivity and happiness. Today, I shall be focusing on the groundwork, i.e. good health. Firstly, let us look at some startling facts before we begin our groundwork.

 About 450 Million people are affected by diabetes worldwide
 Every 6 seconds, 1 person dies from Diabetes
 20% of the population of UAE is affected by Diabetes
 One in two adults with Diabetes goes undiagnosed.

Do we need any more reasons to understand why Diabetes is termed as the Silent Killer? In my quest for complete wellness, I spoke with Dr. Prakash Pania, Specialist Endocrinologist – Aster Clinics and Hospital, to understand about Diabetes better.

Most of us would know the basics about Diabetes, but Dr. Prakash insists that one understands the type of diabetes that one is suffering from. I was quite surprised to know that 85-90% of the diabetic population of the world is inflicted by the type II diabetes. Besides that, what is more worrisome is the fact that if the sugar levels remain uncontrolled for longer periods, it can result in severe damage to vital organs like the kidneys, heart and eyes.

Dr. Prakash suggests the DEEDS of Diabetes to control the silent killer – Diet, Education, Exercise & Drugs which are the four pillars on the basis of which diabetes can be controlled and treated.

Do watch the link below to know about the DEEDS of Diabetes in details and post your queries, if any. Dr.Prakash Pania will be more than happy to answer your queries. As I repeatedly say – remember, the greatest wealth is only health.

Is anyone in your family, relatives or friends diagnosed with diabetes? Would love to know how they have kept it in control and manage so that it can benefit many others.

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It’s that time of the year when you are probably planning to execute your next family vacation, create timeless memories, and spend some invaluable time with your children. After all, memories made together are the ones that last a lifetime. But even as you thrash out each and every minute detail of your trip, one aspect that always worries a mom – especially a working mother – is packing for her children. This is because it is important to pick and pack the right things that will keep your baby healthy and comfortable during the rigors of travel.

Lyra Monterio, mother of two angels had similar worries for her upcoming family trip to Singapore and Malaysia. Thus, we headed to Babyshop to help Lyra pick & choose the right and the quintessential things for her two children.

Babyshop is almost like a wonderland, where if you can think of something, you can get it. Right from the designer outfits to beachwear, from toys to footwear, Babyshop has practically all the answers to a concerned mother’s worries. No wonder, they go by the tagline – Mom’s Little Secret, a secret that Lyra was more than content to explore for her children.

I thoroughly enjoyed this experience of shopping for Lyra’s kids, especially with my son already having a mind of his own; I rarely get to shop for his vacations. Here are a few tips that can be handy for every mother.

1) Making a separate packing list for your children
2) If heading to a beach destination, ensure that you carry safety gears.
3) Instead of sharing, your kids can have their own separate bag of clothes
4) Ensure your kids are around when you are packing their bags. In fact, let them lend a helping hand
5) Do speak to your pediatrician and carry certain required medications in case of any emergency

With these tips, I hope you can make every moment of your vacation count. After all, we travel not to escape life, but for life to not escape us.

Do you have any tips for summer packing for kids? Please share with me and my viewers.
Always waiting to hear from you.

Tons of love

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It’s often said that good health actually starts with good breathing. No wonder, a lot of emphasis is being laid world over on various breathing techniques. On the other hand, the quality of air that we breathe has raised some alarming concerns across the world. In fact, a research by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that the indoor air quality can be 100 times more polluted than the outdoor air. Thereupon, today I am going to discuss an extremely vital subject – Air Purifiers.
Helping me understand air purifiers is Saqib Turrab, Product Specialist, LG Electronics. As a matter of fact, LG Electronics have been constantly researching on the indoor air quality of our home and thus devising the best air purifiers for our age and times. As Saqib suggests, Air Purifiers are more than mere products. They not only clean the indoor air quality, but also create a comfortable environment.
To keep it simple, frequent incidences of cold, cough, shortness of breath, irritation are signs that suggest that you should get an air purifier.
But before you invest in one, here are the Top 5 things to know –
1) Ensure that your air purifier has HEPA filter, which can remove more than 99.7% of 0.3 micron particles
2) Match the air purifier to the size of your room.
3) Air Purifiers that use ozone to clean the air are not recommended.
4) Ensure that the noise of the fan of your air purifier is not too loud.
5) Prefer reputable brands.
To know about air purifiers in further detail, click on the video below. Do remember, there is no right or wrong time to buy an air purifier. It is rather about a healthy practice; because being healthy is not a goal, it’s a way of life. So breathe in the good, breathe out the bad.

For years, my son suffered from cold and sinusitis until I bought an air purifier. I experienced a considerable and dramatic improvement in his health thereafter. So, I absolute vouch for it. Do you use an air purifier in your home? What made you buy one? Please share with me. I am always waiting to hear from you.
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What is Cardiovascular Diseases

What is Cardiovascular Diseases? its heart diseases heart attack and stroke are considered to be the 2 top killers worldwide. know about cardiovascular disease from the specialist cardiologist, including risk factors, prevention, and symptoms.
Health is where the heart is. I guess we often forget the fact that we are probably the most complex, yet the most beautiful creation of nature that is governed by the brain and ruled by the heart. Nonetheless, it is often this heart that we neglect and take for granted – Or at least that’s what the data related to cardiovascular diseases suggests.

Dr. Sachin Upadhyay, Specialist Cardiologist, Aster Clinics and Hospitals enlightened me that of all the deaths in the world, 33% are due of Cardiovascular diseases. The statistics only get more alarming with respect to India, where 53% deaths are owing to ailments related to the heart.

Even as a lot of ethnicities like Indians, Middle East and North Africans are genetically more susceptible to heart diseases, Dr. Sachin suggests that there are certain modifiable risk factors that can save one from cardiovascular diseases. Primary among them being No Smoking, being physically active and choosing our diet wisely and prudently.

Personally I have always believed that it’s not just about eating healthy, it is also about eating right. All things considered, a healthy outside actually starts from a healthy inside. Not to mention that with our changing lifestyles and fast food culture, cardiovascular diseases loom large at our generation. Hence it is only by taking good care of ourselves, loving ourselves and consequently cultivating smart at heart habits that will go a long way in having a healthy heart, and a hearty health.

Little changes can go a long way, I have experienced it time and again. I would love to hear from you how adopting certain healthy changes and habits have made a difference in your health. Write to me in the comment box below.

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My 7 – Day Detox Trip to Viva Mayr

‘Health is a state of mind and Wellness is a state of being’. I have always believed that when you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.

Probably the day-to-day rigors of Dubai’s fast paced life had started taking a toll on my wellness…on my state of being. Hence, here I am at the heavenly and picturesque world renowned VivaMayr Maria Worth health resort in Austria. It is also known as the best detox and rejuvenation resort in the world.

The 10-hour long flight from Dubai to Vienna in Emirates airlines and then from Vienna to Klagenfurt in Austrian Airlines can be quite strenuous but thanks to the some warm and sincere hospitality in the sky, it ensured that my journey from the Desert City of Dubai to the scenic Klagenfurt wasn’t too tiring. Not to mention that the spell binding natural beauty of the Carinthian Alps of Southern Austria, welcomed me with earnestness that embraced my soul. VivaMayr Maria Worth rests on the banks of Lake Worthersee and in my opinion, it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and idyllic places on earth. A location, that probably starts detoxifying your mind before the medication detoxifies your body.

I have been associated with VivaMayr for the last 3 years now and I can vouch for the fact that there’s no better scientific way to wellness than the one devised by the famous Late Austrian Dr. F X Mayr, who believed that everything wrong with the human body has its source in the small intestine. On my first visit to VivaMayr about 2 years ago, I was extremely impressed with the science of holistic wellness followed here. They have a rigorous yet assuredly beneficial regimes of minimal food, morning Epsom salt intake, the occasional colonic infusions, regular visits to the doctor for stomach massages, detox regimes, foot spas, body scrubs and much more. Most importantly, VivaMayr treatments focus on turning the body alkaline by defining what we eat and how we eat. Much like what Hippocrates had said – The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.

On my second visit to VivaMayr, I look forward to imbibe the healthy practices, breathe in the purity and try to be one with nature. For the next 7 days, through the various detox regimes, I shall not merely be rejuvenating my body, but also my soul amidst the infinite charm of the stunning Alpine beauty.

I shall keep updating you about my experiences at the VivaMayr Maria Worth. Follow me on Instagram @umagd and Facebook @theumashow to know everything I am experiencing for next 7 days. I want all of you to learn and be a part of what I am learning.

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what is Endometriosis

what is Endometriosis? very fewer people know about this its effect many women Endometriosis occurs when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows outside of it in this the period pain is there but as well pre-period pain and it worse with every period
I truly believe in the fact that Being Healthy & Fit is not a fad or a trend, it’s a lifestyle; because there is no bigger happiness than being healthy and there is no bigger feat than being fit. However, with changing times and a lifestyle that relies heavily on fast food, a plethora of ‘Lifestyle’ related diseases are scavenging into our lives. One such painful and lifestyle related disease affecting a large number of women across the world is Endometriosis. In fact, it is also known as the ‘Rich Woman’s Disease’.

To be honest, I was completely unaware of this disease till I spoke with Dr. Keya Rahul Shivadey, Gynaecologist & Obstetrician, Aster Clinic & Hospital. Unknown to many, the facts and figures that Dr. Keya presented to me are quite alarming.

Endometriosis is basically the displacement of the endometrium lining of the uterus. Dr. Keya is of the opinion that it is seen in approximately 8-10% of normal, average menstruating women but what is more perturbing is that 50% of the infertility cases have a co-relation with endometriosis. The symptoms can range from painful periods to discomfort in bowel movements, and much more. She advises that once detected with Endometriosis, one should resort to immediate medication since ignoring it can result in painful complications.

Endometriosis can be treated and you can relieve yourself of the excruciating pain, provided you adhere to the medication prescribed and bring about the necessary lifestyle changes. So take care of yourself and your body because YOU are beautiful – and a healthy and beautiful YOU makes this world an even better place to live in.

Have you suffered from endometriosis or going through it? Do you know anyone who is?
Would like to know more from you. Share your story and inspire others – I love hearing from you.

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How to choose a right washing machine

Women and multi-tasking go hand in hand…isn’t it? However, at home, one can multi-task only if well supported, by family members, by technology, by appliances. Talking of appliances, laundry is definitely one aspect that we women love to multi-task in…provided we have the right kind of washing machine.

Of course, gone are the days, when we used to be worried about washing and scrubbing clothes by hand. I believe what worries us more now is selecting the right kind of washing machine. Now as simple as it might sound, investment in the wrong kind of washing machine can surely land you in a soup.

So, to help my viewers chose the perfect washing machine, I spoke to Grace Cho, Product Specialist, LG Electronics Inc. who has quite a few simple yet very pertinent tips…to wash all your worries away.

The utility and convenience are absolutely the top priority when choosing to buy a new washing machine. You might fancy the latest one in the market, but does it really help in making your tasks easier? Double check on that. Of course, the size of your laundry and the frequency of usage play an equally vital role in making a choice. A must check is where you want to place the washing place in your home before you decide to pick one – top loading or front loading. Other factors that need to be kept in mind while making your decision are the different types of fabrics and clothes that you need to wash, power consumption and noise levels.

To me it is very important that my washing machine is value for money. So I really wanted to have this segment on my show to help you choose right, because there is no point in investing in a machine that makes you work harder. LG has a variety of choices in washing machines that cater to consumers of varied needs. I myself use an LG, and must tell you that my LG washing machine, indeed, washes away my worries. Does yours?


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what Is Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of the joint in body this is very common in young and old age people main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness there are different kinds of arthritis people should avoid having high protein diet, transfat food high sugar level food to cure arthritis people should take antioxident fruits and vegetables also do regular exercises

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. As much as inspirational this quote has been to

all of us, if you really want to experience this in real life, maybe you should be see a person

detected with Arthritis.

More than 50 million patients in the United States, and an estimated 78 million projected patients

by 2040!!! The numbers are surely very alarming. But that’s not the only grave concern. When I

spoke to Dr. Kirti Mohan Marya, Orthopedic Surgeon, Aster Clinics and Hospitals, I was very

surprised to know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis that can affect us.

With the changing times, the dramatic changes in food eating habits and the world changing

faster than ever before leading us to more & more of inactivity and sedentary lifestyle; Arthritis

is one painful lifestyle disease that everybody stands a risk for.

Right from joint inflammation, too painful joints, from morning stiffness to restricted joint

movement, the symptoms of arthritis seem quite painful and at times even life changing. To

combat this, Dr. Kirti Mohan is of the firm advice that for patients detected with arthritis,

lifestyle changes are a must. They could range from change in food habits, to a modified exercise

regime…a decision that must be taken after consultation with your doctor.

Arthritis surely has the potential to bring your life to a standstill. But if one brings about the

necessary lifestyle changes and exercises regularly and rightly, nothing can stop you. Thus, I

always believe…irrespective of whatever situation you are in, Keep Moving – because when you

Keep Moving, you are bound to reach somewhere.

Do you know of somebody, who has won his battle with Arthritis and set an example? Please do

share the story with me, as everybody needs some inspiration to keep moving.

Tons of Love

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How to Eat Healthy During Holidays

Am sure you have heard of the phrase, everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Fitness is pretty much like that; everybody desires a flat tummy, but nobody wants to eat right, especially when you are on a vacation. But what if I could tell you, that you could seek heaven, without having to bear the pain!

Watch the video… to know more.

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How To Travel Smart

Travel farther and travel often. That is something that I have always believed in. Because

travelling is the only way to explore – at times the world, at others your soul. With the holiday

season around the corner, it made sense if I could lend a helping hand to your travel plans.

I always plan my holidays in advance. It not only helps you plan better, but an organized

approach always adds to your indulgence in an unexplored country. Something that Mr. Ahmed

M. Soliman, Managing Director of TCA of group of companies, also agrees to. In fact, Mr.

Ahmed takes it a step further by adding that holiday should be different for families, for couples

and for singles.

More often than not when you travel with your family, the priority is your children because it is

that joy on their face that gives you the sense of accomplishment. Thus one should choose

destinations for a family holiday that are high on activities involving children. A preferable

choice could be somewhere within 3-4 hours of flying distance and one that also has stringent

security measures. Mr. Ahmed suggests that the Islands of Indian Ocean, North Africa, Oman,

Turkey are all great places to indulge in if you have to plan to holiday with your family.

The criteria however differs a little when it comes to couples planning an escape. Firstly, couples

need to decide if they want to have a Break the Bank kind of holiday or one which within the

budget. Also, if I can safely assume that couples would want an added tinge of adventure & more

of exploration, a 5-8 hours of flying distance should be good to take them to their havens. That

would get Europe within striking distance, and countries like Spain, Italy, Greece give the

perfect concoction of adventure, leisure, culinary and natural beauty of the land. Mr. Ahmed also

advises on places like Phuket & Bali, which are great holiday destinations for both couples and


Talking of singles planning a holiday, there probably cannot be better a destination than South

and South East Asia. Countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia are exactly what would soothe

your soul when you are out to explore the unexplored.

And just when I was losing myself in planning my next trip, Mr. Ahmed rightly reminded me of

the Travel Check List that every traveler must not forget. So please ensure that your passport has

enough validity, be aware of the Visa regulations of the country you are visiting, don’t blindly

jump into a last minute deal breaker, keep embassy contacts handy and of course, take care of

your luggage.

I truly believe that travel is the only thing you buy, that makes your life richer. So now, with

these travel tips, am also set to plan my next holiday. Would love to know where you are

planning to travel this summer?

Tons of love


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Healthy Indian Food | Dubai

Healthy Indian Food In Dubai.
11 years ago, when I started my TV journey with my first TV show High Life Dubai, I had an opportunity to cook with the legendary Asha Bhosle in her then newly opened restaurant – Ashas. I was amazed to see how much passion and knowledge she had for cooking and good food. We chatted, we laughed and she told me many stories about her journey in the music and film industry. She also shared her memories of many iconic film personalities, she had an opportunity to work with in her career. I kept going to Ashas for meals for many years after that until recently I was invited to review the healthy options on their menu. Needless to mention, I was thrilled and nostalgic.

Both the young and the adults are familiar with the legendary and melodious voice of Asha Bhosle and I am sure quite a few of us know some of her songs by heart. Over the years she has spread so much love with her sublimity that every single one of us has been touched by her and her music in some way.

Today, I am here to talk about another milestone of her life, which is right here in our city – Dubai. Asha’s Restaurant – situated in Wafi. In business since 2002, the restaurant is an innovative style of Indian restaurant boasting a traditional Indian menu with Asha Bhosle’s personal touch.

“Good food transcends any language or any culture, it has a universal appeal.”

With so much effort of keeping the architecture together, Asha’s food is nonetheless a treat to Indian foodies. Embark on a culinary journey with me, as I review some of the sumptuous dishes and Asha Bhosle’s own recipes; from their menu.

Well, you see I enjoyed every bite of my Indian food, but still keeping my clean eating options mind. As I have been repeatedly telling you, it’s not about eating less – it’s all about eating right. Eat where ever you want, but just tweak it according to your health preferences. Ask the Chef to use less oil, or for any other healthy preference that’s there on your daily menu or if you are gluten free or dairy free like me, they will definitely take care of it.

I would love you to go and experience a meal at Ashas and that’s why I am giving away two vouchers worth AED 500 each. All you have to tell me is how do you make the healthier version of your favorite Indian recipes?
Please share with me and I would love to try them.

Be healthy and be happy


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Understand your AURA

I absolutely love interacting with you so often through my digital channel and talk about everything that interests me and facts that help us understand ourselves better. Today I will be talking about something that I have been studying for some time now – AURA. Aura represents our physical, emotional as well as spiritual energies.

Aura what is Aura? Aura is about energy In scientific research it’s been found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4 to 5 feet in an average health body and appears to be depleted in cases of an unhealthy person.

A few people are gifted to see Auras and this week I am back again at one of my favorite place; Life n’ One to have a better understanding about Auras and Chakras. Let’s see what Sarah Abdelal has in store for us.

What is an Aura? Each and every one of us has their own field of energy, which is called an aura. Everything has an aura or is surrounded by a field of its own energy that can be see if you practice it the right way.

How does it help you? Aura reading is a powerful self-help tool. When you have aura imaging session, it helps you in various ways. As it helps you to understand your being on a whole new different level.

· It helps you to understand your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Learn & understand how they are affecting your life.
· Become more appreciative of your own being.
· Less fear and frustration.
· Improve your communication skills.
· Improved sensitivity towards others
· Understand Your Life’s Purpose and career choices

See your life from a different perspective and be grateful that you have tools and people to help you out in your holistic journey. Even if you are skeptical, these sessions will help you to broaden your horizon to get in touch with your inner peace and help you in your holistic journey.

I so glad Dubai has a place like Life’N One, http://lifenone.com ; this center can help you revitalize your mind, body and soul. Connect with them if you find yourself disconnected and want to bring the balance back in your life

Tons of Love

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Craniosacral Therapy

This week, I was firm to bring a change in your life. You ask me why? Because, I love bringing positivity around me and I feel you all have become a huge part of my life – more like my e-family! I know, we all go through different edges in life, many turns are right and many are wrong; sometimes hardships and sometimes total success… But what we need to do the most is to create balance between all and live a happy, positive and blissful life.

So this week, I sat with May-Britt, Craniosacral Therapy Expert, Life’n One, to get a deeper insight to the treatment which will help us to make necessary changes, needed in our life and take charge of our health.

What is Craniosacral therapy?

Physical manipulation of the bones in the skull, harmonizing with natural rhythm in your central nervous system. It’s a gentle, non-invasive healing method done by therapeutic touch.

How it’s done?

The practitioner works with the bones of the skull and pelvis which allows to release the tension and allows your cerebrospinal fluids to flow properly from spinal cord to the brand and vice versa.

Why is it important?

It allows to bring back balance in your life by a holistic and relaxing approach. On the other hand, it helps you to relive the physical pains, which impacts our daily life on a very large scale. It has no harm what so ever, and it is amazingly relaxing which is a plus point on its own.

Sometimes in life, what we don’t realize is our own worth… and we all know it’s a truth. We have to take care of ourselves and love our self, only then we would be able to spread love and positivity around us. So my dear fellow reader, take charge of your life right now, take a moment and BREATHE … with just one mantra, I am a happy person and I will spread blissfulness all around me.

If you need any more information about the therapy, feel free to write to me or contact Life’n One directly: http://lifenone.com/

So happy to share that Life N one would like to give away a voucher worth AED 500 to try out a therapy at their wellness hub.

To win this I would like to know from you, what was the most challenging thing in your life so far and how did you overcome it? Your story can inspire and give courage to someone else, so please go ahead and share.

Thank you for a being a part of my world, I value this so much.

Tons of love.


Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
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Get Uma’s Beautiful Look | How to Look Gorgeous | #Beauty | #Fashion | #Wellness

I have never underestimated the power of make up. I love the confidence boost make up gives a person. Wearing make up isn’t the same thing as having a positive self image even though the latter is extremely important; but for me make up is fun – it’s a playground of colors and an expression of our moods.
Over the last 10 years on Televison, I have learnt a lot about make up and my journey with the pallettes have been very interesting – from very heavy base, bright eye shadows and dark lips, I have sobered down to smoky eyes, fresh natural skin and nude lips.
Through this transition, I have been friends with Vimi Joshi, Global Sr. Make artist with MAC Cosmetics and a lot of the evolution has come from our conversations on the subject. I am super excited to have her work her magic on me in this video.
This video by Uma Ghosh Deshpande shows you how to look beautiful and trendy. Watch the video and become a star!!
Today, Uma is a Dubai-based award-winning TV Producer, Presenter, LIFESTYLE PERSONALITY, Entrepreneur and Youth Icon. She is credited for pioneering the broadcast industry in the Middle East since 2005, when she produced the iconic lifestyle show High Life Dubai. The show created a niche for itself while raking in a lot of laurels.

Meanwhile, Uma founded ‘Queen Bee Production’, a top notch production house, with a vision to provide high quality programming in the region and beyond. Under Uma’s proficient direction, Queen Bee Production launched several shows across various channels in the Middle East beam – The Uma Show, High Life Dubai, TOPGUNS, ZEE Connect, TOTT Show & Love 4 Food. Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality from fields such as Films, Business and Politics.

health, fitness, exercises, wellness, gym, yoga, peace, health and fitness, health tips, english, hindi, health and fitness guru, health guru, health care @ home, fitness motivation, fitness workout for women, fitness videos, wellness yoga, exercise for hips and thighs, exercise for arms, inspiration, beauty and wellness, clean eating,effortless fashion, travel, travel documentary, travel videos, travel and living channel shows, travel channel, travel and living.

Uma has also lent her name to noble causes and has helped collect funds for children with special needs, the cause of girls’ education and women empowerment. She is currently associated with the United Nations World Food Program as their Global Celebrity Partner, an association that has rightly projected her as an ambassador of hope and goodwill. She also visited the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan to take stock of the situation and use her influence in the broadcasting industry to bring in funds for the less fortunate.

She was the author of the extremely popular ‘The Dubai Insider’ column on Gulf News Friday Tabloid! for a large part of 2 years.

Uma has since successfully ventured into the digital space through her lifestyle and wellness channel on theumashow.com

Her campaign focuses on 6 of her strengths:

Beauty and wellness
Clean Eating
Effortless Fashion
Under Uma’s tutelage, Queen Bee Production has launched 7 shows across various channels in the Middle East beam. They include Top Guns, PropertyScape, Zee Connect Season 3, TOTT, Love4Food on channels such as MTV India, ZEE TV, COLORS, B4U and FTV. Subsequently, Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. The TV shows, the channels and Uma herself were bestowed the much deserved acclaims and accolades by way of awards and titles.

In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality that set foot in Dubai, from numerous fields. Some of the names include – Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, Colin Farrell, Colin Firth, George Clooney, Salma Hayek, and many more from the film industry; the big boys of footwear Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Guiseppe Zanotti; and icons like Benazir Bhutto, Gautam Singhania, Alyque Padamsee, Asha Bhonsle and many more.

Uma believes in giving her best to every task she takes on, and gives back to the society all that she can, with gratitude.

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/neeloys/uma-ghosh-deshpande/
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

Get Uma’s Red Carpet Look | How to Look Gorgeous | #Beauty | #Fashion | #Wellness

Evenings never looked better! This video by Uma Ghosh Deshpande shows you how to look beautiful and trendy. Watch the video and become a star!!
Today, Uma is a Dubai-based award-winning TV Producer, Presenter, LIFESTYLE PERSONALITY, Entrepreneur and Youth Icon. She is credited for pioneering the broadcast industry in the Middle East since 2005, when she produced the iconic lifestyle show High Life Dubai. The show created a niche for itself while raking in a lot of laurels.

Meanwhile, Uma founded ‘Queen Bee Production’, a top notch production house, with a vision to provide high quality programming in the region and beyond. Under Uma’s proficient direction, Queen Bee Production launched several shows across various channels in the Middle East beam – The Uma Show, High Life Dubai, TOPGUNS, ZEE Connect, TOTT Show & Love 4 Food. Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality from fields such as Films, Business and Politics.

health, fitness, exercises, wellness, gym, yoga, peace, health and fitness, health tips, english, hindi, health and fitness guru, health guru, health care @ home, fitness motivation, fitness workout for women, fitness videos, wellness yoga, exercise for hips and thighs, exercise for arms, inspiration, beauty and wellness, clean eating,effortless fashion, travel, travel documentary, travel videos, travel and living channel shows, travel channel, travel and living.

Uma has also lent her name to noble causes and has helped collect funds for children with special needs, the cause of girls’ education and women empowerment. She is currently associated with the United Nations World Food Program as their Global Celebrity Partner, an association that has rightly projected her as an ambassador of hope and goodwill. She also visited the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan to take stock of the situation and use her influence in the broadcasting industry to bring in funds for the less fortunate.

She was the author of the extremely popular ‘The Dubai Insider’ column on Gulf News Friday Tabloid! for a large part of 2 years.

Uma has since successfully ventured into the digital space through her lifestyle and wellness channel on theumashow.com

Her campaign focuses on 6 of her strengths:

Beauty and wellness
Clean Eating
Effortless Fashion
Under Uma’s tutelage, Queen Bee Production has launched 7 shows across various channels in the Middle East beam. They include Top Guns, PropertyScape, Zee Connect Season 3, TOTT, Love4Food on channels such as MTV India, ZEE TV, COLORS, B4U and FTV. Subsequently, Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. The TV shows, the channels and Uma herself were bestowed the much deserved acclaims and accolades by way of awards and titles.

Consequently, Uma’s name has become synonymous with eminence and class, thereby creating business partnerships with a multitude of world-class luxury brands. A former beauty pageant winner, Uma endorses brands such as Pacific Ventures, Philip Stein, Natura Bisse, Kala Niketan, and is the Celebrity Club Member of Tag Heuer. She has previously endorsed Fair & Lovely Arabia and Danube Buildmart too.

In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality that set foot in Dubai, from numerous fields. Some of the names include – Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, Colin Farrell, Colin Firth, George Clooney, Salma Hayek, and many more from the film industry; the big boys of footwear Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Guiseppe Zanotti; and icons like Benazir Bhutto, Gautam Singhania, Alyque Padamsee, Asha Bhonsle and many more.

Uma believes in giving her best to every task she takes on, and gives back to the society all that she can, with gratitude.

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/neeloys/uma-ghosh-deshpande/
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

Benefits of Cryo Facial

CryoFacial – Chill Your Skin

How are you doing today? I am sure happy and positive. Today I am very excited, as I am going to share something very exciting and enticing!

Last week was very hectic for me and my skin really looked dull and lifeless and I want to try out something new and to my surprise.

I was invited by ICEQUEEN CryoSpa in JLT, to experience one-of-a-kind facial to rejuvenate my skin instantly and it doesn’t end here – I was in between shoots so I had a very limited time and I couldn’t remove my makeup, and this is the best part you can do this facial while your makeup on and it takes just 25 min’s … Now that’s amazing!

How they do it:

In Cryofacial liquid nitrogen is used as a cold agent to treat the skin. As such liquid nitrogen is bright, clear liquid that has no color, neither smell. The mechanism works in such a way that in the course of this procedure, the processed section is exposed momentarily to extremely low temperatures (-160 C). It is best for acne and pimples, as the cold nitrogen detoxifies your skin and flushes away all the dirt underneath.

The Cryofacial is truly rejuvenating. The cold nitrogen produces an instantaneous tightness in the skin, filling in fine lines and wrinkles. Skin collagen is activated to produce more cells, causing skin to become more elastic and tight over repeated use.

The Results:

When I was done with my facial, I could really feel the difference. I felt my skin tightens with the chilled effect if liquid nitrogen which was indeed a refreshing experience within itself. It’s a perfect facial for this summer, a must try.

I was so happy to spend this little time to love myself and I am sure you will too, so I am giving away 1 vouchers worth AED 1000!

All you have to do is share “what makes you feel happy and positive? Post your comments before Thursday 5 pm Dubai time on 28th April .

I will pick the winner on Friday, and names will appear here
I also want know your daily skin rituals, share with me.

Important: please share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted as they come across as spammy.

See you beautiful.

Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

Beach Body Workout

Want to be a beach-ready body here are some special workout for lovely women to be ready for beach within three weeks so get ready for beach body workout with me there is no getting around it, swimsuit season is upon us, but it’s not too late to get toned. These fresh moves from Kirsteen at CrossFit Gold Box can really help us rock the suit in just three weeks.

This routine not only target multiple muscles but also boost metabolism.

What I tried:
V-Ups & Tuck Crunches
Lunge into a step
4 Point Push Up
Russian Twist
V-ups & Tuck Crunches

This exercise is a total core working movement. It helps in strengthening and adding flexibility to your core, abs and back.

Lunge into a step
We all know, lunges help us to build those gorgeous long legs and our booties. Creating a variety is always a good idea, that’s why you should also try different movements with variations. Lunging into a step adds that extra effort which gives you better results in your lower body.

4 Points Push Ups
A traditional and most effective way to strengthen your multiple muscles (arms, shoulders, core) and lose the right amount at the right places.

Russian Twist
Russian twist – an amazing workout for the abdomen, helps us to tone your lower abs. This movement helps to keep a whole lot of diseases at bay, which can otherwise create havoc in your life.

To get the best results, you have to incorporate these exercises into your daily routine. Give yourself an hour daily to make it worthwhile. Exercise is a necessity, not only because it’s about the outer shape, but it actually helps you calm your inner self as well.

But always remember, physical beauty is a state of mind and we look as good as we feel. Your body doesn’t deserve to be bashed, so love yourself and love your body. Don’t ever talk negative to yourself, positivity takes us a long way mentally, physically and spiritually.

Let me know if you try these movements, I have been trying them and they really work. I would also really like to know about your daily workout routine, what workout do you enjoy doing the most everyday?

Please share with me below on the comment box. I love to read and know more about you all.

Tons of love


Blog – www.theumashow.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/theumashow
Uma’s Fb – www.facebook.com/umagd
Instagram – www.instagram.com/umagd
Twitter – www.twitter.com/umagd

Tone Your Arms

I am back again with some great exercise to tone your arms tone your arms it’s my favorite segment – FITNESS. And super excited to share my first ever experience to try out CrossFit Movements to tone my arms and make them sexy and strong.

Want to know more about CrossFit? Go back to my first video “Get Red Carpet” and read all about CrossFit and CrossFit Gold Box on

Shapely, sculpted arms are possible at any age, Kirsteen will show us how, with the help of just a few simple crossfit movements that you can do anywhere, any time. So let’s get started, coz summer is here and those sleeveless dresses are waiting in our wardrobes.

Triceps Push Ups
Oh, your favorite celeb is wearing a ravishing strapless dress and you want to try that look? So try this amazing triceps push ups to burn those extra calories around that area. Enjoy waving the perfect hello 😉

Dolphin Hold
It’s actually a movement borrowed from yoga but it is a great way to strengthening your shoulders without adding bulk. Try to work on 3-4 sets for 20 seconds (for starters). Trust me you will the burn and results are truly amazing.

Upright row
The upright row is a weight training exercise, which helps you to strengthen your upper shoulder area. Its makes your posture stronger.

Lateral Arm Raise
Pick up dumbbells (the lighter the better) and with a proud shoulder, raise your dumbbells just at the height of your shoulders.

These four simple yet extremely effective exercises will help you get your way to your favorite sleeveless dress 😉 . All you have to do is get into the routine, do it for yourself. Show some love and compassion to your own existence and stay fit, happy and blissful.
I would love you to try them and send me feedback.

Love Yourself

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Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
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Workout for Get Red Carpet Ready

Hello my lovely viewers, in this video will see interesting and easy workouts that workouts you can do your self at your home these workouts make your appearance red carpet bready. how are you all today? I feel happy so happy to be interacting you on a daily basis, this platform connects me directly with so many of you .

Today, we are up for our exercise schedule and this week I am getting you ready for your red carpet appearance. We all our stars in our own life and you have all the right to treat yourself like one. This week we went to CrossFit Gold Box to get some amazing fitness workouts by their certified trainer Kirsteen Thain. I had never tried cross fit before this, so I was super excited for my session.

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. It is a full body workout program that involves elements of cardio, weight lifting, gymnastics, core training and more to prepare the body for the unexpected.

Where is it? RhinoCo has opened their first ever international facility, CrossFit Gold Box, in Dubai. This latest fitness revolution brought its state-of-the-art facility, certified coaches and athletes ready to tackle any fitness goal. CrossFit Gold Box is centrally located on Sheikh Zayed Road near Noor Islamic Metro Station.

What I loved about the session that this routine can so easily be done at home, watch the video and learn them.

Plank front raises
Goblet squats
Plank knee to elbow

So, with the right diet plan and these amazing workouts, startle everyone in the perfect dress, you always wanted to wear.

For any exercise routine to work, you will have to continue it for atleast 6 to 8 weeks, I would really love to know if you tried these at home and how did you feel? How many times in a week do you workout in a week? And what do you do? Please share with me.

Important: please share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted as they come across as spammy.

Being fit is not a destination, it’s a way of life …

Stay Healthy, happy and positive.

Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

Cleopatra Spa

My Spa Day
Cleopatra wellness massage the most iconic in Dubai an ayurvedic massage that gives you relief from body ache and your muscles feel so relax
Life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.
We are all so busy, multitasking and trying to accomplish one thing after the other. All this busyness has overloaded our minds. And we walk around with this nagging sense that there’s something we forgot to do. Or we feel guilty when we actually do take time to do nothing, be lazy with some friends, or do something for ourselves.
But it’s so important to take some time out to do what we truly love to do, slow down and pamper ourselves.
So this week I wanted to chill and relax, and I visited one of the most iconic spas of this city, Cleopatra’s Spa & Wellness at Pyramids, if you have lived in this city for long enough like I have, you must have definitely experienced this opulent and sophisticated spa.
I tried their signature Ayurveda treatment. When you’re at Cleopatra’s Spa, be sure to be treated like a royal. The interiors have been done beautifully, drawing inspiration from Egyptian empire itself.
To take me through the journey, I spoke to Dr. Benazir the Medical Director, for Traditional and complementary medicine branches namely Unani (Greek system) Medicine, Cupping and Ayurveda, Assistant Spa Manager at Cleopatra’s Spa & Wellness.
What is Ayurveda? It is a unique and ancient system of herbal medicine that works in synergy with nature. Ayurveda is a comprehensive regimen of living with nature. Ayurveda offers time tested remedies and solutions to the today’s maladies such as stress, depression, obesity, insomnia etc. It guides us to lead a healthy way of living without diseases and optimum enjoyment throughout our lifespan.
What I tried? Elakkizhi is the herbal leaves poultice massage therapy which detoxifies the body. This is beneficial in muscular pain, joint stiffness, arthritis disorders and backaches. The treatment (60 or 90 minutes) is AED 415/550.
The Results: The results were amazing. Refreshing, relaxing and rejuvenating. It helps to strengthen the muscles. It is highly recommended to people who are involved in fitness routine, as it helps to regain your muscle strength and allow you to pursue your fitness routine.
For more information, visit their website: http://www.cleopatrasspaandwellness.com/
And as always I would love two of you to experience the treatments in Cleopatra Spa. Tell me how do you like to spend your “ME” time?
Share with me, I love to hear from you.
Tons of love

Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd

What Is Hypnotherapy ?

hypnotherapy is a very simply working with the subconscious mind because it is the subconscious mind which actually will do change. a few years back, I was going through a very stress full time, at work and generally in life and I remember having a huge anger issue, any thing and everything made me angry, I had become this angry woman and hypnotherapy helped me a lot, and that’s why today I wanted to get a hypnotherapist on the show to help you all know more about it.

What is the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear someone saying “hypnotherapy”. A definite inanity – something weird and something bizarre, or most probably he/she has some serious mental issues. Well, don’t let these clichés stop you from trying something which is actually beneficial for your body, mind and soul.

What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a simple process which involves working with your subconscious mind. Because as we all know, our subconscious mind is the place where you can let the change happen – knowing well about your conscious mind being occupied by so many things happening in your daily life. Your subconscious mind is a store of all your life files, some of them are essential and positive and some of the files are corrupted by the negativity which doesn’t allow you to grow or move forward from that particular occurrence, which is definitely a non-healthy aspect.

We often think, we should opt a holistic lifestyle, only, when we are depressed or not happy – well, that’s not the right way either. As one should be connected to his/her spiritual side on daily basis. In a world like today, so hectic, always busy, we don’t have enough time for even ourselves – hypnotherapy is something which will allow you to discover the real you. It allows you to embark on a journey within yourself which will broaden your horizon about your very own being.

“Your brain is the single most powerful goal achieving agency known to man. Remember what brain can perceive, the body can achieve.”

Let’s hear what Sarah Abdelal – Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner has to say about hypnotherapy and five quick tips to practice in your daily routine to lead a better life style.

Sarah can be contacted at Life’n One, wellness centre in Jumeirah. Further, details can be seen on their website www.lifenone.com

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Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
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Lift Your Mood

I have been strength training for many years now as result of that my body had become quite stiff before I started doing Yoga on and off, when ever I am in a class I am hugely impressed by people who are so flexible on the mat, its very inspiring but also at times a bit intimidating, and I know Many people are reluctant to go to studios to try out yoga as a beginner for the same reason, But once you start doing yoga regularly, you realize that yoga is not about having a perfect body or reaching till your toes, its about the journey while going down, it is about having a serene soul and calm mind.

Lift your mood
Yoga – often associated for losing weight, yes that’s true it does help you reduce the extra fat if its done regularly for a long period of time, but the main focus to do yoga is to cleanse your thoughts and make your mind and soul peaceful, to make you enjoy the present moment, To all my lovely readers, I want to tell you, don’t be intimidated by not being perfect on anything – just start to feel accomplished within you, that’s the whole point. As you all, love my workout videos, here I am back again with something more for you , as I am trying Hatha Yoga for the first time. We are here at 136.1 Yoga studio to connect with peace and serenity.
Its not your history but presence on the mat that matters…

Revivify yourself at a cellular level

Cellular healing is the idea and the belief that every emotion we have is stored at a cellular level. It can be referred as our body memory. It’s an invitation to people who wants to achieve balance and health (physical or spiritual), to augment their daily life with wellness and with energy. It helps to rejuvenate your inner being at a cellular level to create the whole new you. Sometimes, we hold onto something which cause various types of emotions, it can be anger, sadness or depression – cellular healing sessions helps you to purify those negative vibes and turn them into a positive and a blissful memoir. Let’s hear out Emma, from Life‘n One to understand closely what it is all about, and how it can help you.

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Shilpa shetty yoga video about x yoga

Shilpa Shetty inspired by yoga Last week, the Emirate coddled their morning with an extreme approach to peacefulness with the celebrated Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty Kundra at the inaugural of XYoga Dubai Festival

Kinesiology – Understand your muscles

“Health is not a condition, but something we need to work on every moment of every day.”
May-Britt is a Danish Naturopath, Life Coach and Personality Consultant. She has been working in the field for past 20 years. With her diverse resume, Kinesiology is an integral part of her practice, which helps you to help yourself and be a catalyst for positive change.
Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, is the scientific study of human movement. In simple words, basically it is a muscle testing technique. It is communicating with yourself, on a different level.
This week, I sat down with Britt, to understand more about my own muscles and bring something unusual to you all to understand yourself in a much better way. I was fortunate enough to go through the process which actually taught me many things about my body, for example through Kinesiology I got to know that I should be Gluten free … which allowed me to train and maintain my fitness in a perfect manner.
So be the change you wish to be and try these methods to have a healthy lifestyle.

Face Exercise To Tighten And Lift The Face | Look Ravishing Without Any Pinch

Face exercises are very effective to make ourselves youthful, here are some different facial exercises to lose face fat and tighten your skin. these facial exercises will make you look youthful and slim down your face.
As your mind and body, your face also needs healing. We all know the variety of facials and treatments are there in the market, but I was on a hunt for something more natural. So, I sat down with Olena and Marina – Facehealing.com to unravel some youthful tactics.
As we all have to exercise to make our body look perfect in shape, we have exercise our face to give it that extra push to allure. Watch carefully and learn the ultimate youthful secret
Tap into your health and Natural Beauty!
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top 5 ripped exercises abs

This is My Tried and Tested Abs Workout Routine. Watch the video to know Top 5 Excercises For Ripped Abs.
Uma Ghosh Deshpande is a TV & Lifestyle personality based in Dubai. In this video she is giving tips on top 5 Excercises For Ripped Abs. Watch the video and get some tips on staying fit always.
Today, Uma is a Dubai-based award-winning TV Producer, Presenter, LIFESTYLE PERSONALITY, Entrepreneur and Youth Icon. She is credited for pioneering the broadcast industry in the Middle East since 2005, when she produced the iconic lifestyle show High Life Dubai. The show created a niche for itself while raking in a lot of laurels.

Meanwhile, Uma founded ‘Queen Bee Production’, a top notch production house, with a vision to provide high quality programming in the region and beyond. Under Uma’s proficient direction, Queen Bee Production launched several shows across various channels in the Middle East beam – The Uma Show, High Life Dubai, TOPGUNS, ZEE Connect, TOTT Show & Love 4 Food. Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality from fields such as Films, Business and Politics.

health, fitness, exercises, wellness, gym, yoga, peace, health and fitness, health tips, english, hindi, health and fitness guru, health guru, health care @ home, fitness motivation, fitness workout for women, fitness videos, wellness yoga, exercise for hips and thighs, exercise for arms, inspiration, beauty and wellness, clean eating,effortless fashion, travel, travel documentary, travel videos, travel and living channel shows, travel channel, travel and living.

Uma has also lent her name to noble causes and has helped collect funds for children with special needs, the cause of girls’ education and women empowerment. She is currently associated with the United Nations World Food Program as their Global Celebrity Partner, an association that has rightly projected her as an ambassador of hope and goodwill. She also visited the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan to take stock of the situation and use her influence in the broadcasting industry to bring in funds for the less fortunate.

She was the author of the extremely popular ‘The Dubai Insider’ column on Gulf News Friday Tabloid! for a large part of 2 years.

Uma has since successfully ventured into the digital space through her lifestyle and wellness channel on theumashow.com

Her campaign focuses on 6 of her strengths:

Beauty and wellness
Clean Eating
Effortless Fashion
Under Uma’s tutelage, Queen Bee Production has launched 7 shows across various channels in the Middle East beam. They include Top Guns, PropertyScape, Zee Connect Season 3, TOTT, Love4Food on channels such as MTV India, ZEE TV, COLORS, B4U and FTV. Subsequently, Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. The TV shows, the channels and Uma herself were bestowed the much deserved acclaims and accolades by way of awards and titles.

Consequently, Uma’s name has become synonymous with eminence and class, thereby creating business partnerships with a multitude of world-class luxury brands. A former beauty pageant winner, Uma endorses brands such as Pacific Ventures, Philip Stein, Natura Bisse, Kala Niketan, and is the Celebrity Club Member of Tag Heuer. She has previously endorsed Fair & Lovely Arabia and Danube Buildmart too.

In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality that set foot in Dubai, from numerous fields. Some of the names include – Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, Colin Farrell, Colin Firth, George Clooney, Salma Hayek, and many more from the film industry; the big boys of footwear Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Guiseppe Zanotti; and icons like Benazir Bhutto, Gautam Singhania, Alyque Padamsee, Asha Bhonsle and many more.

Uma believes in giving her best to every task she takes on, and gives back to the society all that she can, with gratitude.

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Top 5 Glute Exercises

Here’s how I keep in shape. Subscribe to the channel to stay fit and updated. Top 5 Glute exercises to build your body hope you will enjoy these Glute Exercises
Uma Ghosh Deshpande is a TV & Lifestyle personality based in Dubai. In this video she is giving tips onhow to keep in shape. Watch the video and get some tips on staying fit always.
Today, Uma is a Dubai-based award-winning TV Producer, Presenter, LIFESTYLE PERSONALITY, Entrepreneur and Youth Icon. She is credited for pioneering the broadcast industry in the Middle East since 2005, when she produced the iconic lifestyle show High Life Dubai. The show created a niche for itself while raking in a lot of laurels.

Meanwhile, Uma founded ‘Queen Bee Production’, a top notch production house, with a vision to provide high quality programming in the region and beyond. Under Uma’s proficient direction, Queen Bee Production launched several shows across various channels in the Middle East beam – The Uma Show, High Life Dubai, TOPGUNS, ZEE Connect, TOTT Show & Love 4 Food. Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality from fields such as Films, Business and Politics.

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Uma has also lent her name to noble causes and has helped collect funds for children with special needs, the cause of girls’ education and women empowerment. She is currently associated with the United Nations World Food Program as their Global Celebrity Partner, an association that has rightly projected her as an ambassador of hope and goodwill. She also visited the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan to take stock of the situation and use her influence in the broadcasting industry to bring in funds for the less fortunate.

She was the author of the extremely popular ‘The Dubai Insider’ column on Gulf News Friday Tabloid! for a large part of 2 years.

Uma has since successfully ventured into the digital space through her lifestyle and wellness channel on theumashow.com

Her campaign focuses on 6 of her strengths:

Beauty and wellness
Clean Eating
Effortless Fashion
Under Uma’s tutelage, Queen Bee Production has launched 7 shows across various channels in the Middle East beam. They include Top Guns, PropertyScape, Zee Connect Season 3, TOTT, Love4Food on channels such as MTV India, ZEE TV, COLORS, B4U and FTV. Subsequently, Uma launched her pet project, ‘The UMA Show’ which embodies her belief that everyone dreams of an Ultimate, Modern and Aspirational life, and anyone who dreams it, can therefore achieve it. The TV shows, the channels and Uma herself were bestowed the much deserved acclaims and accolades by way of awards and titles.

Consequently, Uma’s name has become synonymous with eminence and class, thereby creating business partnerships with a multitude of world-class luxury brands. A former beauty pageant winner, Uma endorses brands such as Pacific Ventures, Philip Stein, Natura Bisse, Kala Niketan, and is the Celebrity Club Member of Tag Heuer. She has previously endorsed Fair & Lovely Arabia and Danube Buildmart too.

In this ever-growing market, over the last eight years Uma has interviewed every successful personality that set foot in Dubai, from numerous fields. Some of the names include – Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, Colin Farrell, Colin Firth, George Clooney, Salma Hayek, and many more from the film industry; the big boys of footwear Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Guiseppe Zanotti; and icons like Benazir Bhutto, Gautam Singhania, Alyque Padamsee, Asha Bhonsle and many more.

Uma believes in giving her best to every task she takes on, and gives back to the society all that she can, with gratitude.

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Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/neeloys/uma-ghosh-deshpande/
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Blog – www.theumashow.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/theumashow
Uma’s Fb – www.facebook.com/umagd
Instagram – www.instagram.com/umagd
Twitter – www.twitter.com/umagd